HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-06-04, Page 1. •
o our so
inttest for,th,
'UInot baiter'to 1
it /On todo youbying. The newcst
...$4011004 Will be fonncI- On our 'Oountore,'
pase uv to mak. onr Plirohegge
- We willgive you a data
Laivn waist with Ince an
*- Thaorklenttillonlinki healltY •
.'for the price, ,
- ..
tiiinclUl -•
' ifAe '
. „ .
he lo roVince aondaya. , SevenVonsor.,
atives lwere 'cleated by acclamation,
•t J. I, ,Px sw
:&on Eit»;:'-..Iti.
, outli-lianark * A. ,A..101,alhaffy„. a : ,
,,, ..,,:, ,„:a . • ,
ikokkit ; "O. ttt, .xeXeo,rro, Outrerto ;
Alex 001'0140111SOntil SiMeoe;
Oarbegie, E. Victoria,
r-avin-r1 - J.741,-.4,;;;•• * '
iii '' .t7., ,r VA ,
. ' lialrbtlifiir'Vti "
' SoFrAtttel%ordz.' 'e'''' .dIta'' a, , t44 'w,!447. '
trtto• 404 .C104:140.8 'eamPalail .rorAft •
'officiallYminauguratied-ot- -noon, Igoe. ,
day, hvhentteury, iiiiber,,, Converva.v
. tivt tlle-sit44ng--nrefoher---ond--J
, ti,4hefc1#--h*.
inated ut-tifens41,•,--fruo-,1.4,Octing.. v
largely attended And .fur !till. VOX
art was orderly, ;While both" eandi.
dUtegAyote, reeej,:ye,d_lrith oansido,rahld
,,.•!••,- • „..- --i€j,t
ouse in 'too 140 i 'AVOS
'iliiastIll'Aillve - 7--.Ali,001,
:take • place' *at 'tbe-risrilti"-ari''''#o•
tiinttekman,.ot Exeter ',was, upointe
,oh-ratrmal'*--"1:1-d-Vat ' .firiralelftbc
-tmrcon the eundida,tes,, air, teitivrAwa
a1verk one hour in 4viiiel,t'ito make hia.,
address, Mr• ICelleftinonn ' tictgen
minutes 4ind !Ur, ;Weir, of "Gottericiti ,
1 •who woe present. in bexat o1]Ir.
,Kolleranknii, *forty -41'00 tailtilt,V4. -
tilr, 'Silber wasgive!: ' 0. gem), re..
olltion :when he nroso to ePea,k0 40%)
lauded Ur. Whitney and h.ls tgovern.-
moot and the good work done dor.
g- Iho ,,,,preso,nt.n?4,Kaltrist.V4104..,•s:
, ...
„.....,_ , 'I .,
1.. .1 t. a anatunguis!line otti
the-'illIeroor . Se rinatory„,H.,- Jatatitng.
that it was the tivislit'olf iti.to govern.
merit liot to brand young boys, ani
criminals1 but to aesisk tbe.42 itt IVO-
ing :hotter lilies'. by 'Iviving. 'them
liefFirig-)Tiw-17-1t."-isL e• ,OE
iteld,-,Ito start +a: f I*. 0'.Unefi• illvo
, . -
- - -,
0,Y4ia very Befell ivoalit•
e Indian,•Linen with;
• For something (titra fine.
extra good, extra triMmlog
and a 'waist to please you. -
- Long looveS. Short Sleeve•s
' lab*2OEc. 2c•
Soule vOry fancy designs .
/274 ,
ors .r s
Very . rett and well made
eta Inierttottfor 4Oc•,•
gc; • •
Only very fdw left, but th4 will .be sold at 7 a
- big reduction, We es ry-none over»
I 4.
