HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-07-02, Page 2, 11 441491( vig,,Fer nl le 0 t'a.„/ t tbla 1 1 t• 0 yO 'th oI T 4. 1411- .*, -,-, -il, , tt.iein when 1t4ng Lzxin the 1 .... ,i o e lt In • vcning eexe1IeAt sport I ') witna tttY w 4 Jxiw tmcaUy. lted vet*. 11 aft iithng Me 00 Father Valet to 03 10 14 in ths arLtce, It 0"xed thnt Ma va.tt3 whcn tho ladY'whO. bi.ez arrive; $prmg-IXITO the antdst•iof Ili afluatio+n-and the, 01 L ImOw. wlutt l'in takng abouttan denneS that she. Aunt Phipp 4,4 al Than's Uu way of th0 world; the bt' ot us) am.simply 10440 playthings tossed abut £rm ono wornan ottnr for tot wherL 11 ) 01 thn • tl world1 in fact- t grcttdui to sontch it flower, , , .lnto Ilio woridd %either And, ..t.h!1 giiv ver lila, ky *11 t Its:t10411:17and listeni (:'ttit1' r vooes, and, ste`fo aviday-6 *Xwatch oiie m4rO 00,0 tbat ups n la Ott t t 'm.stire,i,4 • ve w .P ax, , :1301 ,. -quite -apart Jrorn 'flinhleryigetteugVi.entle edt, ln — 'whine, in Ito 1401100 laat*W.9., tiekl:Wingfound-• )orsolt 'tandtt.) in ton'to IlerPlettlYT-tooTrig' -front th0 ‘,410 wornan tO• the ,o.ther.,' -and With , her handWW1closely, hold, by -tho,ztronger _whet had enitOutteed hergell,aslhettrlend_ •titim. voice j4.• Olive speaking,. - "This *.184,40 614 'friend Of thine," saki Oiv slowly.:*“?.441 toe noitarttOtilat re0s00. 141$8.1$W1,003 to think weitot Thei, 'or' to lika thet 1 camo htto 40)0 kfe, and; .7-,rxtrIserry" ' Vet, calm **lee broke it ZOO, dapitl:her, lik to Alo. something-Icelgtiii4liten,04 .61 ....44:_ttugto,.. n 1 ouhrlik the 2b14 Yr. .ir • , -of riglit eie,1011 .,"Ab.ve ali thing, 11. Is net tth.wItt retorting to .* Inattost 144r0t-ibefotaiittr mto.,titisrolv 44=1.7-V114k- dee of 1.rou1k in Int tin flTh s s ,,,ttmutlap .41141 1, It was a. chiuged OUvo iurrtocl thvougli thC str�ts'in zeazch o! 1irtopher nto from the eyes of ',Out I* hat. wag the only thing 10 he,tone. AU ber 10' long th.i every oinol 011, she possei; row, In a moment, s setvot cool:Otis* ago 440°W401 itaVar Nett contemptuous ot ihe Intro tnigo;*;tion that be oolukt .at5t• out ot her to holp anyon 'Yet 110W all. her ho 141017ggt find a atilt'!" 1?°:1*:14114\411°It bring Only once 44, ,she falter.; And, that was cothe ontnory 'of what Shotte4"Vom- ryieltct father swept ver her. For 7011100t, iha SO:440d, tog somethng I the old bard look came into her eyes;. but only !r 11:mom hat tant thero tad •btta t'pher Dayne, evldently onC; no young a lon likil that for any othor purpre.Qdle .:o Ine wit1 ler'1 a r k.: to inc Lg&n- - 'a es, , 1 ro!L• *41111' all u nd 1w. ow «11 1he adfutthrgi:: ' 014 ali m-every-•*ord,.. it 'oho: Oki; '00 ' AO. 1 don't "'km)* but' what, 1 Inight t,,. 4.0111ettlug 'tovity-. for- laking .4Way, dier*S.-4-1'wish.4Chtild.,-hk " intpattent,10WIt amt fung,041 itta ,041114. iceI; 4t, but. dared not ' 'Mood t--- --010rti. 