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Exeter Times., 1908-05-21, Page 6
, „ F • '4,, t - • t,4,-,...t"st.t4,-• .7., • 4,... • 1 I , i twrts t1 b1IiI)d1 at, - ,..en 11' li''...0.',,!,,,istiott*ritels''''''"" , ''xelikint , ,., . , , , ,_ . ,.• ..,':.7'...4,;•,WRITE US- „T,..-,-, ‘''..z., :,•!- • , ••,•-is.:'.:4:, -5 4 ? 'ii.,.47-' , , --:' ' '. , ... .4,:,, , , i,., , rt ,,,:,11 ,, yo r; ..;0'g..,. i..., ....:.:' • ..,_.:- '-4:‘, . ..•1•':,!4:i,-;,•••!' '. ‘....Pott11:•:, k ha t i& ben Ulo • ,, ,, '” . ‘iSI rv . . .vvil la '. It - ,::.#0,,,grron , .111; ' -.',OottuOuce) nibbling. ' - out.tlxiS put. , ' ..•' , ti,, ': shoitht Do OUP-, OPIVO' , , . r .0, ' ,'. , Thti .0 feete.,•44he fleece faits eut.-,'Usttally everything, . L had.. , ,... world tr4..'. ' , . ,su ,,,o• SYmPtent of ,the'dlooe,se; ret, and'. pe ' for'by •a, Dright; .1,4. ... ,: -.' n- '''..rrgi •11t.4 '''.°1!,4,)1414, **''',.*x.rii,14.ci,....2.•;:k''' 1,... , 0.): . ,, ___ u 4::ti, lou:sly.*Ird . ...... ..,-,:-,,' s- . :. , •••.• , • - ...t.,.. ,t, ,L ..,......,,, _... _ ... ,-•*'•-•*;*.x.14'.4,--oilit4liiiitnittl•,: v'e:c.,41trit.o.:iepritr,t4Vttie:.;4.. --,,ii, .,- -,,r,,t,'71::;-".14.1.4.‘t-it. ogitiitto..,..i..„: rnlL't t .at. . ,h0:400111, at .iiiis,:i ior triettit Joao.. - . ' , . •. , • . - L • ... 1Le •,041.00.44. at, and • a' tittle conle'nptua, Sq.. 0.01hjnOt ..'be°4040 Of 1110 .141*-P44'''''',A1*. Olive ,--iterneY. -,,,•'' With ..;rislag:teets. ' tult '4.1010'the$* 4.t.PP.' hicOlYf' ' .. *'•,.0tOole. •?.. ..•1 „pOor-liiiiit.„Jolte4,19,0t,'„,.0 A " -;404*111104°44.04 thle,.Lhor MuSt' wOti,l(. 9Ot, be heard the. full story' at the dread:tut 4/14°,.igtiv:•:,...',.,,_, ; 2'''' , .,,,'1 ,,,,.. .'• .- • ,,uoito;.-0,04ittiliave, , .e..--,4-,-0,0---be.kooping,,;,;.tho4overs.,Iapar - s-atalooati4tyat,,,,,reolotely;401100.,_ 40,4 - •„.. '.01eahried.-x,,kp alt ant ' fas'anu.•suga be - -°' - ' -. ----i. ' 410 .:,svoi..„4.?....;,.‘!!,40..1.#0,1,t . $0.14r Them..."Lihaf1 ..lt i 4, :grave. Ale:, lelti.n... hisf owni...4nM4 ,e,-Tuf#'. fig:4-7*Ii4to.iff44.:47,00ft*o.: ,.., vivo c.„04.4000, .. ,-kw. '" '.. ' ' ' r.-400 • II i• dar ic, '4 : , • .. , ' .., ..7 ---''k' .. , ,,;•.,,,. ;.-4,1,,•,,... . ' ...., ..iitha. . , ;,'. ' , _ . , 14.. '-',„ ., r.„ 4,dt. . . Oilieeff . . v. ' , . . .... .7.'re*4 ,' ..... ' - , . ,----.., ••,,,,", l'' : oys . , • ''... . *it puzzle;litei.:href. I • . 4 , i**1- i . wort •• get soMpono te. :ordeal- woug'.uninad'h , •:,, '• .'• i, ., . • • - ; *. nit'. td141.4W. ;,11.*t46- an,,,.ilitry -1,'n,f-,', az '. t .H.tio,cit to . tolglit Set, lin* 11(sw 11*C' ,40,v4ittitorp.,.-V4ktio,...ot,..414,-.0.• 41,f0,.y0000,,towidi rti,.,_, ::,;',4.41,141y,H.w,,,,,t1-01.11$4,d,Atclit.i.x*itt;tiii•.,1.,,Vit,Itioa4to..:Mixylit, iii, • i...', ' 4. "4 ''Whilelapparently working in ibe. 'ft' I:' r 4ir,,0,14:.'sir,1i#0140e0ti,.., .!'*. -:,$14,4%11,!42;404:,-0.14.1110:„..AtHrtYliititg,.4.: iYttolo;Po..ixtoor...$013; ,liow0,,.1*.cr.k.:1:: 1,P::carrf:-„Yeice...!•!,00.0;4...,-,1011.,.Yet.i'Vt.at,, we, 'We..''' ' ,... 4.i ''''.'•O':''.:0,1;YieOt'S,vi*Motit*:-i, -the , • - ,. •, out ak. Insana;,011,Vesei :Yen iro.'.' ' ialt.e.'1..reattled.,04.-riW7*litt-H * t ' • ' t :.-,puzz.l.e-dcOildk ',U, . 1.i19.,.40 . ..0,:,4emeorto. 4e. ,-..,welt.'.4.1ter er‘i. lanit ,,,,Ottik:44041101,4 rhari';14. .... b,••.(400;the dlit0Slien ':- '''. '4*4'11°'4114 °tIltsc`-'14*.TtC4Ittle.ti 414: AiLpert, 't110,-Whele bli$40.:00$ ". *.•••'4,111'4. ;•.40* -11, Wile ...,---and.'Hofispriligai•iall atatio, ,a,, r.' rii., 'ti4t4,;;.4.„ ,,,, „ . sulphur.'' „ Ai .s., . , - but. Lhe ItW ' ,..., flew .....,.,....-.7.. .,.7r.t..-.4-:::-.c-:,.•.,.••.•-,;..,7,7trt-,-, -,---, .811.01t "4-11144440''''-'471147I ..;,.. .Y.;'..1014Vet*r÷.1*”00-111*,' IT:. 7,-,.....'....., ,:',_.. ;Its' rest, -11:*;,,,rif-'74:, f-.7.. . '- tii.4, 1.5".. ecinsider ,011ie ,:tt*,..,iliailti ' .t;,'t;;.../pa;.t,:' so,.0.2etiLvnlaty.'.weit...t_ at: X aid., ',.,so knoigate-•.whilt...:40o.r;.1.01#1..Pet.8.11.g4;-: -..iira;:„..