HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 6,
For' Ittitletuotiont an4 oll Kidite
ilft /and„Itt's
1100104, TAM 114101/
'1101113;.Orgsls ont 4-Pf -13•44-‘
tin'at Tsbies proMptoly.cur ,011,stettriaell,
ptii. in. 14” 11%4
f, £ u1 '
.4 -;-11111'1tirtreftpuy,
At a '• Tywirl'it4:Ike!lrenxiihteltoirt
ej.ueiiionteiti, ell:1411,11
trf4nt 144,nchosor
„4. or, istweft.t.. Every map,
.• • .
iterafl .-attitiaL.
. 4 r
retty* tinUill •
/PA'shattela sometimes seen .
warp*, over 0,10,, tron.:o\:ofna 40011,01rietr.,
r 141113t. 44A11*.'1.#0-: :P11.110.e, set, , are
• 'fact by belt or sash. •
• The sleeveless coat t silk, late
• OrfAderf4 llet, or What one will is to be
The heavy tAt 14aoat, gain ;constantly
dark ler ill: t White Or
. •Green Is favored in gown
eandiingerfe•-drettes aretritbee0
4100 in lIs delicate Shades. ,
Arnd".".1t IS:advistrble -Whims ew
'Cluny teee, •the coloro1 the dot,
' 'Ombined. with the"Ssviss and the 4
Ling top but florin at thalower part
ntirreslo-grart•in 'favor. It-"ts:4
"63 -trimmed with -a wide
"Pretty and new are the IribotaKM. tide
of doe gots lawn with a colored him*
stitch like 'a handkerchief, Of course, in
iveshing fibres. They are black :end
white, -with pale blue, manye, and Yet.
low edging. = •
The management of the „Grecian drool
especiallyAmtlie skirts, ts adroit.
Tliey aro wow:fertility 'plastic when well
. r . ,4 Ylt tr
445d7 oar -
The summit of juveniles jauntiness I.
se go to wif.ch is attached a sailor
• Jr of dark. blue serge- and an vh1ch
adapted only to thosi -tincann,y childnn
who aro careful of their" clothes.
A walking/suit may nivaiva close flt•
Vag cloth cutaway Willi a trottertr skirt
'• Tirelolleviring 1410 egunnall •._
ory, gibe an easy rirelltori ot Starting'-off-
lurnd the day ot:'Olo week of anY date*:
am,thtn" armmt'40"4initt`"
spell o'er .Naturs:s. dream,, • ,
The number of letteriClif' each Word
lar nionth to *high
AMC_ 's tlie lourth et LhuL toontiti
.i*PliOn11110 retiilatic 11-4-0114.004474.
thvfilst..$111414v in February IS the first,
'day •of Unit Meath; and to on theoligh'
tweive4nOnths. •• -
' Each Word of the ,twelve, excepting the
• t °a." b1n& wltli the tame, letter
n with- begrn
03";, with tio% ,
March begins With "Mori and o oh
claim coat `f Shan(ung with .4 akirt
• that ame the 'floor by scve inches
• --Wit .
will .1trform-your that -both.skirts
• are short; •
• • Bands that suggest the tunic are /tore
practical for walking skirts than tht.•
tonic drapertis that are seen at their
best in the soft materiels of house gowns
evening-dressear The...itne oi Wm..
)11:titit that is. most generally lecorning..
• -di towards the -front '
a'de, giving & alight forward move• ,
ti - •
•••-• ens try, to avow 1 the mistake of over.
•" 1r:intuiting. They are made dainty,
••• witb-hand-run-Aireksirb "
lageted bands, insets of floe lace cr.
sprays of embroidery, but the erniroi.
• deo and lace should he used in small
quantities and sollgoit tba idea of fin.