'Mini y 'the ' • ,Lssrlip:e..,,.. ..34,I* , *no: tittle old' '1,1, -ort? VOX: inurrnurlina: the name .of I ,Wuntedick-set4lbohnpetit tt inah ith .'bril...1 lp84.ille.r3itt,' tttl .., ' 1 il '?i,6 : :i- .therstrillinget loply `Itkrot:t 30 me • little sla , . ? . tly awl ient on*.01114.'e.,711,"wint t. ip"-CT / •do it alone.: some ptrvcro puLiny bout. fixt. tio.i•octog Plec hc 4440413 With ,a .hatt -440 wurk.-4 'ft ou.• , oft agniii '10 grcati,,,goott fortune sho ttula artlie-hOteU'llytlianged the' in-somo- oution% fashion lest. it tayouri, W`s0,0; (hero might. be in, LhewikL, but herefwes-titmtienottalt-iitte and vy.u. whenItieatne drift There w vistotithouglt*,pal 11* uturo- Could, chango. had been hallo which"Metult m. r,wiih herm, nem nth; Orold tjl e hends wth a stripping jna,ebine, lcavbig 4.i.traw. I. itav0 knOvnt halt' tins, nate*, elaiiital, tett viiheii .gsi Ti16 AtOr41144 game bird,bovver, .13,t12qA111), littrkeY*"' as -Xis therfreeiRdi k new veryviarca excap4100 tn 114011r..46.m4.1nto' "4. 0011,t4i1 :OW* 4:410 1. years ago. everethees, 4:41.1enit to II 104 eurtenity enough, wilt havealkw ono gieed4in :ThIrtngy*ettoitYltbro*Mnana 1. . gy ward, the Darling • Mei, They'are, eapttal .table'bir01.olten, larger than the • biggegt turkey one ono botild .buy at, an English Ii*Stinag Market* The ge3sit o! tho t fs browni,:aa'taistes him wild tick,Properly ooked Uie Att47,-- tr,* batdly equal. Uon1 en tho jldfleIdaof Western - trgroliiiii. -400-watq They niustbc ablooto niir graLJttancas. for' one never ,F.,,e' th9m. a Ut. the O' s- eri. 001111trjr 01 ,W04AuLra1ia ,in the wea lriijorted bares n'e very numerous iq :1,40iisayl ittlation.:114:terxtD4:4, 0,00, ,it,a,rtinduculegt:thIllat,tlisti:0313,0 • ttcue. 61;,817041bt i'Ayft'iArat't144:111-4-s4squ3 hebabilteca.040147 t•mat wha-'10trede "tal./a1,_ a , by IIE'fillt1DIIED TtIOU.,,,,1111)• perhaps they too May 1300=0 0Xgn tine, No •otto who -has not StOt the 'w-eitniritrill0-attn4r-tatit, of ihe'Darlinfr would, 01043 Li* nrn- (u tunilvr-whigh,exiot-therez---/ irninca ot,gandbillgat. 41404 Which 11*_( , k tot 1,lio-shzarers t-itAreat; 4,44),"end 'the pronittte,o Atom1 J onto tbe,long.tututvg,,_Whieh $h)uld:_iii „the 3 '4'44- r.4,5 %freak - that, ad.:not 13pert earetulksregerdiAt ,porttlitureii .1f had zetvery. iuLon. a'tivihAt h s in mi3 *01,1 he; rtiqcni *e had ls*On . have ptcnts. AuuI P1.Ia had Avi1rcl,1 itfm thlt evcryllfmg w#s r»ht, 144 had iven, ',11110) that. suhatantatt sunk SS' relate of whlt was• to Xt*Itne.; So ha ttd no on, del hi day, Idleneitg,s, he 1,*)!*1hitt1s4lt twit. th(riewai *Oil /or.: . I'litjestenirc.ttoY-Iiia4:11Yiiatlet$11441-bte re- tu t. 4itnt at hat, Ilroe; but- Aunt V per oi of Olive Varney, 11404) lI id not hnpn* • jty tha grk tiy a I 0 lila tire, t .it a ti , „ • MJf went y `treini nevOtt 'kid of explanation, I loved hitt * 1 dids tuttl I'm not ashamed, i tot :1 would41 take Us .hdnd il he stood before ittesi'' I want. yeti 10 inetkr_alentAt lolt*,, Phipps; you 341044,14, sv014101..it :40, 1)14aSe Won't Mink 1 irieto to sty fing.• unkind O`r"UngeterotiS: but I roust 11 44(# , itnift *1Witys do" , the ohl lady. .1,rn an. k1 " or' Aunt - Pbcppg,- ri 441'4 44, 0.t tbe 'be:1f,, 'toot\ t 41.