HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-25, Page 110, 1fM u.,l a er�4v. ifoaair \ • Is 1Y cd, 044 c'C '•}rl'. l •Ll .i liti n S, '4 IP 4r' n iiP,'a l •h.Y Tle ak ,►, as , tla,t • a23rrat'.tr; theU oftly' fl d0-..t st:w,af Nt .ire elk�7.�� e . � d�tj,, 111 oQ�� d r liere the core a Was. `,Pe ,b0 z• 'W13{r? �ua�ll� `�1e• 0 : , 4 into a ean e , R t. a ty faiae ii t`1; W ' ci neon soI tees, mike, a carriagest and boggle 'bcing'wel till k,ei tae ursnx ref t r, . ra? at 1. er, era .. .i_, rigI:.hh h� ms. �' �r;�ri =A :a of ~f e fegri!ent bands, as they r fc rmed up 14 o an altar bf roseo, ferns _and._daia Ra M. off .>�aea�ls' �► BigCU :buOur jaoss is >r 3}:rr'••r,a•"++ •.+' 4 WIH1U.1r,:+_?•I+Pbkv, ^ "%=�'>E' IAS . - .`♦1�fa••.k" .v�sN4l2LTM'.i A,. tf Wld,R�• i,�'w-�%�i+�-s+h good as the .beginning • of the • season. Now i . your re n �. 1 eiv- 4 f ceAe: rtrg.'a +oQ i ��is ��� a R� rr �n.earlyt�i+� next iw�� weeks, so e+�>tx#e along first' choice., Reniermber . •off is a tig Saving. eep Kool. this 'Hot ,Wdather..„ ' rT Here is Spot toFurnish �r ' � ' thes L ants`, 5ur- e� wM1 rt . ..._ .._ Mata ie �. . 7Whitewear This 141133 weather will snake you think. We have � everything you max need. Urid'prweatt ,r .T:aad�ie n cl dre " l of a b i , 1 ', ♦ 1 ,too` MuSlins of alt ki ►+ c.« . 10c to -10c peryard_- inghain. In alt the cli er ent /Colored. Cheeks, Plaids and Stripes. at'12 c per yard. • LIOSIeryice Black, White, 'Toll, fink leevea Cif! ailSi` eleeVeS F'coni iOe tto' sc • ..•aKG.. ,� 1'l E this ,summer ' In Cotton and - ,iisie. From th s date _t o Monday the Liar,' t P. m. Saturday cep we ..pa • +,e_ 0 ,ow ng Prices or g0 L .umP .-a _ Spring Chickens,1 0S hatch, ‘We per pound,- liveweig it. Spring Chickens, . "4 3lic per.podtu nnd, 'eed. Spring Ducklings, "- :I45c per; pound liveweight. c ' Spring Duckiin s 2dt,; per pound. &ease ne' Oc.. '1MIT'e. c. dressed. Turkeys 12c dread. ' '4I Poi&ltry roust be dry plucked and plucked clean. Kill by .bleeding in mount. No dl:eased, thin, crooked breasted. or de• formed birds taken atany price.: i'e Willnegt� pay cash until let -of November. Quotations from weak to week, Regulations ' reg' ..._gordb*poultr,sy will -'old good. throughout =season, • ' 4 • a'ts . t i, i twaa beautifully at- tire( aris point' 1 esprit,. th x ' r . bridal. veil yi ..0 orange bloss'orns, day,her boct u :- bndo. # d ti R � a� ae v � � „ ,c s t . h +� ��� a ps tended bb Miss ra a dGuckhai e of Aherst nr�1Y ot arc white i e ix� 1 ' tx rte do e' .r et, `• and o e arrl`edA'rnetica-tae ' ;n:s,._M groom twos supported by his brother . r,.l elvillallo�wey.. Miss 'Mildred Harvey, cousin of the,groont wwa aa' pretty -.little Payer ir1 Avith. white silk 'frock 'carrying:, a_ basket . of lily of the valley. The, bride's mother er ✓ -thnndso -g wnof-ble tette, 'With enrbroldtrQd chiffon. The Loh'engrin wedding march wadi -aye foams -cousin .of tDavidson, .of straf- ed , Miss Ina , ,.:. iroo 's i f t-ytr t re-'brida,�-*ways �y� .f., 1 ♦ a aha �11�...xsd iso o t- n• 1 e'11 1 . iirii .