HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-28, Page 2„ • 7 • --"_ _ �RiTi dts:;thrtet:Id:r4140:131:0414$;;,1,71k,rty::,04:4'g,7*,:tf:4:4;v4,4ita: swaytit ortvity AVM 1114to 1,4 . 'the brtildier !Wink "t only 044 'ict tue cps.) •ot 4. • " 44741(.0 114 TetViLEAT ''11"Pit*** " eat:: .441401.-- • • •••,, .',W. :biLLW. ''' •;', bsd had that if,world.,141 :. ,,,' 01 4.. . ' ' ' -: evT )t ed it In_ i• , -• -"IWO,-nTh * ;41*.*Ot. ..-*).'..- AU. tn;' .- ate: -.741, 011.11A4- . • h,frm„,wlflCh jsntt�tve 7 , '# _ti3 40t ,thO) feelings, 0 • ' ' Celle 1)0. - In it4t Snellgin4,4.', litider41_4441-, -alit -an.- --I- . pion, With lh. heat intentOtte D. the- itorld *IOU* It 11)00:17.1114 .ax* Yoltnif-algt- Utey •- , - • • . aro in love.” ' - •" 4:. .?, . itil,„ i :thouta," - ,in Drettlika*.-1144r.1,; at'',0044i:if-'44-1 Lucy and....•. oilndft's3146011•0 1 . . . _ ,, . , , m ,I.,.z, •...._,I. , 14. wu ' ' . • ''' 14/1 -We' .' ' tali PO* Vin -11101,,...: • ..,. ,. ' itk ‘4ther P14 Ern4c // want t° ha" 1. ' so that wo, oY mft ndtnL - ' le - - ' -f-tife ' -„ ftf:Iuey wlUi a gnel • at 4 AtStf,tc _ Att-ritilhPAYder riteVing nearer tn' 600 to bin tiht UC in it I the wide ---wor)dp Ci It was talked at . 'there . - .•!,>.., .••-• ati ... - • : tilld val. 4 ,:.Voin:4, '' , ea, s' •i' . , . ... a P I,• kng' and t ak then ou1 :7,,,,,,,,,,,i..." ;;,.._ ,,.,,,,..,,..„11 tarp.04311044._:;,14060440y444eivit: iii,taz: , .‘.,,.•••_._: ._,.-L0.1,:. ;40,315041ey..--,-yolv.„.71".1.fre ex% at7wAls,a14.,ria.„1,_ satiod ti,hrtesroaertyitt :tora.:',tr,.:-.01111111"1_bstiit4C9Itly#1111,144'41: .teraliria..alri:04,,.„Is!ra.ivbf:'0' tee•,i.otlf*Ith- 4, AinfikStige; b'a-t.itg-otliSi:1:613.'ilL;t:4;Etirngthe li°41,44, ' is 01.,:bottra;,,Aboillit' ' te111.4 bobeiUled.• " ' ' "-• ' !,ttlit'lla “ , . . - Uiilloi 1;0 :rehotroied:. it io otto,O.:.smi. ' . -. '. 14ildnit ottti a cm as vitally rtecessirlor fir: .; ' ....'.;., that, , :rt.4.,414,,,, , . ' ..100V,: 1110 *St MA , vtomil...41ukt ho ',taw IterIor thiekeasr.•exciNms 60141:, ig ),,.$9104ithincin, . -4 . feast,. Tyt,'.: OUflt4 be .1. P,. 1 ,•!;,, tz ----- i'. I SO* . • . 'VI ' ': .. . ' ithiiiii414.•',' ..10 '' .'",.. - , / * ,' 4,44004 *Ater ...10 14.104 woo,. oismar. 'thei • TY4IL e*A.,givo ,.. , ,,, ,.12,,..,, , - V . ,, , ,,,'., ''' -AAA . , , E . e tilmii• ' .Of.. 8V.,414.0 . UP, 17 014 t 4 . . • ° - . 4.. ' Etttt NVhY : to .. , . , „„2„. ...,,t, , ,4"., Trwatir.:11-1' =-,-,:',.- el - •-'" ,g'Itst"-e", t. , -4./.-.4.,..y.i.,.. ,- , . ... ., ,',,': ', .dp:,i,.. : .4 . . , ' .,. ti. -.:-',t.`:7,-,',:,-,•:--, ,. :.:10,c;.tt14110b•441::44)1.wei.lr.: ' ,:•,:ito og,h-,:v,iiv' ' '4,e' - - ... --: oir:...70;p4i,t,.‘:''t,''', nit:.ii.;'"i:it :... : , ., , , _ , ,...: , , . ,AN, now, the, ,00. tio,h14 top* darn. ., _ear' - , ,, . . , , . , ever, And la the inkist of,'- , '1004; - i' - *-1 ' VOL.' ' ''' • 014:)*I'dlY 114/14' ,., ,asw to watch another loothor gomi.,, . ttoont to sh,rit.1(0..e: tell her that yettNe ' the'ideOP '.opened; without Se innell'At.S* ,,_, ' . tro.:' . ,t, ViViti 1: • ,•,!,14-,,III!,11.140,3tliz.r.,,, ; iit, ,i ii:tilt,.‘„i44-ii;;t7Triii'i7tue, : I;',...,:-: ..01004i$44,04autt leibetnt,,1,1440,11", aitil". T:ilitt,It°06/4' IC:004.. L'IS:1:.''.'1.t :wn. ..,*44...., .,-.f.,-•ih-,!.!:'-- -11-1.°t,4!.:',..':',K...1„.4141-4'.•,,, ,l'i. ';„, :,',. kett .. ', 4,' it 'th0- - - - - . .4' view maw, aoulo. oeureme tiviob •1341-t--1114)1m!ith. tig41 ..her ' who the PartieS, : -A *toosnetwo rell'upert the-littlt3 OM*. ''.'k , , .it.• ''.0 . *114,40ati4i.- . I'ltribe: -i'ilirrissr--,'----ar- -----' ----'-'- - titajfi h. Are. S-YeatevretrIrTtatratut-altitttVe' ' Y-Mirtin-aittke-troAvriedAttlitlek . '. :POO ,Minfoter,Out...00-; .. ' 3W, 1 8 oirul to watch that f il, the: fc0,1p4r point , ,,...,t _. .,_, ,,, . , lowto„ latddtalle, the, man .00,mac la tokltrtattleL-Ikekr7.