HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-18, Page 2a tt)I in im t FatItCr imo •, Ivug1inerrot,-41 1 h4 1 4p1 W ,yele leneWe Mn, Phirfsl' You L)U azd ; Vie r • ter- ell Ittrailt?thad erewed tilb ha4 Lo *4111‘.°44;1 II ot th�Th1rtythtrdAnnuaI C�n,raIMetI hot- , brio •detVit w.th , atiliritadr wha4 he had tlrot in the Irotter -ItcklentknY, he bed Mader one tp„ importat ce; that was that It Verney had dented the entity iftifl unt wJoznhehad eeeeilweerteeeeeeeee I eour, as to how k r 4.efelettlette n, and where and why the I Aunt ' IPIt_tpps was 'lading. i ow. ein...a..-4eleete., that 50,VtierY was feal all events the key to it -.1t7W-- - - ih� erA , mineterI10LiLng thee awl ever, Mr. VlotOr Reltnon ittarAgt Alta 11, in a veity, and vires in no hurry to useett. For of COureeh Ited fleet, et ell ter consteler wh t the ooneeettencee would. be Vietor K1man wee river openly 'ev %ha 'Oleg true *Wornanlineee that And It was that he leved tn ha adrairee the atrength. She had gone, •telling him th vounaL eturn, and tbat. she had , his would return. as who RPiiiiVrra% "tr sert it eV; she wOuld want to know.. above iiLl things, whet) bed happened, ,ttret:Wheit had ben the effct of th-it oom- Ing ,or the mal Aunt Thittp-t; fikod .41t -t Ph1Pee4 1 hiIng a neeseage for her Does ',ober have manyvlsiteree may askr' "ever but one*" said Tag slowly eiteeetre- women tafl,da ra, teed:I' - asked, V to feet, I 007TO froth that ono visitor. I ni you to tell.me semething about her. eneeter_aahout Are. Kitts," ,14#011,,.Pabing of her,. ° eeee ,•ot to be true' eid Aunt Phipps pg her tearer and loOlz- g. 14 ofr- vipontlorrigl*. "WtLO etre the: Irterider ",Th are, t1ee ho rit„ .1j�t 1110 404 -Atittea A' • a ,car, •ee 'TheHAlfai ....with,. „opera Th."o:no"Al*JA.pasro.;;Iit ot t ia atter'Irralrilag full .proverkm for all bad and for -.01 , dcriktfa debts,,. ter tote:est onuntieettletel -bills lender. dlecount; to weal con* *ions 10 _the Pert 4:11i-vOttaealtre Funee,eeed al.e.o for t b teon, to the tepo_..11-,11 de 0,1 $2 ,000, , gutherized. u or b let No tel .., ,anat for the payment la Pirittail 404 Other taxes, ounted to $721,- \ eeee;_eele • 'ia*vetelle'PaR"Iiiiic "iii‘°117-4141-4"a13111rIleat leteweeeeeermee tunienTrith-W07„.. She St1nie4 at WM 'Witt white 10,00. .(c) A specie, flind ,ilios„ been ad Howe end weed virriongetewn ltot, told ,Y04 „,,,,aahlturl'*1 the leredea* investments ... • .• 100,009 00 - ProeteemdetosereAmuntelutatebeeeteltiet'ertsgee. by ortorre*", she cried. "WhY hien amounting $101.,609.06;ereeeived on en equal. arrbatent If , with a chuckle ---"and the only Wean trout wtorn she etto, gLn full tntoreno, ten is her 'beloved Victor. That is leeteedettbler- -enough; team her emissary her mesienger; she nmet Petrie to me. for .my report. It is reallycurious hoW• :az LI Nintrd.' 400$3 Obiltert And , drepped,a CANADA'S 4,1100 CBLEOHATiON:. thin „hand on 'Vertor'ese.olionldellite , -oettaln -eloeles. 