HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 21trsLniuit 33ct eexrn 1 41. imtoitabie . 044 itt4 I tbeNVOr moreiiayi 4, motive.Lo thL cr • ppordeu n i s: for 4.j.'it4r101Y 01,044F-1411. ' 4i, yr.ow1 when tr lido44.Vicif4401., r,-„;04tIli-ilti. ShQ u.....Oult. now, 1i4 jho: Intart. • tit • hat 'she, had pledged. borsOlt to. ef Stood Abort.' liOstilixt 14 0,. 4011 : . 11 that, was odd, she rein IftreV4t.titW ' --had, .4prom,ttt4' Var. * r DI, 0,,,, .ss- he .ijdseeutlha rnoment,had •St far Irn Spoil g that reinaneei had blit'.'haatened, _ 'its onipletion., 1 ' ',41 644 tOld. herse1-lf hot or, 1114 *: Ioirrn tght UV) world to4 .t oU alt the .bard knecitt eve take. SheyOtin ,-,:,-alls doesn'l 'Understand men. But Oa-, voret• tail her; Odle will ttert4 to. , , . • through. ittr 10 th atel0E0 eXoitod thong. et-ragea on tha .1pm:0/eddy aro n • W(.rtb watclitti an *005. 414 11 leta coriner;ot het. OPPert, altheUgh _ --hrturzchatadatt'srimt s, g again, Atterof Um.; WI *ow -hint 410411 lanntily -doWn seemed 'as thetig4 -the shadow' Jot Abet 110., hen •ha, wtw. mua4, orken4v Hat &hank° had' labor', father What had deiminal bor. ,ote,torC9Yaraa, whop his.' • vo' ikth-g-Rointato- was unveiled in Pit un *ratline. , n of 'One of these events 1° e termed in 176t. 7:91tUrCi ,OP4#4.'m's .raVor tit adopting eoinpu ercly ver *boy° an below eensuniptIon. ..eQuity. Of Shetland °oasis ue.,Lcal WItli pora.114*,,, e t you 1 --v."-rbTat th young rnan-,said 4 tnerning; ..4.61,4ce • It that he -sUggest0hi tho OK ht'w034 poor, viatt144.argt Wel,0;10,, until. a lait, she MI night long in uneas, 4/04171, that, haying /ma/Iwo, Moat what trerah.- overal over 110"; arg ov't stilt* Iffin,ve .4,1get,-.1 in- -w nee st rem' ernbrat. too-004tat-001,1 4' — ling haste site Pad One '1° he euse• thro gh her dreetnelhere • ' terview "1 did indeed " ion u martary_ * 6 ....vsurmr,a00-;11,(!ra-tdulgAibii-e,!iaexw-caustoha--ha4t4 - -4, :wit th4.0-n.viirtysav-ti.,vvottiedx_ .-,.-4iawmacitd+thvytorc,vreird to: lady and , had been •pe• rThittoct. to to lea d g -01 hp r, waking rig lierse Op proudly,deal° ,b4ic uso they rne so n • 0• 4,1 room. And ‘there-fieuntin sternly be ore e • • Ang to_tako_ myr, 4 toom»,.Fwaslio ag- ,. _ . --,--eny° ..• -. a e •Ituurstler ,, . , 0010$ $0110401nbow to get it* she'ittitrtV • 1114 .4410 Igtiftt's1Winir.1thats-1"t `•iliforit• etillifixr-tronroutslieo OkOosvMls', , .------tl"oyoegn,-4'44iid' OvRad4:441.:34.'4"liyt '44$4441htoviitcet -1';neoltek-1-.'91116111)-ereitig4nikmlic9724!.-Y.Otilnghtt._HrheePiTr'*' ;-'11thrte-y 4.7 101.11-1_4tea744__44-7,10-31r-Jive.lzhi..' -tiVitilly11.:.-a*Trof.tbefi; ' roust be paid without delay. Her -remembered" in .the prayers of usukt-kv a , mop:, joy* ,so that 'tbcy Italic ta alene,, money was tn her -hand* Ogain; with. No.. 3. OreMtwaYe" Gardens, 1.114,t r11814,,' 'mut?' \we'lliend it to.d. - ay,,"_ - out what alp had det.ermined upon. Tho • she came down late to breakfast; she Aalrallnyt%th'*°14116aLliti't'ii,ilitt-°".t.s'culugrell';Alb:Vatirl that to 'strengthen her she could; loamy it .wii." surely Aunt Phipps. , , . • mat had,'been a Mere.triatter of impulse; • had no desire, to -Meet , Chris or anyone : top nervously. • • ' alleitad raced-dowir Oreenwao' Gardena .,else until ho had had timer,"Ao fermi, t '1o, sr; rn monage it bY-myselt," said . intent an .40ting •to. her room, eud`Vid. 100 perne Plan In her Mind.; 1,042eY.,*att* Odley quietly. ,1 . .