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Exeter Times., 1908-05-21, Page 4
cetettiHics AV40* trione. flubootiptien 114. - rano*: SLR • ,,Atiikt g deterraittgiot ott entlifttsimun... Oro. 'A don riettilor,of Toronto -ottiplta ..fo;kr 40rw Loud uutjuUty-40E-4 :141)10144,i},01-14, 4$1. Oblo to.•*0,:rtr 1.0.00 04.1.3"-.11.1k1foOoll Aidktx,„Aybitis., under ,vresottt oott*t., of, orrning fl 1.4(131, opzctiofl Mi .10-0.*#•$4t114041:tittot...0410440,,i,1)10,4434''Oetilie juryinro Ike4111,00N.,Itney kekirgt vy out,00,40-y,:tititio, -tours. in.t*, a vpo substunt,i4-11. deorc.ssa • , •7UtftPVO1D •t* ti • .A.A ; .„ r,":',-.1f:1137,NT+1401400110 " , • " HILIYHE„ ` s \r'op rne°,Uuap13,e: 1kesttthould 4 .0)10' ° tio9ra "sY,;OSSOciattaiti-,.• rt;ro erieh. -Mitt:WokI1tflI C1into aro, the 'newoca1tori. • - / • ictjcafly, ;49)4" •. ,,,,, ,i,.( 1 ,, ,..). . -- - -, h! ' sti----4.1, ' 1§,relitio.v..0:pat. ie tite , 4 AC It.t.,,..1. -11-4, u,,s „,' t' °,.,' ., ."2„. ' * ' f parliambnit has !been talon o.tt' 131. t * . KAtaame,r4.? °'Pls.L'14r4144‘• inventilititri illif404 kiiotinuivitiaii4 - , . anl „ tiis. 14114 IiiIe gl,i),,gr,"! ,t10* jit.Nvoii4ettr-OV'rttko ,*1"11x..*Uoi•t-ouW,i. , . . ,,, . ljhnsQtf Ls illied 'vita reectorso' that '00 :irokO.: and what has! ' beeptne Of it „Oil, . 04 iStatitritYafterttoon „while: tAvOr. ' -44).," aiOnletroVerti• , • 1,0 : . - of $6,001.0 , : ,''. : i ' ' , .1, . .4 sons of ar... ouiton, Of Ult•eltell word; It .. Safe to 41401,4tOY 040414 Veort.4117. the •Outlet • -z, • ,7, . walked out ,90. Ovirlitt k-l'iolorn-I01.Za ' 11100Ii*Ing inoroot The . 1,044. ._ . ... ,__. ...-.:. , „,. _____. _''',....:',,.., _ . : :1:.'....:,,_„_:...... ',.114M0413,-Ple '1,,PIA?., 41M• -4.tr* 11.4,,.0.1dt 1 t; ,... v,„ e, ' corn- :.„0. - :Ltda.\ lett.4i.ai l;,,,t -.4114.,1; 11110'it.110 ,OrAt3to -t1W h0,11.- • ;,.., ... „.: ,. -,.....„ ' ' i ''...5 - .;,, :,,, re, -',' i .:". '*" ' -% '-ii...1.7%''1, 'ii , ',.." t i, s y, ,. .1 14 ,i. 'A„...,1).11Ar.,„ .:, , • rinliiiith corite ' 41 elector. •' inisUittion 4.44 It ials',..11.1."41:e00, ilartiati,:, . i'ttlphIt.4 YAkkatilice-rao:,4.oritto-4gaili.,t,t;Wit,otten, '1q4t.c*ef' tP..1.1 '81Wil*e - . °eii°41 eleetiee '1'e ° 1$11)414( 1, A? ' 'gm out Itad he not hold, on Ito tiv ? is Oda the •rnafk who lot -.. . • t 13 , sb , . „. Ina ...k. , 1 ,- ,, ...- ...,........ ., ......-.., ig....- , . IR . ' 6 '1°1311 Jaz. ott h ' rill Ilorth A. or ca ... . ,.. . . 1 . 1 - ' ' `1, -tea, Alta tillo for rollowing confe4or#1044*.tue /03411 -,:ii -,',.4,1'ffis, vir...?..4...,t,47.-1 7h,,,, ,rnt4,...rixtt,41., ' :, ,' before 1,-004 e!411,,,, . 1„ ow( 01104 /33.1131inisti"14)113 • "at. "11.:6"A'5A4t tin •T47T1.4.‘.% rad's'r ji.:1,i4';': , N.,.' ,,,,,:'oeii.piithe ;)11040;10.bitletiw, ioniSp. ;!ttliiiito.0414.,-137,01abv: '1/41.i.,tiolip,zotuis,ter- ' ,rplutuiw4 . 4) • ..,10-tti-vgilifer ao,,t,on o 'it • r t-,- , . . s 04. ; , it. , Ittiiil t_._ ---e-,-- Acatoo.„.,,the-21,131aite Dovertattat.........341,4 . -*4-i-'--401.—.„„• - , .- , , t-:• ,,L.,______,' ° ,0:) ,., _.. _ 1,.? ...'vytti ,shour '''''°•iil 3-1311Y ,18137*1°' tto* jot 187Li f b _ ..(1 , !A._ ,K .1!.en. 441.- of floO ....ft.o.M 'Do,- 20, 4.8714 . ito41.- Xilitta-1114.1*---H;r• 2 . ..., :, mannis , to -.oppose hi m aitiv,Ily to • Oct. 26, 1$72,' -,foilowbfr4 • ,A,v-hioli-' oh; it,,,,,• ..,s, iht,KT.,11-i--.-n4, ii7wittm. Whitney to, javo biro fiiiiii. 