HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 3Habig iu asy it .„ _never to ill .‘`,1, ,rOtts bo Iluere, , ,Z11 you -rout at tht4 rst� 1,1N , 'elktil+, unto y deett hkbet446114,6 Eu44 ,tuld he t the 'oh 4, In travel. 'toe • '',ItuStied.i g n thc n1ittgas'KUic Is nhtt .totiototrote, 04 the. sitri adding 'a, COnsIderala v 'kW Ny , ern% o Ihigh to4dy rot. PAW* the OhlPloiY amount of -now. es xi, gas pro. Nv reifuridO' Water,: SCO In 1 horrulas* and nearly seventy 7drowned. 1 TO SEA ON AN ILA itt ev pa tbe prke t 'at in.. Ibetois1:1"-ther;klitaivnt U81W o 1101'1424114 4 4.14 C VC 0 w., evseryneere man .is 0 -ite3lloio.:40,suc4essi,itai4re* *4 ‘1,04.10. l'iow--PaY svithbut delay how your oni. itity,outott-tannitst is Se hs wet* 'done,. )404 then, to gleans of practleal exprosiox tar_ krkieh is visioned before tint* tirade your views or idea, unless afraid of iiTtiiinTA tlie price. • He * .1,1,194--sw A,..,54007 iti4Litiviii_b0.,,,hiftb if tho enrl strop Yo tt111111,4 rf of 4 4 4 ypl and your (pp oyer ma o. There, 1s-°. tor*.ar, blit don't r,de no' mons of Sliding up uncoil- 1,411 ' , , Iti, ..4 h tar anY tittonp r 1:10-114yert t not yday lives, asY to Putt :of- Elottti14- ittte le - i� 1" r 1 a , le I, 1 iinallot slip, c rtect in your Wags that tiro belowl. there no IWO int It out. Tin4go en.. • Tsio.-2;: tf i- „e„p. o t thoe who are content .to wait for c'u 15 be 'Wit*. by . constant •.effort prepar(tS liim$elt:tor` sornetb:og better. 'Iry•IPtat% 'the- geedwiti of Your ernp'oyer-, '''.Strive to Make 'SNeitt.1-t'valutibto 146toztr: sittuttion yen; .0,11, even if but lotaPortity "On& 'Tact is .worth cufli- oitog.the intercourse ,ottipleyer and etnploy0e. If your- • or'is not to your liking; NY; ‘,41. retort& , "Wry:Otago much givithritrt.:,We - /11-Itariu AL:A.140w* to dt:!ellIntot rejeet, even rawly good lhing,a 441tty,ocin-Ittat-v1delLialatf.„1.&110,0 gain ail Of everything; all may Win al of something it willing to3 ir)se thing:44 Iliches are not n eurso,v theowelves; they are a curse and a Cause of the deep- est poverty when weretwese,Aikerti before sonic better things. ' The yoting roan In the $torY"rohst sell. IOC po'sSessions be Ousel they stood between -tarn -and the AvtlY WW1 eolues. w itirMEITTI 1).4 waiter to asic hint tt oven., tfle SU per party In toltiortint in whit ;J03e of arranplflg.10 '06006.4.10ra 'fbhi4 iii;''".thoTearllesti '0004mo - Tho. ta4., 'kelt cksI WttLit f11 with the .0eentio 1hti.cpittp1"o4sOr pint, OTo •ha*been tOrkitioLo4tly• , *V, tiriliSlolite- traet v.vhieir waS arr rier to ,the rtune_the mine tvas closed clovn. malnshnft at ltie Roctiester 15 do „ ti,ING Ito& wAlkrrs. , of tbc 'most • utful trees in. the is n Woes or Pam wlirch grows it. " it might safely , be eatted -thiforalati for lt *ids, cvcry 14 trent medicine • to attio4en4. • vots i ovaitted a very Vo,"3,4- . u Urifying' the Oa 45Pritig .41e. s very high polls.ht._ and is •gerly sought after