- ' itii.-14.0-6„..,kiiiti.-,..0,pioto....40,..,....toc...,, tin.,;„ -)oerety', bona you won't give uP..1!'f' - , . ..1).e---.4-49,1- 1.01,,,vt ,:thr•,.'1,.1),' l.• rt., . ,..., ..__;,-.0#14,,,p, Iola of unapked:lime.. put Mfrsh., .ttc,io.rof* „ thatOn'a .cUrbolis.cituxo e• , 0.?.110.,Tunl bMt jacr'44'1.41-4.-:- • 'Am 1.00 sat tf. woman lo•-,'0111,-'110..Mastor that .was tO...inx.v!•,tieett.00.1-"Fi".:., , ,,....,.. ., , a.,, r t Do* ',or, tub and slake with, • I-. , I-- 1 Al• * -MA' '' - ' .. ' . 4.1ipteJettutiiititkit :tidily' , • ‘'...1111iltrtf,r et, ,0.0,011. • ' -_a - ,, 4,,,, „.."--tivomtv,„ ,.. ,.. ' ,,,,...."1,,,,- ,,,,. . --,• • -r-,-,2„ .._..., . , • ,,,.. ,, , . 4 t. ... 71:-# 11„ . i ,,,_11.,:.,, ., '::: ; : , ioy ats_bniii 4Willit-Fr 101/14111"3".,,,,, .1.1. -r.. 4 Althea ,,,,Ti"...hafor-12-0,1-117'"-S! ---,---,-----41tilk-.44,,44itirfe;-.041101,070--'w0,0 ,r 4. , .. t.i.i•-•• ,,, hi-4be 4? - - . - - -, - marrx.." a -0:,... ' Whorrib *':.:- - . IRO -0- Or, Wir — ' : bur and 's it :Well.' Put..this. fltht.ture ,....,....,.....• s...41. tbr-trite.-:,ftuttIO :,--', ,,..',17,4 oni--sc-c• , , ...--waTyr,v,'„far.---.. - 0-2' '(;.4 1 ., ,.:.,:,inu..mogi4.4..INit;:i4,'Eilix').*Oii,,,,t1i07,:1",. 1.V:WhO„ ,..iii4o,li,,tilwtro,„—,to,..,:tits_4;,,,„0,,tti:,,,,,rt.,a.livylt . lt,,Inz,Liter.ort,‘„acs, 1.00„.„, invbolletatz4L.4.rizemoluoliot.,,ivak, 7.,,,,:. ‘,ii(045%. , 4.4rau,_ i7s,ti.7iiiii.iir;:llit ' ' ' • ' ' au . of a . ' „ • tnir""°1"' c""v.v°.'""' "1"7” •:"11' . a • y -tate had that' money., Whielt '3, Mon, ;Aviiii..• ittep i.eth-ptatty.. - fthiffirweri ,.....,A A ,, .1,,,i.a. , for.; ,,,,-.,,,,.„...,,,,,i‘i.,...4.„,4.1..iii... Aei.v.,,, °I;11:1:' haV"eeit 41* mtki he kY • '.'Corepany. we ml... ght. rt: ea, for . a ilti. $11r, ....wa• hag that was h, e.r, 4e.a,,ilLy ,, , it yu.: wit .,,throughi,,okas: anit 4.44 tenottg, tifitre it 'was not in illin to 1,1110.01(.14.114. , Ile whoa . unto ,twom, blot! turned up! .0 14,10 1,44,111.non 40 . . t 1 , .,,44 , ,. .water•leibrilig 'the total' .andletm_:et, ,410.• ' -4, latviat••-',Ith,,'•Iiiile,:vaiity ,oLt-photriraprti; -.so' - tit- r. est'pre---,..0-tito*.akail.' ant on, . th,e,'stiiiuldTtere. ,' le ..0.10,01 1 1 $ , . " •' - -• . uo..1.,,e' _044 torairagagatts.,,„ kio. the dip:, .,,•: '- taUghtculf11, ‘,13v 3 74:10-44•-, '---w- • ' borderland -of. bankrapteY.:, :Pt the Wax. ,,man,h0w4 can , you talk. to me, of , „ at A...,tierahr.rat4m at 100 ',4eerces Wilt, ftow'r tinted hi, bis direction,. add, „ . ' . glit '31i"i4P'4 W' had"*(4.: 's° he* told •E -111:41%mul:olijrir :4.'1=Alagt.r;1.':VrtZlirtil,!;4441(11:14i )4tuot.?,11;4..ik(4:r.. turning .14t"s.: '..F'', ...'''' ',..,' ..' ' '7. ..,'.. 7, ' -' . :It ':',iiit.440 lho PiAlciciogLI%e 1/...,,„„;,lis'-'4,,,,ti. Co with...IV-she reilliod.-0004ilY'..; "t :r.:!-.10..vay--',1114 he* °Stilt, for. all Ahot.' rt,'; ,l, , .,',*.' .-.': .'',,,pAN.4,„NptTg,s, i4.0071, -.4q• -•1100. -'ant• -•40 -7* -'4949""4-'"' memberlhe 'airieunt'i*OettY.M041Y.--710,*,addied-restil0.01.,lti-,1-4-0000se'lw-"uL''''' !Ilto '\'inerootaddioli:biiett. li a 0017: . '• •.'' deftetiOY ' about ..1110, Wetter; the Antt 44-, .Titos. with, a' little :gold in, en<etdr., Purse* ,.luore .wished Ine:lo take -charge -et, itviutt : . , . ; ,, ,ti ,, ., . i . ot _ in. , , . 0: ' °I/W:1° It/s .1111/14 "4 that he vas' :-that Ivo !relt iivithti's4. . • -0-44',...., ,,:,,,001$' ,'vitite,„tOrs.. and what What wettlft.'Ittive been good t..h).g. tor PHI rifl ..or to .040. . th • ' ''‘Vc's Pc*_4° al**1-'4ind ' that 1(4.11: srd ,pr4s,ced 4hott h-lit_the,-,,,Wt 404' '44zabLi ,g_10-',.01-4(ttriii to.•. meet innrid ,144to tor 0.11, to 14 - • ', . 1.•. : ., • ' wasOlive. , - .. .....:$1,110. , ibitig 1.0....4000,t,teont,c4und.edli,,ibsf,,Ituillo,lib,1e4boutio'iith..:0-04.1,0„intaia,,po'Settim04,,iilieratort..., .,abia.,11,10,torih%mtoz.:,,wina4w, ,,ti,,,Tiwiewoo ,00 bring im,e4no!Ao.,,,ssr•7"-itib-a•If:tr_itll.4110:..,.roirtodevIr40-r. 1.:oart, ',:2,t ,...t: ,Lne,L.,.,0,u. v111,t.),, - ' ' '416°4-641-444"4":443.t-°°*' Tkriows-how41..ber7-tna' Ita-gr, ,, , 4,,..,, e,...70.1.,.0-. jo..tritly.