HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-2, Page 7mobil r 1880
Burglars hove been finding out late•
ly that there le a good cleat of danger
It is generally observed that persons. ( Try Burdock Blood Bitters, • the
of forty ears, especially young ladies (great system renovator, blood ane liver
veryforgetful that ago, areof those '4):111P''4):111P'acts d)n the bowels, liver and
g g kidneys; and is a Ili apelb took).
with whom they wore acquainted in
in a safe robbery, childhood. This remarkable dimness ; - __...
'Write foregoes ou d tar elates,' Btild 111(1c.xn17 OF (u:"+1 l F:'ltN 1.7, d'4I1 PIU\8, p9
9 0l memory has been very a► l)$o,�riatel. The ltigl) reputation ¢alai• 1 Ut;1.t iv Urn's hie- +I,F[,.1�
'roluL iiar.a.4.t1 for the cure ut (..",•ughn, Cold:,
:toa till ttiboaSCs of tl.le Throat autt Longs has -
Own rise to smithies imitatfot.,s. The genu- t
----AT rill:--- .
.144xetoe Cantu
Lava dna GRIST MILL,
R EIT:C' GROCERY, Being lugood working order gives every ,tecon:-
dation possible iu y;rl,:ticlg ,end flouring l lon'r
UTIand millfeedeelIvered to pa.lties 1eav1 t titr'e
aeon bo tore one o'clock at J. BELL'S lsu.et,,.b:
!� • O'13Yit;i L S: CO'S, ul at mill same day
a Coacher to the juvoilile eels iia apt II. styled 'the darkness of the Middle
in ; and ft, little girl wrote;j'Go, go; go, ages:'
,o. A man who heti been Many 3�etirn a lne Namur. lial,sau lads the name of F. O. l
bottle which is t tit
blown in the ott o a iL f o
w�' . Ila al 11111V r
The retest afflicted part of al Bonen i1• Bachelor suddenl 3
Olio window. It is el Nnys frill of ranee,
and never seen more then one wittllo\1
blind ?
It is natneei aa1 life that Wotiteu though elle was never willing to eon- i kcal,
e.honld be fond of ribbons. Because, ft ss it, Ilia friends were emased at
you see, the first weineu was Tunas ' Lis cbat,ge of base, and anxiously in.
from a3. rib -Done, gnired hots such an event cotilti occur.
It is ocltl, and sometimes rua�lattcholy, ,`yell,' ho replied, 'l will tell you
<() seo a moil tr).ing to 'tn i e nit itt'' bow it happeued. I never could get a
'-hind,' when Le ;has no mateaiat on t\ifs, end the lady never could got a
hand to work with, • llneteintl; so we married.'
,\. Detroit elite' was astovi:•11('i the Berney is on bad tortes with a farm.
'other day to filed that. the telephone er dorm his way; The farmer was get- Important to Con-umptives
,eonid talk French. Ile said lie thought tine in his hay, and 'it bad crop it was, A gentleman having Uccu so fortiinttto as to
it Was an Ame- ioan ir.'venti.,n. • 'What do you want \vith those big rak- cure his son ofConsumption in its worst stt gas,
Women always claim to be ar,t imee es ?' asked Barney. 'What do you after being guru tip te) die by the n.rst colt: -
Women physicians, tk sir: s to make known the
t.o h).ve as gond husbands as potia=ible, suppose I want with them?' replied the euro (which pro is successful in every case)
y fall a captive to 1 large size and stalls at 25 eta, 'We think it
feminine ingt-niaity, and at the age of proper to warn the unsuspecting against LAI:-
ei ) With led to the altar by a 1,4110141e Mus bearing other haloes, of remedies offered
y as a substitute, Look earefuliy to this and
bride who had reached the same afire, take no other than Ilaourin'd 1'eoronan BAL.