by cabiriet-makers, r 'Ono work. The sap becomes w,ine opt, a g 10 the -Ir • ceives, From the sap starch and are also obtained: The fruit of ji$ tree ,-is-,givert- to-tattlo-for feed;... the nut* grOtirld 0 _1'powder, ' =dies a good sOstitute -tOrt-taft0i and the pith be, -bottle-vorks. , Thus Imo this one tlined-.Inedietterlitilbor, win, starch, sugar, coffee, cattle.; HY--Waerves- utzt OPLENiT1.01TA ntriVtint, 48 the envelope ild be a comparatively, modern in. As a matter of fact it is just, tndred yeni. Mfle a paper trianufec. incnted nvclo rojeiiirwsin 10.417-47"Ettrrititn-IVVAll" derabW nine be re their we .s.m.timcbLet-, goOsi to , make no progress: teward any' great rolls thc traperattve demand of 'every ideal, that it shall occispy first place. The things you set first In your endeavors, to your affections' are tho_things you wilt life a e e 1'• siblefori1I other Its not the roa • reams ofcoming gkry, hut who daily flees all h 1ktU-e deeds rn the light of that gler for this 4Vorld and for b1 . great question is not whether you oar talk. poetry, but whether you are`willing tc, pay the' price of' the Ideni lUe,• Tho word is full of peoplc .wbo %Os 14. .it,vel4+4541.404.t. Tab, to whoin itk wIlEare, 1110 raTI. wiftag. hfl tdi� 11panY t1'0.$8. Dr UtLr dods slt�Jl their ltle be, lineW11. Tet -retu-Wod, r tbe .Americiom rlsk»iLLh smut- Itxteogrnithltat .41101061y1 though pdi English. . v - 112. Drieatno,1 4.14 thenr---A-syrnboli 4k -4i -signifying the-intp)arliqg---to -them 1. Lessen X. Jeans Aponte' to, the Apes, Itt Goblen-Test Sohn. 20.18. Tug 1,E,gs6N WOOD sT. -ary,-,-the- 'tea( tho Reins 'aro, 74/ The HWY SPiritTho article Is Want- ing in thc. Grignnl, signifying' that the 'gift was "net- that Of -the Personal thily .6'piritt- but rather 40 CarIVSt s !hat gthosAgefrIviOellt :6<kttroLthost.....SpAai,rit;tvo' so prns- io bitesV of the lugo fiosung hot , •It's!ac miles an tiour. •'the barbars shop, the tailypaper,t reedy:rot. The Aiucrika, the toositattlai and 'other great ships have their ula carte restaurailts.' That on .*Averilta ,will seat 00 terOnst *bile:Abe new -Cunard. er$ have still larger aceotninedalion.' '414eritall,14 the, Anierlita made .$omoO pro. on her first .1,411p„. • JcWistk PAS 'Or*,Sorne ers„like it ,playgionnif of a youngstem to pretend they are a fet1 the tlicalre, Mew 164 actively at• • „ ti 1(0511 r ktttbrCl, WIl ors a c epee 4 y en or Ipshave..gynntasitnns, ottt- Empx'ess at 1reand, have or."*Childrent :where heaps, e.s,atitd buckets enable the the ^ 6 vi Ttie Inti age g.Gd Shipping r4i. wilt be t intuit' ertrptrA Aurfttee,-,Avitieli4 n'-stripped•,,lit :Womb of 201)' TOi* sto.***s Ad" trver4 w rrtildeititte,,owf isimiteen; inches '.or , ith nirolite, Wow -AT Tits 41131)a0N „• • t` •••{4 tOiti .9t .0V0 'MA II. 