HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-28, Page 4:4,7,47;4
t SV(14 (flat ant10011$
US' tiefOri tticen't Iva*
wh Lir won: Ama
° ppoSitiOt
osidera it denpved....
o Wend- uitti7tVorntigl,*--,0
tT. ,evf,;anci
'otiAt "...°,411,
lor, aux .
lanY. effeno
t primandlot
Ojeond Offence a
tof'/Our dollars and a thirb. Wetly*
lOffleers of ttto law are "empowered
ILo else an t�lnccu found on any
r:yI. r i4et
.troui ens
*r u Ujp'
fi• t " vex:
us et
, 44.•-r
-0 v 11,410.0,"44,
'tt.As desirabletolencontuget and
possible ',obtain permarieney' in the
aching profession, 'Out when. to
o1 ;ll
v r ot
anti Moo one
Doy ot London,
„Mrs. V. A. frIsleil, of, Montreal
14 1441411Z her' mother 1ia. 1114 Mc..
011,3r.$ :P&p
ofle Zt r
a ur1 t nsftxflate.
' 1..16"
l.a:ad been deemed vjsa11q,
to ve on !NU aptillahle to *he
• - . .
• SITY * •••
to --ftlre -010r --1014.0ix
$0.ersity..- thus idealini; 4.trith os
Titt7ith .tither -publie inStitutions ozid
.orUio irI1orniug otar. These iiatur-
,became ia sub)oot of discuvio'n;
d.,,tho.-Allikister ...Educationf,„,hun.,
thellouse vas obliged to justify
dYy item of expenditure. 'But -in
_irear 1000 the . 'present - .Govern -
exit (lumps the law and stbel pro.
ho school sectioti, th Ljberal iparty
ronglY oPpose4.'1.1414 and. stIgZetAted
that, instead, a the giniater
eti tocoomtoge4ntiselmtianplopirent,,,fg
or aginst.junior teachlrs.
oodi eiperieliced as -agsinak
lenectd Itectelms, h otigirt •ba
r,eicial grant, to all tlie sections bat
to ttoso- Kotont{ Anton -Nifottlfil-ploy
experiaoced or •\seirlor teachers. 'or,
0.9ina his tim Li*Al3 lq4.944'i0tittt
raps --°.not--
sides, the Liberals oOpoied':lliS
.'round that it 1was a 0.,,aK§,aggiOnr.
tion lin-as..mucli as it 'th
'townships, but no such prineiPle,,was,
eStablished *with reference to village
town or city. Vhc discussion of this
edure.by Seetion 140 of ti- Unirecrs. clause of the .1.)tiblio School, Act, was
ty Act and provided that: •••;fhpradjourned after strong oPPosition by
iheals and the clause' was %nal
!hall •be paid, to the the iitr
!Board of &pier- , .„„
• •Inors out of the, consolidate4 cresenue fled. The Oilinister of . 'Education,
however, absolutely refused to allow
tho Province 7,varly and every year
aunt eltud to 50 pereentuntt of the the elause, to stand •ior .cyear •until
„yea.rly..gfoss-ror..apts.__o 41Avits discussed by the public goner.,
• is and MMUS that if loaf the
oss receipts onder the Succeisision
allies Act tor the year WO& 19094
• 1,e10 (be respeetivelY $500,.0014
10,0700.0.91L11ic.P...loconto Unit.
rrirersity in 1911 shall receive.. 1W00,-
JOO, _Liberals strongly °Ives-.
Itbja, change ill the law -and
Teceat fiegatOil moved for a repeal
0 this Act and for a return to the
"2"erk,O1daystem of respOn4bh ovcrutflm c
.honpreseotot v's of the people on
that- th:o Liberal leader euppoikett.
