Exeter Times., 1908-06-11, Page 3IS to 011ey, .YOu would scarce,
her for thee\trame Odley
aDaritig felir
relt, you linoW;..don't. forget ha
Oise *poke perheps More KM
-she Ititittlerkkcl; kr•t her surpr
foltaxkit, rtece*51try
kmtrn5 with
en .wjy. CorL atur.r cing tog
ther the .beest;. it% those people who
feel it deoplY,,, and have gat; &s t we.
ti loro's bead Itself, who know therin
of. the b litV
Yik,* alone, -e.afr psitlitte:0r0.74,1wr.t. olilkYr
tie -or
Jur r t
cIe.rftd; Who in -4=r Song; 1
r'ght. ,again.
Sb -hed sot
11 wonder;saw that
y cafleiX Lovohtti,ttrroaittiltnliortg,
o vriderfut Odley had once
must be. Thee wereks had
a • •
erden.s had raver known 'The
orH vi I/4'W wagon as it, had ekate
nee' Irmo
Ornway.Oder's, and Jr, manner
satationg, made a mistake, and called
Ibe- wrong
'W/thotit 'crest an, apology ler his blun-
ctirk, Its ,thIng had Ibsen in regard
zr .14,4 y,sterLotu. Aunt Phipps. She
utd bcefl astounded to discover herself
swept out of the house, OS It were, at 3
t-utzncnt', notito by that impetutnis
:yonnif zraarr, air. Christopher Dayne,
Vaal had been no time for explana-
; Chrstopher bat hem given. t
r11 he totk h.s aunt w;tit
rth a I
vied eoukl net here antictpated
, Olive Verney had thought. to se;
tho fevers, and had been success-
ut fn doinvoLitutJaell.... v ‘sha h
• ed.„.kerifeV of thet in the
" Chili ord. in oberre to the
and ot Odley; bta Ito Avila t.'d Olive
-rettartiling her to ac any htm.
And she; dared not, of cow se; •refuse.
17ttiii that p -int her dimeuiti,mhad
eomnienced. lidh.erto the bay hRd been
'playing; ardw1 suddenly tcok the bust -
hist own hands, end played
ante- for---hiroself. . lie bad borne
of&l hotel son that- night of their
uddentleparturerfrom i'venwaysi Gan-
tt* andh NVOS tVidelitty 4 dto
in a styli& belittIng his suppoSed
forturo. When, in .some, alarm, sir
gested- theta -Motet fixtlest establish.
,ent.,,sveult.to reVer, he told hr wAlt
• h ttetms that he hal no nerd to
tidk -
Iarg roads know hut whaL ibof r
.4r4' doing, the" know well the Oa
prducing a erop, they are perfectly 4
utatinted with the 'detail work of the
farm, W .01414 forMe***haVe givan any
tIenUoi. to allrottd,,.ayStem_
aa -
o very *
Atint AO ea_
on 'the oad is litck,
Plano --Th "Cat Evouo.”
'haextraordinttry• rousleal isenaltive.
was of soldiers haat several 1,1M4s' bean
ProVed. Every One 'brie hOtrd. of Pal -
Spider. ,•Cansoler ot the 'unto, -
tussle Peartnarl`,.it.\penshedtec„,ause t
Vatten-ed-too c
MOM ng, novv:Tt
Lon which 'was ahle 40. Sing
octave and it is known 'that bile* clam -
Pintoes will gather to the number of
from_ Ivrea. y to _fifty and feral a MO
°!' t*chMra,boting Piece of holloWt
wood with Mlcks for
• - ;-
Afraid you aentsnow‘very men
Be. TAM .PhIP.14;!Said the girl,
g„th:nk... that 1 Sh4OKt
not asked °YOU te•ein
don't sea wb,X Yet& cam. U beaus.
I believed in WM` andlored him, that
gives you: the rtght to .ceittel and _Meta
Me, I ant aorry. Out if you 'come from
"No -no --I don't 40 that,' broke In
. •
Oland, then, that
him under any der -
dr that .be. -has -kir
you-hadn-t-come--back---bereLhe iiouId
• ked -bard, and' Wellati)d-havt;
.be- enjiti PP y Portarie4A*-em not .for oar
1.1v47 intakes, its awn -.1eirturtes, Mrs.