-‘-tittooly enermaittt
Liberal -Candidate ' for Sonth
4-4" .4
`iipetn1".(; ,et.10004klete4r,li*io,ea't12%' cora
hadn't reduc •tite PtiOeo etlxizt
ttrktr -."‘"7
W.hieh are always used, an) whi•co•
re. higher priced, sAlr.J.iIbOr,b he
'books for thing, the, vovornment
aring for beru with their mane
tiot'.the. people's. Money. '
nhoirottxtug---=•-or- -the Mud
0104* ,i;n:t1 • VO-UtinU411.0,11---4146$ett-w!t
,goi7Ornpient alifiwinl the beard
control at the irdronto University
ft Om Of MOOS to riTtirT114 inatitu
, on
n fd-thnt. the. iltinitter , -0
• stall the i*tronollo OMB= int° th
Education ^woe airealLy_ALtingt
-- rovjnca1
smstiuttion• • '11r;_T-gt1
liottivi",i7 loiar:fmo amount
-that '$las annually Witt returned .
.rotoring to, Iho _Mg
Mien-dO.r0 bo sold that ,attest, on should
havoAlcon .
OAS $10 Of' judges, • but lar. -Whitney
wanted ,to look after' that water
himself,. In 'South %lure% if %Ir.
•Eilber was not afraid, 'why didn't he
out all of Ooderich township', .in
Centre Enron instead of South UU.
TOO. Delegations- were gent trim
Clinton and Ooderich to protest, but.
Mr. *Tither had char,ge 41 the situa.
tion and had handpicked the riding'
Lo uit himselLatni„.tbe-dclegallona.
turned -home- 'without -•accornplish,'
7 S 2,mr- . ,
4C iqt
''''A6ttlan."','/I' NI°,,,4t,;- '''..4;titli*til eive , /\,20 quarts. . : ; •'.
, , -, „
. ,PePhatat eticly in,Pited /saint .,.... • .....i5 25 and 451c,
, •
Palnt and 'Varnish Brushes.... ....5 •a
„Coal Oil Sto. yes
' . Ala .2Stine all. shades .,.... ,, * 0 a' . it le, ee • e le e 0 g 414 sot!: . , .
$engurs Rady mixed riint, -;.,...,, , , .. 0.25 Agd ,5',Ot.,
• 1 p I '
iti slia •40.. i i 40 i 'i i.,; I ' ' aill.' ' -'7.'''''''''''''''':',
, , .
W .• • • 4.0 ;I, • . II I 0 1 4 0 0 0* 0754C, t
:. - -0414444112,
'",;.... ','•'=',,
, •
..00 '
Lm "t,- . wet ' : l'..""' '
' . ..: 0.1.QtrneStrftrtti4:;;-; -4- ';';'4i 1 $7-; ./. ., (it° .
'''''':0'''' - .' ' 771 - --Iiiigia.'".'1' ..* ; . •• ;4t.' ' t'' r... -
00414 E.61i176,7 awe et sa. .:. r. ; : r„. -ii a
: Screen Doors, complete.....'... fp.,vi.17l1;k?;r1 00 to , r 50
. FreOn SyinclOiy's . '., : : .' 0.0 1.010 • • ;1,0=14 2pito 40: A
° 'franitriCi04# (4WCIII0,t).:'..,' • 14_. • f•'• • '• *'...._ 50t0
t-..% - Pouitt Netting, all siies.ii:*•,, ..,.., i i 4 to: toc a ..., ., ,
$ ,els „_,,,,_ciaiilero Rakes, }Ides rivete
. . :...,. .,.....?..„ ..„.....,Sh...,,..........., 1„,.., ,P, •------------
..,. .,
if he sow they C 1.11 tlio iwrOngi,
and to de* likexttea_O stAke_pyr,\
ernMen censidered they Were
not doing whilt was rht'
in '410,4r they veturit Which the Oost of friiatiors wus.
