HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-18, Page 5i , !ix/. tit * . 'iy is ijt u'it1. L1orn' ixti,tri,-. A Vre. , 441 c;.4 'Was . . toti.vaktItter i , ni •;?,,1 ' iits.e,.*Sit ox . lit' 400 thatn U t,.r: 1.:4,1zoitsiitVrtaittryii7tivionitoi'Ilialltol:t04.1',,,,t.rsrt , p. ., , 0 4,-ber...4bz;tit1 t - ' v,- lt kfti te,..•:f itiii,,..the!,‘..b'. aI.cl' „ it Lttel.":. • . lie•....rare.,..i*,,ilikel*„tO„'. lli;". .... a -.,ktf 5',40,':"..* ri'iti,'-'- .;iO4)..Ie.' . racI NLir,' Of, :L'It :itipla n '0.t f ' yll'iting his part . , .40.00,44,y,.*:...--,' e••• W4.0?.. et -4,•' lt,!.1tovaa ' , •,.ttiW:!4.4.,4140 ',V) 120nr'- ' 1 flti A • Dresit ttiVolitrt744104:od ti:ill'orilo,:o, lot of to. Ailor, a. lee, Shirte, rtr.siee , •dietilin beth• black.' And ' 1,,,hitat‘ r o , Stiff IOU, 0.10ve5ett.: ' slan.14wns, 'Printed Organdtea, e ', ''VinN14,1* • %iitiO,R10 • 7irlia,-,144tk..-..t.140,40.14.0i, , .n.nfrp-ginPahult9, ,t,•,n4.1.13,-R -be o e making you purchase. -a .tife4 el±iiti'4,141.-" - ' , : , \ we have•a' line 0 Gin hams, re • ' ' • lall,fia*Olile .teng_to,Olean, ..ott..i.:$atiti, , over un i 4h , lit . Ii-' 14 • r 0.00.toAQ for pas per Suit.. ... MOW CSuittrwetteirifraisir , tth-iti- size 22 to 25 only. 'regular to $3.00 for $145 per Suit. • 'Privies 4 lbs for2c Men e Odd Pants, Vests. 'Coats, &c. Rice 0 Das for Sc. All At reduced,prices. • . Lenin" Par aoz, 8ee,.,Our Lin f DinnerwareChina Etc, , • We ale Plymouth Bi.ncler Twine, ' We have a stock of Gold Itled0 And ' ,r7Atqleviell H.to-cetie_ystirAtaerk,2 Wool and all Farm Produce taken in exchange Ono e almon 2 tins for Ilinge....ttheAlmageit.,..,nas.....4*-.V.Sam of 'Mr* 'and 1.1.1;0- •PQan ,14A581.141... et .111Q1151,1.11c.A.1.41 age he has 'been stibject te itttsrletatiV.Titrifttir slittirartyrin - ;44 broOir, :Pas's 44011 C -,111-105. 4 41 P144 tita „ Atte ,;, • '10,i`i----3.1,tek'fwa*--liv'St*-79441iyv- nt. voilgor et . few days last: •Ivesek, 113 'Garvin, Teacher, 40(1,014-.111-M7V71.1ilwers 'alit zinc r. girwav—TcrTiourivntiont-skik‘e ViviSien 1 / . r' 'Mr. , fetid Mrs. Nelson Couch, . ' '' iMr. James Ilarris, and' Miss oUtliV for the peat few' weeks hat reitUrned It.. n.—uenors a.Kin,i,, , • . . .n 'reicher I. 'Wolfe V. 11111, Pass, V; at Stratford last tverk; Dasilitvood's civic Iteltday will ba . r,,,, ,.' er 411 sopa lliillent.inliyis toil 7 r j1 id nu Lerida/ of this week,: s The he l ' , I 1 i )1...14_1-, , rv. gotten -,,; Swei to . slater rnrs. 1V;" nand te . or-iiit. en tinnuctil echoer picnic will be held -at Pas. .A. Liaise?* Ei. Zatv:so . L, �an, last r riailY* ' • Grand, itapfi On that day \ and 60410 . IP \'P * , Agegeleffittz4-4Eputz- ,,v,..vgauif. ,-4.11.1„,:sampt.s.„„9.7m4,04414r#414-a-440111-441-,rA-Ate, ,Ining,...ni0 • now Pp • lye •;k1%;:e., tiqotion.;in Millinery gon'si$tin. Or 'Shapes: Flowers, eattrers4-..and2b .triOtned Hats \ , •-\ • °nor's,. in enter. *Woes faaSe t irougb ituro-0 Toyer and daughter, lot-, Her. Itartietb B106k. eon, U. Medford. Sr, t. ass, . -717.707ifirTrictr'Crii'mm 17:1-str. ar° vlsvitfor a •43Y8 -ratiQg vstT1v-7-3rFititmal4rt. — st- rtiwetrtt--Afftrictunv, - -ivf-4.ettn..6:,lrtitr---Wa'a-'llr-r'. - Miss Kienzie, Teacher. tr. 41114 Mr. D. Cottle on Sunday. buisinc.ss on .S41: tuttiv, rthitrAkrbgrt ..son_pf Jos, M15.ti3obiert Miss Dobler and Miss A nornWr of -theWV. P. A., -4-ata --1)0raldr d/Ohler,"otr."`'.