Gil ye was silent; that, curious f eling
O f shame was ereeting over h:1* again.
thcught me Y of ths fnther
la .b.'s grave; 'of her promise; And I of
how poor funt pitiful 4 tifng it Seemed
to fight against this child. It the girl
, had wept and .prayed,,^ shwa inight„, eon.
temptuusly eitotigh. have MeV snother
was a th ng greaier than her °WA,. and
it. gair.cd Atileast-her--tesrect,
"didn't. want to Insult you,”, she stkid
"Stme day, ,perhaps, ',sant% turV:.
'flerstanti better .-about it all. Were
you ---she .hasitated, andtapped- nerv-
0.1 V . no right---* „began Lucy.,
"Why do you come Ieere at all -cant
you understand what youtro doing?
Have I ever done you any wrong?,
y , sity you do not come from Ma-
w 1 r.;ght have s-eTou te.''ay a w.L.rdr
in at her qu'elly. faleinits.anothe.t mat-
ter Yauli untlerstand better SOLAC day.
I shan't trout& you. age'n--at present,
•sbe • add(d, she lwalked out of the
Oa animpubSe. tiftPnwerda she tame
'kiwty--back--and7loolted- titto--the-
egert, perhaps With some intention to
smooth away what.ste,ted.,saitl.,„ .She
saw the girl seatd wIth her
arras 'filing out uron ft, end her bead
L -
prospect. of liappiness for
;effect; -,-ther, nolking
, e Varn:y had deerred to sprz,r.41
run and disaster all about her, she
.t41041 'net have siiee(vcied Letter. iChris
"eetiited dats were passed
idleness; tt seemtd !nripoitile for him,
to sett, anyth:rig. Otis° had to fate,
thir Tie ib-itadthols
ri Otit- that. loresters
rLUt''sha-Itcd also injartal
;d nou 14 And ac1t day that ehe
net h rn sb camejo. '.. Ize. that -
o , 1» wcud have been a bright,'
in law, eerte,:n Ito make hs
way in the world. That da ntikr„, thing,
ber piselene.. began le stir on:010
olOY,', :,tillie-she-grew afratxL
•4 Ihro,roo.' „wait ro'Ifng;'she dui yzot
Iltit iho_wirian,, vAis,:-.apSet
le , ° ,...osstenit.
'1 • ovrid,.. ; .'ve d been
v i
that or &m'Shiug
-and--brighte,r .han her own' lite
„ bad known.8 he tett hed.lt hive Or II*
lit save. hr
',It aga:n lit Lucy
toit *Ino dee littipom.'.ble lover
Lle $ IA ' ,..PRIIV111.,.:0 Cbeg,
1- whs it g1. is inoe * stratiO-tterk *
ind 11 .ssher fats lo4ivort t/.4.tilitg
lie, like a blight, spoiling. ever*.
t by, and rie,hillig ha
,1011)atAt.t. A te"
;iwt leln'Awstio,1 betWe'rt hr
• -ptk1'- tnI 1wrh,itvo tkE.r eelit tc
away rga n, out el housi,„..and
-1146 stmota,---And,-,1wane
._„. ,
.- 0,1emo.
.0,„ e.tvt,t, fiausnrritsb?telut tY4
it Should he tve
h"J CeaSCd working.'
be stocd watehng br e\he aske.1 the
(1,Pas and she StoOd'i, Ok"nit at hi
Inak`rig UP ter 'Mind WhatIOSa4 'The'
elands ard the M'ista werooiling await
-▪ of ttegrJ., leaning' over ,
, the tab!e, weeping seemed
very, near,to
. to jr,v,
nieit wh'cirecha had .staddenly:eleierrnba-
ed. Aladin cattle acfreaito h, laid
&writ- his peelte and bruilvas„.an4 held
.Out . his hand. ".
