HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-9-2, Page 66
•- __.�...�...: _, _ .., .� _.,_,,� 4444. -.. _ , ▪ : �_... :...w�.M, ''
Our Lord is here distinctly called i A DETECTIVE ( ___
1471. L.'.Lk •1.r. ,
N R Ten Lost Tribes FffthKin�'j of the Jeivs," Land the 1-- I i 1 l 0 f Pittiios,
"Governor that ebeeld rule Iils pCoale , There is to story told of ft lady axed t
'. Liee"ri 1tet 1)1.LIt. i11IEI) 1;Y TILE REV. '" ) > was1
<t. L. ((p'i�l)l, ';.:� '1'111'; I11.1r1'1'Il()11I.L1)1' I@rats]= And ti'hcu this same Josue ltxpntietl'lan together on .an l;ngl%ell I
tail b ti,1•.LI';TEll. AUG. 11)411, 18su, arraigned before Pilate, the Roman ;railroad, They were strangers to each 1
Governor, "4'1,1(1 the Governor ask -d 'other. Suddenly, the gentleman
Hine, saving, Art Thou the hint; of the 'said :--• i r. ? t;et
IJKI'iug had thegopportttnity of listen- `Jews ; Jesus said unto him thou (lay' ' 'lIadanie, 1 will trouble you to look i
to to a lecture a few evenings agoou tha set r" ---Matt. MI, 2. At the sable time i ont. of the tvi'Jduw for a few mluutee ; I
t:nl)iect of "An'do lintel,- or the iden- he indicates the spiritual nature of His 11 lata going to make some change in;
til.y of the BritishNati()n with the ellen kingdom by declaring, ":1:Iy kingdom 1 zuy wearing apparel." i
i'',et tlife.e'r" it appeared to me that is not elf this wo21d ; if 1)1y Kingdom I 'Certainly, sir," she replied!, with
tome of the positions taken were alto- were of this world, tis:n should MY I Great pulitenees, tieing and turning her
:ether opposed to the teeebnige of the servants fight that 1 should 310t be de- ; back upon bio!.. In a short time he
ectipitnr;•, 1.11(1 as two of those ptositions livered to the Jews, but .e.,,(4 ie 1tly I said :
tiro evideiely fuleleenentel to the the, kingelein net from theeee. Pilate ; 'Now, enetalne, lust change is ewe.
;Ay enweciated. 1 ptrepnpe c eeidetiflg therefore said mite hint, Art Teen a' pleted and von may resume your peat.'
diem in the light el th ` Feer+('( record. Bill : then Jesus answered, °1'110!1 H11�• ��'lien the lady turned she beheld
t; 1.\ Tilts first pnt,iti'an taken ;Lila laid est that 1 eye a King. To this end was her male e'Iltapailion transformed into a
:lawn as ft)nd til eta! to the throat' le' 1 born and ler this cause Genie I into dashing hely with a heavy veil over her
that the i tint 1u Killed.)n," res Danielet the world, that 1 Fhollltt hear witness , ftec
t)r r;:cey is 13L1'(:ra1 with the British to inti treat :---101111 18: 83, 87. iL re •N(]n', sir, or madame, whichever
2;l,tien. and the tea.'rtl is ilia the we @t'e the fulfilment cf li)allief s pro- 1 you are,' said the lady, 'I gins( trouble
...raelitieh portiere of til:' Captivity (Ha 1)her17, the ''t(u)lle" 1'FI'•ettd by the von to look out 0f the window, fur 1
t'ot ratut'n to their own land, and were; builders, which afterwards. b(•ct)me the have some cll'1n;,gee to snake itl my an• r' rt `
The IJ,11't'(itt anti i+lt)5t. 1:U121'tiUw( Factory 111 the ,1,}Ulllllli;);',1
rot re-nnited with the 3•'wisli portion eel head of the career ; the "Soil of iA.i'lll," perch, Certainly, maritime, and the. '•-
1.4.0.;.1.00 L •.i
the Patio::, To b 111 of the-el'roposi Ito whom wag Given "dominion, glory gentleman iu ladles' attire itlline(liatoly f. tit.