'OM ttie IONO WM: inerea5fd later;on. earlead or. bigh.grade orc Is being load. . fli1iL of-Waythe fore7* 111itlic:;vnncnt ing-4 ,„, . -sinking of itva the stIver Queen' wIdeninglane * r Jelin • Glyn% Aged 1.00 le died •Ats dozen •skaters team the :Shere. witty at .:1)nothethpore, Go, CaVufl. me; plunged swan bak, bt1 The death, of Margaret ilarrington,„ arrie‘routto -.oser-otrano ,rt.mts**. a the ago. ot,'1,020* 'y On a Plan nr'er ,of the At, dpnssengCrs allIcielY.01 !!0, o„lith evenin lit mid. .Wilt be no novelty' rthin 4 lc years. • . • • It014,8 14iVE ON LINWS. • - tigers at sea haves° melt /nor ldsure- than when -on land that, hOtts,will offer an irresistible,attract re-bOurtiltlehLiarga rotttrns ice p0s1alle-group-wer4,-,prestut 0.1011 h0-41%410 itatever-the-vet Chrisi at -had odeti lbe Orinbir an ttme-Tail-belfevers-Irlifte-shared Jesus had apPeared unto 140-' that poWe.r. Thr Ll.",no 'warrant in etIon other ,,W01000 - 4 • - iftso to whom Jesus revealed hinLe .a jio_grhaiitatote-rit 'rem tile eventi. which are retarded ins ,reiro. totido. most ))e, intorprete4 in lhe _our Ptesent- light of other -hiew, Testa • -ViSsages. in G°IniPtInY Wit'n 411141:1 :j116‘4"'t,:iitIt'its'C *bearing an 1114 IS' Tr report' -'to tur-di3cipieslqa1141i8t--;;;hodl ...„..,.„,..._.. ..., „,-, ,_„, • , penot.-For-two s*I0c events oritt,to wit'l-m- litlelirAY; tot: from John's, narrative at this -point . . t.4,1 ,f : to we are i -O- a aw, ell il *e ,t icneis respeetivOyr.. -fdalthew, earlier,1a: his 'ae. 4 ' A _attnitr,lted mentioned tho-fear'atid night f IttermitirW,7;ifto-7.'1'-‘11,4-- liTC*111elv: -Maio sentient actkal. in reporting all that lied , „ . . . • tatter . %tie t, 4..ne 414 II .4 4• genera no nac un. lett ribetit' ithe year 1850. Di- fasjoripywho OFCIIVID- 11 l Attkt, Initt .dri_pritt • We, '.as fbid<d in .two. lin inert, th.1 , keeper% and to the shipping co • t a ily ;--foundlitotl-tr•-ift7,. re- Of, naerarf h1& :living traventnr n Ncv York anti .UV4 .4yvnot,„:461; 6.041111e. They V01.12 :00 *dip of he trouble ,e,iteli-thelr.'fellowallo on land in: .getting -*Winos:to Come arid .be lrfed an. :And. what a lot of:worry 1LwoWd stilre a pas - r a- LUJ %NOV Moder ,sWee workings as, wil new, ,shait' Vine. Last 'Aveck a carload- of AO tomi• ;AO, .0're Vas 'sea: out to ,'Denver, Color - 'Ade, -from :the fluffal3 Mine. • ThD .tinuntO. 1%, wokht g ;ft foiti of near- ly 150 ratill 'sent IDAVattrither.'-ert, of orek1.t weik. 4 forea, ot over .50 men ,eto lto$W. at "the Foster, Extenstve , . with 'ult .'car I s• It 1 ado, -..gregatin was h41ped .t %irk, MICYOUNG GETS CONTROL. Cyril T. Young of 1/0-neAnt'Y hat control of 4, tease on, the Petersen, La tty, , 'known. 4,4- tp)10 14410, Shin *tt ,10444,, Nolither:43eArett-40- ina ,I;;" 4% on the p put vork telleVe' thy .w -eve ,!crtersort...,Igalti,-,-14iiperrstendai -1-70fiddo WOrigalt‘nitir-4101-4011,01. -4sulf4 •J r'earload. of Da wilt be sent out durng 14 not few days.' Develeproellt 'workis-being -potted ahead ,rapidly hltce'tif anoint 15 Men at Cobalt Lake; 'A ANCt "*- '"` " ; imikebert4M04, 't U ittesoh'k, -wotit'4 Til#1)17414,6 *t9v- 4;14 0 'OM Nt wine- int 114 t IOre deadlyfrozen WO 4) and ea the he et estate Vuliabd at00310. i'ncveLl, nndIy t z°,1/(1 w"9" At 0.1.S.k,4$ 44 WIdwad 4,4 a death.VATO f Lake .; • Miebigan stnnl lhoVilirig0 of Snndpoint, Sentitel Yopo g* has WM e,.