HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-28, Page 54444. 4 44-4,749
'44 4
$v,i 0 ths..* t Abe
iVatst in, a 4 t*
dtvte-,v*isIxtint ort On.
,ilifte,„:08tr P4One ng.-t1;'a nvvi` e
Will Littiext 'son ay.
ot ait to vs t
Deliartmerit under the Mafia
Ati Z40.Utni ,
tem 'the ger .n4L1r4
I ei*: louet dits, Mr IS ti Sun AV 1, .
Willed round
and up. with raes led special woollen ,nlighe w„ Oardinerrituesed
0 _ 0..!1:004 . own boles
gemen 404 offices .were tastefelly dieorattel AAY NVeedfittres, • •
the very latest a
date miliine r **ices.
a e a spier' t c 0 a y Made
'Jog, Considered to be the .hest line made in Canada.
e..4ave just opened another lot of Dinner Setts-, beautiful
. S.
0 genial proprieber ergo m oro re e n'
beta. Mr. IL Clark. le everk reepzet ,the seotte, at Exeter on Monday last.
the eitizenS did .14 hemselves spread). Min .,,ret.nozilotItirtuJnocliztit,:tk, ster vleited,
,tterns ITIusTresiderit,,bfi. Ira Brown, of elk
tentwie for t, season,
S orVs-leotata ttOo • and others who, ' Sr« thill has seteured'a reitiori with •
T4:110.iggt4V:44-Vi 4!,44,
-444,444,442, ,
For one ufferingfrom Indigiestinni:Thitspopsisv- Heartburn, Ljty_11'7
itation, ritttnionees lietidathes-Biliouenestc780 toineeks-Etc-4
ere can be only one natural -course to pursue, namel ;
irs140-fitranatherdtutih oacJmaking it ta e ,out of food •
e valuable protiertiestWhieli go to build np he body. .
emu"; The correct working of liver and bowels to carry :away
he useless properties and waste metter.
This. is. the -designed purpose of
tional Dyspepsia tablets
is -complete. The larger tablets -act on the -atoms •
Itch anddigestive organs, the small tablets on the liver and bowels. •
Both kinds of Tablets in each box. also complete directions. .4
f Stile lit McCue's 'Drug Store, Crediton.
some Slick looking duds "
Ztid paylmfto come here and eee how sWeili <410st up and at a
w cot If yen are thinking at a, new suit and not tie wedaing,rcome
:here atiyWay, we will certainly put forth oer every,effart to make you Wit-
, Aeti in every partleulat • •
It applies to all come', no -Matter what the form of disease m
tallies the human body With OXYGEN'from the air. Oit.Y.
tee* e grea tie eitsi y . 4 4
TOO cAP-APPir OXITIGISTORIskthottie_101,110 you rest et_'_L,..914e
• Noloss oftlimet.from,yoin: work or Online* It is easily appUeil.
'-fe and slwastet ready for usik. Its fordo never exhenetes Th Will **
serve the faintly, children as 'welt aandulta, ' '-
Write for FREE 330C% No.
lt fe-
playiiirt fest:bell.
Spy* Co.
atherine est. west; Montreal, flue,
04110111.2 ii31911:111 .01
tThc;program • oclatOSOCC4
.after oins o'clock when '0 splendid
street virade took place loaded iby
fereditort hand.. in Vie -1,inb .
„tnarth were the Creditee bind* 60001
children, fiat. cogina and tratPs con,
sisting of VA:44s r4preselarte1 'Ixy the,
Weis F. Iissieziie Istinter-t-UT
ber, Vintnher and gas 'Altai* ; A. 'nor,
100;,41,1-koitsinith ;.-E-2.,-litattst;Maker-
- "-Az.11etftins.;;;Iihveksiiritlii;4411104.^
y a -co ri epre -org IrriW
year, wh.eh ertusedconsideralti
-ani•uspieent. -The vertous „rM--sbeiNr•
ed 'quit considerable time and pains
JI flhLLJlkhF._PTL9t
the 'program the suoceSs it iik-as.
At 10.30 as advertised • a irame of
.ball between the Creditert Stars, and
team from Duncrief took plade' and,
resulted, in victory for ' the visit -
leg team, by a score of 2.6. 'this con-
cluded the tuornine program., In %the
afternoon a ' -"anie or ball between ihe
amc Pas was play
in a 'ctory for the visitbrs. At the
etotitot ,the-.4uune-a_ostraLltiotrua_el
sportaAp.a_carrie(i..ou.,t„.t., .