1- have had todeal-with; - There- - are now eubseriptionieeetn. may strep era/dimly for no reasen. They noteme to the ,eeeent of about $600„000. run. down -these clOoke---and never go !rt ,greht Tereentenery celebration e • pleasant; hewas only eeeasievelly bite ethe world throw in one way, I 4 ready ter- and, vrtititrus of people who Wiles. see myself bringing the real Aunt Phipps eee. good/things of life, when hehad not. here; I Already observe tile ceeentenanee -Audelareavsaeleletottlarlas-Wereetegle-elete'' ,eterter dee_arYelltng,,fe n 'Perla whenh 1,011. VOW- .young. Chris her - aynee_Fet 414 net Christopher n money provided. by an utte r some -tine port- in the enjoy-I:rent-of and- that ho has erePatePer- for an aent* oneye.whichehad_onoceelore-g After all. 'elewevere reauiree think- - hour oreeo,.. been in Victoregs po-,teeeei lon • Ink about; I'll Wilt a. day." vets not. Victor reduozdto rt. mei* He Waited a day; and the More no -natter of aasevereigneoreeeirwhilet-thie thoughteahoutelbeesehewle- -the-better he boy, for a mere weinen'S‘ whin'', had lilted it. Above all thMge, the Menke" - the bulk of the raon6y. And hero„ in Ls h cunning of the man was roused; his this sip of paper he hold en teseekand, Vanity oleo, in that he saw himself as • wes the fine strong leverwhich could the chief, actor in a very pretty little oVelehrow that house of cards, to begin' comedy. feel ,, de _ -Father Time, --Wo ate run- Willebeefertheenting tor tt. - --- ----ewe performed Meer duties - down at oeme time or other; and at, Is' onone el, historicat point. id vtew it , will be the greatest demonstratten this Tha whole reoecettully subsnieted. , rot elwayeeposeible to wind us up -again • ': ri. ILE , dim ,z-z_o_r_not, tit 11,,,m9rth.. Ville, It YoU CgittAfmt has. witnessed. f*,, vont a' - tzlt Branch.* of the Bank hevo i�eAof0flC� durfngIbe Moor Steed and Lanedowrar Aventee etrotontoe, etelbo oordereeditirig Street and SherhOurne Street (Teeonto), end also at Pewt„„ Arthur, Marshville. Port obineon, Cettam, kulterAterg, South Woedeloe, grew, Ntagara-on-eluelake, Davide and Theireette,1141-r in IheeProVineeeot taro. - -The Mad Oftlee and leranehes of the Bank have .all been carefully the retiree min t ear and our Directors have ain much leaser° in enring to- the 141thfut and ellloten menner in Which the -stall hem 4 - I lteb444, .144,11.00 spir,t. , the 'verb,L dertved ideftbueinesertE-en theretribttle to the, °ray 01 the Anglo-Saxon, „ Tee stareest family to, Part* he* eight , sone end live detteltters'4ietng etniC Pure cheldren dead, 1,114 eldeeat $01i,ap. plkd tiar other day t for eXeniptiore from ernal,eareeservice„ lmgr title hi % request; titer iiillro-iriefigr te4onn.nutonueeprogaskiteimPrion Not More than torty:twci certlilearee oF naturalization woro ,grah,tod to ahteD3 loot anonth in Great Britain. Fifteen eairree from Ge Over -Irma:- la* tour lrorn we&n, throe from- ?tea:. e nv Persia. Two were dcrUet subjects of no foreign WOO. - At Abe "annual dinner *X 'ilea RGla Colonial Institute to Prince Speaking in the prieenote'o travelled au-ale:tee, Streit:di Ineye. eleirn that :Probably no 40004 the room has landed on Se many'etilie eat pertieree of British eeel as 1 rite •:',.;,,Itetete-bettaedethettearconte_PaelereotAbil 5 e etmastere*.Generalanf eEntenee':Will: bb - held thee year in L01141011 with a viola