HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-2, Page 8TimilS To S. S. 'Officers. s. S ane now o£'eriug a fineeilletatnne of 81 SC 100L LIBRARIES ; • As the %sets, offered, are the beat given at Tor.nnto,lpkrties buying have the advantage of B l BATES Saving of carriage end pereonat selection in purchasing at home,: • J. (xRIG'Gi' Exeter, July 15, 1880, leesisesseleelteeseeelelemememo FALL SHOWS• Tuckersmith branch, at Seaforte, Sept. 16 and 17. South Huron Stephen and Osborne, at Exe- ter, Sep. 20 and' 21. West Biding, at Goderieh, Sep. 23 and 24. Hay branch, at Zurich, Oct. 4 and 5. East Riding, at Wroxeter, Oct. 5 and 0, East Wawauosh branch, at Belgrave, Oct, 6. Morris branch, at Blyth, Oet. 12 and 13. Industrial, at Toronto, Sept, 6 to 18.3 Provincial at Hamilton, Sept. 20 to Oat. 2. Western, London, Oct. 4 to 8. tae eteter THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1880 'LOCAL NEWS. The Vo.taie Belt Co., Lirsliall,Mich., Will solid their celebrated Madre -Voltaic oltaio Belts to the afflicted upon 30 dais trial. Speedy cure; onarrnteod. They mean what they say. Write to ti.elu without delay.. Auction sale of furnitnre every Wednesday at J. Drew's until his present stock of furniture is disposed of. Undertaking carried on as usual. Two hundred kegs of good butter wanted at Bissett Bros.', for which the highest price will raid. Tar largest, best and cheapest assortment of shoulder brnces in Exeter, at Central Drug Store. C. LUTz. HYDRaLEINII, a new remedy for Consump- tion, at Central Drug Store, C. LUTE. Fresh arrival of a splendid stock of Boots and Shoes at Chas. Eacrett's. Two hundred kegs of good .Batter wanted at Bissett Bros.', for which the highest price wnl be paid. TEE cricket match between North and South Huron is to be played at Clinton on Saturday next. BEAD Samwell & Pickard's and E. H. Spick man's changes of advertisements. PERSON Ls,—Mr. T. iviace left on Thnrsday last fur Kingston. —Rev. Mr. Hooper, B. C. Minster, of St. Thomas, was In town on Tuesday. ON the fifth page of this issue will be found the advertisement of Chapman & Co., of London to which we direct the attention of our readers. Tan PALPrT.—Mr. Brawn will preach in the Bible Christian Church next Sabbath morning, and the Bev. Mr.,Hoimes will occupy the pulpit in the evening. BOGUS ten -cent pieces, Canadian currency, are in circulation at Ottawa and elsewhere. They are somewhat difficult of detection, the metal being hard and clean. They are defic- ient, however, in the clearing of silver. • 0ATTrx SOLD.—On Monday last Messrs.1 Balkwill and Prier, cattle dealers, of Exeter, sold three carloads of cattle to Mr, Johns, wife lives near Montreal. The cattle are all for the old country market, and were shipped from here on Monday afternoon. THE AMERICAN NEwertPEn DeenceoRY.which is the best published in the United States, and perhaps the best in the world, has reached its twelfth year. It is published by G. P. 'Rowell & 0o., New Ynrk,•and is invahuable not only to trade, but also to adverthsers'generally, Every extensive advertiser should *hue one. • RUNAWAY AND ACCIDENT.—On Sat nrd ay after- noon last Mr. Wm. Howard's horse ran away while at work around Mr. I. Carling's new building, which is in course of erection. The driver, a boy named Evans, was thrown out of the waggon and had his collar bone broken. One of the wheels of the wagon was also badly broken. POSTPONED.—Ou account Of some of the ministers who aro to be present at the ice cream social in connection with the Exeter Division S. of T. having to be absent from town on Monday evening next, the social has been postponed till Tneeday evening, when a goose time may eon fidently be'expected. 'Tickets are being sold at 15 cents each. A PLrasaNT Tuan. -0n Monday evening last,nfter the routine of business in the Exeter i)ivision, S. of T,. had been gone ehrongh with, the young men invited the other members of the division to adjourn to an adjoining room where a splendid repast, consisting of ice cream, cakes, etc., was served. Atter all had donejitstice to the spread, a pleasant. time was spent in singing, &e. Weenudorstaud t the Bev, J. H. Gundy, • of Odet co, has nee :d an invitatiou from Ailsa o go a:rua 'repeat hie lecture ou lo.stiou," rho Cousneetereve.—'•-As there "Th a great deal of American money floating about Ca nsda,it may be well to remember that it has been reported from Wasliingtou that couuterteit one dollar greenbacksare in circulation, They aro of the D edition slated 1875, and signed A. U. Wyman, treasurer. The imitation is not good, and niay be easily de.teeted. TEE TEN Eos'r 'TaimEs.