Exeter Times., 1908-06-25, Page 3.41 Our gum r. J3e• VO 0 te tbL u: is o, I htvrthtozL;, t •t 1 ..,- t ) , , k find*, a tht ft.vusea40.1 *NW n I.tritt ii • S.PM40Ang fixetL. and Ilt4taei 41i)d then Wit up lho .4r,1.10*.itts *world 'Into , 'warring camps, oacti hghhng ler its curt 4144..40440,07,.' nt:Att whOl\'one prjud he \I 1tnt religAtis, ask Vv`lia e t1 ., lwa • . ts-a, , knit;while-. 1h nt....,. . Anil' he.in I- I -their lernerlty.*' *The Wort neVer In*, been entitely 'Without th4)s0 who saw that each day brought Solite, br---th-tt-rtho-deziatratlear"'O OILS.tiLL0,',Ira those- wbo\ove, darkness t -than lig t trilli 'ttctt -Alm•- ID TO, DE AN AMOMPLIOItM _Eitel'. • ' bo( ographer,. After . Eaurteep- i '%orb Gii uiees:iii• itornptIy 1 the t by iO $l,1Uilf., cd rneth,tls 4 esitc -01.10,k1Ch ,With veloproettla,gt all floids.-01" lilted, to reord And'inter, and multl.colored• life of it has never been the 'aim t the advanced pictorial photographor1 deePIY eogniztkrit of the 1 , of the camera, to corn- peto tile • illustrious names in art, figir,/sOnS became 'ineyitable becanse Of the nee of t tvttr Standard by whlcli to Uri& his work; and by reason pL*Lography was as'bitterly opoied as lb to sti4r,n time. vas va el veG.it has, ome 1 tte poettiori, nod • area. auneon, *lit/pilau. sow ofleits havi . ceased their ' • trio h art hod es rid even ;14445Ply' o thJpg,.it trot. " ani duty, life. „ of no 1itU inprtne1 Jtn, It :Ann: , titiatir'11*,fita " water value than tt resufls' of ,.ptiCh thinking when forroulal0 in / CrIZZDS Oft, DOCTRINES, It's not 'onlY a rit0stiOn, as to:v.1141 you art thinking silent and what your on- .C1us.n. may bee, there. is the deeper qttest'em whether you have "the 'energy* -and•-c-eura-0:44-thlak-Viretigit-year-p Ions at ail. - IntelIoc4zal cowardice • and mer.tto! aro-44,Vous-100---Qf 0." %kilt 1 fe and action "at AtiOt in thinksik his beau f,„lesthl -- buT'l t .if dentine ottons at, 111. • wh -Ii*Wiiie-teinc411y to tlf-Trik about acre stibleets. - Intetteetual stapiattert-1111T-S1olti-tre-- gud.otly calls it.elf spiritual ildelitz.- They who tirecti lazy 14*step out -and conquer, new etrtory -tusy holding .the. fort, 4klending'doltrines long since outgrown; instead of fighting the foeS of all. mankind they aro ;hurting adjec- tives and anathemas at thosio who lam n willing .to accord pictorial P•tzograpliyirjlzrire-among the arts, Olt V mit that -in some of this work Therc :wasa beauty, a grnce and a truth dflfrent from What hat before been pre. iii.,,' all the real,. of chiaroscuro lhey 11 *Mutated that, colo* would al.' . . Version,), 'ProocEss IS 1,111FECT„- . The Epistle. to the Epbesians,-This .he.eructO 4ttemPts.at color photogra. epistle, is one of a group of epistles writ- hy,that.appeared, fivin time to time only ten by the apostle Paul during his '444 discredit the possibility of any. .prisonment at Borno, iwar its t-loe:e. itt 1 0 worthy ever- beteg' achieved in this the oar A.D. 63, or possibly 64. The Iekt of photography,. colored pistle--to the-Colessians-and---the aftsu pi;titiorenplw is an acoomplishcd loci, to the .Phitipplens are cOmpanton letters „anloi4o,The,untiring,e.iforte of. Antoine written by -thoapo4tle from itonie dit Utraleret -stdhis.sons, whose newly WS. ing this same: perkal of Imprisonment. Yered...iatitochronattio-.:platorrecords,the, Thou 1110,,gPtor ;.