to triteorlecing penny a word telegrams"-, ihnoughout--Eitrope. The arleSt4r-Oettral stinuiite. the. dimlnu- tion of revenue through the adoption Of this measure re not exceeding XleCtel poo, which woigd not in.volve any tual kiss, the ;present preete being ex- cess of that figure. - The recent, disastroue accidents in the British' navy have givenrho to en agi- tation against the prectice of conduct- 1ns rnanceuvres and sham athletes at with. - "I don't - like you, Mr. Christopher - . Main, as to. Lucy. Ho had no Wive Dayneei he said, with a jerk of the head eetelenriterergerdieothee.,gieleehaegread, . AD di eitteetIteeEti h_an ineepary thebere-ere-o-ouriout, ,, _9,11 r a no m t --Iteiiii ',-tr way, beetteeetto had given, her heart shoukt tike to see, your prou ti Cl*is-eChr . who wee a mere boy, 'brought down a little. More than Mat, . viltheto experienoe of the world. ftnd no- You have the retmey which should have thin .abut hine-at least in thereayee oe been mine; rin not sure that I ,mightret • . Wil te the roar': seieolactilaretelidgiriir Titte" find the c arinTrit Italy wire Win -dart; the most --defiling .combftexttona --ert - ------ - -- • ---PROFIT-AND-LOSS-ACCOUNT.--- 1.0en't hurt an me.4t_talso tel.' „caurda—L.72.bere_WILLALik fteseinds of ei, aktvisiteeritc for var. Beth „Apra,. 1907, bpought . cheering news. This way? Tleank yott; characters in the processians, all dres,s- ' en 34 *April, 1908, at. • . forw,ard „ ... ..._. .... _,.. 020,816-U- 1 Will announce myself." • • ed. to the* very lite. The tableaux„ on Mr. Vietor Kelman went jeun.tily UP the Plains of' Abraham, where Om his. , 11% per azumm - ... ...: $535,524 21Prones tor the twelve new) Traneferred to Beets Account 191,809 06 ended 301h April, 1906, al - MO iSittirs,'hunlming a little to himself, feria battles were fought, will embrace .Writtort off Bank Pitmans • - tsr &ducting e harps of and quilie pleased with. his errand. The an_ the transcendent opochenaking .„,,,i 17,,,,,,„,.. A ,,,,,,,,,,,„. . wt AK. 55 montement and interest . lean 4Iwaye desired, above Mt things, bo events of Canada's romantic history, in- si7e7,;:rateap—prop—rIati'ria .47,1;ilati 1 "" '''"- deeply interested lately. He had touoh- The street pageants will be of wondrous in writing down Bank's in- ' - dmueeldn"4og'ofsuirrps'revarsd'anattkore be Interested; and he had been very eluding Wolfres work up to his death. vestment% .... .. . . 100,000-00 all bad and doubtful debts, et', matters of life and death and fortune beauty; the 'naval. demonstration of an Balana3 of aixemint* _ear-ri;74 . and *ruin; and he liked, it. At the mo- impreesivenees not beretafoee tealized. (omelet ...„. a... and for rebate ern, bele un- Ljokaram.§ gy...,,w1sAigr.,,,00,_ bee in tilled to re le ion., b75.914 62 dar discoutnt ....• , ... .... 721,175 07 -ger or tutinfti—T" ittitar b01.11144: nidtbreAtine ' events ever seen in lull' zeleieeeeeeee wee: ti);'; Balancer at ercd4 of account out of tire way as she had.donee. a tut fully ten millkat of people wee Ca 144._s_ilAtock 191,809A0 $1,5194)00 441 $1,539;300 44 • B°w1445, urges lartirwo s ereigletteelightseeeeeTerete-1 teesereeenan on xi:revel matters, 1. ssnoliels gutensearhyd 1.14nitoarioeuvralsiate,Ithi, or- der to accustom the mere to face theme errietreered- 191,509 06 ihe practice. - s lareckeea ellamply at the ,door, and w 1,0 1* present, and cruenot 'find totem- be able fer make you disgorge. Good 44444_60100.411017 one et th,"reettot matters., 0!