7460.40- ''' : , 01!,:^0X 0011%1f %Pi, la, .1 : ' !Ivor ,tfrozil •Oct. • .14.6,--74.„..."N° ' ""'-'"'"" "" '"'" Aiwa°' 0,,„1117,2,, ',to 'auls :10,,.18e. • Orf July ' 7. "*%''''' ' ...,,,,:',,, ' - -'-- ".• ' ' 141)31r- . ' ,:, ' ''''' ariL4lltlb.rxdp-igavt-cttw4ites,oit':.- ._.-: -----"'-'7t.7'L.77- ) • e-ii,Aum. titismz_aut3....roollnuelLAIL.Affi-qq:AVOLI, • - 7"- " 0 ffi Won . , . A "I , 14;7-71,60'1:741--- ° I.: ---os---15,4446"ti9etir.:LI _,.,.. • l'-f'ato-ri b7.f.i'tt d. a narrow. es-capa. froof moot. ' .L . ' . .-43,0t ii0140 Q.f.' the electors isoi), and Itia' sittidoistration coutip ' weeks ' ago -But - be flunked once ded until" Feb. 1, 1906, turlion: it ho Von- tiirg 'with n.:04400,8 itooldout- wed. ' -• 7.-*111:reineiiilier how . * ' tom the same merman uuked, serValives ,were returned: ;Under the nresdaY.• 004 On litho tohlt:,of twelve .; ......, to, tusouso th, canvaign, ,,. iii,... kade,roili ot „ tto v,r..,es.,aut prouttok, • bor. clothing taught in . the ishatW of 1•4:1-41)er°"11' ' :es ' issues in trbe (begislauto at present( is tont- 046 10e the Iatleh.100. .1,41,10 Odwee.604 , 1.0110 zneetipgo,.. Of Course it ro.toth ls posc41, of ' 08 • merobeys-414;'(;004e'rvA•t,i . Just betn Antrked 'aft --Und Ithottzt the .. ' '0' tio,v03.0' - bold him back en ive 24 Iliberals,. Wie Indeiglidelft. '.rnaOhinca 'were Still runnin4. IneY ' " '141 • ' - )444 exeou„ Liberal and ono Itaboir,repro,senrative; at:(40,414.c:sta040Reakitexavitaitaituritd,fiin114arny,d; :IY,1Tat •:. 1;• ''' ' . ''P, ' 11°11Sriolle;17/11-61)160,n1theets ita-Ay re-.. ', The* next 'Muse ovill contain , IQ , ..: Veen:i' Telltri- i h, is, :stalcal,Qent. 'an „sv._111.oett uhae. sw.'-iasoe :0:11:virI:sitafriusi4. iNia,.:7:0:glhilif:rit..!.t,ibituntina4141 riro:Ptiv,71;:trie:trt)all lio'n;lit 4tirk'hicnttateeltta°0notnettt-4kttehlieVrlItc:uelet"Woeu14411_. tit to weep vote* . , ur p bitty, ,.. .t r,lerniskaming, Sad- tn '01 "PrOhatilftr„.;b4vu '1300 0,orioy.g. • wept `before 'Whittle" Ite..11....ke".1,7, (1...! „,rwilararastiltiet,',.1,:r7-1).-n).. - fti°1-? c.1- Y-4 ' 4', , .„,, '-,,Keifer- Toront0.0.-ia ll ..,.,,,..‘„.......4.„...,..,.,-4,-.4.-... '--lielisa II . ' **.. pleading'-' to" be eaVed from _ , ,,,,,_______ , , ,,, , . . • . -*-- "Ic'''''•"-111-..,.Vivbitinit ' , „ . . '''''''l ' rgr-TO`lig-bljar.4trilrifiktr".1713, yi '.....7**).(i*Tetc;"strItik-!4ol'ff 0°71: °Se'. u"tertb,.,-alid.t . -.Th,...tbseto_reYs ii.if i. th,et._deii,,, nitisttnnas °ant:60r! w"lc visitin *"14-iti'es age ' h tonattt not I Vni •N•t# ,t , ma. to . ., ,,„. v_i_nt,„30ro, /pot , _ ilT0r3r.0164vich , ,. • ris-iber (lows. Dirt {to "a ‘ttloh tex-tY'flr'" ' - - . Township. _ A. Another ..from here attept144.tbe assenthli Vixen, ',14Y thO bipirolors of ' o• The result ift!thatIO. 'w.o, be d 0 -t. b o '• '; ' rtron.t. ,. , , , , Sioter last Thursday' levenin3-, ' f*.y, And fillItSt 30$00). 'if tl:dbori „aro .! . , ....., uit:Ixenceforth go bP1.011,041itS'a: 0117 •inerobera in- tbe- 411145°.• 13.?" 1; -46•4•41* -t-: visiting., relative -an V. .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pponenbwitbout fitst manipulate. eleetOraA 4listriot to Make :ids safe. . 