thins 1 take cleciitrb5tetian, Liand(a Kingdom that all people, na- enlltlip. l:iglest loners eNrer awarded to any Makerin t1(\o;1
And fir -t, as t:t the ititerprotrat'ior tuns nee] Iangueges should fierie 'Now bir, yon allay resnmii yonr
given to 1)ttrtic'i'R prophecy. as -recorded
'1litn ;' aUti hoe aISO IVO see daft:1@i1 seat..' MEDAL :1,1.1) Itl1'i1Q1.t:1 AT (T \ I :xNT•1r,, l ,:i.
in Daniel, 11 ('hap., 81. 83, v. "Then i the natures of lll. Kingdom, ''hitt of To his great surprise on resuming, 1)U ;1,, ie l elEl 1,Vi'1 AI,T:1, ir+77
(1118 FJ(Yrld, "not meet Mid drink `hilt n 1t1,]IlNarl in attire (1!)1,1)''7 .n:V.;111'Y11O PROVINCIAL 11Yliir (;t),\,'1'(ltltl\(1),11+71,
scop'(•,( till a stone was cut out without , his seat, the Pt ,• , r 1 , ,
and uitca and )' in ) III'1.1f.131: A11:1.L1) Al.I'% l.:Sl_,i.ai, 1,..I1.Iarries, �ii.UN':LO, 1,37.).
baude, which smote the image upon ! i • 1' 3 fined his lady A.nnlwanioe transf )LTipll
his feet that were of iron and c1a�-, and ' the 1101y Ghost :—'!lain, 113 ; 17, into a nlau. H:+ impelled and e.ai)l
brake theca to pieces," LCC. All are "And when he was demanded of til,, 'It appears that we are both eteelon'i •\`r0 11re BOW manufacturing Square 1(34((1 Upright . liiiU O:t.
Ei l'eetl that the ltllane Itself rt'' osent3 .It11111'I4(03, when the I11ngdDn] of God
to escape reoYgnitio». \Vflat have yen Best ill the 1 inter. ttCet'1I o:i�l:)Ill.`011eel 1solicite(li. Sen(1 1111' Il -
the font great l{in douis of Antitquity. should tinge. he autwereta and seed, done ? Ihave robbed a bank.' le trate(' Caatalogue. i)tailc d fret'. _Address
Tile I':•ai:'iol:ian ('sing represented by The Kingdom of Clod cometh not with 'And I.' said the whiled] pati,', es be Catalogue. •
the • hemi of gold." the Medn-Persieu observation ; neither shell they say, dexterously fettered his companion'rl t i, ri'3; ',,•',,.l,,,,.. 7'",ate ,:,;Y��!, �`":• ,.� •,; �f u^)��, :�
by the "breast and arms of silver," the Lo here ! or Le there 1 f•)r, behold, wrists with a pair of handenffa 'T :are w `''
(=rltecian by the "belly wed thighs of the Kingdom of God 1s within you" — detective J-----, of Scotland 7';trd, IJ(i;V31.1NV11.T.I1, )�'; i;l; t.
base," and the roman by the "legs of Dike 11 ; 2.); 21. and in female apparel hays shadowed , ,.».a.. -...—.r.. ..,...=.T=„,Y•,.,.s.,=•..•...:.,.,..