-Tshader,-**ftr„.4orit an d' ratatnity; • rather a-1-titeularzliC0-riOraSed-lq ring the last eighteen months Those era of itio churches Asia,Ainer. Th t aside in the 'photogrinilile world- SOULS to be !narrated by the fact that ave,3 ti 1at t .1 - • Lai 11..of../the.k e lea overcome the most importen.t.: omit the words Ephesus d found. In ;Monks In the Way ot a trUnifid . verso 1, of our present 'texts, while presentation of .the color of natural Ootrie Instance s , the words "at La jeCt.s,And:lhet. the protass was soon to cea"- non to have been sUbstituted. It Made krioivia to 146 world. The sub. is xwt unlikely InA5:-:tho Itatt-raillioutterin itqU aid %,W1I-lbe usual \_eel-velVIVTRAW-7'19v skIV ,..thejalikiLeven. the rmAt-. es of EitbCsus.,:,.and J.aodlcea bo Out when. the first restate0 this Ord- Minor nisei. Like se al of the, a cess wero hewn last June- in Paris the tie other letters, itt brie' also • ras- doubiing es became enthusiastic naturally into two parts, of which the ' :feattlawyOulrorexperl:, ,first part 1s-deveited4O'a--itgietrinal:411- tri•-'7',AvaSlotw In making a plate that will tiral udm.Omti0flL 11 is unlike 1116 Ithfult :-PrOduce with the most exquisite ". the apostles other tra$114t, however, ,in .aubillity the gradattotas of _color In me... the atatenee of the epitit, of;eontrOversY. Itiree-lunt-tet--Fritrite- tatist-beramedevrit i. rather•-sn'ephdirs--Of-rn0d_ 1114100r 'the *nor Of having contributed to the which -Cokridge, regarded itir."-Orie of the ?IOW discovery in the scieritifie diviriest*,coMpoaltiarts of to, 4, of ,application of light,. second in importance which .the same, ' .stither -64 Ot,"It ern,- eVery-Alticittite-: t . hoSeedoetrineeepeett OUCITY. , • , tianity, and then:114Se MOP! nl* Uhl yoti 1, e rzlo to trim a lilt) at, men .1,0. it With, 'natural rdligiOn." - 'The the endS Of 'hair, sir?" e -ked the or. .centrAI, Thought of the, Itp0Stit'S arm). ber; , , moot is the. toy.stical• 111)1401 -et Christ vir, 641)(41 the grouchy customer. and his church. Dogirtriing *Rh RIO he, ends alene and take sone oftthil apostolic littittlati*.rther apestfe, "'Middle," xpress his greet Joy 'elVer. the „of redempliort, whieh, he prays ;ciure. thotigh.he recognizes with Dysnens! Bo" thniilsgivIng the, fact that 'faith, ]Dv'?, Aacg,441,:tirks_aliseady_tibolintt.'atnong heti the/h. Ift VMS the, littentiort, et to their pastAeltiletititide 'Co 11014 and Mercy, itianifesti itt the._ t 0g, Appattteti Ihtttiwy 'who. w're • 4t One Itirrie"slieriS are now' ititellOw.offitent "Witit,th0 Aida* rt.n()1 ,of, the liOnvbald'ot bein.g.toll PorPthe; the '81:10A1 altd 1'1101,01f -be 4ag.„111,0,4liel,„gornet[s.toWL.Lt klkw 'citizens they are, --411.$40- be•cotrik mut telllw.monbets, of- tit atitt 'Wlowipartakets thei primiie it Chrtst leSpet, thratittho„- " '1 th" rnatiffestM Vie' love 0 potisetb L11044 " and wilh 8. £halt rath tli t, Of thrikti tistittn14.,4 botviott. hntlks. are LI14iipL, ratit tin nt it. sw.