The Greatest Popularity of Dr. Few.
lee's Extract of Wild Strawbeiry is
where it has been longest known. Time
cannot deiraettfrorn its merits. It is
the uld reliable remedy for all bowel
complaints incident to the summer
and yet we Dever attended a wed'1ing
yet where tho bride married the best
to those aillioted with A
thma, Bronchiteis
,fallel with' as1erity. „Veil,,Coughs, Colas, Consumption, ;ma the A ,.
want them to get in that tions of the Throat and Longs, and will send
little lot of 1 shnuldt s'L that aI
ib (, , ' y the I1eei u , free of clha r.ge to ail who desire
' if they )vi11 forward their tallress to DA:IILL
ADES, 84 Liberty St.,New York. fin.
'Will your mother" ever marry again?' stnell tenth comb would be of more nee.'
110 llli-.11lreti, 'Arlt wall my approval,' The kat that was seen of Barney was
r -he a:Btvered; 'eneh is my opiatimmltilab ti c.tont :decry mau chasing hide with a
rale, and not a step father.' hey fork.
.lana. Dickiu:lcn is reported as say- A young lady had a Sunday -school
class of rather bright hove, averaging
,ng that she will never marry deli. elle irom seven to n1Ile yeal'S, lteee0tly
van bake a loaf of bread, and filet sLe elle requested each pipit to come ou
will never bake breed. while alio has the funowing Suuday :with some pass -
her Rensc'a. age of 'Scripture boating upon love.
oda a ell foul), who twos tieing The Indiaheeded the regnest, and in
g tura recited their verses beating upon
sioln ibiug, and told to desist by 11tr that popular tnl,ic—encu aP, 'Love
:Mother. Mother: 'Ida., nen I to speak your onotnit'B,' 'Little children love one
ta I 3'r)n• ag'Lin?' Ada, 'Yes, ma, you another,' Ste. Tee teaceer said to the
they tf yon like.' b y 15 110s tarn came last, 'Well, Rob -
In SO1110 rl,rt8 of Prance betrothed bis, what is your verse ?' Rising, he
responded, •Song of Solomon, second
!adios wear . eoatlet bow on the loft chapter, fifth verse—'Stay me with tia-
shl•ulde'. In some rants of Ameiio.t gone, comfort mo• with apples : for 1
they wear a lereee wean on the left and are' tired of love.'
:']gilt shoulders alternately.
tailor at Biggleswade, near Bed-
Tt son watch a wet/tail's mouth close- ford, ens accused. of being drouk. He
etnphaiicelly denied the charge. The
]ytthen she dressesthe ehildren on Sun- chief wituees ngailt;,t him wad apolice-
day you'll lied out where all the pins mall, wilo vigorously asseverated that
'ntnfrom, and of c urse it mast be
re they all go, fila Leash could not wake up theft
minds, and a �journedt the case for fur.
When a good•1oo!(ing Itedirn girl bus titers evideeeg, tire acct,sed being • told
the measles it always follows than front that he mit, ht bring witne.st•s to sup-
tiglrtllto fifteen of the young ,men in thetport his a'raten) en;•. Ile said to would
?t(i llbnrho td aro soon take., ;duets
abaing his mite, out was informed Una
that wad ittieless, as a wife cannot give
\title the same disease, evidence ou behalf of her huebaud.
A. young lady reeeutly presontel leer .. 111, ,elite eau,' at once, answered the
ever with an elteborately-ennatt•t:Ct('d tailor•, 'becaese I married my deceased
•1'enwiper, ani, wa6, aetonidll'ed the fol- wife's bleier 1'
lowing Sunday to also him come iuto ! • , ..0'
chi rch treating it as a cravat. i RUSSIAN INVENTIVENESS
A dcetor went out for a day's bunt.—' T uainess to
hid of wort: with hie
nes anci en coming hurtle complained I The Russian carpenter is said to be
he hallo"t killed a lythinrz. 'That's br- ':. hatchet, but sometimes the Russian
oanse yon didn't attend to your i:egiti- i peorle as a class show a quick applica-
,nate business,' said his wife. thou of means to ends whielL is quite on
'Don't be afraid to praise your sere. ! a per with Yankee "cuteness. " Thus
ants when they deserve,' remarks an'at aas tioticed recently that the Rossi-
e.n convicts in Siberia, political and .
the tailor wad both tlrut+k and atu,ive.