_ ono_ • 1 REST A CCOlUra. five. ch stupid sort, ot leve-etety , a. ; mu.. see w a we car: m within the room; then the door IA= ety to those organizing the celebration lealance at•Credi of Accotmt.30th Apr:1, 1907 '.. : !... •.. ek.rtain ySu- s le, be 're 1_ Aent Phipps do." ned. king in, with les :habitual has been the question:, bow. toprovide amts..= zeeeivel on new Capital Stock -se.. . men. who ,seerno a -tittle afraid, end yei descriptioes, 1,o give. the seertee of gran. - • suddenly, brought to ruin, there would let; the, din:I-narrow etreet; and present- $141.3.sti.rai but deseprearing decently,.! altogether. . cloolunaker• „ the midst of bell fear, to be rather deur to the world in their entirety, , Nth April, 1908. taite most insportaotlyeets to Having watched the house for a lit- glad Le find a visitor at her door. Mimi Arrangements have, been oompleted • • - Oliva Varney. She had instructed him U." Vme. endi leteArtit-PrettY wen. mucs advanced utrhow41 -with bv'the Standard 'of Montreal, now re. - ee no protekihty of hie doing anything ty diseovering the ehop of Trigg the• 11471.7"-e7rorAts"., mv‘:1; t hands of Italian' contractors,- woes In, augterided thls tripnth by the veiling. • Prim, who insisted in his ispeeeth f einforest hindinglimtkphoo, on the other, 'while he tat, .Atletrite Ont to Italy on the one hand and to Ileaeire. in the cold. It Le suppoe t bo th t,riniri of ItUas and the speech to regal* a:4 having eonsfderable 4.1plozitat 5-41111,64n1':'U-ertir°±iff-r 11YhautTatelts°Micto0.!7‘.1' 7 50yes ef to his norel Say Pee". whiehets.,,,ulerse largely autobiographical: albeedell be tioner7oftibe-,0"Ining- . _ trould-like--lept400010-414.440 , es este *too eso4 •oi••;;S 2•907;04 shout* do, he menner-and.a dressed her. ognized as the National Illustrate -Nctiilf-thillink in creel-44:On V do thes thing, end he would in that :I) las mind what he way be.' pleasarg here would hee hew. wung hinrelt in through the little door • .$ p,05SA 7 43 paper of canada, tiao issue what 'will be Depts.', not bearIng,, interest •"Mrs. Phipps? Don't be startled; rm a friend. May *I come in ." • lavown as °The St udard Tereentenary Deposits bearing' interest enehohn,g tattiest eeerele • ever, beilservinl his own coble? To do into the sho.p. and confronted lerdan "If you will, sir," 'said Aunt Phirocts. Nunther," published by George eterray . ,to date) • ..... . .... . ... 24 191 6 3 14 . •••• •-• • Ta bus as .ever tun.pg hs clocks Publishing Compare , Montreal. We 30a • • tho man -credtt, lad for Olive prob. Y ? dc)11 I have xnany visitors, and ites a ably tho elrongcet. feeling he WR S "What a deuce of a yowl'. ejaculated poor ma of rooni-nert the sort of piece hoe hart •the priellet of examining --el-- - t thet_ Phippe would ever have liked ene prOilts of soma et t ,Priecr sUP- able cee nayem for apionre and .he had Mr. Victor Kelman, Ionic na an abet: IiimeW a weak ,artd sernewhat rehifilese tiler Time, when you have quite mane. Why, when we were in Paris--, ecl in interest, in Oddity of detatt; • et very deep Admiration heie. Being btm with a frown. eltOtanting trr be dieo,overed in, I can assure, you. Igernents.to 0 -with The'Slen ar .