Exeter Times., 1908-06-11, Page 3IS to 011ey, .YOu would scarce, her for thee\trame Odley In ; aDaritig felir relt, you linoW;..don't. forget ha Oise *poke perheps More KM -she Ititittlerkkcl; kr•t her surpr foltaxkit, rtece*51try kmtrn5 with en .wjy. CorL atur.r cing tog ther the .beest;. it% those people who feel it deoplY,,, and have gat; &s t we. ti loro's bead Itself, who know therin of. the b litV Yik,* alone, -e.afr psitlitte:0r0.74,1wr.t. olilkYr r tie tie -or Jur r t cIe.rftd; Who in -4=r Song; 1 atthato' r'ght. ,again. Sb -hed sot 11 wonder;saw that y cafleiX Lovohtti,ttrroaittiltnliortg, o vriderfut Odley had once must be. Thee wereks had a • • f though--Orcanutaya erden.s had raver known 'The orH vi I/4'W wagon as it, had ekate nee' Irmo Ornway.Oder's, and Jr, manner satationg, made a mistake, and called Ibe- wrong 'W/thotit 'crest an, apology ler his blun- ctirk, Its ,thIng had Ibsen in regard zr .14,4 y,sterLotu. Aunt Phipps. She utd bcefl astounded to discover herself swept out of the house, OS It were, at 3 t-utzncnt', notito by that impetutnis :yonnif zraarr, air. Christopher Dayne, Vaal had been no time for explana- ; Chrstopher bat hem given. t ititrwonitPripattririnte r11 he totk h.s aunt w;tit rth a I vied eoukl net here antictpated , Olive Verney had thought. to se; „p- tho fevers, and had been success- ut fn doinvoLitutJaell.... v ‘sha h • ed.„.kerifeV of thet in the " Chili ord. in oberre to the and ot Odley; bta Ito Avila t.'d Olive -rettartiling her to ac any htm. And she; dared not, of cow se; •refuse. 17ttiii that p -int her dimeuiti,mhad eomnienced. lidh.erto the bay hRd been „rypher-in---theLgarne-aba-wd- 'playing; ardw1 suddenly tcok the bust - hist own hands, end played ante- for---hiroself. . lie bad borne of&l hotel son that- night of their uddentleparturerfrom i'venwaysi Gan- tt* andh NVOS tVidelitty 4 dto in a styli& belittIng his suppoSed forturo. When, in .some, alarm, sir gested- theta -Motet fixtlest establish. ,ent.,,sveult.to reVer, he told hr wAlt • h ttetms that he hal no nerd to tidk - Iarg roads know hut whaL ibof r .4r4' doing, the" know well the Oa prducing a erop, they are perfectly 4 utatinted with the 'detail work of the farm, W .01414 forMe***haVe givan any tIenUoi. to allrottd,,.ayStem_ aa - o very * Atint AO ea_ on 'the oad is litck, Plano --Th "Cat Evouo.” 'haextraordinttry• rousleal isenaltive. was of soldiers haat several 1,1M4s' bean ProVed. Every One 'brie hOtrd. of Pal - Spider. ,•Cansoler ot the 'unto, - tussle Peartnarl`,.it.\penshedtec„,ause t Vatten-ed-too c study, MOM ng, novv:Tt Lon which 'was ahle 40. Sing octave and it is known 'that bile* clam - Pintoes will gather to the number of from_ Ivrea. y to _fifty and feral a MO °!' t*chMra,boting Piece of holloWt wood with Mlcks for • - ;- Afraid you aentsnow‘very men Be. TAM .PhIP.14;!Said the girl, g„th:nk... that 1 Sh4OKt not asked °YOU te•ein don't sea wb,X Yet& cam. U beaus. I believed in WM` andlored him, that gives you: the rtght to .ceittel and _Meta Me, I ant aorry. Out if you 'come from "No -no --I don't 40 that,' broke In . • Oland, then, that him under any der - dr that .be. -has -kir f4eilliCarAllirt4V5itai* you-hadn-t-come--back---bereLhe iiouId • ked -bard, and' Wellati)d-havt; .be- enjiti PP y Portarie4A*-em not .for oar _ 1.1v47 intakes, its awn -.1eirturtes, Mrs. , Gil ye was silent; that, curious f eling O f shame was ereeting over h:1* again. thcught me Y of ths fnther la .b.'s grave; 'of her promise; And I of how poor funt pitiful 4 tifng it Seemed to fight against this child. It the girl , had wept and .prayed,,^ shwa inight„, eon. temptuusly eitotigh. have MeV snother lAgAliptItAstaiffil-krk_4414-4el&P,E. was a th ng greaier than her °WA,. and it. gair.cd Atileast-her--tesrect, "didn't. want to Insult you,”, she stkid "Stme day, ,perhaps, ',sant% turV:. 