Have Courage. — You may suffer
frotn scrofula or some font humor,
your liver may be congested, your
lungs diseased, yonr kidneys deranged,
yonr joints distorted with rheumatism,
you may be almost a walking skeleton,
yea dispeir not, ]':>nrdr.ek hitters has
cared others—it may cure you.
$6 to $2f.; per day ai home. =rail WW tPCaJ C,iIr�e. _',lldress, Stinson cC Co.
t•ortlantl, :ltaiue.
EACH PLUG OieT1,11'v
11e Navy
having purchased the stock of.Mesrrs. R, & IS,
Spicer, i'as removed to the store lat<'3y,oc-
cupitd by time,
ileulally,an unfllil
log Cure for Semi-
nal Woe a es-,
Spermatn r rh 0 tl,
Imp( tent t ,tutd'all
ti'—eases 'that fol-
low at' a sequence
of Self abuse, as
�''e• loos of slulu, x ,
Before Ta niversal La si }
" tude,Paln in the
�f ex Ta
llack,l)uuucas 0fvisiot, Premature 011age, and
many other Diseases that lead to Iusuuity or
Consumption and 1'rrttl.ttnre grave. t='.lull
;u rticulnr,. ill our palit11 it -t, wltioii we desire to
semi free 1,v mail to every one. r.:•'The Specific
Medicine is su1,l).y all drltgei,tsat .1 per package
dr six pa ekages for -3. 00 will be sel:t leyr:util ou
receipt of t1te looney by addressing
TtlE (CRAY \lb:l)'it'PN'E 00.,
Tea.\'ro, OsT.,d ANAnA.
t3-Soie in Exeterby all druggists, and every-
*hereiutlanette, and the United.itattsby where
sale and retail druggists.
N, B—'rho demand of our burinor•s have neces-
stiate.l our removing to Tel(onto, to which place
please address all future cottortmicatous,
North of Past Office.
All Linde
Flour and Feed Always On flans'.
in great variety.
Iwould acquaint my custamo' S that I have re-
moved Illy
& Feed
T M. a" vel I
EXETER 1';; 0.
Lavin added to my imp ntnentnerv, and pr
curet a up1rge quautity ei 11t.:,t-clues pump logs,1
ant prepared to infer au article
Superior to anY Factor In the Count}',
Is Pitl;as—To ac. Frrnisimn tI Jixelav,18$1:
Gazetteer of British North
America, -
f`tONT AINING the latest and most
authentic descriptions of over 7,000 Cities,
Towns and \-idago t in the Provinces of Ontario,
Quebec, lova Scotto, New ulrnngwioit, Newfound-
land, Prince tldwart Nand, llauitotta, British
Columbia, and the North '1'1 est Territories, an 1
other general information, tlrawu from official
eonreea, as to the names, local i tv, a itont. etc., of
over 1,$00 Lakes and River's. a t'inr. r or. Itor'rEs,
showing the proximity of the T iBroad Stations,
unit Sea, Lake and River Ports, to the Cities,
T,nru;,VMares, etc , in the several Provinces,
(this Table swill be funnel invaluable) ; and a neat
Colored Map of the nominion of Canada.. Edited
by t'. A. ( 8050r, assisted by a Corps of Writers.
Subscriber's names respectfully sul1citud. Agents
to do any
Throe Doors south of the Pest Office, and has
opened out a choice stock of :resit
t Flour and feed delivered free of charge,
cscbaur e; but the minute the husband I other, had developed an amazing pro -
tries that on the hired girl she head to 1 repeal, never before observed in them, %TOM ` ' B000IZTZTES.
