HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 7i a It ow jun., Thorn lklurp.hy,. "all 9 OU Vill t . 1..or B.y if v 4 Cor -.\ ' it r , , ,• ‘' ,f) o oreqpnf,j atorig at g oft Yarmult, 1Ig1it.,the Vame y , two hwth4feI t baw, Who3rse (Tat $14014," bat WIKTI ttriate tharor-were only 'TI•toy -Woo. all PO0o y ox 14tey sank, our 1 01. 0%0 ttrn0 tho UflUOlinS., Tho Ontario flndwY an Doar$ MAY antike 'wili wt LX aIkwcd On 4,04 c vy birglarlos pi ,attbecoorofLheDrL bh 0 from • '44'44 itiF 03104140., 2;.'.wlitt0,, 49.4' reater et f the . le' No4.2 Mixed, 47%C Outalde. hey...0001a : the extant . n tack, Toronto.' - .,r.0 ...- iottct -OA- A sterling, .mo rei With f 0 , 4 tho gen a f power, fit NnY113171011."11141t4ttle: '''4'fiel'.111$ 'ilar-gailppower fo the jicaL pia r0Ou rmal Intig of the. rim, caused by Northern, and. it is bee' Y taina, All Alto buildings in *11 As ProonrioA, ..:4,i,, ty ,. ,a,,„ ,, ,,,. . A istligne ' at F Will wee use atm • Two . ri CAN ' es went out; with tho flood; and Uonj 4olla , out. threaviarters * -m114) of, tt00.1; as , Wtob' out. acis Vhen t v at its worst a la vog *tot Lrt , the flooded track• • h a.songer Ualns are. -Lost Ito , rich front "opera. In Cornwall Soma thirty aptir. 1 a tionver, • If. . was claimed 'by tile root r* Orr,, -et ita College avenue', Tenon, vitabl,flg.taliand font-lt•por rt-• sOnti tetate-wwitirned-over.10..he fit'. Orr, however, is alive. Ile has boon rt rs 10 ita ribm„, -arrtved- t ort Thulti4lay totiught 'llont 0ho tkijlp at ring- A IhIS n ' ' • Mar* ,Louise, af St. . , They got .104 iri. 11.1.44,,,3gt_44. _ -tn. tem :, t , ter f0y.„Avo 4100;:and tit hall,‘ • Whcn - Otrinaginiart 4ga:ea thegi -tip in, Walt 'irliliilltatrOrildralirts7nder-bri44, ' ' . ero-,-V ' yowl* - Cornwall ,see his Water.: 11,Irs.. Williant- MO bo titer -dory unocnactotai 1041k01,)err „_. and other, old friend.% Win and 4% not reelaver Their sons t'll. thet ,ertillt identify Intel. - Fle. dolma le be his"' had been on board for some Wile. Their on' itigal heir., elint Is going after the' tvs. and. arms were ow:0110u to onnst, inofloy. -He caned Wills Wifea Toronto 'doublet the, norolal eitoi and ono a the ***tress with a view to a settlement, but Mon was C0v04114 Wati hails, whith 'bed *Oho declined to ,seo him, , •t„ , broke') out during' the :days they wore 4,„,„,...0.,.., ` ' - adrlt. They ituffcood terribly 'fronClite IVONIAN'S COVIIAGE REW,I,IIDEO card' 'W4aa' ci411$16.43'41)°, '44°4144, fie` ., , . spite their suffOrigs t,k.t, .04.7.4,wept 'with , Sank 'Ciikes (CM te Woman ‘'"t71•70' Sared., bite/71M,, 4,6,...,0, fitti a:, ;:t'kotiti,:taH4 tei the° - . ,• . ., T 7;t)roWqrt.V'tho'4 ' ' : - • , , • . I ti, pw (,•.rk . Mrs.' toir 0hni, nmniinfti, 1104 tticri VA 104Krai ira, the g fi-011-94 v.ro' ayhoL.