„: Evcry inan muSt Mann= up the ea - IVY to do some of his OWn thinking .rd 14.'04 ,t0 sf,aritt by, thal Web 47145.tybratiatt:.711045-1.1 itb w:tholit, freedom- , n 110.;•,541 UK a d :prOR4'„t tr t to ijittinto Ilikaty conactence, Lo discover a hold theft -Own lieref4, No man (*rl. '140, it true roan who Is afraid Of the troth. N5 rergi,n'' can en- dure long' tint fresfrom ifivesttgation. Only tho Wends of darkness and those wh) laVe its deeds tear the -fight The- -foree:-ett. pot faith into fixed fortes, who itaelalie:nlAb:filef:::::Va'srit4- rt:giate""-tlire itivree.:better ItTart 1-• &iris -the- art- --of ,Iltittt'or=f.fifi=tti=t*lftt4'r--t-=1tf beasts if we do not reach out with inittrand heart to ,know al thatitti4, he known of this way of lila Whet are we better then broken spirited 'slaves if W•cl (iftre TIOt look up and -out each for outs -elves and see this gaod'y tiniv1,00e and Ulondrons life of all as the Lord of at has piatur:d it? "' " IltNirk P. CQP11.. L-124....fialnaskt-Atilla.,44110011, hey are surroundedHe exhorts .wives, husb nds, Chiltinm, and - servants to nv-int10-flf-wsft sitions in life, and recomine.nds to ell 'Christians watchfulness and courage in their, spiritualwarfare, concluti'mg kis eptstle withsa prayer and be4g,41ttleri • Verso 6 -Our ',lesson passage Is taken: .irtin the hortatory; portion • of 'lie. apostle's. letter, an4 the -temperance txp. pi/cation made in its study Inns( be aleng broad lines of self-control told - 4. tr ocv,z.ge hTe1cTeiOE- .- mere Serious purfioSe at life. Let no men deceive you, -;-The speci- fic jeeferenee is to Me idolatrous ,neigh. bers by whom „the Christians addressed in the epistle are thought of as being surrounda. - • EmPtet.----evv,rdse---Words----.1fteking The subiganee of troth and fact. Berattse ok. these things -The 's!ns of IrnPurity, idolatry, and covetousness, Nbich the,a0ostie_has just _enumerated - -Sons -itre habitually disobedient to the. ttigh laws of life and of God. ., 0$4-LW-Atti ly ,enooyripassed by darkeess as to be lost In it, and. Ilfernselves a/part oc tt. Childrenof light -Again not. /wifely " children who aro Wneih the divin.e light.o1tilith and Nit- TiesS OS SO. Kfteirtted• $4 ' • ey eve beoothe ill 4 sense the tho_d_tment, 47% Meth to otherts. • For the fruit of the light is -The' statenient 4 thts vtro, givies in 1410Th. hesis-lho loosti 10. l*ying t shriply exa and testing, but also 'deinopatart ng t0. filers .by their- *example what i well leasing :unto -the 41. flaw no lellowship...Thi, verse on -Minos • the thought of verse 7 .above. Unfruitful works of darkness.Works ' tute ot-iiny good -tittlfs-,--artir-toti, litos ptirposo.or'its npbtillelingt Reprove them -Not only shaft the 'Christian silently abstein , from 'poll& piling In forms of wickedness with whielt lhe is surrounded, but, rather, ns.'appor-timity effordi,. shall he seek lo improve and correct. the lives of The word "'reprove in classiest use -whys -ht--Thrtirgiiiiie-filitilfe sense n Ibe original; -12.' A Sharno even ,to speak of reliUm. 1' haItirecedeS irkt inirooditttety AVSt. (verso 13) .L$, prObably, Ms tiuggetitt• ititby Abbott, 110, f011oWA: q/aVeno tifir:' timipation with the works of darkness ,ay, rather eXpnee tbetni for twthitio they dowretfy $114100' tVeli tt/ „alio' but all these things When y the light, lere.notdo hutni , Art3e-tfrartit4otra-,------0, VherefOre-Ititrodating the re the ientlf*-7prteediag xtiortt ,A41114.-40", !note lied 'the ,t itau I kilt.' I • 41., , ri 4' Ipetntn •,,..W(a n f, th4 znftJgin,, IO1,0 A1oiAri100, fltC-Z)fl '-ifini),IY: 011-- ellricinitNIt '-of ibe sfAiritual Ilk, the -restAt of that filling or that ertriehment, • as et' Forth ' in 'the 40.