HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-21, Page 7t ,
, ArAirac
0,44 Y
to' ,.1.
• Ring
tiaablo, yon mai
rang ,tipor ;be_
--tatvot t
seetenept,---hookri„ each tieing 0.-
sueh wheight. that WhOn the ring is per. .•
tamed- •10.- •ar1Tur f.rard
.11/? tram:-
The 9bJ'ct of the Jr_ •
• poste,. 'wine by t .way„ •
•hcuW. •,numbersta. 2, a, 4. irt t,
iktit-71tritat-hettieireleer-t, he .
s 'to • 4. In otter. The player gaIn
nother turn every :time he swinge the
h.c,ni1,11" ,y• 41P3!'
. s
)OS$ Lh4Sr
pay Inatty thousand of
j)tiflUri "
wIJ bo tirlY4
ltitoutithe' eX
Imielt as It cent. All
W dey thiis
the beintlY
1143 „wlf1')t4,104,11,11t;it
rett.t3WIS iUi
tr;41.1101 ' or
tit initiations .ot Alie,originta Whie
Willi tar exceeding thein • in "beinitY
PAY be our for the‘ taking*.
'1,•trea st upon
'wafted from sornc. Other"
quiet, deep joys- of life. benison
fat*: from heaven 4.Pon. our hearts. Noue
-timann;.command:tretn,'3101.10` tr• .
You may =VPurtnase asSistance and
terest, but affection 'and leve,Ipme.,tutt•'
-8V1114 td1
'wealth- litivo-TotytrOtikric iffote worlh the oiI -or ti
Lt ).,4314 -than. lhe-,terider the ,411, tha:trew
sympaihy.-the spirit of self4Vitrift-.1.1tg- Joe !)
1, of thr
lath eternity. .
vi. falter
f that 40,0
t than field or fl
rea r-
iparilons ip
tiOin partition r
• A "NIOTIIC.11,q 104CE, Vi e41 IVA
trengft of a fotbers,life* the light
Wren's 'eyes, the joys, ot
igkie-aPe nal the,$0
Uunthed -pounds.-TWeAvo..hundred
0.; AS eltstorn of the' lows is to
• An,,,4-,exPlanat, • ---raldW
viSh •reuders zuijibV to more
on the at, ,ledgers •••of lift_fro
es Vur-lOatt balance, are struck
,When • we make np 11te. intentorfer
our 11, 11 our hearts have any et) --
„predation of true valites; If Ave have
lorntd • AO distinguh ' between lifes
tools and, itspreduet, we findtinit those
Huns wo _eetuld least allOrd to base are
Oise thatt=have, .couteupon.-tis.litithout
-ear:Taber; fioi.haps .witholit oar llesery.',
ing, always beyond -our powers 41.4n4r7
I14r toOltsh,:ition.*ro we, who have.
bt‘ reOeisti the`:en,iltiritt:tittri.„0 by
Post: but It by cliane
d ,enOrele the lore,ing pos
lie who nrat place' the ring
tOur poste in proper order yOtiit
res or the .litewood
tre we not even olOte
-live -,enty4or the. J-
,r 1iaril
1(3 Passover.%iv was-
-the evening Of the some
VP ..olts, rC #oet4ollys, nc
S411111L ft the southem boundary
fArtnitte township, and Sixty-sixl begin.
at a Point about to milel south $.
.0i Auvim .
rectors. ,difl king oiue ki
f'w will brin
▪ Stitit.44.. li i',EA,Ni. Ny11114 ' . '
. filet, AS ..1.01.E.$ TOWNSIIIP.
. .