iron, ei d the feet part of iron and part One el' the characteristics of the Fon for two d Lyµ --now,' drawiug a r •
r_ , y ~' . �^ t
t: f C:ity," but here tho agreement as to kiniedom described in l )tawiel's prop'he• i Itevolver, `keep (:till." .k, ` 1 t"+ i 7 `.� �� s' V i �1 'S AJ -7.4".1"..1 _
the interpretation of the prophecy ends ey was that it @lloutd be smell in its
WOMEN - - e +--
b2'LntL211 "a stone," bet that it Ai' It ���1� L 11 S. s 1:401"n"Rq +,9r r'Rt'^ VRt ('lri f fi y, rc 3.,n y44 •i , 4- 4,I,
f)7 it is asserted by tL@ fltlyfCtate@ of !` , + • r atIl et )' 7,i ' f'l�. ty is a,yrf) �3fl,.'a ,.., ,,er,bry
man mmad'�ow J,d N' w ora u:+u ::. uEA
shit' peculiar theory that inasinneb na should grow utliit it should becolue a --
nmentioned "great moilntain ant1 fill the whole Though '.old Mr. Fogy' has long "-'—'
the four kingdoms firetrUt.n.lOned aro t^ ,t t' practice Tits•refd)re.r,ntl,)t•tit itre,allitelloyit:;l,at 1.t:. tilstP1713ttv1711Rtltlltll in. iti owl, f tri( 1, 7,
esritll} therefore the fifth must Glen aartl]•" suet in perfect agreement with eetioned woineefri fitness to 1 , attic ,,t ln.•1•ure,d nth;: tn)' :,rot•-in•t t that t't u.•olrit eul:iu.,', ,Lmcany tui.. 1,; o ;; ut li.y i..a.
logiti r,,,n, .t Sta[•r. tit.•)' tt'iii otc,te U1,ri),,tat i'lctS t,l _
that the British nation is the fifth "The Kieg,1otn Of Heaven is like to a ullattors, no 01113 11}58 ever questioned s c� t
liint,?Liem represented by the stone. grain Cf Mustard seed, a hic i a man her ,opluiou CttnCeruilig 1)t'. Pierce'(
Furniture 7' I All �'�'t 3
en opposition to this. view I would took and sowed in His, field ; whish, Favorite prescription. 1't'r w ulell •11Win !nttr••i i)y •irc. '11 t•t 1 u:,^t tt'n•u, 1,rtt•:ti':,41.1,.1 t't nnl+•rn'Itttt.ta,itii,. 11.1 rl'• tut
first observe that, all the ea) t'f v l'ing• indeed, is the least of all seeds, but affirm that the Prescrip:ti to i8 5 11;) 1tiVa ul,t-isfy'luft i.la ()001.1 a )tit 1 t • ... 1 1•"n Nitu..,• t') , , 1 .t.,. du•t11.••t t')1' ., ..:L it' u1 1'!,. iii
a greatest Tgltlr dowel' senna- 1:ti.,t i,.tIIt.l,4'iLrt)t.1,:cell,:::ry,uutt.,ai::Li a.;:tg.
1ems here spoken of are grou;•ed to- when 'it is grown, it is the reatest cure far these sheep a —
CGt1:1t! Aut1 forms a3 parts Of the Iln4+,:',e salol].' 118('113, and 1)COOn1Qt11 a tl'ec�, so 1 t10n>;,'au'
1 the many diseases and welak- —i�'�
c )nir)luta whole, while the k1•lwd nil thou the birds of the air e-,ine'ia,1d nerds 1 oeilli.i•1' to tilf•lr sex. The favor-
VI 1 i' r a eif £ c° •.,r anTp r,q a•a +ran t' e e a ,c4"yi+t ' m
t ' t Iodgo in the 1,'a' C11''s thereof." Alen l ite rl•esc iptimi 13 sold by all di tii giet't .'d:�lS +7'..4. tri •i'3+t1 d illi ii iw e:.�tiG C' 1'.:..^d,'• C'ati aJ i<:: 4 t l:.*.,Ca t:_ L'. i- EAU.
of "eteas' is indicated as sonisthirp r
entire!y drstinet from this group of "T11A Iain1.';tl•'n of heaven i•, lilie unto t n.ti1_.l' a positive g;aarattec,
earthly kingdoms, end also as antagon- leave I, whieb a a ow'1,1 took and hid hl I i 4737. .__
itt:., them, 1 (liras ttleawln•as (:f tt1'al, till file whole i 1 it. 1'',14, 'March 1 . 1�$a..,,,,,..o,�...,,�,,,,,�;,,,,�,,.-,,,-�R,,�.v-�.,,,�,,,,,,.,.��.�.�„»a:= .,.n..:_.„=,<=a�...,,,<.,,K,�:....t..R.a..