-They eharaeter. he -re-ce-g-ifieed -theesucengtie 'related -that-wheel-into ets place, xou dear 1 tidy -ft exeittiard ,Nictor uty of, color aod execution* 'AAP. ettee the ternmeseeste ,aiseeeyed always.; :right give nee a moment,-Wilieltalt, eolith.; in the rata, ed thei room end, thing ever attempted 'in Canada, and Ion h d of ,ours .yott oellY want 1't • wile bring the Tercentenary celebration leatseenelle.r, with.lhova, r.alm, brave g ear - looking :all aboter wl h Art o the Total-liabliWes 4o -the Public - Capital Stock pa14.1.ttp) Acerntilt . . ..... Dividend No. 71 (Payable IA- May, 1908, fa UW • • Months, et the ralet•of 11% per annum ele:•40 eetoreugiveneet, „theepeeteyaxeeeneeeemealboteegiaeseetiot,-tief.intrtortlieeeereitott 12360. 32 0135,460 98 7?; trareleartd-cheseeeer bat Faseiheroompary 'Yetted---Vartholit.torellnit Thei-e-11-4-66eiii-kOntewifere-:thle*Riat-IP-ndard T — the '.eitleeeet-derating with......h041S1 104 ..teneerr"teirraber -ea _ewe thet_expere ejokoleaemeie whose eroodeveaseleda* wake w,_,atlier leteue hear omen- Unca,p-elizabit)‘ Canoe YOu can tejskyour chOdrettLyour sister or your lady friend file a paddle ties7 'tilt" 'Air" Compartment ennoo It abtoluiely„ won't uptet--won't sink, Is high grade in quality a*t ls 11 t ddle alS, the extra wel ht. is. stight. are n genW-W 61,111114111%11 oa Power ilk Launches, limited; Toronto 41t 1410004 and teliurrehers. • ir 1 F OAF NJ itletflt r ar t Now or Strawberries and Shredded Wheat, Nature' purest and best tciAit, urine *clear head' and healthy- WO: • I- 'ts favisoratias Witheat 0sguj itteettav rry 1t oleby 411 sgst,00,s, howeeeremg je ihher. nee. that Wo sort of poem. Mrs Phipps? I under $t"' "ct yet 11 bt I° be` Pub/181P '• • , ts, It will be racticall , took about me, and I see evieences of a the only Tercentenary Souvenir. The *Gokl and Silvez Coin .ofernan and a woman's tasieer Ire Publishers anriounce that order,/ are be- ponenion Government' Notes is perhaps -less sopen to the chirp Or "giving glimpses of theater, etaus" wbefl he says: "As Pars irb dee. days of it glory wa.3. the centre of art, beauty fa Wore it Londonewhiebenoweeday --I Ida unrivalled-41es preuetapcon,:. tr. tOth to lune 25th will T-Dit wtth, minion. Government for r,eeurity es. and strilleiri—nore--than "ge certain-- to be tilled.- After tha • a Witter -of and'eheetueseen et an ..-..... . - there -are a u beroom an •et u yo • thoee ft:della:dee ane at • le$6 for a word, but there they are. AS toe the aspecte-he walked. to the win - dew and looked outee"therre May be ereetateemL-tweeettuda "' nsed AvItti-4,14 Iternightelee_worste. 415 word,.my dear Mrs. Phipps, -a Charm- ing rooms-snd."-he brewed ageine and ,smiled again-% charming lady." -"Ah, sir, you sheukl have sere: it-anot. hhe' room, but- illore-rtfe tptivt'owectitr, 1....intanss.,whon poor Ph Pi era walked bee ,earth," said Aunt 11100s. 