HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-21, Page 2'.‘• • ••013,1....--3,4
-to be nvined;i
t kat t.ieI4t be Vo»L griovliatty,,,.
Kvely, $01uot "At least, Monsieur 't,s
kt, You Will *now Too to see 'the
.ot MdutyompeI
• I•r.'
AT •
.411,40011.- kOlora Avt, 'it oot •
,deold oitel trinnnIng seteine
, •
enks nod :bias
--Never Otero hoe Porte sitipersistOollY
.feelare,t1 that . the feo$.onso hishi.ortabit4
Ogsttiiri411$ 6tall `be ok4ilik4;
. •
. 0 ','• + , ,: ''
,,,, f•
, ' ,',.7.4.,-.r..a.4,.4..._ ....,.. . Iiq-e'
.. , . <1 '''''' * "I''',, 4146
''' 't: rt •
lite, it sct1 fcr bat-trovv,a, for
• Li., , 1Alt.- 4 crOlvii triV4 :tAtt• ,t4gb 044
4140041 tti1l,--74 41114E' ot rat,sei,i *font of
• .11-ititi*trOil4t, 411414 --41Vi- 'W",
ft 1101kPli` •n((LIMkI ito. ,t01141i,
t ex.4 1:0,- ' 11 044,40_
:4 ' ...',...,_____:,„z_ • _ . , .
,., , ..,. , ,, toi,ojr.. , ••. _ _ ._.
- ' '. - ' -•' . .
'.I t .intiovottort tvt)feti---b11:s.
• .:ti Ater* < rittel., ,Ilin,41
mg, MOIL
'•7 AL it " " '
, • , * trotsr4Otiti4„.„.
1,-•: -1b0,,q-.",tottt ti-,eto
:7 , 1-$ Inu414 �i a trii2-
. 10a tkil40$4
1em The --olOst entnnehtstie
• . wtti, not, predict...11441,41tei--
. .Lhat n,ontlot.
'f • ., soy '11)4't tho 'tinvre ha been lee im-
4•40SOptytt;i; *nit. otroai3y,ttie .4ot ,14 to;
'..' „corning '+.tonimOn."„,
' ,
13cotOt. o.out.$ ,fleoextiparty 'InOt .44-1110
0rtest 'etts the A04 ..0qt1oo'
with ah,litt.
--• cd- ToITwtZktoOythy c ievuYkgic4
- 1004
1,,s_gtuthny;,4,1,1041thi*t),,sr..opprow4 b„gyrt,latztoobireet::
41t. OTO1,110,A,.
t' 'oriorit4 _
b h favor._
Jog; this on, account of, 4be; many: odd
• •»lk• tliesses7t7,4iiteetn
think- if the„separat.
tway Model, but this is., the 81116ft:ea
- I ',' 1,0/111Yjr-C-DI011641161j.,,,b000111;-
ng„ worn -over an 04 skirt. •
wlitto'dres.!..,ts.Invoril'ed,,,tha be More.
, )1114'Ottable than'tver. Ittier groiRA:
•iryrult• are ,etaborateiy‘
• ostrlion .01 tlitt poasaity lent, -or
lye .different 'widths oppeoring, in One
, • _-tkirt, 411terroitt+ipi,flfrOltYx*iti
• - frieett.eloths.....fore...,moreAtesittifol than,
rg. EOR,• Lino, trallifierieor MU -a
nfny-surfao# flott;:-/gAtte...,et4 :added:
• • Orr;of Lhe vitrletr4ri-Ithlut
von tothstere7te4
-Yrinurltaistessoudettlit COU
oroithiog iitroutOugutuu,hi
ettOolutoina90/4,. waz
, "
Mat ici i• -.0
taitoil„ 61 "tome eo,•11.1tone3s
4 1%41Lp, 44o..rod
thew. canals
elneetvi% In 'the tG
n(1 --to over
tli ono ndrnin-
Iunc4petion of
*H:./ . tante In
thentrinteated. to .operote on the. intes-
JflCs! Ls
'404x)ixteit in ootton.'?untt.1 thi
throtign ittei stoniaelt, to fli bc,W-
tOlVfleki NV '10%
trotre — • nott,
hoot the only thoe -w&fly<iu are,
livh•en. are 4.441t1V0,1•1:-E!