w tc; (•461(1, anE1 especially to that 1)l, lt.y.Pierre D itt•117) N. V. -
"ie still in eaiitance at the ti°I) of its was letelened" :—"Met. 1:3 : 81•;,8, lh.ar iii, --I was tr(•atrd by lour dif- ,.�z ro--
teet1;h I1r]ent, flit Ditn3!•1 himself The ii'.3tcov of the till' i•+tiltul el'uroh fer7nt phy•ietots 1i'ithout avail i()r tli4- t F �'r'V \f9) r7Lt; i! ' - 1) "*t\ i 7 \t t 1"` Y 1 +
t ' '� 4 f l•t, 4 A�1 n ,t 4: •) i 1, i t
:s.7e tilt: we.aningg of tievi'.i"ftI 1» los most 01,,arly illustrates the tritll of ,,aetN of t.:u 1,X'01' and Meru -4. 1.1)(11+ 6 k ',.� frI /'} t'1
[111 tY
i'lterr i tali Dn ' "eex,e 1n te„ a ayµ 4.),a:,]! -1's pIOphec J ; email 111 i!t? b iggie tll110 H ;0 l C ,21'lll1 t,COt1 111<i 11+A of veerr ? 4 , ' ttt l:t� f` � ,1, .! t t le
of these King' elle11 the Got] of Heaver i nine, is s,,n i•g:iii 1) r1.1:LL1(N itst'li telt Fuvoritt, I',e>e,•ilttit)n s.,tip I):,eoX't>'y, ;
sat tie a 1.1' gtlem which shell row 17," i 'ii a: Intir:a1 l E woi lu tilt. r;01.111. l *Gl'1,, at 111(' (4 41, 0 ,l 1 11_,1 t'' 11'0'' is •tl.
eiestr`/ ed ; and the I'ir15^.'.:^:n 6101.l1 n It 1 . 1'•l "' ri1 1t' 11 s tit tiu1''1)p)tr('nt it :%.!:ii; st l2' Bill r =iJ11111 a was shm, hut
be 1.to other People, but it pl•�4'1 cattle iii C+)ittaet r.illl Ilep•( war of Int. p Low ilil":11 ti ti 1':t+C (lir ll+Q Of
t,re'ili hi pieces and consume all it r.i peri:ll -Willie. 11411 i'n1 er U'08 P"( roll'' L01.21•'6 of e..eii of lits i.oedici:Je3•
i-,-!u.'Y ti ai•.d (shall btiititi f ,1 vt•1,"— ;o"ta at iote1'v;11 , fttt Ili er v thy,.(/, w it.3 IIltitt,, ilia 11, t11't!l,iy. '
1 (1 •)t1 tlut... i11 older to ert..•1t relit'
a1° 3 3� v. here U «. titil? t? tt �: e' E1' 111/"il, vary re -ore fully,
FVxt: mil lilil•?i)t of (1113 Ll..tg-.,l.in: f.: a `ir ; . ytrnr_.lie t.h11at1F.I:F. De vt.3t a'''li t!•' i iI.it E. Git.:.CE. 1'"'t' k•,
that it (ll:rlllg tate cit it '1t:fanee i.f +l 1 +.Lbit`•e3 X4(15 matte: the al'1',1'ta 111)•
,,. t" earthly ,,1,1,1 aI'- x'+11 111i'�ell the blood of (•t is l is 14(31', c'.»d 7,011; el'IR.O.P
,. re 1.1+ (: f Iar.h y is+, ] 'I' .
