HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-18, Page 6y to it* 10%4rop from thi
vtAt0a Joethe *Omit *it t
1444 it kot of kilter;
ti*tt its 1.49, dt4P
ShiieWS al$ thsy
J •
.11444. inrej,st wets w mineet1I
teet Itt4 ernAlehlth Airesta heEm 1!4Jh
* lezin
. , -bAttron ,.4 P 'of ,7,Cit her '3,1s
-artiovedged: . --or ow,- , " 1..itoni*ch, bit
-: -. - UN to qettto tt f Petite -it "Yelil
'data Ore what. happens 41 fr you sWals
h ten at eacit*side, fer/nin
lapet, which is linis '
icc buckles, are tar wort,' cogent, ,1- hetet „la\ _ 45tes re
T '46 'WEt494'' TO;c1IW iitiffetti4000
/A: young girl wears ell the yoelliftil Juolgestion• =ex. -19, To give Your tien. With Such persons disorder/ \
ipsilioie a 1, gray , sYstent; 46 much OA -r04 blood the stomach ensue from the ost tervi-e
• work in_a healthy and viforous way. oonintentio4 as. mild and .sure.
A Mag jjeIa is o foe with'
svhich men, are ceomstaittlY .gra pling
*- ow .
. .. - . . ...,
olennech with toblets:andseyrup.s .
to alit, apparanees ltiS. , net.
Oa your 1:4304 'kor YO;a.--It .you;don'l car # Infat. -4 HS appearan •iereother dirto-
' on yea ritiri °year *SY:40n .alt- ,,tj,pn.. ie. many t stive..'apperat
- 'Yeitt'callIttralanithtla544, . .,,,, ..Wifillelleate' - isisriv,I.,:,t .
Ik , a y* • ‘011--,it,-X11041e1K1.10...t ‘9.5e.S....,,,walcitAr.-.0101.1)11e'irtetathiot lent.e.,nt hi; Nihtbli.'
'141.3 oral berthes wh.'..eh are So fashion,- strength "enntlgh to -475-nrer- iesse
wilak..,.44-401-.Dr. -NV.* mum Pink Pills 4
' pted' frequentlyein GUM twhgcstIon.--theY aetnaltY
nnk.• 11 HIS. -
clothes. The, sloshed et:„.feeete noW birtod. Here is the proof. afe.
fleet nly. one 'id a Great
'Aulithetot high,' rade read
f ety- troifo V*1
And 1. ught thfttAhis. *0014
Ott,' 044 1.1141k zo;ottilc t
bleabout. it be that a WW1
*etch an 'outer..PrOrz,.,,e%::r4 around
watehei, an4 ant atistd that wonld,
be, a.. fatal Objection:. the boys wou t,
' 7,146i4;4144,iitVgirli!zitpx'strik.'
"You -went *
MAO, of sigh with n us*
regular 011$41 a serka of sprin s (Mt°
.ucc,p_Lapeitta.,5tic Teoines, say$1,; Humus dkaYing vegetable mat.
ned by 'white braid. s41 -64t 4" Po ago l'aPalWitrtmal% -414°1
'* '11--
Blaek and White is still rethensely po- generAUY' wreeRed..' stomach -Nits L .14 -the slorebouse 1:4
h and,
plant fee
tiler, but. It pile. w'shes to be "In grand °1"13 State 0t.nanoea. 1110 $1gbt or a111;t4t''MVerisive'Aud-lhe--10°st Ilecesseq:
Igo"' or.e. must 'get' the •weite ona. oat,. of any kind of feed often turned, 'Thy 3
all ds,
r n Or copper.pleid skirt, with, the out- stomach and I would arise front the organis
. it' olltains the food upon which the
,larket of solid chaudron. tehle without Idet-Ing. Doctors advised sell ms We, W110$0 .functioniS,
to convert organicenitrogen into nitrates,
rtunately neither harmony n took with-
ast appears to be a ree""i7 MO* ent benefit. Finally .1 became So Tun -Ai:oiler-4o beavailabl