Moos flora mine lames loWnship, north and Nwst,of Stirer oke, re*. '
tv t ':•Nt9ritri411- t*Or Seen:on .,,,,
our feinily.fOr the
tti The .1lubert and..., fliooirt distriet$:to, pi
it,i1441004,tvith pulettittoT. irtio, noo44:1,1,01.:ziltity,t- ' ' litbly SpoWn o lite -au • egils:. -14114!-iller*
•teut ac thile-vt4141 Eat 1.40,C,ity..,ts,,
the li;r0I-19N-IPP.ry.....1.1..11ui_new-diStrix-t-to fi r 1 e
oughit ol
r t in tiie
tovietz,, thrlen.ctialitr,'Ivett,' tcozno aliettic00,. firoold
41, tfjestt.:",,,a .ntartnet...ibItt,*untnettrts--11 ;tit itho„ ,p2Lyto.
jo :We depth
root, II 01: zi,:no.:glu1!:t414..,ftio:tii'lltittrott::w:nir!i),e1,:ri:hel.1.4s,v,:aeau:.:,,-..90114tu.lOse'417Tcointgittl.:0:07-074--
Do not 1* imtb.)..1, ,
t roliable ttorit .
they uive . I alive v
wow* .to width right; en the ' surface • trees the tre,do
the taii.telliP;OfinpaSserg4ftlaflatti"ks!' ''',0Wiiry,elrii44r4iLuro s!;14-1-;"it4;
,,s'Oiriiti of ,,tbo:.4kiarn .whistie. fs'",e. joyful,.pitrtk:ulurly:- •ol '1/H11'0e *Silver showin --,..,...%*****,4.,,i0,.....r...*****Ii*************404.
T,twOSIUP, all of 'whieh, are Prissel anti,
lw,',6: pitleipen.'. tieSideS having the dio•
, . .
: no* to ., t.,be Yls.ttor,..roo.' in_1444 Ile tI ofrlonttettfIT: , .' , , l'' i • ' - -gb .44t' te-ti1*-•:11,, : ,,,,,,,1: 1-4,r. , . 'Ellict ail. :ii.,,i4iiii. •
iil,;_i: ,
4 •' of lot. tont% concession liveeIffin
AnalirfeTTY aeres-eabir
.. . , , , ,
o. I
Claims t lett -ec
f •rcr
n 4 .6ncession-t,Twliefe ail gnier.Pistn0 . Burglars :10017-;'11,10004,.'
uarlo....mH"le:Ilierlht"'IrtbLr7aei: n4.41.: . , .., -7 • —.7 - - , -
,. .. ,
. - . .
• ,,
•, . •
t*Z7e'PrrblW. MI--lir4St'd 4” t°(17t1 ''''!1;$11‘31;4PV...* ' A 'no. ve-"11 Ine4111114j*(44 Alt"nef bur'.g.ta'ry.'
°14;4:f.' rtrfert;"Eik A 130 St./Mt.
"t°' 44 .ti*sc 1 '1146' .41e $11144 gtrtill'. ‘-'1:e"IiNevtAls-nr 1-11,-hifplit,iinabOtr"17,eql:iirtnity‘lts474‘17;:leeerrht:do-n:tofisa.m4.1:„.;' i„,,:illitt;:iihn41,8,11-7a:ionli Iline:So:Pilitictly:Ye:V, ttnebtirYn,414(1011:111.071t
,Ainiftng the ' best ' ellitinS• In, a
., liship.. or: at iettst•ltaving thel•best gold watch. and chain, valued at 25
:showing ,,to .date, is the- 'Witco elaini, ..ftendMrAir.'arely. attiTens C41134itintagnicrehet".pl()rnOlgoltile4, -..
