The Exeter Times, 1880-9-9, Page 3grrPrAtrillit 9, 1 > iPO • 'i'1IC111N IN )f'111+1II1 SIDE. lot n box of the best pencils ever THI+ab•tratltaf.tt4urecl, bub be wa 400 TIMES 3 nl TF. (s very evident the railway mag -11/0o. UYb(i'v?l'tlt•kOl' nates of the Eastern States do not f And tints that pencil passed from 'WOULD SAY' TO Y t?luee wlan iuti,st,l tells) the idea of meeting with for - mouth to month f:)'r a •v'('telr. It Wflfi p)lrchaassar to ,tu nP ttr.ni 2111 With) oppnt,iti'li from the Canadian, sueliud by people of all ranks and sta. l't eifir, Ibis, fur already tbo town ZS Wins, and alt degrees of cleanness and sound,41 atitl 1011+1 statements are 411th+ uncil 1tainnt(s ; bet we forbear. Surely 114101 in leeding N.P.v Yorcl j')urn,tle two Ito 1,(:'sen who reads this will ever be tolegraphed thrtinghout the L aitt ci agtaiu (vet it head 1x:ueil. States and cireulata(1 abroad. To them at all conversant, with facts and fi tares LECs` 'WEAKNESS. NESS. biative to tit,' Canada I')keiii+, railway Leg weak, es4 iii generally eaise'1 by 4:141 size i:u weight of the body beim; hate than the lege win bear ; it is ehowu by the bird resting nu the first joint. ':(tin; entirely the result of weakllees, 1>ud b..et treatment is that which gives general etrengtb. and etlatnln t to the sufferer. Citrate of iron mast be given die- salved iesalved in ala, and added to tine food, -loll------- the nue:. ans.o liar 1.f thew t11i',rt-,l1>t-. sclntatl9us trill at once 1):} appn1'e11t. There- can be only Hue object for their etter.ance, and that is to thwart the great nattonal i icrtaking by. intim:- itt4 oal)ilali.xte to withhold their support fr•)nt as rival destined to be succetasfnl. En q>itttl cannot be so cavity diverted from a. climatal for wbioh 11aturat re- sourced have inteudt'd it.. Tito Cttna. (Ilan p(tr,l?la and friends of the Detain- wliieb may be mire than usually nour- i )u abroad are too fatly• alive to the ii,,,hing, but not in gecruor quantity, as foot that to render Confederation real uvar-feeditur 1t,t.s aeaifsioued• the (lis - and lasting, as well as to t1ay..ilt)p the t3"6.aesat)ure'ii of the country midopen np V0.t are'at) of fertil:t laud,it idablol telt' iteoeatia)y the trans -continental lino s,honl,t 11e built. The conetrnetion of the 1aiiwey- and the a')mliil)rei,at 1ivalry that will surely fallow uiey bo a bitter rill far the capitalists of the Eastern Stenos who hnvo already invested ltattvily in ninon less ftovertibly located hued. Bet the pill tuaHt be -swallowed it, epite r'f the proteetations of the New Yuri:. Tribune wiuou etliturally deeig- ilatex the railway "a foolish and e c- peneive- p•:ditical. ect erns for to line Ural \:111 net pay.riintii:,g expanses during the present century ; but which will t.rav,eree a barren country destitute of inhabitiatite, save a few Savages l" 1e in town. would rt•37itie on' E:tetern