HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 8et *WI
They are not th ettearies lot ', we have had
all odds the finest. The, prices to you will
be ftom 85o to 26O on -every watsti. on save
•a the •oods' ar
codition, not: ateulU in the wliolo lo
- (Pick And: Aeore a lovely sample waist.
'Miss &o '
y4.31004 frir,nds in town,"
glitght la dcartfing
telegraph Ope nt the etatlen..
X I140*iL o
.--.1T1to 001,01 Imeetinz of the Lon.
don eonfo)titee • ludid - here
this ov
'a lust 11,riva._
7$c. Waists tor 480
of good ashin
*rag 0
ontotes 144,satitdro
St;i1ePairalpt latigcluaginat nfanat4 Bs tl yftel ek.
Weareaboinga verof b•t'nndg in &11:y pretty PrettX ‘•tk
$ races , wou 1e
Pkacied to have You, e!") a make it worth
,our whule. We crry a Ala .ast.aortmOnt in all the above
-inch rim and 3 inch
I• Crown are Cgrrect. 'We
4, have all the new /braids
• in round and split Str4ws-
Direct from the makers,
p alp w fee whiteMa -
seines *bite With . small j.
black spot. and spray, fan-
- cy grey, fancy 'brown. *
The most complete .'tange
you% find. • Special
1ozcForTh1)rS(S to James
Iona of Rioter yOung, tlaople
attended the assembly given by the
,-bacholors et-lionsall .Friday evening.,
%Trand ars, Chas. Chris* 1110
maitipz_teatlyes toad renewing the
canes --412.4.12c14'_0,41b, 1.0.rkiffillle-
county, -• ,"-- .
iloulaton, of lilveriten# and
Mrs. .Tucker, . of Norwich, I are . the
guests tbiS Nye,* of Dr. and Mrs.
• 46,4,174044w4izgr,2-9,.---7-1—
,1Exeter 'Masonic lodge VtI4m.
BrAted..11c.. _Wags with. a2lttat
tor's jewel btlfOre his departut., for
• 'r I h %Veit A
*-Mr. and Mrs. rye(); }Jill nlid
daughter. 'who have b4on ijcndn
the past few .montila in the west, are
vLt1Irelatives in town. '
--7r. E. W. ilorne took a run up
front Toronto Saturday • to visit his
• wife, avho is recovering tram the
recent operation; for appendic,
.frrciving .1140 the conference mooltnit
glinxortik4 l'?esitileirvio1ente4R9vilt
41) held on the 12th of lams instead
- • -5th Originally intended. •
1 3,1id
camp, at Goderich. Juno 16th. Ito'.
rults rtow vented, for F. C0011.11ser,
See thi,goode n
n -
sailor shape: is the,leading style,
Ourtafiatilo he ea_ted.Aut.4
privOiVefbre pt basing ee
0 B" ---4--41.1tiii-iing °i.eitilt10t,/,4,bnie.:1—s,1.Utr.
ot Mens fiOOd
Boot. So if
• .Do you,..knOw,,asilk bargain2 we have,one for you. Not the
• cOmmon,eyery darbargain but & special, regularidatley saver
27 inch lap Stik-...pure silk, as pure as it acme., . Will wash like
. _
. tem ron
+++.+++++++++*+.++++++++ .4444*+++++*+++++4,
Perfect in COnStrueti • n, roe'.
itiVe in Performance again
'all attention to our Grade oti
Watobit. Good- Material, rime.,
Finish and Accurate -Adjustment
ititrcorabinedin-Our• Rigttrarade-
• Our :alm -is not ta,' ticeition of ,
prIce, but quality.. LIkelnevej
, .thing else Qufditp is CiteapeOt
# Aflr fluntcr.
'W bee.' esttinuel McCurdy, Mtnni
• -11-0-1toyAi'd
nunte4 Vernie Pincombe, , Marotd
un;ter, (flop (Thor:mono Carrie Tlioth-
iVerda ;Hicks. rt.
