HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-18, Page 8f-04;••!••*,,,,,,•••." • • ••••,,C
, , •
Market perf.,1414,* tOliowlOgt
he report of .E.x0ter \01,4rko4.0.
ete,d, up to June ltitbi, ,
Wheat, tilt93,304-r-Viistrd,, r
°Att. 40".te 45
liarleY, 48 to GO cents.
Rlended Vlenr. (S1419,
Ilrati • $."20,
e I
•rees., 7.5-eentS to Oa cerAta.
.fittOTtoctg4.45..- '
.14% •
•' L‘iO4itot. e;,1110,4).
DOtt, .
1 Yotl ave no ra,--r o , t .
'Li* i ,..
^ ISA 41!Orliti6la lirlookor4r
, '---
.., • r A A
mighty:likeit: Its an Americant
cloth; Made b our Amen an cousins. 'Its just .as
_.. ,,,
lut as snow, an you lave to - e '
ft). CO judge tratell it from pure linen. _We pve, a
lot of White Press Skirts made in ew Y r om
itiorninitlitrell".--TITCbts ''StinTrieWitittr"
'Skirts e have ever seen. - They are beautifully .1.
Tho i ular pride.was $4.00 Our snap
•tjtJ* doing right
White Lawn Shirt Waists
We o a lot of manufac.
you see the waist we are
offering for a dollar, you
will wonder ho* we do it
. ,
10ci, ,pH.,143,,e0.3,1,41i,:13r,,g,
A ' ...
'-t4g: 'fitteti.'. loner ii martii-H"ii7M .'. It ..*W4:44(CtifillMifit4-::":
consee, alee . e0Millete line! Of weds ' ''.4b:n :le ,intif, pink, johlunpa.yno
ding rings alveava an hand. " •
2. and rrearct.0,00. auality for 38c.
. raiteire for 'Rent. ...-I have Sente
IftWilAialgt ti /1-T.-tifliT, 11"rfor r'ittre-Itetttloth '54.1.144 -
7 0
' Apply to J. N llowited. ' ' In Green, Lane. Grey
t \critv lot c r good, remm3 mi,vail , fir wrtoegular 60e quality., cle
toko a Caw beau t horW or cattle tog tlaie a Yard,
" - oesiergwak...,Afro... 410.1240,1110Srag14,84140.1fgh.001,14400400, ,Wrax,,,,Wo
1, ,'• ." 44 '
$1.25 vcry pretty.
te aist,
made from firm: sheer lawn
• with la Embroidered
edaI40' -di
trimmings.- This is a -win.
ner. -You want one
1arL. In Creattillaek, Blue, Pink and
-'Lor-On Saturday, -4 ir of eYe Grey, 27 inches Wide, good quality
se . '
Welted. !The ,find*Nill • kindly
store.ndly leave
amat Carlin,.
' \ '
eig‘ineW;ilts-i4hegetatiettle*FIFg44,1,40 ""e';',=,:;;:v ' 'It,iirva ' '''''''4'4'tlt..0
fiiiiittetiVjtergertliat lute- triroxs ha. , • ...: ,FEI
-.the-finest 'Utile of A r e n d"stlittlerte`ty . -,
' to be bad.- Our type for printing, the
invitations is new and u?.to-delte, '
pit.- oVRNS DYE AND EAR Stlit-
geon. will he at etho."..Commerelat ._
'Hotel, liotirs 9.30 e. 'tn. to 4.00 p..
m. Masses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye Car and nese treate
Next visit Friday July 3rd. _
'Miss Vera 8101 is limo on
Shirtet.'43- 'Ps Norma -L119,4;.
"'fester beraid Iltton
recoveied-tiene' his reeent
you? "
-Mts. 'S, T.• nobler _and childre •,'
• •ore visiting ICl4t!V nZotidon.