� o u and to the- flower girl a pearl ring. - 'After the ceremony was performed--congratulattoTerierere e. ceived -1a thehappy couple under a cane(py .. , orange blossoms, after which a: very dainty dejeuner evias s ry t: ed1 the guests present being .only immediate relatives of . bride and .groom. The gifts to the fair bride were FrnuWeroua and handsome in - eluding ;some from Medicine tfat, �►nnd Moncton, N..: Mr. anti tars: 'Detroit. Prom there th y twill- take a .boat trip to soft ,o and, other points, The brides got' away gown was grey novell cloth with grey hat to matacb. 'Gileats :from a diztance...•were_ Mr,. and airs. W. Davidson, of Stratford, Dr. and Mrs. Pear and daughters. 'of Seafartb, tylr. oll preach " ttat +� .ee a very . itching, impressive t m nd>aru Pt 3 Huron regiment aret- The ardd . ;� a•1 4g .,..w_ ♦ i ce e i ing them ari4'goo+ time,. IlPt'aflatirdrirtif #: ,.thee^ e best behaved regi- is a 1 a. ca being one of t mens in camp. ritt tl e..4' n a Y. aei w .• ! whenl* ro�ie"shy �naxe 9"�` Out 1 in i .veru i ars bathing . s'o're ,,,�� �l torn Were Q nt� the Maattiand river. One Nae supp+os. ed to have taken cramps and sank be- i r" .l • . _him,_., he. �>�. lz cot oohs Qt.� �. rte# be- fore would be. rescuer ,,.being dearly drown- ting row n - _Sale Theywere otit ke�from the water .and the :Army ednral Oorps vore quickly on the spot, but after one hour's work at artificial respiration, one onl two - t ved. _the -remains h+ deceased Di p nt a)444—oaf ih t atitrittiztiTztlyttlalt be Witt, a mem - t .ort ac+eeinf bear, txriareTxed t �ti �c station, , ponied by the.regiroen -b tri.... -playing_ the P Dead March in Saul" and Near er m God.to Thee."This was the iso campduring our so- journ second 'death journ here, . inspected the cams General OtterrtspP lasttsfetweekcto and' found a rerythi>o',g sats ,Sir Frederick Borden,, Minister of Militia, also visited Our carp yester, r<bgiven ': the Oad rich"noun Y: arta ie ell and Board of Trade., togeth er with tht : td o cera.,, On Wednesday night there is g.oingl to ha a grand military tattoo ape& ditto play of fireworks. "Tiu -day will: bring forth a sh0iiiitglii whieb till corp in the esawp ,wilt t ke part. Lx- . , -,'.. f 1 40 • • :favidsorr, Stratford .;ai d— iss Davidson, , of Seafbrt.h. The Times joins in cengratulattjons to the hap- py couple.110: • 1 1 11 :., Yhnw k.a,%.$ a.P dot; ctt '-t ltr-evens 1'rtd th men will strike .camp and return to their respective headquarters. F. E. H. Jwti.` o etnnized at the horse Of r. and Mrs. John Snell on $aturda " June t0th at 3 o'clock in o the afternoon, When.their daughter ►vera A. was given in marriage to Mr. Ilerncrrt O. McDonald, of IE'rhlcago, formerly' of Woodstock.' The .1tev. - ,.:--K'. Going, pastor of James Street Methodist church --.t iciated. Only -the -homed-- late relations of the bride ?witness- •. ,ed the cereu1oari'. _..ST , t ,.. `. `. 4. "'f.