'hunt up another sitn'ation, 1 to het harried. When the reason for
kissed her 'until the cold, rale i the phenomenon was sought it was dia-
. an es- covered
tlpassed permitting harried HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED !.
We have recently published a new edition of
DIL. (1TILViset0,1:7.115 ('1.1,151;It.lT11) t'•:SSAY
on the redical awl permit:lout e:1ru. ;without me-
dicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical
ineapiteity iani,..1;acute to llariiage, etc., ra-
sultimafrulu exera9.
! Price Inc sealed envelope, only (3 cents oc
two Postage titttl-lp,.
The Celebrated author of this admirable essay,
eleariy•tel ustrates,trolu thirty years' success-
ful ilrccetiee, the t alarring consequences may be
radioaily curet, 14i tantlt the darlgerens 1790 of in
ternal u7odiCini s or the net Vi the knife ; Potut-
Ont limo„o of cure at 02100 simile corttliu and ef-
fectual, by Int•au, of whtell eve t -y sutierer, no mut-
ter what 11is condition may b;•, tuay euro himself
clheaply, privately and =divan v.
This Lecture suotul be h1 file hands Of every
yoatii anti eve' y mum lu the laid.
A duress,
l]C��s i�TI—IC7fi D :
h t a recent government order
','tars,' begins the song., ; and
change says, 'Seems to ns it would be
COL'v1Cte, udder certain CULL lllotie, to
more eatisfnctory to perform the Gere- ! become settlers in the Island of Seg-
nluny 'neath her cold, pale nose.' !bailee, and it was to avail themselves
Joan of Arc successfully led an army i of this privilege that the matrimonial
o victory. But did she ever go to a ; hnsinees had become so suddenly aet-
tire. So far was this furore carried
picnic and not scream murder when a j that a Russian soldierd
un era t \vont
little grasshopper jumped down her !years senteuce for killing his superior
neck? history is eileut on this point, officer, took to wife a strapping virago
had made belbeif
An eminent barrister, when he was i who a year preyi011.
I nldoty by splzttL
head open with an axe.
ng her husband's
in a facetious mood, being asked to de-
fin6 a lawye • said, 'A Ian er is a learns
1.--04-0-4iii gentletnan who reserves your eatet0 I A. CONSCIENTIOUS DOG.—A lame dog
from yonteenemles and keeps it him was kept at Algiers by rho daughter of
{ self.' 1. Sir William Napier. The dog wits seat
At (lil-era host introduced) to the every teeming to fetch bread frons the
favorable notice of the company a baker's, and regularly brought home
• iilendid stuffed••I Iheasant, 'Isn't it a I twat() rolls m a basket ; but at last it
beauty?' tie said.'Dr. So-and-so gave was observed that for several mornings 1
there were tinly eleven rolls in the bas- •
it t() me—killed it himself.' 'All, what ket, and on whtteltintr the dog lie was
Post °fame atox '.t5F0
Price q3—payable on delivery. •
JOHN LOVELL it SON, Publishers.
Montreal, august1:i50.
and at prices that defy competition. Wells amt.
Cisterns dug ou the shortest notice.
Before purchasing call a S the Ilay Pump \r u, Ls
T,oi- Sllkpat0no-pot to toile next of Exeter,
Call and see the Flower Plants.
GREAT CASH SALII. Having disposed of I. y
store, mud having to vacate the same, I will .'A's -
pose 01 my Whole stock at and endear erat. Sabi
to commence Wednesday, Jnne 4th. sly s.oeat
comprises the finest goods in the trade, and this
is a rare cfpportimity to procure bur tins never
before offered. Call early. Goods booked win be
charged regular prices.. All outstanding a eeenn t
must be settled hi June, \V.1). McGLOaL1LO1 ,
190 Penedos St.. London.
SP RT'N f AND r loan
41 Alm Street, Now Y rk. BISS !hill BR OS.
was he treating it for?' asked one of found to tray on his way aid bestow I
the guests. ono roll oe a poor, sick, and sterriLli; They are traded to.