-•..ni!*1-: 1a g- linfr104Mtt- ,poinfe4n--atstraeJorconnty,,I)04tt• $Ip fi vi°1:is.431dYn4311111ubit44411lYl*Calege'.11e In winter. ltiipeop1041001ernerwtiertfe4grantler14 : catch their prey • by euttuitt: tIolos in the 11#10 free Ilbrary in 1it4Iin, o, Kerry. " IN when Ibe lake freezes. One night; in- .134 fax receipts for tbe porposo of ,ebrutirp, 0(0, trernentious-110.1teose, Wool government -in Ireland dining the. and 'be ore the sleeping bolt° Ilan% of. thatingiftr- Tot olvtopigeo to $21,14,$50. 11‘40 4rthi!$0 11114 blox4110.,dwetlin 41°W naJittig0 roughly eat'Inatitt $5k000 what had ital)Peladedt, thett!.'hoents was .tnwied by an outbreak of Are at the -1/94.4031tfoundalions. ere- Logan Vornb:ng asp -Ivories inilis at htown the tut ittntatn4s.ot.ukrit...-4-thotrAgo, . --wtelf404:10gtnna_itont_utn.J.e_t. obriVitoli r dr0V,trhpat.iftit tneotileAsi borbood' of flallittrobe and Itollytriount, forttinately„ brought,' uP.itare.ltrgaint the County Mao. • • • 'edge of it long capet-Whieh ru%out ores- Ttio question of procuring a iloa 013. -yrde_ntelaShion almestoplioslie yillance for 1.1al1ybay. Co. htonagharti has This brings, to mind ati extraorditory been dropped owing 10 the large -expen* ziectdent yhten occurred at Telluride, in d:tare.it would involve. . 'age,---"Sofrir ..50`011Y 'Pi -net* :were 4,810,P 14 the Sttalt. . vent iloard,..,wrote sanctioning a 10S11 * 114111,$.0. of tb0".14bOrtY Agit mine, when ;510,000 kr the purpose of carrying out 4 Ill a tow sewera.•0 scheme. iarL o1 fp work Al he tern* Of that forgiventas. k tont; 'and 11410111111111rai t s CI" ralraFM' At., se ihan 114erribied, token otntel they gave tnuel“noney WW1's, fllYing, Say ye ills- diselple amo by. night and stole hint-tiWay wide we slept-4---And-.11-11tts'ontelo_,_,Ilic"gtiker., ears C will Persuade hlnjaiid r of - --So ri .404.1)14:tia 101 and 'this-. 'tiring -Wat-,71ipread-ithroci - among thl -Jews/ and eentioneitt unit 1tdaAtaY-11,kfatt.-28tA2.15h, IL la to Lue that vve ow our knoWit.41-ii0)Vt pearance of -leans to :the two discip n 'the road to'. 'Ealtnans. 111s a beau-, -itiful story, told one Whielf...ahOwa•liettr. even afkr h rito•itefetkini: !it; ids last, 'assoelatiOn With hit-, diacipies* patiently rindr-with pedagogleat ought o14h6, larger -and littler 'truth con. !fig Itht*it and hi9•itt.M4l114 11 -wag ing*hert 'these. twO.distiplea, Were ast'PAll thlett--cortp-, it :And- 'guest,: itritt 11110, iikr andiony were they that4. ds, "they, rose up (hat very bon * and, kutttl 'the eleven gathered tid4.9$,Lit thntv.'-e're with Yr- - p:4-LNs' theta 4-AtIrde 24; 345. ILqt" .M'Sk • bthliftd leStts. 