tbelp )1131n0,' gto itdth4 reduced, ho %,-Tialite41 kno)v Ivily the
ed,•a!i.tili short -4'41r ,andi-,.Peinted out other I:oaks ore u
cnatinaist, who., nada.1.10'0` 'Oectiot-Mvis-Ith Scbcol, studies' were not
n -a felon's - Included,. 'jthe- books •• wore
tto 'nbnlitd4ng*-V, 4-wvred-'10-prioe--3'
o'systern of electing county .7'ear and itt halt, tad douOt
councillors sild returning to Itte the new honks to ta issued would/go
allowing ;reeves undi back to. tio, Oid .
deRUO ,reeVta to rOPIV.SeUt 10,10. yar. did not like the, discrimination,
taus* municipatities at the couzity etTainst yonn.4 teacher* in which .tire.•
eouncil boards. Tile .Whitney Igov. 'Minister ,of Education ;desired to en.
•01.4 'Voir a so took tti? ‘lho matter
of the, :14-ititoie da1, the C. N. By, •. • „-
grant, „the dismissal of former tgov. • We Make,a .s
tho license inspectors in. West and „ •
"Boat Suron. •':
utes•lor. reply latf.;& took up :the time
answering, the statement* made by.:
thj iwilt to 110 &d way oL Ile ,...,,, • ' • 147--Aeer ' _,, — ' atLI4Ott- Voftlillft—AV i -1 kil
• 1 I
once nott-'41 I' e. _DIA' throkot sote
trictise: ilvfr., Kelicrinann. made - an
s'lfolyg to Toronte,it be could only vet
.OPeakingf evidently forlottinz that,,
ria, :17- orboir_eottiblutiong_ttUto:d... _4K.t71,1,O:t_olintt,„Inizt
ihe, 0 at orto is not fitigit ' iris
excellent,. dross for the first Vito
after 11 number of yOarg Of constant
nnd it It d jihttol It 'Silbert ntalden
. Xl-lair-Vi-goHwith-'hito-to-.416--hi
sneech total - Compare. with It. .
The meeting closed with three
Ades. -, , • •
0 t ' OM-. ill
' coward, .pwinit to the. recent sedit.•
0.45.444,..bequi4,boon....,brAnde ,•ar.t_ •otireil, or_ _,,,,tiitaolder ers, . inlit,_ss_;7a 1, AV ii0 „wattle' 'woratoo. othr:ll'" 1:-'4011:
_tribUti .10_,V.t,-44.ritiii4.4410. Ot--Ituren: ' s'nee-meneY-that-Produeett---eaut •C •. , ; emen,A0- I *Intim eandrati r • .
' 11 txPigilni" t1114 ' lie Said Live °Ii'rett' tilvillz;•Iteith:m1:11/1117:". °.e: 144r* ''Ell- g'iro‘itittitt/ttititittitrtt,t 1.p6igairevirictItItir: ' '.-',... i
- wale 4,o' do away with the cutting. -09
• • - , .•credit_for eourAge the e 'raniontrent,
. • .4* , treestirit government gay9, was_iitt bar ag-ainst
uarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford,
,, -.,-,-••.-.- . —...:_.1. , : * .
..-......- .
06611:i' mtillitali'a;tiddi:I:rir:ifiir);1.9..; tiiiiiii'efr:esiiiirs, ,,,,: .
,and. Overcoats onlytile best,
material and the best class.
- -i, -ofmrorkiatasht --- — --. , -----:, .--
), e xis rt.* -- *,---*".- - •
of A0%1)4014)3 sur twit reason, tbtef:titZetcra fit?, tfIrstr lature, as such I now ask your info
Ooderich 'township (strongly. ,Conser..
Ativ.c440als_tnit in_one_titti_ouree440„ and thought_ InstrulLa, doafiv;_fickilise w. In the very ill ibotedimengsaib.ai:_infoyr - de;
• the. Santa. aiding* iinwavg.t, tilp9( who have otahitions . /UT. , die ' 0'01110st-with -ma otryou , •
Ib .
- . For -Sale . not aeter to the lint dzaft„ .whott )ier ("location+ ,trolo 3131464 114 ,6- niatr444.0 . . .4 . - z
, uckergrattlrlstrong • , A_1431.1- ,7.7-t-Ilesetot i ..