„4.,...4...1;:..70,... attet,ortatt t knovH-htisy,..4extsoL,_ .,. , -40., 1.4-• 0,0 jutt,t„.41.14y.,s,or,,, dorng Serapo;ft together, .er Wo woo.' oftw..,..,,,, ,-Isttitit, i,),i4 bag contains, bcctrooi-st4O.Wes,;tiett cOnventently' fix tho poeket.'-With'a• , ,Ati tho' world who could' have. helped' . ..* .',0ini.0.1`1-_•116 rnutteret1-'' 't ' lo•fl . '•,,-. had takeievittat ,W;03,0... .4.kl, .,.,1‘.01;0_,11.1.:„4„„,7„,,,.•:latv_Hattits.4.0f,itonepii.114,4114..,rolp ,.6•..s.,terw,; , ,,...., : .-ar.04,4, 0,,, y.;:v, i,. tho'itortn;sti;p:37:::-..,px{.4•Fi., , , .,-stowly-41initlhotigmtoot7;Iii4og :40,:tit.64„..1,0... ..,..,..._tiTtuti,,,, liaI ne reenways! f3ardens. AS ;,the ,',Gardena .0:keep it in English notesand'''."*•!•n.g..1"$'1" "11 You, '31tOnlit 'wish .1,4y,Clafin. it, •-• , ' .., ', .... hera 13oneere144,0 tr.. An a. 1, )- • tb .'els , • *.41 , erRthbon. teetfl& IcX�, -ftambles-4.1.1" w telefier , It ' t to, Iteett ,\41* 'in tlfe.-1\•..,..,,,, :, ., „ '.'1.131g4lt 1thtil 4144 but tO prevent.. any\..ef! ',40$ 4h440-allsing '4) ut of thts, slate of affOlro the "flaboas Vera l'''- ' I; 04 44, * pas- th, • act rsoo, is do,. 1 r ugh to s'at..er'Where ho itoprop.• ' tiy 40t.0004. by° privolO ooyotio ,b4'4 'pie -tight on his hetkott t� a 'ply to a, 11.004 for ,a Writ ot itsbeas • •••••03-,-WhintaaWfthe vernOr that : theft1dg4'.5catriliegir' !0:41tOYasoo kept In and, lt no got ',reason is i* for ;.'sVardi.li0.: VA, Tikti09. 4.40.0 at .0* .411 Olte(tc • litlitodera,erirolnalLpiactico .thete IS -140 ot the (*Attu's OO Square reqt 'OP tt r• • •-hiquiree•Ute the _.uset add 18:.le711.;.t.:1;urhtb17-el:wstli:YALeiItu 'tho.day following- arrest. 'rhe tr-broVit-Defore-7a-magistrate..,Ittrit • 4.4 AlL4tit4tiirit' Iowcst4nsUrafl trai Locon Jour Large • no •S..lext_order - • rands_or 4,4,tititelOrnmgloiliktunT.4.40grusais_111: trodeeTeonunitted.--to-take-lxis-triatror,„: •apctelt4,0, -• ;0= •r „Nevertheless,,itoegasion at'sys, either tent.hator civil inettit•s;"The-gliaboa% • • CGrptis" on still li set in xnotion. • • •immitietiONS TOO IsSettextoN -or, ng'strip•ot grou fen /I to' tes.-tani ten pounds in gold n, 0 C lagAILliUhli, —' Cover Nittli1,.0 „ -6-1d ' vbt1 1246°rt", Itu4,114 The,oecier.restItfrr,h4•6, y4-ju, „,•vetr444317.4.it'• fortp,soroe—oitt., -There • 1": Scli°44 . • wa ti. it r . to. wet. y • yo - • titis Inv, es w '•i . mend And :Do comparatively alone,. be., .,•--.,'...tan...,; thee vas It* refil 01010- In Green. :' ". WOO? Gaff:kris save that ot tis..inhaht. 400.end Victor,: ..Kolinat was 'paeing, - ---..-----e-lowty-to and-iro-at-the litrther-endr.-611- . UV& veriety-cliange,a,--abmte-all.-things-. ,,,_ - - - - ,,,,... •. . . • . .* Uwe smuseidelit.-1 saw in•this 4 Chance- yi1111.1' 11031'7: )''''°i1 Ilaife bfe•Pg11.t• The 1331 ' trgo,ono better:than my oivot, insertit., 1h° 11113111CS, 31'10 1: 310.1'1° "Pq'ts1ve lin'' ', able' on0-011ve* inatead Of which t ea'n huts -and trastc4i 'V‘Illat. vtillt..1*°11(16 ''t .... -:.77,7•Sit ...a ,Staxidstillt Or-ceur* ilL*11,-co ' = us t I should say, AvhcA the last , ,,, '4.•0"- that; she is lit a 'standstill also; be. shrink.; -13 gone, I. can't "--11"'" '' '•-, , 0e -she Oise,: lfoklio. leionel.,_ .t!theio hi avo,n t a voice. or wo might do a. little' 441soowt„, likul-Nate-einging in the sir %ets-TWO , - ,,,,i.whoto. the 441; Auittfr Thicips. 111111dred and• fifty pounds! It's a lot lof =.,, . 'at ;yummy to- ber -lost." , '' . lievddf0"notrer°2Jaleten•„..4"ent.. 11)11.1).1.tw5iyeleNt*t°arri_OYI13*•111.4_-"t' : -1.* ..,11e. 003', hill -rt. 4,1.• .4",61*.?).° -0:110h: . . •,=,.,, ..,. one; tonveYin inv n .....: ._ „ .. ber .01hoivs ,o , her knees, an er .'111 -g -i 1,--iiii-rds---•.blin; leo- itilthe' .. di- d -, 411' lter-1/4114"14/11t4'''''' - father to Victor tiwotter written 14,tion C Ai'''' . '' ' lo'llcm co ' II' ! ' • . .'. . Victor .iteknan •tal, wit.b141.1'. ---- ' - -- ' 1,4 t ,•• _. 