•i`• ... i SV 1x1.,.. . .. Saturday :last. The:weather was all -that could be desired and the lake was in an excellent condition for boating'and swimming, Which amus = tnents were indulged in freely byyy n t, tl. rf ar • ro rapta`ur nes ,y far tho�tx..laie:ltgb- o.XO lr:bg . cr,Ulixncl♦P. : gC exaaws,vbICh ,wi l next alr..e ,•- s fternocn ll ,•.be -observed ,: zt Decoration I03'y. Who different 1 " g - a-tro•^..t; 'ratter and decorate the gravesmIlei rted brethren aaad :frt nils, The 'places of business'will cloak �t�aza c o a k} I88-5Vcrdi>w fLca'`rltt, nurse, : has been .very at11 at Mrs. furry , oulds. °rrri ca o.rki' o _::deer gro n,� Th or d eveevening between an Centralia. and Exeter teas. This ..r r' P ra. i•FWX .! a a�- of do nnintg. their new urtiforzns. The.,tirogratnmc at the Strawberry social -op the 'rectory grounds on\ :+ riday evening ,of this week :will be au.--very_,.wzxasictl and •i3rstl„restiatnv._onne. The `'Misses Carling, Johns a,nd 3Y.iar. =s.-.-c-nir-c_ aunt Jen ave l iri s 3 1 Sing, rtsf.pu sal.ik u - McGuire, . uspe- cial - hers by dui �e, ercy• and a s pc_ cial mandolin. player. Itcv, Mr. Col- lins' iwill recite, . verybody welcome —.Four-daYs-rata a ng ba rga. f 1 Ay 1t M Gasoline stoves from,. fi Coat # � tr #X#. S. v t Si�C4 e.. I4Q Q Serempoo nio. CLQt � -� Screen' Wincl ws from 20c to ,oc a, t.' ♦a trwWir; 'w � ,j}, T 1 ' 7"" vzxx a4�liym. P.Pb'i/f a>~ t f a{ 1 Va e►4M ,Aa 5i+ ;;tat. .: - _ � fez. s, •.. n n. ;+�a�.'�,.w . :L.Fac .:..,w 00 V+4We-ialTit����'� unf '.fuNi ,� +¢'r...+' err s.txlLL `.Er Y s, a � 41v+•,r P,, Pw� �°��sntw ri. shill -4 �o .� cries ,. r . i� � , erg .��st.fi'om �� c�Q • to z� 'ares Gree# in a< ,� and t Ib, ~z to c BScythes an J�" d ��ati#s,Ili �tqrmo rs Floor ''" .5e. per qt. Seo,, 11 EAMAN'S -HARDWARE AND PAINT STO i�C er off` Y. ice- or . ..on '.l rkt'u atd ; . lrt ativeday-- nd �r04. ay.., .25t3), 20th . lit1► nS1^29t ! June, At this big J3aegain ogle„ one :hundred --emirs -of- it s, ..boys, -arid cbtldrens fine noes go for just heli Price, and, thirty-five pairs of .Paten,it y�tup-to-date leather, 'Erne and u' -to /� a Shd and also 25 pairs' , of wvhite canvas shoes all go for half price, also one sited safe a n.d one handsome Cash sh 'Register veryOleoPr�i9 will ie a rattling cheap sale. --J. W. Broderick --The death oco'ured in,Silver Park 71. Jobbers and Dealers in Sheif. and General, Hardware; John +Kelly, formerly of liiddu:l h. LasttrulyMrs. belly event to Silver Park 'to live with her son. Besides her husband she is survived. by one son arid two ° daughters, Arthur, Mrs. i3err.t hi re and Miss Palmy. all ,at Silver Park. Mr. Vt iltiana 1/eying...— ton, of'Bidduiph, is .a brother and Lunney styli X01. held toast ail resent. Our genial, friendPaul badge enlivened -We crowvri�".witb h s ever 'witty, remarks. Mr. =MacQueen ri1 tee. > `idiot this welfare of `the ladies and displayed ,--iidquariers'ior the CelebrateTiV. Sanf6rd -0404104400.044 Ili Cent . — YlJtB A ►n"�' y Y- •r Nath e ening], attired, in . a smart tail - cared costumr of navy . blue sedan • "cloth; The happy couple were the rvc.ente of handsome and. ...Miami 1 /Presents and the gra u a arta 0 ost of friends in Bitter, Wood- stock".and 'Ingersoll. and