, tine -of theitadt- beautiful 7white serge
fr_Wwns. has a:
•' and .euffs of r vietitor silk. The 'skirt is
.1atas aro n4
cas1k&' is elitap Y as hi
)What the 'Kaiser dos,,,
• 110 is a autileet fqr sppotiia
4410.141,4,10-x-- At .„
,11141044014-.47,viliago-1T0O prknUi
tan any 4's,itt'ter n the Whole world. S�,r
ot.hisplaces are of enonnous size a
most of theril areshowy in their **IN
ty a . altin GerMan';
Alaving Obtained ',the .444 ok^• the 'prat"
-.5.attirdaya, the 'date la1 *VertotherkSatur-
day ' In the Month iz got by the 444tiion
ot tho tze4csory numhot: Or sevens., from
.whith4t.is hut* step; to any intermediate
day:„. For example, to know the day on -
which Chtistros Day fails this year,
,"dream,""ste Jog for ,Deterribeir, has five
I item so th first Saturday in December
is the 5th Of Allot month; the second Sat-
urday Art-the...12thf, the .0104 the 10th; the
4th* being elic-daYa more" gives Friday.
six days on from Saturday.,
attkonTorearto -ro
the following are the weekly oh PmeA
front Cobalt camp, and those from Ian.
1 to date; '
Ore in tbs. Ore.in Its.
-Driffalo 503,810
cobalt La ..... •
Crown, Reserve .. . ,000
-obeli-Central ,•••• 0 49,200 -ASO
.City of Cobalt .., Vii",600
Drummond ▪ . ' -702,340
. Foster ...... t'38 400
;,. .
Kerr Lake • . 61.960 • . 314,070'
King. Edward 127,240
La Bess ;„ • 0,'i.. 1.,981,6$2
n14•Y‘ 1424 ,
.Nipsscng. .............• 133b20 1,iLt)2O
Nancy hely/ .• . • • • • ,• • 140.420
°Drier) 63„800 1,820,870
.111 ht. .6015Q0 181,184
' 77,
ent,.ore realty eaelles ift:1110 ,attlet
oe • o the 'wont ,MtutY 91,41141. for
inerty' bthlt aa stronghold, Perehot.OPen
peakzoz squid( '.--in•-•4110,,, • /of
. • '
t.„arshor in order, to 'make titentl)intOreg-
il#10 oflaillet attack, ImIttl given Way
**a., ItznTaLlde-M-7paltee___
s„11/1t- the
rI 40.11$10rahle.''aila whichxi ilobleroan
wns.,4043: 0004% . ••
-. Axnarftz--th-KsI1ser
Low tree and eaves 4o\
*14nItio use the Ienst hal
, 2,--
ininre\z1holr Ot-*Igh
'ogyavtn a saturated wit
tion. ,of PPer; ex00
potato -plant Often cau
.Jazgest andprobnbly
7,1414 A'19,T FAMILIAR 2
i; tourists. Orlginally 11 wtta'af very
;Modest proportions but from. tinielta time,
additions have, been made, keeping pace:
with the growth of littfuenee and power'
ot the Hohenzollern -S. ' The :ensile is
gaudy, raw and Pretentiotts In .conatruc.
hon. The, walls ontside. are .Of stucco
instead of stone Masonry. The' prelon.=
liens columns of the ealons hidoOrs ere
prnitation marble while the same key.
erns lite
whole Eiructurc and ;:e
bnrg Cestle, A structure
a-Ohartning park ;audio extrnordinary
for its great length,- , Five buudred
---metrest-1--lielieve,,-are thc oorrccf.4flp.res._
At any rate I know -,that Itisonly..beten-
in this tet$Oct by Schonhurgi•near, Vien-
n a,,and NYrilidienburg in Batavia.