Centesk-tWilits Thomson, Varrio
yj5 Pt. --;,4-Vera Skim.
-tterriAlma--liEhrral VillieltfeCur
r Ileokor, '4W. Oa Exeter.
, and -Mrs. E. tit Vrooman, of
WAN-14/3-.1r.A smartboy tO
"tiraieZ."-°' ° "'
Mak VinciinVapintilierwe
Mrs. Edwin Jones iat'week.
guest of Al so ran
tfre,"E. Sheffei.-0t2r0rOntoi-vis
ed1ist Vi'etlir.. with 44rs'. J, Jarrottr---.
are the guests 0g btre..../ J. White.
Mrs. John Cochrane, of Centralia.
and Mrs. Wni.'"Anderson,' of Dakota.
spent Tuesday With 3....Tarrott.
Wt. • Geo. 'Levy returned hOine to
London, after • spending a few, days
itn, her ton. Mr. Edwin Jones.' • .„
Ulnas' Northcott,, whO for.
frei ht department at the dation, hat
een transferred tothe..'freight sheds
at-Winginri •
-The Bank of Comn
going **nand with happy anti es. The
some Increases -in salary. .
'Mr.' # Beaman has lieei limping C ote
hen rail want light white nut.
U*0011114anc1 1mada arager
Company' Make.
ikhoelhar.rows, Seuffier: an4 (good
three.drum. Roller for ;32)
• j
'rider , and see before' •buying
It will ite=rtitiOUrittillet,
Under proper conditions,to make
delicious and wbole-s-ome food
Leads in, Popularity
. Court ..otReiisio
rrowNsuir.ov, 1,1SIIORkh'
A Court Tor. the „Toil:don -of Alto-
Aasessment otwthe Township Pf
Vaborne for 008, avill be ii4eld at
onles*epker, *ctirploris
to the Northw�st
At, Low Rates. -
day the , day ot June rat 10, O clock V a arnia'and av,
to th'e tonettOottt All persons having 'llteattier lettyes Sarnia 3.31
huSittess-At-jdo-Anlidiourtqw1144plesse • t
take genre atid .4o ern themselves
ro MORLEY,. Clerk.
guests of Mr. 'and ro. p o; E.. Ah. to o-spraine an %eau Iv, 1 e -p ay -
&non left Tuesday' for tingal 1.6 tog ball on Victoria Dar.
visit prior to returning to _Ahem The. boidiwz, dab lot week. let the
how. • contract for die new club house, and
the -builder--ttaa-in-this-short--tim
ial erected the structure so that it can be
letel. trouts .0;30 a. -131. to 4.0 P. uried by tomorrow.
tn. Glasses properly .fitted and die. W. Cross, the cemetery care'
ease Or eye ear and nose treated._41,1kor lattut_cow_kineihr_lightnin
• _ i'10574-015' :3011, - last Fliday ystghtib Mr. Cross had atm-
-Mr. Campbell.. o graduate of thel ed sufficient 'money to purchase tips
Tomato, Unitersity, been kosag.. anima and only had it three days
.8„ ' 4. t/S1101tNE.
T10 foLIowing is the 'report. of S.
lisberne for the month of
---Thein*iner uppi•far in order -14
Me 'Essery.
ey 14---leella Mavis, 14,-vm--Skinn4r.
Thomas Coates, 1Wtiljc walker. Annie
AtprIncipat of--tire1;xots Chord- whearit-wasitilletf‘
Por'tickete'and full informatten,c I,
BtNta.4.1', .Pepot'Alran
. -Depot, .
- -Tender* -tor Alre--constr notion- - --nf '
In Pl000 of.*I‘lt - L. 0,. Flemtlig re-Getterai Sir •Itedifera Henry Builler, i (the Vyrn Dralrn arid - the Anderson
signed. .'bir.-"C .•inpbell*.commetteed hia the heir, of voreeenpaiges, and In). --ntoia.mill be evened by the ‘Usbortr7
new alutlea, AVothiesdaY rrierniel• ' 041 officer. whose ' force • relieved TOwnsiiip. 'Council at the 'township
.. , .