--On the sixth page of this week's issue will be the first part of an interesting leeture on'TLe "Lost Ten Tribes," which was delivered I`ft tree Methodist Church on Thursday eveningY,,tl1e. 19th ult. The re- mainder of the leetuig"tivill be published next week. It is well worth perusal. A CHANGE.—:Hiss Aggie Henderson, who has taught in the Exeter school fox the last two years, hes given ltp the situation, and in- tends going to Godericb to study for a secoud- elass certificate. Miss Dickson, of Goderieh, has taken her place. Tuesday last being Miss Henderson's last day in the school, the teach - ors presented her with a pair of beautiful vases and a rustle paper box as tokens of re- spect and esteem. A Low TRICE. There is a youug man in town who atteuds the Bible Christian ehureh and is in the habit of spitting on the pew in front of him while the occupants of it are standing up. The said young man can bo ex- cused on the ground that hie brain is so af- fected by 'chewing so much of the "weed" that he don't know any better, and no doubt im- agines Be is doing a cute trick. Hoar: Aram—The Dublin correspondent of the Seaforth Slut of last week eve : "Mr. Ceorge J. Kidd and his bride returned from their wedding tour on 'Wednesday evening last. To give them a "good send home" fbg signals were placed uuder the oars, and the Mitchell band serenaded them. Mr. Kidd re- eve -tided in a very happy speech, after which the band boys received the hospitality of the house. His residence is beautifully furnish- ed." A Creteremer Deen-BEAT.—The following is from the Orihia Packet: "ter. H. Ansley, who lived 'here theeo or four years ago, and got in- to trouble by appropriating the funds of an insurance company, for which he was doing business, is wanted in PI•amilton, Dundas, Burlington and Oakville, by landlords who hold 01ai108 against him. for board, ranging floor $10 to $60." Ansley is still skirmishing about in this region of the Province, and hotel - keepers should be en the look -out for him. GITEEIOL—We, as we I. as many other papers in the Province, have received a circular from the firm of James Lee & Company, Montreal, asking us to insert a half page advertisement, which they propose to pay for in such trash as "Young's Book of 400 secrets," "Dr. Youman's Marriage Guide," oil chromos and engravings, gold plated watch chain, pickle watch, and other goods which would go towards making up a good outfit for a one horse peddler. Every publisher has not learned to live hke Dr. Tan- ner yet, and they do not rnn newspapers for the purpose of securing for themselves pinch- beck jewellery. FULL FLEDGED LAWYER.—We have much pleasure in recording the success of Mr. P. Mo - Phillips, son of P. McPhillips, Esq., of Exeter, at recent examinations for call to the .bar at Osgoode Ha.l. The young gentleman suc- ceeded in passing without an oral on the merits, and stood near the head of the list. Mfr. McPhillips studied under the late 'Thomas Scateherd, Q. 0., Df. P. P., and afterwards with W. R. Meredith, Q. C., M. P. P., leader of the Conser'v,Rtive.garty in the Local House, and completed.his legal studies in the office of Messrs. Cameron & eppleby. We understand that it is probable he will accept a partner- ship with a prominent Toronto firm. SCnOOLBOARD.—The School Board met in the Secretary's office.un Saturday. Present:— J, Picker 1, Geo- Eacrett, W. Grigg and Geo. Willis. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Geo. Willis, seconded by W. Grigg, that J. Pickard, G. Eaorett and the Secretary he a committee to wait on Miss Hend- erson at 9 a. m., on Monday, 30th inst., and if they can make setisfactory arrangements with her as to her resignation the aecretary be instructed to telegraph Miss Dickson of God- erieh, that her application to teach from 1st Sept„ to end of present year for 675 is accept. ed: —Carried. Moved by G. Willis, seconded by W. Grigg that we adjourn.—Carried. The committee met as per resolution and arranged with Miss Henderson, that elle allows due half month of the holidays, accepted her resigna- tion and Secretary telegraphed Miss Dickson accepting her application. Joni; BANTON, Secretary. House THIEF Anneseen.