10 11- 0." ,,000 to, co, -*r DtV
R!%... *4,VAn 0 ini int/410c,
Tyoung giris (Or wik$
." igom,Y sto, 403 "flegina1(1'witi
:0 ,
Tit ecou 1]
when II* 11
. 0)4444 ot tolir Jtng,
Avitit'vfilet) to4t,qt-thg new
041441 y"car,
rbc •1ritt$.11 Isks..,cro.iniOil*, ,' . , 4.
, fri
-.-. , _ , ‘1,t4S.:;:anti..1,steti, '00,4•Jit.41'
. .
.ig' ink , ,-, . nom e4 not ..include, nsI4, iticout
th' ttia vigoi-only. lotting .,'toc *and, p)tIttacio. • %
',. doll at , reit,, rhero, A omittsh cOught,,,on .1bo '111144,ingt0,1t...,
ung mcn
.-iWt,,ap., Abtre oolit$t. Was tool)* 'ix) 'Ontati, a pait
. „-
e 4 4_4•4•.4
*ft . Ott ..
feel by th& Unie tbey hac • lq• Otte
day's ork, a4 tbotmlit.,114 doy wo,s,'
'4001t1Otigt-, rto.o*:;o$04.' tho,tor to 44'
.:0,41Vier L*$go--: Vanger.
•'.••outan t Theao are 'Certain:
that, It.....1-comptott.b.o.:,. ton.,..totty tostilL'
tht tottirgeltOy:1Dr.5,10111414$4•,*iink
011# Y04110
eso- pllLs rctuafly 'n3exo.
-S how owls ,m4o saved
ank by 4 Vlse'lbV('S
took, buyer an4 totrestor,
this book. Not, ter
•Y 11*****4441dt.0 Ourtriwo,
Vett)). easily dies without followsni
What IS given 411 love never is t„.
Pr You,' They al* I..1Ore V'.,W,Ir'olst'f4tot::.ed7°t11:1*obtalnir:onttn':
into .4' ine,' .14 Itains.4y?,. litenultk* nod t orittiuoy;.growit ,
, It style, purity of color -404 treat opotitc„,
tear. Evcry 0011gliatAnt"e0; our fock4;'-,„ plot 1',11taki• - 00300300 V10100
doalor has them, Wrttes A. 'llalum4f.'f.G' 1,14.4adikehto,,oto,„1„. won to $orter, tram
..$4,3n. Co.," ,for.pock. of 'Sotnen;f. iva$ • poling so liapittlst
'1°'°°11r° P°t' .C445'of t14)11/"."• 'thtit; 1 togati" Jo -too Aitat,, tonstuttlItipg,
'" ' tftStenin,0 ilsOlr0000, me,. 00.44111,-
`,ig6MV10,ii'.1)*;firlit:Ptr L.q1A(..11.64n4n1111411°14)117041.41fa.'*4:, jiltd:41:1"athti-04t\er4(t4,:alittl)t:$4.',1144414:1r4:4fr:(14'111:
thc utOk. ,tin4.„
,..13481$14 pant&J lime lOc,O,oii tholawitA,,
Adam*, Noobi:E111.01t And ZOoehols .4),0
''0011$ttott ilt)%0,0;"ot '.Topt 'oonAitirii10
who ore 'seelgog 'oTo4t400:..;144.1110 4. tsle.tv
,cInt.i.11; Of, viloge
in East Nor-
fot1, L„.
'•• .TrAng7
tint1011:Dige'r, ".*t- 50vett
:OSeedi and 'tollipg, .nitto Ane Itqattt,•w.c.
•: t.:4141411.ift-- 1r4.