00.the other hand Mr. Reilertnann ftrn ' veople in 'hie _Aldertnination to Sht out tbe contest in iiiite of the ,ment and PreParcd bY tho tatherc lkandicap lie will at least earn no ConfedoratiOne These SZ tonstteu.en. ' • IP oaila sr- C)... a • /MAL* ' cies iveri 07 tiris3 for Dori/tram. pur- littorstio ''''. - 11**fitrollou *MIS s 8 bite teather decoration for. the re. .., poses but 'LIM 511111.0 83 vousatuvuelle•S; elgibUtze• Ar, • tilsitideroniis.daysi - .. - -- Vett ?It *opted for ti o fLejistatura Or of - Or , -* 4 4 OfttlitiO% which nt .,first conalst'ed of . . , _,..., 82•'irneifittber3A rtbi$,,,f0tWirtlie )11•134 in Ai.,,.,.,ir•elourtft,t,r2titaiarturi, y ' iiiio4,_,,26 ';XE•67'en '41-4 queiticiirtift8vo WM' ''- 4.411.1rehM11111k 1146111114 OM t,C14• 1111•11114:X' P"-gttkh.Pclitt7--ghttrerrOrIMILL.41t4. 4. VIII ht,-----appoitrtnrent'o, sv";;Act---*Wz-. ,--- ,--$ _ay-) hottight_ TOrf1110 SZat.S.. ThIS. .__ 1811, viz'. irt 1874,- osving q Darted as blitt,g paid in 'full Ittn II ' Irittlionsure toits.....ti irotaniany, for thz. troiV'th iof the fpopulation -ebb-, e s 1 . .' .reliPtine4. his ocaltioirt-s4e: iviiirir general lifdiatrrhu o i Li- tx, -ooidiog• oloyintra ea, 4watt/it 01. , :744. tailfzl' 'stand -In-; votb 7.0i;' tt: lerphr%,eitt;"±ion, ilt. the '' r v*ne- ume gdioisor a ,V41)3110_.:Wqrks itt 85, there • AV a a general mils. r c ',- . , 02, lit•Itiittiedurt;, r oracle nolutt.%:o r tb, E...8.:, _II fattetlITtroni,161885 Until the prosent '' very' ,ro 4 a e, Itfri7oultAligil itlite-ltiir °Ent t8ge' Inra.. en , out oi ,s tr, 0 alltilo n *n, IOU s cow:1qm.• . 3 :ittitIV.tte'ogt1 )0i111-nribi:terlleorroart4irtortnta.71b94343461104 .8 4, 5unLt . mm..4611111 :14elluhYritel:laigyle,11.1Lo4ettiliDoeuttnnd;ra entitled tO "rho' Limits of evet °Irihrtlintrclusstli:ereiblonaStta Ivovrekt:11.:,,x,210. vonstituentiles-Wore-44ixeds-itt-theo--ach---- ure-1 are :baying file etre,: d t s or nierica 4ittk-Ssed- Atkv- ent sled- painted. . • -n$ 8.) of •Ontitriot and 'Honor , 'teat Beau ,Graduato ‘ToreAto Thlivereitio ric:,:nrititaa•citpi avOivorser:E.Vickon demon?* -tomer mtg. rgeont Office .over eletimen Stanbutri F.Main atmeir ft0ii TON, • 84 'Den at. :Member or : . „ROWNINCS M. D., N. • .P 8.. (iiraduate Victoria tftr. catee auft rogoonecee. %).010 crater"; Exeter: . , '4Airtiociate Coroner ot ' AI 6 tzioviti.%.4. old }5 D 0 s -3 5if Nr s „ 'attractive, , rroes-right . , ntraetedre • °ni Yolti" 414y havo had --some dt•sease'ycars-agOcbttt I ..u.Otand then aoinesyrottintalartnuOt4.,.§cone,-: :poison Stillitt4a.in your system. .Can you afford , . Woo • disease; YOtt .nre never Saftetintil the Virus or poison' haa „icteen,'• removed' iront:the'syste. go 4, or 7 f .54, • 4.„ . • , ulg, as • e•po sonntu ip les - ' _mare o Aner,c• ty . t •••014.1,41itler41 chlIgs used indistritninatelY,they ntay, . ruin thesyStem. ' Twenty years.experienteln,: the.. 'treatment:Of these diatastsettables uStoprtsoribe sPolfic retne,dicathit will 'positiVely eureall-blood.: . ..distages 'a .00 worst thrtt4cter , leaving to bad ' ,efft'etsoraltetsysterattur--.Neethod47-rears; ' merits:A. purlftrtnd enrich the blood,. boat op: ,all uloorstelear the Skin; ternovelfepa,, fallen out 'hair will' grow in, 'did ,sw011en glands' will re- . . .- turn to'a,:nornud condition,- and tbit p4tteitt vitt - fool and rook lika'difforent 4terso,n. ..7 All cool- . ,I.N.e accept tOr treatinentare„gnitranteed, a coin: . • Vote:tura le instructions arerfollowed.. •• ,' ," -- dor if' in doubt na totyour eondition,,,yoti• tan consult ris Olt...Et• ' , , - ,cfs,__:,mia-,0,:ioot:tolpotent: Octo,r.s;',,04p'llAve no ,terititAtok: 1. 