'flerstanti better .-about it all. Were you ---she .hasitated, andtapped- nerv- , 0.1 V . no right---* „began Lucy., "Why do you come Ieere at all -cant you understand what youtro doing? Have I ever done you any wrong?, y , sity you do not come from Ma- w 1 r.;ght have s-eTou te.''ay a w.L.rdr sum:1w. in at her qu'elly. faleinits.anothe.t mat- ter Yauli untlerstand better SOLAC day. I shan't trout& you. age'n--at present, •sbe • add(d, she lwalked out of the MciM. Oa animpubSe. tiftPnwerda she tame 'kiwty--back--and7loolted- titto--the- egert, perhaps With some intention to smooth away what.ste,ted.,saitl.,„ .She saw the girl seatd wIth her arras 'filing out uron ft, end her bead L - prospect. of liappiness for ;effect; -,-ther, nolking * ISMS , e Varn:y had deerred to sprz,r.41 run and disaster all about her, she .t41041 'net have siiee(vcied Letter. iChris "eetiited dats were passed idleness; tt seemtd !nripoitile for him, to sett, anyth:rig. Otis° had to fate, thir Tie ib-itadthols ri Otit- that. loresters rLUt''sha-Itcd also injartal lO4 ;d nou 14 And ac1t day that ehe net h rn sb camejo. '.. Ize. that - o , 1» wcud have been a bright,' in law, eerte,:n Ito make hs way in the world. That da ntikr„, thing, ber piselene.. began le stir on:010 olOY,', :,tillie-she-grew afratxL •4 Ihro,roo.' „wait ro'Ifng;'she dui yzot .. -ootrn Iltit iho_wirian,, vAis,:-.apSet le , ° ,...osstenit. '1 • ovrid,.. ; .'ve d been -stilt v i that or &m'Shiug -and--brighte,r .han her own' lite „ bad known.8 he tett hed.lt hive Or II* lit save. hr ',It aga:n lit Lucy toit *Ino dee littipom.'.ble lover Lle $ IA ' ,..PRIIV111.,.:0 Cbeg, 1- whs it g1. is inoe * stratiO-tterk * ind 11 .ssher fats lo4ivort t/.4.tilitg lie, like a blight, spoiling. ever*. ! t by, and rie,hillig ha ,1011)atAt.t. A te" ;iwt leln'Awstio,1 betWe'rt hr • -ptk1'- tnI 1wrh,itvo tkE.r eelit tc 1114t1406.14,u, away rga n, out el housi,„..and -1146 stmota,---And,-,1wane ._„. , pavonefirs .- 0,1emo. *igsaAr7,ei .0,„ e.tvt,t, fiausnrritsb?telut tY4 is1 it Should he tve xih h"J CeaSCd working.' be stocd watehng br e\he aske.1 the (1,Pas and she StoOd'i, Ok"nit at hi Inak`rig UP ter 'Mind WhatIOSa4 'The' elands ard the M'ista werooiling await ,.for-theAra sbo-wanted-dsprate1yefito.sight." -▪ of ttegrJ., leaning' over , , the tab!e, weeping seemed very, near,to . to jr,v, " 11 4:1V nieit wh'cirecha had .staddenly:eleierrnba- ed. Aladin cattle acfreaito h, laid &writ- his peelte and bruilvas„.an4 held .Out . his hand. ". "I believe yaw do," I* said. "Am I. fanciful -or are thesertearsn your ey4 Ah--cloret. - -braish itt. zn.-awityttlx , .sametlines brightrr than dittniandosin a.. welnan's eyes -When, they •.te!dame at the _ 'Den3 worry., Mr. Phipps- Ou'side n thi She t �gn, meth that .1*1 this lo for all. And s, in thi•ladin h with a new .1aappitess 'dateng it hot heart, back - to Green* waye Gardena, And .there, Carling to* d 1004 41,3. tram ,12, to. 24 UP° des- pawed it. Vr"11.;ri giving rto- . •, „ , .•„,, , 6, ;.. II iiu.ta Ile gave &ciineert what ion ship. , A Mari' that haildtoa at the same hall int on each ccas1op- • k, to 'blot nothing Weald Pay so well Inc spider ;appear , a -Spendtag..