"I believe yaw do," I* said. "Am I.
fanciful -or are thesertearsn your ey4
Ah--cloret. - -braish itt. zn.-awityttlx
, .sametlines brightrr than dittniandosin a..
welnan's eyes -When, they •.te!dame at the
_ 'Den3 worry., Mr. Phipps-
Ou'side n thi She t �gn, meth that
.1*1 this lo for all. And s, in
thi•ladin h with a new .1aappitess
'dateng it hot heart, back - to Green*
waye Gardena, And .there, Carling to*
d 1004 41,3.
tram ,12, to. 24
des- pawed it. Vr"11.;ri giving rto-
. •, „
.•„,, ,
6, ;.. II
iiu.ta Ile gave &ciineert
what ion ship. , A Mari' that haildtoa at the same hall int on each ccas1op-
k, to 'blot nothing Weald Pay so well Inc spider ;appear ,
a -Spendtag..*veral. daya. at Alle-tatOPIC ... Insect* in, general, though lea Sane -
yards and. iceEteing hta' eyes open. !fere .live to /paste., do not object, to it. Flail-
erle cin See. carload after load of sheep, es betray little or no intereest in royale.
.cattkLand_hoga-reine--10,-.-and-Wh . Everybraiyy-CriRlurotber-lrsrndr-Pratatbt,
le * they are! At"0,04*--LW-0011,10 .Overle. --thotrranak is Often itieft4eler
t --o anner to extra g
most of'the hogs that came In are no The Indians catch . u.anas irt that
hi10:,1 e li
the: ranges from a, good, places. ,
irenr 250- ,d7hogs 'ausnrtel,_-- aga_ther_AL.,..ia an x arient-that
.. „col - , -earmistimake ,---•
'4100ms-how can a ,fartner expect toget-truth at the nattier. If a SOlin an piano
the -best ralces? -Tits buyer pays ter the is-filayRI-Wherfever theals ellzurd. vis-
pcerestr„,the_ioss._is,..4.4104aliner..4.4107.„, 41,6-11lo.4itard-wal-stop•And4listert-with
•Abottid lustily bear it under such condi- - obvious pleasure as long as the music
Uons. - '. ' hies.
, in order to get the best that the mar- tt, is a. well known fact that in those
Rot offers we should 'study the market re- ceuniees where okon are -used for labor
ports,. or Oven -write to the .0Ommission . they lake great pleasure In the singing:
men or puckers who are at all •times of their driver. They weak bttb•sat -the
wort° give information in regard toplougli,when-stiried by a die:4M smg.
et:;.they want; , When you have found Arabs altg to theft* caineis (Mr:rig bog
Out, furnish that which they demand, loo_rirel% across the descrt. • .
ir on have net a tun load severe) men '. Horses are parecultir4 setative to
lgo-tegettrer.erid-allir4tweliff mus44‘..Goesicevywhetli
y St_
lize tttelimniensely intpar
ed by the lower animals in the dissent-
iration, of 4/saves lienee the new war
of exterrninatkm -againsrate.
Per a thOupitd•years and more, pub-
lic opinion In India, tt.nd the Ear East
genertalfi; tia.,s blamed, these vernitir for
a- re"tidl a itt onl
41 tato AS the great outbreak in hong-
Kong. in 1894, that the factwas indi.
sputabty and seientilicrity proved. • '
terve*. Parisof theworld, with the re-
sult that the terrible disease has been
atirniptitt but, at alt -events-,--,. tranprrari
in districts where it was *once. milieu-
ously endemie.
And now seientist,s are turning their
attenton to other animals, with. star-
ling results. The "harmless nec, ssary
:oat," for inotanee,' has Well buii1 to
he, itnecessery, certainly not harmless,
for it has been etorly proved to have
carrie4 (tam hoUse. and Pan
NOM* to jers.in such deadly di's:Awes
es in curiae(' 101$.- 144,0110.eall force the matter, quotes the faill.eftifill carious
. Sae
„ et I1fant:17Y waa nurkiug Military test .10th.
-can carry //action along'
s ,n''limpet "when the Mitsic struck up. The .. tu as WO -clearly proved at Con -
grain farmerren0 better than
the _stock men this nspeet„ we halm Y horscrof Capt. Ve 11----- hastened 1865eIvIaer4 a' sine ant'
itt gone to flouring nails in small towns, aTtcligarAd lts,-,elf, in spite 0! as "mat- futOrkl$ the ItY from an infect-
ed district, started a cholera epidemic
to see t.' K3nutn a thtonnt.