-1- .. -.is iii.s4la weaver/ ronga- When. taiipt •of three tnitn to rob messengers „ _ nirardninu nriilrelc TIT§ of the kffersoil Bank of $4000 :OW 'II Wu-Cattlitglnialfis boat0tvain fell over - Thursday remimi, _a ,retvoidr_ot -$5.40- .bcordanidAvass'nearl wood; -4-1e-hr." . ,jose . front' the officers of th hank. She said 11/47 0 • • • . turn t I kind,•wp,*re, witit the SSW e? a nistegg, they 'w1:1 11,1 In c0m1ata- 41,4. to4N-•44,4 .S a turnalmer.1 111, thLs• country 4h...2. Black- Hand.,will get her fortune- away frout- iie to auYa. 0 .1,1043)4r4- 3014byear_ old Welland_ County •Meet* " , „ ter froTn .1c„- tho: eight-yearold son, of Boland -Atuttr.p lad 'went to the barn irl the afternoon. nounissed until tea time. It unied he was attempting to draw atcr. • - I ------,-,..---- ,...- — 4 despt1eh froin London says: Lord Mount Stephen, formerly tine" president of the Canalian Nagle Ilaitwe'y Corn- y, who hndAneviously doriatad trind, hos now u -shares of the Great Northern Ilailroad, 01 .thitted States, to the -sante wa,s...roittly" ▪ -6044 tried for initaer. 'bat', the evilt'W'e againat'hfin was so wok that the Judge direCiedBig jury- to find a *verdict of "Not Grility,' • and notified the Cotirt .or.tia intention 4' to atop, the ease. But. the youthful oven - *el for the defence wanted the OPPortun. Ity ofbecoming' farnOus, Ilo asked Or IlliSsion to aiddress the CourL "Certainty, Crintspbut-," remarked the judge t‘ -'We'll hear. you with Pleasure:131A first, for lolety's sake, well acquit the vets. - A si4v, Tnic Itoirpg.TAtonyart-IltreartOe.t-titirtforsela. "lead. • \ A despatch from Mentreal says: ' Two girls Ho ar the point of death and two young men are seriously injured as the -result-or -a-footisivIrick for night. The tour 'were out delving, and • ifts....w re caling-clloWate-__Whext. the x u.n. entity Miss May tockorhy the anima1. was scared and ran away, laralhig up against, a tele a h st an Arp byr at • rT hared. and had to be operiikd on at once, is--littleetamee of -saving -their live4.t. Thos.. Lockerby Was driving .and ia- not much- -hurt,• but teS11.0-1;ra-M0en wasIinelly cul about the head. • - PEA11.4E WILL 1OT-11ANG„ bra. 4 tW,e40 Ba'Ostowa I" let 10 4, 4 • t, inty--.-Murderer-1 *— A despatch from, Ottawa T &eta sentence or John. Norse, a your roglishinan. 1,00 Murdered hblferri lo er iiiiry-fitirmor pan rtele„ -I r, as n cornrou prL�ntnext eclat's° wits, to have' hoe langed:early ipJune I1s sentence, has beezt roninintyd-ort the 144X-110Dira ilECOMED; %idiots ot I.tt 'Selene - Washed Ashore. A despatch from. .ollewn .hoyft: *rho h(idles'ot two 'victims of tho La Salette land slide were roc,orered oft l'huraday ai Coax's. tending, ow! the LieVre Where they liad been washed- upon the tanks. One of theft' was a by, nom netihrdbxo., and lire other -the -body. ,ok. whose: nen* ts not known.' ProPe Czar A bill,prOVIding herneittlefe Oet- Ianrcia3filirodireWhrtifivirrIPsta. f 'Commons* on Wednesday. • President Vanier% of France has been profound* .impressed with. the- Magnift. etit reception atOorded itim in London. UNITED STATES; • .Crirri4 Nation: was firted VA and ,costs 'for diserderly condu4 at Pittsburg. • ProhlbitiOn has been eanied Itt North , • tai vita I -3,44,414o giticoc:Ps„ic -404.q& d almoat Gen. -Stephen -cop, %Al(' . eoWd to liroMturfinst ito•-clifit-Warr , .1t-taktilkHigott