*J10440W.P4 , , : : . I" 1 ''''''' - " Ind '4114.$4 al& Zat,-41-1tt ' ' 'Ir4S)4° ItreftUratTI(°"' 7444414titnlit4 , th$71:1411.0-,81:2rtry:,':oTtilriliar.„7:1` • run ......',. , ,. - have .groWn, oidt egin, t4i wonor 'how, but len and contrive7altlier:yfe*.poo.r, The _only' um:ono-04t?l 'person . •.•., " ', ' ' , At ht' age, be co:447104r' have thought.,:411,1 ' •„..,, *,' • room . Mr..Kelinan blinselfy ..w 0,,., . "Iii‘goiiig-- #. r, ---tit' -.:7-1 ..,•-,* '•-,--. • ittgt.,77-74.46iii:tlati4ng ....... . i hfrzgbutilisi.tot.,,of.74,4410-00 ,:, - . ,. , _ _ • .. .. ,. _____......._. : q.•i ' ,..,,abs.011,114W .011411041.4 . J .!...,,,J .*-Yeginrin:**IF'140.0114.11ilitek!Virl - -- iiii-if, Ewing. en 0 . r, ,,, ., ,,, .., , ,. ,i,:..," . .. , , _-'•ilicttAl#AP!'.-7E-1 on ii ohits. there Is e1 •ir-,,, „), , . . rso-When sho had, been 4 Oa* with spirit. ,,..H-Illtit for thelr'aet."that 'that - 60 14. perfect. My My flpii, Plel),(:%!,,,.tigolnoi --414• f, 4-; ' ,irtils jilgair,li'litrit:4016,sic:1;rie,„; • ,.. , •ehttd . to'lithi'.his'''''' '7h:7 -al& t,.. itiluitiv,„...„,,,,,k.," ,„' ..joyftiratiiiirtSe-wei'lorOrne at the' erids, riatvett--patat--otte hall-.. „ MK • -1,4 * . , , , . , • •••• . • • •-• - '''' - - -"--- - - -'-'"--' ' cr--11• Ni 1 tt, would have 'blamed hintnelt for. t' don't wish to atty anything offensive. theta on a eat Ilret1 • . •• . . , • lif.., -yrtili!:iilmseitairdau.,1;:, '41:1144 thsolntio.;),.'°into,bk.vg's er"ou.wr.se4'etill;°, that it it.'iattst. not be an expensive , govers,..„yenoth,. and he_ . 0 , , , ,_, ., . , .,.. ,...,...,,.....is. 4•1;:lth:t44:4t4xitille:'llt.it:Eillitit:1"‘hc:11;t14;71;dttn:tt :44.iSial "it'11)21hthet(i!relah,s141)1'ett'4.rE;4t,a473 • 'i' -;,,;:::•_:r. ' • -' ' "141, ' ALit4,,Y,Iltit:iftIttlitLITicid, lt,,,, kingfinaa a quarrel.' one laaY:i 411W t4,10.111,41W' 110 -ent,frelx heart4.00),‘ , Itt, Min. in a matter, but that it, Inuit, above all things ' tit." •" .1.00ireethinifi,G .0j, Olusellk,imitt.L.• uw‘4,,,,,„7 fortunate people were to be, idle felt that ' ,. 41 OINO of t, .44,1i.boy.,-rdert't i;% it:Ife'uder ConsulatediilsChl'17,:ilifdiwneallatt ,.. , . ...„ nood, to , view .110 no* cur Ivith be something quite out or lite ordinary, "We didn't eicpect yon," .said, M,arlin,,, 'T1111,x .'.:- ' " . - • ' A.....4 ,,,„, Although. she *mdered a little who the a ilil&coaldwlyi., • -,, •• , ,... • -.III", hiniAtt'7irer.: ini,i—ittleinner:7**14841,,,,Th-Trbe* OAS IVA a Matter' IvIt'.0h ooneernad her. . apologize, if them should be such a, thf, first king, vottle'-tha.first king, t60t-t4 ,.. ,:,. '. It- slte-would hear all about it altar. thing as a leg, or even •tv wing, and artlf. :Idins011 tip In Ilia ,1?0*Pooln for -a NYPOIC-2, , anted :140.11.self-itittAt er.kaii.40144seatiii - '4% . -----7,-.,-----.7-.-..-,..74.1.-7,-•.....7,, • t.,...--ixt-47. • ttle---irua,t.st,)?..oltLIItti.:- ..for-lattrAt'-fitgli..,....4191,4ere4.0y 14110 fireora --. - ,-,-4704.0-orait-Nr,--tente*t''On' . - .. ,' tir;ii'ttlfflut ,-;fita—o-W7" 1* -telt •-'. 9. •' Little. ' ;:-4,14ar. Illake-...don, tryou.'lnove. tiC1-0 4• , ' tho 110 ot the, girl agent, end 'te.._,44t. $1011P: ' , Mr. ohtistophae Dayne at as' 13 0 a .., . ya.... ..,,,hts-,,•,ciiitir ..wilt 414, vol. ver. '.: •, '.6 • SEEN IN 11.,,Npriti-. ,,,. .., ,,. , , Irii,hpheliad•laf*Oly* bOolvolell,„.-1"ilent • ment ' AS : Possible* asking 411.11 to cOra° . : account;,d. !. one up to the,. tole; sod pre,,,. ' incteed, late ,Siantool'erOzMitt! ' gc 'Indtvd WaS "4'4' 4";''''''' '''"' ' nd-thatnght fore friendly chat; bUti 114. ear . „ i r soitettitnit ,to, ...am , moat onotruan., people Ir. a '‘11: : • ' 1111;:641C;1111t)4'inumuth; •Wkii41.talet .'lf:',-:..' firi".,41Vd-tt:_-- It,',rii(r,tilliiiel?.ito. 