-- e,-for-tlie-rtise-ei -
__1......t....L..# 1,,,,,,,,,... (O% 11 that f had to quit work. Ear plants. it Materially asta in dotcom.
ut,_„,31104-41,1iczt±tittic,„1„____ ;pi_.3sing„-thet--nwIneraLconatituents' of the
prove I became mut.. disco . aged. Then Wilts* _
1; 4
iii_ii-iiiiiiii styles were launchellit ttend-lea_ine be - tho Liar. Wil- 4. n thereisea 1b power Who -soft -
i hams' fink Pills would he p. me, and i _ --wstel7"withont-hecommt4-water-
micelle ot February, ceiese and kin.
began their use. In three welts time I, toped. -
.., ' saildea were leaders. Now the col- was 'so improved that I went back to : a. It makes clay soil more, open and
lila green. The latter is a brazen h• rny W, blat 1 obntirmod using the, friable. li serves to compact sandy. soil
OrS me* aatight see ehaudron and ern -
no ot given, less vivid than emerald, Pim- mita I hod taken twelve boxes. and Merease its' dmith-resisting power.
et with more Charaete,r than olive. and now my stomach is strong, awl, i ..6, lt prevents washing to a great ex-
Suppots'mg a witialcorit is decided upon 6,111 rea y 0 g th t* e„, a tent; thereby diminishing the toes of ter.
.. 7. Spit filled with humus more readily
, 0Onsider erriletoitiewrne whiett has attilgliedi.tirt and liviti:1"be. sum— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ;admits the etr so OleeesSary to alt. useful
velvet ,or eve.n by brocaded silk. .
thet might well 11 a match, to the vest.
The airtearTle. eerninvv‘onr ailments as aanaemia, with 8. T ere to be a distinct' re.
bowl in ow shap,s. a dashing at '3/44111rihreiilirAir,R1510M'buteri c
-available 'ter dila-4
eolorta would seoww:r. 414: detired !ea- wont on inVI ray condition dal- t irn. Tneldng
r the rtexto tutt, it to well to day, and life now really sef.ms uvrth thitY bY that cause.
!.ationslaplietween the amount of -humus
ter the cretonne covered newels the alti its headaches and backache's, rheu.
matism, neuralgia , St. Vitus dame, par -in the' s*I1
, . arid the amount ot available
It ha been observed
riteenent are extremely pretty., Hal paralysis ai.id the secret ailrnen s
Solnettineo in th2 dress the Pfrom which frowhich women and young girls sag. that when it is absent from the there
*Met 4s Imre emphasized b thes-atve , • e t •ilia from
is. a di ti ct reduction of the ability of
e. trent whic s coat nous. .nany
medicine dealer or by mail at 50
waist and. rt.' Ties dress le.allttable sente_e„. joe_or 'six boxes or $2.50 n
lehke for t1la 0 sillis• su-c11 as-Wl'4 1 all the Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Bt. '-
isurah foul , printed crepe da chit*. vffle, Ont. •
ejninNOWeredthe printed and Lorelei" -
• ttee in order to obtain the best evils we
than ihe- use of concentrated fertilizers. ,
lawn gingham, and linens.
(loaf tchowii- 7 -r
these, sncltasarTongue,-
Vienna 'Sausage, Pickles,
'0 5, 'etc:, and 'sect Iow
they are
*or rs and so a
wharwe Went' "wa ae Shari
Oetwardly liae an other watch," but
Iteer-lbrevairOte-t •
--.44Antl. 'deal 4.aa. think you ece 80(11°.'
thing in, thie? Don't you.
there are millions of fathers now even
baying for their boys . from $44,ir to
Viva %vetches a ear who would arta ,
rerly-snapi4at--areltanceete w-
hat wouldn't break when dropped?
"I tell yelt that there's inoneyeevait
that Invents a bEiriiitabfelfiliblerartirdir
AR hell havii. to de will be to put the
• A SM.:4V' 13 rinEsentyrtoN,
For Rheumatism, rnd all 'Kidney, Liver.
Bladderaand Urinary Affections.