loan in" w"lork., has allowed, (looter% to. MOO. with-tfiberetileisis erm it. order 4-t Six-year-old Anna. • Sheedy, of West -16th Street, New York,,felf. barn A loud torey-windowdmt-struelc several -lin mkt was only slightly bruised, - Claude F. Day, .of New 'York, is suing hit, mother-in-law, Mrs. Turner, for 4100,- f100 for, alienating tits wifes affeetiOne. Day says Mrs. Teener thought she was AOyoung to, he a ,grandmother, and -10 objected. to her -daughter having chlldien. GENEDAL. The outbreak ofIb Molly -tar men in India' l oilaInj, -• The Russian warsitto Pelee Geo is fast aground in I'M Guit of Finland. DeagranFe.tito rUci-wit't-ree'recilanqi,t; flea -over tax-milrs with hie -machine at tiotne!on 'Wednesday. • . - Tho Pars- Tempts stigge1 that tho tirno has_como_to...,substitule u Anglo. nem fn, —P tlo I- I andother- 1 - ••• 41 1'4—Ern France. • .t 100 *terrlyi all tho altar ok ol$00 Attkridi 4110_14014.6. .V Bulagrla, Tho m In qticUon It Iflioisd- 14,4 %MO qnttty Plarve11000 itoetti, at about a halt an ottnco, “out*„.-lber- POW to . nearly -the firm loat ffNED-I1 In 190 a number-o-tlargirBrltlsliflrms; cottypyrolors Ore plitthogi in oinallar fashion. by a and ' xis* in the price of (Xttatt, and two Went to smash; And Yet the crop/wasnot a iparticuariy poor one. No, the roueen of the sudden jump Of 31 per vont the Flea Of oOtkin we*n. hurricane In the Gull ot Me*100,4 Sham ;which combined with an exOoPtkoallY 0-4`t Lap!at Syrup -$1 • 0 r ated-Straw-$$ to $9 rer. tom.' . alod 1141-11.3nothy ted �t 115 'ton in. ear lots- or Ara* tort. 7 Pork" --.Short 1, to „rgi r •barrel; nie4, $17•50 b $1.8. •Lard;-Tierees,11%c; Oka, 1.1%0; pails; ni roar6ekbe totDrY Salted' Ocats-long hipniont:* !am%L$kZ ii auset,and 'effect -1n thc.wortd-of, coni- oriiiMirneslyparenitylitt-flatto Iradiction. A news company, like any ,01.10tAin.111.00tkiAPAeitAdhgt.,11414P141, likas as rinieh ,husiikeiar asposslblc. , 'et jta._:olialrman arose- war hit than vox .aaverely from a :financial point of View. .',Tho Igtet was, -trfhq-1104-70,01. ntirrthor of ekirre\ationdents In the" 1eld, but that, As Japaneak is a language ita wiitel few. Europceas are fa -miller, their, expenses,,were increased 50 -per cent. by the, engageinent Of interpreters. • .- -klvert-Telng IS truly doctored' 6 be the very soul and Mainspring of business. 'tiheto tin: log nearitruine41 by ,adver-, '11Inwttnir,Wt.trilolsolt -About two years ago the The resull -was 4-tualf Inanufactt. -difee i•Mrilxtr o bpu r ,'are. - Suddenly liter° Wa5 a famine in frit. Tai., low---went--11* five -to- teven-shillin s--- it hundredweight. Thellent had enormous 4xintracts:on hand, which they had to 011 %at a lose. -ANAL,YS1SAILtE0--Ttle:SN110111A1Z = do taa ditinage--a4M-Sincika,--take7 fidesatit'firtrrof-whe herals,ts, Who, in 1004,141d in * largc ,took Of tha metal oeleitun. At Ahaktizue calcium was cla4sed as one of Ute rare • ee%i!eouL plckle, 10 ies-thau YOBIt ,*WIIEAT•--tfAllliET. • , Now (irk,. Sane" 2-- Whelt -So • easy; No. 2- red, stot,..elevator: No. 2 rod, $ulittihr,Awaa01,14* f.o.b...oalloat:' No, 1 nor th' rd winler, $1.12%, f.,o.b. afloat. " MONTREAL, hiAlIKETS. rea , until • 4-- ur anitoba ato t I 2 flo M spring wheat patents, $6.10 to $420; sec- ond patents, .45,50 to $5.70:. Winter wheat atentst $545 to $5.7r/.; straight rollers, StriLitraittioto' $14.115;30:7U:90.glcrVIS to $2.; ex-- Boiled Gats, --12.75, in bags of SO Ibs. - Oats. -Ne. 2. SI c to 52 c; No. 3..490 0- soc;-. 