11 •ailrti s)f the 1 iugdi7n is C]'%p/:1Atl, its, 1 LILT. CO 111--:' 11: 1144, silt: ill eve11 1.elt of l 3:., „tlt+1 31_„•,ttt•1)7 Lilt 11)1'1.1 1104? C+Vt•i. ! r
(" 1 e a i thi Pini"1. t 1 trete irlad tot ill t' , .11/7.1 t t: t 1 t,: 1:141(' u
.' iuby a2 (=1:411 e. it 11 :), :Ili?, i' ' ' e they d t , cit n '1) xti, , 1., e'
it 1t� ',!'itl'11C't1b1A, it Pl .til P` .11+2 t Ill:' rn .,. (1 titrl Inartyr41 14 , 1.'+111 stn. i + >- 4 t i 1 - t 1- .!. `• 1...p 1. i1 br 1t ti y4C 4
•T tit "17.'7 ni1t1' it; len- 113411 •tbiee e.°n..I lti 1 I,.-.1 1 ,t1t, Ur,l 511111 t u)il I ,tiller:
$X't: • Thee h, �•buclri'.x t1g'xTal '1 ler. r , s 1 ''1‘
} ttl :•i. ..,, 1 : .i ei. :..'^. rl �C 1 tt' ,,t•t rt,'
St (4,1 dile Iiii11?.lonT Ir be flee (. f tU1lt � It (i 1573 04110 l:a `11, (2 )11/41,0111. j ti
u1 dii:•' • to t c sun t) t': r l Ci :U
<:l:"I1it i_ l:4 et'/11t,11i from Pen. 7` 0. V• • till:, 0: s.:le rider of the li 1131 111, 11. tl'1:I, l Ph�,t l:.' : .t •14'. 41 li all•1::1. (1(14,11, E, i(ri't'
• il: 1.1 ''1rtn is an cX i tt.1itt" t.inx cl'c' IV AC vc1 t1IN o,il' i 1 «1, 1 t.5 •1 =-,i-' Cote!.', 4444 s 41taoLtt, ;1%3 t.rti (1' t r.: : t1
„1 <r 3°i 1 ( Ci1g1S[, }.'a! 117 bel"LU ti rt'1 ..1 lir. llh.r)y' i11. tii 'It a i ,illi v,. iI i 1 t)1. 1 1.4n.1u
I4 , .ti [•'+r• 11/3•tt' , e•r% gr . r,t a•iti
l'n 1' i 1 le h1 )'f ii 1 i t:: r
' 4.11. 7. lt,i in,'" 4i??rt l 1.. L'. , C. is i. v ' 10 Ea.1 OA: 4111111 Cas ('t 1518 y.'t (1 1.71 r, ' 1.';11'1‘. 1�
., ., u o t , 1 .t 2'. �t I i., b a• t..a
11 3 t.tt11')'`23t 1111 l,,ii ttt,tri of ( tight •uta r::. 1 , , .1 zv t •1u "11'1
ut i ' tl lu.' (..i.
iih`;'r Le loos! nlnitltar 1'sll;;t2 *, . '' g "1: )� _ '•
Ila 7 1 ,3d'..:' 1)7.11 the precut .' j:' see 1 has l.i% yet tilled the', eerie earth. Cat ' . au 1 iL i ti t ,:.• 1 1.0111."*1 4 i`
r I 1 ' 1 lr c 1 " . .r (t :1, tu11 ,111!:,',:1-::
, f•;e 'scar for III says T�'.a^. 1+J e. °'�: t !the •'ilt)ui: Lis- b come tt (,rt:it: la ruin , t �
' t titin skip 1'•e 11111:1eno,.'and ")a (7' 11,'0 1 t.u41 t , L•.,.1 P-',..'!1! It. ,a.11 •1.;•,,,
1 Jr 1111 is t .0 .1p%}n :* (r 1E: is"lQ St' !: " g"t , 1 i . •�r- 1,: •r1t u' :.iz4:, i; 444,4. i!!r. di 1,..
. f.:rt:'7 1 r ' ir,c4. * 111,; 1%017, yeete eel the 1)C.,it14 .4) •,111 1•'1771 watt c:1s•••,
-r, end lI` 1£111' l) t�1at t .