114 41ppea0d %waded Itt out i.).reartit eitettis 'with 11 t1Xl of't 1100 distskus, ,from.", boo lc; thInO. IW Ifintscira them, 'and sail)* unto jei Ate' YOte ,tt.uke 144 tuahly bti. had ,dropped 'out, was 'rater lilt& by Wx1SehOsert by lot, its 1541 • ingAilDne lilt& sit thers;WC ThourW I stilt ?tam in a hOn, e the, teat, shalt not, vtoltm..01 orne Ilea 1 Will t: The ,iwg*tiv-8 forni uscd is the MrngeI altitle in Ciret Aft(t.ol itAnyzi-A)n tht il•Vt Frst dIty DU the lyttl‘.. The txpeels:ott mit *rtt4 in rofuntott We and u.s equii :4;ktILICI).•\ ,40.1k*014.."1/441"1...1*.„. _ Thnnras with tot ttatitiioh to, Thonnts,liod•• not bci 'n irelY Nvx and„ntitteolowt, 11 ufhhe ,to T 1.ig bu1n wftb= tw Uitsind -4« ux;f1,,, • • Ity tit 'clost ied .14ada tor toe mtn r merits, a considerable 4100401, 0 -L being realized, In extem of 'ope above.broke',away, an ing I w • vn1ky,itruelt th4* shaft -house and carried the'-oempants-mera.not•alt TOirty...jSeaped, altve. 'Thtt,,sewere digging out the dead when a seorat lee; a. oretn*tl, ,and caviller ten ot the P0Or felletva'werie et -used Or, buried. SUNK 13Y FROZEN 11 will alsv4ya be remembered. OS Olt if --th4r$144444ftit.-aceidents7e4used by-fros that the te1-r3arit04.-Was,... in 1805, Stnik:at, her wharf -tw-New,Yorlf.:'aitnpl weiglitTle 4 Immo vea .were 44441itt thttri_rtte'4141.000)t. ,.b;_eavY. diaster va „tramp stormier von in 'IOW,- 'had more -'ircgio event. OverWhelined IftiOSSe of froiktt $Prali*OdiWith iteetri. gine.1 4 Is- /abled„ sho tirried turtle in the North At. 0 to keu. e. ,tw •t' IL3lJLfl WhrhaCh, wbo liad for rar bern aper.. nitinent )a$beflgdr, abourd the '4:! trAtet utnid':--no4rinore of the perinanent resktOnta If allot* were Jiamdyto oive Mem the trottble, or golttg 4.thOr, - Andf1I1r1r-tittreney,-if-lianka-• :no' I bi bod. aboard -the new vessels', the Ek-oubk\,or- earryint large 44,40, bi- task tan.be avoideft.by tile. ayMern originated: 4ito White, Mai,' of *, esti- ; ititetioist. Titese-tan be purchased, for any ikinolint, from -410 to $500, 111141 Om- hollered On PresArAttition'eltfw aboard ship or ashore .0tthe comparilte, ago:010. The, tot. vent4fee, id these 'thequesis4iitirttious. 4,ndu In •lite reit ivrtiVe 1h0lith4 'ihe mle iot them has multiplied by ilx4 otis Weekly. • brvownEwitratt--.4 _ . the tfort -thIl--wcck IirOspecters have departed, and 'are - reptitiric :to leake ff)t., ,latnes town- ship !hist Week. agerr,of the Nfooschorit Mine, is reported ,baie ten tow of higlieleade,or4 lond- eJ ori ' .Alawi.-.41,-Ellr1041Va- "Mat' to.' thin, be,..-monfreafttiver to:-Lateaterdi: frnnt INIttr6 it wjfl be, IbitAeid cars fldaent 141 Ito '0neitecs- in, New York. aifk,1,d1%.4troperty- '13 the first 'f,6 lottlfe a' Shipment from the new belt. wA :company been ineOriX0attd: at Mt. Clonetia, ',kWh,' to tale over the control of the sWatta PttlittlY" fn StnythD*tosIt.' 81141. This proporty tins sevktil native ivr'sbOWingg. The ,Ooles claint jn anita-lownShIP_haS .