HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-11, Page 4uer Out*:le..
10t 'rt
.,50 • etolctly
.torazi r
d„oo, tou
cbrun lob
0715 -
0.11-1OrtNAt PO;INOITi. \il
rttStrittl *t Tatollibirt 414,11t oll•
-*fay meniWrs--biin4.
,sent. . _ ,, • • . •
04 of* fait ..mtetin :Win IltlItt .
1, a Kirovod. '' '' ,, • . i
_ 914,1414441‘ On 'COli 1' ,
* 1 seettkraet,, to bliiid":4 $141 :14. '
, It ' 146,' 'Ot'atti-rtir SUOMOr iratlf ' -
0 40 r „ ' '
Irsuld.• tleultsilt
ith.; 40toe* .Vvatsou.*
• . .
F, •
„tie „, ndiaZ:
• • . efeSitions\:0#0' ..•
, Ober eould.lake A"ttylor
ttedinig 44.4"-• Wait 'then nilawed to 't •
--1..Soheol,14,•ts . • to,i,
it 'St.,!••=•;• -;:siittarOl*
J. .°: • T2.0.8•th
on, cutc ,o. Irilowni
‘;•*' ***ULI-
ouInr 110 rellicflatiati-a th
* .."'EtittentioU Published
1,4,4%4;4:4, . * ?' 4 . ', IIVCW*4'.-"; • ft .
-*-•. WO'. *ale -classes -of training
44110"norinal /school tor tho‘
aratien_Jor..lie_e_OiA e4os Po
Actouprti 044 th ' ,;(tyoutt,i?: otrIt44::
' ow or rot 70top. attop. of ,bigh•
••hintiStants and ,tirst.e asi.s pu -
o*q1ith1 teltoliersirriii addition to
.106144010itly nituated . and' .-ia,t.
acient • orgasdzed Will be establish.
rtQfl o. lixl-claeo .
11,4' :- •- .
titifiti,"; - ' • : 7•
ejr„'•conditleno may
As-,,Aettri-02-ta- At
4 "..7r.teAcherh1F-Ireg"Oltion
.-igfindicateg thait: it is ithe tatert-s
.00[0 •tibtilishs all Model Schookse,
a lbw tor 13.10.10toorer tdistriettt '
In addltiOn to the !lard.
''.., lithipalreadY mentioned it •is very
tflo_ohttSA., Jtsisyther. . Elbe new system(
...*, htifig 1PIett1CO, •ttn va0abla 'teacher:lc:0s, ,
' *Ito '1014. IAa•• Iva one nigh School' in
'• '..• 'Old •Ontarth to.day do -es the currieu.
• juin :too:to:40d° ,that .ttic (Model
' .,, 04110o1s, swill ibe continued oven tileXt
"„•,.._•40,Jathe, eirprilar_ratertellJA_ hat
'• ,i '
..,,,, *tit been. restandad, pit. Vonsarvative
!.4 : 1 '44"1:42:t0ralt"VirOr"th Cr 44Mitia INV1"
, ' OVA Is I n g thd ,t]elo lespectivo htitm,
' ,..•-,, Opt Schools twill be continued. _
TIii la *ha steaSt*t of the Year
,•wari'ting your.__
111011'It 4
out • 11 /*ono you:
.sliloUld get then printed it Abe'
given lot iturtysve4Irs to 10,7 ritTstm
- ....ts•-:-...,..•'...1",- . A., s.',. . , 11.1:s .... , ,
Couticil et XII) eilSittY 0. _ '
present.' --- •-•" , • -
.1*$ fallowiii "changes, 'were.
IlItilt . ,
' tier.. .1Gacsts3t
in 'place,
AI/434W 4
place r art
in .piace 0. Witwer. • .
frPeftontet,...18140.-atithOrIZO-ta MR- Meng-
' ittt ',-tbo, ;Pollee ITrustost of ` •
"elf IL°. itho_larifount of* $500.00 .
ttatil taxes tire iolleo e . '
1-1.• irw;t1c.O..101e144410..„-outtorilfedikb-KL:4'.;
ntftltwir.:040t1444. trazT34g
.11 ,44
°wiz o't4hlo and proceed cast tto ThoSt arteninKil roods ond 4strectr
Vetiver'sfor noon then north, to Chia. Township .reeognized for the. use ...of
,e1113,uret,lincl. east to %leo, _ s.. - • -- -
for *tight. Astor imeeing tCCOULltH to
Ivoist to tge.14411s cor* on:fount of 066,30, „the adp. •
nor then , north to Wm. HoggartWa journell to mie.a.,ligain_ott-ttkO.,,1044 ,(10,7 '
for nitan:wi eat by avaY of Xlib. • e • itd uottr
tn .'Iti1Jm. regor Tieviiiiati--Of-Atgesement--Itell-ousl4or -
Or, ttli0n. north 1 1.4 mito$, mien gebkral. :business. • ,
west and south to 'Robert Cooper's „
16: t•
. ,': : .