'this clause ,simply because inf. tt. W-
el...clause. of the Act, and atter. the
Governinent had 'Adoptedthe
pld of iiiiniraum iselorles, 'At.;
e ,rrirey-aarro-anciaginiy car-
ried 'out It itVa,s_otonifestistiu.6foiir to
penalize teaclierS Vim broke it and 1
to allow trustees to go scot free, bnE
while inaltiox that stineittlen • he
triode it abundantly •elear that, he
was opposed entirely to minitnum,saii
n4ns. "vitinlafes for fAronto unp. farmers of the province ot "On-
Ifverigiy the kame kis foe aiw othier lotto as a class were as anxioul to
rille-resultion-ast. give a -,-good oducation to -their-chg..
ing 4that the) *Act be repeal,:d *a6 idren as Nos any- ether clas4 in the
• viittrdo w a, ho we vet, oTeli"1:1Wag hit earn unitY•
var0 vote. 'Thus the present cloy• ,. • \„„„.
eruinent. refused to trust -Aar) pehples 14-# 45-'61.111, %V.v.*. ;WS* JA, .11111. tol -
'through their representatiy;'shI11I4 Burs tie • PI Kind YOU IWO Ahtilp Bug)*
p)gislative Asse%bly.
Elyiug hours of session, wien
'tbo Got.ernment introduced several
day jor New Ors where .1,
to Manhattan ,litaternity. Hospi
lhal Madeline O'Neil. of Mont
js *Islitag at.-0.-Akh -
The fterk,U.11 .Ste'venAnnbt
rii4tOn b•suiZePtited a -cart tici=°t-liti res.
11k4"-- indueLioi wi1-
pingo on • Thursday 'afternoon, May
28 at jueui. Itoti. Mr.4s11814O1
Itev" J. Caineron_willad.-L
ibrei_gtoderator, 'wilt' address _the
cozircgftion. 1 LJn eventn4,a xv.,
el)tion rj11 in,".,..beld at tatteAkixr hall
a7prOgrauttne" of local teLlItc
C. ,,, •
E. uerataii, of xionuon'djticl
repreKlitatire for 'MO -Ontario Mut-
ticd Life' Assurance 'ComprinY, -was
in town on Priday,
James O'Shea is. the 'new' sreigh
Master at the village scales,: W.
F', 11-flOrkbaw lit vin resigned•
TuClo It :Ca.
• halen •
on is visiting ',with rends in
airt.Toli7n Tales of London. -cis IC
‘ng with Mrs,Sutherby
W . •
•Mr. rixht epeo.t the holiday
in StratfOrd.
quite a. number ..from around here
Woodham Sunday Alia .3ToiAl, also
a 'rittinber of the young p r„took
in -the spotts•at -the "Azimut viatrA.
•Me,. Xeys tvill preach here next '
!Sunday.-- • - • .
Our choir intend making prepare.
ions for (he anniversarY.
. -
All disorders caused by: a billotit
, . . . .
FOREIGNBtJSINESS. ehquesand ,irafts on the United States".
3reatBrtain and other forctign sountties bought and sold. 113
Branches at Exeter aira
not euggestive of rock .foundottions.
Wonto Rosa is one of ,the.most col-
ossal of all Ilio Alps, vet from .the
top pf the Oorner Oral:. it Is so inde.
'finite 'that it is localied Villa ,siattre
dIfflettl'ty. Mont -111ano, ' too, has et
le foctttally ,covers the rocks and
ralld, Of snow about ittop that
Is "
leaves only an 1,0/adulating field of
ME° •-li=fliellir77,51FA=1"6"iemrn.
oundr,retrher su-/„Irt-ttesr(,L thyoztaaiiiin too haonjoratc6te,..;
minY. ',nu). snowis an intenso re-
flector ot light. And lig\ht may be
quite as -inioreasive tts 41100." ThO
hinnesrot-tigr Ortper ast—itiiit.. Alm
consequent .threctnees of the. sun'a
-rays Itaittc- s'oint4tliin;--to: do, VllritliT
itatrisity, but the dazzling 4ualitii 'Of
the e*ow la to ,he accounlvd tfor
Otherwise. rare Primary-- colors jolt.
.taposed will, at a distaned '54`.q4-
•,•, i., t• '••
of utr,oan ured by
nefug Carter's Little bil._or.rnit. No
pain, griping or discerrtfort attend. .
fore they were ever printed.' an Act iter. Mr.. Anderson,a former pas.
was inLoduccd zitin certain old• to tor here will coiu uct the non ve
the anadian Nazi, tern t n aro at. s -e t
• lifrkton
reflection from pre, ored- white paint •
or !white ...pape.rg-L .-This 'is .'!thokol•-
.Ittapressipoiat .toriteation of Aionas,
nrd.Oeientifieally. as *it
ittilY,", it is true.' The. anew ait
beat illustration. rot straoge • as
the titateMent :may sound, 'elm tinos,
tre4list not white. Under -11g pie.