• • i. placed. In centre Ituron0 01'4 attet' l'Ill:t.lellif;i0n31; 1$403ta6asittleuhLligzilsoltr xpen111-46:tdia ueraYolnurgr7043nrileaevenrrabtitvieet,ir. sindileenlaceittl44- ' -
..-.: .
. . 6_,Arviitlin2 houso____*1 wards,putha_clo in.19outh Huron. Nor- .
. 11160'60n1Pallil i la south committed oily ortelle i .)3r- tr:e 'going lig4tene4 rl berfielat-01fer4 44
abie,iUtit INos,,:1;0, 121, Anil, iza, on ,tur -Ao• aneifiRg. rn,Fi- tuat erta,.. ' '4-irtird-tri-thaso-616-11:1 Iii) "oltdwr"bcvemtr-ttlut-the—elv'
the. south, vide, ' a ,..1.,ake. *Ad.', .tortif Wea teltinit_law6 "--i3 ' ---_ AtterAtcpea144vher:-...they-44*•.4w,tlia
---- .
• ........
rracet Mutual firtinSur7.
oL 3r6teri-Oat„* nr40;,-and Vace- otre- aohttorrok)At _
4.4 .1.0ALLNitt. 'Young •InAtL19,1•4010.0 AV;Sikii4 OU*.- 14-deis,
tillers illy; to • for rattling the bill in c:unectt .-mcourrtOtirr it ;on lirer4 himitoti
:oerrepkIent-W. 11. rASSMOtiti
u. nort, BOnillsOtit P. 0
• . IttenitrAura.").;„0.
Denizli Pi
,Ottaltai ,
UUZUI •, 0,1,Azi, Alt a, azi041411014 , -„, ,,,,,wiste.,..isiorhotios,. 404 voo ms. L. going to the eipe.iiele of-- ntvi10 Ijt Lg to : -liove,, Won14 4:14 tiel'el4t Intetteta
0 0 ,Barrivt,„„, ,E,,I.,,:.r. :,. ,;hich, iliost,,,_,,irbo.. bu-d ..niality. 0; ,ro, attend schools, lir .ritiP44 - ' :a-thtp.. troll* go-telt:44nd ptiogotel,
I, rwt n . No.latidati--..-- ifty :,,,,,,tto7io,tdo, to %tiro tit „.„,eil to. L 14.forring to tiio diviskm in Tor Province'. Bap #tille thlui r• profit',
ifilik .001.114' 2440AtiltILIN'e ?,Explor.' 'ibt, vouokyi :and, in vtise of 43,0414.14 a onto ite .said •that city lia4 beers; di: 40rd to the twanciln,eil and -policy o
MOSES titlICIr, -Iltopk,o' Tv. . • telttaiir amount was liedtieed. ' .for l'id'ed 11°16 'bur -settl°h/s. cach *Pc- tb,e'Ll_sittrl'OTtl'IO't"vt.t...1111 all til tbel4b-
, ,. ,, • :•.Ateoutors. . . ..,, , t.iteir .lctiept _...ttio balance; kx.cept„, fit. ton to have two Iruemborse but. 111.., fi..4141 4174144614t. 4 geliiirit 'MAW; " or ...„. t.
n t' 8-t!te--111;d4lite;41truo ''-t.letilfo tAl,„t,,wli..rggt 1=t1111"11611°Id tnYlier free
ty iloilars,-4,rhich was taken. out
lo,..-4ina. •
Iirtit ifor burial .expensts, „to he tii. 11
' * ' 4riWelosses-A-4441-434-4f-4. what 1: rot ':eonalder good I is.
e ,. v; Among f., te-- rel. I a ytI .