-,the....northeast .quarter of- r the southtor, -
hail lot 1. OneesslOn"1,• lames, On SpItiTii,..AFAI Nl, . . • \,• . •••'‘,•••,• it...,.:
•, "y wife 'woke me at. about • 540,
....„0,_i•S -.41401:Pttl_-:.r9Itx.....;,.inabos---,,Aidde ,s- rr.poirvorxitio-oretri- Afr..."--araprnit:-.said,' arta' tomptontia
'snows,' eoha, ft,- bloom, smanite cod na., ,,,rossing,...tliotout ,w4ter .sopiy,.. , .:: fteraitittaber 'eyes and lam 'smarted. I also'
tite •silver. At. a depth of four hx?i, " peculiar sensation _about aikey
the vein shos,'.'s. six •,1, ' ..sr:_dee, .' , ..7wit..,r,r,ih„,. nr,g4nen„...Sikl‘Y-,...' *. •, if- s
. posed. ett,-cite; nieol bloom, and -native. _ well .kiloWn' log.41` • farmer. awl. J. 'N. been thrown in My fare. 1 ,
:silver. About 300 ,feet of ,stripPing hes „13ryreer, litiwinid -a tOrible .exporitmel -light „sleeper., and So Is Nirs. Clittbitti4n:
71*n: done on this, Vein and it is re. ' In •the Kalahari desvrt, where'lltey were Prtim what I have beard I bellev*.sinne -.
,perted that. the 'owners Mayo, Tooelvea laret.,•:ditrer• a • blazing ..sun . with kind et dust Was 'blown into thQ•
• Sti11.000.- :Messrs. Tiobert; Bril00, •Albeet're,:tlier.,fW<, '110.rWotor and_barcliY--e_cone reom by .'Sorneene before he enter
MacDonald •and •MoVey- ore the owners, thr4lugh _.01•Pf.ti.44-Jts,-.4.4. .a:-,-1-1044tt-4. 1e-- , ---,T .police„-to---ivitOm--a- Ittimbe
-7071re -IitrOPOIY ; along. Airitti, miliera: givipb, , 7 , , : ' , ' .'orticties Ica An thie room have ex.
others...n.orklv' till of 'which bavb 'Pad: . •-. • TIVS ':, left ':1•10110 logothol . in ti Cope handed,- l)otiovo that;:olorp'hio 'ilusk-rWas
..• , 0 .: ,, f
ams ., . , . r
nt /6 It 13S : corner., o ' tetinox,', :of fl",ings,;ewhi, .a., farm-iSorne <Us -
James hare -also seinefine. showings,- 'tattoo . IWO, the de„sert. :. The travellers,
Hatt •of them having passed twoectiom ,NOre xnaltily:relyhag_for lbe'r water sut
41--,-this-section the greater number of ply,, on • the, irantmas, a species Of wild
--the •veirts-are-:apille,on'the.-stirfacek but judow Nyva goows:-Aiiiiikiiary„-.4it, thiD,
"gradually orline•- aro -eltigrfe'n$ &Mb' Is sand dunesand conserves its'wati,t for
atte:441. On hi.. II. 2 ta. It .V0111 has. beert months, IMMO 'found to their dismay
Arneod' 75 feet. withit pit- sunk- U. feet, that these had all been conSumcd by
-s' 0 044 It i . a ealei terdoltf-thertiontatlie-1 -
-at ,a depth of 10 feet at. t -eareile s--Of-theiCalahart. the'ineagre'steck
Sanaltite and 'bloom :are to be, found fit water 910,4,„„4114 btaught viith.,..thom
'This SOW Vein has been traded -Over $oon gave ,,tout. and •nfter • trekking for
40to feet in' elahrt Al. -11.' AO' and three two. 40.5 :without:4 Aria the • os4n 'atf.
114 'bate •been. 41111k* islieWinff 1,,,,,,tiii. yeinf Ingispi*, ,Tlie•etraVellers- 1.,Vero...$1111-about
JU.Vi(21. ent'i li
tTi' each of , --,I
Soniellines-we' s 1„. get mere 'tom Spencer, •Sundi.4,,, sehoofi'
cetnpltext detitatid$ ere hee9littnit nohhet, * '
greeter. No man, can be rleb ' Pia
tat alt.1S. Mks ,essential demon s • 'COM%
immense-materrel resouree%-. How (4614 -
are Still few and 'sirtiple0ife*.s reel rieh
our hearts*, .'•
darkesi,„jalo,n11 -e4114,03 40,
'any Is (0 be Ininter4ed In, the7iirogatei
for ttengs So abOrhed 'itt. the mcattS•
orinalAg_if. I.
aliggetOr to. th-e7.mertrung of life. i
and so ,loie .altogether. the enduring.