-sante.4,7 lc to another -Or,- "To ,a yi yes. 2. King thanks •alwaye,t4lie.naltira • : f -h Iightft1V-.--refiedivo,--fik-109, A ftlk4 ..9 san y involveS modttation on the good- rssand Merey of the heavenly Father, nnd n ' iently leads. naturally to • a alanrandribank illness rot- all things. 21. sukieetint.y.curse.ives, th**;,Atrt,x7itortation to Mility. • "in honer' preferr t rat' -ve liTheultoyalty Visits. a WarsifJP; , Bang!: Bengt! ganghl "Twenty -One guas17 counts the man in the street, "My word, but Id like to have all the ntoney sp-ertt on saluting in a yearl" • N But even if the man inthe street .had wish, he would not reat)thq olden harvest he imagines, for, as, a, Matter a ttlgssuAr,o* cony nothing, • in tho first place only lhe Sinallest nvererused 'for-this--purpospe--ustially the twelve-pouners-and even if they used good OfTITX1141iii011, the cost Would be very small. Seoondty Uo powder actual] em lo ed- 1read been con- d toned 'as unfit for berviCe, ntid If not WS -way -ft WOW verboard. • Of course,if there is time, armart-e-wari is painted: from stem to stern; inside and out, Or preparation ,for a floyel visit. But a a tide he cost of the Ida e(itifteS out wants his ship to look well, and tb ernrnent supply is insufficient to keep the vessel. always Wok and span,, ON TILE EVENTFUL DAY.' -Labor, of tours°, is free, and on the 1-day_411. lands. fire -bu$3t arty dawn scrubbing and polighini, and ndoavoring to Make 'the decks a .trilic ore showy or the brasswork more bril- liant (hart usuatt_Afier gine o'closit no- 3r=1,s,allowed nn tt quarler.deck..ex. copt the -officers and--Ithemidt4oys, who arc employed-contlnualty "Irinunitir awning to satisfy the tommander's taste, Somewhere abetit eleven otiqok h Marine guard osseMbles On the haltdeele to be inspected by lja officers; the "guil4Vi rows tall in round the guns detailed .for Lb ,711114 the renutinder of tlie t1ii*IiTshhnportant thut 11110 ,givelvprotiiti ' ridJ!lttht.,w1;1t4. re- turn -krth s1upi filet) the ban 1101 htI ptaying.thertvi e the is ttOr tuty..0- a 'Ong AVM ii le gang. waY.WitIr hs hand:44 ht s ha )10 cari- A cUSIONt TIIAT HAS ,Digo,„ •T witinils1,VOI:trd14•11:4i:Athal*mt.Co11141tte 40 -!As.,114,14' it was the-tustottr for foreign lieytilfres t4,.0 v Itio officer commanding tlw guard Soma tiLtte token, as a moniento Of the occasion.. Thu, (he King of ;Italy, used-to:4Iva a silver cigarette.case, • made of pliable scales, with 4 sapphire clasp, and 15011, -ably ,engraved; the- Cerina:n Emperor has often 410orated, the Officer :with the order -Bed.legle,..While the Silitin. , Zanzibar its0 to bestew7the glittering Star of Zartgliar as 4 ttlark 'otitis raver. Rai now the cu$teM floe :into °be* P - The inspection .overqthe visitor .des. ends -the' ladder into the capfain'S pri- refreshments and congratu- lating his host on the appeartmegtf the ship In the "ineantinte the lesser Mem. bees of the suite. are entertained by the oificers in the wardr-oom„ 'Sometimes the visitor .expresses his' wish to set totind the vessel., in which case the lower decks art: cleared, .