contenapor- Ocie very loving couple, who titere tory to +`ro)acl tip," Atialc' iinow1u1ge critterjust married or shortly ilitt'ntied is danger43us : hilt, 1a1111c, wuou lie to be, attr,tated cunsi4lerable attention. talks algal': the C:1ua,liun Pacific rail- They were bound to have an excursion tray ho &leo not nt,.Piii to possess any on the horseman ti - Cuban: rg, as it 1'nocvicoge at all. If he t1'1ea then his`I �_ would out coat hft' cientefiat• both of w Y y statenie It is some thins wore than iu-them. thOln. IL' `Ant. iLaraie3. —British. . CThey silt 811 bysi3e1n the c aloan. I Of cuurt o hie arm was =wind her 1 waist, 1u.ni while the heat swayed from side to side by the movement of the crowd on board, she laid her head on hia shoulder. A young rnolico chanced to be pres- ent, and noticing than in this poeitiuu tthicb it iy bard to give any re:asy)u his beiiev,.tluit soul was moved within uuleai it bi :L:1 in the cl:rye when leadlain, aucl ba asked the satins; gentle• pencils were outer than now, and was man : M I 1' 1 'Is` that young lady sick 2' continued by exempla into the nest generation : A 'lead prmneil should never be wet, If, hardens the lead and ruins the pen- cil' This fttct is known to newspaper moo and stenographers ; But ne*•riy every of e else does` Bret a pencil before using it. Thi+. feet was definitely set- tlo'1 by a newepet1i)r clerk away down *nth t. • Biu of a mathenin,cie,1 turn of rated, be aeeertained by actual count that of fifty persons who eatne into the (Aline to write an edvertisement or chinch nodee, forty-utne fret a pencil iu tbetr,m,.utha befure tieing it. Now, this, clerk always ttaes.tli:e boat poneit8 that eau -bo fourid--ia._fact, is a con- Fr'egnent bathing is 14l01 water is very bent,fiuial. This is the best af- fauted by tying a towel rouutl the fowl, t1nt1 eineptinditlg it over a pail of water, with the lt'gi only immersed, so as not to injure the p'!utn'go. Absence of lime in the poultry yard Fioulet•iniee oatl:ie8 ',1eg weakness, 1411d old age iuviariebly stint's` itself iu the "trelilbliug,limb." War tnLb. and go)1- erene diet are the side remedies for this, m.y4x>w-c SUE WA.S:v"I.' SEA SICK. On the Q teen's Birthday there wore Unite a number of our country cuudini' 'olu;liht THE CLEl;ii AND BIS PENCIL. t. The act of put (lig a load pencil to -tire t4,n'no, to wet it, just. beforo writ- iu;;, '•.Niall 11 'e uutic,, in so many peo- ple, is one of the oddities of habit for Tho yu m. f(ailOW lnnk0(1 up iu su:• prise but did not answer. After waiting a short time the medico raid 'If the y•,ung lady is sea sick and needs any medicine,I would have touch pleaear'e 111 attending to her wants ; and as I have jest reet2ived my cliplolna at Coboni' , I 811111 not charge much fox •sly services, as it is 1ny.. first. pa;• tient.' The young lady rolled`•her bigeyee..1 around; the yutug} man from