.r*ithea, the lasttng; -Sitstelnin0 ,10,Ys.= the
es.are •within the teal react* of _an- We'''
hove but 10 -Oft ottP. eyes 10 oloti
Shantcful of -British Su
111F-fingiusr-coion-y, is
indignant bemse of the continu ,
Wilton in prison , at Antwerp , of the
• young kJecirical engitreers, Mews. 130r.
• ton, Cowan; Ilegarth and Manson.
The eau5e peculiarly grievous ione,
ttnt therot .01 the prMners is pill.
:able in 1 e extrenio.1 :Although merely
,aWalting cOMInatton On the trivial
, of stealing. pencils, paper, and
* arubbeic-u1iwt-frotit- the4X11--Te,
hOrte Company,' they are treated like
40n . th 'Ititrial.
6Olden Text, . 1
. •TIIE LESSON wtki:tri §
wei_leiLiof the Ilevia41
"nals, as the noptio narratives
plain. • .,, • •
.te a title -4 the
,attstx1 to he,.,y-rittea,”
.4estts- Alzal!ettk,' Of the
Iov.‘%-Are'ording to „NI-tit:thew 17):'
Huts IS Jesus, the King of the Jews
according. to Mark (1,1 g,G),1 "no King
Of 'the' '.ieWsnlir according *to
having tor.Oit oyownnoss, probably.
- .tifts Preserved -to-US-iturioxact-Vording
cif the title the otbe,r 'rirongoltsts i'v
thg Only • fts.„--substatiee: '
Itrisiofce;-.-rr-t Alta, -.11-itC't:TI-
'Ortett*-tlieb;reW was the langtio ot the
e Vuik Inc
M1 of thtn- are 1(reet1--k). wear hink-
n wilt! •
Vele Akeir-fttees So that Only ,theitt
Ayes. can be soen. They are given the
'keenly prison diet, and undergo the
loaTne' lifarOt, reginie butglarst inueS'
dfrEt3 ino other felons, * ,
No ono. who liSteried to their story
e_ou• that -Abe_ charge*
it II extreme. There is not'itio
ilightost foundation far their itnPrisort-
- • „.
.„ -
....t#Tedftteilifit, the
,riforti to secure their release, hot,. this
,I.t._s,t111, -impossible, as only -XS) a the
• 24.0 hail demanded for , all four can
het :found, • The Sectiritics lutist be re.
•oldents_of -11eigium, and propOtit• y -
I :Owners. •
htmu-A'tftl'"'.w.tttrt- I
Old Ston-..tlirO-7,64,-Tikii rtiore- mkt
coot tut -tt-ye- lato vita ot
• ritarnhf 441 the,totintion And got the
air. Mar* 3,1111 live to 13.3 a oxygt‘
• vorinti,710
.• , .
fie liard I r that she waS
And sliot 'wlso young, thi
itkplicA *lies'41 ttlWaxs t
fk. tc11, baYea Y
-wrrittir "some- lime' tetwreetyldrright
autl ' tt-tte-4I-11,4-71!orr-o
passages)... Then folloWeit the trial be-
fore the Jewish -authoritiet, Annas„ Cat -
and the .Sonhe4rio tiohn 1$, lg.