-teln•t0 o- 14,10 ,syndkale, who will beg -,n • We peration$ Ori their tinatertY dui1nt II* t °tang' attintnertr, Arid alto tiiike the:t;iites 4 shiptx7ing pmilositio before tbe kri4 i1 the EWS1:lti' ifK LA prlutteti Ott i I Oen T 'pet:have atruett itvent cro -depth 1 riiirietyiseven fcet 1' w til 4.l4er. aun-• , "lc, httlt• de lhort, let the cc'fltrn flItv 1:1:y * ill 11 t3r(5.11 t tooting,* cr on tl.e Montreal,' li ti!tflV Ira:40)04 And ail (."1h. The.turnever us ye vady Co-operatic,Pottltry SocietY. Lim - was (,ver .140i aff; Intxt,esz- .of $t775 on that of iho 4:ireviirais, year, - • Trinity CAlege, Dublin, has acquired half res:dence tor w4144111 Who, aro / adinitted •all lectures and obtain de- ,gr!s on the same. ferins as mon. • Acearding to a doctors evidence, eb oceupled-bylaboesers in the fiasitea.— lion distriet, County Cavan, would' not liinti.„e cent kerip--er--s foribp,r Dolan his 'tvik and child, were frost ()eel rr re o ony, twelve ,SotArt.,xgo *rho tt sehron Pfrature fM bgatV itew but the al dry tin IlLainazin kit Inticy 11140 legethertiel„ • 4 .-a4 t -ere terribly btirocd in firt: 1 y ar, $4 igan rind :private tinned Inglefled ItOlt ifljtfriCS that he died sub2-equerit1y. farirt0 varni.4 ilouridtreo, court. ,Count Cavan; d I --"AtalioAt. T MM. 4, A.II)onitYbrook,,tLvilla 1.ub1in4 the .ud f 1,,,,iwzat814 ai t;:ly nes Te tidT wMp t • bet_ feet t dkrtly. ditterit ineuntaint 41 oilStip- peered iiii-Whitefiat,'0441-fe ,sOn , ifs Prose:any one ,4if the Wo., men- ,p4'.her bunt up 10. her check, cry. that sornelhint hird'afungli: A--trecae-beitatOo tilbW,•arld the nit be- c'me charged with -a Mistof parLcle 'glittered lik diriniond dust* T SatVit Settler, hia fare eoverrdin a 041 gnalling to thorn fiirkiislv. They drove tits house, and he hurried', them Ifl flefor.O triorrotog alt ttw party were dread'. folly Alt 'end on, Woman 'was ..,4ead., ThLs log Ant (Inc, kt. OntlicitiAy,„ go 1 t.ert.„oly eold-ttat floy, tenth logs Withtott mett1.ng. *T11,6,111410-00 )0'4Y -toll thts . stooge phonotnehOtt the tleath;..,41'eritter4.Weekt a bullet eareletsly diop • tvat t.he *bed a a ttraY- the ritimile, went through 0'4e:11%410w 010 barber,ellOPt — )erld of„A;(1..t.-401aker* 111)11. ri Lbe wail ,orposite. - • „. .lMa actnia 1`4wit ''Fitddiert Min417W-iat' ;64 .1 doll want. you- 14)-0-4er tote • 'hie, net garden to play.wilitthat pinks bor, hes very ludo's:” 'Freddy thea ,tew itionetts afterWard$ ealling over Itie lop!' my„.11l11ks.t, $01 tin not to ge In your •gortleo'beettI4Se'yoult rude; • t you, ;tone into .•'ray,f gardth,-",:t MAI rude," -,••••• e 1 * 111_ art ey t 'been itrain rat' anaere4 (hi ltilve *t4)ck Ir pUO1)1'(i1VE St 1:11,A7 }6 tante Of Sbr.a I still 'Led at.' a Isynoilytrt I uid steriliN 11 1-4, bef',34rh'ing r that tew regions 46 enpn'tt )t 'prodttein thrtiti rood. itI 11 if x4,10.1 th at h ' e t thiPf -ri(Ji .41 o Anita 0 1'1 11 'aired tte gmthak Ite u ly, In fttstlAtrf