higher candidate ill .elass A spas, .say it May rudinn•te lithitee'r shill . . off
•• -,,, , ..11,,,t3Vould, go, into UH .COOlity ,ireAt...,:, vo es ao t 16
. Ouer 9,000, and' ways lopPOse egislation Aiibi011 i
f Irons° tinA Lot at Illtilla' .,'''''rrilo ',automobile btu ivo.-takon itti tyle.,,litoitt,_ erodifute. 4,11 alum .11,_416:4_ Intr.;..e.onstdev. . tletrimental_to Alm
,,.. . , , ., . , ,y 416,0414 the bill , bark been ttetmedi to *MOO, the -9,000 • Matt gets lett, o04* 'iii0rAtitii-Williii-the OtettnittriVeitAr
, 040* mia 1J,Y. ttftu3 of 4ibo" lioiNio r : that iv -Alit -kits t.houid stop ... twiment, ,!nix 'to the .Inalmer.of the classitirn.' heinig .(if $1130 *9_10. - I
moo in oii_Ctilt4i0,1StOttla,Ps'whibh'Ittgilig-11 il,ti.vor 'wh° tiOliltr4 ,,ii* ii., Atil not believe the tioeOle of • ant ,a 'native Jet. $0144-AatIrOnf" 4.3rt
A t tion. This was not righti he said,„ 'In conchiSion, filieg to. s'ay that
ill bil prOduced Ittth4 time of ogle, hand, Arid Stop,tho motet on ' bilttriaii
4 Toronte -laid 4 rt111#1,14.tnytti,,oth4tiov;loittvivoi :iwilholo lite th'..tni,h0,?4,4,n istoeitt Init.t.,thAtitat,ent.do
tto will lb‘.1 OftOtod- tor1-071,4 fillb... .chirie,,-stml; it 'tteetlaarlt ge,t 01;•'t
auction on ' . • . ' .' ' 1st titer driver of the vohicle. /a ..,
... tOtt .14r. . 'Whitney, '.11Vith' his A [tidy it -*111 to ininy. own twoolitit Intel,itt -
• itttittlaPAY., -40-.0-11thi 1008- ' oat of mottlog 111:..1111k0i'ali , LlitAti ( ' '
- 1 yeatichs. : is:* ix, an itutt prettio*, °ilia oboilt41 go tip .31 sideroud "' i'''', Oestattlosur; ttajiltdit•ritte4oPadtt 'Itritrolut6Ppolirltehritr' ftol°1,00414tillre eliVel*Illtii•etti-nilfrirlOirb6tlier Wier 'fete.
I.Of4tOt No,..24,04,. In tho SisAestitli- 'driVewaY unta tho- towitit gots by,
*oneeittliott of the frolinship of Otto- .4,k lionso too of f2 is,- charged and in. rittleltebt!iteil.1.1dzinolvvlavos:r• t°Ittlirf.iilll''' SA • 01 Ihi-, Itidtligt °14 ' '`1:11'Y. interieSt*ntet
en,' in the, Couto. of 4iutsatit ono ittw.c...._to0.4447.4if-4-1--oPPointtil 4,- look , 414 Itoti';,,firolie$,,, .•
to let the people :.votcs and 1.rifinenel•• for. goriday nrit
'titininiC .4114°'LwAnt1411411 1°11 141. **)', 'litter 14°Iiite:ts: of tP° ' law* 4114 Ili*: ' settle Illot .ineittor for 'Iii.of, A.111'11"444.S• It°1eIrt:i11, terfii. : t:''' 'AC".7.7 *,...4.1..7.,11.....4..ii,...1:1:....au::
' oto or 17s, Illtitir.*:0420'tala siti"::"104kt-1.51,.01--: iiiit 445*A-410-ZItil:, --Irroltexititt -ht-ttstilitttr: iiiiriiijo o '-. . - '-iniereTiir . ..., . .' , •
; ottito-riot •-,,-4- rodi .lite-iiltiige: ' tono'Tug thzrif a., . il tile. :t,e00.0 twootiliing• ,;i10. ttooto;di to : . .2 ' ',11fitOtt • littialtitV14SN
'*-iitt 14=414 ,tliki.. 114i'tliw;44v- cekt.44°' ,'44)1'4. '321°1* it 414 ' ' •.,-,1' ' ,... ,r,s,,,,,‘ - nee .14c;,bei4',.(rnleavOtii: 111 1.)01,141t, Of ./ Wforfriz-Utodidoto tor ,Solitli Iturtat,
, , 0 pr000ktr, being' tont rodionst ': lie spoke o . sbells'' '014‘",",.' tht+ riding, tulti, it tlefeato.1 tont !;.. ' ' *' ' • ' ' '" - ,
.frIu' lt..01.1 ' iim..-..- . - „ . . . ., , _._
' riding, - ..13st. referred - i,.„;, - ,• , .:-- *el
EBsIRZ xtaittrbstori agent tog) 0
Att41100 140,m t,telit
FOItation *AA Login.