the oouutry lookt'd yery meati eaibarrtasi sed; while medico rumwu;gd,around in his leathern itatcbol for the 'iuipaoe, and aftor finding it said :-- the i 1ta11.nf,4Ctn1Y•1•- '1'dIo limiter who Dust to sell again oust n,8ossarlty luno a pro .t. Wo n10101 to l V)tthn »,irelniMera 1111' hello (It, w(IIr 1, cannot 4':x17 to moot the views of the 0114ngerx. Our a )mils 8 01•t'1„48 t;inn thate nr eito 0111 0 0's`. tot rc 1 F u 1184, l"c)tt WO (01.0 94.-i 'cheaper. 66 S. GIDI/E<Y GENTLEMEN, ax�c 1- �titrrii.turt,> Al.anullactaa‘ersi HATCH r I WOULD „� oallspeeittir1tteSitic11 0 oltt• undertaking alt 0 1 110,,t t 1 G RE A T E A R 1 4 / of n]"n1t,W}14(141 18 lllull VU?Il- , pest. b}tn)1 ever, as Iv vu 010(1 st, 1•al w iv li •ign8 1 -.Y late T i.e A; t a rtli)1:+, -LY-- esek1314 8 ,roe:l alvt 01ery nuutn.l legni,t: et 11,u of all the 1)5(51 p1 14',;. 44111' 71410 Don t 1' rtr1weed .y CVlp. vote), t J(10:198 to h.a 8,m4,•41 14) 0021 0 141 tau ,,. provh)cur Diffinilt Sociejtt Cs. loll_ -loll.. ,,...».,... JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER a ROC 3 AND LIQUOR STORE, A. f1A11GE MDR' 01? GREEN, JAPAN, 'YOUNG IIYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CUMIANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES; LOBSTERS, SALMON, DITT1:1t S \ilC:T; AND PI(i ITAIS, r1113.NDI1:S, C:T27S. WINES ANI) SY1;I.;PS, 11I1:, MALT SQU 1CIU, UUS;:X A;;D DWI:1IUN WIIIS1,111;8, TOBA.CCJfs AND CIGA1:S, Wholesale and Retail. C4. A, 1\,1A.CIE LI11iI1 Strcot,Elreter. 111111 THE CANADA COMPANY'S d Azanc170 fez as, 45mr Iu order to ii eet the rrc Out aopretoiP11,t),n Canada (',,omens' o11127 fca.(l 1,. or 1ou v, en ea.* t,.rnis mutt lu certain Cwiea AT REDUCED PRICES, 11 t i,i. T3. 1 + rn-r'1 ,toted nr bonoiltte"1 by filo" I,1J 2 )la wcs11Drainage iForks;' P'1 the Township 1 )saininet,'Steluuu au>lidaliitliveu,y, iu 111. (1vu ..u:1 u L0114011, ILUI on a,1.1 11i.1a1,:s,s( respect, ally 1 1st, ofl,4 1x18 n1 r; be 001a110,1 dna 0408 n" tl1n 1 A.,: law be 24, r 0 on 11)0 1 (0t to t) Mr. Jelin S yr e1 4111th, t ,tint ), 4r. tr+'1,;.1 W Howell 041,1"" t1u. 11 11154 " 1t (, l .r drat 011 tr. T. I a11way, or to Mr. Jelin 1 ,fl ,i l 1 of(ara,1 0l ,.tut. 111 brit )vivo, +c 1415 1.1 r1r i (l 0 1 1 a 1, al) )l, to tdu) i.knniobiq .)a er,,' '1144800 (.nolpany, Toronto. 0. W. v, 13:. M. 24.0V d 1.T r, Cu:1)1111411022. r;. 0nua411t Gar i..:ny't ciaeus, AilL1"2at), lduP. .'ln B.A. '",T .LT' -i i PIOK °-*RD Ate daily emtuiuf out large .quzuti- tic's el Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOOD', i;uiasaui i l le, cl ,poneiil, cherishing to `34444 lint ane , of the powders IU a,j tumbler' of water itbd 'tltlte a elxboll'111• grind 03'0,3'1411 ennlething of the pride at ' 0,, C•> ;�• every ten )lunates` until the a dlcine poldtet feel + in 1119 gun or sword ; and 1 begins ibeepexaie, ani t,lten � bs:14 be til �,®' ' it hurts bis feelrugx to