'cid'in.k. • . Itillorber happy, that he dek17011164,-13 ,eat. andt4dilak.• • about ' (), ' . • 7 -•' go,„st, When attachedLo. ted'States. . - 4 i i.. 11 .1i1S'stuttia, Watating . her .43 she. flitOd ,-...„,t-rho fea*,"tv,-WAPC41"4-iY-t• •th1.-4itt-sl'ilkti.'"reie-thilll.a,,th-,4441Ptikille' Pohailiorfair, alii41""rneS4r't'l ' . WO ' -do '4001404: tiliu:sltn.,,,00itali,. tW„,,...*Y,. Oho .iit,' initttng.the' test ' touctiO to -the • whnia• he .0bettered --.and elk and 'Ara .13' ' - , .:: gpy InkUntee in the 13"1"' '' *411 W"'" table' She had ''dcOerateil .11e*It, 'Aad : nit he nom, tett; ..Quito early the party 'iteitsed to nunvel at what. I saw, Tailless' at 'leute *Wu* bo h14 Privileige,t; ,..the eriost wing of alt was to*watcli her threw) up, nn although Martin • tricd to eats 4)14 bright,''rliT#1 'Court ,be'Otti's 10; tutrila til,groii.ict=tet tpfthredtr_!4;jait ,'-stslahl.l.urried.-away„,..vVith a.slittle 410J. - arrange so that Oristand.:the,g1fli-lsob,otael4:-.11thiti.hn-bultitektitintr zritr(ttioerf . , . t e t, ., ,, I , r ,..t.Z.2”, _...44.,1'.6..:,:t“.• • .....,L,S.: re:. •rev . t« . , , _ lea" 'it4tIgeot, 11.41dYilL9V11,14:10i it4omr:- 1).611.- 0,4---.1e4 and 'play In . -the- river , , . - r.. news first to him OS *behed at tha th"g/1/ *t the hat)PY °e°Pla w" ,...„. rt.:on. that .the lovesterit Might, not ' "8`30ea---- .-9".-,,----1.' .j. i'jcw,-- -• .. •` ' ' ' ' ' ,........' ':..: ......"* L'..-' . ., r , , • • Mt,•* . 'i ' ' '1,- , , , . _- ._, n43 w . 3 'yOlifignAcrO doin up.? ogees, ita •44 . or y , 1 : tome Aunt Phtpps. That was 110.w be. "STut ono '00 i..f) going W-1,4 .4 Pio* ota to be ,prirtoes of the bloodloYei- petals witti beggino,bowle, who turn 41),e30. 4 r G. SOP*: or the POInracta MO Wot Siam. II hit le nd• pe• WitIA- avb„..alwaya :401i tt, idi • 140E4; not. .4141 '44,ready," imam: 410 fiet 'hut 044 vat 1.0.0tay *1,*• ing to. --when "Drone"vIMith 'tiltead4. he'd got Over re wtfl tr. And the Wilt -named atiar , . : . .r. • , ---41*--0--url— ' — e'vailie-- . , . ,, 'enhanced diti:this'subjecx of ' in 4160eiVe rhOrQ 4ttention, at, . Our tarmcm„ It Os 'bUt tt\p t a, few ,treel, :Where hie i ft, ou J7,. *no. r " ari4H-6trevinitt /:11Ped'ili,-.41:Wto,hr:treesort'°f1‘1'44,4,11tuohleb11171:11tItai"1 iiireirorirplitTarrot, or oury oh t te •frequently ritiOd that :,elgr4s.of the hrnsheitatOted.4114'130,05;!. f40,0 ow r0.010,0 tree plarirg is not 44ir. It)eass"t. IL* 144-144Y1*'• has been siakt that ihetrees as they grow 1/4' *3t4(1' 141r°v1 14 443" lancY"' 1)14011 thebeat 14teril44,ot the 1 riner. P4 tePe:rtiY,;:. not,the. el the, r P„ 41,7014.LadTr0843 L•ttril014til Utigho(S4i.'01.1t. ..t Pent,s. - . prescntrg• i .,-: 'T•'.0 ht-•,_t"....,i... . ine liWt eeley claim- • about' two 'weeks • ote,..aad ,i,C,sald to ,havo refused Otto • ., .?:. limos (I*. original price • paid' for the. ' preperty.: The Willey ury $11,ver Min, ' bt tindetr the law. hen Ito »4tO: 0 1, . 4I k wOrking toward- Ifs•nanXSt 41"•11411114,,,tt a narrow View fro take or. Matter. tusico.aloopint .ivps bean strargle- 4-214M-,0ii0(140* OS- -ablindently. few 'elliMel'allewtd 'hint to z*noh tho 4441:40k4, „-T,0 ,0014. 40-.A..;ti,- grow luxuriant)), , The .1r00 end 01310_114W vles pa.ssect fivt,!/,01 th4 •-•trets,,, powever,, the advan. t21210Uifft the lop In -a way /*We1l. would, toass, of tbeo. trees greatly eve:von:ea Itifirtitelvrat4Li-liotrd.-a-,4-47talt "• . 