Matt. 26. 57,47. 10, and Pittrallel
passagesie with the accompanying inci-
dents of Peter's, denial and the repent,
nee-ortd--seltedttle-of--,ludati:- sti
early Morning when 0 etli01.1ir003,
and the the elders and scribes Willt.14he
whole council "hound Jeans* and 0
ritiLtrrn.,,ammy-Angl-dolivor •
4, Pilate" (Mark 11 *p. loon -10e o
)142-4,tia-,ThA ;L•`1-UIM
livering „testis to he oroclik4 s
a prisoner to Herold, AntliftiSt W140$0
isdiction -exlended over 6011100- end
Pertea, witere RIMS had tont* Ito,
grenter port of' his llered 'wax. in
O tbe„oriporiunity of seeing lesus,
VhOin Tin& heard Mucti. Ile was
dllpjxti, _
refised-i0 converse 'with him,
with result.that both ktol
suttordinalos mocked and 11140100, him.
tieforo 4i1ditig ijaek t4i-Viloto tt4titiO,,
3404, Anothor inoriknt ornittod tronv
Johns lwrititiVo is' the: AvoralittS
late s wife to bet liusijand to' Imo "now.
ing doi With Ihot righteong mate'
!att. SI, tg4 %loth; of -11.10 eV:exits pre-,
. Pilate float pitsetitallIn to Ibe
find 'also tho bid
*ourging ot hen& of Ilio ot
ontatt "-sol&ers ins!do (he prretorint,
f,TOW.-19; 14; Shill. IAN' Mork 13.
16.10. boweY0o" adds, sottio. Vain;
:of 'Ottr Lord'S teal bekne Pilate John
1. /-15). IticlUding the Mention 'ef 1h6',
or 411ot ranto over pilate uptinhs
• I
this Hine in V5SSe4S1011 Of P410,51010,
Greek -was the language of the
closSic Gentile lUeratur of tit o perkx1.0
_Meanwhile the com -Mon speeetz of the
street ..and eommem WitS wittlo of
those lu its Purity. but the so•-ealle4
1-titttratrW'my - tit
corruption pi classical Greek. .
1„k1 'Took" 'It! 13 ts;,
mystery Ol the
theft In -December, u•st of. ‘:$23,000 Werth
of diamonds, frgtw the bedroota'.of the
wife of Capt. -David litattY Broetaly
'Hail IS promised ivith the attest of
-lohor-Fret , "-Tbnittrifahre
:lthyli and Ilyde •Sellool 'teach,
et and burglar,
• ifortirre'st-O' w c culmins
talon 'or 4 series of .the most, skilinilly
exeouted turglorir$ in ttio tosbiontibio,
Si4wbroy and Lekester distriets
ever. ftrpefrtiled P;nithifia., Scotland
'Yard Itself all but- adinitted defeat in.
unrav'elling thrroyStery7—Thits- a ter
tinfe detectives made an arrest, 0nly to:
Susplcien rover cence fell on Spencer,
w-Tio-was totordOil_os, model,. busiu6S
Man of Leicester,. running good dry
.gaOds stor4,, thore. 'AVQ4' 404 and
'teaching a largo Sunday School:010
of boys and girL on- Sundoy.. Ito--..ot-
lOnded -Meetings of'. charity
Vona, wive- liberally': to the poor, and
_was perSonally .tionuainted•-.,,With Many;
of 'the beskpeople-of 1410eAfer,„ In mcI,
wmplar•y was his :11,14--that,..he von
AO • a,4
ItintdredP,. ists: ot. 100 i)t1fl0S
1/1q4.-ttraTe Abandoning art and oxen tit.
•, •
vyuctirtatoki trottimmairdef
-Mein 'to Start ht intS nes.S. • Who $ov., '91 M9- 9 Is e•*5 w-(1"
Calcite* cobalt bloom, qnojtito,.01144 114-
tivo $11vor,' •
J oanos'AtooGriogor ts, tbo-Pid4401'
"Peelor• of the'Elk Lake sei'.‘•tion., 11,r,tyin
7s0.41ilitamPti,1=--at-M „
orot ,burglatios in,. the noighborhood,
tJr. owin. ihottse*. Cook ,p10,00 Sperieor oalt.
ed aT•putille.intettng, rwlitoh- he address.