j,.i. S i '1: t:i:i yet eirtaltlly be I't'ii1111:'71 "'1.141,.•'. m..e-:a'A.v1-.2'. . sccxcr stc,�q
� , .. dL 1. not, b til--i:•!)}:,d, a : 1 � r _.__.•_ .
tiou?'I:t )i, E/I,Al b[' erOXI net... t..'• t •:3. ' r lta,Y of thr' 1.or'I 0311:111 C•'rer t1:t' f,trtli I (3Lt'_,.i.1: }.iii S.7i:::;:-.) Iii
•: - it. the seventh •(:'lh1)t'i of as IT; wV,alele 0..'QOr 14,0 tie+ . 1''X'1 Vile'' r -,-
- _ — _ •�
?1.:I:.±'1 `en'•ther repleeer:tat,<.01 ,'C i1N1dt111111 "wu L,''1"11!' 114111 ; R'1 1111-' 11,1 1- i- t 5 e i +yl - . r
stn l a,,,,„;„ ' 11,721,1 413:111 1+0. re 1{Iln," l i)• .,11" b111111 l _ .E -.i
. Ci t. t..�G•.•T)29 ]s t••�%'. 111 14
1 t.i.1. i,...rt1:;1 hitm.Elf i.....11 Cie r...•i* , 11 -aro U0:si'n:o:1 110113 11.111 to 85.11. 11 ltl' AT
Of I%s 1ia1 71:tr. In tilLi drttt o v3 'r; #fill' t'!le r Vt)r 1 1:13 et.ii't t f tit:' 1�r1
a ea11,"' +u 71:,li:; ler ora ptt�l•tt't•t'pp ' fft' I- o'
11 (t L" f 1Ii�d':Ilsti fire TOp)t E'r 1:., l . '' t' , �, lei � C !�� � :G"i �,r �J � i,7 .L"3.. t.5 •
`l' r , the fifth 3, 171 t: ,telt ' t eet.i*—(iy,d bless her—we i11Pira fl:,
ft' t i ,:+, ahcx f :, li"'1:o,, 1: 41,(,11 that Leis ever e -ow 1071 :t -1.1'''') r'1""'"'1'ui4(tf '1'•1,1-4''? lt•dti and
', .yt'... ,` I:',7 that of tl;t? t•w •!1 E-1. 'T:, g. J.,.1,t] 1 , 4 ., 1 „11 ri A 011.11Lu1:11tc
%••..t 7,(:(n by referri's to the 1 i 141(1(11 (l1 .. lil(i'1, V 1141.1 f )l' Lel• %te }1414 1:111."4'4'1'1'
:4'1 ;1 t. i.i, 41 tr. .41 1 .'3
r'Yi' , "And 1110.4.5' wa>` g 1(:11 1,1,i..ti; ft i,llt 4 t• ai14.1 p•i•(J'pl sty mt tt- l I{, c! 11 c' `_ (.X 4) CJ (1 s . l
y . 1 ) ti ,:,t ' T !
r:)1' a i,3• rend r'et et tor li. t• e.
v 1t:1u i) l i�' Ln,1ir,1, ,1 1 1.: - t 11_7.. 21.... I glia ant 11•c,v
ore io p 7 l,;Ttt?,;3. g •';\I 1 1t , u :u t 1d' lir ,.(,tiro alio
4 .,a' f - 4 t ;..E', I,stloT: F, 4.1,71 1Y .c i]:, 4.•r tc)c 4L1Cr tl.t 4. '4. '11 nt of 7L•: u141�1' tin; 1:'it t st a„e, + 1 1!`•!!''''''''”