Place was the' home ot the late Ein' rot'
• ntelte
j the 'wit"
itags tiorti
1 of 11ifeo sub -
Yd. -
's * barxntttI 'it,
Strong SoIti-
oliing b,
es nay
(3 ,ked by 511 -ca.w In Jsrnai hAs
• •vk.cI-
, root• tritttin Lobaoo, whch 13•,a0Moked in
neat itjuantilies in Sweden, • &toes its
beeOrael tnerital'!**17:*.riliy*tqa
• •
.Pilia-.ar 'It. •
-seftro1•y.-e0rr5-0 p ,
.buildiatt ip the digestive 40gariS and
ilterefore'er the very' be,st 'remedy 'for
'Ir4C761441*;•,! 'ets ,,,xlvItt!atlin'ten,"=-;°).4.t:17„ 4:11)1;1*1I14 W x T1111;
a af Oven yars
wasan, • MA.us iuffY(t•
from stomach trOuble, *Web was
•:gra,Notod by opt:pee onstimuoil. rood,
thlo; I ate. waspetnful. The trptible,
...heet*,-,AbaU *ir•
r L. 07.10r " SWPOIF;
todortumbut, dId not get ,the
.leaat relief. Ind4id 1 Was owing
rs,e, *n4 i Ibo sturniersoi 190 ho
got FQ, bed that 1 want to the •City at
Illest014 *here 1.0ent 3d1ne..-.1411,4ui41e1
/1.40 caro . ok a eeiaitt. returned'
borne, however, no better than when
went awe . The tiins I endured were
intelerabkoind-wooldjta rietinteS
cause me to drop, 1 Itiept getting weak-
er and weaker and had practically
en, u hope of, even being well again
- -
taking 1n w ch he may engage.
therefore, extremely gratifying to the
proPrietpla of ParmeleOlt 'Vegetable 'Mx
*-medieine -which *iinld. virovo n mai;
_n . tecinAnktigt•littlot bnauessMJ-
:their entritteria, The .onelorsa-
, Lion Of these ' II by the, public. LS a. gik
enrolee ,that tt p 11 has been Ilitoluted •
Whieh will Itilni everything claimed tor
itr , ',I :, -'-• - .- - . ' -
... . .
• • 1-1QP,ELES. . • •
Nov, don't ask me• another •question.
Little heY$ ebonld net be too inquisitiver,
'"Why riniain't 1 a* yOft ortY mere;
daddy? And What's inquisitivel"
. in 13erlin. Tbe mousoleurn in the. ;ark
- Is the buriai.pitice cd Queen Louisa ok
tusSia and of •ber .gfribdsOn;1/1,11$
.44t-':first-Clerratin EMPanor.•
One of the most h./Wresting •of Kstser
William's places, tilittorically; J Sehlose
Koenigsberg, in the province of Ent
Prost& 'This. Castle,' which' was 'finished'
In 1.261, was a famous stronghold of th
th• e three great niiittarf• and religion
-orders birtb
the other twe.being the-Terriplarsand Itt
• KNIG11t.4.4 OP. SAINT, .1011N. • •
..v reVcalod by the coat, and in the front
are two tiny flaps piped with lavender.
• • awt,
t 11
" down, the. hi.
104.4 N4h& Alhirtkys Knows Iiithere He
. •
I-have-0ot for,:st:kelra-olonipkte--411i-te:
• small, well Mintd forest* writaiwng
tigers; -Lholibigiktyn.-feowthz-'hillsido
'1 earild always tell when a tiger -was On
of .lierniars- Paints. inurantox1 II*
• .
'Very,..bast. full;mensur41ru11 .value, at.
4trir-honeat--Pritet.='-Aert: • -4).5.4in •
‘'and-.W131-1.114no4outhoLsplendid range
of colore„. 'Write, A. Drims;•-,16-SOI
Mont/vat, for Pock of So. ante Picture
Pest CardsItetneti.' " - • • 7. •
Willitrinter -Pink 'Pills. Ho* • thankful
was .0. „lover* -ono '.."and__14,4,•110, yIeicl
'readily, but irr ,e an improvement- was
rietieed the., cur progrs*e& steadily and
.setisfeetarily, L141 arer the- use: of. len,
. boxes of the Pills I- Was . again. a • Well:
weisnan, Every syrotitorn of the trouble
dlaaPPeered, and it is years since I ea-
1,<Ired as geok.bealth as I am doing.now.