.'„Mr. and Airs. Joseph Cohble.dick,ot
Calgary, 114 vp irt-0.4„ vi6it1ng Mr. C.''s
. .+4;• -116 -C. Aldswerth is Improving
hisv'remhe ises with taddition. of.. a
_ .
Inv. stable. ,
Dur MillinerY.business has been
a.ti.sfied great; a bumper .season. Our
1 ats of alt kinds in stock, which must go out before the
, 'season closes. rhey say. you'll get your work on hato
done for NOTKINCi and some of the trittimings thrown
• in. You know our ideas of the millinery business are to
carry not One hat over if possible. COIXIC and put the
iris to the test. You can have an extra hat at ver
small zoSt- --Ccurre-expectin a
Col., is visiting her father Mr. .
Mr. 4. Knot, of Myth, io in itown
acting as relieving operator att.tho
0,„, T. It &pot.
-'111iss Maud.Taylor, of Tsondon, at-
tended tire- :wedding of her sister
• + • bete on. Wederesday.
Shur -On
• A Few boot' Suggestions
position to offer yon an extensive set.
.ection suitable, useful and accept.
- Able Wedding. Gifts and the .closest
41, 11
Apr ea make ft greatly to your advaa.
toga to •btiy,here. •
Beautiful Silverware such at
CMOS Plates,_ Tea Sem Fern
—3a4as,----kia1ad__Bowls,. .Bake
Dishes and many other hand-
some p eces.
.• "(4**
- • I
• •• and CreaiR, Olive Die es,
1 Butter , 011 Bottles Car.
• Celery Dishes, Etc.
---....--Itemearber the Aarrtual---Ge st
party on the, itecterse Lawn on. Vri.
(113Y. June tate Zatir: . 1
-The MissestNiva- Snell and Nora
Nieholsott. of iLindon, are the guests
01 Mrs. tee. Samwell.
-..-„.-- to*
Ware. • 0. it,.
ogere-S7-Miltrilrir-'1, ..,rinerrilikom
Mr. AO Ait's. Wm. 1)rew. (Major 'Hector left. MoridAy morning
-The „official count in .Southi-fe•r 'the '1'n-nui4 'caw" nt GP6iriell.`
iserth gives; lilt. Stock; a mliarityi Thtte•re were• thirty three men in ine
'of 50 over lion. Nelsoo llionteit . - I gitia,..rothey Int ,ade t a tigoodt etthoonwiifr:
vr mare sing o fa 6 .a
-14r. nna Mrs. 6' It I) —Ugh". °I N. 1): liurdon gave them' a little talk
-1Ct'w Itttrk, *re' "siting 44'41-4atterest- asking- them to -conduct -themselves
Wt,rents,cifr,'aind ?Sirs. T. Fitton. io a gentlemanly ,roatneer as British
....Mrs. Trick of Clinton, who -man .8-oldiers should end to return hot:at'
settirTieds•to.iyeg..11oftee lest .kr
Cho 'uest of. Mrs. atee.s. Samwell with the dative's the company of last
car-seettr.41kAtiot 91,...triPit.,..9111)11.0
tending the marriage of their cousin
%Liss '13tidOn at Tngersoff-tliiirAyzeir.
ettes. 4101,1_0r:in ,the neW
shad,OR,gtutraliteed, fast, :colOrg.
*Woes, . • ••
White.. ' W
$1,50 Skirt r '' .....