*veral. daya. at Alle-tatOPIC ... Insect* in, general, though lea Sane - yards and. iceEteing hta' eyes open. !fere .live to /paste., do not object, to it. Flail- erle cin See. carload after load of sheep, es betray little or no intereest in royale. .cattkLand_hoga-reine--10,-.-and-Wh . Everybraiyy-CriRlurotber-lrsrndr-Pratatbt, le * they are! At"0,04*--LW-0011,10 .Overle. --thotrranak is Often itieft4eler t --o anner to extra g ,.. most of'the hogs that came In are no The Indians catch . u.anas irt that hi10:,1 e li the: ranges from a, good, places. , irenr 250- ,d7hogs 'ausnrtel,_-- aga_ther_AL.,..ia an x arient-that .. „col - , -earmistimake ,---• '4100ms-how can a ,fartner expect toget-truth at the nattier. If a SOlin an piano the -best ralces? -Tits buyer pays ter the is-filayRI-Wherfever theals ellzurd. vis- pcerestr„,the_ioss._is,..4.4104aliner..4.4107.„, 41,6-11lo.4itard-wal-stop•And4listert-with •Abottid lustily bear it under such condi- - obvious pleasure as long as the music Uons. - '. ' hies. • , in order to get the best that the mar- tt, is a. well known fact that in those Rot offers we should 'study the market re- ceuniees where okon are -used for labor ports,. or Oven -write to the .0Ommission . they lake great pleasure In the singing: men or puckers who are at all •times of their driver. They weak bttb•sat -the wort° give information in regard toplougli,when-stiried by a die:4M smg. et:;.they want; , When you have found Arabs altg to theft* caineis (Mr:rig bog Out, furnish that which they demand, loo_rirel% across the descrt. • . ir on have net a tun load severe) men '. Horses are parecultir4 setative to lgo-tegettrer.erid-allir4tweliff mus44‘..Goesicevywhetli y St_ lize tttelimniensely intpar ed by the lower animals in the dissent- iration, of 4/saves lienee the new war of exterrninatkm -againsrate. Per a thOupitd•years and more, pub- lic opinion In India, tt.nd the Ear East genertalfi; tia.,s blamed, these vernitir for a- re"tidl a itt onl 41 tato AS the great outbreak in hong- Kong. in 1894, that the factwas indi. sputabty and seientilicrity proved. • ' agents terve*. Parisof theworld, with the re- sult that the terrible disease has been atirniptitt but, at alt -events-,--,. tranprrari in districts where it was *once. milieu- ously endemie. And now seientist,s are turning their attenton to other animals, with. star- ling results. The "harmless nec, ssary :oat," for inotanee,' has Well buii1 to he, itnecessery, certainly not harmless, for it has been etorly proved to have carrie4 (tam hoUse. and Pan NOM* to jers.in such deadly di's:Awes es in curiae(' 101$.- 144,0110.eall force the matter, quotes the faill.eftifill carious . Sae „ et I1fant:17Y waa nurkiug Military test .10th. -can carry //action along' s ,n''limpet "when the Mitsic struck up. The .. tu as WO -clearly proved at Con - grain farmerren0 better than the _stock men this nspeet„ we halm Y horscrof Capt. Ve 11----- hastened 1865eIvIaer4 a' sine ant' sing :o itt gone to flouring nails in small towns, aTtcligarAd lts,-,elf, in spite 0! as "mat- futOrkl$ the ItY from an infect- ed district, started a cholera epidemic to see t.' K3nutn a thtonnt. "Ab. Iny sweet oral \Why hatre Yotr .rionet away.. and .deserted ell your Oki Mende M this fashion?" ho. asked 'One WI/CV krOwS where 10 have Yatt. or what yea w 11ea next. w stands rush Into •Wld e avagaiVe. a.rd strive to dzw dull cit 'n tt,e flvng bowl - and in other convent onal ways, or drS be toitinplate an early grave? As for our dur encltentng heroine-rny bless- ings trPon---itert---Sher- TroWsvdei-V.rely Atilmer-every-day: .r - Wen so intere-shxl." • - "Listen -to .me, Xicter--trettnan.