-''gXeter,-(-were-til04- Xv11140/ttitetliiitOTV•iiittiii St, lather Saturday,. June Alith rtt the )gtiosto age of 25 years, 0 mos, mid 11 days. .ChUratlay' last. da,v of this week, er1Mti.teedi10...46 Teinntbek1,04-por314 Best-Selec ea Rideintria lbs or 25c -I titS, VW: it lttts tlirly tWO Iti04411$ ": 418' 'I 4 Xo,11100 On irrittay last. i it,,,iii, 1 ago (bat jlis cmillition becanic! alarm. W. A. 'Gardiner. of St. *Marys, Ills- i 1 ,Messrs. John Zogiatid and Joseph ITh. 'llott 'snlep tiutt I jpr, .11,:,, 44.1.ad.. tte,d his parents; Mr. -arid.. Mrs.- ilt. ' Amy, of near CrediP ton left- for the. lially 'sank Until death overteek "him, ;Gardiner, Over Sunday, . '1 west it week, cornbinine,* business Tits th,o,os44.1 was born Itt Creditot) j itussetilale taseball team ' ,plased i with, ,pleasure. , J'' a as41;-"11-. le Iscore lxing gt to 0 testing game of bail with the r,urich. cirele of ac'auain la nces. %Iselifyr.tle• Clark,fispant, Saturday. jflzEt7az..-;-•.,:t-----,..-ttr-_---e.:--.--,....=.....-----,', ------_--t:.....--..,-.7.--, Air. Jon $14 IN SOH. 1141,41 a MIX ganiT 0 ITIP11 bliiittittg tho "C.,Mellt WalkS. Ile lIns enZtligottf Dar!. Jack Treibiver of .7,1.,--t-e-r for 0;3 finisher. ------ . xt.t. by ..11 &be ritr team Weblamday. Our.base play.ed..an. Inter, in favor of mei visiting team. When 1 Team at the Rend on Thursday last 11-04til j.t. ilanlYbar..72.104i4 Tin_ a...,victo).1._ fok oar ko, liWilielFiWt 41?...to=tr.:.” A number fro:a hare attended. the . Mr. liarttlqib has his now stable 44,4-4110ang at Itey'S ..elturch on Mon- nearly fluisliditi Iny AS" Siatibus :wilt Sunda, y :Mr. Arthur &dirdiner lirts‘bad attack of typhoid fever obio to IPAltIVIER AND 111S WIFE ., in Dash wood. • ZAIN1-13UX., sp •nding few wQ,eks with lie,r sister , rga I io bas been • Miss Jennie Mock, of, Exeter, Is btl,m'arrtntiGnot 41111J31/*1 workixr, for &tr.- J. S. Dallanlyne, • A.3 a family -balm .n rZalva Zara: - priii edding Suit t• If you anticipate getting married this spring you will certainly wan ere is a .'rip Will pay you. to come hereandsee how tiWell\ we can lit you up and at a • very low cost. V you are thinking ot a new suit and 'pet the wedding, come bare anyway, we 'will ceetainty put forth our every eff,art to make you sells. fled in every particular:. -• • * ifirithout, Medicine Pree46e Life and can -be lave by this NewMethod All Sickness is alike to • aPplies to all cases, no mat r what the form of also:mule may be. it re. vitalizes tbo human body with 0 YGEN from the air. OXYGEN is a vital Vecessity-the greatest necessity hile knows. . You can apply OXYDONOR at home while you rest or sleep. - -*No loss- of-Thrie freln-y-OUr work. or inignessit is easlly safe and alwavit ready foe use. Its force tryer exhausts. It will chihlren aa well as adults. ,i,11c, .031,,mal ,mt,thotivit sufliay il_cft 0IkbalondayAor Goderieht ,to join Duk i41 unequalled, . and should- be , Mrs.`, 41. C. Clark, toulcirv.outu.natc.eirEsa‘crett, 43t, Exettw, who on everY Canadian farm. Mrs. C. 'R. school picnic wi lett was held., at was visiting 1Mr./ and Mrs. 'Beavers Tibbs of Oak Vale Vann, Winntneg Grand Hord on I riday last. 4149.3 4 01,1X00(158. 711c we.atiter was all that here last week passed his Itliii ,'oitt, Zarn-Euk h wonderful .. healer. 1 Deach..,writes :--W.e have found couitt be leslivid and 1 re day %vas medicine LtAefmniss24,41,* .... - r 4 't for n e v Inv, bad burn on e. 3:arabtun - )y."Ille -neir.