An exideent physician informs. us that
he has used the following prescription
In 1Ils pradtiee for a number of years
'MiTrIh1rTho ie
slipped the engagement ring on her
Anger, have, you told your mother about
"0, you Innocenti" exclaimed WS,
Millie. "Why, Clarence, mamma knew
i months before ou
- . - yaieteteletaed, this OLD-FASHIONED KIND.
son 01 by shin) c y as 7n, in
Simple bis plan,
weinErt are learning more and mor;/
that.gzeened-lhey must
be drelsed with infinite care as to what
elluer personality. To this end the
rent features of different Periods have
been, adopted, but so modified. that the
'.'rprillt is harmonious.
g -or -lingerie-11w -chief
mule to be avoided is the streaking of
germent-=_ When the _method used
-le that of die& -'.g the material in coffee,
-tO.,should be taken to thor3ughly we
-rmnt keforo pulting it -1n tFicdye.
Wrlrn2 toffee should be 11E04 -. and it is
referable that/the prevlous water bath
*Mid -te. of:ibe Mune ,temperature.
- iset
tat ••1"
iety,oitylets thLe spring
qutte 44W -re ,thlrt build and try -
Ing to JA1111* honors ',with- tEe standby
Olen. Thole are the typos of shirts tfl
*,1f, -4h 11111,(01 the 'talloredt snit4 A
serge, for instance, iitlight havO a shirt
.4t b1u, and white stepeclo, lition„.,or navy
•- Mantling..
bleiOtaw alike is a levy worked lozenge
spct In- fax -thread, th- uliquiteus-Alle"
ig ?lite ty. -ea .
• With -and desire in
the wer:d to entota'sgeecanomie41 spirit
tet sr nuking -a sum** of thee vostS,
ititrog ihoUgh- Wei be. 4,4,t-trz:rwthe
Itriultitudietia oddments that go to their
joontioottion, .they require to be so at.
eitirkteTikillted-and'Imilt That; they a -re
.* hest frt. thetnoliait. • • •
t tie isIs-for-snialirgir14,--00- more
fztdnat2ng than dWett: ith!'s •SeasOn, ',sand
Plain at ,a glance.
Pays; what he owes;
Nothing he knows
• ()f high finance.
To put away ,
- -Somethiret eizeh-day-.
Is his design.
Getting rich qulek •
Not in his line.
Old, fashioned man!
Head of a- elan;
Happy his life.
• Have you tried a 'package of "THE
NEW FOOD"? It is mode of the Choie.
m-cookeet and
flaked. -No k • en can
consumipben. In order to introduce.
11111{ NEW MOD",
4 prize .has been plaoed in every packo
age. Aaready THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards
cattalo for LADIES' 0_01'..01 W,ATPHES,
have- been- redeemed, _and SEVEN1Y.
treatmerit of.) kidney, liver,, bin • der -and
ail, urinary affections, and is unsurpass-
ed. for the cure of rheumatism, 'driving.
ins uric acid entirely from the syeem.
Ho claims that. a very few doses will
relieve the most severe pains in the
isin . from disordered kidneys
!teeny cases of heert tie-0100re °Doted 'Bich a oandit14u of the evemach
by reflex disturbances. also te produce headachei of the
Derangerrienta of the stomach arid worit sort. '
• sweet spiritsiof nitre, One dzinnee of -com-
pound vimesa and four Minces of syrup
of rhubarb,. taken in dessertespoontut
doses. in water, after meals and at bcd-
e• 'these in 4iift_nts are harmless
'0 0'1 '.1a air • 4
' Catarrh of the thomach Is a very re.
quoit cause of• eympathette heart des.
Palpitation, 'Shortness of breath and
bloatinrafter meths are the:truest prom*.
tar Palma larue, Manu acturine 43ompany,-Ce iambus, .Qhle, US.A.
110403, 104d. tO 'cure.