'Court Exeter Ita-' ---ti.-*..,P-71,011_...11.t.
'eriatuchurch-lihrnday„..Tunu 1.41h
2.30 in the .afternoon. The members
11 leave the ball at. 1.30. Visiting
ore-stlifiatirtiiviw t
E. Anderson. -000Y.."
...-111r. Bari tipackma-rt received' wer41
tr14,mtday Tlhat lie had rbreen, trans.
.ferrtdAo.ilheAoison hank branch at
-,AtsflO)400,41O • t Moniny - to .. take
0.! iv. IIOGAIITIL Teacher.
/ r -t —
01 I -IlAltItIS-At the home of
;Tames 11arris, rarluhar on -Ned
"0-0-4.1ey. 11 3*
r, Miss/ Cora Minnettik tisrris,
. toWelton, It,•Coucit. of Stratford.
, t. BOUM
jor-stetor on nay za
to Th. and Mrs. G, •E'. Doulaton,
/ sem • •
24tEENSIt..,-Itt Dashr oodi_on_ klando_.
tfitay *MR, .10 Mrfind. tfra. Geor
Metter tt on.
Crediton on Wedtteda$
May 2/th, to Zr.?sand Mrs. C. Ilat.st
POTV-4tt �ensa1, 10:Mr. and Mot.
00ott a &lighter,
it promo e o •‘• r. pa s por.
sition land Mr. liar, of Lendoth has
taken Mr. Davis* place on the stiff.
A mail named Stneey -drove down
• n
11111.41mateil the' i61.ttine 'his 'horse
stIttiog.the rig, COht4inia; himself
and two, thildren. 4The horse, was
captured !befereit could got away
old ttliz-5' trig tiq-ht•At Natalie* -thy:
damage beiog sustained;
Suring 'the electrical storm
'Hrs. Pratt Visber was ntruck by
lightning- anit • in It- wiry- short limo
W5 *blaze. The Eire won *wilted by
neighbors 'who gave the Warm and in
a, ,very short time the brills& walt
on lianti. Iloweveti the giro bad
gained such headway that, the build-
ing, couldnot.' 1)e. savettl-----A' 'bicycle)
aridit tow &hot things were in the
hulidingr- at the thne hu
unavitit. -the -eimitiTeitri ow
in,istreer at such a raDidgait
thiCtitioe inainNining ..tt regular bri-
gade could not lieat. • .
1117-1StIrin Veriod is centrat
on a t th. extending from„ the
C: tfth. rb7 er1d air/tux:-
ea wj1h the Xertury• wild& which'
* tarot on the-1th# .,teSttittlg jb
t to the; 14th., 'Moon is in 41))0th.t4t
oo the 011, quarterc( Uhe
3ch,, and ten Ittator
he-atir....Mhe_reacliontry...• form,
(be last May.. iter104
Vie 'east sibetit /00 ist.;
1eavIn *iebirid Mwo OL ihrft das
of tr. cooler 'weathnir. tio4th
irld *114. rthe .harometer"Atilt '114 faQ.
in jthO, NvOt# 4altb- tient
al* .1014 tittowliiit, atotia,
tog the alth to tte,
tondltkM will, moss totsti,4t
rowin In!extent And tore..
c at* *imo
SO nett *hat
a Wen I.e.
$orni, higli
) i
tike tl1 the4 I
, 1W rti011alt
Jun'achtioN heifl1 al
innI of Atlas a tn
3111 otootr*, ..
whicl1 tails, 'vey at
$tli. to A
Ili curro
a itbolied-k London„-. lie 'and Jilaii;-.Vinrvitio. on :Saler' av ...
vok I
*A., 9 41 — '—'0 CI (W . , ". ' ,:,, • ,
se ers, e Ira. Be was.08_____ye_ars, 0 inoontitt_sgrilicat_ttroircrerfiraolirmeit plente:
age. .... ..,. . - • on the, above dat.) atter 40 o'clock
he residents of the town are to be;
cobgra i ran. 011 ti ar-nriv.