Mrs. I McDonald left on the evening train ► ` hicng-or-Alp-here tbt y vil -..future. '.. N • L., 81166 60111palill Head Officer- Paritubar4Onti, •. DIRECTORS« sports, that hat( ,ever been given here , the taitil of fifty dollars will be glv. ,.., Tile' weather wilich *has been very n in tires 011 July lat. There are sultry Oas mOderated san ,,Monde7 afternoon a rousing old game Ztif were standing „in the fields. . baseball will be plaTed between the -- Mi. link Mrsi. iflartiti of Sault tor Hibbe*t. rellortoo said et NOW Re VER rortorxcupa any rn :-.e,,vil,lostruniiintiv-11,r, gra*: Unite* ft has new music. 7tou may ; have an Phonograph. or t o* delightful It Wilis when the. at 'delight la bn w Von would get ti API Olin, or on Orthestrov tinlesa It ou new, records front ilme to n inetrnments. Mei *ill en - in you "it. you F'do not .forget them playo JumPor overalls, while the. litter Will M11,6 pionte Se:/8. nti 2 twas held ,have -,,to -be content-tY.ith-vibIIPP00--of last Vrialtirlittt7ther rain coming on - „children's *Porta iwere finished and _ ,s, game of baseball was being played when tile rain began' „to .,1)01tro A of ,00 _ largt4.0W4 had firmed, out to • ' etty rat' holiday. t • r r. attd Mrs. Stathain, Ur. and rs..,MiDontild of Ureter spent; Sian- , *I* S. nallalltYlik,1148' had ids' ;Tune, f-2,2114,1 to xr. plod Mrs. lila appearance. . imilimaimmisalambraisaimommaraisimairowounossioinuarriapira -1 at IV It • rs. eavers is visiting S ✓.5 "a Anderscm,, ,7. fr. Morgan • and I'aul Madge begat their 'fatnous_..featt ..in. the deep blue. 00 ray Sorry .isn't hiss #:he --bast fun t' , ave -had -sin we came back in that au °mob'ile:Li "1 bet .Fred Fllerin'gton wishes be were hero instead of .in that ditch" The marathon race run by the true- `tees and Wither resulted to n"easy" victory. -to-, 1l� aw-o f --breath anfI - eident-a..lly -p,✓"I rat er .purpose g rtppe to a san °lbe latter. .was not at all, a satisfied with the result 'and _.con eru,en ly the race will be run .again' at a fu, tore date. ' Our oid friend Frank.: ick ticwrrtwis,�,to tier the arse lfrs au. . a ee ' ,o ringing: any Longboat arou I Lumley. Those Who Missed this ienic missed a rare treat and rtw► , aL : the�.__deett_ itnc t' f L,' tip ey sc oo caa c is . 'at" the lake more, of our friends 'who along to. the :section will show their• titer st -in the sebaol by attending. it_hatv_tikken_ttraa Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have had that coated ton-' gtto or bad, taste In the !mouth :this. morning. Kopp a vial with 'you. for occasional use. 1• • MAYES JIAICEItA411 Dash wood on Weiti day, lune 17th, to 'Mr. and M ,. =M"rs;-;7a'rani:-Abbot, of Crediton, ros- ters.. The funereal was held at .Mel - fort . on !Mayr `"i3. , !To dlnron Fruit 'Growers. a The nextYyy provincial exhibiion 'will be held FJo earl -y t licimelber. Last e. tpr"•_� 5J $50 for expenses in reakieg the. ex• - bibit. The: /county- of Huron exhibit occupied a table Oft x 30ft. and was very favorably commented on by many leading newspapers :and fruit