0. , -to. act. rejfe -4-4141n115•tie cor-f Wal -z.$1'.60 L� L70 MilifCed-Ontario bran, in bags,'$23 to 1110,1-Aort.f. 125-10 Provisions-13arr short cut mess. t22.50; halt herr* 111.50; clear fat back*. 123; dry aalt long clear beaks,' plate beef,. 417.60; halt--tiar ele do; mpourret Aar& SYto to Win; Itt-eendered. l4 tw t. a el `-4re1d4tiay40.-Tpeate sueceeeintly ,byItteourki ti.4t 0...„ r Patient. It _ LepOrtint t -**-0. -VW treltin bQ fornt- •Di.oxncxpaUiio,:v**,*-11** veaeoi, ponittees are -not ded If thernheite iitroctions are car - Mit; -1*-41thret:*,-laiteet-reitared-by- 'ittpda,- :fresh -7 lantana* _or .itunarin. utc.• TO_ ti"vOid reatifii0TOT et tho oow-- At,' moderato living... 'L111LE OR NO AtZ01101., The prinary causc ,o o N want PUre*- WW1, air, Badly' ventil te 1:vit3Veadnis. are necessartly pure air; inalt-arttitied-tigt1 ally '10$44ttitht-1s used la them the tit, becomes vitiated; , Two predisposing causes of a cold mot be carefully-n*10d... Either (ho body. la exposed when WecikePed by fAugueor OonstftutAonally depres.c'od.to a oold ear - rent of air, as on a 'draughty railvAy Platform, t &trap "stieel,s or cloilvsk or even -tothe -devitalized atintspliere . „ h „one has teen care $ fully 'zing ii-fA gra- ua loW .orithe. Orea, I tit_ skin see "eirsirtv-V Ithera, ouch. tis a onant nreh,. ciut orttfo:Stro7:--T ir '6 vroluqntlY persons eacellaa they' to gong from tome warm plao.to the -operrism-whenras--tr-inatleiv.---614041,4hoY-.:- :bay° already taken c,old:in a Close, • Slight or partial attacks of cold ' may te treated ,successfully by. Immediate re - aurae 'to 'fresh, Duro ear, geiitly xirtt 1ng The I:the best part of a day, taking 414 warm baWat night, ;ak ng thelegs in- hot: Tousle r.l.and water to realer() Inc head v0ngest.24.it, and drinkinga !warm, thin gruel before sleeping R. toral respiratitm. Thit.Wardows.,should printiary *Nu 11 Ihe weather is (ry. To relievivalie ttitgat on -she the nose ..there is nothing better than 'MO applieWri of 'eandlo o cur gfandmothers: As, however, mod. tRY- ititiamitiTE-Vrtvg444:•- I exereUe... moderate 'clothing, and , undarit .frosh- ttir.arei the tasenliel., fiesidqs these generpl rules it will bo welt if persons ve.cy 1ta11e to WO mil • .takeore that no ingress .bo given, to thz malady.' Thus, if a cold usually corn. • iner.ces-in the tezth, these should le at- tended to, and r-etiay‹...4,1 or unhealthy aturnp rernoved. ." • , ' the•eyes aro first attacked, thy lutist not Le midair 'tried, exposed le dust, .stran " artificial light, or bad air.. TRIIIMRY itt the throat tivn a daily gargle v.