HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-28, Page 3LAXA LIVER
Tho ivue layers
' are
dentitions at t
• f4 4, a bOaS4 atUt set`u
4000. deseriptien of it that may be considered
rnIdc, ger* 4rot as absolute', ihuilly accueate, and to be
iUoxt pliasfit4 Who '4CC01404 by all' save those, who raise
truilio_kut tirtek4eseeibto.,.
rn 10ke
a Pen/ 'Weeks Mita.
Parisian I .
4, •
o d our Most' inintite'stxtelYsm.-
IIow mttch mereenaust• this be true ef
that erobraceS all of
-10:-Ilvtlo0X•.wee liVo•-and move- 40 -be
Ottr..bOtnt -,Itnarera011.7-00
r•' C-4,(01141.4n-uppenrolioN-PhiO4
init-Of-Plans for iivIng-f0eve
inlik plan; the. tteneguiriton seit,Witte
ani-theiregetatian plan, the frfiltarian
and the Arsonval eteetricat plane
wbictX is ased . on , the lticory that the
1diigorthc of tile arterie
inater.-of- eLtiteory-'that-tliferean be,
cited b$, the appikvition to the sys-
ein of: electrIc eutrents of high Ire-
41,.'enet,404:•4)ther doetors have taken up
the idea And -ere -pct.:84148in '"franklini-
`irtkin'' With different varieties of upper.
cording to one system h828. patient
in chair placed on a slab of 814$4
„Joiner tion-cimilucting material, 41Id
kc1etou tylinder. Ina& of copper wire
Is roo eyee him so he seems to
nn eurrerttiowitirMr0 -
terrePlifig. aProtratu0 which causes
an teration at. the rate ot500 vibrationsdo• .
• .keri the. enreent Is applied torrent
of electric Mild .Ls Poured over the pp,
ent.H•ills-body --becomes- covered With
parks halm eight to len Inches long,
apetoptinied by sharp eraek hugs, which
'eVell described by some ° observers
as slight detonations.. -The "fritAitlittized"
body Seents. to be the centre of 4:fire-
less , !dee. • •
cnted y n elialr, he can -tai
04, read el- sleep. . When he Is let
co-ge„ at the end oi thirty
nies 4ald lha. arterial tension
: has been ,decreased. After six treatments
pressure• 'usually returns to the nor-
, Mai standard. The • treatment -can then
diScontinued for it time.
not permanent. what the
. patient gains is a teMporttry renewal of
rt$,Molog.10.1_,YOuttt. WI= the -effects
• t -renewed: -
-• 71rho-.caoe'ApParatu.S Is zaueit
. Ye_ • 0 Ht. Guilleminot.- This eon-
, AIMS Of a series of eencentrie copper rings
bleed on eaell side of a chair, with which
lis like the,. wheeled. theirs used by
., 110 with an in rtu iii_• machin -
. 1 • van agehut some male
.-......:-.;...fl•Hos4.Ateori P
title side Of'•• the body than: to Oiler.
This Is sometimes in)Porblikt *11104134k
_,---....;• /- --_-- - --
neitaa,:-1- arterial stIlerosis/the eleetele
4"ased for nettresthenbr: • S apPlicatiOn is
system 'ef or. d'Arson,els elitenslyel .
on the theory lb t thel.hunitin o
L a pattriko, of the future <A II
rage battery and thrd nervous eollapse
to ttnequal etePitie char 'es or in
rt 0 trpp y Or ,etedrle iluid
• •
"ir-• _
'tf1 st.s.rtatirelo live than 8 dkl Years
0kl Jim man who., eotriplettre
Attyvel •anitwered tile man' who enjoys
4nrtlern conVenierteesi, "but les worth
4,f4 l,llnttbeggar): "
,t4iy wita ued lo ICad, you rotind, my
or Otte"- gene ititO
bUSItiess ills Own tospon.tv
of humanity, , flashing for a =patent In
,to hold up his. toforession
ot* the«,..ligttlitt'4,1411-C,10-4,0L.N.L.
and deltailienst_01 what use is all our
attempt at classiticetion, analysis and
description of that Witch, it tt bo indeed
the...source things higits and
sPitititaL -must' defy our . definitions
t.nuat tsurPass our .irteasurementst • .