,roseopp...,etre.ry einowilaloo is • a ry-
t briainpiliat' thows on 1 eatias
-,tailthro--- colors of tinutainliowrT-Sakiu-
together.' thew flakes inalre••n,
hinolion the dots produce the ttppear.
' tiroxt
Also Two Pianos
SlIghtly isseti
At Great Reduction.
. .
T1mtbcnt1fu1-lpt) aorir tartui
ated 40 than 'one mile North_ of
)44.5 18't cam llsbornet 114
'thc VP0POrty. - -0 a large new rickj
hbnie,""twitfr every convenience, lcrrigei
"bank barn, three • fwindinills.; "•,flrfItt
Oppl,y,, tot water.. The-fart:0
firdt ',class condition. "Theso.•fatIZIN
etin he• lao*lit together ,or 'rfo'Ljard103
rot ..f4Olvo imformatiot
Ur, itl ?On the rent -dub..
41.11 1 1.1 44,f4"iforscrs
Vs uswitOba, zokitabewou 044 Albcrta, except* - • _
and 26, not merited, may be homesteaded by Will S
soy person ivho is the solo bead of a family, or any
. mete over 18 ye r rs of p.m to the exteot of ,orie-qusir
ter section or 160 urea, more oriel%
'Applicatien for entry Must be M,ade In *r -17 i)
trappitesorsrrnothontrtrna geney or
Nouse andItot at Shipka.
Bicycles, tinder and by virtue. of the powied
it' gency for thediatriet irt whlokths ilwal ' le situate ° -Ca riga
Rfillirtkt Pxortamp.-begerer.-1mAnAde.ittitaAgea..- . _ts-.e.„4.444
,ey_on certgneontlitiOns by thelather.
, Mother, son, •,
ltiftetgl,er, bretVer of:0Mo r ot en--tde!ifflog lieryte7,, Very attractive. Prices right
The itontestat ii. require to Eton:I:the ”
hornesteed.dittlea Oder one of the fo owit14` P144c. "
(I) At 4,4 s1,1! months' residence upon and mitt. .
• will be produced at t)ie" time. of ear.tos
lie, :itnetion ort : •
1..1111/ASDAY, J;11,14E „1,00Ek
.at 1.o'eloOk, *A.,. on. tho prcmLs
'Dart Ofitor No. • Wen,- In the Sixitall.
rrna te410-dosir ono -
the required reeidence.dlities by 1ing on tarmin
land owned sattly_by him; not Jessiblin. eighty 480 •
tertei In exrent,in the 00E14 ot his • homestead.
Joint ownership in land will not meet this, require.
(3) If the father (or mother, if the Tether Is
oessed) Of the hOtneeteader has permanent residence
on farming land mimed solely by him. not Jess *than
eighty fea) sores in extefit, in the *lehilk0 of ',be
borate/tad, or upot s hoinestead•entered :or by idol
In the vicutity,.tueli heroestestier ontroettorethi
owl •resioacort
LT1pa fs.s •
,zie and Mr. Mann are practically that +Mr. *Geo. Anderson left last'
owners. On being interrogated as toiler the west,
this guarantee the • Prenwr explain- test Sunday being missionary, Sun-
- 4- The- term' "vicinitlutisiby y° it the "two preceeding
Tao* ILVtiv tied .141eiang not 1.404- than
liffe*FailidW•trve' —
r A bomeateaderintendhig to'lier,fortn his resi-
dence cluites in artorchinte itli 'the above While
that • a main reason tor giving'.1 day Item. W. J. Spence officiated Atli
the l'rovinee %vas not protected nachurch in • the morrtin nod BL
ar y L3t ought to ha re 11,. :I1 i a CITUreit a os tory_ to
• itliat the tnaf tiro ttP •did'itet Voter I afternoon;
ot railway. ineitidingi ter, Mr. and Mrs. John McCurdy left
Minals, etc. Thiki does not spem. to last for a Enmities visit (with-
lart bet nf. out by the flets. nor do vs friends in the Northvt., •
It to be. it suffieleitt or Ziliitt littl,-,Vele_ittlen
justification lox preSeilt _guar---.--metIng ;of; -the ---Mfelbodiat--
" onte.. Vim amount gozrr..ntettt ,w,as dt'1talifa1l-1;
fatoted, to the, House tO hpen Our ocitooi L .showing tpat.