"Ab. Iny sweet oral \Why hatre Yotr
.rionet away.. and .deserted ell your Oki
Mende M this fashion?" ho. asked
'One WI/CV krOwS where 10 have Yatt.
or what yea w 11ea next. w stands
rush Into •Wld e avagaiVe. a.rd strive
to dzw dull cit 'n tt,e flvng bowl -
and in other convent onal ways, or drS
be toitinplate an early grave? As for
our dur encltentng heroine-rny bless-
ings trPon---itert---Sher- TroWsvdei-V.rely
Atilmer-every-day: .r -
Wen so intere-shxl." •
- "Listen -to .me, Xicter--trettnan.„1-..-she
said, !taking. him .strringly..by. the , arm..
and turning him. about, and walldng
of tall UV'S tusinessi; you km* that 1-7
. . ,„
irn ad
eterie iittine•
tot,, in states „dheie the •is. A Ing obv.tous Of pirsttic..
re ,
gisitt.InSpection. When oils. considers , '"Whi'll tba music "we'd Ill° eOtalu Ichirir IbetjY'anad4ralatglit'sainain' 411;tutivrtetItilliirkel::
the arriall efforts on the fertile& part was able to resunia his paceat the !lead 1 d'Ava, with the complaint, which. savead
to, grow and. market a good clean and 0! hi 'FcrriP"Y* "It ili;Lbanit st:uck uP t'n-alice lei elf part.S of thee c,ty, even the
pure grain ii is,n4 jut that he reee.tris aga:n., and the horse, notttithafanding,
„,., Sultan's prelwe being invaded. •
eh* less than market price When be lb° 'efkuls al taPt*- Da.,111 %-itZNZ,,,I At tillw gricans, aga1n, in11878, a ter.
arsiont-grain. " . ahead 4n4-entv-Therel P4aeed-4 ..-i4 -1%Wer:;41M7'.7a.--g4,10131,:feie,,,x was, rtv!,-
Not long ago our attention was carted ed to Some pigs, imitorted ino the city
to smite eases where the oats had been every time the band Play°d'•hoar an entivirat th.44
h * been 'found to listen with - tc'oPants
flions ate whioll hod d the coin taint.
that shIPPed the 'eats Pla°44 6Iuv° PIP° -*- the t p. noes and the mediunt but
in the center of the sack. Oats was
roar terribly when the brass.. keys are
itt all around this, 'ion the inaWo_.ott e
"slovepiped," as it was 'termed. The men, • bunked., to the piano. They .pt. t-
Scarlath, t e Italitincortroser oxvned
pipe they put sand arid rubbish, then
v$14,140' $:'Pr '-
t ,v,* t nn:og ftimsclvc.
e-satil-fiend-fah trocity--* -
ttOtt..ls..no.Lthirsly untit
raeties water, when he'develope a thirst
of the first magnitude Watt abnormal.'
creatures are not seired with the);Itrfrar,
to murder unUl they are in close MX -
*natty to the object of their hativat...34144Ve0744( A
heir lust tor blood overvalue
cklat mania whom I have met, I recall s
man to whom I gave advice to a 'hospital'.
OfiltiVisartate be Was entirely ratfonat.-
ile could talk sensibly. on +countless
cussed. bts mental equilibrium waa vl4.„
lently disturbed, \Ven In this slide his
behavior was that oZ
He 'became perfectly rational when the
Impulse had passed old, however, and „rea
mined so untiP.the subieerthar cause -,c1-- ,
t!WWthL3l ded° - 1 -
during the moinents of his paroxysm,
this man had been , left to himself ha -
would undouhtedly have resort -ed to mar -
police fail to elucidate are due to the -
sort of brain mischialliave_described-
Thischiorwhich does- assert -itself -until
flarne -is kindled.
"The authorship of murders for which
homicidal maniacs are responsible is of-
ten exceedingtly difhetalt to trace, the ex-
planation being that men thus deranged
reason with niore dunning and rational-
ity and are More methodical- than sane
folks; There is invariably melhod-,in the
doings of the mentally afflicted. A homi-
cidal "mance bent on assassination, lays
)fairirffrffilhfirdWiffer”- •
(Penny devoting whole days to his dreed
have known -several who act-
natty orznui4tediheir murderous designs
en paez\ showing exactly how' the deed,
• %VAS 1.0 b perfornied,providing for every
• ccniingency, and .exhibiting
PUIIC(1 °tit th°- PIP° and Put 8°Itle Ox)tt -a-cat-which „loved- to,walle-on--the-keys vqrtimS.