gitEtirvaritits. argi.‘itiat*„ fiat
Ime, 1114
,00, Mat
11* tliflt'L
it A.D.• So Di • rot oNT,EIC'' TO fit0Atiri
I Di 84 notiOt„ nitto of l'oronto fiL r...
Dental -Surge°
Ortlee-Oirer !adman' 4k\StAnhOrYtil
Main street- • ° •
,:(44 R0111,44T014.• to DO 8*
tieatkato Member of
nitto"--04..-4otoototw 13.n1ItttitY.'
Otrirlditt4litor. plOktob -00 90,4160
y Ls* Office* la #ndoreOlate, Otto*
, don* IN.triOrt ;:- •
• •-• : on.; :,.. 'a. ..
Eou,e:181.1: St feet it; ',,: . re• * t '',1 ,••• Temoval Of the: former itoteetivt': ' ' ,- xv,,..1-notilrfr • . thi:tir;;:iiillii-the' Irtf"Itolir '-'4?I'l,ttiltimiactlIt't:MIte4K1';761:11nt.t.:.
'-leitik .4011001f: ' . , . :' sillf,140114,4r- -111SPdeetOr------nritt °*11'1-- . - ' * -,,,„,,,-..-...,,---,,-- ,,,„--,-, '.. -.-----.- - -
14ftga,. or, . , ,, -.:;, . , 0 madolontritotitatilt4 that .11:r nat,.: ',Ntr. ill'air,: ot tiTokrch• aitit; iskr," • , . ... ,,, ,,.........-..
'' TilientY .per tent, if Vita plarehilion,..lontine had s"osigned Arid , thui ono. !ent to Ittk, on ,tdittlit e,,, t Ur. Ceill . . ., .,.......... .
, *ono on itito thy Of 'oalo and . the tot tio , InStiecters ,iiitd• An Parkhill .torrorinb+ Ito' foto otrorillog .-to-;1310' : Z ..044,114,..:".
t# I- .110 1:414 '1144 tilkti* '&1341 :. till'ut*IY 'e'VrIt'%1411t°4E1etilrill)Viiiibteit'titlet:.1'inlitf ittli'14.414irdk,^•'.. ,,,..",,..7 . ...•,',1,.7.-.7.•
' •'*141,0(1:11tlitl!ittft4:j4:iY1 '''t36"..e4.! !fi'''iltktowiit zirit 41,4d Ifte... movio31. ' klip.:Ittid',Itio.• rittortgolinp ,i0i, ,thoi Inttitid. ,.: motto ijoinst,40; ir,,,,..-4‘,„ irtiA,
. ,..,•
Reiit.,' • ..1,1a:V.,it2,14:14114:1110.., ‘,:.:3P;Ir 414itt,,,,11 thirdf,,,e, ' .01:: rgior .41,4,:ilit,P,V=1400, • 1 'it ' i',0 40 '',,r6it..411k. te. etorrt3, In or.Otor,,to , . ,o, ./10A.,;,/1,,,(foi, ;Ii, '
,,', mat be .'lledtOrt appliaatien 4to ,,•' . • '1...the Vrice .04.0044 1$04k**Aod tho 11,1*. ": returned to J)0 Cr. .', , .,.... * . ,,ito,,,ottliiitti R„,,• nwitiona,.