Ourspeculations About any divine bts.
Ing ,do not for 4 motion" _answer •that
nhtersat cry wilich•lob Ireheed: "0 that
knew Where I might Ilitad him," The
med of this World 'Is net ogreement
abold theology; it is not theology et Oh
oAl A11 ou.btu.
the- primeiat it'
mighty beltitcwho "Wed' ,his .114
4411 to0 the war.rlor-there wit0)4
0 -
own. o
t fore and led
'thla father 4
I?#a;elt new age. el
higher thoughts of
.from the light, toter
stre45i'. ar
.it with' 4-
repr-asont 4, vali
01. ihpusand
iSt 1'4
divided, .ut
104ditigi. 1.1.'eSt,:'t the.';'
Ie114141g.,11144Teti444.#14t, art n
fld With'. a- little loft' -:
4 Mieu y
'ti J.pct
Alt Iiil'itri-t:seb:..thei:Crr 11Har 1
viiLt''tli4'- '
t not .a bad •e *0, . otter ell,
tri.ativ-it- sitieetioompisin .,• .
f hat h may serve ' rivnie . firm
je_ Wkillist•e
,'aS• ii . That Is he reason•: .
".trwlLtiT4ettolittte Or a- srsteIngitNIttiYhilifit '''‘'°'irillillgt°1'llint*:- 41.0.008 1 Expotimenis
t_tittee 40 old age Ire; from,. :care lino
r liXtrre,
tIny1. )1ialary,.
'• It 1911.
That ltght
Ii lnnei7bein
mu,St think Itit'
retnit its face
ustomers are
0711174frilifftlifto.. payer.
sof ir
,ifor,t%'-'41itne"us Uit'
'bilckets., 'When* they AWN'. 171:;.stIc
stained the resemb "0 .0
404 in. 'mt. .ol duratility
they are )acti tOrtf:T:thatl woen on s.
In aduition totiLese there
;suit' of $24li,0004 which- goes. °pen
eiens, ex -judges 4W (OUttii 4$0$161411,
444,I otherS,Connect, 4 with the edminis-
'61.41"' SAW
11214 • Oi Als ittO4t,130,.iirs
28e. it b$110 Or 4 to -Ai Attatera
•Lcoithtg up In -rf\
fr. -•,-loaiing,torward, 11 ei7.004:(0ti*
Ins 4in to • Wail' becoming less per$OrV
ol hut not less •Potent,,,mo'xi .00410°.to
1,14,o now day and ..ever to. the
nobler. ram-- •• • .
• ettimet Lput -Into the tan' MI ,e
rifinited--44ie any salisieclOry or a e.
qua -pleture Alf -that --wittotrtra •-
nef-etir-experiente: ht, the-wItYlhate
,potight of a great -common source and'
AuStalool; Ilk do s. But we can order
ttr- -14",es- fMAig4:,40,7;t4lit
IlerniontEerrand, ,4"rarice„ the olioe
(build n quantitY of topper vecnat.
In al! $800, stiiiir.4 in the MettleAs...of.)ea
beit-untt tinder the bd. 'AltOg'tber'lltgre
were about 6,4,090.., r, cons wbhh
land,hTsvti;A"4rthti 7d-Uucks
0"the whol
Plash of 885 acres. Mr. Howland, whose
age ts ittlityarive, is his °Wit. liversiier,
Ilite'''.64ts0:4Z•1,Itgt'''` 10.r
'•'41:IirotiZ2.41-jan • `
laia°7417TWt.• vtlierpubik.i.tigtip-7--t-,-
...,•:Or„Son,..Jn'.%Wedetr, has no taxes:Do-
"tog the 'Jest thirty years the authorities
of 'this place have sold,over five 'million
dollars' worth of trees, .and by means
'ar lildicions • replanting have provided
for similar tricome every thirty or for-
ty year,s. In ,eensequence tat this sett:ree•
Of comriterclal, wealth there are no taxes
, and local .rall,Ways° and: t0:0gT4Pb,S, are
free, as arre edecatiem inanY, ether
,111AinPsiligular' niateti' *taken
9114.774,. gait toroth t
Spa4liog, ,made it t,yager that WI wettild
push ti benaborrow containio a man
front Spalding to-Jlolbeaelx. and baC4--
s.xtett ,four end a half hours,
the , Utah 11 .• wheq,led, 'weigheit _A54
uxids, and the dista0__ce wss-aeditt.