13 7e- that Tire niodern father
011.11 4111,011::-AVIitt-Wat l'116 it -41111T- A. 4'1 plane „and struck certaA-not.rs-in t tun
lama jo".iiiittiti Lima: oneJocaUy .a., .10 r4 son tw44.
lorge'rultilhg tomtit lb viru-the:beg ens; Aft,Are ttWoICA thAlifetitiat-tAP-ShOttld be
-i tr414m-, -rather -.. s --he allowed
rre '.-11r-o-r-WIti-47. '
any more; the abuses hciiped upou"Aulwri, this:tiiiuegTlesraini%00-71:12 tall! tertntietniute740.vabluNt:einess,ty.
-witungiown.by,thisi-farming corn:nun- v
. #
She fetI su it'y old, and ver, verY
len ty. Tht!.pe at th.e dealh-bed of
ti r fath r, wtLch bad at the time burint
itself so strop IY into" her vernenitr,
novv,s ftr-b1.--c1C
had forgotten, iptare her, as she walk-
ct,tt 'through the streets was the ho.
-tigure-ot-ffe 1 t
bright. arid happy telore the d stritrous
mean. and sotard;...A**, seemed .lo have:
itga ly tiviitted to her nature. •
51»*hail walked , 7ork, %14thotit taking
thought' of where *be was going, trig
iskt walked aneehanteally, Inhe dIree-
ton of Martin Makes Socha.. She re.
raeniberod„ when she saw' the 'rah* on
'61Wli a the street, to have heard
the Oiliest frortr.ftr-,Tr. &army -know
alkeLtt414,41 ,stwv0,nt'Lert t� the
aloffto itatit„ and kilocloo at iiNa door.
Pertios In 'hr mind was the thought
that , here at leaet viols a' strong,: Sane
Man tol,ght,
WIVOCI surprL1 when
14'* Opened tivAtooti but htv*etOrd
id tit-, de way for fur to enter. His h
thumb, ohvl-
angiicn his'
,1» bd'appatetit'y
sayitg. snyiti:ng „ha
pakite, and
a g tor -Oliva trt stet&
',-t-..khcAY:,why t ,t•
saki'. titter rn
trf bet
A1r1 1w4d 4ac(L At
DI tte,' arid
as a/13,0 fitet.4 o
Titus. tap
Only ta,rs. tuoy Ewi
taco iet ho rtwrt.t.
roy-,*,or(t sowthirtg
terd''riteaSt ki Itail.114 lista
tt kp* btili war tot
rn bito„
• but yet a litre r. rvous y.
"Aunt Phipps no longer," She said.
'‘I've 'done with' it tte Vaud and
the lying attdv !her deeelt;
-away --Ircarr-it;"
"But my dear girl! Are you mad?"
"No; but 1 have been.' 'she said.. with
• cumus
g dU
"Or.vo Verne s 41; bat t'IIIppS
hiPpit.-13 start.
roi neTY dkrw Man, tth lios-1
full of lea* for _the 14,034.4 1 ti
n lbn M-itCrifiiVrta styeTitm. You
shall find her, Vietor; you ,shall brio
hr hack to the playa 1 haVa_ustirped; it
shall be tor you to put th5nge straight.
"And your he sake& "What- becornes,
NM/hat iloes - tositerr
ni anOthiir Itile t.1461,11:11-414,ile dolnotinwlYtt
Inet-----1 'utter sahappy
in my life. 5e---tere is the addj-t"---
rapidly ,scribbled line on 4' P'eeCe
of parer and thrust •it into Ws bend -
• rat wilt flild Aunt Phipps; bring
Le: own Mary. YOU'ire seat, the last ,ot
I"' hock 16 the bay, and lel, her lett
Shp turriek abrulitry, and NLealkei.Oit
--wirY.4 Gardena • and was twat
rut growers ,arefrortex tho
list of men that send out poor or mixed
kel of goods, under all conditions doe -
11 pay, and that well, for the shipper to
grade his ware. Grain mil be fanncd
and the light stuff fed t� 'the steak, poor
fruit and potatoes may likewise bo sort-
e sourid thus 'proluced:,
The wIriter knows of a. dog that -trill
listen 'intently and silently to all melot
d'es,- -but displays- -every symptom of
pain -and agony at_ thvsottild •of three -
\Matte st ale. This dog. beerints (Mkt. as
soon to the nielot is again taken up.
wiles? oz.Alialtui- retains a e white
bands and a high Collarit would Fie
smualt m: re advantageous to th-mselves
"awl to the world .generolly, if theseboys
ttad been turned. into. skilled -10;ml:omit.