ands? (titillated that the ntnut hic•xperiercecl, with
'1 didn't at all accept company to -
clay,' said it lady to her visitors, with a
not very pleasant look ; 'but ,. hope you
ittdy-Clog, hidden with her poppies in a
corner on the road from the shop. The
baker was inetruoted to put thirteen
rolls inthe basket, after which the dog
will make yourselves at bonze.' ':es, delivered the twelve faithfully for a few
inel.eed,'replied one of their, starting days, and then left thirteen In the bas-
.oil ; '1 will make myself at home as ked—tile token, as it proved, that her
nick as possible.' •sick friend was convalescent, and able
q. p �, . to dispeuso with his charity.
It was at the theatre, The perLbrm•
ante was about to begin, wh 'ono of
the two strangers looked a%, -(, onet
311(1 said : `liilltl where IBi;
circle ?' Bill glanced up
third gallery and replied`a
is up yonder; I see a fell(ril
bis goat.' ,
the and .,f the printed di+ ttioLs whichaarntn-
g:my each snit, eau sect tea rt chit. 1110y are
cheaper thttal 1111,, others,
Agent for Iia etor and vicinity,
be Great Triumph of the 10th Ile wonid also call special attention to hie well
asserted stock of Faury (}n;•tis, 13oiliu twoels,
fry is the great medical Climax 1,iugeringTarns,IvnittiltgCultellilittllee'ers,
Sock Blood I3ittel's Ceres all , leuttti)lg Qane to order, A {rood sui,rdy oY hOs-
t 8017 always an hauti. Please null and cxalnfuo
des of the blood, liver and kidneys, wee anti pl'aus0niees before purchasing ets•awhere,
n ,04011t'x Blnc)t,
•tlelvoa8 and gen ire:debility, and is the
'purest and bast tonin itt the wort.#
1 '' 9'. ., CrAldTZI:ELD.
aro now showing a largo and well assorted
consisting of
Having commenced bnsinessfor the
M=agi andWinterTrade
We are prepared to purchase any quantity t•.
Pork, subject to the following regulations
We will take off two pounds per hnndrtd
dry, and three pound ,f soft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. It. any of the bung gat it
left in, 25 cents extra will bo deducted.
No porK will to bought at an price it
We want all Hogs Cutting sright through
breast to head, and salute opened- outto tail.
&C., &C.
Also a new and well selected stock of
Harvest Tools,'
which they are offering at prions that defy
Eavo '1.rougliing a Speciality.
t_•'L• il'ighest price paid for Fides, Calf and
Sheepskins, in Cash or '!'rade.
This great household Medicine ranks anion g s
the loading necessaries of life. These fnmuu
Pills purify the Stomas, and art most powerful, y
yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidney.,
and Bowels, giving tone, energy, ane, vigor to
these great main spring:, of life. 1Tboy are con-
fidently recommended as a never failing remedy
in all eases whore tlur conatitution,Yrom Flay.:we r
cause, has become impaired or weakened. The y
aro wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci-
dental to females of all ago; and as a genera
Family medicine aro unsurpassed
Its Searching duct heating proport es axe known
throughout the world.
For the cure of bad legs,bad breasts. ofd wounds
Sores ansttleers, itis an infallible remedy. If
effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt
lute moat it cures sore throat, Bronchitis,COtlyhs
Colds, and even Asthma. Fos Glandular Swel-
lings, Abc,sses, Piles Fistulas. Gout Rheumatism
and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been
known to fail. The Pills and Ointment aro man-
ufactured only at
Anil are so1'1 by all Venders of Medi eines through-
out the civilized world; with diroetious iu alinost
every language.
The' Trade Marks of these Medicines are regis-
tered to Ottawa. Renee, any ono In the British
Pneaosstona,WhO may keep the ;1 moiican Conn -
for Salo, will be prosecuted,
t.- "Puralrn.sera should loots to the Label on the
Potstand Boxes, If the address is not 311 Oxford
Street London, they ale Spuriou