" 2,00 Skirt for. 1.49
Corset Covers
• •
WhO wiI e t e first to
a these, trices
INSECT POWDER and all other Germicides
rrfluality—yo, -limeavrat=mtmeLy—ii
OPT, a tALAAA-. r 4-r
• _ •4 Oftnede-Carris,
Wbeelbarrows. Stuffier • and * (good
three.dront•#oller for $34.)
few IPparitu o • e and
In the matter of the estate of
Peter Moir, late of the Villa• ge
- of ltenettlii, in tho 1Coinity of.
lluroos gentleman, di -‘000W. _
•lyotice lieLeta-g-tron--11nrsita-st-t4-
11. 4.httpiter 129, that all `
creditors and others having claims
Against the estate of the ' said
thei, '2•Is--1-4.7"f3r-o1-71&1.e..0 1MOt,-
_Ara -ieUiz'at on or beifore thes
:rsir prepaid- °or deriver ----
essrs, Gletiman Stanppry -
ot tho Vittage -yet Exeter, faCei
lleitors for the Execu.tore of thia
said deceased, their ohristIon and sure
names. addresses and rtiesorietione.
,t -he .full particulars of their claimu
the etatoment of their account s an,/
• Ye.44. van depend upon the quality. We pay for the best and get
it, and it W1U pay you to get the same, Costs nomore than the
unreliable. • . •
• 01 -SS
In the matter of the r.trtate 01 John
• DoWti, late ofthe of Exe-
ter, in the County. of Iluron,
Gentlernan, •.sitz:cea$tia•
Notice le herchystsertnortelsot '"1143 Re.
vlsed StatutosOf vatarto,s.. 1S01 Cita ter 120
, A
Mr. .J. W. Ilegarth. teacher of. S.
•.$.i. Not 4, Usborne, bas tendiared
resignattion to the truiten board to
take effect in midesommer holidays
eilr; ellogarth` intends ovine ues. in
•essrs:e. au- -‘44-11•,.,-,.
are repregenting the 'Ontario ani
miobigan heirs. of a large estate in.
Scotland, hdve ibis week - sucoeeded.
In getting n' Partial se,ttlemetit4
which runs up into large figures.
7---Corttparry --i="13rti 1.intott itegim '.
We 114,via these- famous
glagses in a1 sizes• .
Eyes este. d Free.
DA number of New.
Browns, NVOod coI
ors and Elephant .
Grey Suiting s just
. ,
The correct thing /
fat the spring sea.'
• • Atercliant
T C)14T.Alt,
• tt Atilt TOR iii mm
0100111I1P1 VOA ISE OMSK.
; tiuntoottiaz „van Ts am
110 Plutise7B
•-Cheih• Ist•and Optic -fin.
'rite death of W. 11,. Cook ,nt the
.roqdr1043 Of Mr. Wni. litawilen, on
gatUrtby IOC removed a. youngmait
of promising ,buolness tie
wdo the atm of 4.110.1aic atrs.-
tlawelt.'„nt ttind Adont taak.. bodlOckitr
•ago. coconut of 1i1 t4itiog hcalLh
.ivo :went Ivtst 444 _ocouliltd
of Clinton, and with his mother carat
to Tetii.410 tEViter Over twentY 'ears
mitiOtis in !fugitives in. Witiropeg ttni
otbcrfwestern ,Ite tarried on
fl busints4, 1n. lieitsall for soitte....:tinve
rider ctlie name of. litiwdert k„
but tweot west again to *5 Oltaime
grin valley for bis health. Wet
Y011fig ettin of ^ Stniable,
11114 elwee atways. fatermted •in tbe
Young Men's Soeitifs in the idifferea
plaits 'wliere Ire resided.; laving 1140.
edi kb form tlia first Young Wen
rub lin Winnipeg in ernmeetion "tWittt
lit. 'Andrew's PreshyteTfan Church.
fttetliltal look plate tto the tErftet
cernetry 5forulay ond ,was .ttt.
tAittlfed by the
thrti Tliater, tit'oetitt
meraber of that order.
Mr. and Mrs''.'iNtre.
i'Siarit, 'Mitchell of London. It
Visiting ter father.; Vt. P. IlOwelifte.
4.51ir.; taier,
er Idatives• lyt,ttlortteit,
laktetwe le% ,•.
of '11enial Wint,
gust of to iibittr, No*. ft 441*
0"):3'rieri Over ilunifal, ,
444,1tenteriiiiitt 11.0 Aurtittfti
ststty,oa.114,,Ilettititt Zitctatt* on rd.