4 lit.sti.ii • ' '1160321110161114441kilitetkeigi' d.St.tktt:00,.' I$J0041,..7.461-d7- Seteet1)1,0e3n10$i ratilleSt, and:Bladder .ConT014ints. consuitorlon-Efee, 0 biritibinit6oaliviiteloesgitest100-'1.1.Ut lotiloitinitratitenont. - .session oX parliumout teWrei vas no Itortil dtrict tctere. plac-,d. in ii,`' vet" . .. , ,I.:,..y.....-.410.*.**-•. • .: t. • - . .,.,,, 1 natal Aedistribution _of 110 Coma. Itbari-4-A. -o -* & i 0* Ai' ft ".., .3 ,I, . 'is' . anday., night They. hid driven down. t . that in Iff.)44, " oiNtiv to „Che ..growth i to attend, 01iurrh.- nAtt: oltdt itervieo . -', ' • conyttntiOn held a , .1 . .1.3"Ultivolf ottriinvited' itz7e:outile- Of -thtt-Xo': , . . . , ..ti 43f,,, 40„,- of ',Ooderith,' tks ,t1te °lilt' 'Ottawa being given a 'timktai. woroitio: cal young, ladies to 'take a driVe •Witlf ' „ . ,. tot ' • - - • ^-**/ •4 .2tantilton i2.itingaton . I; Tiondon . them. The •,yOung ' ladies., .Ofi t On . ' linl heautife f.t0(1-,-,,icre .tartnt St (.4. .4-. .4,4talir in, 1b02,s.,,.owintr to ftl-P• Ini,,i .toelted,-0,47,-,,--bTitiIfOu ricr * _ . -;;::ti.4:=, .- - - • - ' 0 e'll$Miill;;!5tliti-:;;XiiliaattltalW LtftiX-tif --VtilltiVitlitill loth olittti.01* ot t114. tig ,witie- the toys, Iti,•was,.„1., . . --. (*.1•?ItTILlIF70-1-40-ii•r-ItoltiV.:-..- ,,,toi.in, zagt,,,litoto.b.101-,4„a Dri /awl& llew „ oath r114.1. 'lour- liaititotud -4-11'.1114 ;t1V,:tilltrr-lqiilf-Att.-iss1n, P' it. '.; .4 :.. .-Nr4.,'41;7.'.01i4.ill',1-,,isr'5',-,---4,-117..ft-irli ti"g-.--..., Ityllirl3b4t4°;.''-ri'. It:. itc,.i....t.f,-_-..yorop,t4,..0.414.00,40-41.114441 • ott.t*,,u--t4,---13-ut-ihri-tort.teuitutice..4„-, .7.410 Itors.e; n $13111ii. •ge:titki 4-1 ) 4I . ' ff, , 0 0 Se4,' ' With 'eit' at . tonveniente,o, 'UL,„t ,, .',,44,40.41- II 3 , . , s:t retost,:, inur,sthr .. itort144. ,,,, n is absolutely .tru,„ stkaictus , b. -,. mai under ,.orditory conditions, ... 4 ,t.tt . • . • - - -.* if • -.',. ,,,,,tior. ' • ' . tat. ' strain, . ltl, ,iePto,iie01011. Vit,6 lia 411).t.' 00 fat 44 '00 VrovITIO lg. ton. i ft:red, to -budge- with the extra we' ' i . .. of 4,,, i. , . " ' goa_t.v.hafel. . ;01----.4‘vere-, ,•,. d "the.yout4 *omen hastii.y..ttliO. hank • ham. 'dints Nittilmilisi .. rtrar a-----su , fir,t t .43.1111:C.S.3flillieLg..P$11: 1,48: :1',11_,.,:,°,1t.ii-i's:3 : , ,:',,,ittoxtlei4ltd:t111.1-014t1Ltoralintitl:40440,004,11Vii;:,43111Lnoc;..1.04::r8;1,0 ,.,:tstileo,:-ii3.ye-si,01,7ya.--etz,r4%,ttir.,,,‘I.:E0:471;e:::0,,ir_S-1P,9!fi,07, , vc_b_r.:,,,,,,r„ii.'t_,;.4bioln:::147,11.11:-;1140401,giltaelatilLit1;3040.41!-°17:10::Ut::: 0, :F.1"114-4004"•thrittl'Iirfell.';014 riwook ii -a., 000.4104a . • • . _ , .•, • cd ly . , i - :1,41* '41' ' • , ., , ,...,......, . ‘ . • -:',---,,,-)TRWIO-TotiricAti'-'friiiiiiiillriiiiiiiare'l ---''..,'-'17-....ht, "tut ' s' fartimr----,Jacracca forced, to 4ottd ih!„ _int. -An+, Ja:•„virot.o. 400., etlyA -piotoutok - - - bo 'Meg 'oticittoor, 010.; It• ' 44104. illoth candidates ure ift •-ttibe i brought .down in parliament. subs..1. . 7 ,.„,, .,•rn, ,,m, „„„. . . 0130' TAOttd. .14,,gislo. tu 6,0_ 1$1 now, tot NA .. tbnc redjitaihrt,Lion ni6voires .. . iyero . itztt:t t._. ,I.iciff 1.:!..:,t),..o_tlyt•filn,..bli,,,,),,,aid,%. . • , , i , rogoito tti dint :t0.1tOMPIOte , tield, itud at; avork. 