Following are the sports and thO.
winners:. Mens race, 11. Coughlin, Q.
Bluetts O. Bertrand; running broad
frorb Yeung, O. -Bertrand. R.
Coughlin; Fat mans race, C. Fritz;
unning-hopsatervjumos'llerb Young;
Es Siebert, A. Roltzmatin; Booing
high-411AV/ P
Flannigan; Puttipg.Shot, Irrilz, B..
Haut, 0, Bertrand; Wheelbarrow
essre oug ann a
race, • Pearl 'Heist/ ids. • !Vein, M.
Oalfasrlloysrracw'L-ew • .
etellest 14 -ti -dentate -throwing;
Vim 3. Lawson, Elia Swartz and S.
'Warlock. , . •
In the evening a concert, was Igiverf
in which the loaperiat•Qiiartette of
London and Miss Kate Elliott, elocu.
tionist rendered the full program, • A.
large crowd was present.* Mr. II
Mr. and Mrs, ler freid Mangue leave
this week for s. few weeks visit with
V.I"eas' -
report is folly recovered feeni, his,
centillicas - - _
• e t or . en eirci vs • ere, t ey hove
obtained work for several Monthe.
The tenders that were *called for
putting down •cement . walks in our
.tt:y.;annonnonitna.:rt:teaorteslio.t1114‘ sx:anaindt
resultiae' in favor Or. tm 'ammo itutm
tblr. o. Godbolt took in the' a
at iblitchell on the 2titli.
Mr„ Fred Ford, of liari heraithlo,,i
btis apidied or- .0. nosition as book, - tstoW is the time to buy your Wash Goode for Spring anil Sunatner.,
lineswill find OUL' tock of Muslim and Ginghome in .•
... . ttlete„
ay on Sun ayasi.
grseVit. 11. Kay who has been • tk-
n.treattnent in Toronto for tho.
past two week, is expected 'Mule this
ana Mrs.., cona,r4. ot TStiatford
spent the-.holicia sat the h • me- of 'tilt,
• r -Dun
days with hie parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
letton-friendrin 4h-e-villoge on Sat-
eirdey Wt.
Mr."10.13roWil left Tuesday
well whett„he has taken a posi-
tion in a creorpery, and has mated his
family them."'
Mrs. W. W. Kerr and -Miss Ella
bi • t-Montlar-in-Oreditett'-;
Miss Golfe Antler visite filen s On
the Thames Road for a few days last
week. • _
*-.1101; John Delbrlege wet with aier
painter aecidebt 'ou-Sattirdey e
stretching Wire. The wire gripped
mid caught Mr. Delbridge throwing
lila forward on his fac on a,bloelt of
WOOaR- 1114 face was Mit :ADA '-'67r01-864-
, Mr. and Mre,..Benie er o •
St. Maty4. were the guests of . Mrs, T..
Clemente lei,' it-Teway -
Mos._ Bailie Brown _and sister Visited.
'under the - arerita roof
,Sa urday ii0 play
.11t ore :game with • the angels -of that,
vtu.se, •
, Talbott and two sisters...spent .the
holidays with their brotheisin.1av4,
.Mr.,11)in Boldly Of Sunshine,
Mrs 'fillitier 0Oward. spent Sunda
:And Moncley. underibejterttiatal. roof.
0010 a er A OW wee..s
• r • iTn-- vi rThlide-iice
- It
- hill.
, bliss -011a Beryli171 -sfecogralviler
•--the MoGermick Meta CO.; London,
was the guest of her parents for a few
af w e . •
Mies Wilda Banes. lately returned
home after spending a very pleaeent
time with her sister. Mrs. W. W. Kerr
Mrs- and Mrs. W. W. Kerr spent the n
holidays with friends in Creditor*.
Mr. Victor Sawyer. of London,is
visiting friends around here tlibrwee
Mr.and Mrs. T. Coward' and Mise
Elia, Omni spent Friday Jost in Lon-
Miss Otabare of _Liniden was the
jest elisirMa oward Senday
and Monday.. '
Miss Almen_aelleywood is spending
few dayi at. Plugtown the guest of
Mrs, A. Francis, • .
.10.,,Willie*T4pp". is visiting friends
In and around. Winchelsea, having
letelyreturned_froln-gie orib,Iteet.
We are pleased to* see idle ,back
diesbite, Wear of all kindes'
GoWnte Corset 'Covers, Ladies
Vest% Powers, VAThite Waists! 14eite,
*oi kc.