It is theeftect which Perim* has upon
the lateinaeh, healing the mucous mem.
bronao and retitering the, natural twice
ttkes of the stoma , thet causes Perim*
* •
She. (In evening costunies)-"1s not m
dress becoming, dear?"
symptozn ihat indidritm any. 01 the
tel pass without prompt attention. The
little--afirnent-may.--soon-becon' ^
, p&-..--irift-two
It 13aby4S,:Own. Tablets are kept
in the house minor troubles can, be
promptly cured and serious ailments
-thus everted. AnX 11ierTabletireall
tatnit„ sefely to,the-, new
born babe, or. the Well grown
Nitta, 11. 'Oetidront Clue"
"-Says-se-41 have--114-11aWs..-Owir Vatie
lets and litiVe found Mein in every.,wriy
satisfactory* 1' siwit'ys f01sate-when I
1104 them 'et band; S -co- by ittetito:ne:
dealmt ,by inait et; tie a, box from.
siirpo4$04' km- -It hide tkii4labdrol
ntr1:vgeat At Uz
*14 44satte.0;:r:o
FIVE Red Cards. Each ono of t11•3:7411
Teacher -"1f a vehicle with two wheels
a bicycle, and one with three wheels
trieyele, what iteone wiih-one wheel?"
tends has been found in a package cif Scholar - A wheelbarrow"
• "NEW FOOD:" - It is the Farmer's Friend. -The farm.
- --The-Red-0 ardo- ender- the er will Bed in Dr, Thomas"_!..ciectric
theirifir7or1WTeartale a--potente-remedy--.1or
..ttay,grVekie Watch; -
The Chin eSo do not . hang, criminals,
even Wl-eiciti) revenge, • In
the. ornate Mounter' districts the people
burn the___riablKta. Th tt .Pass.es ere
watetiid7aTfei—. a eabbeilirS11.
or sits iciousi eharcier, s are or:este&
4 ie a thei
pains the body -or -for -affections.*
"Our Pride. Gold 'Nat reuritain Pen. the reSpiratory cirgtms and for !same.
areatieGeverr-Ductose lie_ vvill.alto_lind
• Table °over, One Yard Square,
• B y Geld. ,
Sid board Covers; Two Yards Long,
'Open Salt Cellars, Cut- ()taws, Sterling
paver Top. ••
yellow oil beans, then. thtt,eulprit, end
wrt burn WM alive. The yellow beans
tonal the bones to incinerate. The
tiauct,_and_ tioLbysttiflOr* baVo e hall.'
tto. A Chinese' mi1ary oftaI rice
as04 the peopl to release one of three
er--loi-,toriure him,
ani tet the Titilleg of his eentederates;
kut tte poople declined, sayhig_ the
bitrearig was better ithan decapitation.
View burned Ode morning, and
trity paid ..;•'..e.,1')ijt111416Ge°• refun. dol. where
go toile, when aPplied as directed,
ve pain. Specially reownmended
Ncuralgia, Headache, trheurnatism,
Atarrhal Colds, eft. For Ante tko
t all druggists orl.yinan, Knox
whole.sele dniggisiS, so.
.Tiferox-"Whati You want to
eilgaged lo that Measly little
es1 '0.411y, be isn't a bit of Use,"
Titerox-"Wity, papa, he is
Best:Make. • •
fsle•Ok Chains, 14k Cold-Alled,, Place fat,
Ladie&' ••114elc CO-WrorkileOighCIL
tgattt BOVA, rites -
Slinek..,R7414. 10if Gold, Placa for rwo
• •
A new 1,4A of .prios havo botir
in the -packages.---- -
Your; gtorrr tor tt Package ot
' "TUE nw FOOD."
kindred ailments to_ which -they are eu
ject. •
"Why do you say tbat Erown is eI-
'neenuse he alwaya wants the things
that 1 IA int myself."
-GMAT ITELihr. - -
other day, when Mr. Avery mar.
r ,inaltra7sull+ditoe-headed4.
:report of .the cereinony "Avery -Small
'4Ve41d1ng,!' b 1 the' compositar knew bete
tip,ffA"-very Snialt Wed.
not some of it rather late?
Is Highly recommended as affording in-
stant relief from pain -Neuralgia, Head.
ache, Gout, • Rheumatism, Catarrhal
ColdS. Sample, 50 cents., All druggists
or 1.yinurrilros. -Ca:, wholesale drug.
gi.sts, Toronto.