'rot the.,Itiberal ", , 4,ttent-to a ik,-cennial oeusus. ', , 1•43 titrAm" fe;r: ..,-7 ..7,7 .• 41111:9° E age:. , 1, . , ,,,,,,,, . „Iv, ,...,,,.„.0)404.0:„.., I tout and telt*, itakik the ogredonts • . 'litig ant* Istellerrnan.'Ot 71)OstiAroodo.1$ . Then na 'to whet 1,1•3r., xfttlistribul400. , ,, . , • ..koototi. . ... - .• -,. ,•' , • ,• , , .0 • • , thelatatt, ivilite Uri 'feta: Zither. the under Isberai rttley,.13. fair,ifls it note. , . „ , . . , 6.,, ... . • it, -, , a :16,4. L°.' t :At -''PllftPb4:1:ttlktfP:It:si*,-.•ZSt..io:t4:' . • . Nnut.t WU carry its COnter- verottlw Oct that 1,iliora) Inttiorititit'st . tir o 'm .',. ,. I, , .. • Prot er's awns ...iktive, hastner. It)aspite th:.:. .• Ory. v4004.111. 'Unto r[2:1Yot0.1. (MA 30 dOwn : _i_.1, _•,.,L ._. ..,..± . ...,,,,.4....„.,....„ ..:eit.iiteltitot_ty lotio lit. i ..„„..iroi.. AiteniotottiOtioca,.bot-toilbre44hb-- --------.'ion34,--Iimcdoty-,Iitie;if-.--011" •11•0•-VIST:1.1-4, oxivad.-"th5Tiri/the7 vely,*:•T •14.4iiittconif 1, , ' Bilk ' t "ft-Wline,P,..orko...13 , deok i w-, , titt4 linta*hbeente-eittrbt test tack 01 V's. rdling 1.1.y Ole recent ;errs.. Attouries as • &limited in. 18firt Pa.V11,4f o.lt.t -to' attwity's count It it V1.04409. 44 will be, vrodoce ft at ,110 Ititnit 0. sa i.,• 414410 ti.pilfect•Cor,..:)4togooti,4r000r. , & PA. nalc‘'In ft Certain 1tfort4a ,:l.ortoolt - .shas its niienybob ectin ii,it.on you - ' tinderIttlit; dr* hot it nit distaziyieg• Conserk/ativti 103.1i,11.0kY -• la c,1?05 01' • • ti Ilia 11 ' Slocum'tforaoatt4 • . • • ' ' • '' .- • - ,,,* . ' . t, - - • . - - t - A i ' , , • tiok , . , . , . , . , , , , , , a‘e e 9 MJIPtill - . ' ' , r . ... . .1* . , ._ . -,..-- . thit..t,e_ 0.0. bk,orrilott, toy ,k44,0 by ,,i)r,th....,,.•7114,41114 y-,g,t.lat.icir otn$10.)14., #11 , but oyo, 161,1111, PUG Oro .0014'4. Witt .4 .',9t "OVet AO, It Is• therefo.ro4utiti, Oen", to nij, -par10100000. 1:,:b011.ve °.-,•,*het0 . :no Atuntoit-t,ii • ..: - .,- . ' toast ..4stoOts1 vet . iit :Ville ' ' • - - - - - 4•': - - 'AL • • •"' - - " , Htta.C.. titict,_;•'3.as_. no' c''*euft' 411-151tw,r, -iii nothing better Or ttpeat 'acsi ion* . trit ), :_ ., •, - - ' -,'',-----;----.----,7-:,7n- 1ot, tile Ogitvjohoder Act lotrodute,(1' I trouble's or tretatilesk or"'ratt,.(limIt. Oa, at. vAto..AeteSk.i;:as Er , Nui.t!‘: Itlutotbp'reijul.os • it:Attilict16:11171:414,1' "gt'f'4)41'sitemablior piplartlir,..1.1;.: this .year*,tiod of tOrse,- 0 dill 'm.t. i tem, rot •spieskerts •Isoro, thrtitt:/i/inte Dart 4r *Lot szt- Von- in-tho. it1,100e*t.*:1 their lives In 'reithigt Ode 1Welif#t- - tt(110.W 4 Otonniat ;00.5"8.. : food ,Psycitine very ,heneflaial.'•!' . ` • ,catiOgilion .0- riket zwobio; of stl„state. oirtrottso. .1,1.0.,o401,4- ' it 15 valor. , wittrotitt , toitieido3 . ' *tog,. itottioeittOn04.1y t ar blade tit Of the,.year. 1880 lahlit tt,„-as. 41, ztt,„: .. _..,/tav.4, W„. It', stevtne; -roiiiiii; ,ontit. 4(14' lo thit County ol „Ilutnino eon-. kit- flora. Aiiitody- tio- id „rttitiittibittititriatl, telligi,titeros , ;,0,04/40 8.04,ttied just tlql,otituulgot my. , -- taining "Ifinc,..twen it:ilia Of 00 , o't. r• el ts. '44" nitortheel-rketiittlit.* "Ili 1 , i !(21,,reeit lltain,,,• Wittell, rediltribo- • stlYstent not kd. X *halt itd(t rhy.. tostitoopy to. tote.ddst , 1,413,.fllaV;t" 4' tvittrit.44;401%01111-1°,*tniitio°, ots'rn,.rhui:roripotl.11".titsit, etSisio: . ..tiou mta3i. ieoktductrfx tiOott .