=, ) . . ' ' boon met, (Al the door ot No. 3 b The •0441npou licr; and '• waited wen, 't tlOw ,.' 1143N0ter cOlttidailt Odley might be in. , - , 7.... a . • . d as_to iher...19,Wzhi ot non. "', P., 41.11',t 4---3iitho,extuid„ .conjurorai_in".' aging It 'the -lift •,-...g. . 90 it-dfirf, otift`' ea In her h . . • SI* had loriga for money.. lain, awake- e wr orthWyming-g moo many beforor-evo t•540--444-bat 7-ir moment'sR4614017rtealgi'e ettrite44 think 11,1 " otly47-She kuri thAtaLall," costa ut, t it trent Victor !Colman, and., that, la tliti t'S ideas of . =aril% y had been hld she,.lovol. inus;t; be 4avoirtivern any eyes of everyone, she 'wes-T•Jibt OUVeformed from people who never produo- turtstor;.and .-"be truated in tor sup0tur —vorooys.i02.wttem_if,..:betonge,e44put,Auut -601.money at all 4.1.h.ey--,could-pciaghlt ...wisdeim.„,„heri,,,tliat this was a Phipps. There wasit4„ double impulse • tivoki it. She even went so tar as. to, throatexted disaster and must beaVOi'ted in the roatteil• to. Bet firlIctloPpo, _TiRY" Sfiggest the procnring of some rare de- at. all ha.zards- Par the first time..4n. -AntAho--tmlant.,-tri„order .eriomiterry. -frem.sonle'...gliop hi the neighbor- her straight, clean., Jirie_.lifo She decided and to stak_lenly, enrich; Chriato. hood t ititiit Phipps was t Person to• ht) lia,..rind.sholled her Davie -net with 4 mere Payinent onnpero. • She sought -Clitislopher Dayne that Ni okr thin .4ttst rooms inunediltoly atter , with something-au:WWI u lift iitor: as it were, in &moment out o OrecriwayeT-Ga -For, Oliver ye irecognizet”n a doable sense the the, boy was in the way. ,Sto had seenta011 growing phase wal the love4tory; hod recognized that no There matter -of vengpanee such as'. she4 planned eoukt.o.veri ioueh:4halromaire, or spoll it. Moro than that, Chrt,topher .......stOod„ between.: .14..urI,Ewing and n harm, ,that, infght Come her; no mat - including is la was re.i She was sittngi moodily enough, 'hetore Inealifast-whert OttleYon • lioirOad --that visitor to_eter. 'pas 'Mr Victor Itettotin; and It, eamo in as :blandly' and smilingly es ever. lie wait- od • Until the, door was closed 'before sPoking; and then -his. remark was characteristic. • . • • • • 41*Naught)-naughtyty he exclaimed, wtjgginig• a finger at ' her playfully: "Did wait abouTinilie-dark-until its friend's back Was Mrned, and then croon up like spirits, and toisternuisly. addresSed her directly-- she -entered.- - • • ' • 11,-dear_old_Odier-le an; but &1i Checkttl '111' thank' you, Mr. -Wpm, . Break that,"' she said. '''''YoileY9 only got to Men to me for des andt then you can deeida •what do." . • In some innazement tales listened; 0(1,- 10 did not' mince matters. She told -hair that-shisad7disoovered.--semething cc,ncerning his real eitaractor; that she • , Vien liefrifff0,711*Avorld;;;•-,1 • be impeasible to Set down all -that she ;aid; -et - 4aelpire•--w - touch The girl while be .deteodtd therefore he must be got rid! of. borJsebbot=ii SelieoTWIreli Iiiiighed at - love and tenderne4s, arid saw the world only rut a bitter piece in moth one must, • Irv. until teeth • brought One. ,thing-hed---been-1--AvershiiiPWAnd-- one -.-only-,inoney;;;Thatitvas-a-toOlit,beczable- 11- made hfe 'ea -y 4n41-Pasaalle,--- • Bu• she had Son tha9t, hardentd Men and *Onteui-iViv.tiOltio-only:weepo A new how to 'us, and on the liti- Aptitso of that moment she had usrit •ft. , • !Full reatruwas 174iclfrtti..1*-4t3d.