• . Otherwise, he returns to the deck -.0010..br,ang.salufee,Las....inalicaeL,appear over the top step. The bossun pipes shrilly , as be descends the ladder, and a• won, as,' the barge, has got clear 'of the ship; (he order is given tor three cheers.), if ae nt n ung 's shle tato. Or hats heer y sailors can, -The :barge putts speedily away, and wheh.it Is out of danger the guns again thunder out the salute., With- the last gun, hands are "piped OW11,0 'dinner," and- the Royal aefi - concerned --thbest-part is yet to 414 for it, is customary to "melte and mend atter .4 !loyal visit -in order words, Jack gets a half-holiday-Londori Answers. THE -MILK IN THE COBOAMIT,, ThereisN01),Ieis ra-iter or Ittoree:1; Itire.Or- • ine "I:tusking a cocoanut is ane:•of Lite Shin- 10,17V)Ilkirfippertig011g thi4iyork1, t have -not..-yeteSeen-thli White- tuart-; .0 Could do. it effeelivel3r;"-IirliiiIS. OrbISIVIw. in her book, , "In the Strange Spoilt Seas." Every native' of Tahiti; I[lO .1. nce-tha .0 11 . , , . , A rut -011 ,10--$twito.i.'71'4.- .... njuk,Ji0 ab'-',41It :IWO' or' two and a. hti1t. .iitelieS fl(10P1 be .0. clf0,1110 "4 Illanm , • , preteelitittA ' uretni4 -rom tho \vvapor II WILMS. kit 4411.11 IA .worras ale it tsa• serves to „filpr-a, supply Ota: .... X 01,, the **Pat wILfr 'I n o sry-lite Client*, v, hrignig117: iiiiint foext i I berated, ‘Vith . a* supply (Jt niotsture 4111c1 :air -thus insured, the sal .hoomacs well.nigh independent of flt,.1).,r'i:,i:'3,1°9;‘i7:-li:;g.givf:lt17lC:it1tite, 41,, i .01 4409 cf.'‘11)0P(4. itz4;111r.. htile.harAbL,1".' VA) te fteders are in tharr.whitt for the - i..11)01104.1 -14V1, Stator-fiepter. 4t - eultivation be early and. 'toll Lost in theist' re VdscOV • Cultzvate as soon aftgr eaelt . " Weeps „rain as earth wilt work lip triable •* and toast. The looser and drier the son How by 4 (ire= he found $400 lost In tite--more effective it Will be. it the went lire at .Chelsea, Mess., is re. it not well, however, to defer, ilia earn,. toted by ,George flobertst treasurer of, ,vation- too long, eiSe 40 excessive loss the county Savings aank...:..1hti:_tuoncYt o ie.'. --Por 411e- mortient--therinuldh ti` assochftn. lu 4 small safe in Ltib .ntolfAtire will '*ocetir before it takes which betoirged - to a Chelsea real cstata rositened and run together by rain, t bank building. As soon es Lhq fire rains - '10$0s its mulching propertiW and ,be. Cooled. Mr. Roberts !lad the sate opened .• Oline.s.a..menns of grawing_slibsoil viols. and found :other money safe, but $400 • Os aft1as .7°-rr the moisture' is drawn conole10,4-Ptrau°4:Ied 45!/1 tiro). lo the :sAtilifeeTTITST -e-vaPartired.' Par ex- aiid-earettilly reviewed all of delnils i.hPiitiolletHirld-leitt bjuolswi. 111,,i the-opeg-of-the-sater-The-second---- 01%rtilnett'187.1tol*%rvalerlitga. iallergnthenr<!Iltilefillis,velddl‘nviagshtstiluacks3eYg6a11:tsdtrtellki.:1, lensdltdhe4otriehelliSoonerY. .wilt be pit/Aped out for inches in depth; Roberts was so impressed with the idea' while all 04cept-, the. upper -Inch Or two that next morning he went again to the of the harroWed field w:11 be quite thel- ruins.When he lifted the door he found -- low and inot4. In 4 dry, Vote, iteis het. the roll -stuck to it , just as he -had kr to cultivate as seen as the so,1 will dreamed., work up nicely, and then repeat: in two During the fire the safe- felt' Into the •00 three days, so as to insure te anore cellar, landing face ,down,' SO that the e it as„Ula A stick is sharply •p6inted at both ends, ed one end Is flrmIyt etts.' the ground, he nut is then taken in the hands, and tritek with 4 tiltting and tearing Move. 