* fair *s to itk i : aOY'.ot's eVer"toppert. unity!'" ' tarettilltopiltigo: ttlip,•;ior,40.11it 34kt4,,,t0±14,i, iL,m,todg,inorotv. . _kit Into:mkt striti_t_htt 1 • .4*1o , And toloolviea. :,13,1 ktoo.„ .13tr. Olad, ' ,' ../4„ .Airtiortie--'4ititherost'• 4140'4114"--"tt114,--:rttit----"tiNhuri-v- - -.,-. i'll-ifig4-.-bilia' ''' •-"Itrafiv-67-,Ofteti- 7recomtnen Iroml-TitithPer°1.1t6ritit;v1v.i414at'i-1,14P';'frtta'rettl,' 14, ..N4rioitt '4r:44444''. .. t Trittr:/,.. , ,, Ittillin$ of toth . lotti14:9' tiVt OW' I 'it 'Since' tole ..: it mpot., or; ,. . L,.r-,Wx*..---y.---,-_,--- - ----,:-k-i-,..-------.140044* , wil 'eV4MIt:4‘1(41*-f36.;-?1,(?-firt'iiiTi,,c .r,t;" l'a'-'-$'"•6`14. d .„1-04:1404titi.14tigiltlit1414,1t1,14rtit..,4'V''''''''''•'. : ''Hltif'StVrAtrit1,-: I. ' :it ,.111400 : - ti 41.iniA501160 VII .11arUattOtit itlt '..10 ,:tieSti.ts IMO .7rArtt*iont. * Inivet '31,1*it liorit.w. tin,,..101,1, 43.3f ot #414 itild :,•tii::: tooter loeo •tentythititiciittlit I ,,,,,iha . limt *,„1 ,,,,, ite* itut 01)311 )I.,:411'. trOVIVItt. itt On 1,14.*Aitertirnetit,' et', :•(, i/it.„._,$* . OLit"1111.g4.1J40,.i, • ...., w:' •,&1"- . '' • • "1 ' ' Thitmetc ‘,,or'.. BAIA:, , ' . .,. ' .iiiiiiat -', 'itiiii-lititapii 1,--a-7" iii -ii"*..• 01,enPur4.,. 4‘'' theteP3;0,,,tako itris-„Put'ztoond '41re lulC4-'14170111",,lin 111,t: I*1:11141t#;Alk ' ,..rtsvetay titsr, ieeot.;, of , t144,;:,,introl0S,N ittsotbt, ,to k sits,toto root* 404-- oloteps in Arm '.dirtet,“ ivith the ;Oda,' *. ;It,. „. rz o' 1*.lithe ' Ittikruilit. t... I, 1 Is terins. 4 1'1 T1 " ' itho oii,o4t.tox,,, ' or); 00,0,01 15vItti 405, flittt. Vox* tott,.. u,1, ,,i.;„,,,,,,,, , „..., ,,,,,„t.. ..,1„, ,„„,,,, . 1.,....„...,4#00.,_ or ia, *40,1r.Mtioll "114,4414...0 PILIIIR like LbOUndlticS Of, Itira•rottsti..:!itaji:p33t., 1..strestiy 'Oivoquena, 'it». : .4'13;174 1;11,Z;t4;,.. u,1,.):1*, . :47:" v , '7','7 , ,,missizitp*,10.. ".• iples of !this 1)1.1 -at ..14t itia,it Iodz*..! 0 'litivto riottflown,. bottpo Of ' , ", 11 '1 ' frtiits inti, . iondifittut *11,1 1, :00 i - opt tit iiiiitioniguito - ' , 0, ' ' 't . ' 11 , ;' I ' .., . . " 10 ' 1 W. $ ..,.. $ * . . ISP:* ,I t': 1103 `e4.1.4111(141,,,,... t""Q" ''''')4'' ' ' 4 not v-teti*.d.to Ay, tut x ,h04.0;:,:gr : hikst h6, ',lad On 41,0piltatioIt'Ao .* ' - 1 3 ,tkia4,1 known Oa the, do ti,r, salo•Ots .' , • . ..- ;-•1,044, hillhav. -ow* • -irid%#.- :1111-11.c.,Z,1411;'''tatittl"etf.liVii:t.:;/$ 11:1411""I'llit' '-}frbItttno;y1.11*-toctitt,45,11" led' .'Eg.'at' o'''tlrlas,?..'14'111,?&;. '41°•,.V•44m1;('kto:111151P,,86111*0' it:6;4E ' ---7-t lj ::,..t444. 1.4 ',. lit.' ' 140* tortitt•' , • - • ..reit-k*Trootkeittit *a a v-.:mfilazttigl;etg-,,f:.,o,g!741L,.114Ttt:,I'i,ti:;tiii..:.it*t..otoit,.„:.....-,:::.1).".t::-4! t..*§.E.4,',Itei,i:z.l.t.---4)-Y:.-:6,tr'' ,. ,,-,-.''o.so4tz*t.*T„. IvN•'..Patt•Y' • 'it!1 1,1,0w0 e,i'sSk to"oli,tiritit f 444 "-n.Y ... ....11/1441, ..-.:,V467 '1114,...11ti..40Y.q. 4t,$‘1,411t ; ' 5j",411.zalvot, .0p.. 4f its,„:11:tfite0 • '.. *tw• toottit ivitboolt .obligt4., ' kny ontair advantage; It 15 t114,3. ..111:1'.6105,!. 'X',10P11.01,ki' outto,t1toitmet. tor . 1.,;"• thotetotvitt At.T.Str. V1111.0n(?_St did: tii3:!` •`::,,•_.. ate- ' ‘' :' ftlf hr' „ , 1.0,5_00101-C011t11,..17 C01„, ,),ISIO,TiVIA., .t,0,1t:-.,7 w‘-,,,,:. 4,4.0mitt,40.,...,,orttti5tt-pvt.,74-•,:ii, ollig of ,, - „ , _.or,.