plislted with, ,sixteen nfinutes to spare;
A latvguit whicit,has 'keen pmgress
.since year 1130 ..between.
'authority of .Peleirittr, suintrii. ot Gotha.
Germany : d ee '
...ie„-ene. true and etenpreherisiv „thinlee
ing ottr thoughts of-Goil Are sbnp.ky •our,
ttonglits *ot Lite\ universe. :• And hero' it
does make a -vast difterenbe ivhelherate
• us: the order .of life te,gOverned by
chance or :by the •Woriting outaeternally
right. And truth, justice and- alove;•
Whether the. life. that seeks 'these good
ends is wastio itself Or is working'in
Iiirtnony with. t source and go
. .
• eNtlY F COPE.
(lesson' 1X. testis Olsen' front tit Dead.
.Golden Heys .
`11 leXP
O pexret,r.-674-t4..r.,6 any
' hare thought Mary referred".tollieilowo'
41$' the speclitt.enetrilesof. u.s and his
discipies.• This 'may correct;i , moro
Probably, however,- the: pronoun is used.
Ind.efinitely,. the seeso...„).4eing, ".Soraeone
Iasi- Taken away my Lo/xli"" A 411:01V0t.
later Mary Mini:it that „pessibiy .it nray
'have 'been tile gardener (Verse
seekest thout-Not•"Nnat
:Sekeet thouN :as:: the • gar -dent+ might
, have 'inquired. .Note. that -Mary herself
'never, refers to ti • •
or .„,,:. a
ra,--lifere petioltaft-Itilty• Lord."'" Site hes
net yet brought IWTSelf tO 1.1110 Or4biril
as dead and to her the lifeless Par is
s ilitritlinsilL This 'Slate of niind en ex
. part is the point of eentact froth w ch
e Jesus gently leads her hack to 4 retog-,
rtitien of hiniself, -her. living WV.
The gardener The tomb Witli others
WITS in ' 'a ' St' OS ' a itibilern
eTaitery." is -A - dell spot, a
ent,le4;. for. The ga _ ,__r,
as thi---rowri----ortyfif-ttxtragg,i1,
,, e -a Iiii`t-WalTir-he .
141. Mu ' Ilaw---nitt .
Aerr.se. I.The first day of the NVektr--.-
irniteviring the Jewish Sebbath, and tor-
tc•-spouding' to our Stinday.
had east out. seven demons (Mark 16.
She is 'Inentkmod. among other wonie
as one \ -those -.who "ministered to
Jesus of their substance" -,.(Luke tip
tier .devotion-Andrioyaltrio-lesus nre,•nte,
teste4 __tty_±_the_part she - 14 -ed it the •C
witty. t
hresnrreeti' Mark Ita;"
teen an ace •
Witte* bad began itsunset�r.t. tle evcn. f
ing .precedillg,
2. Cerneth-Into the city.
They. -At Infinite:reference to the 'et*. 15
ly 110t, tXPtOting miracle c,f the re.
surree n.
• '41.tht •
'John Wa0.1110c1 Y«
le` otrfit fhb oho,. gro
•(5. StooPtnIT-This Wit$ In
e"..tVrfact 'ffixit The .40nitiglro
heal wall qtlic limestone .elift Was'lew
Afid maeli Atwitter thanTW-dlianakSits
of the' tOrtib
Ile linen ciothee-in which. the bolt 4),t
,Jesug had been, carefully wrap
pare John 19:
Mas or have -p
nate- this, one. word!