-A OM Oovit,P11111,-;. otomi to. Irfor„. Strong -
14.191v°4'44'"11/ *'F'reitvv04,r.-rittrtec7tty:1)1..Wttitraftte,
ismould',comittor :Pttnnetto Nts, I so,,,nrion$140 .0 fiptot.c',
.g444ble Pin% ill 1*'''146°°a'' It is a W Pink 'boon let :4ga; tlettori_
,won ontokt Oils; What It pttit'o'.hogen to .10114,0i0 404 seenta
ttt SizO: iti„trittltOs ..tip in potongy., hel , :fount ,o;ov„r• eottragei • •_
carries4tro. PA lip ,001,00,40 04,0 U44444 loon, teit:
thnle, Pineal, 'doses, bOetilLSo texevItrid-1 omf'new enjoying a'st
W4'IN''''"):111 "that 4)1* 444°4' ate 1)00,11,11,' ever 1040 111.Y.;,011r0 SUP
required. The full' strength t , . ,
thetrvi40.rk th!rou.00..,
- . ' '..tio..-0:YOw OM 'Melt, try again 10;
Sound., 4r0t4r* 40s nal 'cur43 414^4'; 01 toe. wail: .a 'walking coourne.' •
t -truth' is 1 .--lo--1,JK'ITt" id night, Owl • soa it you..= ,t1reagt Who
Mental .Youth. ' • 101$01110111,1 Ong to polar it these
Tho -rich 0i74 ft.* 000xi Out or th'.0604. :bud. tithe." • •
The itiO .01 Sell!:0;PAS trittt Menge Prattle- 1340144*S and
lot conduct, • every- term of tontagiouS Itch, In hUmart,
man' s title.. to gory ,hat:de, • .„.03A3Lattlittglk
pend en -tM Lrro:,.fInS 'IMO* '14000.r4 .1k neav!.0 11110T
'never' lo..ce.,yeur.eviint, ley litlend;', :sod, .4_,:att .1dotti*ts„,
fl elattirt tat oatch to!lituae to bear goies thero4o numerous` reasons' why
45ribo-ITOs1 jurdA• ty... statare a ng,
1301$ of Plttit 111110$ represent - ho
the srt) ledgt.5 044 lingle$ to it.
Iolost eddit on. to Ina mart tsor, outdo The mitts is irksome only when we
it.4 4notnint, the railla, 0110 'a vokstol;
-T11(L--Ir'tn*'"4•' °PI/14* nna
,t 0 0 tititufg Cr the, larliterae ItisOOvers-olit in 4 mirror
• trent, with. tt, huge bUtk.ie of t e sat
. ape
Tho* bitit tit .visi410M is still ,iiSOrt*
,,r,rata•lit the ball Of fteliion, and (iw
ovkriy,,Tasbtonol,„ 'straw
,ou Lbeuls.-(
-77 LiubY 410, are ph-Ning Mir part in I
att!re;lirstitest--ot artire-
v,attled,-„..out troWn with white
• tpecklot -,strav*.t. ,
- St‘v L4,40.01g. igorgf 4InteOlit
itoles, „the, 'scheme of ,Inew hetidgeti
Itendent ot ny. ra vlortititent,.
inensestrow-metkis toking-:ng
the feather and inerabout pompons
And belt* detigr,04 in. two or three dit.
' Omit; tones of Ow color' with' signal
tutees& , ,
140 make nottocili *it "retro
-will, Try it4 Alt drug out gfoorAt
,buttior. , „
tre, :tars- -'-.11*(-- -
' 314/6 111141.17 giving th(.t• por 'etu.ttt`
the ,otteet, aro stealing noir broad Frii.i."4,4s.--Tinte was wizen .1.)r. Thomas'.
the , .,,Eflectrio Ott but A 4A11411-11014 Ot
When a an WWII* truth about bint;' '41-13,trIbuti3On$ .tut ' vow lt$ WITIlorY
' )(OM ocri saws..
leer Vortio, PAO 001 gboto An
Aitken Veldt, ;
Three roens *VI* Xlited near •Pittera.