have tile pencil '' ' , right.' spoiled , but 1 oltteness and business' cuuiii�}aratiuus'xeclllire 11iru.:to lend 11181 • The young nomen s eyes shot out T` ' E ' dt 4 f iC e ,pencil scores of times aveiy d$y ;` and SPitaii as she liftecL.hoz head... fxom., its, d til t iva loving position, and with her extendtd, 111 4 15 • A s111urtdid raugc of a " laoi Lustres q M Eats w i Caps, 04 Pompadour our Pr"LI.i".l':'4, *WIN E Y S, TWEEDS, . .eDS, r >b HARDWARE Po 014 fail to (%:i 1tu.1 4301) Ili, ! t..;;)' xtuuli fru fere yea 1 ty 1:;,114' for : ,.,a:1` i',1, cwt "�,,, +•�, p K 4,w7.aa,a.swz, ww'w 'rir>F.da ,4W tn.+,ki .s„twd;k Ealin , 1 c4 1's` t ii al r.:>1 1 "1111 li HO / FO r `3AB/t T OBA 4 Ikti•i1t�l,-t11r. ttuu�i i�i•..r �. -1 ,,ua,ur, C ii Iii.Lt4 ' Manitoba P rt es s ill balsa oak TUESDAY of /- a+;. 1 !The FIRST rGt.4il�rerl� �v4ty ),104)x11 Next Nifty nu Sept .n. A 2 ,,:v ittt For par-020tar4.tj,, 1g to 0 Y\ iia•• , '(, t,:-itrlll:'L .�xrw•t'r1.t 2:4E6 A.11 11. CADDY, BA.lPISTEE, z :.TTOItNEY At read', duliuitor,&v. C)11ic., 12(111„•.:1,'14 l:1ac'i Exeter. I1UTU111:�SON; Member of. • tho College at 0144 1 1 r .-, 1 5 1rx e, 1 80! , , )ittitli0 . dc4 Cried til (141,,;1..1.'. G:atiiu Alcon ssui t 1i. 41,1' ,1 �1�' ll i.Nll'1 AN CO1tON S.1 I0it ▪ tho(?oulltyofHncon. tsit't?,n(.,t.i,Lu, to slr.I.en,eling'eAto.-e, sei, r. W. 11110WNINis 11 1r .11 C. ►i 1'.4) (Ir,tdttatoVi tm )'n' r i. ' ( s t4; ;laid 1e.d tee, Los !roller 1,44.0104 t l:t 4 .._._. �. kJ C.11Ot)I.p . M 1) C.M. .1 bJ 0 (ri 1410 +, i )1ue, ti t l,c i:l+ t l r ('01. ( 1c.a ; Ste 24114, ill lit.a1 . t.> Loo. 1L` A Ib• J. A.ROLLINS. M. O. P. S. 3 0., Victoria S e:r, 11tou, Bila„ (l,.rsel.uutts eurt3•21 to 111 a. 111.1 :'+ to d» 411. LU'rZ, 111. D — • viiize at hili re8l ione0, Z:±1 ter. 2L DIVING, t.T IlADU 1' 11+i.'.LLU i�• ., L J Vi 2V i'I'Y rrtnitt•C4,tet:.V-t 4 t• 1,4'44' 1L1ti;:: Ynv9Lciaue aU0 sul•:;nu11t 011.., alt ce'tirlttuu. NE. v'r� B t.)`f'C.11E .ib ,try",iT OP The uildor.igncil 37.4nldi,ifot' T t.antsoi;.set+_•au04i Violeta, t3:utih 1.:,a OPENED A NEW 13UTCLI,E.1L 51101' +n> 1oot 84,11 11of 111'44 ;) 4 u ;.I ) r,h 1412,2(( 'h, 4 nun; 114411 1 ,311'uu , ..44. 1 4, 4t.:,,,,11 u.. 1ottIC0to him intoe *1•141Cit4211T17 ,1:1D 5Rw1 4. i :11.,211;• talt'•Vi104 4. 3:Ct1 t 4.4i 115111.1 - 1 - is nett or: 11411 n1,4i1 t Iii,• 1 0414,,21 t, :a: 11 ata': runts of the •,l'u„ tliree,a(11c: cue' weei.a.... .SI:i M 1.+.i :t?'t 1 t?t,. 1 141st ta,)nntttl 413 10 truth at Lit• 1)uieh114 (1e l,. Iil4tC1.81:'itlt)1t; 1.711 wagon .L'r.1itlllC111'1ie 11 :49241;1.1 111 ail it» La ,l t l.i.t • I1. • 1),1V � I.S. . just > eiv s CHOICE H M S, - SHIRTS, •r?�! ��++ �v BACON, , SHIL TS DRAWERS, . q ''••.�, 77�� 1 ) .A .ND ,Sili�lilJ, FRESH,. SH "MAPL •C7It:1TGES c�:. LEMONS,', —AT '!