vers.. -L& full re t ---o h ; bibit wwas.raade to the County coun- cil showing the disbursement „of the Money, and names of some 150 par- ties from - different_ i -seta of tb out :_ v 0 etfxa[2;at,forr. + e= exhibit. The vouneirwere so :pleased with the result last year, that. a similar • grzznt is made `this gear. Ir fruit* growers .:in this couzntyy,^ttake, an production of this county can . be shown' to be second to that in nopart of the province. Outside ' the tluri-ye�cliil�i � eu l l- .cotnnp . t so. provincia.l.. classes. :a t ur.e prize lists and infortriation re.. ass eer' .s. We n ake a specialty of .etron bib av ingand Plumbing in al ` 'branches.. ' etc. t •. Boot i p: ing to Air. lane, Coderic ticultural 'Society. We take, the folloWing from the Me, 41)4 e4nde ved tot-AA...order. for Sale Of lands belenitinff -104t*,;-Settleil, estate. F. W. Harcourt . infants. lOrder lire fist Money .to: e. into, and the interest May be paid oUt to. the applicant. CoSts out t of the EXETER The -Exeter council, met on. Prida7 Wove ;nobler tind Councillors .Ifitice lobris and Knight. Tho rolnittes litho 'meetings held on, May gaol., anc(1!, ,11june.,litii-Were read and OPPi0ved. 441.47 .114u,dr;;allidr":. -riight olio that th or der ',rive copies the Jot/trial to Pie Irmo the4. iffetent councillors. •Tobtisttniglit, that the tette viewers aficcootat of .$0, as read* 'tit the last comicit meeting be paid. Carried. , it* sktounts, be ' paid' .1 •Gillespio4 hauling ,fire 6nglite. P.White two Iveoks street watort $4401 liatttir,' lobar, 145: ltiieSell'; Arr. 411,:c P. 'Vetivers twat -forth on ThuiSday last on.'buslness. strut the house of spending the. lveek with Iier Mr; and Mrs. tit. Scott ate *titling fi but the fire twat :02t. tO prt Outfits mous tit • aPPettdieitet„,SoMO- Wee ' -it:t':,_r-tteitiii,,i,Itt107.747:613t477.0.4,.,, isitlitg::.at*Iteger Net ay.,. taken 'Pigiturility Meta* bon too rtnifootr.elotat. pipe foto, the' NE.R.--WHNTZEL—At Detroit, 0 o"dat. 1tYr: joitudn6Air$0\144..ltill.e•Nirtinutgz141* rodifon to Mr. Prank.Behnke. of ,Ntr. " John Snell to 240, by the 4 Ditzsoil June 21s. ,Dickson• brother* In,tittsv of W4. M. Martin, :orite, john nesting*, brother 'Of r. null Preto, tot Itosti *4. *forth ,1 'Oat tenders, be AS , the, hands of the bore rftike4olios, the. ed or "the constro v t trete, Or t clerk srs. Torte a) told aiAltu 11 is for new styles in, ,clot4ing. We ,have the lategt all fabrics and our worknianship needs , id IP tars. z. tat available Iterchant "r010,1 - S.,,,, Honor graduate.of Toronto Office over Madman, at Stant:tures tAil Ca: 'EX 14 0 to • 'Bx-ete ,ti—Ontario„ 0, So .Tietttittt. MeMbett of R. O. IX of Ontario Mid, Honer -Graduate of Toronto Unlyersity. t.1,0 gtic 01;w:trate VIM Ai OM -TO LO • TWIN , 101tItt au tot • duttea in all parts. Term's, moo Orders 044 he loft at the Tottii on obis ince a 11 Licari ' urited 10,41 doatiaroc c ie otos 0 d qivi , risinettr*'Atchlt .. tot ittadolii$1 ovektirl0vel„,y es Ilt.fatorciale4d0r04, 0 ONATT it kliet$ 00 at itici 'with t e Baron. 0 0 11 rite