- 07MAY 'Tairf, had tgone.and the Wound well on the vay -01 liettlinz. Sly husband twlso used Zaint-Oilk for • a „nasty flesh W011.1111on his arra which it healed. tn, iseveral wava we have totind 'lam. Bult so healing and soothing that hve the bouse. 11e-t4"efore we took} got 2ain.11ult in Camas, We _Used .to write to England for it we !thought fio much about it." . ' 'Air. iMbart Merlock 11215 been , ap. pointed I agant for Ole Stickney gas•• .eitne engine -and why ant iwishieg • to purchase a (gasoline engin weiulado i a well to call on Mr. ,Morle k. nd get prices and other intorno; ion. 14-44c1saacz..-aikti-htise. rffizte *1 -71.T -s le' aqh it latt4:tr's Iikallot tier •Over",8oloo.y. . - • Mr. Pred_Young spent SundaY, liondari: ' !Mr. Hiram Borland left on Friday last for 13owmanville where he in- tends visitin•g with friends. ' Mr and. and Mrs. Simon Campbell, of Exeter. were visiting friends here during Alio week. mos,. • - tie& trvIrs,', 11;14e-wen4 ,oiSaturdazx inst. Odra. -Douglas visited her --mother Irfra, Shipley at. Woodharn on Wed, WO are sorry to hear of tile illness Craig an i on i s p a e McNicol near' ,Cromarty in a -victory ., for the home team by on l!ridlay evening last and resulted ,,,,,,, 1 ii,t,,,„ 40 hder., of a spoedy ream. .a._score_01_4i5..- T110 game was fast some good plays Were made. It is expe'cted that our team will play and inte•resting throughout and .., spent Sundiahero, a Mr. nifitilarvt. rf:: NAIry guest of ina. .Wsiteignielit:rt, o_f Toronto. the tGreyst^adu at Denfield this week were visiting their son at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Tilos. Passmore who few divs 111 Toronto on busi11059. NI‘tirts:s_Ch.lis. :%,:erkztuer iisaha.zadti:geo: re rue- zn on tre..day last._ to a ho e er . - Sexarnith . thy with flatiss Clara Kingsley, 'd*rs. W. rearee„ of Iona spe.nt this week with her parents and ' othei, '-'14-221 .t-afil-44y 4gvloierigd 'SX:aaiztTi)Zila'rllgere'tY114hia'frva"gVi*d6n/i i:111'111:1*PbtInfe4.14C4'47nIre9PItis112114asebititir tt:h..ii°- aroundttiaat ailgia'rit watering rind cutting the grass and. eass. xpea et to ha bowling in short time. 0- tter her recent :illne Stveitzer -ofNew Nambur,_ spent Sunday at the home of M7-. Michael •Irinkbeinor. ter, of Marlette, ,$), 40 have teen vis- iting 1lr. and Mrs. Lewis the past fe* months, left Tuesday for their new hm oe. %tr. 1?„ W. Clark is having the up- -stattsi over his shop fitted up ‘for a drill ball. Mr. Go. Iloltznatties has t_he !contract r antte work, The bes,t, paint in the market to -day. which I am selling L cost to ieluce, my stock. Having purchased the hardware stock of Mr. W. Leigh, I am offering it, at greatly reduced prices. ' D' -you -are needing anything in this line it will payiyou to call -early- i order to secure the best bargain. 'vino feta Sunday Schools o Creditor', Dasiorood and Zurich have . . rand -Bend 011 July 10th, reakpre4 ,pri rattails are„._„m :progress to ntk this a grand success. At 10'.a.. in. a base bafl iiiatch will take place be. Whalen to the 'moo •,,anuiversitry there We rxio itervirea tr-titq7,-iliost of alio con. greg.ation going, to • Zion to hear W. 1.1..1'nitt, Of Centralia, wbo ve -two interesting ser. -The- leading e4mit 'SOZISO -b" 11)0 the anniversary servioeis of the nos, ttvibodist church here next tweet) icked team Crediton vs . Dasivwood- amt. Zurich. After dinner 81111--dAY* wizenr)411v- C. W.. rarebit -04 whlch I of Toronto, preach at 10.30 n m a short program wit I ; renclt:tred in pirt attitle,r• -I:t.e:11°°1130;ral ItYttianudie---sit''"1"'ri. 7 Pi tilt:stietlreillild4i;;Frilaniiillibe'111-viatSj• _eixtint1 eue. — feTatiViir in iSamuel • Utinitines grove struvberr Mrs. Francis Clarke -aecornpartiel icieouzza_, 8. 