4Orktt, glat# •
10,. .
. --The sports committee in (+ergo
thtrVietoria D.iy cetertration -took
..-;Mra. 1). liraUnd and Mrs. Jai. a fishing trip to t'be. Bend VridaY
Jats-3-visi-their Kiefer, e?tre' 0. last dnd took along with them Rev-,
liorees, ef 'Goa rich-, -for „a 441 -tit days;« .714m
nebars a
t srt n
a o.
club. itoirbose 'who did not belong ko
the club were duly' initiated (diet,
which the 'time wus put in fishing
off Abe doek. A IltilTirr .0(
or rxo(I1I1L otete- --tift.ttr"-VXRtlaccit.
frionen. Aittlyougb there IV.VO, thir-
teenin the parity and the Abil Frldai
not one had ito• mitiortune, possi-
-hly beeause noire cared to 'take tarty
last week. .
-Mrs.. J. W. IIod.gins and dough.
of: St; Thomas vistted-• tit the.
turner •of--41obt,
at Week
cheson ias tat t e ewer
floor of the hotel 'covered 'with lin-
oletito, greatly adding to ..the appear-
ance of the prentisos.
r r-lebantes-AvIttit a boat on account of.
• Orday' frotn a visit' to iluf (410.18be
was- eactinneert • thy, choppy conditien of the water.
daughter and ..•reetner. e •
Mr' 'Wm. ,Ilailtlimr,aseite. itt Oodericit
bitration-e beard in totioitetitin
the lal_rottlott of 0.11.1t...lantist
- Dr. ttr1dt-)M4S. Ilriglit had-tr 'vane
row escape fient, strious britiry in
nay -township loot Saturday 6Vettittg
The-wi'- the coutt. -
try to visit one of tlie-rgoefirrar pit",
Jants‘-w ten they !net a than driving
It :.teriii.rt2r.,,,ICII.1.:11!..tio.411,-;.isrfli jtetletti.4..ftai.i
.txl.treot Ed-, a motor eY011. Att.% liriglit 'motioned -
tit -vett '''''..,-,e,...vtiti '-'t-....4ulAtti' . te ming lo stop ;his naohine, Ity
i .. -to
flold!s inether iir 'Oederielt. ,
--The nate of Ed. ./..-Eaereit is -p.
uears in 14 bit Of succeissful, ihattw,
dlitateS 0110 *rate nt• the .re tt
,ro.routo ,Atedicat conegt ex un .".11' !Iis bold •on ibe lines bows
Pr. A. lt, itinsanto. Who seas Op& -.11111434ed 1474°1; the horse under ocn.
'5_, -t:: :„brokett and the animal ' tAltadly
a; ti.d"thatts Woe:.
°erttrrIt4"111:dt'lliA'llirielti:cecorlitistaaPitFltli.tgd"61teeitrFit'dayLa. f:;:- ...t.diraelii."tt::::4:11'*11-b°3..1.4t
,,. ....Mrs. John Wlitib return:ad Tom. t'intitzova'.71ilterltito'‘tyl*V41644.0i!14'arr4:fi 44°itlii
day from,' a VisEt in St; t!,d.arys. Sire
:was oxtail -Ionia eby---,lities-----Mleint $1". 1°1111 4!"14).°•.611-
1- 4, , .. i
Graham, 'who will visit Tor a tini5. tile. twalt. iltiittd in, martraz to wit%
-Mr. E. ' . tight:horn, of 117orontel. joe Mertielelt of Shake4.8.Peat*. TIt6
lfc'lletitiir os-- teller., at i1i1,- /Bank ,ot . thttro/inorly ,.14ra**-nrfornita . kV itvt itt.