114 11,--iyiir H-Tocwtto4,-"Theirti-'110-001` 4Y-71343111theliaLa ,b.rentifilWiendSCAK,lallt-Wheit-ProPer onr.a 4nOre!througiv-both,„-hacitangina and: otodectiirre_very tiorui.a4,k.tenco loop,it was Prevented Wow SliPPing Th.tsy also act as slititer *belts and pm- released.-• - '• -t •• vide Shade that Will yield Denims during "Orortrthtts-4--- tiata, taut until the' 4111E00 434; beat neatly detible. "I,Ceep turnirk, -till 1 eay you Idn *stop," he commanded, and in tact the bewildered Creature. Was revol- • ving like 0: top and• -painfully learning tho 4)Id iesson, hts race, that mares wflt L s law -for a horse. - •.We sat in the shade•of a me,quite watehing him for twenty minutes or so -when the boohoo twister decided that the stiff `neck was sufficiently limber. When error; the --.1agtn'°htellted-ntett-lnorsolle 411°4.. itialverc6deLt . . . • en as; it should do.. 4Y- meson vt this tura, &foliar' 'She ventur4 - , ,„ • , -theught -Of for - 31. moment; the levers tule,litne girl, wheR4h4s-ts rieh and.lant. must ba taught their .--,buainess 'better. c*,)_tr,"' he' rePI.W1. , j',s0100,g14) 100 10e.tuis , than that. . Andithat WO why -Martin Vo' OWIC hOid beemist ho". 44 lolle., . Blake dettrmined, to,give a sumer party. 1114ugh that'4) 11° Iseis"'''Is It' 1411°Y?"' • .• • .., — ., t,tow, usutor ,,orthaary ahvamatancess *1 think it ts,"*. she, toplit<1 ghletlY.--1,4 . won V. you tell MO, Martin dear; wilt it there-slitosIdti3o-nethin,g, ditilll:Ultrout., ,,...a, ti).0,,,s, corning?: .4,10,61titriinttrpteg such artVfair as that, ye lot I in, ju,.,,,,,,, ova i " .,4113-4047prnpst lot.41441,CO3-47.4t: r 7-44-t*61°-'4'trtitiliW-4k-ri At Mast; ':triat tit."hewratt propteir caw, -3400-11M. :Virg:U:41,r .,•-• - --- .•.'-,---... __, etitu;od ig4. pi?r, ptrues ;should ,,,b0. to,- Shp had talren-hold-of thelitOls'e ':rs, ilartRilF Its' 4"4.17*WIV011iln '' ' ' - '4444_ --nd-W........ -.....-....41, •I''llat"'1*1--1*-'.1i„,,,,,,,,.,.,,,.,„, 6--?--: TrTMUTINS tirstrismit titria off unti came. actually into • Grenwoys' 9arderts. . , • 401.11' Aunt Pilipii$i-ehri3," AUltdenlyit.*dtaitned *L-Ucy:-. *She -"owns In a' hurty„''' Aral .in(ktd could .be .444ettintikingkiwerdstlietri; evidelluY she„hatt bcoit awaiting •theittarrival;; „ "Swot Aunt PhiPpsr ttxelattne,1 •torf-with a Mali*. "I, do Irttatzhe. weAs,t feel.any' 111 efiNts biota the night. air** Our new Siamese relloWcoubjeCt• S ore really -a -brave indevendent people; but. they have a. veneer of Orientat..servilltY 4t,4ter foreign to- British- ta4tes. When a native brings the rooming Orkie to your Mr40-cr,1101/341tO ',ilia _room • „caterpillar, effitVfingi, the breekfash.tray; tn 'orieL-bantiVibile--lieT-Titt• ' iscrass...thewithl.ibe_Joiher, The• tile rider,. trite sPrang' t71176:' lust irt the nick Or time. , • But his patience was by ilo means ex; .hansted. * heir.1,17er• hoe's a4nLulgiltiteevtd'acY-laniQd illPniti<k451A'71111.1)11113: large flat stone. lie lenge(' ' the \ tone's no* for a. ,few.tninutes steadily, ' but not with sufficient' race to hurl, litta. feet that petty soon an find . .easier to turn than brace.bit tender neck an the reps.": ••-- • , tbst ie,„ tied tiead_and tail on, the opposite side -and allowed to rotate another-ltalf lour, he was dripping with sweat -and -completely atitklued„ The 'bro4co twLter Mounted and. the colt allowed blititelf to be ridden about the flat until be tang- JeCtn_hia riata and fell, the rider •• . 6- olnivctovieht. itort,Itim loose an' see how lo helutvtes hisself:'retriarked the bulge. nd- voiles he again- •lanndinid -rode the now, trallable 4-itte r c • al 3 &WW1 I, IMINIPPCPringerMI rtnnifirVIIVirna U=117.1.1,4 "Chris -4 want .yOtt Orgare me; • been deceiving you," she bald; a in the derIcne,s she held out something to- ward, him. -1.1L.loo1ed, like a packet, Deoehrin-- --„,"Atmir , Is' lot " --r frr the twat place,. such a thingban'. .'Wondered, es! he 44; 'OWL a*. r, never bee 4 done hew, in met place, What shel,Would havethOUght if be had best ot Teesensi .ever said wordS to herot wiVeit he once .