% -4 ist twniust, t 111 " twth Ott 0 thril usually ,sta,i4- ih4 4o01' ths.n herrt teittai that •eonitortablo venom Iv no sooner her dakeit cut ot the room o spread Lhreabbuts that the per and a lion to Mom. I k,wii tor tra 414i, , ought-theItO An 04- inLd they .attlyeds an" st ifinself 4O in „Tito Invotiga, , , thearors tad not, oatteillity .$4", vermin! • ,r,tillt*AL ars* CWU1CL1 fl14 th trop!orit jungle back of An_ottrt1s.`11,,,stoltand ' luta 4283 441,37 had been scated, ..;sake ilit,t014 kit Ihc 14011$03 Clifteopho, Payne had but one thought in, Ifs ,mlittl-lo tld LueYs, Alt 'the .PeutouP longing' 01 aat s .k4111 *lb •• t•rd• • • u lug doubte4-10 n 03 4410011.41topapsel to •414,11S0 .COM'Ing there, be .thilght, the: flutter above liLm, the eclairs Ot Itylna ,sitiktgis, arid set oft In, pumult, calling her *tattle* Ant‘ -tone, nt littat 40,.*4 uPM.POLitki, onto 1.1.0ed. by hien o a "*.TieCe-1 .0V•PoriVatte ..1,4.0itttig.0961r4.0-erid found ihei. Arr. .,0(110y Witt. roomision-htlii tby Aith.tot..te,1*t.--°.She.,"-wers"rdowri-on- her her.:1 iit n e.oraer,, With .1~.r Itethr thragt it, o. euplivard she hod *hp try4' -41-414incher, self, cstrielielike..Whn -tt.'nutai)44„..1W9 later, the hOy.tVid TOT -had vont downed:114%0410y, tome Oral.* with her 'eyes wet., . wholt_torKone had over ta1k4'ct ,o e 1:Itt-thati* ov,,tyyt speatt-10011100 . ao. the pof.nt barduwd in the fire; . . Ile was. captur‘KI flnally, and exazntn- 041.r 'It was tourt$1 that the wild China. dkl ' it have leProgYJeutt he 'was ... .,.... „„,.... ..,....„ .... :„. . , I r- t mettuitttin, }Vivi that, day 'until the Chittetnian 'bezty •ft mcnth_ng4, a -r znakin itt . , c.0 9 rtivrtattrt - Aild64104rurinhl - relmo-railiforeevair- thdi drive the kangaroo int0 t chinking and +shooting ,them. Homo, ays. WrigatiQrSkins were---of-no- z;oke.i with hniii1d lAtni;' IA* ,The,tax rtvits.sq)e 01141 tqx , gere the, „him widt tortli;,' the matt w wiled Inc lait•d'Whiets, Iteltact.prietriited ;43 nrir.101)t; to ejetIthttn.- 11,"".4.:.iuserreantlik t the mountain and'oeither , white '4.intlit nee Itanaka ,tired, to go up t.r trse him.• ` 11\b 4y Watt,45tuinhICd .r.-geZz1Vita,lta1 jjine- t pitlarly_.srp• ea' .intniclerso 'WI P. eil ilnd pt.ti Irotint.g hut. The body ,c 1.•„ntat:on, n• haft '0 hh"ng•lhe, jun l'one with hi* Own ":deS 11104%-oPetahloi, 't a Tt Ah etto4-11 tio,but ,athi ned .out ,ct nr 1210tvgatt.4 ,tt the illrel ti set 'a 't,it 6 1* "It 4.sor uch 43 Is 1 -1st 1n4k dart amral, hun- iletntind tor them dg ga1o*• diesn.se*,*,, end icon 4 delleaty to Keep Out • 1.k' tlie D6tilf Ot of Prance ,:ls,ifiow • by :$614,em. littt Within tptitt:••recent - , Vole the ogleiels at tlyr 14extett bank, liosert(4 tb.* very myel, nienhoct 414)r0- ftetnciblr Ts toristAtirror ti-trr wal 1,10 1he"43-7,-ors : oiler Iyith.ltkdrattl (tit, itioopy _Wes' Volt 41*-;:teptitet-,..s, The turned: on and 'kepti't „whtite tellar was -would 10. -"Obit suit 'and loitts toOt be tOuld en plu voultais `, • .Whaulho; b3lik 141$ artiv ing the w *drawn •„nr••••fr,g,,,, " 4. •