, .burg, Transvaal, the other day by tho
dikk.044:araold son .,,ct level Erasnms,„
Poet, for_mer, sayslheirreteriti Voria-
tOm. • •
It AP ars that ytung Trastnus
'tgasps 'Ws (4,,00key „
L. 'Kaffir 'beyeAttne xtitining to teithint
Itatc, Wear bitaling 1110 -irt
Etti'.444/ i,e1.04, his gun •soul
. herd dire4.0 .4t' cheated. inn.
arrival at: the :A4pot he rota 'The likitt's
Itng areKttut toe1 the ;044tikeyS."'''
bred and * lig lioness.-
tt4s two.litinP•ed OP tut he wst
• ready boa shot antitherL 4oungen.
tile The yGung. whio was, kit pot
litbitid, son* bettelttioctf.. tratinutt'llis
tolleeleat ,4141,nkeps and brought Oct'
•, .111Witeldy ILflII thtn Once ntOrt etiret
-.Iyapproadted. the*.ene 41-thellght.
Itti rckr to And init 11* two
1.1041 1* ,Itted aneihrt *hot *1
ow of them, Thi S ilislurbed '
Itiving tit% 'Yvh6 tiotoution 'taint forth
rtioatialls was 'agairirta4 and
?bot ,hurt dont ort the *pet.: 'iltaked by
• ”
, 4104
llo who stk-'1114"-ttitrIl 01(1
. ,f ns.
0,140015[04two must lutvo14' Tt ftends is, ever ni mg new. It to
tic,* 4)1 Itoo*Ittlgoi.- • certain that; wix7ever Ono, list's it will
intikeS s .pkilosoeni,„ rpt be ,witittdtt. iL•.•
pOwerful impression withent •steady • -.4-17.
-,praotiar , • #01,-400-4041,414.4*$1114,-,i,--
'. There would.,,be lit(kt religions Infidel.' •I
It)? in (tat 'WOW tut 'for our Itti(nifils''‘tegltintiat Lender M.Y1414.4`ii,er n itteif
...te forte the. too*: of, .one man't faith, ,• .„,htoott 'by, otereit ht,000.
on: other . ; . • 7, ParsJGA, Ifit$ gi
'A ve!, tile *Oda tin„JI.,
, • • Itistration ot -the. wort:dog* of the Preach
4polje,,,A in ad 'aneedOte, which it
.t , ,publishts with 411 ,,M104000:11141,
fl 0 a onn rs Incident happened Jr.0 ntly
/0 distingurslitd 'member of Parisian
1 ArItir* ntothtf*Tri yttiitt. giviiitt, *neitty-tentllouttotAttion4.-tor-a-ta
iittkt tile, .10tatight, Aoothint
,ritixttitocr 4ap1ate of any kind extefit,
nr.ott. the *advkt• of 4 competent doc.•
ler, who hos ion the hi1. A1 tlItte,
totao polka: Watii;
git4 bay or young thil.ki
Baty* Own, ?titles .1'ou :have the
nieditite 'i fld.t ifltaI (Iie partt11
ot or •flt.tiCt.,enol therefort
(to 'Ott.
11441 0**--zobko toT.toy baby iine
‘teva Um; -v-tielo: old; Ire,',,wair
'sv'trY baby, butthanks, to :the
. Tablets be :xicw. 4. Lig, Ott booth,
t or." Sold toy medleine` tietikrs or. by
4143 at tS cents box from The Dr,
Wilitamt0*Meditirie tirtOvilics
stiree•rat Irs how in. th.3, Faubourg
'Gtrozsio, Ito is a legititrest, *n4 it, was
hardly teneetti, Mot the gathering sotoi
to htmo (t- certapoli
in tical signitleande.
A.A. --,6‘,, n14s hebear41 of ,it Nike prefect
teptne caned ..upen the host .0nd w3t1
the utmost f otitclxset isollOtod t eintile
Vilittiript Vr * ids MI his staff.
, ---nelons-g-7-ur .-k. ,ioin ,„. 4tt e. w
/611 ray word cr. lionor the men to whom
f4titrust. itteinti .....,t0(1.L.Jilio„ P61,00t '
Joeynon: tht‘y- Walt 443 bli0 iiiiitiottet:
itt,acyobor4,14 they will he worn* of the
-inor. ',,Nott eta ter ,on' Won by wool*
thm lytito on .. - ..,, ,
004.ikir 404'7'41*
,had.,,a',eeriselentleittS teldettlen. to Tutu'
lt Ve4,'stMed tit.-;;;Itones444)
"Go, wo was ellta7 hOoSOT''
, that' to•,'wOrt-
trainr Ot YoutHr ib101fOs • , thx*•ObtV''
4)(on. having ,serve4 irk.priSon.