,, +Tu., 't, 1'101 1
ii ;)': ` - rl't• Him. 11'1,4 t11,r111,'3'',r: it tai` 14(-4. t , 11(1.1 t1ie 11'valty of a redeemed I 1:',;•'.':. . 1(14 C t1 . •edt, t'.. t.,'r 1 l 1 h:1.. ,, 1 ti.t'..1'»
,rL:laulLay c a i,1 g'1. uit1,11•;•:et,. !nt)t111
c G .In1n10O whit!: shall 1.07 1. ilu i ,1 (i41.l1LIC1i. ' 1
ti' 'AX , end Tele 1(1::4°,:Up.. that v: 13 T 2 11 11,1' every i AVIV STIP I?li•I', - - jiyli:l'I'.1 (. I
:Led •` ..t t. -h11 v'.d_ < `t 1 >l1 111 bar', i ; .. .• f .1 Y+ t.4L
( the
i ' 1114j( sty aIt 111%t. ,:."t' i.x.F. j1' rs.C.1'1' ti"aB,It .1 3., Hip 74-060-a,
:l 1 tt.,wp thr el -h t e et we J t
c 1t... '.. ) 1,. 411M 1.1)111, of ALL," ' _M
171113, 1t. . cf Angimtus (',t, )i:t tlo.Scault,Yrc'renl'tr'+explainingour ! ,
f.1.1::•1011 I `ofltionlo's 11:1%1@) M111 sl)lel:(1.. T.1 l: o"1'lt\r1.in NEXT WEEMS. New rt+ o' of /1e� ' ov ry1
.., lx a 1..411 ttu, angel who iaitl:.:: tiiieea, `ter, _ ,...Z,,,,4 ..,..,w :i.. .,,� W',/ iJLVSS Jl. r».._ V GM:J i,Sit
eielee 11, p•1:t11 of J. t1., d daring; .._ it :eerie IL, t.1s'-•n. en]m ecaae. me:,!T'rlrr5Uf,
1,7 ', . E':1xn. 1.:33, fill, "; ir, ehell be' M/11y`t -A14 E.eISY PLACE. Ci'_ "^: 1,) lU(l,T"7.4i,3r.4X'ts1, O1. pl;blicati:ttl4 are
rriAt and A1111 be called 11,7,• µv11 of the
1 ii.r'i1('4t: 51tl the Lord (11: shall d'i' e Il••v. 1h iiry Ward Beecher some
unto 112.'2'1 (113 thror:O of 111.1 faiher I) .'iii, I time 141:ee received a letter floln is
all he 44.:1111 reign over the bouse t,fi young Yuan, (roti recommenced hitn•
e 1) forever ; and of l:ci, 1(1 .¢;t17re 4 self ver highly as be111g honest, atm ,i'-'r•J"„)ee.;
there `1t .1 be no end " ti..).t i1ishen : C'oeet1 Itith the request, "Get 100 an e.,..
nevus was burn in 1,ethieht 0, " there ; easy ei.ua11e1 , that honest,, may be le• !� !'iY•� Y
ate :11.1 nl(+11 1111111 the 011St ti, ty)tl'Jed." '.f.'1 which :\t1r. Beecher 1'e' .1, -71!'''r'''''.' -''x...11
i ,1 Itielil, saying, lIltO)B I he that plied : "Don't be a1) editor, if you • 'i"--' .t.,:.1'-„
)1'rl: King of the Jews :) f,1 ice hey.: w,,1) 71 be ei,y.'. 1')o not try the law. , e7.04.,,,;
1>t: me 1 -tar ill the east told are c,tx a'. Avoid 4.01101+1 lreepirllt. heels not of r �, 'r ''e
worship him. At1c1alien the t' e `.�
t e 'C' ,t:1' 111 a1111p)i , Lot sign(' all ships, store...,
1 t•'4.ts 11t1Scribesof the people i.cr.t:•; shope, raid merchandise. Abhor poll•
iced whore ('hist sLAulti be born,' tic':. K,3ep away from lawyers. DOU.t And all diseases urxginating in rt hnd sttttte rtf'
iY V eel Ii' [Z t'I/t !rt tllleheln of Jude:,practice 2710(11 1 8 I' not a farmer i N�1 (I1b�1175tv4 �4,ptl. .a,•,Y� 1 the blood, or aeeoinpanied by debliity, Or a lcriV
art tlat, Llae 1011Hi• among the princes of; Dent Work, Nene of them are easy,
, t_,lt ,• , N a �'t `rr. )tate of the,syfstetlr ,
sl ,: l , x
0,431' IQ n 'e (sure you get the "PL-
„t..,.•, . 1 4444_„ y1i 1 Vold bydrilggiuti gt ncr-
; g )• it free to any ttddtt IT
Le. earthly, awl It 13 therefore arieerted this prophecy Cul' Ieird tells Us that' wT and her op)lnittns CO11C5rn1(1g
'<t.riely. opposite ia•t'll,p1':i'1t)bcl.eo i tot'('.Mail.l 11):rc"ct, ,.,•,'Qt r.