A• full ,range of Black, White and
Tan 'Hosiery,- --Call early And 7.-tie:Cur
your whlte and Lan hese he tbeY are in,
and --likely to Iateronin:tbeseasobe icarve
4kilg.ig,bit_tgainti Jettien „print,*
wend -tile, CLall
. Our stock is novrceroplette ittk
Stiff Hats. We have the new Pear
shapes for men, young =nand, mark
boys. Also ,a full range of 'Fedora
• to. Fancy Shirts, Collars, T
*Icy esW,- Bracts), and, eyarytWn
to make you look. neatanda
itten.7 --
• Dec% forgetI4t‘11:11144::,11141wPrWabiiir";--a aers.t.'
Silks Liele Thread and
Lace from . ,
close Millinee.in connection with our
store in the person of Miss Kerr, who
is capable of satisfying you to all your
requiremente in her line. Our Millin-
ery stock is all new and up-to-date in
altthe-lhtest styles. -.prices- that -
suit you. ' •
. We have Ala Ofened. out a la- of
new Floor Rugs in ail patterns and
crilai IT: -Do. net fail to see those
sizes in f,he -1-ectrZiefeet-•.dealgne-and,.
rugs be oreinaking your selections. A
,1i. range. of carpets at tow,. priee.
Suet ttti hand the finest line of•ToiIet
,Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts. ever
will 0114 -We h rge
11.froLa 11.4. "64411141 zatt...paserdirseplal
new summer Sultinza in al itylekatt
--attio-rnelitilitowner greys,. nauMiar
etc, at !Ow prices. ' - -
All the lateet styles, in footwear in
Patent Leathers .Tenss OhOcelateet-
Blether Outs ard Oxfords. ,RemOltd.
'her that these are not the cheapkind
that will not wear, but. these shoes. are
the good kind at cheap_ prices ' anti
guaranteed to weer. Our prices „ae
lower than the lowest:,
Porks,•.Ro es 17arniehees:„Oilis
of all kinds, Xaile Giese, Coil. Spring
Wire, Barb.Wire, also Ideal, Wire
,Fencing. rice as low as the lowes
- A roll line of Fresh groceries coip,
stantly on hand. blatelies, regular
20c. salmon .2 For i.`?4c. Oorn
again. • line of those goods at a spetial priee Peas :3 cans for 2.ae,„ 2iargobottl
- -----W-heatleso,nL---ef
WbeThy of Olin tont was burned
.to death in the Betel Ilte at %hon..
btirtl, last -weak* •
tTX.. HenryStevensa respected us.
sident of Clinton. dropped, dead In
.;t110 garden 00 'Wx.,(111V4010X.of 10St
. •
'qOaerielk IA.. troubled 'with- • Ocg .
'poisoatr..-Zolf -tiVirr-ur-sverlit Vets
were destreyed by the poison route.
owiI4 A
VertAy Whittver, of Zurich,
visited at 1. Halls on -Monday.
Mrs.isnd -Mrs,Lloyd Glanville and
child spent the iialiaty w ith-Dri-Sweet
uncle of Mr. Glanville, •
Mr. Aenlr' Duncan, of the -47131°n
4,nent the halide
with friends in torn anTirifiqii er.
Mr. D. ilartleib left last 'Saturday
• -It 4
ge 10
01)SO:rxiir4ti „,,,,,,r..theluate„satrie l_oorvet00
FirttAlrahlir-Twith7. D,r,
• for 'himself in 13rOssob;
Jas. Vr. •Crowoo, itrav6ler • for the
Clinton Knitting Co. Ives ma rriekto
Mr bt flowecr pcirsdaY0 And lett
,100 the ewe.
• nceisgotk;
Querterly-,serVice--w_ ill-lieLobserved
next Suistlay in the -Evangelical' eliureb %-
The nOW. presiding Eider, Rev. A. 11.
Ilaist will Ofilelate. la the eveniiitt •
1 an. .1147. w111,he.lie.1d. A.
0 TR to JO being prertered. , •
bass, all match.., is to .-tt/ played
between', the -Cretlitott -Br oweies: and.
:Centralia toirtorroo. • It ,is to fie hops-
7ed. that the Brownies will redeetati Abe
*0 .0 hat is 4of
• and We.
and Mi 4ewtm of lietadon; tipzvit
Itelidays with Mr.. and Airs.
- - - _
• Meseeri..- Ben. and Ed. .130:ettraisic,.151V
treif., (miss Caivio, Megl„ :914'
• rraser Iiion and tiZral OeSb1t0'01*
O f Chatitamscit Jr!. 0. If, Ittedfori4
,of Sarnia were •visitors over . •
bolelays. .
esaine, a eag
Vali and talte a look 461.40
711 -tat
Our peicee Are rifibf-
'our stock before PtIrObAIIIPlf., L
jin rOdttee.