- ' ' it' , ' 4 , ITE..'' VOItlit of* Owen 'Will it0i4 11 ' ' 41 %lath* It'.. il, ,$.1 toutt of .r(4,-?trin.l. ,u'itt.1047 .' ' - . •! , i V.-: ,::,s,zitt..,.,,,tptlott_t,totIrcith_Tr.roetikilltatotaia,,,,,,tisil:ttinittt:si:To,tif:;,,,.., -I ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . - r'''''':"*44"'ii'A"ila ' '''''?'': . ' ' ' ' ' ' .' . '* ' ' ' litAtibli g Mg It 0 Y ' ' ' tS ' re * ' 4, ,01 " a : - ' 6he'l - ' ,, ), , ii .i..,,,,,..:.,, j ...- , .• r .. ,,,,„- ,..',,,,,,,, i* . ,, ,...) ,.... a , 0 . . r 1 • f 4 '' • Is. tiVeak'skrtd Orivottai,,ka ,,' era Iron ' rilf*,;., she •‘ taring, , 6 re * ' At • _ - ' 41.11ring' itt',, tiont,Orit int,'int' ,bc• .. r, I . ' ' ri. C i ' .45 ' - 4 ' .1 . 1).* I- . ''' Al tnAki her •._,Ieolilike ‘ A, le:I.' .A.. abrt .difforittif , '-ottlOtt,' so• t.110 *11.. ay ovt iitui: ' and. itiotit ilit*A*. ', to' too. 1- Uto ' ' . . , , . •.., • • , ., _ . . ,,,,, V.I.. •- , , ' 1ttlio, 14004. . , .itfi, tut-titt‘.. -04tri. ' ,, Ltd ,'44te. wixtte..ti . At GokirielttItlay ! " with •tite Viet* b• riY.igioutt to Mlle ngineer er Architect • tot Publie-Worka - „ • . v..: TA Wink :0 tigeO•Aniurnt,-c-b-roict-iiVonertitit ,C)IsTEY TO 'LOAN . " We bobonnilinitedtwkit'ito: fonds l'Or invebb - • "ant u • form or villsno vroverty _ .1 b. • , • Diogsbz4 a cx&ttrai4a - Ez0b4r• ICKSON CARLIISTO BOUICIE14 • a I f -1"14ter aelelegNolatille°1019talt°11". S. kittfloka_tkviiineoxiftesetintettio.,___. WM./1;- d Breedin aravv.,.._17,rx ,01trato 414 rt, IGIOXIOCit Yea -r lUrben•„, Yon% out hoot) bills. 4,13,011 wt -*be gatoil 014 IA n 4fattl..-• Attnner lott• eh *Id • • * given tfOr bird' Ito IttlY.Peredos gating 'their bills printsed by us. • . R • 4A0NDAY morniog *in leave, 'Avn.--titabldr-Atirkton,olirtAlromtd_:30.: 'bi TattOn !Gregory's,' (411 Con. tor tapool. •Thettre Arr laetittitTiag'Or . . frors02kr Jaortir...•..on.,'Iimadon road • to )8., litEtWo lor moon; ttbeo east to • Wetdey troywoodis, tor night, ° VtritIOTESDA.'r o If ugh Berry's lot . 4 Von. IQ, ffor ,tItenee. to ltIz own 'etablo tor , , AtIVBS114,..ritti -oluxlittne„onfa tOnt, Vilbortit,,_ for noon '1' Ithente Aeast -1:XNEY TO A i'ari_einalt.,,7s, be s. fla&MNSWI STAISMI/Or Barriebere Solicitors. litain Eft4Eiretit ttoblo-tor taiga. • PRIDAY to trhoi. ttelliogabead, 4th lloe4 'Plantlikraf ti.fr 40011 ;' 061% BOUth tO 111)X0 th4a lila tarn *Etat.' . ro -sttootd peso da, i 011 'MUIR itit; iitrekth4! How Is kwIth the oltittionP .Att:.Otty thhit pa1.,'416•11c4.t#':'10ttpt torgell, ,Ayer* Stropittitt.o. bow it total's the litomlpurt' tleb,.. *nit builds 'tits"tha eidth.ki etteek,, *moot lityhoiO *Wm. to &ft tot. tstflOw. 40iit , M� DAY to Mex. $. * • raTuelterireith for nocn tb.6 ESD To Appleton Iticoatle NyttoNusbAY Afternoon • deriton*1.41.1*-tot...night, TRUUSDAY To ht.' rJcNaughton'5- rr noon; then by 4th. coil. Stanley to TitY1orlir-'2OdrfeouricOr-nigh to/ix.11y 2nd. Oon..to trogh gaolfor ✓ the infitSt• - • SATUltDAY At bin 'Oita ntablei • Snallip Um*. , , Proprietors. r .10f114 %USIA'S' • ritand ter .0 limited 130,0ible itrok-utt,bigt-uutu-st010-11444-41,--- oad for the, ktrt$011 Of 1008. 11414 lir001.10. rron, iiie04,41.601c i),eib Ott _ow_.*Jettak-' and -nervous your ',fife 401I know that Carter's. V-Wi1t,141110/6. hW /Mr VD e tat *Wit. it ft, bn Aiiir Iv*/ • .. -66itoi aivA - i tic ii, '4st it ' ' 11 - - 401y :141' , irtitkoto 4014 tioret*ra*011000.,4.010. i : :YCi:Itir-4,10:150t7"."