1 uti ..ffiadi eheaPlYt.:4-0•41-1tAiti4 ,!,elt::t.he,,,.114.r._ 7, .cti.0 • 0 (3, ,,,,,, e SaW , , • i• - i t /Ind lbilr, ' hatt''.41v-volt. in- M4 •*-:1'1 P c1 - ' ,-tiets neat 'And- free, , from .-dusr,.. ,.. . !. fos. • • V •• A $ 1... , , 't VittglitlY '41te- was 'ea le- /, hit hat .at • an agiel watelling. her.- • , , . re -41 ' 4 1 *WM # t: At bis -end of the strip, of gardow "I'Auppose )U 11 think me a Idol, Vio. leiter,* wort', rotult, or lOcl*IY 'glitirt°4 at; fv*IY.; 71'utt who MO .one .tliat, wil '.. ' . wolf at in:0y brokri gate, Odell might,' te,r4but 1,01 no goal at tlil businos4..),- iv. was evident, that as this' gettledian. 01-41,4,4e.ttlisit. .01,1,s-tanti.44,,, litsotin at spine • time' or other have been lock- shc, sot at lost; , "rerbaps. there. Is ,In:' knew the .301131 ccilitClits I' illq bligb 1t' both stonchy •and . waSteit't to ted 0.31111P17 3'i*iung 10311' 1.14; :11111gt'3 • ' nu. something of My inother.;;Sorifelen,.-111t 3,10°111!1,1,-,.11VP,,„41e3„„,11,1121;,,,,t1113113„,,„4, ,gti,14rirf-a-feerrbWttiat'is.:-oe:ft'eleanr. I . ' Av.,' Makinmeertain that, she sew him, oerivess that n,_,A, on, my hard li!,4) c6ilid s1T in go1,4A lis.: (1A0-,P4,"-1,*3 "tv1"-• , Varmensi 1v110 In early Spring plan 11.6"Pa.,301"111,'littr'nrgit the- g1Ite, egtPte•-'..lovi."0•0'...f. ' I lif,V aWaite tot flight. 11114k. call°11: 1)10$' w"-'''. b""*“..4,"'''''' '."""'''''f'' fOr largo 'yloldt ...rather than' fOr. Uri," ealolder,;.lit_satvW.Ilk_ti-14.44411,0434:001n4m4x4,4 ,0.10.mic ttuvo ifilits the inoirs.itt !-,t :was ripper- , 'f0a9Wing4 Ai ,' it 1.4Y 1.'Inixtual .comient,7 add the brutality (it It. Ali. I wasn't .ta 7 Sa SinCer6f 1114 1/P'llPegge-4/ IA/ 1.443;" ' 1110..? 3tOPPOI ot, the- 4111e 'afalitAlle 1)Ince•111443 pit thiq kiwi At thi,i. . 1,1,, °bar, .„-ously that, they would. let him - have ir„„'„,°1141,,,„,' 411,11111!1,1140,,,,,:lywilt' .4,i, tniv;„„se ..f.,,,,,,e * Wastett4a,. lot,,fildden. to -some,. extent.. IT ii,„ -t. ii, timit me it t -- ,14--b;iiii7 Hogtit the h$1tos he bad already pos. 'ts;'!'"•7,,i-w,,,,,4941-1:4"tut,,,rt,,-,46-' - **'" • -'''''''''"",: isr.,The•lait ,eld ifeee.771.'W.rnan-weved, -itid4y44. 705-‘ r'''"4 -T,-;..-'''i-----t--' ----i• IA,: ' - -- sestet ..lhat.'he pined • Ili ;point 'Pvt. 7-"---7,'" 44,0- sill'il,00#‘ '41.'l ''-- ' ' , st iitttiiir Ptiiittly. . toward:4,140 ,s001.4. -tti • , .. ,. 4,4'1! af'nluthol,r::, tilitatiy,' rtoildilit, if60,-- , I' a 1.. . ' ' 1)tiVe,` foritOtttnw Ohet:',0 • t3,4:tk--roiiglt--tntiriot ali4a- '' . n thing ,bettor for growing anhnals, • '.•ChiragoI - "Oh..4or partitular reason. he re. • Iod tip With A, rol-n.y-0,1,10't mititio,„,' than iaa6,7, . • .• • - .spimded lightly. , ."1. w03 enlY re . .abont to marry- th:trPeer,)-011•1140; ,34-'17* •Diseussing .oschool Unica.° rireet tiug tbOt Otto wasn't 4 little Ot it' 44e4ri* . ' _ • ‘. 110._them , oriervatill ,priittitnit:74h*_canoutivmuratt...ot.41 oftANDS UPI 011 I Every liriton has the:right of defend- ing' his properly and person, and la ,• , uso such II -degree' ef tome AA is dews- tri4, any practices be 'Constder,. sar,y odd *AtOonahle to ,attain, that oh. te-lridividualpupilsr---- -001.--410.,must,no ewete4:14ftict.4in If ,anY ebiid is epecially ,,4,00ort. assailant an. in Any .4ut of all pro- ' ..ed..11..-.1101.b Nut 'Tea her ut fering.ifreurcedy ailment Or defect ot ,i0Jury.4.111toll s$04,,es:-Ipoesitsto -• t.4400thoe, .it - man -Or hercuteart: amine 110 e. • :Strikes a, little Oar, the letter 4j2. When -ty examine cad aka o• kveuld le entitled, to kilt, hts.,,aMettian,t, • . retity041, 'he she Medical', it his Iff-fmrainent *0". he • •• rs .• 'Stu, but it he Ong:protect li nselt,,,by: Mere- • :dents and n ing . end ropOrt In disr's•Of env yes; at 11:4?, ho • ps c I . The right 01 301f -defence should . be ucettsparingty. +The trop•etr:ntothod: for the .punishment vf the -aggressor is, • atiei suai•-ixamtna. 