She turned Itcraelf=Not baying waited
for the gardener's all she supposedt•art.
wee, -she had turilCil again Tavrittl,thg
lityFICIrat-*--ontrtOre fn
_• 4 er ter 478
yeat.s. eon -Stant litigation? Ilk,- OK -
*net cause of the Suit, which. haa swat,
IoWej Up'•enortneas.,Sijm.s---X-H.
as a the a'aption-er--the milDowners
raishlg without authorizattAt the height
of it •..dam Irt:the_ river ***Sev in owlet
to Increase thesupplyutoer tivir
.migs„ • . • •
illano. IA
• t rd. V0V1VOS a penI
iot tlott .145„ thole te, ibo
tr,ost;highty'nold nritatnis
1mo%, There Are .4;tew $20,..M a year,
anit many -Whose- pensions .-work, out ....at
about $200 a week. Compare these with
the meharweiroan Who** trit
A . not ,*s'ir-wittrairainitiallitiowart
• Itbe seen that the State's pensioners
Melt -We all serfs and eonditkuts of men
.• Virlr iffitimarsftwrzure
614 work. • Ile Is One of trios
regular attendants MA he.liouse <A Lords,
end waoui misses a: meeting of the'Ilt;
-dicta Committee Or that tiOuso. Ile tv0s'
ford nigh Chancellor. Of .Dtglartet for
nearly tWentr. years! -arid, so far WO
reit Wet the age of 'sixty five held his
high. judicial- office- :until his eightieth
year. It Walt th0 :0010T41_1:.leetion „that
sed•bint. 'Ile is now in his eig,htye
th ear-,,aint during,' his ‘1.5pure, Aluc.
ri eoninend UM of the laws of
w I Int ow-rige Pe4$100.9 are *M
Alt the larnett ifniVerSities *Fit bcottrilpg
themselves. * Tha'-governing, body of
1-,rist- Church,. 0,Xtool, has :.Sttst doeided
that 'any SitiOjit who fins served_ 10
` MOW' AS to TT for iltfeto
yotos,, and, who:retires unt
. „
al a- Germ te
rt verstty oottingen,- has
.litst published it bOO* in whieh r44.
totes many . inier4sting eiperiences.
Mixing the eitriouS experiments made
.by him Is the fefiowitig:- • .
'told` te come the
room where he Sle Nviih, 'a lamp.in hfs
ind--. Although_ Jaskep and with
bini through his eyelids. and started 11
dream • I -le would dream In such eases
Of 4 $44$0t, or 4 fire.,•
allntn_ . . _.. • ..
il attr,Iiik)tlai yeaes service in this etass,
rut that ilicial students of twenty.ilve
'. years"' serv ee Shall have sii annual pen.
$14x71.4113t441404241iw re
r .thereforee t remark -
Able Man, and she • y ‘vell be proud
of the feet that she arty recogialted his
genhis and petit for In hard cosh. Its
lords.ttip haS reittonlo...romplaittiaLhis,.
country, ,for -he intiSt have melted from
Ifierreastirylitleastr•VIT,M, r since t,
first 'Corti:nerd .appointment. • -
.Th0 tense of oiltiliTiOEIL6 1106 niways
-been•-most- liberal to Its ,Speaker. 'Ile is
paid. ;$2,6400 a year and is presented With
thougli lie loses his tote g4ine 'a As-,
e ,
'is -
county. Lord .Peel, was Speaker
present. generation. °as . president 'eat
Oey41 cfirnroissions especially that' One
vIdelt-issuedAho-famou.s-mhioar. •
of the Lieensin Since
104s retirement State has paid bine a
licrisient 'Of -426;000.--0.-'year,:-It-fs71-iiii„ki.a.'
-'041.14g-'146-3:14"144:44*-t-$44Y,Ilit'itAhe quitli4*Lifying to.rolt
- and Avith-hiS-le4Vagairtat
the .sleeper dreamt , a battle,
• The noises le_ heard . we.e, le hint --as. the
• . reti4-11411-111tir-, lainp, unsteady
RITISEI GROWN COTTON in tile ban,d,of the moving 111114, 400011:10.