-...m. MILLI 140111111,1 ithiria.)1411ilft I
pit in: sucliattrkotive conditiou3,. The w
the awns and front yards bave boil r. .,ust.,
A. MOIttEY. Clerk:
visiting members lit be ablehaien; 10 08.
., to re. .
turn to their homes with the ippres.,
11101IthAt.theVe0Plea-- otter itra-"' a ,
, •,
mai r., ..,.... ,' '• k.•,, .;,...._ '
.. • ,
Now that the owners of cows are 70i. L. Item 65, 4. Coleman 05, G.
compelled to keep their .stilinals in ' itotler orn 11: Atity: 031, W. McLean
enclosure,* unit* la Charge of a herder* GO, V. Sweet "71 for May only.
rt ownersahoul4 ape ,that .the Crorrvaire af....liono . • ,„
•u eva -re ep ii-Wir-igrz.'7a-i—ig.
i ?
= De s, t)
grusand Panther on rolt--58T-tially -at-0 a+
-,waik.-44:4-not4o010;iscomIng.14--4.-vil#,—.141. .
I . with the standing Exeter enjoys.
, 'The baseball boys are putting In
some good 'Practlesiatsd eXitettk,100.4 to.
be in condition, to play games with
-outitide„teatus,:.„,erite officers' of 'tint
elubniet. lastliviett'Tailit: decided 10
ur-Ohase-ten milformarritlhe Players.
'swoon*** the color selected with
401.. etoOkinga And belts of* color 141
ItarsnOillze 'filth the snits.
, 1
Th e first, StuXtting Of Ake Ler440,11
Methodist conteriOnee "iltoveiiti_athe,t,‘?
Otl,AtigIdaY. Atlitett., ' ittfr
• *-, h. -idituotittit- caurratt*
.likoint,--; --atiffitai- of
t i . 6 , ussomblod and 'h,o....gan
lo trangtiig ifOr thks var.'
tiro -nits, " - - f 8(elitt, ,
nip, the minister* in, thc\ S. i
On ntilra 3t the__ ele.cr ri of offi. '
core for this, yea' e bertalorte,.an or
Ilta-ruutilittg.' ' toes, averk.;m1.11._be_1101(1-•
while on °Sunday the ordination of
V1011 S'elln. 'Mtn In Abe AnirkilterY
wilt to -ilsOlenitrited in 'Itire- \lames,
street church Sunday morning. The
,tcrvicel in the Wain etreef Chureh,
-wilt be completed in Unit to ,,i'ljten,d,
tv.,'AlitiNt Vill'Itt0k4 ';tlio- CVII
AOtlf:it4i OA 01)140 sit, 011iniat,
VflL.GE OF Ekrialt. ,
• Walt joitiA Oa Court, of Be -
vision Villale of Exete.)A *ill
• •• !
Ifell tor the purpose of hourinw the
anocals regaitukt the asseisnyent roll
of the ,villaze for the' year 1908, on
mania. !run 5th DA,Y QV JUN
nested_ io attend,
paled this 18th: day of MY 008.
ultoollilt, &TIN, ST 0. N •
Sr, 1V-1. SoUthcott .84, 11. Swelt
rulte 030i. 11. Pickard 77, L. llowet 77,
. %Lycra 70, C. Wood 76, Jt. Knight
- -re-WM 75.
Jiaivey 72', AV.. Stewart 7410 L. Doyle
13. Atkinson 66,
Jr. I% -1tgina1d .111#sett R.1
vie ilflte 19, Clarence 'Heywood /*/
fiIoh -uve:-0-4,..-Irottng'''Cieech 61.