017courSe, --1*--Icgot-traftioat: ' tion Xtee'..,esSarl. -1Ierti 711 nustnot be-forgottedr-ln-this•-cont - tho•fliness. of teachers or, PhiPlis 210 nn; neotton, -that anyone, who, by maw ,ar.go special'eonrseS af physical train, 11,,, assailant. 'takes a eaurse Wbleh is c-..n.s`d,..ree"utiroaseriablo!,' or "'Antrim*, Jj. I1•S' halt,- by lecture, demonstro.t 'gae..,Ft.‘`. liable to be. indictx1 for Man- . ti'bn tirl...coll-fiteln1,014146341ecouri*.4 3111ortiti4tiittacii**;* • bot4'nt4sshbipav‘v'citerkuri"ed.11 awrid4trit° f3oard, In OA have tritift allmouts and difee :4-lorachootthl; order to save themselyfe twin starlit. A 111**PI"ii°' nrst .414 6! Are' bg*ote,trautinvatborlo,iaio kill and ,, • i„•rtlein to the' liar* he hlinsell is stiffer., . bandy: vow; • You - see, -toy-dear - geiman ' carifed. that. tote, -that . e-srrOoth stones' about, the -Size o trieitte and Serge* Y -says: _ , • Yeilr'respoughilittes am some. of. woe back: to Londsui with:htm.:And...,$310:r* ice4, '7,11110,./tfc41041, 04404104 '114 artr"61 with 1441 st4V4n-4111/'14r14ioto 11,'S ettaiii-to breed datet.ts, then -goad luarkY ot • r.tOrmitie CortiO inlervewed. *443 11T liutiprAy. Ile W43 Tho tom, er4 , voutt So, suddenly:* Llast that cot 4P- iiverw"lineit AV'titt grief' (11/4 '1)1161' thou lit end care, the former Come tram WAY Os- hetu9 hy t tOin• nto toars--soptonlilbat-the . , thr-odueationa 11 to h .1*'w tkanitriatied to cal* ss"r144' ,,,„ ."4„ rather, g.ft- 1 • t vach the ut. Mop promptly Armen 10=s-wy •===. wvvk =!•JA, kwa "u on etidrthey ton PosktivelYmattOttowt, wi'ott tow, ThiQW sishauld he one of ills nett folloWing regetatie* edePied the' • voitsustricions-wben.he P - lessofls. it may save many an *Celan . OWirlf$ 10 illness. ‘,...9,43.r.go.. admirably , ',and have been a, Z....fi%L.,.0,001 irr iho gopz:i4litY. Litti4L0Lavokloi9t.of,op.,9,Matigilleri,!. _7_ 4.:7 p whO lits144114'.1 ri°11r * :11Pntri(l'T3risA' - sielogleat-prInotpies414424, " -Corti 411. $ittlt attifiee'tba_ floor 'curtly platis Ot nor „schools. add rlie•pl"ys,(!a , Ili), Shall, It .4). Snell l'etlekrtle and ei•ribe I 4 4•i taken. a /NY INIONS you '0100$ 'Shen 4 aPinnierhe,s-hairsubmiVa4 Mutual Itta:‘ • - -- • . '-schoolat-bo -shad- tericidleally; 4ropect ay.444Aire,. any subject or topic on the earth, itryeli SehOel lavaletle4 end, otter sant, Shell'perfo-rin et" of 11,-**Itt Of airing Alms° opinionit • . tristallatieins.:Alnet:ho, abaft reOrt. ddIfes may Iv irom One 'id • c-nYwIwit• 400 """ vdtO 'WO LC' ' ii hO s4.14Petv,Asie„n; Over the ventilatiOni heat. ',port' on‘ the' work done. end slatli Another sitgiit, bittoii!li 'WA . inKt 'llghtlogi • an't-,-eleatiliness of the .nitalo',si*It..sociot reports its the troard 'or holding .itni oliltVons ellOses VD- • • ikat Ibat end41/4 aitsfer' aritt -ItTeittiV 111(11 •hirn• Ile 4:3° do 11" t'O 314' • • - a -does -not' betennt- ••- - ia ttig . ..-.---- ----- - -Jolffs•Atet a... ;c YOur. ,,torinlitwoow,..yrisympilthizt_si:hthilya, . he hfig, in. '.k1,,3140!-, ,',A, 1131110 .W41-" . P-fxr' .',. . they -;;;Jitt " $11e1,1.4,t Ottede 141.141ie, il"t1O the:4W • alt ''"That la. for ine to t,sait„,,,ste..*torled.. fOr the girt. ' ,S.bels. a nice gi : '.4." bet,',„,„,,e3,1",„ e3:411,„,Y'r,,,1111');1111t,),,14,,t,,„' r*trtti,„,, taii, :Ciais.. :Sante 0f thetil: orentis'a to•Inako inediately iteceSsary.;,,,..and • he, shall, 101 os ' sAt -oil fiterliO4 ,; 34. worn :concern Y0% , u.SlieS adorabler -eltelditried :Victor, A4vumvis "<"'" .' Vi''"'ti !:'410' to 'rich *ithout.' tilting a finger. 1 **if '' as practicable , rePort the result in his noesesion. ' -, • „ ..• , . * '.VICtrolr gerritin* - . You sOln to • Ihtilk4,he. leaging his fint;er.lips. 'h4 pretty- ,.-; - - • . , . The ,great oocret,4441.1•No4SPEIll CarIttort Of „thi4 inquiry t� the Board, and to 1•Ilit ettus you bavg_go,liniufkille. touhd, ow lirtuoto„,,a.,04 tthttoult; she hos•;but 7one • -,. tl* ..4.1tor_otivi., y_oniqr,..'