John Ittioet-' „AVAIblittovin Sand wicb:
,11conval, vlotno1leic.oinnittto4 ontoltio In
,:r0natliablo ',manner. fle drowned
tan of w"otet'l in ,,b,14-,aabli
placing ' 'OW water 'int*
henstito digestion o11mproiired'oP4er th trostroontobut ,
,*oOZL T. .toppod skIn the -med.
r to.tlniontsl of M411 wb040,
- nori eivu simlisr terratneWngentett by
so 1 onghttvron.14 give it *
**WOO .0tOstiLimb 411* s' 004100104 00 '
'nortnal. mon gic bar t1110011 000
b°4414,1"0 Ont#010 Ottr
."Initit14 , entities" sneh el 00
frrah.44".* '
msnY kind* et -d1 dell Ot 1rri 413
- •
V.Z50;10 for endoWntent antl...alteratiens,
I.S:4t1nve iiis memory
the 'Pillar ••Itock.:. r k..elerzt ;he :died he
L. d s nrLetilirbt'ihtS:
gar ano., As toolF4D * r0 Y - 7'
• advi,se-9.1tie,,,,tisiLo/i ',twill wbo nro-wo441.' tititAsh ti.:egiritentat ofiletri•••• ore : , :„
lio : i'llibixt my, exairn-pie -•tio.ct 'give ,, ruled vith 4,words.--agairt.-fr*.rig,-the
Wood is tho .41.0use., of all..vorantan. dis- 'Doer war: woe -one hat AsvOrONetO,
AWillirne-Pink-.Tpitio-a---fair iti.O.m---- 1144 ' losons- too.- giliellY--1 Kr 11612itoilt4 , ,
' Plat ,11*Olnitti$01+1 , StittlitO I itgligttittrOn WO* ()lit .61 dato,;, • - -. , ,.. . .: ,.
141 *rito0, ttoublio); genetot•.,16vooki. ..„The.flari of Crette has teen_ appoint.,
the *Mittel ttlinttnts that:only AVO, 4'4..44044 of tho,'Oarter,' in 'plate, of
,menTfolle -know, , ' O. ','SVIlliarnsi.1 -Pink llie*loW-Dince-,et-nevonslitre.,,2and., Lord'
; Pilts.are 'the one Ittire;71x0OuSe they go ,irivoginoittti basbeen-made .4 -Knight
. tight to the riot of the•trontil•e in 'lite ,,et the Thielkt, In 1')Itt$' of the late...Mar.'
- „y---,elitiiit073-e-144.:litood, W., '.444,,i4,X•attlithgew.... - -,-,.-:_. . L ,
to good. bleod,", and (bus 'bring, hee,t1t.. , 'A noven 4ittir 4t6tit 5: teet:bigli, Willi'
'ittron4141g..•.- ..f.._55:110:=Stklbes.e. '-tlio.ctattqctitti-nvt-plittit.„,and trt`
Plitt'ImirAllritiattyliw*-410Tifel$r -,an---Ottel.. : to-10mo- ()T- proeiirtitionjlias-,
;-Ivittil-ttu'oel:a-14)4402-41)4oxi-trier,V...,' ben-toun, gi.,seroe-Aitoughing-,,orm-.
-bow' 1Villlainti-Itedictitoo.-- 'trot arntist,Ctilthwaiteiciftw.:
e*stl--nlw'alutOraltki tt064301tKII• ilettta AlseleSS ktnot luta boyonet$
,stectiptthree,40,,Okye... ,
•.• ,
•,• .41
; ',,vbeallfiivo,.rif4,g:.,_ _
to note that the teipbrateit French re
•`i*ittat r:bas .1)04, and 14**)id:-..tind0
. 'Itototie 140 otp:yltril ait,dliected; te4 to. ..ye
AN Ancric,a0;834Nct.
tt. Aretto rtY
• ..sample -40 44 not accept a Substitute, ---11-011--w.