Corner Stores DASHWOO
ott-sr 0,1 te
c• ompany. The Toronto :Clean. !ZITO Se:
r4rrii4"4441"retaltrndrdsalyeafitorinheer. xhittariayie.lorAp'mseuortoa6
for. a few weeks' holidaye.
. Mr; Will Knight last. Saturday re-
eelvati si,oril•thitt he hail been appoint,.
ronr-Windsia- op the .
on theTifterifentilfairt. and will* eon.
Unite en the boat until the •medleAl
18•01.$001 opens next, 'Septeinber for the
,fall term.
gill rriVI I 10 .
be lidaymi- )4onday71
I celebrated OvCrin_g_te_11,0 ifetttitUtit
.`w,eather, Some we ,o, Slroodhatu,
4oniii to Zxe er, end -the , onn"iters
went s ow w 0* ew o 4 e ex ra
. itidustrioua ones remained at horn
-taint, wOrked .the torti.:gtound ' and
P!atited. theist Nit tnazgolt and pots,toett.
- -A-Villistrr
' Veal WI hie-dap:0;o,
'ten; in Lonion °Vet the ItaiidAys. , •
Mr. Ito,. lioageon of. Toronto, is
-itiaititig with hie sisters Mr11lt, kikIIII*
tier. - . .. . ' • • . i
Mr. and Mrs. A. Androiv spent 0
. holidays With relatives at G3 rtie.
' 14e, Colwill, a student for Ilia In1,nts.-
try., occupied the 'pulpit . ou $uifiday
,.evening .and preached quite an eto.,
fluent keirinori . ..
The 0.0.0..r..have the:Cifinent fehii
' dittienst In forVie new boll, •
Mr. and Uri., T.. See% of2t1Ican4
were guest of Mr, and MS'S! 8. Andrew
.04•Suiltittylat •
4W018 rAiR
big• 4 xtott.,‘of itoinattr,' ..CaithzE
,Cattlifiower. 40elltnitim ,and - a
tants Atm hand. Plowertiuf
der.'Ranging basket1. dilleti„ by
ileliVered tot he' cetirif<tery- free.lA
r-ratioitig littler,: tomtit* rdart
• IMICOSitirke't vardiwr.
)t t New Words
• bassd'Oath.
, A
00,1 'Utifonitry
1n ths
natresfor evet10,000 rioted
Ottbit04:01404400. •
W. R. TRAVERS,' General Matt4ger,
Branch of this Bank hoe been opened In DASIIWOOD and .a mineral
banking business will be taarisaeted at thii branch.
Interest alloyed iti the SaYinge Bank on .
rONE rOrttraT:
. ,
and upward - • thbigheeb..turrentratesimul pairi-leur--times-soreit
Farmers sale Now diounted. Specitil.prlyde es ext -ended .to aceeentls-Ol
TtolishiPso gsenl and others.Do yette bank] g bnsliese it Wine atot 'keep
our. account In • e VAMISrli Rank of Canada. " •
have on hand a 1o1. of wire for you to,
ing with. We Iiiiifare-thir -celebrated Ilige. et
fencing, also Co, Barb'Wire and Hog ..F..,enctng. Nees' are,
. . ,
as reasou.able- As /60 -ea* get elsewhere,, . .
' '1 \ ' ' Gates,li ' i A tunber444 Large a s zes.
iat m the inarke to -(lay. w1ii1i to robe° ray $
tivhg pnrchased thn barthyare ski& o
Ill offering it at greatly reduced prices.
inyt-hing iti this Jine it will pay you to
o secnre the bet bargain.
to vtotItt
11 tentn,,, tUN,,
8 Ott it
, A Will
r wbrn ,11sills
cei to lour bUIs
bro 40 four
A14olionto.4, ,re*
1,4 *S4**Erai -
Ur WAS A clArtYr to ich o tb�
eitat throat sna, stostat
tb deChnIt feared too? OA.
end suggested Payeblne. trled'
ltsnd It was the c
Valls I)3y t
Society Wns otrvd itt tf41,EVteng114.,
ief.1 ehereli List StatdAy. in :ttilAit.iOn
to 1.1)tt •hddrco .1)%fi ,pastorin A
abort ttut. woi,
If lett had taken
tt,16 Lt*e Ila 'hOot*
oUId .not btv. badtbak