ed Attitt „pre- teat*e.f eleguently.,
against -the Inefficiency of the 'polic;,
4itisSING: .•4
a ,state..•of exhaustion, 'and laving Ifini
behind Mr. Smith toiled on \vith his tie-
scrvalat .1.11 toetb_ of 1,
Wind to otIonlpt to niake the nearest
water,. Unsiox's: farm, ,whith .was,
It'sS•only .b.Orft. In it it,g, bouts. he had .1)04
Mr. *Citainnaty'l,s clolhes„:„which. were
taken from the bedmoth by ,tho burg. ,
si 44. Avell--os-1344-..wati) add mon
were found, with the pockets tln'ncj
inside kilt; AL-cgrneva
tlie yard.
CAN'T !WEI* 01.,V
Aastralta-Sairlfirtnif X60,00 -tt' -Tear- -
.16.6 'Attempt. '
The Australian .Prohlhition of the inte,
pertation of opium is a toretA Official*.
:Joni .tieii-•`-triitilifit::,a7ditit-41-fr
tua ingenious unserupulon
cou.tielf o ttwit- ver ' .tietectiv
no).• .nutidnit forturtes. out of 'the 10
Cjiinese and .3f0 tr,itro,Oaft
Ifte oplutn. habit who live lite ,Catn.
Oh. - '
The Custonis Department* Officiali
•titive. Of 0OurSei. sonde seizures, slat*
laultary"1, •ItS,16, when Me itn- orfatiort
naurrmirrmuumnrimi n s r=rimurs !Immo
ogy, aw, cwolg 0. in r ot Moos o Jiguo o .$1 ve 14). kt*ed. ibbustinth, f t pyt;ste.
who have eatuPS adieliiin ' Itia.palate end lips .wore 000tod with o • ,f
also of, the Io men crucified _with . .nlgid. $ 0-14$0.1*4-,PlYster-xos jar L-3). e ti,s4idtRria--e
8 .g rld jjj lb°8 let Crogor*.s the place . will be 'known in • Ito brit!, !pit arymer. at 0,30 41tics .totoling swat. &a.000; not their
. nearly 200 snittgftzers. and trithetedport
i44:) oh' te4 witit--w-4?vee*inn,-
matting Dm "to the 'knOes,
tr. Possibly, tt$ $011)0MCS* .t0 tile
. •
Seripinre (oMpare Psa. 22. 18
•,.. .
arrnedtvittf* •-•-.41---t----,firi' 114",rofn1"Il'''tiA theit11414:2' aril' 'Fred ft" krm---..-/ tili-iiitt nowa liftruf,,,b0Y trirew* 111) 111(3. sPolge,';6" int iMPOrt.fa.fkrt I ilk nIalPrialfo
- 7. ' '''''. -- ' -'110-'1'1,..gAric,.---'7„:17r-'4' -Aleieltay it4;tiveit; 434)f Otindayl, On- 40/ (11, la.t.: heArt .-5,./tEllt had to Pil_sh fon' 'ivith --exid_ttin r ip
444'fr p_itl
ii.vit.ctt_ ..------___Ne ._ , , --",-...,.....A...b.,-..
rs rind ki led• ' or*, Av a r-..---.14tuts.„ mociki6-4,-,-10 -ma witr4i, 41-witorty-srolity-,0=Pnli SPIT:ger frzin, r- opium, o :et' •
troblo 44,1i4bitie Many 'ScbJch. 14 btrtbv hitt . makes- his ' resl. . Atti,b0C Or two Illter be Wes ovedoli,tri tii4/0 , A u coil ,`ag '.ell act.,
4,t, Elio IPP. ' ' ' W ' \ 1 lk '`.6 P ' ' rs '
lititk$Aintr,tfeo: he. :donee In. iiinlpegt .14111toba, . Ir. , by tw . uofg Tronmoolt,rs, Ni(s.,:s. e iron' :Chitta4• is onttlly. s,eare
Made ,irt end- in 0,11Olth., - 'MacGregor hui:tharge, of :the- properly. , Gerber and' 14104 ,on horseback. * fealo,,Ift0Ing.