'marching n, ;11er pocket tor- -theblek--berdoied band- liereletef„ 'with the tell knowlerigo that the mud need It Very soon. --"and where We used to have wine rue quite an ordin- ary thing, and never thought of going anywhere without a carriage. Quite a ;fetal way he had with hitt, pear PhSPP61 and 1 esPe-ct that he 'died in *to% iho. same minim if the truth Were known. trenible. tit think. sir," bleekiberdeter -1Andikerelitel- very mth 1 evidencetest tree:We tei think that 1e may have used Art141'1114; bo Mod ov.4.rything loud, ettrert to 111.4 ir.totbett." .• The polr old wouittn' hdd el mint lotorgotk-n time. been riaturtilly of clit-011111 ittupt..ratuent- that olte. wills glad now, when this smiling, af- fable. man earee hefere her, to pour out something f the penktp woo that was /it b -"WI- glad, after ii!ting In that lade Lroom ftr Se long, Waiting and, /Wm ling a hoping for what was nev-, Cr to ome topest, fo see oi;Pleildly Victor Kaman, for hia Out, merely mw- muved Lenooursghig .i.entintnts frau i:me lo tinies-such as, "Veit were Per. feclty ghts Mtit. PNPPat any Woman -itouid hate Otte iho Isle totortiedNo. h ng hehttki hint*" ' oursi--t 114:1411, Lopes to other Bank% in fainida„ rercoree, incluilnke Bets etedis. ere as the Vital part, ot conterniketrary Wheke erderseromitted for eitonot Bejaneo due ierion ,cther Banks in Cart da . ....... 455,3165 82 -- 1908 Gr at leritain will have be.' coma, first, serve, tL 1)0 wulitea • *•1•••• •'- - • • - • • - -• • "• • • "I' 651165 74 navitr4. celculetes that by the endi '1. 317.887 4$ • the fittve, Pewee standarde. The -ileiti-eiretho VowelWTI- a triffirfiligillgUTTLII.-1)0!tAtVr itrif filled, remittance win be refundod.• Ettliatice due front Amalie in 114 United ICitt.. nt A... ,4t.-,..lanies, Street, 14,ordoit1i-,1-sto_g - ed continehtel reputation for the'r pub-, lication. The eoming letrue, to Illustrate Thi. Teroentenery 'Celebration, will cer- tainly be the rnolit* interesting Wog of lorekind---ever prodereedeenethisefordi erre We piediet that, ire IMO illonth •the Webratlett it wilt be Xitdekaan4 at: even ten doliane_a They cannot begin to iteue oxen: h to meet a-deneand that, velltebe- p at. It is a pleasure t� testify -to t value of a thing of sulteeting Ezchano. TI1EIMPERIAL DANK OF CANADA. ' • •A--credttabur--Mtitaio;4atettunt, Olbor Asitts, not Inoludad undfr Loregeing heads 1801, 31 • . . $11,637,1 71 inkut and Previneal Goyeenment Secuilteas .• • $ 534418 07 to prov:notal Governmouts . . 915,843 .73 " • An MUnkgPat SectirWASt an4 British or. Feign' otrial-PubNrSeeuritaretbetthatrtanzgraur-1;004-AWit---- - - .„11411vatt.tatd..othge no1144* 1:kbentural And Stocks ..' 1 673,o7483 . 3.728495 5! .Caltliand- Short Loans,. ont Stott* 4ncLilonds 11).-Canida 3,358,607 90 -$18:71-02-19- What Current Loins, Disco ts end itdva Bea Estate that th k .. ... • • • • • • • • ...... 