.-n rjoil at ; average attendance
Honors,. lltuby Wood 80.
UICQL(. 1164 EaLr
EXETFIt riClIOOfgiyoler
foolut In. .
-3tior Totoori . !1(11nr
t ft 16., ]'ass, 'Edward 1Willia
r 0 Thoinpa00 0& notbett
. 0 'Oil 20,1 Aelflt 4 -Vo.
10 re s Tea-
0 atristilit4,04„
:ii, ne.30,,Itet.FO1tL 11. ,
1 0
KU C.iln*
, her *
I .
l' • refl iev.f.nv T
llardy 73, if.nlu Spc1.1 2# 'tiri
CarIing 71,titarY.---Achsou44.fly
10# 'Leon Treble
aeon Schierl 01, aft
IThlkwlil6f. Gladys Helve ,61. Willie
Itelderrian 62, Viola ItoWev60.
'1110.-Itoners. Ititrvo
ittfltqtr -14.i't-1-'111atithe
uance',60#: fhtear An1erson1D#1./ttri.4
'nes \ 1'.s.Cola ;Taylor 13.
Walker It, "'Irtio Sweet 01# M'aclon
TThitehford 414. 4314urice Quanc.*62,
lianttilit 02,'; Thornton rear
air ;roll 47, t"zurr 41.
• turt, stool
--tEetei-n t V012
..Wank Manager deteriecd.
Native Is hereby' given pursuant t
-creditors.irnd 'others 'haring' 0,114M5
against the outfit) tko /said
Joseph • Snell whodied on or
aboutilia ilth, ilaY of ItarY4 1008V
are „requir01 on or :betara thq .25111
June, -490% toecnll by
st , prepaid or „deliver to Mesiire..
;'man an ury, o t • v age
Of gieeter, solicitors for, the Exvott.
Jt..rix, of the staid decolsed thfir
chrlstiatr and aurae addre ee
pi on 41, t part
oC Lheii accounts and the nalruro ot
the ecurities, it any, them
And further take nottte that after
nib last ..latentioned date- the said
-xesOtt proceed -1014160 ibutel
the assets of tho. &ceased riValteg
tbo parties entitled .thereto, • haY102.
rtrd only to this eltiiirts-Of-ivitieh
shoeliail tffiiirhave'noti 111-1
thn04,1a,O,XCOAtrig, 00111 ArlOttbti .11able
for the said assets or any part' thOrst.:
.of 110 any person or porsorp. ot %Aloe°
oictitott notiot liaIl noUt1iave-b0
fitod-blierri at .totllek
A' '
. ' Soijcltos for Executrix.
Dated at ,2*,thicrt this itath day! o
May 1908.
Obtains the 4alitte1
lutriChtard:ItAtgaha _and_ *gabs, .„
delitotts broilTrr it:
, .:•00anintiee1*
N given pUrsuflt
012, attap.7.1,20,,.that 11
xtora • -.and
blot the estate Of 'the said' 'WM.
*skin. '!tvho died •' about
gist "Ma, of ,,,t43,y., Igiley 'aro to-
Ittot, 0\ ft oil • bk tAtt. tlrepa.
id6liver tO
uhui14- Staloitorti 'eXe
' catate„of=r•-•
' • dot Alistr • chilstiin
ilill 'uuan,addresses ,40..s
tho partittil- as of their
1r1ifli, 110 staittnent of their
linta andthe maitre. of Lite 1#40,'
' 1k,atty, held bv tite\rn. And'
izri1r Jaye slice that ttittle 'SOO
ast-tuOttioried ate tloaail Zte0t4
,svIl procv.14 it distribUte
Ite 'asset* Of the derc.),,tald among tile
.,irtlei ,kaiitierl.'llylptto4
" id onl 'to 0"-C91ros of, which.
bU thn iire.notita. thtit,
ercitors:mit • not
or all't tiltt la'0441*
nyt .ersert*rt *.