All Who know •tne -leek upon ray :cure
is ,altivat:a miracle; and 1Strongly nrge
suffering from Storrateh" trouble to
ive title rtiOcilie: a fair -
• ten n Atte flerman,: and SoClo r
in. 'French ,cantOns. oTheY 4 volan7 "
, , .
iaasoi:04041404taalfirles.140****Itok li4,.0.0.ft,1.04144v,orsop?!
IrnIxeanoe with '171 town or vitiage they
'nese eeritliletkly' :fitted rang , 'and.
houEes; the mall villages do Itwir shoot!'
inf ain nyL Every., hold 144414 .by, --a .atiltable
easy eratieS„for_shoutINt and each
Every roan betweeri the ages or Wen.'
Lend Thirty-two 3,0145tv thirty.,,iws? e
year, and the toelettes. two:W(41ml.
ris la tour 43nplas-orY eXercisesevery '
two ,franes, for every sold • shoot-
ing this course on their .ranges, •• The in.
eetne deriver,' ;froin. tho grants genprally
or-titevarren „
atIP.PlY et Targets arr# pef-O-1-
marlior, There is no entrance fee !nor
subscription as 4 rule, endheavy,ereY
_ t_hem
for -$t50 from The Dr. NVillituns*.Mettl.•
id grant. fromi t14.Iiiovtrnrrien.t. ; •
les as to '.fpootatorartoothods nf
.‘ ringent. Lees Of .grant is incurred by.
any breach or 'neglect of reguratons.,
.In addition icr thew Ottlivises• mriny'Ittocits,
exonpattEpXW are 'held between different •
towns and, cantons. In sum- infigetizoi,
mer tho trains and streams are crowd...NA' .„
iing ,. ,
;tin ,
with' jovial bands of marksmen OngLIN co,
. and from their shootingf,estivale'• THE, ". 40
,ThO whede of ‘SwIts$ zileotIng Is "a
example of co-operation betwerni vv.
lethey say lhat liErs.TC1hriber
aneSthetic beforo. she goe.s to every re.
ceptlen." --•
leti'd'a44*" '714. in$11/*° bv )straT4t sirt tatsA with witonfaks 06
Atifign VI ttklg,X*CkjAt_d
ranges, Aug. through -his society: ho• can Trap
• fly treating' rifle. sheeting ai eiviti: 7FEATHER
and it as. popular es foOthall is with' • . • "-
us .en far re pent! rectise *,14
'eteuro. tho aersilces of quatillcil military P4IIUO 14010 413* Lafisoto Ifigotitonajto
Slitadard • .•« ,.«.. «.'„ • „A ; • I9,730
Slver • • • • • • 'or • • o • Sg4,200'
• -.10 ,-
Master °tit population of 3A0,000 pople
,and played a leadingrolein
$ ry o 1P*I • • ,
,rSitter.,,n,itilat 'I • •• 4* • • " ••800 of this Iambus 'Ostia ,,Eredorlek 1114
- *I** *** **1 85'1°G Elee-to'r Drandefiburd,erOwned himself.
it° "Le* as Frederick King eriosia, VIOL
Tetniskarning 11. MAW lagultect ankotty, yatalcl&teri.„
Ticelfiewef --41197
- Tholotai stit;rtentS for .the week were, 'i,l'iiii0CitrPt'T4P411'1351944/4-1
10,230 mitts, or 341 tau, The IOW tamtv•I‘Avrfritt ihe-sante--tbaffeli--- •
dirte-L'arr , *t. ,..-06r1141•P*41104004,-1 athlety--Itopwri4Oyet
Sot .44S-.1)on•• • 41i2, tons. The, total nond totitaide of Berlin Is Wilheirnsholle.
;rents for 01:O./eat 1007 were 28.. near Casr&I, the sutural, trsert of «ler-
- vat orne-llonaparte -while he Veas ting ok
"1 !.n4lsorU.fJW.1on"At
.leptd in de FAigliab lancqvidge vich
tribes it4.-.;and-1 lie -vol.-gotten
... •
A Carefully Prepared Pill.. -Much time
and attention were expended An the ex.