480 40 The medals% to tonwarded at tbe MPm. inOtrength such shipsv- '- Eng'. Ger. iland. many. 1.4S.A.Fra --7- - Cruisers ., 4 2 Tetal%.. ..12 0 Thtle- the only . ternbinaVert vult,Lbt_ this showing* .le that det 'tho •titr,ite104 Stat -with, Ft...40e. , Mortgege* on. t1eiri Estate so by the lit;nk • 49,800 76 Ilsok proutms. to410(141 Stift, yaolts and Ogle°. Fun:tit:ire "at. Wad Offiest and Branches . I • s • • • ‘• • • • ... • .... ... • - 1 100 000 DO The 33rd annual statement of .Tha 1 ,1141,1104,105 61: V. It. Sratarit Genital Mentig.m • General Manager, rile uon.5 we* resented end careed unanimotolts be found in !mother column, denotes successful nagement, and le one well calculated intretert,publie confidence in this inatiitition. The net fifferite-forilfetr year -ended- Aptit-36111 *Mount to $721,175 and UJIg, txidtd to tbo bolincis (44426,31$ • carried forward teem. last year, and $191,809 prerafinn received On *new stIcii iseued makes Si( 114500, .whtclt hat.betest 4sposed ot $ Four quarterly di et -rate Of 11% pet annum .1) 0 Wets, OW tretutfert‘ed u **„apprnpristiortapptcd 000, and tbo submlafltial balance4 . t (he -lmperial The serutimere appo'n'ed et -the meeting repotted the following gentlemen duly Aletted. Diriertitt for the enetring_yeere-,Mestes. D. 11. Wilkie„etIon. " 'lobed -14114y; Wm. siletnetty olilewland.' Slow, Seottand; Elias Rogers. Kerr ()therm, Charles rAckshUtt, Peleg tiowlattd, Wm. Whyte (Winnipeg, 'Cesare Mulct*, flon.,Fithard Turner tOuebel, Wm. liamitton Merritt, 01, Catherinet . At a subsequent meeting of Die Directers Wilk:e iyes 4etea4ett Presfdtnt and the Hon. Itobt‘rt Mfrs/ Vion,,Prettdant tor. the timing. year. 1m'' iate eyelet) uAthy. thee I whieh are secured ssets of tha bank amotuiling to ,19. Mtoiether the, stale:Meat '‘ manegemen th day of ti-stettitteht ir that ijate In 814 dtedAchatlemagne„ it'ng of 4 Ittit Ettoperbrof Gerrn4ny, ihe gott (he Prankish Kings and tho.iir4 11011 ilvb0t0 thtdigYigy Of 1,13M1111 P e.or*a* eonferr'ed. 11. *SA a'. r-eI*g- ur and pairMild rnn.attectionotio is fenuly,And biliffn 11W ' AS 4 ft. 1(ing . ettd, 14116 Chun r, whlte durin ti torted wi *d trifl pie °aims in London are 4411V b..tngex- hh tkIto4 t1:0 Myra Aereleily• Tbo attist b a talented .ys;tung. Atiqrsy.ait ilvtrarn hiaoltentui, Thw.ant *Ad ard ePt)ear from photographs : to be fIrtty finaginkid.eind daitecut,-.4. l he reVersz of the prize ertratal .ehoere St. ftorge log dr,wri the • dtagen, with tin SOO; 1e,r2.4cing on; that of..the controttnt,rative' trredal, 4 winged Pante, eree,l,,*34 a - pahn ir the AtiOtt band and .te :irtunpet in the ler, 114:mvorps ereto be uvd 411S Yotiteitt(4no. Aerze*, hIve Wen •elletikd to ust..d future Olytntric riVetitige; TheOhveoe ilitfittl • •;010*S, 'Hit • crestated by tWO1 0411%6: 4 the. 01,303,Merriaratitc6 - ;•'' turning bonte itt a I lict mharch itho. .died on , . wa, -Ab Great, el I'r,ith Oil: died In I noriereh ' •!'relfer lane 'aptM -OW Etir002 fin711.45411: in. 1.76, alio.."41 ,ttier threGreeteet .firit inertereh • e hlor leek flee title 4 e ,i-il A1 tbe tbiteetaee,, Ile abree .tt . digilaYeliti-er.ht e '14 ' ii.eihNi thee4101' , - e -ti wsi ' \heit. 11 •. - t tint; 41*0 ' - -1 t it *h . e etete ., ' (iRAVEYAIID 01 , „- "the gravey ul Ow Wive:114r rt7alItt .11t from 'ffalil * 11110117 J)&) 4471(' '