:., 4:: : etAstigAtt 01t,„L'IliTANEttlitr, ,, : L .. 'Creasing ',01 tAcherg* salatiee. Ili .LeMeldolg - :Of, , Mr* . IiiibWi 'unto, ,:;i;rAft,,,,144...i tt
.:- , .....,,.,...L...
,. -., - ,',„ ,r gx,j,:joit0,41,t4i, t)infitit.,ti:erteitio-Irt, 011idblotir 241 '1480t l*ici/t,,, 00: :. Tort): niallitt:itz revived. 114,04: ,th6::.oi),":5:kitlitiri :41trivitliltt.4inttntIttko' witilliti:'alloIettl.16. :%::bvrotriti:).11#tht ,‘ ChMtle ti4 W.
PT'a•liit,";" ' ::,
, i.,,,„ ,i.,,,,...,_,,,,..,._ „....,..„.:.,:,,__, ,. ,..._,...._zttiviit„,irivrt-L-wivitti .,. .„.- , . . .
Aft, Xttilrm.ettill woo 4.1.ocit o.•A'oof,;.inattet.' ',gated' . that . tit; ' '.. t!hai 4 '
OPtiaa .411' at/$.1146 ; Iltt, Mid li: 44704 Inettat.14*.iwarten: 4tingli.. 444:Jetta*
ititeii0ten•AiiirS --iiihre. titaint iii6 'AA
. , ,,ciki*ttiot 0440, mot.btforo tech a Jar:to': thin. OLE Vir,:‘, 11i.i. anti? that ' it: rwa
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atod ,- VI* ' taill nerth, ,•tif , n. eerrertabk. *Peteh, inot , igr-iat* • ' titbrr:thit Alm 'Mit ItrAt- tiststiL bat'‚
., lots& Oh 0140 1 06411.111 it.0441,0 , ) I*", :IS ', turptivd botk, hts - rtimoat ,ti1 Um ,ortlit. vrt1O 'flout's 'idtto tor, . ','.• zarktoons,•4.
:11.44, tna: '4,,,. let .41044,,,0*. ,;:. 'H t1os4t.,... ...,,r4 - , ' ..to ' tu.,..110, *aid' 2,114seketuto :441•4' .4 0,, .others " *NO , 4.• •.
,., , . , ,. - .,• ' , ',,Itit ***pea*, , ;.., , '•:', - ' ' . it- . ni*** n- went to lOtonto to, totptvitoi - thiir ,
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*he , ' H ,,-
oven *for* 1z lCd thr *it*. IAA,
'not*ithstanding haridita
ra0t to ititgoei
lit oat* *told E 140
V 4.. ‘1,
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• isidostio Victoria
ire toi Dautii
•bosom ifructiFt.
4s.t.iceelitte- 40roner of Buren'
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ties; EXETER,
0' Sales con
d abed In WI putt. Tottiat fon*** •
0 et.i4on-ho left t,thi*Irtlicalt$:4) Plo
tolosnatd Auctioneer. Sole* con
&iota to ain, tots,- Tornio toilionitiI,
IRAN (MttN8, Veterinary ISur
Sectiisisir to A. E. *
‘0,V. AL..Tre444., doroottro aol
1* on:Mott Approved pettelpidoi;
old stand on Mein'. street* •
bt csit et Peter. liniidentsroildonce'
CO:trot*rrized. Cough Cure -
O 00444
441 haternot bottle of
'Coltdoote11,11)4}40011A In th, hOOto tor
over nine yeark At th time I protOr.
ictoi sookkreoutt, rt.wor
sudi vronairs-:thall SIC 't 141'
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XS -1t 10,so peflsM to
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AltirowS 4
n tM tstilthberk40.
•ndln 1 few *toys
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