.$1,6004;00. It turns out, Ito%vever, riatisni and has erected a fia.41
ithat worked out tile amount" .1‘.f4.: "itoy Shier is ;home, from tit
of the gua ran limy run to . the Toronto 1.1Afedleal
figores of $2,500.000. The guarante0 titichardloskin wen called
04oeu - per for itfty iife EXOPI last Aue,ek. ,ia.tr_aecoilittr oftire-
railway, ohiehITIaltes $1,000.000. death 101 his avd 'raper, an,vieeotitit,
and t,)1T! (3L1111`tft $3,500,000 in cornice- torivliW oPocarit in this issue.
trerntinflis in (bo city .of.I • •
n0110111 .01 11110. 136,Ven4
• WOOdhn fri
,xnent 411reet violation of " 'rhe .39th ,anni vers1Ty of Ow NO06.
protesT4ionp of 10) 1:4,0111bers "„1111.3 51.1 ham Sunday School w,as held on Sun-
01)Poltion :41(1 day Sermons werq deliviIted by iter.
the extent of $.140o.000 c111110t in It. -1: -Warner, D. D. rrincipal of the
any setisA it,. slid to b2 Alma obiLeze Tijorattn, A mass
*on to a colonization road in a fl) In' was held in on uft<.„entoei
tiew country beeacitle 'it is 4.1)Csrely and was. adtkessed iWarnor
otal.. others.. On Uonikty.----Itictoria
711:and picnic -was hear In lite.
ilea:teen „grove,where everyone -bed
frjOgt intioyable Watt
rtirn1F3hed by t111,1 St. Milyrs oreitel§tra
and 'Addresses made by district.thi.
At.the 'rand toiacert he'd in
1r CVfljI;f tho Pro&nl , was fa*s4t1 by r. I'ijhr4r
4- on*, Vito( , tit St,
fry . Ittei
rlte(''4itttel3. 3741' the 8t4 4
sharp, pogle4ities are rubbed awaYi
*4V11:Ves 0140 imperceptible .billows. or
rolled ttnto lelitolgit
.•• . tlzooss of t1h3 stiow;%..thgts,
18 largely due to the'vriontatio roo,k4
Up of the. flakes and 'haat brtght
that light is ',no ono koows so well
OnOw. Peaks..
'ram ie ps, y 011
Vna' in tha. June Scribner.
Mx -Months' ,netite in writinglhoidd begiven to
the CentinhistOtter of tiornhtton bandelit Ottawa of
intentift to Apply Mc Nutt,. • -
• W. W. CORY, •
, asuittorixertpabliesti.- • thttratirsitiW
entwilinet be
_t_11 oontY
kiinin ,4*-twent3eths of an on,,f11.
Inorb or -baying-a froeitage—WI
the iskieroad of nine rods by. a diefitli
of eialit rods. the northwest etiraeld
i•of said property being' four rods fatetit
foul the nOrtlitrost angle of saki !o'(
nittaber tcn..
On Ibis properly is n good tfrardei
botiste 10 bY 24 feet and a ka tat Stella*
• ----•--or —aux. *
" Twenty ,per cent. of the purclitii.
• *.Y.-0-$1-4110--41c4e---4-extanin
1-41.46-atif eatein 0mi-toot'
we givea, thorojogh practial
=:"="r%rill,.1 1TIi•TIMP. irerrri MPION
*0 • to* o. • • r'ro •
TritiONC:ritit gf ttnd in Commere.
and Railroad Operating.
Each department is in the hands
of experienced instructoro. We
Our'gradfittei a a. once*
tteteurbee catoloxot o-tid letth-
/note Abotti, tole. You 'may en.