(trti a. • <very roc! ning"irith cold Wa eft tein4 undiLl up will handkerehielso4utlishAo4L. re -Oar -S. . - , • Should Vie chest or bronchial tubes, affected, the eamo precautione 10 cleating Mu -41x obscrvediltforous- oshould be worn, and misnamed chest "prot,ect.n threath 'e...side.---London Bits. FORTY, MONTHS ON DESERT Wrecked on DaeleritaIsilinft, the. Sei„tth_ • -Pew wore stirring storks are re-ord. e.i.t in the annals .ot the sea 'than that rtecntly !trade. pubre by tho aftvn sur., •rq u *** I , a ow van es , town y con am "--440&Pittkt -*2it any ztrin-ot--tti. oate, maybe--is- atiluted. Por the ilk tion -JO, the.--tbreat There is no 4uPerloP` tot medoby po hat ng. 'Water onfresh seed, then slightly swWt.. tried, acidulated with lemon twee, and _thia,,,,ti9iaLliqueriee_left out. - • The .tightness, of the chct is .-;best re- teved bedttime, • ok mum 1.1 'I HI MI r n • la1icat'4feard. ilespetelliqroni 'Winnipeg says: Tho' ncinbers Inechatical-titiona- hero are not alarmed by the deatielch from Montroal on Wedneaday stating that may lock Wein out if theyperstst iri-1 *?,0tjLflVI ni ..ghtiOtt of/conditions in the.east,and west iv it Board of Canon's:Boa.. They evi- dent1yentk'fpSted wolf' a nieVe, and de. Okra That they will not recede in the Widest from ihegroundthey. hive aken„ They. tire ready 1' trouble if it ntir4 one. A toa Toint; SO tt (4-cikJq oflite c4ntpnny 10 Jgnorethe ard • 44w4tAall tifopeetora Canoe. krfrhfroin Cohalt•eay,s:A &Alb d lir llny Lake, it two Sw,edIsit pro ;etir lol Mr. Archie owned Ix Ite out thAttig in a enn '1•v tscre c''Irelitique, agd tWent iiita,-7-76114 Ottotilyilwar: - Wkre not lOtg 'out .•whi StiUltit $1161(114, tit0$6 arid etipetttil th tota. !kilt wereroverelZro tit, r 1,1.0 - pro, 9 4.•• -fir „it utit4, , c y, :ULkr 1. At, n a. ' i 7 01 i Oa Ir., ; a: far .., nt t. 0 - FOrt- thi.'rt. iLtp. 1 s f I al'S.Ars, Et y .4t',. '''. t , 3- ,1 11 . I1it'10,-. titn„e 'My b.: 1 , 0'443 4 tto it g t''; Wl1J1er n •`ti • 4,)”k1111.0rt°111L.'n'Oti Pcrt W.10'61,1 t 4! tOttr • .f0-1, thcitr.3•44 itiVtIttlt 11,41104 The itt- e i3 the+ only Iilart wh,'Is3 Wei*,ia tn iN1e. future t t ei- it WIN 1.12i t'VleAretilielhi. qusLew Cr' sett:0:1101ft ;kfIri it f." v40; I la it lako o afterward$d. cttarg by hir, Chart I 3, . "la of . Cobalt. ',Aniotie it r ia Waite 'ania-Nipfsshig rvg10n nint. 8 is, 1y ac ,e t in•nature, bering.on‘o attitients Of chalk and limestone.t St -that Urn*, the only known process., eitreeting Ititritt was kmg 'tedfous, and oqztly.:„ Early,In 190$ two Gentian eta* 4WD* eh 'c- 1 :tie for Isolatlng caiciurn_. The pricelghtecn-pen�e an ounce Srari"s lytiliald and oyster, .the tirsenle,ln, beer are what menu? u and trtkletittert diced: wOrselli *ny- thtng doe, • trowlitinyipeople are aware That the *null tradeLn England was prec. tkally killed by & steal*? Dr. Hassell, filo ,well-known. anttlytt. analysed forty. three, 'brands of :Stniff, and feint% clikiride XifIk4:1 We 511 tr,:r..loietslitientrevelaone. as et'hos.t simply tlnntd, guods._ha June, 1005, 1znpots wer 2',. f.'1906, th ere bexely 2,000. One Llvetpool firm is reput .roverM.1..