--s',WC".".An',iti"4:11:4"4.71'imiA17tliwi'ttung-to:L'• ....._____,....................--'.1ntemile or 71,______Vitrilit SrElt# ' i'i, ;VAi1144041 .A.Oiltd#00006, it „rfriatok44-4,- ,, ' moo ' itoki, thb 414. - • totAdlitorg, ,, A "4110)11, r-1.7 • • • 44)14,14.151170. • 1004101,4411:Obte • . • even rauchetitit ecitton of %Ion ir,44nitatZ ntoitob*ES*WoltohO*Voin And AI ktil.$ tiart4 Minot roiervtd..00 Jvatesteetlet ' • tiny penal who I* theAcje.heon'otiLiemnyv .11*-ony - 10146.00t18 etriof oir+0.0,to.tbe extent one,itilat, • • • • ApplitIttion,ItOr _entn.ttlitttiatiitqaditizi-pers00—t . -b-i-ttav-igrcamt at * pOnliniOn 00 Agency or 512 Entry by the dlittelotinlihr blhe ;and trotua . • Entry by 1)rolty moth holtoyek. midcot AO Agent • cy On OettldneOndiU0/144 by the fitheronothor 104 . • -Onnirbtoro brOther or isi4toF of an intending to it, • 211';11:annttelsAttelitidtainillne tinirfette°61'1410:1106111*-If igroallit:H7A .:. ' - '. .- - *:'*1 -. * 4 I 444 •vlitilopAo4fleastbetikruisSx inirethich4! yreskie.nrgrIttureellt.O*111*.CE4. ti. ' . ' . - • ,.:,, (g) A botutiti4i.der *any, Rise oo diet**, pertorra * ,• . 'the wicked r,tekivhccduries b living on fumin • • acres rk-extont. in'tio Vicinity of Us boinesta.4..* • ' • -- ,' , . ' ' " 311 ri'llraiIIik7iiiii7 +311::::::110e.nglip $11. Inned Wil; upt !nett "r*Itigeglittl**Itnno * ' 1.. ' * ' ,clect. , • _' . ' • ) of Of bornoltoaderito pentotnen tenttitintoft ' 4, " 11114, i•" ' 4114 611:217,711*&-1411311-theli4e,iritlitit of- .1-bt '. ';`- '':_-.1„,:: ''-' lion ....vrieilituta4044tOti,ent ;.int'b-''' ---" - • .- , in. the, tionkityi,nnen-frovnetteivier. any potfourildik ...,„,_,-_, .., . ..,„.. ...'.....•z. _- ._ ,-ow•Hilskitticelluties, by LliVibit *1th tEt4.2444t , '' • . . • Tbn feria..414•Atiltyw in%tikt' :WO.. 1?teceHil. 4 plognOtt it diffloefi 04. ateabitig not moo . if74,14ndriorotiettiltdoice:71triarinitniovarot000:remtn707,4t:;01'enowl:,414,I;r4."licalatioan4i4i,Firwo. of,: ,„ 'i,,,,,L,,,,,.4.,,,„4,,,;,,,.._ 1111"1445, A,'1105"Mtitift*::(7:1117teitd:gliAlLt.4) Perkrirk bk. - •„.•........._,_,.. ...,•„ ,..... . , •.- Abe inctitheo toOtke bi writIng Aboiabe_giveli*•tok .. . . • bi4:11Ctioio"ot''Ionocer.',o't,Visnitiou'..m.ans!** *,i,vt.iiir*o.o. . ' '- l' • • ' : 1,.1:11.4.ter4'.. 0.7t;plt7:11:y.ortista' ottrtatlirlsitee,0**Rtint)bitLit.4tr' 04 ihtl-f444' sb..1.4:4'rfoortior' ' ' ".. '' ' .: ' ' : ' loot Wilinobbli, rev . .. „ �TIQflb, ON • ii4dhk bOsineta 'ocilw-weetern On We give a thorough., 'pritaidia Coonneretal Subject* • • sa*CrAitttantx Shot -03464i 1'o44h ',.4rYperrritintolnart-ity-Coroiritte' • 'lid ; and Railroad ',Orporatla .toteit depaittneot1In the, PraPetitrik4., . -A44-107 widen tit • to *Oos, Ondiuqeit' 40,001 • f1ouroouroe* Art' 00004 0116,10100•And iern 010ke,AbOtit 014. Xott 1041 1: , ' • •, g0,4 • rincipals.° .. ,, , ) • .......4.-- A deputation &tont Ett. Istaryol hrait4t, , .. 7.1ed.oni. *tone lator$01 r., (l'rearramt;,41Y, * ' .. . ,li!*084t filtitillitil 'f2ittitli4 tor. '.n, a .. ' ,' . irti4o4"1":64:174144..*-iMiliii:4,411";;tilt::'*:'n',4-•''t*„t:'•7:1T:'-'-'-' - ff' Ortratio,litikitivay.f.f.thi* ritte Is an ott . llorivtili 1,1'0 ' and conteitapiatoi- imiot -: ., • • $ , '''Illrer: te.„ lisle ,It .frtnn, Is* t,r, a. ;too: thirti,..law, ::-, ' ' , : 1 „ , V.ft $r*., South tit Aaron.° Ormisitiatalidla ofreit.