. • 41, • • -
- ' • ' 41**/ t4,4414,2-01Erottrt rY. The, rollort fat,'
1 • . • wag rtifaltyx4 torrm hy tho ylierest, tio. ..bl, Ile. 6;14 syuille....,o04 twat/1g fis a,s,., had li`mt lte bersti end It Innle front thl 414, whicfp,no Ci4vornalont wilt tore ' '
' And upon my, vesture do they cas
• I f " —
,25,„ Ills Ynother, .ond tits 'mot
tor., Story tlie.wife Clopas, and 'Xiary
;., CI MO p0 ieetTitift.it11-6 i'Vbii-O-'-**I.111, 14 t tt lin--, , t ,„ ,.
t .ktio, gill but.. :retti,cihrlt .tot bo.etio, iiiigir',141-n('S toliwsh'ipt Air., NlactItrgor, .41R1 " 01..114d 10.,xl, loft, 1'. ng on th,e.y0dt., toelier..titzfritt, or tustorol,,, fri tho
itak. 11-itilk 14,4n, . has ellarge, of „the Toronto syndicate, They ,had 1,,und Ilrynier.stili altvO, hut; .crot ...minl.sio.4.,Atr..-.c4riptkuttn-,-,,
4''.14)--, ;''''''', 0 --- '' -----. '-etaliusi loll, I find 24 4lattie--tift-011-;of. :having 'nu _watkr tbenisetio
un. that 'ititge'atta..7:_in-iwikat're-1,4"r4 ilit
WhIll'ilii.474 iFirdaerti.-47riairlWeii lilifiliim -140-1"0111,4fdi 7-111 . t4 rocs,. !a. ,...erilitt,ou!, tt 0...11
'Ve'rY little. 'work -outsF.de: - orttio Oto '' ,,c! 'Roux was 171 o, tate 'Of eel., revenue mid added rcirtdcrattly. to thg
stssicoont *work ,lial boon dOno. to. date o
trut )tblesto bayintf
g to .i. held, St ot ifs WiVtrrittltItt StrVJOr with
•titirtiny• of ItiesO-.Otalins. lin.Litie .I.A0.3t, 4•2". hii 1, r5d4_ by' rioibe',..?; Trxr.. twanit,plint#. banisltitg *Ohm tronvitii-si}ore.s. --
;mother's sister, Story 1114 4141_0. nICk
pas ond„,,Mory _thrt__•:MngdAkitiv
italics the•lext and, parenthes4
',note, first; that'the (I
'in elir literal rodering.,44, poSstim
ts in tile Greck'left 10 I3O.slijs
plied; and thitt original tondolin
111,0* -0 are IT '14011'0 fiunctlialtand ‘Ve
note 'alsoi rip tonfottetiott oceUr$
LOtiVtft1 Phrase, -Mk's rnothees sk
ier..3 'ant the tollOwitig itgurt, 1'314114"
-Would,seetriA0 Intlitalk -mat
'two were to be Identified, funk:log
tho itinnher 4'it the WoiliKri inentionod
vilhor Ittliti 14)04 x)s, soint oanit
viontolot$ It „is otso po$Sibk%
illA - ',‘41.Odtroy.', etolins Ontr.olled by Cobalt- ((1 Inc Went , afl'. ahead, prOtieslilg 10 \ '
- . : . and Oltawak ..iArtktai. •It • tohipttrutivoly *end- listk- ltellt:11Strtith and the ()Mom
. grotho' I d littlejlello, hitt a, •wititt 4,1 0000 -,,G1 A* viopment s‘vt*, boa . ' .1.Ntiva 4t111,.. a 1‘. no. dtstatito _teont Mr. • , TIIS wpftit 171111N$, ,
0 , . . ' .
a , gOtit lit • ,,• ' " ' Ikett siititte 10'4:104. I 04:,,,,stoot tioo stot),4-4 • ttnoox's fowl: NI* '4, sonth rot scow rti.