*' hi; 'rite toilts$ ‘.-
tie,letStry .nutoUr
saistoos, to ,proviallWfair—T—nuT
, Eon requited. by tier fatter
04 'encouragement frni ibe $torn • pat.
tat,. A yawning ehasnt ttepnrate,1 the'
_1tsbt1ov0,,, Which • 'coukt be
etnt,a4..11. only by a snow'
yount,,tioilet:vol.t 041E4 Ile would tress
-Lb.stiow 'tiridge 'Art• the -night* 'abduct
:Ibe .141g6.tfiso4411;1$04/pwit gthr-pul!r4sgultd.,stfreYelo}r)60."
crOsSed lbe.bridge, invaded. the..h4ro
hi3. idol„, seized 4, oltebing, bag: and de.
pate, dctnyng the brJde„after he
:bad troued.' Then he' opened the sleet*,
Ing'betradddtgeoeoed ihat 10.11ad
41uotedoritt0t the girl, but ;the old ratitti
We itaffe no heititaUon lit :Saying (hat
1)-.. Kellogg's 1/33eriter7 Cordial
is without 4N111ht Ibe Lest meditine o'er
Introduced' • for dy-T-sentery, diary
eslitiolonraiiattottit..11::$16tti_Oproittietirtio4,01,0stit, p$4140ivirt, !t.4,4
STA MV414 fads 1-0 effect a positiveevok
slioulet,Over be withoitt itbot4'.
',Ile ?whin their -children aro, teething, ,
T*, Count, as vvety, btiovs4
ett,r. Ito exilaintei with tioOfttod
zadain his, patty won niadt
w of the bInc,4 blood In Prank* and
any outakter Avcuid he at out* to u*
Onto icut.
" 44,ranti sbonid thrle 1w:re' befere
fore „sho . • • •
Tito never nic.4icino;
Os 'Corn Cum reMoVes .allAdnds 'of
100 ns, worts., 0.4 even the rixt4st 41111144,
C to .rernove cannot this
utteinediii ,
llusbatulaTheAto*r told r.1 mu4
" to *Ito
Vii,tuf-tonguert 1I41s1AU1 --
t hinOk tat
PASSIN4 PATr...1s114.
hefk ..,,,,nretift` they •pi.ent.
*icem-. TWiEyi ;but he
ont has ta:$1grett.'
TO 44
kn ltialunens was in ttouble- about a
gun found. in his pc4simi4)n. The, !awl,'
uritoAlfrieter for - htou,'.adopt,- the itn. -
kind suggestion that lif6 '1144 stelen it.
:white aitattior his ittitit, he
,ed by a, .1`tion41, who uived..him to afot41.
...kstly adhere to, the :staletnent 't at be
lukt ;MAI the gun 10e "Xtatito Thc
frjen3furtherninte, eitemi tow .
when -In shriller difileulty atMut
ben, 'had iervrd beth. 'the hen
sWearing bis bald
• Aim* it we*
f Thls *41viee was no
tAlport Pat, and tie,benettottit regardd
b4trial vithif the Settled serenity, of, ,
toot:Ions illtiktOtAtt, ASO ,•
On t.he day appotrited*,e,
ye ;dente against him, he
Vies- *Stied -font*
anyVltng 1 it* -, 1r h1iist. .Pat
' bonght *14 '40
ork) BosfOn, Montrealar
Stoek, '
:lit.up in tillitiret a Ali Lmort---ot.
'took on 414411004
,WflAT OA,
1rckwWr44r.,OsIg ars
TI•Ig:-Oit#011' TO MO ItgEt.1",1311S.
gl-tr,)t tiet$Oti'A 'tetiblit* 11.4Vt. A trctit;
Ocor nd id. .door by ,which th. x.
lots 1x inttissi. The front door le -on,
:the .street. ',E-Atittie 'keep It .tilisAys
'aetnektep 1ateht4.-*-0'‘ .106-01i It.014
bolted : with a, ettairt livit -wilt let, you
op in 'WC not get in end sone
t up", to- that, "nothing ,oen pcst it
throthold, This, front ,4deor 14441* tato
:* • mattge ikliletr opens into tit '4eites.
' and this 'Into' 114 *Wier. ap4rt-
4eor Japerni *1 oik
I MO* 1*
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