• 'which wail the very _ bed_414,1eatil.mit,f)rtid=4 • not he done now. pilliculVes were Point. �d out by 1 0. wor y w to. -t first. to be in untiblei bands ott-her eboulders he ente.vered, • -", ;into* -wa:n . • I • thin nook the .ehop ar steak:or simple • 4-N41$ dear Luay.'11:ere% a knock at thL.e dish which sit stied Mart it on ordinary dPer.• Do me ene !let khldIY 4!1104 444 . . 0-7-Cleigel1.1aftriV- 4:10::701)(Ati-4,411r401,ir Wondeting igtle, ,Shet weptths - • * -tortwero wined as absurd; saitursivere. tri,4tOltiftstft4Witn440Penti44, 'Out of date, and toot not te bl depend.. dark 001*We. *Ord wlioever bad knee*. . 10 in • capacit was not, •in sight at the inlment.. she • and even n they sometimes, 141_ use. $ .P11`414 Old Ott "Uri „ , " tt het own oxpecosiert-,trin musty.' ..delighted voice spoke tier Inartittand an • Then it. as - • a al.m.,,den_firci.sted4e!:44n. d" sp.ojeltnillMaepl: ea; xreet nev afterwards to, audittently Voleful. A. suittlei ti&a, too; one of these klieg that istrike•ouesuddenly, and cause pleasant tingltogo of anticipation all. over you: s-Astd,....04003...wa so 3110.14_e_. that It is • wonderful he hid net thought et-irt*. W‘lit la.041ey., Odiey the wonder. for, who had' had-oxpertento of Eto tom tufty paints lit.r view, and must, in. ..111 PoO434111tY, hate hOen borne off rAi- . (Ably 10- ,supper pattl'ellf's.to dozen. MAIIIM41onfill111.11111111tAilia VMS 11,1411r "r"ri At even tie ...113116,111111 rtriammiamni=ir 0:4_01cm..plAsumni_ _tug rivoltwur -SintifhletWeirOrfpilinttitit' tented from tile woodlet •Which_ exists upon mostlerme. Should 6Ueli treerneit- be available, they, can be obtatticed front nurserymen • at 0. comparatively mnU cost. In fact, even where the Wee* front tht- woodlot are, utitized, it is ire . advlsable to obtain frOin ibe:nursPrimenfr a' variety Of repid-growing trees, such as UI" cotton -woods, that can be planted, between'the Epsom Peserved for the More hardy end slower-groWing trees, at The common wood.lot; Those, rapidly -grow ing-varleties,4411-be-InuaLmough,,to,.. u'o 41, goo gene.rat store. T Pedera Gov. • ornmentitts,. also promlsod ir,poatoilloa •. , for _Silver toentre. Front the linvoottig, • .it bo • learned' that onnniderable 0607 tivity already prevails, in this -new belt. -14-4451•4111RATTI1TVEIT-SECTION.------ • . „. The opening of navigation will see * se• bigyorrusaiti pinalretiostiii!..:11:eartailreutti4I.itiir4osectgoietti- . - • . with the.,I.o,P,Ot),,,g, rtay!..gr.a. tion from g4 tha ii....to.roiLnurn);6i,- Tpii OtOir` . ,. ".* gaged -during • days to do .assessmeat vor an 41G. Nvloptnent on the variausi syndicates owritag claims tri this &strict and haV. . • Eng headquarters at New York, Philat • 13,Avt°'"11 b•Sal'rt seovtheerari ACtutmeardiciatul cities and towns 'through)ut *the Prov. • • time. The mineral showing in J8rnti tewnship of the tafentreal .liver 4441, •generally something plienOtuellit, oeoranfmIteteritnvgritchott:liictrnapirol .4arneoiouritintgotiode,onvet4:„: :real riyarin •the procluctio A big find was°. made th-14;v4iet. on the. - between TudboPef.. • ,s•1;tti'Welinelsd:aldriPk.s.':0011rw.:11"airrr:flyektib°4. and :dat'vteiv.Sfe,s04,141lt:ct as welt as they wall; and theTWell--recis.,, fce a distance Of . -18 Mats on t • ' side Of the 'vein sliews..nAtiVe and' leaf • silver, which would go to, -indletite that. . • abeeiges,tothenc,etahumti@piongg porroeposi'' fronitio•tvtiteisv4,04 • _ re other kinds have reached a suMciertt gree of maturity. •Thus, we will 'have peats ration quicker than where One ki only is planted. As the hardier varieties' become mature, the fence Con be attached them, the olthers bging cut down and :disposed. of. - • " •6 • AteSid4S'thIsT'en..00 'TM work, 1,, fre- quently 'advisable to plant some 'shelter The, space most suitable for such work is at (he intersection of cross fences -between4wenore fields.