:Commerce bert.'„ ilatring ilia obsenoe 11. 4Going. .1,40irlptly ot :1Z ' O'clock
• of di. IT. .Antloarsort, wbo is' taking his tile bildu It,iftereti. tile patter -to illre
T, vaeatien. • . - ' strains of Otte wading - march pl'Ared
. -Ur. ir. IlaWdtti '. of Ilidgetowit, 14,3, !Miss Nitta, ititiarnalt, tfittl took her
formerly of 'Exetter.';110 beklliteleeted olase titeler art are,h• prettily 14940011.
at WO 0.t -the Centidttatt bowling te'4-tite .49110!‘iltli,410.1i.ieit* 410 T Ala* ita* loNtika ,
, mach 404,170/ ot,ii: .u,iezk to tour (tit, , fitut), govirA in cream tilillatd.' I' rili4f,
13riiiSli tsles. ' . i arried a bouVist Of ltridel 1,0*•11.. , ,
• Iti'8‘ W'''-''' 1311g:1411 d'' -*;iif I4*-ri4alt :filiiTil. -wasli71"411YIgt* ',:lirtristf,"-
„,ite., t et fent days in terwit atoliding - uted lit tiou' tirattlkly 414 va!tiaa u
• titl:...,r4_111.0.1r.31!,..o!Xt l'rt_:!,•11..„,.11,e1;'''''tvlAt'rt gLiliitIcAttli$4':!1__.7...-,.!}°. n, 4.."41,i'..,,,t,,,,'1)18,'",..,-tels_iwiI.E1'1141.;'. 'tIttrool.,
. ,......_
iikovi6iti"” • r ',lot,' •Istodkrr 'of -the 'britleg-iifiW
.,, l'ilso),.411nle: rraylOr mils tq,_rilero , tlit etreintuty %vas performed and ' lisr,
tar n.:kittbeti slitit•ar by ter ,youtig, .toillta,tniations, and good ,tWisheil.
:lad* frietidt- Oft Ilitttredal Of. ISO. 'were ,iaffered,'-ii,didoiy vedeli ' , 4tlitt;.'
' nteok at. tit‘,. liOrot of :Aro nni UN!? tar 'was served in tito ,illning.ro0 #
-Nei** ICe-itItv,t- - , ,. : "the groom/IO -gift -to-tite-bridtS. Wait,
-*414V eta titra. Andrwtv ttlibootii.. tit ' 4 `1114/111143 /1"li14° rt: Witit *4t1t*
.TtlittOt 1119114. -441)(1 grit. 1310101111C0el' ;141, 111},r,,,Littr.gotingli.trt!pc3L t:itLit! '
titek vil tte nititt mitt itttitiod" 5fort, , pni isi.-;44/46.1„4-0,4,tor /two. tuit *lit :
•_.J.111')V "from it AwtktS *kit vOti,th.- ..so.pitiree../itAi:IVIOLIAlk.141i,J4-#:
' .'ilv- 4 Y,--".- '-- '.' '' - - '''''''""-**''ttfitreilitS: rattorat'wert ' -• rats* *
. , n n.
:. 4** ,..j..2 ' ret i it tantertin, of jitdrAti....c0411fy itn4 testify to itt, lilgh retro",
bar 4iStifilittit6a,y, -Slid the Arch, lir. liCoatick thtl 1'4443 to •ft.fild.*: V.I. god
',Curdy 4,sirm,, lOtjle ten. ti lisbilognefiii‘rit., Itaititvisli lett. St the, to Mr. INtr,;-ilriii.-'5'fiesteeitt ,ter•it gikod; 'trot* osiot villf. /mkt.* trip itO,
ligiare. Advertbie your 'Urns lit. flitia. lidtf*,, sitter is, thith. .11.,,, wilt toot& !