Perime7.-riting With the 7.tnigriedierits that
enter lnto the..tionnsgiloA, of,-,karinel yeti
'Vegetable Pills before they were'brought
4.11b110. Whatever' other:
pills Play be, Partoek*** Vegetable-
re, the result of touches rL study, Und
J. it1 t 4,11111(1111, -tot 1 ift41
lkier arid kidneys'may ton.
'fidently accept thou as being *hat the
, Vide feathers", ter/larked the Mari with
the, qnotation habit, •"do not make (Inc
Atteda.7. “Iste rejoined' the father ok
• N'en:-inHoWii-ilaaigtxtofl.xuti-they;pai
ittrot instant,relief ,f` n
• r014.
cau,sel by floadaobes,
-Rheumatism,. Catarrnal COW. Sample
• . •
If your Children ONO troubled With.
Worms, give them .10.1other :Graves',
Worm Exterminator; ;safe, sure and of-
fectual. •• To it, and !nark the Improve.
the.14 in your child. • .
at warlikc a•VoCiatene; but -shouttusoc: Oaten ,Ajt"Illattikl'OXIIIIG
• easion /rise...that which hos been
ied in Sport !Wolild be used In cutest,
A. Liniment for the L•bggerf-toigora
lead a life *bleb exposes them to many • •
-.perils, Wounds, cuts and 'braises Can,'
timber ;for .tbe drive and in river
• where we nuti rat-conitsined-rt "
,delly experience,' coughs ond ,.col and:
raitscu-W mu% conixor afralgre711,r,r-
l'hoin**" jcTectr10* *Tito . appiied- to. ,
ot Seim 44tero4t2.. the., all
- 1,114 y S-tiffeTrif
Merit relief pain -Neuralgia, Head-
' , Rheumatism; Want/a
Ids. Sample, 50, cents. All druggists
00 Lyman Dios. 4 Co,, wholesale drug.'
lloronto. •
11 has hag-, been C4 -ed. was Immix) by
'aln t ti;474396; , :0•,r, wituftro,,,tsctit, Issakiltiatt,000,WOrk-
.1 ,
Is ' , vain.0 at lgt,000 010. ,..
Inert vivre emPteYed for fon/ilea/ papa
it„torftb.111t.,,IltisO,114tiri:lbeent, a.. a..0,$.1:totactkd` 111.0irlid. tliktexiii'Orta .117.1t8grettocrisidtri.inlitirctleinn,,,'....loilithe,..41heiot, riasuti'i.H.-taili
t 4 ,or!, oent, , , ,i, , _. tiititintit'!•of wtirLelir4trOo' Illeicaorr,tt.11110-04110intierUtr, ,Is.tl'i;:
La*.ta -by • the.,:ilec4rotiort "...pf a, di!
;, •_.:.,- .... . .0...--'',-!•,1e.- ,, " • ix, -1401. 144 titIWW*Ivisadp7priaorpor-.24..
.. . SPACE NgE.DED,, '.,..p. Sedan v1111;0000 of ' his 't.PoPPa_ an4 all,q-,
, Laura." grolit...- -, ......,,Vt...,, 1-"'., ,.. tteirmsbolie castte,. wo ri _goat 04,Initer.
boil CHIA htic ' 'rut .` "like ward was amt. by brt taptora 1411 Wil-
Iowa you taken alt -pay ck) lies tut of of me .46c6 ,and Issed to wend wart
l°et' where he "*4 walking "d wilt11 :the /closet krl* vatehilirg the, attearxf 1 wetter
Ie lay dawalo 'testi 14 4111 tb4164 MGC716. 4NOW,,therelO no tilt in. making any Nink the.
1.1"1$ by
'1"5 lib°uL rt°11'661d hic wife' *Ith HPlint pia Kaiser's Miler 160441
witnr43,4%. eillest•tito".14140,111P4*in thol"caitelleguott*6°stiligs.s. note itith dot noa in her .V014.0., Pin ,
rnifl1had to aye some place •whor*-1.4toulJu d itnikut, inoorn toes exteneivel
fheiH. likto‘ telegraPhlt • and by the Ung'PY Itt144. 114L1-4 -
ns, ity pro 41.a 1
vilitc sink into. hIsignitleotee,4*totio.