- Such places. • inSt as well be,Made useot forIgrow- • ing• a few treel, and other' such: ,verieties, are the Most, suitable for this • pv•rpose. its .soon as, tney have obtained sufficient size and height,: they not °lily will afford shede for the stock 'but , . furnlstt-.4m..eceepiebiela . • ran reSt and scrub' thernselveo. pesides advantege -these waste places are being made u;ii, or, the a-naseopt beautified and --the sante time, wi are :gmyjng_a__ItitTewooA %via sOtT1,43- t. 4 --Now-thet-fha.time _for trer..,:fdantlog „ - ILA), .0gt-lai3tris it ere Tho iltot Slararee-eMbestiy that was seni • to -Bngland !hoisted MI *approaehing Queen Victoria in tho stone mioni clandlot-queetsoidraits. :Yon a visit the bans° of a ,nativo grande'o, - mine too over yonder cliff.* , Which Wee the justification of "tirones" .hard lesson, . * 'wornaa ..a. wennin fti, . .rt. .H. tokt bit. itiply Aim , titun ;Ihat..t..,40,40 io_oiv. alit' th. .optriopute. p4,6.---ev---Ei-, , ,ther*-41, Ws -studio; was it'such a fetinAable,' ni_eVer .4s it at, first sopear- ' r on tITteliert!, sir:* yea a . lei, , viliWisty* 'There's then rte,inet . that vortuld hat* sat down, ,sktr, -__.„..„,„...', " ,___,....Wit-bonts,v4th,tothing tort 40 the frift,' ., , . ‘ iiO4 Itave thought it Verr,Sort; - Thema , ;._,..--.1.1,-,..431.hetOS,M,Ight, balk. had.slaves.. to wait ion • .• •• ., • • '41141- .'301: liver wings, and things inlet; „ . '.and ihs 'Lard, knowe, 'what, and ' ' Idol. have been sathilled.” * , • ,14, Martin thoughtIfillyi....tw' '' -, oly 'shows, 'that 4 lot iton, ktinVe 'Od •, ._,: ' Wiv, 110,417bEtVittiO wish.to he pa:tit:40 '..• : , ' 0.410:1*----btli: ittlne tire 'et the hatitUrte •.' *44 Mit vleittyi. * ' ' tiiitAr *601 kfloW what they're.eit - * - • 1 `altetitd ' ' !''. •11 . ' • Pherilalwe. -• '''So you've got. here 'Arst, biro* soiity exeiaiined brotthlessly. '!*,Not that t exPelted to find you, :you' know -at that is, , tot for •eertairt, But t well. Where Ls bet' • . , That liVOS • *wither surprising Atertin disetaiety, disappeared. Th I3oy wits rattiing agedri.;.admiring the • table and talliing of :his day, and one, • thing and another, whert.„Lucy put her, bre tit the flood I •or uno • M. gonot I to _)ou that Yoh were * beggar. It Was a. lle-.--Tbe 1W.ritilie L .youre-and here_ - • . is the ilpat ipart of .it. .... • .1t - , • ... .q, - ......-----------,-, . • Alla a. dgei4n, Chris took lite packet itiWlittr-itn -7:4441.--Apened--44 -slowly* • ,by -1h e light of the tamp In Creenways, 001liefte; he 'Collated whet, *Wt.! iSide, •"rittilltildp,pet Arhundred-pe . 9 • Mr*, Victor ICelman, muttering 00Mez .11. abeolutelY unintolitgible, ti eft . _.. and be r. -v y a oy F.tpean, style; with many frenth Chande*r. '047 , • 1 see her husband, naked, save for a -lien. linoldnka-eiger-rtearlyAleatioti teadintilitiTakiit tOpf4rtlwitle - Nork 4*W_ • . ' - After talking -over the jetieet;• aleirelesp liittitS, Of piuutry ovitoo6 With a native, 4' Whet. letving.the.barreeks, looldier of the WV* life.guirds tatlk* tag.artetiter soldier over; tad when 1. . , , Ailfith-W15-KAlt, • Ifor a ,Gypay. Victimized. a Frew% CI SU 14110. * rtA,TEI1-1AGTIVITY IN THEI "In tho. Ccilialt camp nitiitg has. • brought groter activity and "Increase& forces to- eery -working Mina, • .' trithe district. Many of the mines haVe- • airo,xiy Started sartace PrjOkotingi ail OS usual, new-titscomwurtray , • expected every week. In t1e Pertage 'eut_ prospecting has also 40 • : resumed, and a vein of native coptio- repotM...4434,have -beta found on"o • whci cOrt -The-r- North Cobalt -Mine b.hs..