•!:I r-- oice aiutl m Grocery. s &C., Gori., •C G., S MW.MLL & PICKAEID'S 1' Atten alto' It had boars wet t i hand seat 4111 powder across the irloQlu hard And brictip said refused tie ulltice door, at the Hume tire. taZfllaitlsiug : r1 t mark, his feeling would. ole. ppyadr hula. 'Sick, you fool k *If you doey,ie,gt knot 4111 cfiitla>'4'A bet »edn titter )rive art(; I'iuitlly•be trot some' cheap pencils, sicl-ness,you'd blotter go , to.Cobout • and sh(tlpenect them, and kept theta to lend. The first person who took tip 410(1 i QtbeLta!asecilie 1' di[eo the stook pencil was a drasttlltn,•1% 1Q11e g e arts s r: T breath smolt of oniops, and Whisky: 1111 ne Itea(tll%~cliaarpearerl in 41e ctotrd. „; held the point to his'rifouth and soaked it fur several minutes, while he was tortaning himself in the aloft to write an advertiseeeent.for a, missing :bull- dog. Then ar scv(±et looking yoiing lady .diaif ( easesothebloodt ,liver audkidneys, carne into the office, with kid alove4, norms and gonloalciebitiv,4lcn is Ql e tliitt buttoned bait the letigtli of he, purest and host tonic in the tvori.l arta. She piotted the statue old pencil, and pressed it to her dainty lipd pre. Try Burdock Blood 13ittota.. the paratoryto.� writing ,an advertieerr►eut great aystein renovater,,. blood notal liver for a lost btadelet,' Tied:. alert . fvbu ci ( saran,' acts on the 'bowels, liver and Love stayed, lien b dteven. .Yt4 the risk Iulueys) and is a superb tonic.;•' Ile did not prescribe :any 1:ilare twit afteriltion. The Groat Triumph of ethe 116? reedits is the great medical clittiax • NOTIIING LIKE IT EVER SEEN. C. .6, arENDLIA117 .a� m l :1 1.,,1.1.; al.•c., Molle St., E o ter: PEOPLE 'C- N�`',1'"CT REALIZE Until they call and maLA all examination what Real Bar -1 c airs. ;re ofolod:. Everything at; the Lowest figure is the in- . dLl3e'ment wo offer in MUM'S E'S Err. Wu Strawberry STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS rt 5 Boots and Shoos, Hats, raid Caps, tidies' & Gents' Purnishing Goods, '- • • Clothiug, Crockery Glassware, Hardwaro, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, C A ING, . . ,MLitt Street, Exeter, A 12(40011'10lteine4ly for all Summer Goini)liiint$ St1(1I1 as 1)inrrllu n, Ds - sonny, Canada Cholcl a, Choler J4rbu)a, Cholera Infantul», Sour 4-uninclt, Griping Pains, and nil d4,r 14geulonts ui the b2wel2, eaur- 04 by using improper fb00, such 4,1: raw ve(4t 1t tided, unripe or sola fruit, bad milk, impure water of chugs of water, changes of the 90a8n08, eepesll,ro. No matter from what cork0 or in what form you are subject to any .of Cho above con. 1)laults. 1,11 I nwLl+aa's Exri(ncr or 'WILD S•rtt%wui:1al(x will relieve you, and n st)c?eily cure 'will be t iet:ton without injury to tlto syeteln. ft is 2ULuufal;tere.d from the Wild Strawberry Plant, x11(1 free from. bpium awl other Injurious drive. For saio by all dealers, at 1s. 10 0. • s0 er $1.00 • ptt>;lt�trn 13Y MIL13tJ1 N, X'311;1” r1'LEY & P AItSON roots,, ''•7, of