,., - '"..its *40.tnt,00.0 ' , foSOPS'S'Ilicr;0111. )1
„ 1, eVe , ,
*olovik,77,_, 0$0,4!: .. loliire,4 :P.,140i4.0;01* 044
fi-tte4'44t:IT°1.42t,;1;°i.o.4°-*4-e,°,1'Vv:ijilliitIrtit.t. ::-;--- ',.'• '
,., -,•:.„ , ,..2:::,,I, .-••-•„:.••,•..,2-,45;;..q
, . i..giving 1iPfatlirt41
. , 0 . .
iiiatILThurstlay: irternin woe -trot:-
a a ittoromas att.., • a.
wart *..oshain until Tda
i_TIltiRSDAY • Afternoon youth to
itillegroon't oast half ratio to WO*:
Love's for night.
..E'RIDAT to Ilillsgreen then south
to ;Arises ;Green's for noon, then east that the Aiscasor Abe •paid $80.IXOr, •
:by 'pay of :'Zurich road to his Ottn his services." Carrio,d, • '
if tabletot intirlit. 'AV'siotth.itioarloy for bat the court of
BATt.141:Va West to 2h4. Von. fany
and •Sottth to •fltodger. Northeott's for
noon; thence -East to 'London !Rood,
be will remain until •.the to11s:1;114n IC 1 mao.fianders . Sy -14w
NO. ,•t1the--14,4411&"
Ttl, 07. n'Eftja and F.pEzolovau irtastm, „Pound -keepers and Vence-
• • Tignsall, Ontarlo.-1ViewerS, having ben read the:third •
. time bo passed arid by tiro*,
• • Anather.•A g
-gamey* that every High, Scliotal
'...:11ertnitter he 'known as an '.4,APProvetin
j•• or. rnotiapProved school., ifrom. the
.41.4pprover-sch (and the inspector
laternstap.svisother shall
430”. the' 2rinc1pal
_•,' tatty_ pas* , n1•1 • candidates, for teaciser$
"IPOtsint elertienta•ry •eubjects of Toad.
• • -Log,. spellings orithmOtice
•;,1sook44.veigrtg.. .afitt btsettioss Isatsor$1'
.igeo011y, Luish Grammer raid
inOnS/uratiot1; but tlittforo •th•
ey are al..
tolve.d. .rotetc thpi Normol '8141004
uendiolatos' 'must ixiss, tivartal x.
iuiflnattOi'Tit •taoht4,--
a •
1s�-. T�I anos
su .
-sewiug maIflllcS--
T.h116.st rcta e prices that
Vs. ftaatts$TON, '
D. ckl,$. 'Dentist. 114e*be
a of
1 41'
arria es ana uo
lOgN.41,044.00444,444414, Tir $444444,All owrnowt, tit*, vents cotv..
,........P•moatamostgativiicamii...1....,,,,V00., ,''.'
' ... - .
........................4.......1.0.7,44,iiA,.,.....c. "1.ww‘...A... 71',../.4;wi''.....iFrO;i4,EL'...x.:,..1.,..,.......,..4.4,......ta,
, . .
. . . .
- ' ,-4T .• • ' ' .
-"4:-'''''','S.:.44,---,---.--..--..,--- ...;:...--..',.., .-.,4 .4', , .. '., . ' ' ' . . -: . ''': ' . - ...,_-_,_..--- Ziiri' c , __..
A :,•
, .-.- trtio. ital-lowiiiir pitrtiCU1Ar3' • bare.
--etnivened.:-tr.111!a-Tas. '-
•rufltwu03vAr-stoctryY4'4,th-7-“12_17,0t--'', -
'0914 411 iOr ra, ilidtAlia-r$: Were',
eStitii-Thwtoo -t-W. prievious,
Meeting Were roa4•4114. adopted..