• been promo , an,ds every one et AUX plan to carry. out • some tree planting this coming Season. it will not require much time and the -expenw.4„._10.sittnItieent •stoinPftred...witb the advantages that are to be T4erg. „ summer. # Ur ng . property was in operation. some 200 feet • of drifting was done on the•thabli Vein, is • about four inehes itt 10141,4 Xnk1ng.--114 '.„1 • curnmer the main shaft will bersunkIOT ep 1 '81Y . eetr-t. tinder round development itork'Will be . hand, on 11Pgo $ words.. . • '`• “stop-,Atopr. she •trleat'lfiolchig about irt the least I am not ,corrirrig here to supper; Plitive only been getting things the elhor people" ••• .40( 6V1-4J,$.4-tia So. are, yen*" re ••• thriS, with a laugh.• 44,Ve. AvOU/dal. ve. po:;',' out. fin sure. "Where' IS her herd taathent, Chr144' looking towahls, (ho door ex;' - - "VOr7 tit* and thefighifill' Of lainv to ht 440*.y,stitpooPedy,,,441*,",eift.'iiimar iilothrtiTit4.04.1c4n44.t" 'any irknierit I 148t W*ht, 141 Yolt ...4iOn't **tett thtit ",,dor; •IllttOi to me, • • listening, Ctwis' sh replied, 'tTitt:*11)..!.e.114. . • • " 401r4,tirtilla r' 4 11**# l!'*.(1.1.1*,' • Wag ate. Ourl rrtuf iStiliv'r(Ing or tiertuaid Over Elshicani,• .Manuel, 11.; the new itjrit. if Po' rtti, to, ix young' monarch AS riVitieretts- igo, indeed, bad. 11* Min4er of 'his thee., anti elder -Wilier occurred tiftfirtew fs- hetere.it did, helot -mild- • haveleert al.400fr-ssid-tbe,sarnei Brae a 1,44"aint'an . Infant° tit 'the eyes a 11)3 A doefer living la, the Piero IkiKeret, r5es.,_.was.y-.0t.it1ttedriat11tly ina dar. 'ing ;and Igivel Manner, • '444-,141PAY wernanLetilbX1.1m. htin no morning and "cuskedIttirit to visit her daughter, who wtis lying--serionsly , tit ' • arevetri-onAlte-for-iiticationst-near by:, ; •• • • 4!1. "have' tried the serpent cure," she from •sue %It increasin srtiktfaelkin whidi Wilt be ours • in years to cOme as w w4 c• itseee gityv from tender. Saplings to large, pse. trereg,a.t ftusame thmo. iontlog-ihat itlies-bieen brought abou y_ the_ NtorR of our oivrt *aut.-Cane, ad1ar4 Dairying iend .Farming World. •Ptiisox P011.,1VATE8axo'n1LIC-.. was to rneket ,4144 hultetiwmot Thal, win avow- The to p-sraite,, tee id eik. sad fai0Ohilit.,0P00°tIr NvOt vanes I Atilt be sure' you, wilt earnee' *wetted- lo mat -* titan itnilitrierahie Th# 0011,000mm, °aid. the *to wo.( in battle- • ran* handid hint a XKI note. As ihe _ ualrffrittit Spend "fry* Year,: at - Wised and Pay ?lad. • ' Twer ,pol:enten 'one Terently BUDIM1A AS Al4 AMStni:iX, • 4100tor wc1,3 tba,00e. 64 or 'etalabt'il- ItYlrlan l'unnea 1111°6." 41" t" • -4540„, *Ito spilt laeollan24 iratt... central matket, Paris, Vristre, whib lie . The 1:luiddlItt.' ban$ intleet). with' Mr pent tun:* and- he asked her %quit .tt, wag, ongsgot in the highly :lucrative en. .yelloWrobe end $haven heed, and hi, Oen.. vet& • . lrprise, of watering hio inilk; • "list As every' 7444. 14'001104 11416 b0 The 44:1Vi' was Startled,' 110 Ailtedt. 10 two, ytars• imprientnent,--cul Salter fOt si'rportodo tvery-,mart, fii. out of .thel :twin. Aviv% )16 rettinw .c4 tog n line 41 t/00. Nforelver, he, • WILLrUME 6uvrax)i)stro.,. AtAM. halt Cert,441 - • ben done s'neo lattin the hilt, but•eti- •• •rangemeati; wittlxrinedtioAtatu.Whe development Work on ti. big scale duts; •,. the next* few week* • „ , °At IlW7114-11.01r-Silliel,'.,**teedent • ThohipSO'n has In �4 his force 14.0', ovetuality: ram and is keeping up. the dei el -apron tvork - in doubte,sluttlican-,,T-- • 4keltre0.50fdltilift -fwittyi;iwn,44.1.0. 