--•Aboat three weeks ago last Saturday, a man earned Archie 11c• Bride called on Ivlr. McLare 0, of Exeter, and asked him for work. He lied hi his possoseion a horse which ho said he got from hie cousin, Mr. B. Mitchell, who resides at Maitlandville, near Goderioh. His story was thee; he laad to take the horse for pay for work which he bad done. About a week or so afterwards he sulci tho animal to Mr. J. Sweinortan for $50 tied lett on the following Tueaday. kb. Mitchell enbsequontly carne to Mr, Swenerton 'and clai ned the horse as his, raying it bad ibeen stolen from him. Mr, Swinertou gave up the anitual, eald nothing more was beard of IttoBride until lost Bawdily, vtbou he was seen in Seaforth. The Soafortb eouetable kept a strict watch atter flim and followed him to a rolativee, s short distance oat of town, where they asked lam if he was the man who stole a horse from Mr, Mitchell, He ackuow- ledged that he was, when Constable Gill, of Exeter was telegraphed to, but before his ar- rival in Seaforth the constable of that town had hint under arrest, ;;He has been sent to Goderieh jail to await hie trial. lieusall. PAINFUL ACCIDENT.—Mra, Reynolds, wife of R. Reynolds, Esq., of the Man- sion House, met with is very painful accident on Tuesday, while canning fruit. It appears, when crossing the room with a kettle of boiling fruit, Mrs. Reynolds unfortunately tripped her' foot, causing the boiling coutenta to severely scald tier face and bands. Dr. Mo.Uermid was quiokly summoned, and under his prompt and ekilfnl treatment we are pleased to say, Mrs. Reynolds is recovering. Stephen. iSE•h',pEDxllEit 110 w .R UAGG31T 8c COOTIRAN Brampton and St T boor. flAgricultural yMCLM1 V Og e. 0 Mr, W I3. IF, ,IT3r Has been atppoiuted agent for the sale of the foliewing articles manufactured by the St. 'Phonies and Brampton Agricultural Works: Improve. Royce Reaper, Meadow Lark Mowery TIGER IIAY RAKE, THE CORNELIA STEA1V1 ENGINE FOR THRESHING' 11IACIIINE S, These are all 1''ari`,tuted, and have gained a wide repttlnttleti . Salisteetion guitranteed of —__ no sale. Any repairs or fany of the above implements eau be obtained front Mr. Verity About two weeks ago, as Mr. A. Dempsy was building a straw stack at Mr. Samuel Eesery', he had a fork ran in his knee which has laid him up ever silk'. THRESHING.—On Saturday last, Wm. Penhale, threshed with his steam thresher, 500 bushels of wheat, 400 bushels of''oats and 150 bushels barley for Charles Srleli, 2nd coo of Stephen, from 8 n. m., to 7.30 p. m. Mr. John Ross, of the 2nd conces'• iou of Stephen, has rented both of his farms for a term of years. Tho home- stead to Mr. James Willis, of Hav, and the other koown as Spring Creek farm to Welter Hill. Tle receives $700 a year for both. Usborne. PROPERTY SOLD.—Mr. David Millar, of the Thames Road, Usborne, has sold 50 acres of land, the south half of lot 23, 5th ooucesseion, for the sum of $3,200. Mr. .Millar has else rented his homestead, known as the "Fannon Homestead," to Mr. 1 Peter McDougaIl for $350 per annum. Mr. 11.1. propo:res retiring from farming and will follow Lis prolession as a veterinary surgeon. nm:.—On Friday afternoon the barn,ontbuildings and coutents thereof belonging Ito 11Ir.Wm.Dew,lot 17 con,4, were deatroe ed by fire. Nearly all this year's crop was in the barn, and the lose is estimated at $2,500, $1,800 of which is covered by insurance in the Usburne & Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surance Company. It is not known how the fire originated. clay. Conetert. The council met at tthe call of the Reeve on Saturday, August 28. All the members present; min- utes cf former meeting read and ap- proved. Moved by Mr. K.albfleisch, seconded by Mr. Heyrock,that by-laws, be passed enabling the council to levy and collect the following amounts :— county rate, $2644.93 ; school equiva- lent, $424 ; township rate, $2,200 ; interest on gravel road debentures, $150 ; two drainage debentures and iuterest, $496 ; school sections as per application of trustees, No. 4, $330 ; No. 5, $300 ; No. 6,1825 ; No. 7,$800; No. 8, 550 ; No. 9, $25Z ; No. 10,$800; No. 11, $225 ; No. 12, $250.—Carried. Moved by Mr, Lleyrock, seconded by Mr. Charters, that the following no - counts be paid :—H. & J.C.Kalbfleiseh, lumber, $77.33; J. ;Brooks, lnmber, $20.79 ; N. Armstroug,bulding bridge, $82 00; N. Deiohart, keeping tramps over night, $2.00 ; White & Carrick, printing, $4.50 ; White & Cowen,print- ing, $2.40. -Carried. The account of P. Bell of $33 was laid over till next nesting. The council adjourned] to meet on Saturday, Oct. 16. S. FOSTER, Clerk, General. Lynohfield Burks was hanged at Waco, Texas, Monday afternoon, for assaulting is little girlnine years of age, named Saran McBee. He denied his guilt to the last. Yesterday afternoon Allan Wright wag hung at Dallas. Texas, for the murder of Jessie Wicks, beth colored. Nearly three thousand people gathered round the scoffold, women predominat- ing, some came a hundred miles to see the execution. A disgraceful prize fight tools place at Red Rank, N. J., ou Saturday be- tween Geo. Weed, drummer, and Jno. Spinner, carpet weaver. The ring was pitched a few yards ' from the main thoroughfare, and the mill lasted half an hour, ending with Weed falling upon 5planer, the latter having his arm beoken in two sprees, For Latest Styles, For Newest Designs, For Largest Variety, For Lowest Prices, DEF " ALL COMPZTITORS. 