C4.i OF T OLDEST P.1;O ktl t
REMEDIES 1r4 THE WC tiLil r'\":4
TH C11.E GS=
Coughs, Colds,Throat, roCit, Br'onc itis, E3titiei , .,'
Croup, Whooping g Cw"u ,s
Aii$':hrna, Gni e�e:y,
Gi'feci:icn c, the
r Throat, Lungs, end ,,: 1:.vt:.
COi�SUPI: T iOS:'.
A WELL -Z NOFv 1'7
" It [toes vet dry vp a cough', and leave r•4
behind, as is tits C0sc with, most T t s:i t
Let loosens it, cleanses 1Ae hinge a:t l t 1 r Js i
icetian, biles a•emoti,igg the c'':t.4s of
Y)0 NOT .EC-'r_',I.`VED by sr:ie;�,:
rearing a similar name. Be sur. y oa (get i!'1:.
with tlio signature of "I. BUTTS ' on
wrapper. 50 Cents and (1.00 a Bottle. 1':: •
pared by Sem W. Fowiii & i '* , .1!7:00....!
Blass. Sold by druggists and dealers
—•— '1`1}:.4 Henry ?,ill Pall. Co.,
;n' 43 mod 13S1le'tneltet'tNorwie1t, Celan_
A rretectell ioiutioa of the i':otoei a of Li. n,
I3 as easily digested and assimilated t,ith the
blood as the simplest food. 1Vben the blood
does not contain the usual nuantity of Iron, the
deficiency can bo supplied by the use of the
PERUVIAN ST2IUP. it cures a "thousand
ills" simply by To n3o 13314 INVIC=o'RAT1cr, and
VtrALlzntn the system. Thi enriched and
vitalized blood permeates every part of the
body, repairing d >nlages and waste,. searching
out morbid seerotU" ' ' )thi)t for
disease to feed npo)1. 4 re* 144 the secret o'} the,
wonderful success of this remedy in curing
Dyspepsia, Litter Complaint, !Boils,
D opsy,. ' Chronic 1)iari'hoea,
Nervous Affections, f' emeie
t +,4 , , .• , , 0 t1 :'U a (.1130 )r (114411 CCI:)!,
t' 4 (b')a i) w'•ittan by th4 prophet. 'and ; 1104. to mechanic ; neither a 9('1d2N1' oar DASHW00D FURNITURE WA
iIho11, Bethlehem, in. the land' of Jule, ; a sailer. Don't study. Don't th14.112. Wil.yV.IL LT. wtrul,lt,tt,nrrte w
v u l - ; 1117 .,u4 v7 4411413 01374(7 (1!)(1111 a 7) my u*tnest friend, 021 are 111 4 Voi' 6 - - -_ " i.1111.: """ N� S'•
y y turuitt = out Irist•ciuis 41 k, 8nih urs n7id " S> m: °• `t Y'. errs Prgprietury,' sG Mir-
G 'seer or, � UPI( alllall ruffs guy people' hard world 1 I know of but one real 'u u GiVO &LQ II alt hand, Alt altlartitr s1,(tilulcr, p.¢'�4 I a�, k ; t�ll � J riion Vii* eI B`o'':li, l as .
.,Fall. 2 c., `3, 0, v4 'easy ptuee in it, That the eravc. 1)ta11» (,ad.,,ryne17,It)@tl