'point leiritiegteg, a) Verin eff o .1 illtia...10,,Jan torrillele and tho garden, a$ well as to the orchard end. bosh fruits. Mg to lie melted varnts and rh 'the •door 'was retrieved' and laid •doWn hldden fro the `workmen who opened The THE DIPPING SIIEEP. -stroIigest nrkerne'nt tor the •d • in-the4. the .1)1+ 'WAY free;ng them front ester- , 1r • 'ner -q-e, eepy.ed that it is onlynecessary to mew lion it. Sticot are vel.fy frequently treat., Nod with 1,4s;d lice which can hardly be seen, and yet they cause the sheep 'Pleuily-des1re437 *1`, cause the • arm 'lucks -of thIS--atintri untold an. -noyance, end kir these-dipphig Is -thor- oughly klieetive.- 'Flag and red Lea do wok?, damage than.we are awere'ef, be - cu the evidences- ef th4i. annoyance -that they give the, sheep are not so lharkcd as in some other troubles, but l'hey 'aro none The Jess a severe deck . their well -doing, D.ppfng, followed faithfully etteli year, will completely re- move- the-ban(..quiiresults-tronr-t 4fA etWii**41 ttit'-'"VP.r'-th#70.11id te4111[011 it; 71110 - 'lest entong rein.dial 41 ihortstires., ' 4000 the deStriiefie4 et- these pests sem • ted • ar at, grouped 'together, make 4 more favorable 'indorsement for ,lite operation. • Antbrfg; ibeso .inay, be briefly. mentioned cleansing Vie- ant get* h of the latter, To •fal lest returr ho'rnt117.71et ; I tich. yea spring sto tly after, shearing, and again in. 'fir!f1I, just, before ttie edent vareage , ihnougtiiy, ,� as to Cleanse. t skin; This, aes, no only add to II*, Ihr:tt of 1/0.51)03,0 and f't4:714:1:rrilbir:.... but -1.rt Int ,t4iriks the 'growth 'Weal ;41)4,,stereViort, o yelk. 'Not only is I11e-gniTM.11 of 'woe) b2iter kern 11, but it olds' Jridireetly to th,t, hiltel'en. of ,Ilto 004es it, triotoo.. %fon 14 gnalmen on the bridge have keephig.41 013110 100)0011t0, and 'as $00 they.see any, sighs Of Activity on Asher the: TIOPII-YaelitiAlley inf-worthAp-the-cottintond Oar(' i% 'marched on . to the iptarterpdee where it terms up with the tend ittrear,' and the oillterS jioop Op th.e ladders; in Ing 'grout) oppos to tile ladder. up Which the • visitor is expected. ' AA soon as the Royal barge is under virtitht;--41*-40141.1.Walvontt.&,otitirom--;life- uppoied be,011, InterVal of one minute. between etlett7roung, Ond the duty of: maintaining tho rate ot tiro tans to the gunner-s..werrant, officer. A.nd, the 'duty 1$ by nd meow•zoeasy asit sounds. trt the !lest place, Jack is *olio., enstoined 14 firing at high ralte,'Of *Peed The mit contoS 'forth white 1 as Ivory, about the same shapeand si\ze0 the „frown .old nuts that,:go by shIpMtlip oi ini&-ani1HAnteriee;:-htit., younger entiery-lor-' trittirWellesir of the old hula, which 4 e not wanted la,' lilt 1$14110$: ter tepr4-1110011Z arc geOw' orally exported. .Orgtitrtlf et the nut. till round, , like no vggli ii and the drink IS, reaety, a,:drAtt or .pure water,,. *tightly sweet 'and-inet" 4 ittik -ttettaled. -it the -.