5 00 Pieces of Tweeds for New Suits Made to Order. From 512.50. Co Beautiful range of SCOTCH TWEED (finest stock ever We show an shown in the City) from ;$15. Intraerise Stock of BOWS' SUIT$ Made from the Latest New York Styles. Prices from $2. BURN'S BAPririr, 154, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, Bratal i.iurder. Between one and two Sunday morn- ing, on their way home,. G. C. Har- wood, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Peter J. Larkin, of South Brooklyn, observed two girls or women being followed by three roughs, of whom the women ap- peared afraid, Harwood and his friend spoke to them, and they walked togeth- er until reaching ,Atlantic and Bond streets, when the three men, who had followed them, came up, and Harwood said, 'What are you following us for ?' Only a few words passed, when blows were exchanged, and 'while Harwood and Larkin defended themselves with their fists, their assailants drew knives, and slashed away at both. Harwood was stabbed to the heart, and, running a few feet, throw up his hands, ex- claiming, 'I'm stabbed,' and fell dead on the pavement. .Larkin hastened forward to assist his friend, but when stooping to raise him found he was too weak to do so, and then for the firet time discovered that he too bad been stabbed. Two policemen, bearing the alarm, came up, when Larkin pointed out the assailants as they were making (ff. After a long chase one of them, Thomas Tierney, porter, aged 25, was caught. Tierney denied being engaged but said he knew two of them, and was himself following the entire party alone. Monday night the police ar- rested Walter J. Best, bottler, aged 35, and J. H. Harley, laborer, aged 28, the former on a charge of murder, and the latter as an accomplice. Larkin says the assault was without provocation. About 11 o'clock on Saturday yen ing a street car, laden with passengers, who had come off the steamer South- ern Belle, wag orosstng the line of the N. & N. W. R., at Bing street cast, Hamilton. Just then a passenger train standing at the platform of the station began to back, and came into collision with the street oar. The horse , knocked down, and lay for is Iii t:�` or two sprawling beneath the ra oars, and the street oar itself watt ilii ed and broken. None of its pass ' iso were hurt, but all were greatly fti eget], and certainly their escape wa e BOOTS,SHOEES ANIS I-AR'ES S. Having purchased:the Boot and Shon trade of W. Ii. Trott, we Inn now oiler to the Public one of (the Best ani, Cheatest Stocks of ready made work ever offered in Exeter, We would also remind those in want of flrst•elass, home-made $opts and Shoes, sewed and ,egged, that we eon supply them witn what will give sat- isfaction. Repairingdone at lowest rates and satisfaction guaranteeCall and see for yourselves, lion' forget the place—EacretteBlock. C. EMMETT, 1 B. ABRAHAM. Exeter, F'obruary 12, 1880. narrow one, The driver of the street car asserts that the train started to back without sounding the whistle or ringing the bell, and that no danger signal was to be seen at the crossing, while, on the other hand, it is contend- ed that the horse on the street ear was. In charge of a small boy, and was drive mg furiously. Jas. Glassford, a constable, of San Francisco, was shot dead at Milford, Salt Leake City, by Mill, a 1ssatehman. Cause, a private quarrel. Last Saturday a most extraordinary two -fold attempt at suicide was made by a man named Thomas Wedge, a shoemaker, residing in Sonthwnld, near the village of Prone. The efforts of Wedge to put an end to his existence I were made near the C. S. R. bridge spanning Kettle Creek valley, where he, deliberately threw himself into a .pool of muddy water but was rescued. In a few moments, however, he repeat- ed the experiment, casting himself at the bottom of the pool, but was once more extricated, presenting a, most woe begone appearance, and dripping wit i acrid and dirty water. His resons eta ming weary of their amuse - 's -if belched Chief. Fowings and he din gaol. From bis idiotic that some fishing tackle; were 'of er lunch lfound in, ;it is conjectured that lave been fishing, and gtastroke,