..ho.,..e0.1_--10.. ,Aloge,,traiiiettiott liei„itt....44.0t.. ,egowrinit , 4,03diett,,,,hitett .:01.41,011,4,1,61„,..iho, _at,: I -vatit-4•,/t04---iortietrattkl- faeL 4:4f ""IresottAt -.1attItLitiat-ehe ,I0Vett-,41nother man. .1 Itinisegt as hft ihd011ed• 'Aft the tuxur the..„.,Plant to get I' ,,alt:....a„bOvo Alta Surface -4.441„t_044.perato.._,, ith hint*lo, any , '. . that' you, will take the whip.lian.d in thlt • mitt *.forgoiten; she .hu an)ther fault,--; --et- 4 btin.9601-"orta drew, tc) a eenititiah .6-t, th4 soil- Of. .any one ,,tirna iron. the - reemtseit.be. tosy pr • ,tor flie ral, ',wilt .a, ithe01.401y, ft %Os bait a it 1100. . litoinete; y;).ist Mil ri:od You oreloistekto.. 'that she 15 p001'. iiill Atte t.ifoo- wrten restourantt "1 ,think .1 MOY 111011410; 16 period ef-, the ilret; ring 1)14:40iottiis nit. yeomen ..at infeetton: ,., . , ' ,41ay... &unit, -dented tvg, Iwo liourip: that, ,.., dnt -ofOr VIVO/4- 41 In duty?ILs. -4W 'f the CflOffir6 9;111:4:, tte3t, MOve. astted la tor , 0, lib ,pennnees, be,y: tooi enough, .tottd ultrt tiou(4. oomeslt ),Og .4,choduls ol.•*1 are n these ha all tako such aet ri 0.4i may bo an- nettle': ,"ntilsoneet" er.eatiS0 large'• . large •troWde4o.,gether,.So.-that the pub." '1:•0 111140Yr ere obstruetA Qua to Jong ittt'-it. keep*: 1*4 -060Onst- it-iutrks,4it • - „ . . • , ..mernorsridlitt- ' ilritisit•hreditet lournat by' Abe' iNtejiof committeo th0 nettiol ,Ptit AtAoOlation, advised 'that tho •-• :omit:oration tor ruediool inspellOn at *144 children sticuld be ot 411e:rate ot, er anon*, for ,attendrinde Ort Wiietkver geine •I play, I 'play einho;''in. the. wort , ere poor, • I* flud; the ugly '04: *king' •YerY well 4n this for 1.11100. • 1,1, the, opliotittit, 0 'growth ,iti, the „eV," - ' . , • - ,-„ •,,,- ,_,.........1....... •• . -,,,44, ow rOtt0;10t reinuneration watild be .' 1.. have :made, tp-iny .th:inft to that,* , -opts, vs the Imosiy, tto,, .: a spftf 3 of ll'47-1.ielItions thing theft 1 oiways man. ',Itio„41.10 coultig, tabor -taxi". or ,,beityvv. ' 'flt$1,1pECTtN6h AN', t,-14,raz4L4,0** , . : otiont Iti, on hone, ,Thfo, 0, on inwory - "rielde Auht, IThiPpslwr Ilia $41(lie" With *ilitroeiSittiO11.. So. you ate, thinking of ago. .10 toll on V.,.• Il'tioa• $0,,,Ote_110,Y,- Pt:- itio,„stitroto of .tholatio. 'otter that Aroottano. , 443. itt *holt' . advio the tioord • ot tO tint. motto lop. Zs tifOritt.ion tO 000 - . et Smile.: II 11101.14ht that we had 4trt4rig* giving up, thht tpueltIes difenteahco,r.:rnoeill4na '1311* "m IM.,11,,..it,iirei411';ftr . °I,' . 11:1 10101:1 '01.01`4 '41.1140101,14' ihOtt 400Ing . the iioceseity, •tof ‘per:odleol ;disintein. 1#1.„ and. the Promdlurerderit et *the' l' - '''.',--:-.41.1'.' In' -phiy-mitictever --gidne-,wasr-tO, be; -,-ehr - - - -------_ - - - ,-. : ., lt;,,,, Wity..-,1-eietAverrY•Atuou.r.0-484.0ffs-our„ . it--bo,-ptstomtift.,---otio4,-.4=Thei 4,endont ' - ioitAiltivattlyoug_ovii.44,t_ti,vttotti.. ditootaidatittiteitetitt ' , _ . . . . plapett together: 1 th!luglit At„ was. soli'. !'„illovort',ehe Opited. "Oetorteli,,,e,itlaY ' Pri$4,_,.s, .10,t; they . alwa.30,, t0,1110 Xigiii; °A•k*titoroos growth; ec ' r OW the see., ,.., ti,•,trieav -tefflbe PteterIV.011 fit diAgo-o., .,/wriu-no and .valtiable. ,, ,iled that I% 'was • to' •helP yeti?: i dorrt :add $11,04, is the ' temeirthrattOs-dt the 'soirfly11,01Y, t,' it A' '• ',,,,,'„,„' ;,,,,, - Ott tar blosolnithm, ond, If th* plant, la :, 4.4., Ito:44101i 0,4116-Atioh 0x/400400A , ., ottcA !s. zketitt/NE,:ft _think; S'.oler•-a: Wise to, 11.12 Od.d j-kitve Me . ',ow I' made: it • ,luts been ' my, , life for lie eiecy• Yk,,,_"e";' :4114* $,MAorit '60,', ,,,k`g.6-2,14' Ahtit 011.4ff tovolta 1,11416s the *gine *ea- • it the. noattt oast , terillire •- 01 ta the,, - • • .• •• , " , ,, '"Ottf 4t. It; luY, 40$.1.,. illri ',11* khof t'oe.'"Matit-Yearae and I ' eanmt „forget. t ' lett% Og„ _int, tP.,,F:rt.,.'nrus., It was ttO,,,,w,•'ilLe ..eo- no„ *below :the eurttAte tit itoi- .gpoutitti...titio4t :ma .4thysfcat 4Yonditied et. eilita: °Xleantiree,..' IC It tuitroAtinK (0."'kuow • ' Ititteb." i ' • - '' 2 . *.httil. ,I;0 _on, lo the en 1, no...matter What .'W.1101 Ike 1(11' '10. »' 14', umii-1!116 .411 J114-:41401Saltittil, ittilLiiit.,:_:,,,,L„,,,...,:_,,,,‘ ',._•,,,,t,.drakv.:„.....wocted.,..