Ii thooarng alrade;-ee, lioivever, -that
It is, a luerative one. Treks vary, and.
Th market fa always willing to pay
tn r lirStclass article than far
y (bis rice
thodot •Vilt4inathelttintit,thericet
rgr proflts wI1'be on our side of the
little oltmeal In the horses feed wit
,_,,_ 111°7-4149i414'
',me haft: • - ,
day ..of tren1Pinit int SO Pitt
it.. WIT. Iniurt Ahgth r 4 con tio
in months., it.oen t. ,kk,,,ows in tiny" tick
ground It well settiedt)'
After a whifer.of topparative idlen
lieisei aria aritbitkniaand eager and a'ls
a bit sett, and Initell, 'JO° out for r
ted shOtilderi, ra beers and, that
fie nks_.,:lell _Of „wit eh, wit 1 _,....
i'ari, 1* avoided,.
If you -, are letthlg thetalf,suckl-M-Ori
artt you,milk on the other-whid
15,..nAtt_ i „righl,Ille ,... -4
hut If ix, are doing It, n
.with,--fhe,111-diaity. . it yof.,1--400li ,
t..4)* _ VIII gk. The.** Intik .4it tilt:ai
ide, for thelettaan thet the r calf_ undr
dm1s--. A ,300:41*iwi.147
eery.. .
['utaltry-keiping Is hta.
• terribly 'asVo
It one wislicti 'to '•
It is a striking fact,thatzmo3t 1 the in.
males'envzctr1ns I-17day tra-an
that %you'd Imre done e edit -to any Sher-,
Icerk, liolmes. •
'Some murders"are carried out when
he assassin is in an epileptic trance -
it condition which is extremely remark-
able. 1 heard lately of a woman in Brus-
sels who had over -twenty hysterical fits
in the' twenty-four hours. The fits were
so terrible and depressing that •it, was
deemed necessary to hypnotize her.- She
was put to sk,ep in the winter and aw*.
ened‘ in the sittnnier. Fr seven nionthS
it was asleep, ad dirring_this tinny she
busied herself with her cristemary duties,
though she was unable to recognize two
people only -7 the doctor and the nurse:
M - Individual in this state might easily
have leitgufloJ murder- .
afternoon," the doctor added, "a gentle -
111 -q'' that, he lived in,
#4i 41.4.4 NW 61144111Vp11101AVORME ' :JAVA
then he was the-tielim of a morbi. in.
fluence to kill, and he -felt that if some-
thing was not done for him he would
assuredly terminate his existence on the.
ataffolti, Subsequently- he inforptekhis
friends of his weakness, hut they regard.
ed his confession a a joke and la bed
bad to worse, and was ultitnately certi-
fied /r -lunatic. If -Ms-friends had rallied-
them he might have been Jyut to* rights,
,tair-e-s-itwaS hirbccartienranicaL 114-n-
4e/dal Manic' Is curable asa rule, but
Suicidal mania is not."-LOndon Tit -Bits.
_Mager is orte..e theMost fatal
No person isrever I insignActait to
trS annoying.
•• SUCettss ft target, With a very small
• Os *min who baps his mouth abut
savesa lot of tine. •
•lealbusy toait . fruit which ti preseiT,
od In fLiiiily jars.
I irrcgutee risoiitutylwtor.itmlitr:iliteri.:::143 a ped
, We fudge dome, Men by the ,dsetis,1
tnd thera.-by„:41iele ntlidlietts. .
j&t is -rouir.4-1c-pritat
--1, - 1.s11,430- Which tras twe
a4 ro Tait iiis wicatiourlah 7p.
Let 'vib
T ' en Avh,), enetetedS•is „ 1 I
i t.4at,4eltpo!T 110,:g,;,11::::4,)1,1
" ar uhitq-tR.ir*vt..,'c---
an, .10 believ* only haif
4he 1 ottot 'lost et lhet,"
r4;4t4,:tut theie