-ie ego extes,,Aed to .be. Obviously 1* Would' se longer pay any' attention to such a •person as Lucy lwing, who lilted in a lodg:nkhotitts, and was poor and friend. The: thing yias,,eltert th(5 sudden ,Parent Wa-10 ,Wealth.,_Wpatd- latakp_aiL ig.40 dilferente to _thgt. stupid_ kiY‘s 110.. WO44_gWay. outjalti the wrk1-t4at-invited.Aim-art.44t1s tuttei XI* et itit ,best of its and ,wo014 'forget . 1. ^V, 140- :- ;W an. --4,n---- lusik• us. al 1 —14' Wij;111*,:i19 - , •Iwivent ell; 1�r0PPIPitlift4-4-quffr,- ark'dn• dial) :pghit; tone"1 really winder hriw ' - 4.. • ft i "*.iiceVeiefuln-411fatrit wit/rem-too-many, for you. • You should knew Olive rir.. ney well enough y thts time to know •-that; anyone of your capaety isscarcely 1-kely-to-teal,tierou,--my_friond, slinp? ,Iraeled as-ortook-yowsaved--me--a jour.Idndty, y-AntaA-tho--eount..qt„-an41., acured - Sioten ray ma "You., won't the n ..111:„44/A,.. Do otien, eaUSes Irma lurbance In -Tvf.c7"h11"-e4r fel In* often nds ry.1.111414•10.4.141d, hthi: 1*".i."1(1)0".?riVrEl* erl'i$—;;; 404non- ed ivirrowcstZ:po--; :rnSt, 111.010_404$447theZstigleCrM:40, 44.04kittx,4040w.you.00--o!taLpitli?1 feritit,lhan., on rich xntlk. ..All..•••'fartitert '01.1, know now tihit they . ra was; EW atat aled . sta. end good calves too, with milk with lit. • sk :. Ale let , and even Upon alcint a /kbett farmers • have 4 great .,-- tr, " kerehteta,,- young 'men scrupulous es to • 4itria--t1'ee tho,sot of their, 'stuns; and slot, old constitution, of a woman's A Mari and women erewd together- in -014tion fortn$,,an taerestIng des,* ,er? boat-reoing. ftly.anwatini--birs liroppe,t dead_ while la -.Miss _Smith, .Atitdeen, has all bustle, excitenterit and anticipation. .. lanDosa shire Piatiti; 1,0 cgartg, j_krat with It th5h1-0!d% gent1em'fl e Mr, Hebert Hatheringlon, /101 Ltiii ellenged. Thok,n-kriei., the, hitherto Atn- playing tit' Lamlash on SabitclaY. por The vat Of a Burtnese boat -race is' it' left 4' leiftIel; '01 $3.00 ersup curious atteir„ At the point or tioloh a 401 two beds In ..itheriour Orphanage. tpatil. n-tr.moCoat.', Jun,. deedod 10 A 4\JM - en richco_noe .an *#1'.. their ce vet- etifirezr-wilreaeilan - 0 • •0 'jam rocover.. itift-00nveY, s-SistI0.110-wharg•Z*0 mots' *WI young Piga the guard' of aix•ty arm '011007foritire igevo• -0011-ducted-ttiktr; -L1--13caelri- nilik themselVes °gall* tfortoimiuni ftdi, toperato,,iote 'a pigs with shitn tPibesmert.and awaited succor. - poor fn tat and milk rich in fat, re- . Immediately and the (adz. out; apectively. Dining Um lint 40 days the .00‘144 8011(30 wore Skirli, PDX 'gained 62 lbs., Lilo poor idespaithed frank icsuinu 6.0. gartufgp,' in tat pair 5.$.8 lbs., and the rich An tat While a `force of King's . African rtges roir:42.2'lbs. • The .next 10 days the gain for each pair was 2'4 lbs.-, '20 1-2 lbs. and PrdsOn and at the mime time Milian .1 1.2 lbs., rqPeetIvelY- The next, to tlaYs 114y-en-Oting0 Is decorated with tile figare . Ihs oin L_pea k. its "veal b . th si ri.of i",11° -.11•11d '11•1° l'4e4411tniii•Nth 4311Ilic*s'a widow mak' tige.e. fair :fat "Initir ' ' h os itavOUgh-lhirtrrillt-a ratian-Whiehrip thei-boats.4%-its own sId2=111011 tov . month,, .man drops hisoar,,rises, snatches at the Tit th(ritoote-at-sataiiiikor-.1edthera - rattan,. and pulls out the long e840, Shell be raiSed- from $225- Soraelirstas' both get it at the 'same time; tri $350, and in the case of male teachers then the boats upset, but the boWsman $500 to • - :who hes:Presence of mind to sttek to the A- goose in the poultry yard of the rattail wins. .