' . • • the bashes et gulls le. the drea'nter.
The'whole experiment had lasted but • ,
a few seconds yet the dreamer had
WILL GIVE tt suOrvic
_nessecl-the whole battle, wall many epi-
s-,zdta In -Which were, of Ourses involved
the different. persons the professor had
met during the. day.
The duration of dreams is amazingly
bricfrthe-letigatz-gasyr IlikrpTVIVS-.16-
. Asian . t.,;.irlraction-vittfatt-
- Fl
n „ ur ng Mee works with a rapid.
!ir unknown to It In the Woking hours.
An exturple, among .otherst illustrating •
Ibis -fact, is quotkid,by, the prefesor. lie
&taxa that .he was it witness in a. pls.
tttiet. saw-plitliiirtheINciti6.—
• At:VOAluglirlit ktQuerY,4 114 -
14v,N4-. and their-otends,.
- • The duel started... :line tbe rabier.
. series 'tell: ije the ground. ;lie' ran to thc
man, extrirlined b1114 and silent a. 'con.
,*sikrable time in attending 'to the
# - t t- •
Professor Wyndham. Diinstan, direeter
of the Imperial institute, the other day
to• -the Iniperial:Vorliament-art
interesting' report on BriliSh Ootton culti
-wittirimostlY resulting Kint native cuiti
Wilton or experimental, trtals_
territory,. end tic `soya -.ttrartveral Vert.
eties .of upland Aincrican cotton- might
acclimatAzed. and osdattiith zn
car .
prolonged (rial's will be needetr in ()Wet
to deinOnstrate. with certainly ' that this
1„the ,
There can, however be _Ji,ttle doubt,
Ilie professor adds, thattirtany of the more
•varielies . wihl
prove .10 be so satisfactory when grown
coontri of differot soil and climate,
s s s
Nation. arevot at present possible.
'N rane7,0e • nees,---tvlareyentlee-
• niy took his arm and :said to '
4Corno," awn Woke up.,
--A-Irleral- had- ailed ontheprofessor,
had- knocked once Avith his stick orethe
Led, and shouted "Come" becaxise a the °
urgent - engagement. fletwt.vn
knocking fropresented in tbe dream by
the pistol shot): and the Word second
- apSed; the- 'friend
taneouSly. - •
lion. Viseount Si who au bve
ruled the 411,60 Or Commas for t
Vial MI
. mtu3se+ 'torsi-, ter r k ill I ImemMINIIIIIIII.011111111
111 944 connoctiOn great difficulties have
been eneountered by the British (Wien
Growers' Associatkin, chiefly .owing to
the_ -virtual Impossibility id securit
educated. n Wi
cial problems of cotton u1UrtIn.
Ohltnarf. Anlerietin 'farmer* /rein
re 4
M *MO.st,. thou?'" fInt
Irb'eTta inatie A , urns
eiinitiott to hittl•wio
aster" lvfornl or ad4ress u
speakfrirtoil*ir tZiae
WItich is .itt[L-sity., Tette fact
hat-NtArY at Out moment. use ' jest this,
td.of. lighteion the -„Acene--•
lifty.in a half hours-aildhe has thus
"constituted a new record, the longest
time before this having • been forty-eight
and A half 'Ours.. DatIng the'perform-
... ethisinaseirmtv4ater
ties and chocolate. • •
ably by a feelinl, ot reveatnce„
some have *suggested, fer..for of lncUr-
i'ing ceremonial polltiVon.
O. fintrrede-Witli impulsive, .boldirlese
eharaottiism tit rewp, .