„ta..xopecitd. .irchools., 4)1'.' : 11011 woo, it _rAty which ,disr,Ottflailtid iv" kitalk ii ...g.4-•,(414. -mat,* - my, ovai,',1*(ehrogs, oh,,-lut, 4w, thing, way. biete eall,d a,nOther„ '.hans0int. and, . f „ - - . „, ,c18„04,4, 40,0141*n ottani iify 1:160$04,11 ,Xity,lical .$41961 '1'''teetiorir 160 a Mitt 4tii.,0 Snit% ;41111 ;Ntell Soil le Chews- Akt the tig.atte„ , • • ttlue# bso rr-elitibt%bel goad. flti know verY _little. It .rotit 'tomo 'to that, Vtivy. p4rteit 11Wit.clitite--th 'go ban: entrance tx OtroNts.veye -Verti lix'• to •• 06 lie .shell medftally- etipetInterat- Jatill-__01-everybodyt Rtsitadell, .".4.61t ere relit lOPk-Ss irt ithei'1111011011:40 tstt itte house and Vittorio .his own, lOdg. $4.11104:. Paid it 0,;.niart 41 liborat,latcy .., . ' 0011TY 1:10110LAittg,S; ' . it',1. spolittr $1115:44 rind eittl,se4; he Shelf :Ittertio by a strieSs-ot Olettiti,es -et sea a ' tan fek.,-,41,114.1alti,,,,--ant$ talk, about wdet ,in.g. . Wilco ;be 'Arrived there, be-Sh'it' $.1u1 $0,01;04;1111 ..1110. ,otti viols,. totyard4 ' . • _. . km.i tio. mini teferreed ot, .11,6,.riielitat tet 'fever loaf, year. The *Nit 4'nd gettool -'-' ' vtere,,...going I0 no; ana, la slt wilft Ildioself fit Ills tO:Ottl. ond'oat ton fro 'T it'•; ' Atm- .,3,0011111gt 310100'1 : Crio. *forty' btirgioxieoi liv *Wit the ..iiiiati iot .1*,, ,,6hildrtfili.- 44,17.,014,1*,:_sra,.._4144,414uidtgx..„1,A5,,,h/g, lour hatolf; lin oar lapi, ad do nothing; long alit' dooly, viigt ,ptirteli d.pf and int_ it ittio th0 ‘gtriligr' et ,f,tr.! .Chtokoher - 'too is„volutil. at $everel llutt400434 otand be .$blitt titd100,t1 ortylaolotre,, that a Civil. 'Service exuthluuttott helal tindor Volk cf Ito *salon, Ile ,girl, *Um' a nervous hand at his chin. Irilially he' PaYre.• - ' - • :. thotatonde Of dollars, ore .rtokie laid- si.. ,,ue Litistibut. tilt..., Itii i.,t,,,,,rort,ton,. tho „7013ptoti,,,,,ot.1411,6, chit'40 .ittoitt po„, - woilla il4 11)11 ng 10 'injure. smtles- got tip;„ and.- ten, to..,x4iroh ill an tut •*1.1iiliar exelaimed ehrtitoptilt. ' *I've:, i sxh,dees door, la • , has „ItiatAidnitk.:-, , 7.47,1,Int,,.von„ rot iftext4:10,sistiz.7.77„.,-„,,........ -: irs,fot;,...,Efolk..-ittlottor•_414 ' • • - :,44y...face,4•...titit-odtrk-4.•Ont- for herself qot,,book 'timing over' .1.-itioos ' lust hmn,, Ill: ..40' Your Pht0e. on ttio.,,tect thot, filo jimmy ' • '44-.7,047teeetv...ng. fermation the, • . torte: 41.44'44. r,,'"Iiit:tfri . ,. . her owd toto--$-tufY., idevitabirlshe •ed tif-tri-Witif7trittieiTtagisAtiiiirWriitdid ThltntolUlinotnt1404-404-b00*'''' ' lor•...,-"ViOrritt'' thto - . .. ibis silppo4a tietibew IA ittine wilt drift *hat 114 wvitt,), And what, he war44-01 (A A ,}041110y1 ' : . . ,*43-11410ea. 14 (141)1`0, '11 tylc, ' .'t0#4111,611 141144W" ''tlibilgt1 kit Ile! Warti . WOO itva. ,trter.s. to4t*--00 to titalsot'- r ,, '"Ytift•-.- ', bo'3.1010.44 sitit Vittot.; .... Not tt 4ingiot olio ..5t iwtho,41, *-ti li,"low Mot. , looney' $.$ of 1113 (Vrig4eittk.' Alle: first is. -$13ear !i. Ketiinn"- and tutkili,tf glAktillrc 'fbit 0..14 bo• AN : no skit., , bowe'vOrt Ass $ ' ' ' 0 t recovered. , Aim whale -v(1 at ..teh, &"Iiialkt as- (bit. • ,the EtNin4.fimy., ikar ,victos,,,.. 0604 it ".807 .11406,,,... ,usihtfoi, $00,,,. t - , , .330,11.0tro. : r4.1,,, pro: :a tht01.; . but,: -.0.iksigricsi with:the dealt-4,4'01We VON ','Illgt,It°1 ..,, , *boll storve.'leitetlier- -And .he htiPPY.. Y.,' lit'00.1.4141withi•$otWorttlit'otr , Cnr4toptutt uttootett loottly it . • ' ., Aunt , ?Not room'that ;hight4, li ' , , trive..story' gro,wriS, undo. our otol.thent a great titittnif*Inneitt. 'Cid' then re. ,.„....,..,.... 1.,... .., ,,...,,A. AA:AAA t.......4.4, 14(.44. Inv,fiy day: tlaS very tad that'lle liOS, 'plead trio, irk: the 1104,10teb0014 ' ,01141 !Ill; tilitt:',0 ilrf.;410,.