Two ttltit .billAtt* 7.11,..V4iwoolt look io tottikitmloior,. Ito litnitit itilittit, ilt
' Patten -6 AWN' lila-1o* too *um to, *titling thorn britiotoi. stvi,prokist;.
tt. A twitoott. .‘ , . .- lir Autotio 'itite. - , .
railed To IrOvesiggit_Tio.
steppe*. Jorge, Veit
'tea to kick. Mrs. 'Bright got. o
the vehicle in safety but
landed Arm elioUlder. 110 •
Lodge No. 133, A.F. A.M. twill at-
tend divine k.,.4rvice in lames street
church n-eXt SundaY afternoon. when
Rev. A.11. Going; will preach.
-The funeral of the late Roy
Wood. nephew of nessre. Woody •01
Exeter who was drowned at Port
Saturda June‘ 0th, Pwas
7 n critoon as iwtue
from the residance of hi's parents.
Ide. and Mrs,. W. 11.. Wood; 1:60 Cl.
hot street, an'd MI6 largely attended,
Impressive services were conducted
at the house by James
stone,,, who-made---feeting oefcren
was' h „id by I w o no.
Among .the many beautiful floral of.
ferings was one from a number of
tbe iiroung /nen of Fort William,
whleh "was acceninaltied by a letter
of condialenee to Mrs. Wood. Saver.
atreld-aves front -Exeter- atle, tided- the
funlral. • a
The neinual_ reoplisr Picnic -bell
in (Win. li'.','ernick's ,,eirove on Friday
attendance. Sports of all kind w
"-fitiriiettr on arid the now- ----mem
watchetb with much 'ititere.,.*i., .te,he
follow • '
lete,_•wirtners..e. tereN-etinder.aix
Yireflyrs31-‘ riGac.e4MuenFtallsiris'*9
V. 'Perkins: 'Girls, race untl•Qtr itin4
1-.--Foed; Visixer 'nays' loud
11-7,irears, SaittliTeett1211._priln
- ."1..e.tel-estelytedetse-SS.
11. Ilissett: ,Iloysr race uuder 10, 31.
Dayrnitn, Soutiteotre Arty** ratA.
tittfeer 21, It ,Startin, E. WeAcoft
Girls` taco, over 21 end ntidere
lsdlas liephurn. l‘tiss ThreS
legged race, 11. icestie and, % 'War,
Needle Taut. A. ken ha ie and •1. rrAstriv`-
‘1. tvstoott duct glepburns
Shoe race, .E. fgaritin.
--A °flit:lotion:try Storm Period in
t'9j11 .11 GTI the 221.1d, 23tql•nniti 11'4•t11.
ntoen, is ot fast e,eutirter ititgif Olt
evivst.Lti ott Jist'„
tut tlimyq. farts evill cause
tendency to .leetricarTslortne.
the beginning of this ' #1.11te
‘tente, or twilling point, .of manitittr
solstice is 'eolticitictit. with this .ttatrte
iotiary period.. The Saturn pestio(1 IS
hilll in active foto, and t),o Jttpiter.
Urtiod will lend its depa ting
LI ne 110.nce may ren.settablY,
'look far a period of rtlmormal
rite, activity,' coveriog nod :text to
'the 210itittPotl, 23rd, attd Slth. -Soae.
ot the.' gretitiee'it; Joust • oalloratu
of , w t ..eper occuz.ilit
eette, at the Crisis of' ilia' Juire
Aite: stititet :tie! teglight
coniu•on,:groat lAttiks of bitC1 and
tihtck. it il'brdAoy. ,6 tk. tit'Ott,s;
,elvee at ell points around ilii?
liorkolt, attar change after elmitgeti,
fletsli after Of leeivildt4ing
ttstetrital riYrotecttstict illnitzioatC• tits`,
$01S1101 •oxbit)tlons. •ftror,.. granl and
awi-finspirlog, it eifonla • .bee • etld,,is.