„1-..-she said, !taking. him .strringly..by. the , arm.. and turning him. about, and walldng of tall UV'S tusinessi; you km* that 1-7 . . ,„ OoVstn zLse irn ad eterie iittine• tot,, in states „dheie the •is. A Ing obv.tous Of pirsttic.. re , gisitt.InSpection. When oils. considers , '"Whi'll tba music "we'd Ill° eOtalu Ichirir IbetjY'anad4ralatglit'sainain' 411;tutivrtetItilliirkel:: the arriall efforts on the fertile& part was able to resunia his paceat the !lead 1 d'Ava, with the complaint, which. savead to, grow and. market a good clean and 0! hi 'FcrriP"Y* "It ili;Lbanit st:uck uP t'n-alice lei elf part.S of thee c,ty, even the pure grain ii is,n4 jut that he reee.tris aga:n., and the horse, notttithafanding, „,., Sultan's prelwe being invaded. • eh* less than market price When be lb° 'efkuls al taPt*- Da.,111 %-itZNZ,,,I At tillw gricans, aga1n, in11878, a ter. arsiont-grain. " . ahead 4n4-entv-Therel P4aeed-4 ..-i4 -1%Wer:;41M7'.7a.--g4,10131,:feie,,,x was, rtv!,- Not long ago our attention was carted ed to Some pigs, imitorted ino the city to smite eases where the oats had been every time the band Play°d'•hoar an entivirat th.44 h * been 'found to listen with - tc'oPants flions ate whioll hod d the coin taint. that shIPPed the 'eats Pla°44 6Iuv° PIP° -*- the t p. noes and the mediunt but in the center of the sack. Oats was roar terribly when the brass.. keys are itt all around this, 'ion the inaWo_.ott e tba "slovepiped," as it was 'termed. The men, • bunked., to the piano. They .pt. t- - Scarlath, t e Italitincortroser oxvned pipe they put sand arid rubbish, then v$14,140' $:'Pr '- -- ike t ,v,* t nn:og ftimsclvc. e-satil-fiend-fah trocity--* - ttOtt..ls..no.Lthirsly untit raeties water, when he'develope a thirst of the first magnitude Watt abnormal.' creatures are not seired with the);Itrfrar, to murder unUl they are in close MX - *natty to the object of their hativat...34144Ve0744( A heir lust tor blood overvalue cklat mania whom I have met, I recall s man to whom I gave advice to a 'hospital'. OfiltiVisartate be Was entirely ratfonat.- ile could talk sensibly. on +countless _4010.1ser,but-instantly--sny-vke cussed. bts mental equilibrium waa vl4.„ lently disturbed, \Ven In this slide his behavior was that oZ A DANGEROUS MADIVAN. He 'became perfectly rational when the Impulse had passed old, however, and „rea mined so untiP.the subieerthar cause -,c1-- , t!WWthL3l ded° - 1 - during the moinents of his paroxysm, this man had been , left to himself ha - would undouhtedly have resort -ed to mar - police fail to elucidate are due to the - sort of brain mischialliave_described- Thischiorwhich does- assert -itself -until flarne -is kindled. "The authorship of murders for which homicidal maniacs are responsible is of- ten exceedingtly difhetalt to trace, the ex- planation being that men thus deranged reason with niore dunning and rational- ity and are More methodical- than sane folks; There is invariably melhod-,in the doings of the mentally afflicted. A homi- cidal "mance bent on assassination, lays )fairirffrffilhfirdWiffer”- • (Penny devoting whole days to his dreed have known -several who act- natty orznui4tediheir murderous designs en paez\ showing exactly how' the deed, • %VAS 1.0 b perfornied,providing for every • ccniingency, and .exhibiting PUIIC(1 °tit th°- PIP° and Put 8°Itle Ox)tt -a-cat-which „loved- to,walle-on--the-keys vqrtimS. 