•ter now.
& itiOLAC)1L.914,
hii woman sas that Lydia E.
rikbaraNta, 1„.4?''CP1141:011
iia.veit :hei'li . . -
f 5inle. jiliunt,a Valleytierdi
Witerivert Que1k4 writes to
.1. want to, bit
.4you 41110. wither).*
Is 414 E.- Pitikliato's"Vegetable ..
pound *. 1 itould not be allii,
to study, to ,feadt, to txp6r1,
410u-4040 to iAve. your
titi,e it oteldy,
nakc up- your tqitcl,tbi
nte that Sr Itaiir hair,
comes out you *gilts*,
. mato
• , ..... ..
xetir:r TImr 1Ls 4-ciiii."'
1it1i14 Ll1 ia vatecis veryIt LV1117
liteause: the friendship obi -pound
d (100 not oppeart CO be- ow of. "il aid '8°' 16'n
in kliPw.8 Of on ittot itmvii out: ra.440-servivii of great
f ititnot. A loafer a Igentiolan4 0411 etititelSr 1 '
tight happen to be int:004 , 10`: OM' FActs
itof 41141 protttptly tatotws tbU ot- - 4, et
'0 IvIthout. any other tlinaght then i 110.t.,,,,tf
tit. lit itifirtmox ti.itt toper.. Thego. i Int* Vegt
nie 441v4t, 'pore AtAn ;:.iit ' •t_tto - ..„ _
et,;,a,wit Inas W. t.ttot: A 'fir
ti '--L
* 1oltddlO1 noti, r ...61111
tee Or ,Aii, ,,Other 1 tro compl
1 we - ha- o to offer, There n
rt * item a of. nal 40,tortit1rtg tit
Oz'. 1* tonal; afford tO 14.101
•tiw .W•nt"f:' to Vrt,intor ilti•VAI
11'4*tut -4,0flititr - plates, ,;I lit elft.- 'not ,
' 'Us eV:41,014Ni. Tha:ptoop/#
nOM. ild'thirtAll Pla ktiOlit ilti*
k iirrit,er •muoh
to at
1 her.•
barn no pain
Your remcdy
A. oe
,Oentionion: '
MY **by, think* for tisychino and
03cOurelalen, „1: have inted'Ihent with,
'elute rtod in that or -ow friends. It at
•teldt,m inuelt pleasure to reteiiihlita4
* *rattly •whicli 1. reitilY good in cities
for ,witielt it Is intended'. 1 oink your*
vtitrs, "
• '
1111,11.g$T A.,ALLA111).
Dottors" totognize. Unit kotroftinG
one of the very best rlecto: I op AI
throat, lotiog and atonic troub1a s'
.11qitloto 1011414:mot
It. It s thrfieficrotion of os oI
**goof the throat,
ixtia; all ,itattirtg
ter whet Sett
stoiltset istit loirthstsy.:gift Of at
SzpOssitra Wit, witit Its essistagt
ttitot sw tiladta..-jiast "sit
• 10. ° • •
Vie hail oitototklioii *id tksa
otoosovarotor .hok (too
-roxii heti to lusitt.
ctn. on r
Jay 2;tod-.1--.40 Mi.itiL Mrs. Julio
41,0 ter
sutt. a, Ela
•without Interest. -
,P4117,419..r ,t9„rbv, tonditiont_wur
•GLADMAN & tin'AtilltIltY, -
Exeter, Ontario,. Vendor's Solicitors
Dated at 'nxeter this '21it ,day; of
.1tray 100 • I
purnt-copwczr' •
he-ACtiontrtlof =urea i -tht4t: ttr
'the ittuAncli, chmt
ber,1 in to TGWU,
of iGodorieh, cut, June tt\he 42od, at tita
boor xtf o'clock p. thl
le5P°111,15 •014.1hisk thecounty.
qui -in g settlentNit, Hn1s, 1x3 p1ae2
491e* -Dat011 git Goh,rjch, SitlY' "00
„ .
Avr;_triii6; Clerk.*-
---400$4itilliantt.iloskiir 1Lge4-
-10 months, 0 ,,days. •