8. gnu' and believolirte, have tug.
rested that What john saw in the'lomb
orstivioced Ittin that tile bruir of Josue'
tad not brat ennied off:either t!'i friend
cr foe. anti that in, ptmsage the alt.
titer reeords the. ronvictIon first made
upon las own tnind that. theltester had
riskti from ithe .dead. Pettapat 110A-evOrt
Allis is -teadittg too 'much into ilte mai&
If at this point. 110 /troy. ”uke
ntritd, ritta,401111-401*---110
iiat• 1Ntary -41-aNa1ene`s
ge *es mit. idle ittik.,kut 'no [Lo
1! J"5Um, rind ncitially moved ficm
- -
verse, nds h lo Ibis
• inkrpOltiti
0.* they knew 'net lite,
'I'. yet _gained...0o signi
ranee'. of,Xtliat,•.4.c...stis-•„.bortolt had [1ti
reIT tOtieelltittg Ot414 .01111, testtr.
itt OW/1- MitSe
rtYsideneo in kt 041(10.
Iktary.r--Stitty Magdaltrie.
Vklucircied the fir -,t tipprerntipee
At .lbe • teinb,40 'which, she
Iturned: tater b.'
tteIna,sugo iho
tionod 1 MattInwe
tt i 0
flip)? .1.."
t f I by
_ '
II. Touch meitot-!.=.1esus• had not re.
Itirned lent W the old" familiar
fellowship witithis disciples ,on. 01111T*
lilt 0140461011 AVAS tO .inaugurate itneW
fellowship,- a -piritun) union, between'
'himself and itis„-dicipkA; 1$ento-ifds-
warnitv tolonitind toAtaryl. The Verb
Ure used iniplics irtthe ()reek it "eling-
ing tom”.
!try brel1*reit4.tinpliasizilftlife'le1loii-i'
thin and ,ottenrAs ,Or Christ Witb. his dis.
,!-s whirh i.s 10 William.
My- 14Itieti And lour pattior
nemWith it differOm Jestis nowhere
1itentifieS-'11-te /WWII of believe:0k- wiLh
his own.
ON Als;11, STIMI:40',1$4.•
iii-i;I!,i-r Was pivutl 4)1 him, and wiU
.11e hint just *oit 4 -prize in
f.4)1 and Iii*,teticher In itto puIillc!
had inpatedlitrit,IW ims-Vit=4=-14
.-:Ctloifsetittotfly, Mrs. Iluggina
k moral "joy lii lits.,,..tissing WM'
• suPper, tho t har*ter
bo34 ot the'lleighborliOodl,
"Arttt I Ic.youltitet 'go About ,any more
Charlie DION, 11 t wore you., Tom, ,
my," she coiittialed.,-, • ."1 was 'Iola , this:
tornng that)* We* •wft slicking pltnt,
iniiSter'S pug lintof
Irs-virtuo swith the
tilwar4 ot 'SaXeetebuf
1enographerk1oria learned her it
it art buiIneft Tollegi. And' itis
er 14,04 that, et4tiy, rate. OM' con inn')
WI marks per Month :for-tetiseifif need
b. Iiittoria„is 4 46 goer or. noice
erick 1''erdlmanil ok Plueleshu Of
. t..
rest,Nrg*<ft iiirope,aiid vhen
.141, .:to.re growing 11) Ou Int,
'sistol. that -(4telt learn '4 WO *to guard
not* a. ?Why :tleSt." '
arn, so' sorry your nitstre0
i!t out 11040tribink 4001 beat home
'thjr&ening." , ,
**4$.101 rOIVCto be;". Wit my •nifilik
retirement. Lord Selby receives the sante
pension us .his predec,c„ &41ort and ft Is
worthy of remark that, One of the pen,
samere- should be -thl ;son or 0, mat
tWeen thein the have drawn In peflskn
'th pen** It
3.tEl?er"$Yt $35,:l'',g1:160CEinf -I'll' -•-• 1.iithnteCort:' ,. p
erY ' a the I Cri, In .tertaln e
tied to 'receive it - rt :of sil
r '----- t ilifeen ycar
absence of qi 11UeAUO," Inothe
'Manly tutlfis bavP prferred to reul
.-i:le.4.4., 100",40/10"nic."-8.1S•61rt":..lt ' 0.1t1Atke.411f.YdrIftnthrl in-ii:Itilit t Jo
theirnd by , t tt-1 •e6t4' 4111L4tx
Ve OqUatrY
There a few jotitift of hisilier Tank
,ho, can OA* Claim tide Pension of.