13 7e- that Tire niodern father 011.11 4111,011::-AVIitt-Wat l'116 it -41111T- A. 4'1 plane „and struck certaA-not.rs-in t tun lama jo".iiiittiti Lima: oneJocaUy .a., .10 r4 son tw44. lorge'rultilhg tomtit lb viru-the:beg ens; Aft,Are ttWoICA thAlifetitiat-tAP-ShOttld be -i tr414m-, -rather -.. s --he allowed rre '.-11r-o-r-WIti-47. ' any more; the abuses hciiped upou"Aulwri, this:tiiiuegTlesraini%00-71:12 tall! tertntietniute740.vabluNt:einess,ty. -witungiown.by,thisi-farming corn:nun- v . # She fetI su it'y old, and ver, verY len ty. Tht!.pe at th.e dealh-bed of ti r fath r, wtLch bad at the time burint itself so strop IY into" her vernenitr, novv,s ftr-b1.--c1C had forgotten, iptare her, as she walk- ct,tt 'through the streets was the ho. -tigure-ot-ffe 1 t bright. arid happy telore the d stritrous •de.W. nTy mean. and sotard;...A**, seemed .lo have: on itga ly tiviitted to her nature. • 51»*hail walked , 7ork, %14thotit taking thought' of where *be was going, trig iskt walked aneehanteally, Inhe dIree- ton of Martin Makes Socha.. She re. raeniberod„ when she saw' the 'rah* on '61Wli a the street, to have heard the Oiliest frortr.ftr-,Tr. &army -know alkeLtt414,41 ,stwv0,nt'Lert t� the aloffto itatit„ and kilocloo at iiNa door. Pertios In 'hr mind was the thought that , here at leaet viols a' strong,: Sane Man tol,ght, WIVOCI surprL1 when 14'* Opened tivAtooti but htv*etOrd id tit-, de way for fur to enter. His h thumb, ohvl- Ieen angiicn his' ,1» bd'appatetit'y sayitg. snyiti:ng „ha pakite, and a g tor -Oliva trt stet& ',-t-..khcAY:,why t ,t• saki'. titter rn ITtfliTitler*I-Wan trf bet 44stt-kno A1r1 1w4d 4ac(L At ILI*4 DI tte,' arid as a/13,0 fitet.4 o Titus. tap .-irlt.trtd Only ta,rs. tuoy Ewi taco iet ho rtwrt.t. roy-,*,or(t sowthirtg terd''riteaSt ki Itail.114 lista tt kp* btili war tot fig' rn bito„ • • but yet a litre r. rvous y. "Aunt Phipps no longer," She said. '‘I've 'done with' it tte Vaud and the lying attdv !her deeelt; -away --Ircarr-it;" "But my dear girl! Are you mad?" "No; but 1 have been.' 'she said.. with • cumus g dU "Or.vo Verne s 41; bat t'IIIppS hiPpit.-13 start. roi neTY dkrw Man, tth lios-1 full of lea* for _the 14,034.4 1 ti n lbn M-itCrifiiVrta styeTitm. You shall find her, Vietor; you ,shall brio hr hack to the playa 1 haVa_ustirped; it shall be tor you to put th5nge straight. "And your he sake& "What- becornes, of NM/hat iloes - tositerr ni anOthiir Itile t.1461,11:11-414,ile dolnotinwlYtt Inet-----1 'utter sahappy in my life. 5e---tere is the addj-t"--- she rapidly ,scribbled line on 4' P'eeCe of parer and thrust •it into Ws bend - • rat wilt flild Aunt Phipps; bring Le: own Mary. YOU'ire seat, the last ,ot I"' hock 16 the bay, and lel, her lett Shp turriek abrulitry, and NLealkei.Oit --wirY.4 Gardena • and was twat 1441-110M. Chntritted4 rut growers ,arefrortex tho list of men that send out poor or mixed kel of goods, under all conditions doe - 11 pay, and that well, for the shipper to grade his ware. Grain mil be fanncd and the light stuff fed t� 'the steak, poor fruit and potatoes may likewise bo sort- - e sourid thus 'proluced:, The wIriter knows of a. dog that -trill listen 'intently and silently to all melot d'es,- -but displays- -every symptom of pain -and agony at_ thvsottild •of three - \Matte st ale. This dog. beerints (Mkt. as soon to the nielot is again taken up. wiles? oz.Alialtui- retains a e white bands and a high Collarit would Fie smualt m: re advantageous to th-mselves "awl to the world .generolly, if theseboys ttad been turned. into. skilled -10;ml:omit. Ii thooarng alrade;-ee, lioivever, -that It is, a luerative one. Treks vary, and. Th market fa always willing to pay tn r lirStclass article than far y (bis rice thodot •Vilt4inathelttintit,thericet rgr proflts wI1'be on our side of the ME STO(W NOTES. little oltmeal In the horses feed wit ,_,,_ 111°7-4149i414' ',me haft: • - , day ..of tren1Pinit int SO Pitt it.. WIT. Iniurt Ahgth r 4 con tio in months., it.oen t. ,kk,,,ows in tiny" tick ground It well settiedt)' After a whifer.of topparative idlen lieisei aria aritbitkniaand eager and a'ls a bit sett, and Initell, 'JO° out for r ted shOtilderi, ra beers and, that fie nks_.,:lell _Of „wit eh, wit 1 _,.... i'ari, 1* avoided,. If you -, are letthlg thetalf,suckl-M-Ori ilt artt you,milk on the other-whid 15,..nAtt_ i „righl,Ille ,... -4 hut If ix, are doing It, n .with,--fhe,111-diaity. . it yof.,1--400li , t..4)* _ VIII gk. The.** Intik .4it tilt:ai ide, for thelettaan thet the r calf_ undr dm1s--. A ,300:41*iwi.147 eery.. . ['utaltry-keiping Is hta. • terribly 'asVo It one wislicti 'to '• It is a striking fact,thatzmo3t 1 the in. males'envzctr1ns I-17day tra-an that %you'd Imre done e edit -to any Sher-, Icerk, liolmes. • 'Some murders"are carried out when he assassin is in an epileptic trance - it condition which is extremely remark- able. 1 heard lately of a woman in Brus- sels who had over -twenty hysterical fits in the' twenty-four hours. The fits were so terrible and depressing that •it, was deemed necessary to hypnotize her.- She was put to sk,ep in the winter and aw*. ened‘ in the sittnnier. Fr seven nionthS it was asleep, ad dirring_this tinny she busied herself with her cristemary duties, though she was unable to recognize two people only -7 the doctor and the nurse: M - Individual in this state might easily have leitgufloJ murder- . afternoon," the doctor added, "a gentle - 111 -q'' that, he lived in, #4i 41.4.4 NW 61144111Vp11101AVORME ' :JAVA then he was the-tielim of a morbi. in. fluence to kill, and he -felt that if some- thing was not done for him he would assuredly terminate his existence on the. ataffolti, Subsequently- he inforptekhis friends of his weakness, hut they regard. ed his confession a a joke and la bed bad to worse, and was ultitnately certi- fied /r -lunatic. If -Ms-friends had rallied- tanertitivd1 them he might have been Jyut to* rights, ,tair-e-s-itwaS hirbccartienranicaL 114-n- 4e/dal Manic' Is curable asa rule, but Suicidal mania is not."-LOndon Tit -Bits. PEARLS' OF TRUTH. _Mager is orte..e theMost fatal No person isrever I insignActait to trS annoying. •• SUCettss ft target, With a very small • Os *min who baps his mouth abut savesa lot of tine. • •lealbusy toait . fruit which ti preseiT, od In fLiiiily jars. I irrcgutee risoiitutylwtor.itmlitr:iliteri.:::143 a ped , We fudge dome, Men by the ,dsetis,1 tnd thera.-by„:41iele ntlidlietts. . j&t is -rouir.4-1c-pritat --1, - 1.s11,430- Which tras twe a4 ro Tait iiis wicatiourlah 7p. o n. 1. Let 'vib T ' en Avh,), enetetedS•is „ 1 I i t.4at,4eltpo!T 110,:g,;,11::::4,)1,1 " ar uhitq-tR.ir*vt..,'c--- . ._.....,„„ ii..s.)toottdog an, .10 believ* only haif 4he 1 ottot 'lost et lhet," r4;4t4,:tut theie 1