Steed. CS ecmilly by ..rorr4)tts
ireotte... -that tbry4 'att eo•
obAbIlltCtY 'Iltartnitsm. isot.
only 14 artntess,blit betit ficeot.
rf at I !!nifir!±,.. fruti I tIr.p. I.T2!14.14 of
that sit creditors and others fiavin 414114
• holt the estate of the satd John ,Deurnt who
a red ou or before ,the etith day .ef J000
'AO end by poet preps d or oetiy_e_r to
own* ladountep litanbury at the voiato
of IsIxettir' Solleltors' the Sxooutora
Of the said. detseased their thristiart and
riglitrattlitiligirttfirt‘enl‘ntilgtttittgns "anti:
their PieePurltkerd. the Itaterevt.tlitteturities,
or'setet facie hir them, .and further tako none
thatattersSubli lest Mentioned dat: the sald
• '
Of the •among 6-1* Oa Tr.
thereto,havipte regard only to the elaints of
willet he AMU then luVre notiewind that the *ad
Executers Will not he liable for the said sseeto
or any pot therg to Any person or versOna gt
?whole claim nnt shalt not have heed reociv
•cd by him at the titetunt fun/ distribution.
Dstee at Fixeter thelOthdey of June. 1908.
-4.FM2EN' .
la( rs
the •nature of the seeunttes, if ttos
held by thane, And firrther take
notice that after euch. last mentioned
date the Said Executors Is
•ceased among the parties entitled
t t vin r ard only to td,A1
. of which they shall then box*
notice tazd- that the soid 13200olttutrat,
• will .:-uot be liable for isaid tissette
-44-n-Y part -thereof to any ,pereots •
at 6 1110-0 altati t ti Ofl
Policiters for said executore.
Dat.ed at /Exeter title Illth idaY of
• . „1908.'
or persone of whose claim • notioo
shall not have been received by thens
' .•1 rQry Yr
That beautiful 200 acre farm situ.
elect .leas than on milo:North 61
Exeter en. st&t-rahdin Itoad, Wci4
Nos. 4 4(9(1'51' lift cow. Ilsberno., On
'tifot76-ftr-iiriir, 1400 n4W-brok--
-house. with -every convenience, large
flat-clentsl-ceeadition.. These:farms
can be - together or separate
For further iinformation apply to
Mr. J. MOW. 4oit ) )
4 Atictioka.
wraki. Zumarrom-. Quwrr
11110341 to sell by pubire ;motion on
loot'Conceosion 14, •
'ONsiar numliwr •
- ON - - -•
ivia Chleago and. lit. Pint and the '
_vacs to Princlimlpoints in Manitoba,. .
'Alberta, and- fitilkateheWitaf are 11 -OW' the game via this route as formerl
Between all tions in Canada, also ,
to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., )
.nbrinaftwatc:!)111,1acy.k._ Eyck and Suspension
- - .rath. antt Xi* 1 st
t • • .
Return. cm hursday y8 u . •
For tiekets and full information call
=GEM Depot Agent,
ViYAZ-J1;NO 301,1t.- -100S. �r -Wrifie---4. D. -MCDONALD, eljakni
At o'clock non., sharp the Col- ' Depot. Toronto. Ont•
towit4- ti a tinely.i- 1 ble tate it 'too *Ilurng-1
loixottrytet.,. loryortictrae,lgtinthin, nteaanrkly.
with Iow
.donittlinitit And 410347...n0r; on lank
separator 130 foot carriers, natty netv
1‘20 foot belt. nearly nee: one 75,
b1t: ort Elmira Cnttin- bo
triih 4arriers: one ,/oliet grinder: 1.
iroultir.,ssom `„,:olso-ontvtitrattordt-ina
riY1Spread-zr. warty new Ow, math-
intry ls all in firSt Pivorking for. -
(tit alid inxist• pSsitively be Maid tia
liqrtfil\iprietOr 111V1 Aold farm 'nod
l'°(.1 01P. '
4pritoreAt Joint noteo.',or ollot
count of 5 per tent.. por_ annum off
for VlSit. Ottf.,,-ltait, tlict initelmirS
ition.fty tufty reriaire IZ soontiA long.
r plyity* 0 per clti
mr •)101 -Ernes,
EL -months credit on furnish. haveiU .0Iittc;:eantaitsins4t.hae,giattiti,t;.it4litit,tctes"izttat:
tickle the.pnlate. You Must
arvey ars
. Auctianter
r ohm'. Pitt.