week whenever they /Ike. The cx-Ford
littfiteller .40f tireland,. Lord Asliholirn
Sticatts many, of the qualities of
1.4114'310 brother; Lord firtittbUry,te. Ile is
onoon:that works out at *bet
44)0 a weokt .but he hikes part the
the highest trilltaint in
iti» lando..the Judicial comMittee ,of the
' their rival Methods. The Brits ter was
.helding forth ebout the prompt payments
jralde.by his licopleno irrmble; nee fuss.,
- ...9010-4040141
-f4;tlight,T-he surd, "his
'•eta -retch liCi u
"You4ott stiy„" drawled the'Yankee.
ee hero flow.„ you talk Or prOTIO- pap
Uthern bafer--1 iiot, .lbe profei-
. .
king rn t In
1041 Sh61.1
tords. •
PoLIttcsi PitiiskinS ari
ohI ge, but Mkt .
a ' its .ctSeS. Mr. Cluiplii
tit oat r.
I _limn- r.4t
1,tA .11
totiditions, White ,agrIcu1LtnitLs
iri,:prentittitnin,hav no know•,
, of.' cotton tiTiltivtitio-tror-of
.1r0P,/o1 And , have theroferc'.
iinteh ki-karn bolo •
inents. NVaitioaur 011iens on'
-11nor ottebuilditig-ferte.nin'e-storeys-in
'One --of not laiterita_livaAlt,AliaL forty.
IliTilli-.147S-tarey., and he tell
We handed Mtn Ill's cheque ittsbe
-Pent hind
Pea -Winston makes ltie irnportnnt WI.
pett*.4100r tiltd on .etirft mulikut 031
aorta' has been brought Tuntior cotton In
India to turniShthe requirentonts'Of LOOX0
teshire, Ile says Otte an be Jitile detubt
'that by alatemalkally breeding -front the
Anrietllat t'°4141peer itteltiykk"of 4IN'eltrribit4rtin"Ni'g‘eVeralt,
irk type let witert, ,Cart be grown in those
ountries of the 'supoior: quality ricoli:xl
L g the Lantasidre inamif*turee,, tind,
previded that `,eeiononiN,gtinilitions are
faverable.;-.. in *Mir -large, tomtits-- AS lo-
telitlit Ow MO It-oil5t1 the cause.
t. itittl6:rntort4t;
* Atnerkan
- -
• ° -YeetVtit , t •C
lit 0 t`terela ,
. Of Ike 4ays. When J)israelf- *44;
d ..
, is paid •the,.
hese jwnskins are the iottult.411
'pray tet- for tite:tintuittat.olroir#
.01, 144 Ccon uPcift Abtir
'reit "I,
italk4t trom44,000
,1'rho his
17 re‘ 1412,:yme rttiies'nft071):Iftt,411:160:ng 1,1n.
tiy "Inkt71;leittlitit ottlinttuo_bee14441
4$ * zteediIy irrn'Mingdemnnd
English cotton n*ilk 1.r Izp1ian eo
n of t'liltly.,Iong ,StitJIhb, tl7rhl the eultl.
I , of iltio kind- is In Most -eases
loos, than iko..2:tatmlit4oti-140-.
tolkint Whitey:it is likely..tabeTOO
ratiVe then the ,etiltivation- of' tli
olio*** 'Ainerittin 'opkind. *
Tia'.'. p1of0..Ao1' m1446a tipolitt rcht--
r;cc lo
.,1110e*collent quality,of the c.(top
;is.Icrn .404411 .,in C8O.utit Atilr,uto
perIn1iy' . froia •Atiletieatt` seekL In ..ihxt.
u p istrict q tile. Ttsu:411.31:
t" ('01 lOrI grIwn frn ArtrJcnbcedta
t hart
t gbet:ffl11-
IftkM. iiwriesn- .2.4
".° t . ,
has I» proved'
- it t!,i higter gii uwI oI
M�e ittnibio tJa
tattoo f tlottawill
woos laws