• • , fialnacvn Arms Ardgay., laid an ewes of Which 'WPM 9g.inpbes" arid. lects.;•-er•-few-4rieltesfronuitajtiouth.. ?bike of tile'burglo, viiileh7-teltes &IrandAs4t-tturau*.hy 'i•LparE - Beath, -*heel roard have. decided that In this particular race one boat, that of egg, .,vertical and latera3 circumiei, . • WITCH' W4XviAN FIXES.. • led rich milk. The some resultde. other atilitads;'eallita. fed '-'4ktt'P'r-4ht43°,•:=,-••44Y44',InjrOhin—g threngh „i*ortiretwr°,1(443mnillt at , vaned niere and grew rest& duringfaster aid werelfeAllhier lifon-those fed 'men- WCr'O pTlfliSliOd severely, IL wub rithe.r Milk.- *there are or.. °purse cages !propitiate the, guardlun spi is of -the Jearned that. the witch •.01ntin had tied ot illness and some other exceptions • Allyst with votive offerin . stern • for protection lqd a mop /.6---to-7tr-rwedeehrthe -IsyStenriTand- tireaciviloat-trouelles-4-man,holdin II becamo. ner:Aary to penetrate 'the tat- aueb oases the fat -is better teICOTt irt bench of _plantains,: cooked rice, flow- 1- • T e tribesmen •& la Rd Ilk and thentnifk, rich in fat is the ets, ',and betel for, the water gods., rew is old Are, flfty foet. only e few:inches of,waters. The boats take .their pia 'falls- on -the 11. rTirettit0trefirfOrv • ' - with: muscles of .steelro the !4i1e 'ii -6 dooP -uttered u .* rat . ,q headacheS forSever* rind ' aarlyIUS'io,h, tif '11011311nth,;c!4•covici:et• of the .bad. potato crop Or • It: ztlrii.e1:;:;;n:111s•cg;op:Tif:r!A_urttmwtti:gt,'.ttliioin:1_sot4t::de„:yooafttoS.hnult:' And a large quantity of seed oats to Al end the late harvest," whtell Prevent toos , every s able chief ?Idube, ,i • me forward- WOW,: auk de014r$ that be and his -people were frforidly. bfeanwhtie the finking columns were baiting arduous experiences. • On the to But is it reaaonaide, is If Avlso, tsIt - •" teak -a -of- , iiiath‘to_plaea:a.bar 1 'when.oile erience proves that such Tank 'is a wo ittioe ration-rthat it is easy of digestion .and ow ng ay 6S011111 alo -that i 'the column .1it. his Nillaw, wlwre b .graviithilY0dUCing qua eS , of good will/Were exliinited on 411 M'tw, milk richer in fatf-D. Itoberisons. M.D.* arid the troopsremained in Ramp for Nititen,Qqt. • . three claysi, --vrialitie and sudmortit .r.erpedition • s, win open up a po tion of the prot,ec- 'onfitted,....-Or- -there is no 'knowing 'what Now the boats otertand-the-bustie-.en 'die begin once more. everybody is talk - in $ u mg. e e The trainer of the Th Fair Flower lots , and -that- boat-spurts-ali s r• p3000-61--Nly-aft,eutig- 10 despalr.. Old women tear their scanty air, girls rush to the water's edge, And tho young men and boys rush into the, riOTTIFto'illeirrtecksl• Coe-ohn,'Ine old trainer of the Peacock, . -4menan * , , _ aroused. / She s, pped for nothing, 'That Will do, thank Ton," said Chris et last, in A, low voice. ll won't argue the rilatrn'Iwith• you; you have teen Ve; , ... Asity7fil e-rite41. tut concern me; will sea Miss Ewing it once. ° ""Voti ..not" retorted OdleY, with a gr in A e " 4. • ." coward e, 'ough Vo say; you must, and sigt-10P-aie Wan * am you, ihat,,.;but._sha • cause. )' had Mol zi what was mine -Or • 'Veit, cry quits," said VietortAlith a laugh. ',Out* sny dear -idly give it to the boy?'