-nute-,hart-betructie4t-it. he, etkiht4,146,-„,... ..... There IS noldetisanter or, mot* 'refresh, log draft In ilia world..,end it has not the least tikeritiet to . the "'milk" contained in the .e.oeotinuts of commerce. :144, littlivet would drink from Oki t uts, for relit 45! Moto, its they are Considered belle ung pleasant and .11/1141<deSettte. Oak' ths rook ot bettftreWil 11014 Is oSedt4r drink- ,-,lind-*-eveti -114$e---W111-40inetitrieS-hOhl 0raple:01 'plrti4 or .lightil. ' • The Water of theyoung, ioncorinut. L„.iiint drink, iri::,onv ,,,_having mueh pris.bing• matter, held in sehitioti. . ya long day OChot and weary tra. I I. Via - (*um; le' Item', ''' the * retro/Ito and -':resterifig •powers- ot.,heitvetts bad gif,.' to man in the troPiest the. Over. felling, 0000anUt. 1 *em* t 1* 1zikiided by posik a*.iti qri�t ght 'Weyer,. Is 1....e. ' A10L14411 , \Vte 'ti " v 1 Molly pis,1 Thetterinou46ttiostil,14$4helf(tbrffilhp' tot-theAltMy / k4(11".1,4knt14171,t:,!.;114' N‘:M6lf11114: AncI long for Y )0 ' 01 dainly , Beijlde some 40110440 folly •plityst , .. ,. 1 0114 41110r 1 , throug1cu the rk itS 120 ttilSO for Ito ;sheep or othtri,vW breek:ng ,the tx) ne 01 it. Another, indsoultage .114evt thitt $0011W -to relloW- diming at .this,tine Is hal.Lit,.'seerns 40 , tendency for Ite-Shecp (0 ..lese their wool 1ttL40 1i50i early: in the_settem‘,-.Whot , the fl.ee 15 Clenn /ina healthy, 11 teeth 10 .Nrilinite' vowing Wager and Ih• wool',Alors, nut peel in 08144, fultit.- • tattle. -mo tor -• 4f re/re:wing' IMM loretgn thaIter,e may have been red during it*'•xtutthor, and aki g it Inc m,Atny'of the parasites ha -'ertroytinee during ttH SOUNDLESS 1100M ilte-Physiological Institute of Ibm• versity of Utrecht, Germanys possesses one of .the most remarkable...rooms in Ibe werld, a chamber about sewn and a half feet scivare. whfei is said to be absolute t r/es'• -ViAff sounds -from -oulside-ts-cohcerned.--11,-1 , (t -,the top story of a laboratory bulhlthg,. an.d Is an Inside room, but is so arranged That it ran be Tentilated awl Inundated Thei walls, floor and each te'insist of loaf a dozen layers - of different Substances,with air spaces intemticos filled-with-sound-destlen--, trig materialsSome persons when in the,room experience:a peculiarsensation - t e ears, While every effort .has been,' rule to exclude sounds that -are net , •ame 414-eilijeitot n this.elege,ar ,c4.tont s -Iteexperiment wilb PrienOreene• eonnected with soundf,- Seme-iaf the tlohnds employed are triad° . roorn- aelk-ot nireett . • from 0U $ e. y means it)f u copper tube, .whleh is p Ogged with lead when not in -- .MATRIMONIAL. r. ftnfke4 tio�kinir efUl about to we'll his 'w:te 13 within hear- sAtety metcht son, 'is when 4 bn1d-bPu2cd nan niarries an arinlessc AVAT1414-- 'Evtit Pliider: The be • 01714.03okt ibm fleere i akty knue,o 110 With%Strid, r1:oreiga, winter„ p. tte& such Jrritation, ioc.,ettus,(Atthci beep,io ruh'itgiiinst- sharp' surfiteeS an ileiite0y, the .0erapaCtri By cl.pplog 11)tv toto„.54 „the 1.411,. shj th -grotind is frCteni ami th4 n kwpirt 1'0)4 the VieW.-. elarke 4 Ing txn 47,ricki-That prevehr.:ITIOehaff .: from ling in'o ttleW0-1, It it O'1tii Ort thelnerkekin. the tp ns c1e-n os the p hltd ied P ;$10 IfernIg regoirig t(PP/ '}k _ 'llforis *tibia than war, tanzfoo-Ot uto1000 is 0,04*.t4i distroyortthitt h ro, heildod Isik0111**to 'CoOliii f0i4 Omit Anntsilly ewtape worstactira, earth's in. habitanta • than 1 Any other, iliriglf.idi4041. kaow-n to,40.14.44- . - 0 IS y it Ooldit 4' ' 14* MI *4 , 00 i pita the doli�a,to mooua rncmbrsno oavaii thefolo luok aWaiwjth a,a r, the • Ai 11',eti Um -S0'