- - 146040141k vzikh-Ali ikon thol,,•111 ' Atrotiq 110)3kr When 'tampered, with one-
• "the inters -As and hisbA,4 of ciauntleie gen. lwv414 %Jul. " 410ST SitA1311.4i cor.Aas
: ,;ogiuttiog if* grtat kbeosist--*0 whireillt -vat* th- 'roar
Waled)* Mardi/1%01h*, • figeZitt- titgietiut t• • rail• •frons Iterlin., This Plete k tal
4et*Itt,-)" the 1r111441e14.414" 01104 'wen 17«iteddetley-'flibts look worikdi, situated., lit bait ..ihourli ,.4.1slanco by
"...neigliberbond. Mtn ,eti n .* • I&ith 1. • g 11-* Ph' litIrt°1 It.'111104.4141411i11).:441;'*11"°*It;
itaXi tatowre beitt. e74/7" ivkiretif Art a -very:large 1,,
wefl known eater, itt whole -et hug 314 44* mot trial:1'1.4round* aitaa
•', -/- --.• ,,A, ' rirpeirtifirlitti -liftli'llittiff-ftelf 'itlarrY. °me ()tth" " -1`et t 0 't1 h°114 ,To,- , ' . *resin frequent 11
thad' t se " °
--inhkera have ronfitleolos In hiln, eire - nd - r he enle ex - p '' acourt31 by royai sportamen. Thc:?,astk
4...large tii;;nv-iiin,* yoi tboy yritiit; ' i, ,, ,•44iiiiitic.ii.. la ft plain; solid' bulkling meta
• •- ' litineirlhitr nran'-•-•,-1.4it'•Ittive•-'no-',44tenity ' ,!--.-=" 44'''''-',''''' ''' ' - ''''' - ' ',. ' " ' ' 'APPVtlirite it^ '' ' ittlae' '
. tilAix Wt* bOlitilyictOtte..!r, infort,ed„ ' T ber-;--“Walt. a molueoll, Johnny. the wool tret.
toneftrilni the, bilitAitteit, VAVV011ititift' What, do you 'understand by hat word' ItoonlgOlVosterhatisen wil4 MO favor -
but whether ha will p(r'suado the vii. ,'4,1.1elleltr "ti '• . ite`atunoter rt 'Sort -0 ,1[4sitderiolt William
itigott to hoipitIrn to getup, (tit hts,•qine. -414 NV,' 1,--.31Ctitte:,.(011./When y+o ..havenl ' I., the *twiid lag Of Prilesie,theef ,th2.6
- -. - •- . .. . .,, • . • , • . -ifte; . :and\iholiftlike 41.1.. etrIsie
ry clepen4 03104 lif,t6n 14$ Akr$Oni, -At its lolieh as It you oat 141,0tatk410' trxWardta that*Lorisat
• , gt teptititOn. ' ' ."
„ It 'ist2estay ontaugh to 'build,* little, teats t. , trete-he *pont. ft fewitiopi.
' *trod lit a •lft• (Al* 4 Not arid tellit everytot. 1104140#,Nti galto. full
&I., tterekelithf affer t' ht. 1311 , . , *
• vent to the'crIPI; *040hrutel
, 'titer mac,* to, dr‘nk irt the" tMidi
at conn* 1* Inissed, but it Is qi•ie
antittitr Thint k lbeatt-olit, and tici‘e th4
;not, tater cri ft (tristitalltir tte
• Otortatnen ktil('*3•nOt *NValys .ge1lakti3 taft
roan Ateter1.11214114,-it m4 1j.a&m
4o Mt kniow wirne ho
,f r It 0••:
r.m.n*te t ' 4 ti
i4 *ay •-
" 1
ett. of,his nature, reindering
uL h1- 1.40teeit and , his '0,114,1rtm e very
'Itlit'elay,•wois convenid•
•pritliathertti,that. qt
ikh IS as (*MOUS In thee
k.ry M t1 sarne ruler rs--.gi
ern« —
'Caitetted:' Atnateur: sif letrOod. to play
thq - hen 1, *ea' eight year/5 old:
trwity. Prt.) Wolf: Indeedi How okl
were you * u lorgotr
":14rhat .Is the *not aggnwating thing,
Merited lifer aalaid.1:10,4cithy.,- °Sow*.