. 14‘,114 FOR ,iM'f.8
Twit.: eheien Arra ,witig., odium,4.,,
at 110t, It.7.0. "in Con.4, -I Arshoriult,Oor
lai ring. 1041 ittbEre,i ed. drtai 'Z tir4rod:
-...1411'---.1•46-t411-11,4id, w.00d s1 'G9o1
' ,
1114. iklgitgill'jl:t;§,;(11°4illtllt"1110tliliil10;::§lil!tiit;'74:1ij":4!!C!:
; 114bontliott. slaiittokroltihadriitittjaorta;‘ e..2,....:•v .0,,,tit tuitinitilsk*ilia. Tushinlit, rising '
,,i' ,IA,44,0tnt41414„t.-„,04494.4.74i,,,,,., ,. , '. - - - ,-,y,Agilitvitivitivitivr•---7-,-;:air••,,,L_
..ta terms -1'ofaYntent; 'XIIiit tigi: ,iiike-t., ,Thii;t14, Iiii.."'iozaliteita 0. •tit; it& .. . .
I - iving.,46 holmi. ot proolietor: vAeinrio-1.:41itritilioill
. q.0.1.1N 'N., ttionzus. POP, 4004 sit000taitt$4, ;„:140-tidte,,,, 4).torttot
CAMtiatON Aner - . ' Orme and' Pai Illettl=tlite,t.tc:014": ',inittor,1174. 00,240.16wde. 1,rottolit4. 044. Jer:
ZtZlirrirfritight Al;:, lard ,11, l'!, : ''Iti;Iiri,g' 4.41111trif41 ' ”tillih. ;tc.*-nr;:ff-".
itautr..- . ,.,, . .,,,,,
, f‘,.., , , -trisliers,,. 4441,olliers l'who .sn'tht- tint. ..
let ;:ttmiloontso ititta 1011. ivlit 'itili ..
rikiattibl'tlg•ti li.II 4 ti"1,0.0441:!-tit'll.k*oLt'1144(e.`ei '41tIlie5?k7.611.;kittitt:A,e04111r414:111r11 l'brotta*-PIVII'' . ' '
witsi, lerrottiva•-•,gots of ...Alm; wt.. ' VA tlistice soedoil,* w4, oleo ,ouc . -
.xlitit' owl; remfort 'ilf; bOtaln-., itni.,:iltirt', ' be' 414Out' tifillitt'r 141001,11f.: it . '.
nint*U4",vJgotable. lite. • rhst it -;:. -, - - .., -. rondots toutd sle' iiV•torrect.
- *Ct.* 1Illf., 464,410; Stia.41400111 ,c At " -Ire .%Or 14E4 - 04711111*-•itrOlet9t „
i ' 4',40.14Uttil - 4it101141104tait' . . S,,r ..rtAligt, Of running rin:‘,.1t *USW
.. relioltiO 'attrarrthgr ,ittotre,. ,.. ' In• '.1' tnt.,,,thltrufer ottOrrait.-intr"s0.09.
'Atikor tiv,,•, litit.., bisiti 'twitioring '','It'l-ftriilog. *you Is laPre ltPv-,,
lotto.ty in itto trzt‘ 40.04rolibery.H .,t,, :itt:4, , ,, ', ..
..4.........„..1'..,:- ,,,,,,•,,,,,,.,........„-÷...
snakes delicious bread. Try it nod her
litsnuractured by s
, $.=gree:
Lr .•