- , • • • 41laeatvie t svao {Oar 0,4,xclo.imed• bitterly. ...-4hough4 thnL that ght drive th two af tbem. apartr;the. %von,. t„„meati,.. 1,thougtd. t zrJght pre& jokil-thaWlia-hoyogris, riclu•-,drive hint oit RAO extraveganee-rttill blzi, 11•114301 Le. 1 I can only toueh. hes. through him, MI-44"tee-taikat-again• 001i, you woroot.--*Oy will you to so hopuloive?'ri"fed Vittors with. sigh, , °One' hitlidred af tho. beat gene -1 - and riething to shlw for it.. IVA rido , about' In eats, and h$11. lave a dinner Or two -and More; that', about, -all that wilt 'hopeol, i.koow . any ng.„. 4011 idn* yOU Consult . . • 'Iutt we.* mot to to Irristedt' you -bad •64tip1y scented Vie -money for yout..Jelt. ` should, wige. giving him a grous .stun, ..kt* sordetling"anhatatitial for her , own . "'So It happened that she • tame him, that innuired •I?otinds; -so It nti5 ' : liappryiwt ihat sli° StoodnoW. loOkin ' on rt Little cantempitioUttlit while be AS. 0(4 `th[.. riptel and talked of hi*. .guod-, orturto. But 4W1y did you dor "it„',_ un Viiilppsr she' heard .Christopit xitYlini • at kat. "'Why Make trietellevethat,iii •_the money had LORti t:04 tour that yeti, v'r ra1fl asnL t,r, un ,• PhipPs.° !"Fair enough." sh re' 1'1r' ted; I want - c1 to try son -lo .41,Ow -Yeti Whitt dis•.•-• . ..., coo tilloterit ineant-lyforo•,-,ai ot what yOu. oat th d y". totttng vett, rt ! l:rstrtt into the worktf-spend.-your it all the enjoyment,. n Craves. This is yiej4.00 or ' oxe• 1ct, tha. trinst _ • -slowly,' It* 't'_ ,n 1.4Pst..11?#;1-0 lore:, I atali 4it:._Y011, Atttit P411001ti Vat' PIC IE. that ,io.4nigrat Lucy iode 010 • cOmput.Sony,ftecit.--- The oelonel of a "creak :cavalry re - *reettt_er.acimpreagtd wit the efficiency of a certain volunteer infantry division dur: -ing.some_ricee to • test tb ir °enrage suigiated-tb thpir made b his inefl. irwti_l_t-c•-, Vben they are mit :reit hardened to ia • bows throw. down •tieir pad les 'atthe tette, Inwe •,ca .c • 4 • P ra an.v. . the damago 'done to etteepe""whielt halm Pletoxc" meo ccuries uP " Ault ire bitten are affected; the whole !snappy. The great. boat -race is oVer,atid been -chased by them .riot only tium. bearing Ihe• long cane, and My -an -omit; herd as Injured and will not r000ver for th# 1IceSeklias-won4 it friari,jaterlii rAsis-itrer-tt* -44614-4tou 'ear ithoijt !hn slelars.nuin re . t * khincest...krebetone?” „What 'sixes clitilitig that, inay come aftoa-wards,. ff "Soineene Added the word-Tfriend.i ' 4.s.'cifiat_wa3 the e & ita 114 did lila beat friends." - BEES CAN Tu..t. ;TIM Knew Breakfast and Tea Hours • • Where Preserves Could Bs Ita themwith ability to judge the time o day.- Ito Is Auguste Pomo, 4r4littardis:sm4yduldtotliessiu:km.ez,,,ini:),:is.17,11ary 4347: fit -a v1114 ttet:ler, 4.from„. . . att for thc ngt-170.neir .1r49ktaS A great at$b. t 01$0140I-fittiC was a way . •tioen came :the "grand deleiiner04 or luncheon, %viten there was no fruit, , !Olock -something like the Cngftsh t4 1V487, served and there ageie preitrves Made.: e r appear table for h4bAut alf to Uireeters, of an The --1*.es had their colony* about a liuti•, dted y • rom aa• " • last limo they' never gave the' sligh jx.ouble,,,_,Then,„the '00.01c.,.,Put 4 loosirt ' cherries, pr itrolivt-ithere-i#04 what alto wishet, and go -away; take yoUr money,- and lottv4Y, us; in. peace. MISS Lucy „wanted roe to sce yotr--4:1d1. •010(.1 ogaio* bitttow mere d47, *toany ihet 'she ris slowly "t1 'hall • tOuble her. ko-Itit-thiogs-at oneei-40-nighv , • OP bp 0011flialed4 peralo,' than over-Yan ,tfonarrittt-.