16:013xtepotildwidH.itrotlithib4:•' • • • .flintal ' darnand.**441v4, And smitilre, •.,1011114.,"' .$1‘k •ietild, 0114:1*'. ttlkniteN:ti be :• bevripr -risted,arrest, and Artir,k ille: trieritrh-ls'a very eontroors Sight through, ' Kill .iinder bertags,./ihd, lamed „half for' etll'ert 'witb l'4‘,1VIIIIL (14.sr the 'Out Stern. This It natural enoug10 h, ,ror, dozon. oskts out ou tho -,g-60-in, --. - , billed ollenee lie bismot* been $ivnt,n1,0d 'Siren-44MA 10 the king, hlinself-has to:14,41h **att.*, lie 1041411M the Wornan. - is to ' t till 05,st'''0 trwit-th'W.t.be it.(4.1I1'", stoa in the to 100A....".1he Orleathood ler r ena the onakes,hid„ vatest 441, :Alla' al .11tetit An 14),ht.' tIOWSPsPe-r-S4 0S" W'''''Ili ni; n... __all': a *hilt. - Yol- hitoilti'Vli,ititi.it tittve-vfxr •-•, monty'-'74n-his-sereadt.-4tiletr, „ ' '_ .4iluter*01; uil at tto 'wit' littis..ligious ontirnent. In,:ages .ot ' Iti gill held the VO, tibia in his hand, 0o4 leant-4$-ittilkrloarR" '0, - „ tre-vin-V,Welt • igitteen. end -*Mester -Menuel",,, at hi "%is unlit gulfs tecentlyf la. Ittit Ovet lritlate lig00• ; Itnivever, la tits yetin of Ettropean rules; urse4;hot .‘tho yourtgeit- pro.: 'thinned. king. That ratiord,"101k tit .th*. latOws„ belongs 'le Xing Altmiao *ea ;king, Willatt4 feet *ea It. • Oita de lore when. littte girt iri she'd- reekS, althottirk 144 *-,0 inot 10(10/11•It tinwried bio eighteenth 0110441.0; '1,witstig, the, proolt-ittipottit Of, Watorily *ftiftilenitai alittli ;114. , Met Ouitht elt, SO& What 1 .1r.i 1 ter uddha, In -1.1* tempt Aro used se but ads, of courseoProved to he 4 tor- abippars Tire -481)1,ppoifed-,-14-06tritrintr- , gals itiorei„ Arior th6 oor, btitgaros . _ _trPOtTi!-101-creest M was. a very rare Iu toy. 1 tr esi-4,r4; "come it‘Ortn, arid And no there n ot ' X ri 111P :14) 11 uropc1111"AV:rtti414 tory „ „ , 4 .kr them. 'Tilly mtot lowour vigorotsolit it 14'14' 4 1°4 "1.-c , • f ett 'Moro thiko.lou 40qtfate tallet .tertitory, and lout, hundtor 'kutran Wags. King Chtuttlefl. ol-Siancesean06,4-11*-140044-11t flislowerta notglaboe't Mutina WO, Wits *MOOS EtApoot st 4apas atter his tOUrteetith • Wog • 1o:M*4 * TWA% Ur - b4 44*tt la Min :noels rettA. otektz. ' . th,f, Weis, anti -then stalaatt TWo,..provinotit Coded to %iv tot ate Inetaly L.00M vet trepitet lizigle,-Watered by..m*AY tor, r1Yer iiid stroms, The ittrtgi r,1ght well 1* doititoed 14, .* watt of It/ and )011/100130ttt '4400* by 1 feboons Wbed.1kititd• it /0 lutt bout we ths-tatily • Aaiun this.. week,-ithrd full attliOrAtit -from the 8v111..,tke;y.be fortliteiro, • : exid front .lintettnation already . 111114,4 SU,Triao, will 1* itt alert* 'for ths, • „ Hod' itoek tIolitiolders; . At the •Opetitt Alr-ehari. on y watchman In, charge pi*Vii174.-i's the ease' at 11* ituby Silver end Btst trOPM'LT10 ?4PnW :40*. itn"%111171:11nrsgrPoillet:411;,,,:. tiOWfl .1°4 4*-eshitittiltell.tit";4.1***11r1 a• nd ,dpirting' IO the extent -at *fi..10 already Wen 41ent. The Preatrit.' Wet' Will be. 9arttitniet erAtatt ,wher*, xpeeiett., , - • ' ' 4t. .n, aVpreseu '• ItOt gOod \,t144.044. 11.0Plott, t • yrnud.�$eVeTt 444 • 4,4tf1JSIC.: 'That aw'prit may 0114 vastly ., Nut ,Intarli rig0 •atfiukingty illusttaved •'Ilion ;vs-hes:1'4 Ins datv.e.hter Mvrna inclatelyri iisitt4 Mr. :Iltig411.‘ 113(.41i Utley and early,* nd Mt,Ilo .gan, Insihrt#11,tital Mote ..611* ltsitice."' . itorimust Ntro, irtg lottrri - p1144 Mt. 1)140* • sietoetio..4400.1ner It vstio 12 01u134$ tIlto 10 _iii4Vte twe bhie,kt Vitt) str - 41,4JJ ',.,.. //, L.. , . • -1- µ" '• ^ " • • "Stt, ge. ,/..•/. • ' ' ' 4e. ./ 4 • . .44 )4410 ,