-6.41141„,174: „ what 4 .,' , minty - • tho.a. 'loonier, Lit- of. IN't at buti: 1,•'ii, i ..ethilt*Itail, totheit0 , . 114. 41.1,01 illou vteicorei low .0.1 - ' , t , ' - .' Anit I've done It", s,.101; thipd otiloot, ..-: , . ,,,,,,, ...,,,,,... ,.. --teni , % -- ---7 -- '-'1 ' i'll.li,einef:Tettined" tOz.gOod, Ilutt lot • , , • . ' 4'1'0. ' Ilut far ,lbe • , .:filet ,41.tply 0,?i,ifin, milling to venthre txPOn it . tho re. "': t""wrwi ..,; .14 ' sty, - ,o. t,„ A. - : e, , It Ulio ' ....,,_,..4., * . ''' st to -.be: tiktf,,!-, Ohl , 'i0 ' tilt * , 1 ' : t :lett 'tty, ,,Virerpotit Street MOW; ' -111: ii4ithittlif0;4434.,tiltii*,3.'ot, '11.,',„.„*. , be it'glit stilt have: wired 'that he was, . Mg vtion7 he :had )44 tat 11,,,(47:s., -e, - ,, , - ' •.• .. ,,,, ' '..' 14 tont_ . '- '..i.to_ttiatpl*__ frlawi and , , ' :, ' ---.!ofittr.-,- ' 2., '4k ,. •,-44" iti,',t-7 . Got bim ,., :. Y. *et* fri I '._. 4.4-_ - r • -- .••,, ..... t, , . , ' t it was 'a, . - ' • • 104.14 , ','' ....' ..e...,:' :,..... -. had,. r,. . . • -- . ,, . mew 761 ' 11,, her.' .,. , • *Dm 4-41 pou ' li " ' . t . -'' ' own: ..,, :Wbfelt lte.seits , .' :41 ` 4. batt'' . ' ' . ''' ' t. ' ' , '. ' ' , < it - And Wbat Oming to ili4, b0.1 ' , .itt se.atelt . ' , til• al . - bility'llests iti , a1 ti • . *.' Illectits* the Wei ",it ' ben;Oir t 10 • ' : ' • uv b* ..: :' - it . tlentant rel.* ta t'.' ' -eriteol..00;aCrOunt of' att rit. ..vop ti ,or four thomittiff. le I* *NO,: ,where .,dOrtkit. each 'morning to.1110raL , kettliesk Is -hot " utod. Inolitte.•,ogice the Seldiet l'arholpet'and *helnto r `-the.tio*x. end report to the- • ",:t14t111404 elilliitt4" "Iwo* ;bora -4. *boll odiese the Doo .41f, to, *Wilt lour days 'mop* from; any: Abe thitarest retnitted 'ty, floy :In..,,,tause„ Sod !int who ;to Suspottrd'4.1 . -Austria &Wool' and 4b$11, Otitatt balenge%rting;ents. &secs& or4ttorto •Toolktot .ctottitiotions, . And reports as , the. Xte'Etat f5Clicel Ittticttcte 111114 Mixtred, „„.• • .•,„1..6., that all the •ehildred, "ere property' VIZ. • ' doing the."viti.,•eination ' . • t *Xta the 10' 'fbol'r-g:toisitt't4::litr:44117("1-Tit14;tillitortghtibil'ts4'4!ani*;" actilied troth: time to time ti$ the flear41.:',.ti* lher s-Aeiorat trivrstte; - tledically•.examtnez earn titli tel.Nt Ott Is telkitukt.,14 11)4 atLe- • '.114....ecliocilt :and ifeattil r`nient. On! *wing; that ltio' m*ini*lii 111 oviiiii**1•04.0t4iit to,rd of Mit 'eXimialititift of each, cli' - • tlittO opt* ttialtipteiltota F 411-*Prf ler* yat*telitle rnosinniretnerits arii.••ob.• e ,* ttittgoutt, • Itti -the fluxed *hal Instillete.* te,olmp*.oi,t0.140,:$0 Vfl(iN( MOVE • I lopretem4,1'l '614 wel • 014-101.1.ily atenderouss. , f;14•Aely* •Oldo. -Tht tight '411, ft' - • Weal 13 .1 'liberty of • the Pr°,0$,“ trt:0445 'that, on, , 41144 14 at, libOrty 1:3 rood wtiat, °I ...tbooqrst and virile what, be ettoosp4S: • provided be -(1,60* not ,hrettk tno tow ant infringe-lheyrights,Ot other ..wofile.;.- • • Th re als•o. What' 'IS. termed: ihe . °right of public ..r000ltrtg,"*.wh!th. racer's • 14nply. tre 01. trVal4 , 10 ASSerribie-and le..•itittier in, any 'vitro they think tit, providel they' are ixV tr*re,ssing ' lie highway. itaseiiibled; there, - tin? -can .say. whet 'they ,pleaSe, Within -.rettaon.;' that 1st onylicng. except, tikot • vWch ,voutd tog 1,0, Atit tip-. riots Or r,0111.10 cominit orltrie4., th&law now' $,Ialtds Iteroits etilijled to bold wilalevit religious oPirt, ir,d), they eficroY end 'ter. 01*.erre Whet- kvet-tritt,-ot rottiou*--44korshiti-tlio.Ylde - t.K'st. A ono- may .1W* ,tidtt*, ber be merry more thon -(Ater ,wife, be will De•punr,shot ' • , 1110 right* of th-o ltr,dort. - et shoilt front Vn*Pto lbw 1 I., ort th lohy*St ..4**.1asos 011 I It(' V' 4 ****,414" 140)4004.,„ • *old Akin Ploort to,Atio 344 0,1„kt it • LINTOtialtrb. Md chop. lt* 1sh In but lotk, I,Wtht M(.4$0Y totitty *04. I, liven", the :tool *hem t 4:40 i'ifl„ a O134 that, -1Thtthb »b4$yolf had on idea Yeborrw from ta , • rat two, . to. • --.•• ' • -