..ittnes,,I said the bothelor friend, It's ,the
toehold, tridsdiaelinlea its, the' Nike•';‘
srlictranaltiott, from 'winter'stol;'1 to;
" *s -haat lieilue---411y *IOW*, • .
upo', tho aye', tent. that produrAte.intentel,
always painful *pd Otto,
tont:016n , tom of 41korder,1*:
dysenItory,-'10-lohieltinOtr4oIrprOne in
tho spew an4 aunonor.L Tha.Nory, beat
•, Woo touse, in ,atibduin
Attbd*IIII rerte,;,
.i'illoa**,(1,11141;*t • • •
• •
-*• • " • - ,
Sit 011Y3 MI); ,MX11164Y tuttrOnotatei
: tape ToWn, ,Sottlif,Atrica; had ani
terview- With Celowayo, the groat 7.1.1
The, 411)4(1' potentate *444
;tole:160g It wOulkttlike- to g4 to, the sun
10;4 .!itspe wagon. Making ,arreptd'
!tatadaVion on Ilia' iett1r, Sir D*10 1ol4H
hs en.azed chief that It Would -take
s -NOT liEft 13IZ;
**bi- 4011 IOU ' W4Pitch the game,,
'%Mate the use? -.You 'Old nit 'the tit&
Ore nitan, Y04 Pa."41.0 *a\tOk 144 11101:
Trolt; atter 14,, eure-I. don't ,..vient-Lhe.-
.10h. • • , :
111 fitting'boota and thites au$6 corns.
ik)lioway's torn atter • I3m article to
Ott a' bOtt4o Otone and tux* your,
orbs. • • =
• .
g.istick "eiff'iYett
fussy oldtgentletrian.
ler, ..‘-that k
,v4tior (vie/Writ' ived4Ing' Ofts)--.."
Three' "tr'IM,•"'
'worth 4, tUrtiittiro Zo'Mat& s'
wnita --;
tot **Iii • tfoti: ifrOttes14 -**0**-1010(4,-
$411 fOt minpitt, *it* Who* .0000**itoli
ilteatorstsr, N. , •
Orir baby gives us lo tr\ouble.
. yells unless be, has b own 'WAY._
"Ours ' yells anyhow. you • dont w
what trouble. 'sr- . •
'PAN O. =
Pongo 4
for Neuralgia, litadaChe, Itheurnatien't„
G6111. •Cateerhat Colds, etc. - For Sale .50
cents at drriggTsis or Liman:101os
' Tette he* a young than' eitNecl,
thet: Oink by , . *lee 'investment.
. Vet, • alkek buyer and . invoitor
.shott sad: this book. , Not '.for
-sale.;free on rentiest.; Your
nsrne. an a postit will bring Ito
V.Irits194.111y • . . • ,
atawaits. slog=0
ge tra.
• es! ilultelanle.fronf
On Ito 'football
FINANCIAL1 23 .,....,..
aicor *nu; .
.100.10,4 *tit, .
•t; •
•'Stocks bought and , told 'on,
'Ile* York,' --lhotani-Montreel:aral
TOrozi W S1ok gaehangee kir
,or margin.- •
ed .oP.:TOitt*In . 4410,Ing
. .**,
t 1 ,
-00.$0 '
P "C
" •
*11 thqualltISa that nitilie .rOti '464$6itt -010ta 4444
WA*i*km 011Y J. I*, best, 142. 46 ft. Alt sr *part*
od,c*bkct. $ciA4, be altielaiitsher ataltatoatt tc olt,
4:1100 of