--Student "Soinething Te prey.,Tn` g in
-rnind°." • -
Professor ----"It must be very htiligrye
Three hundred tunesheto
ter than stlehy psper.
13024 brial DrUS11$11411114 -GenertaStOrea-
/ and -by mail
LOY OLD', ,t$02071. out esittintfte
will not li er wrocast•rtrostabrat lout warittols
'oars • .
Will afford Instant relief from pain
'caused by Neuralgia, -Headaches, -Gout,
ithetimati.sin, Catarrhal COlds. Sample
50 cents. Alt. illrugg1st4 or National
Drug s Co., Landon.
Sometimes a- woman after paying - $20
fo. a -hat- tells her fticnds it oast 830, an
her huii-Ejira pikt itedst $1e,
Corns teute intolerable pain. ;Hollo-
way's .Corn Cure rernoyes (he ,troubte.
Try ik tna me what amount, of mis
Lady (engaging coolt-Mhy did you
EtVe 01014161,
1rldif4 Mt -1 —onq-,,,-'4Whoi, _mum, he
tntatress said she tudn3 tui %About me.
so Oi 44=0 to ihnsonAttsioh- that. 01 was
re- thin -oho was.,glyixt
In Abyssinia, the 'house and; its con.
entitelong-tet-4113-wite.— 1 ..
Among -the, IndiaR 4onds- -a -bride- la
arried on her brotherdn-low% "ha* to
the- home -of-her Iriends24.and-
to weep. with each. of them, wilitS they
give her small pretents of ntoney. When
1 0 Mein i • • •
a the bridegr hew the brid
hides in anoth4r Ihouo, and calls "Cool"
and the • bridogroorn's broth2r-in-1itw
scarabs tor her. As sho enters the
bridegromire holge two spears are.plant-
eir tictorctlfritoot 10 maker:lin-Am .
and the bridegroom pushes her through.
th-2. g:ri, hanging tuk. On th (fey rif-
le, the wedilIng the' bride and,' bride.
groom{ thro.4 mud at .each other for
sport. I Among the MararS, all the, wo.
• tnerrvf-the brklfigroo rots- varit -aro; Shut,
up in. a house withliii-bridei iit'Sfer'S
husband.-- .They all :Ett upon' Min, and
beat him, 4iD that IA is usually grin°
taco*. ba sonn is possible. • .
& • =ZIA
ty anti town in Canada with waterwollni toHil
atent edict* needed in erred hone, hotel
Win Bells at sight. Ilnetisre ean
are making $5.00 4y TWrite at oieW for
a swag. nu o solo4stsrvirha the
Canada to represent •; ,
-Tlis-tarthor Of COS 14111_1111 C04, uni40
iior fuli particulars applY •
clisI R. Dorm',
8 Colborne. St.,. Toronto.
sae, Onto; *Mos "1 WOs ported
ham for tesetnt.
tkry were *walks toyahl--Ohir right
he .414:4444 to try -Z.0010. 1 144,
oiI4Iy wit it oatlikkh t•iot
tot rein*** • Tido
rattotolt I�jworn ssYCry ithOrt tle.
IS the
CA h1F fi A
,karrtely, One That Vir.,$4t` 1,3irlak„.W
bropped on the SidetVailt.
, • ,
ot woboysi oiltai there,* 6 lar0Tbanet,
It. gr&a1 .ebence,., tot ye Erten wito-„4ho1i14,
triv'nL a weigh 'that bresk
hett.. I think M!).
t etitrec,, %valet4 s. are nekinte
ro"Ami,., 'they- are inUtoodito
L11,4, Oeketi and SO roCbcdy
_Oirtht, 4* -1 inveat *nti.breeke
gAYwAY,,, Artd-,tti his
41t0 -!1b if 6
tat *Ed they'Ne0
tuti tit IA 1
to 4.4 fittka
II*: Vega .tt,t,
v it( $4!..i ettii
ver i tonforla I
13 saving any 7
Wite ,Sori n
tell my wile.