' -,"‘ • ' 1. my Skil'. -1.,1 0,11 Mile ingii. liavo liO'ori'- ni .1d.'.. .0 I' .- it 'trot ioe'ormt ?t*tfilgos. ,trcln .0Ortrion • .811c. 4148 4 1!$1"14' .''. .
4 l'fititi gO . gstilir about flint it *IWO .:A.,...ov*I dis.oti'voty_ :ivos: in_64k oft„the: _,I$Aolth,itiAL gricett„.„,tattlarit_ t*ter ;in „,• ' T,11#,,„t 14,,k,„1„14....,,,l'Vlit
' let c titi-ASIalifilz\VII01.Vill,:flike,thf,Liatnif-, Lopity, Aacititvy 41g:tol Iast.44oventber,, wurds th ttiteir trildg;, ' 'Intrettitik 41$ ti rot -n.u5" '"'''''''"uk"-"*"'".
While liar, II* worriti:
:44' 'hiV11,,,L1 4," (I 1,,,,_,,vs," 1,,,,,. '...1, tot , -I, ie ore.: shr,,,wing ittie,obte,,' smaillte• tind :nativei, Joey artilt thes4S ,Inhuinan,,,I*iPie attbv-, con , .ill 4 wan
tut: .For yi ir gvug .!.(Asi-i',.. , ' ...iOnvei., prOPP:Aet - 6 *4;nirk, 4- '' ittikiv OtWAYkrtti. 'INV,. rt :SW ..ettb0 , . • -- -
- . a 11:0,7,0i ' tor ,,,I1011 -:Ort, Mc ..$e 04.-opor i tt itc: ' ' th - ita:Vv/40'1:teitt:14::: 1:Incel.',, *414 f411119 1/16 'Cliff* 'atid.:i3r6111
g f ert!.'164 :rittilIntlirrilikf' t4T-Litntilfirrpet:;iititAts trit'21n tb.70'
.„port'..eill4r: district.. 'Stour .etivespendent ;,s g .ii eil exhausted
\was .46.4ge,ceataly . s.urprloettf '• discovorlag ,, 0,-.AtiO. )t, 4lotytt iind
, lira I'm -0E0'41 ',11.41Tii 4bitil.- to,At.ir ntlVa.., wd, 0 &t'-4." ttrward .osurtutni 1
- '- 7 -.tit ' it.. i ' ' ...', , , '
... 1
T1oi.0).0k leSns 1kre6re
13''XflOfl 84lditm ile,kgatM
senteite followoiti
by a 1),M1ttsmous.*P11441
$sttioplit. naOio
That ono n1 1y-
tfy' lIse
ef. the y 10 0Olgoltra.
• 'AO i u
lititalty 141 ,
t Wage,. the
ttl.r. has t. supp1-0,.
11)5'thinn0 ,Oatlie5t tom
hIfj' 15, aoptt wria,s.tiwod, mot
t41 tbIttooknn Cifopaft,, two.
Litt " 1.
Peon) Mutt. 04
'and tAllit .et Inkr that do*
Pastb h idcnUj1et
:Other of lotus, I • 1.kss fmtufitiro, 41
• an& •14.11-io, I
time' for sato
t, tit /Ito cros
Mirk 15; 40, and
114fi r -4 na 3 (1,
OtItITt-ttitt 1iitU t t itt10i
Oietilt V24 '.•he to)
the tp
itter. to; 4010
r,t entontat/Itit.
t. (-411(11 and tos
st al Very. Prem
'14tiod; . ornongs
r140431)0P. '
elaion it
pertii, h.ing it yjtt,j
;stint. 1
ti sunk to 1)1 V1f1
trits*404ntt,o4t hsu
ifhos wafstmJ
:11 rt!ntrlk tits *..te tind
1 11e caielte
1. this I