-4114xtl out.....91.- sitettr-•:" '-thavgeida tAlUrctiti-fee, and la barren and do late b tin ainrot inooneeivablo groe. Aluttactitntanagek•-to-substst thre- - t for eight months; living on penguin . flesh and seal meat, varied -by an oc. casLorial dish of sea -rd' ems. The/. -fied-rbowevtri but-giveir-op hope when' They wore rescued. oh -November lath, -by-the- tering :shipvIlirtorrina; 'log to alio; breakfast baron, Windsor bat, 150, to 1 td•rittoir dressed bogs, igk. r 1134.0 tO • itir,a I ts y were 7,745..boites, motored with , 44.1r.„,for, tereres,periding day -or last utterc.,-Tito-ffirtrirelle.t.tPady- 11 be recent decline, finest creamery being qtiotttI at 220 Jn rottnd lot* and 2.23,443 to ' LocM i7tetTiit;s to -lay . wem 4.4 sproporod ih vi for the 'Me day last year. • - • .1,AVZ O(1 1AMtKFT. d'iltai 10110 2.--Ortoload of very fancy ,1ailezrs, brotianghs!ilt i ::::1-g„Istii. ht;nr:::;140:1: 150.15, and etvecal thOw *MCA Oyer .16. "'Choice h teWitits'ileOirs.owsorelloy, T 0 il irnene Milt -dernjtnd $4.425 10 TwoThe way fill -of hot, olive oil or lanolin, eit - "of which will ffeet 4he purpese, 111 lug.Pt the smelt , of the latter is agt,iiri$ its svid*pread use. If ih% latter Ormittorti bol In ttn airy room, a lir buriung, an 1110 *inclupt a fcw istehei open. :CLEAll Thera-ntrAt- be -only-, jusi traingh bert to (ming to bo comfortable. When it wlirin balitlytlin. it dioukt is -rift the bedrootindows shield be shut an4 the-imintrtfon, musLia_alLeifer:tp efrOt IttO'bod, and nt ono. part aA, it Vane. . 7 . • !or tt,,e first, twenty-four . WM*, or 4W011,--lenger,;'41etOodiag 10 be severity o tha symptents, nothing -1Ailt a break. feet -capful ior-barley water and vilki In e.pral proortiona. every four hours and .4. Utile fruit Inuit I3a giVert. The ,terldaan-i ft.V. eitlauyt bo eperiga w:14 water night--iin-dlitenting. When lite aciateity of tha,s3raptorrt0 idinthea; •broa)and rnilk, rilMitrOat Oe'rica pod- "- "r otherliglit- 1- shor bo 1 until he op - New Zeeland. Conaldered simply -is a feat ot Cnr durance; their explo.t is regarded by obt navigators inthese waters as irnit ng Which castaways ca ecd tit under such eircuMstances tbega • traffimtfis, Indotd, the crew of eleven men belonging •to tba Norwegian ahip. Karl, which warn wrecked 4!)n this very - Mono Onliuk In • .444114 1883, were- int toutd defto Of starvation. end expe,stire ' withikle4if1ban, n'ino Siffkrcs atfatirtirol‘ Sailot'5 cast *Vier eAklibirthOttg.13. to<ire tomneratti rvglettt$, how- ever, have MattiOd 'Le Subast tor much . longd‘ periods. Thes, flto crew ot. the ' efixoline, wroelogt On. 1)yele island, in titt S3Uth. Pa.4.0t,itt Ittly, 1i3f13, !Nod there cgiie comfOrtablyuntil taken off In. May, 1044 Whifel:64s wurViwns, of the. *Wlialer-,Ewx. were, tbi*6 you's mut foul., ftwitibeii, 44, th Iteghbering 1lenqcr.ort Wand Chib.ng Viola and * en la 1iiei WA' n minty (X • Ma' rn • butt7thet- r1:1: , 4 , AI ; `No l(set than , g*.wl,,t al in vitt( xitt the large Elrl iarkt d and ei",t174414 • T,0114,41. l' S ,Arl ur nt m4 .1 'TM's,iiii ray.ally u b.14ng