1,31firt. ,A1 bas rityrra 0 .8 I lb. 7,..t ed tin lee . eronni parlor over (Dr.- g. 1,4 rip.* iinunn lel-ides,. • cream a,nil soft drinit's on , oWn %volt 4,141ing out, Av„9 iter-sister'ettrir: -Iteplzy-to-toratotrun - WW3 811 ho veil,,a. ,r1151ir 41 ntt, a la usymov ts. 1 Coes tivir? store. Why'r6 he "Will have °Wing to thO %I. -ay th0 000401) 1 lit4C 1.1 ' ntl 111 mourning, este/opt, ill( general cts., wider = from 60 to 30c Oeilard. g ea( v y Va4ncionnes Lice and fist tit) cent st p4r yatxr up. good assortmerit of Prints in t and -dark sh ne emit' hand te for • 1 IT Int, limy bfit et isietok isNtelik% nod Mrs. **Nita 141, • Stilts* 11, ot g takes plat! We. Ezra raist lovulditt'l store. atiktt no ,paratle, utztm,, mile for -ever toile itIt.14 2t� lie L' Min now-ti.days. The stork loft win. inoticy hence 7- lnereastra ex.Pall3e On 1118 important itature oti Sunday averdtig. coun tenance. Christopher McCarthl. the Vatit yene all tile West Una New Ontarioi, is at present 'visiting. his- t taillike iinti-ietattveiS. Ilut hi:tends re. a babthii y boy with him the other (la/. Wt'ft; 121(Grantoli 11 on busi.10143 of tin . Atir After tho game 0 aspball btstween turning to/ the tvest 011 110 harvest 411111 r and t12'ht Id ili be,n., las$ exeur 1010. - pek, an iiitcresti»g event tviiich, The their titular. the, direttion ot *61.'11 not on Me liet4itr1r0 W12q ittile4 1."3 thtble rail' 1 r0 prevaring •epeo .11hIlat ot fetieber 1i,r a:1! slj c' and ta t, 111 eoriu6 tattielcS af. going00 1121 kook ntw tito In, 11 Itareb, purgative •remeciiee;, ere to th fest giving way, to the gentle action . ettm't sad nzild effeots of Carter' -Little ,fratti you try them, tiey and pl.tmse jro'ct a 1 drus . an or aeen box, • - EVERY 1/041,10,11 'NRODS 4.1.A.:It1.1111X ilensall. ?Ars. J. Sutherlantt Was in 'Wit.. a few titiys laSt woek'' visiting lier brother. Miss Emma .7°11Tc3tart Jett AVednes. r In---orra1.r•*1 ir.st friends in, Alaniteba and Dakota.. run,. - ..--:7treletta1 tlfiritlt wen t, .411 0 varafion i2• • TC 00 .r017- --44.1143-----Vfoiner Ani11ai.y Church:-Titentalli, will give Straws Irerry Festival, in itre, arensalk on the evening of Titeidny Junef,13rd. Ail I -di 'course nwett mUi12 111(1 the the 1 dice Will do their best for the onto *taint. front. laf their Otttats. On Wedineiday of last, week Chief Justice rtfulocir banded down his dkei-SItin in Pilo oca tion, ease. Tile motion was ;41-leatlise. ett._ with costs, itst...objettio by-law at the tilne It receiVed ft first .4,1)11 Aee0 ett IM.. il0q1,41,141, tor- ilbiT--voting, tite. 114144 tliat b, bylaty, being_legelL en, toellkti itor7-tier ttsi)14,,rt,311/111111. • 1,01 second. oejeetiott 'vas that erect who -were tot 'qUalifted• wera. ralowe0 to vole. 11cld, that th1S Obi ketiott, if lvell found:lily ,woUld 110 rtitiiiit • ' The -third- objeetion---.--was- bylaw *was/ .,vot,e1 on On -itlitt.