---Wlslreit "Very- pied," sa need not Oft* that 1+ get -a eab'7and ier Myself:4• she ii4tiod,b! *Lyon rout ..protogi$16 lovo tuo, oto, wilittig• ereugh ,to turn agatt$1, 'too if you et the, chano„. •A4a1 Eli fight' it , out Word- ' Ur, Viet°. Wixom look, a turn 6r, two tri Ortenwaytt Gardens, ,end, inert leltig• ea for a OW 'OW the teeat under the ..tree4. Scseing, prestollY1 Olive• I out, hi$ toinut;ily mado hs WaY o-• w;th 0114, On 0t1ky shetv- ,itig tit* into a little boo* focitti ho euet, ,cicrttis Oolot ike door, put his tAck -10 it, and tilod that astAtitted woman.• • wziiiit---45-my-tv saki,. IttilLit Wt. I SCOAPS„ • • • Being teiisitive is easier theft belng spoof ecopto f;ilt Eat their energy Into, a horieti, iteldtat_itutih..a._ the..trentr• - • tho play wtit the thing; it is the reteipla, . .-„morif 4,,mast4-earty_trainittg,basElepl 6ticdooting. • (live 'a boy,4 oxtait pit, and.tooin.both will' be 04 IfliS.he.f bent.- • • It Li 4better to pot youmelt on the back ` kick, when - saw down upon them and almost on top. them, ttwy turned and 'fled, irk a moot orderly taannort lave One Mtn, who re- malMd ateadleit ofl bended knee ew Avithitted- • By a dexterous niiitenterirthe.tefear, ' ehnr-get INJIS brought- 10„4-iniiiiitolion, 'loot or, 06 of 'the* bero, and Melt rertinaiiiiW;-406141iltig-intritellaritoriek saki: • tool You are, the bravest, martin, the regh000ts taut W.00„,h-7ali thetas thttri pat together. 130t -tell didn't ytu• fly with.tbo 40ibtret • 4%01.41010 haVO/d4ilets' saki the "hut triy toot got *Wk. 14 a :14.0.” dreiter, ,good Opioloti, 9 tMnk w11- of you. • 'love ts at par x 'it lass •.,Mit retti , , hilt; 01 The `disgra of erebadow4 by 4411 110 beitt LEADING UP TQ IT, young 1144111-V4P4vltwo AvVIO). to *Wilk now intieil WOO She ,,tiheis very -•Osends Me tO WI I the Stores ora a knotit, she Ola'stro' ;MCI TO LQCATIL 111 ToRNTOW1L1 14-N121 - IN TRUTH BUI1DING- are P06 -ALOWESY k1NTALS, INCL,UDJNU, rinkler System.Lowes Central. Location; poi ht Etovators, Sons 7381 A4leIaWo We _ these- discovered the cherrlo 01441• ocune/baelc 'with Um whole 4tvarni to en- joy them. . When they cattle hark later .. , andfound,tha cherries Ono' they , woit .: loraglag-*114.,.14TVQ14..411.0avierM IP,,t • preserves on the timakfait'lable;- “-We8ra-103tri"-$410.1-the.proptie1041',A4_,...,_._.. .- win have to •give up eat.ifig nem!' -• At -ilnat ihrubees buzzed -over the, .thi,,_ _ Vitae till day trOnt dawn to dusk... Titen, lily hepti to disappear \in tha toiddlo ot -00-40. litAi.$ 'tattle early -4ireellia4-And: ofternOatt tea. ImPeSalble, tut they 'Wille,. allylbsentat lite.dinrier hour. • gent, \,•, the' middle of July the. fatinly giiiVe'-itp: , \ wing' t1-10 fert.'ete for .ttlie bob. i1W04 .:c Intrila0 lint' by Way Of experiittilt Ina ' table :was eel. one morkang tts• twin', . ;promptly, ,ftt 7 aim, lho• los beion 14* . arrive, Arid aVi0 -o'clock when ilie,ti , was ,eleatied AS oStial, they, ,c4ri4tAi' oanti, ' Mg,. Not a tetire of a bre was acen again ,. ihO pr,,'.'...sence of 41 sing!ri1tO. ','. fliit/a, 4 the lo--ga11ior They.wk0 pirtlitlY surivsoa at ft ' . prestrvos-140 teute ,wts.ne,,t, se ', conqin .4- Tittnthoti 111(1' kt *he Ottou , foe things,-. and' cd OttS,, Oid wat - beist t • at hint 7)1