-Ithe--ritl nf January, -1144 anti- .finally An. on tho titit 1f thcy s1M4.4rriOnth,„ Wit Out, allowing two Weeks trout tho Unio ot OfI the vOte'„ 41$ reltiired by settiori -of, tile rnunie'ipst ut. tteid, this objection tvas •rtinded 08,Tait)st, tite applitant hy ,the - jutigInt-n t tlim..000ft of al$1)e8t'411- ir4i,""414001 134. fellation ° cottai r riag "4"4.17 011,411 y plact ,at liettoef Mr. A tt' all 144110* Air';.latli'!, fairtoetlY 4,tottot -11114 011014 s-14 etaitetchtiorr5101 Aqt itqpi-Vy inarriql to Mr. IC.110,1'1 " Or t1. Proolpt`ly ot 4141,0!Olot liiV'ii , t t tt 111.31tir:A. t031t1 114 11.10' 9trairla 00tellttOMO1llis e4c:ttrov t r, br,!•tv.." y tstb ' 0.*dt:'t "ittlit)014. p.!•• a IT ,tp_t Aolt. ,witli• tit;r11, A liTO and town of Midland. 41 O. , Our Bargain Cotinter is loaded with Sunnver Goods. They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over if a _price will sell them. 80 pieces of Muslim; all the nev. •e t shades and patterns. regular 15c: 7 our ard- OgINA. CROOKERY.GLASSWARZ Just to hand the finest line ofjoilet ttli4itrinerefts--"Wita liavn tiro° aea- at prices' that -- A few pieces of Dress Goods regular will suit. you. We purchased a large Stle to dear at 2.0e the yard. -See obi. prints -at ""u the -yard, guar- anteed fast cetera. ShirtingS 12ic the yard for 10c. SHOES! SHOES! ' SHOES/ Bargains in Ladies Blouses, Corset 41.1._the latest styles in footwear in Covers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests. Patent Leather. Tans, -Choeolateas Ladies Ilase.10c a pair. Blucher Cuts ard Oxfords. - Remerepw Mena •Dress Shirts at half price. ber that these are not the cheap kind - Boys White Shirts at 25c each. Mena that Will Da wear, but these.shoes are and Biwa Ready to Wear.. Suits at the good kind at cheap prices and guaranteed to wear. Our prices bargain prices.Job line of Mena and r:tilf121,-the.lortootv—, Ortr Grocery Department is full full supply ef Parks • Rakes,- soy. ew and 'Fresh Goods. 5 lbs gpo Green Tea $1, lbs Roagted Coffee tiles, Smiths. Hay Pork itope, Pulleys, Matches large box I0e. 0448 00 -Pure Paris Green -Screen Doors a g5e, 8 Cans Peas 25e, 1 lb, Seadect Window Screens, lianin3ocks, Con Wire.- Barb Wire, Ideal Woven NVire Raisins 10e, Korn Rinke 5c pkg, 8 Ibti Wtancrkinkess-25e. line of those goods at a special :prigq And -we -are -giving -you the bencflt-o -• the same. Call early: . Buy your Binder Twine.from MIL,141N.E4Y ars sole agents for Plymotith Binder t All Millinery to he cleared out re* Twinek guaranteed the best, gardless of cost. for which we will pay highest Market price, cashor trade. Bring_along-your-13utterdlwind Wool And Tget-som t1ies6 *bargainer and dont forget that by helping us you are r Lelping yourself. • Market Price's for Farm Proglice. , Capltal-U0-00,060 Total Assets Stag% • . 40 Ltrosokes throughout.Canzula. Special Attention Given to rataters' Business , Sale Notes .Discounted, or Collected At Lowest Current Rates. ,S.AVLNC..SzxttRARfrlitEitT Deposits if $1_aud, upwards received. Xnterest Paid or- iiddecdto triad* 4 times * year, h or re may6-1-1TIVOWY t4rOrtilliffeirit-fliikyliffe• 101ittistitUtiOris thitt 'molten -la the past have rob. -d men oftbeIrhardei DRAFTS AND MONEY' ORD Wben r r _ sinldtrit money to any part of Canada Iltitftrgtornumeroulftit-aretaVallabla-liereoto tato* Our 'Looneytotet4ill are pay*ble.at par at a clpat Pettit* in. the Valte4 States and Great Beital Ntoriti-,0outteoutt Treatment, DUNLOP, riano es!, ISSIMP . r Lhe world, remember .nuto If' point in Canada anaprill*