•Yearley.Sanders ."11`liat / t Assess. :
',went Ttoll, 'tiled with 'the
for, the .37eAr ZDtJ$. b necopted:c tod
a a a . L ,,,, I Q3
*,1 _ it.....itttow . ,r.
coot& icins ttio 14 Uri *ild in
• . the nii.important 'elementarg. sub.
atevision tor .the Asse4iment •ROO of
•Mal 'he hold in the Towrt (Ind,:
ton, on Tuesday*. aray 7,601 MAI a
L.%e _ n
tritr:raftrit . r potation
aro o
oWn 0'4140 Centralia, and proceed- to ) ••° •,fr. liandford's sale Stables Eiretor The followings orders-- were pal&
for 710011 ; 1:hOtito to VIM. Morf.ttiitli's Q. W. Christie; Elm .rjank, $20,811.
Thames 'Road for„ T. freighto 88;78
• trt.tEsDAY.„to Thos. rtiroCurAvis, lot Joseph Ouloan Asse.lsor'al' S0hErYt
880.00. 'ra* Taylor.; Drawing brick
hats. C.- 1td. •$12.25. Climax Road
Alachine Co.; Vart Parr -tent of.
aroulds3.80.0ft thfljD Jlaker; UP -P-4
ertOrlire.OWfl rata° IOE.Oulyert onil ria.W..N. 0. $4.00. V.7"
-noon; thence to .60.141, lificks for two
hours, thence lo MI own stable tor liteit.75. JWilliatii • Walker; -t41111111Or.
$14.25. P. Ile'aver; 'Dal. of 'Exp. frit,
.T1/11IISDAY-to James Tjtfl. 3r4. Ihitriat., $5.00. A. .-IfortglOs
'Con, Stephen for noon; thence to Co. iLtdo Meter t-tiol !Gas, $12.20., M,
•Prediton to AuguSt• Tali's for !night. ; Lumbe-r, 41,5,35.
• rAtIDA.,Y to Cornelitts Oltrien's, White ; Shoveling now 1st. $. /It. and.
Towtiline inct4litivray 'for ;noon ; -10.. attICeever; ruttiflg
*horn* t0 AW'm. Flynn's Townlinelttrs' toncitto- Valv° t, $4.00. sob°
22 N. T. It. Ifibbert ifor noon ; /hence,
to Zoseph Crcery's for might. •
WEDNESDAY to aroshita
noon &thence to Eat01.`lalfeirs tfor two
lnstie and und Others: Grading.
• IA** randWites.... tips surd writ
exam ria ions. ri iou no
thtt;. 1?Mit, Importalit • mitt u
prornturn olaozid upon titoin. The ten-
' • tiOncl• ite to toad tea.cliers and in.
•-•-tattdliartzaclors pay-more'rittipitz
ion !to •'theirtist:ry,..1.atiii, phyOics rtnd
rt. roLer6:' tt_
• • -0 'tierwiliary subpots.
Suoocasotia to
, ,I -. , , .
.0.mtorsesors"' ,:to4v,,,'4‘..i.1711(11reEllisrestlf)brst titretuuseiselktint"olther
. ootobsne4 'We Roo tbsrt Asti= ot
.,. .,, .
"t0t.rtlitiltrdStillitietiteiiAideXtrVeklitlentb 1.1 10. Vitlan;
C.tounrttro gorro'n-tbocoodrld-nda'fritatrumid' benrictwior ,,to
bughthisextsteoce, . ourtreituntritpositive.
IV -cures su weak men by orerOondot inxt
**snotty* 'the effettitorfornier tudiefentloon
ettnt**OennOta ' It otoOntall dridoenodquicki .
oitoreittbettetirato wbiontstureintended- ,
t! --7-71riairlivortaylatilratsiette-sitvg0samee,--.
it tirsoind with tile,' grinaitost iista°1$11 ells
diSiessom of piers *Ott WOOliefia
t, : ','It Yon 1)00• nor 06cret dlettse tintt ' ,t,s ma
worry nod *menace' to •yourtssaint cousoio -
• experiatoritottyou. ,, • , . -
ult olitcststiliithestpitytic000tlutveta:-.
r -.6.•0-1,:inr,;its4ii110$teetcseurtillEittfOlitlillE811.11",,,-
.1104001i,t1t11,,,0,8tit0, tittrOlSER$8.t..-C404‘ ttlioks.'-
DISEASES. $111101ORE.,1/41tittitar.
„ill • Frit* „If taishlato call, 'irritator *
' ' .1rosioTreaticest • • '
- _ op.: -v-4 . ,•.ZZIM.77.7.7
w -_,,,I.,---..-..,-,,,,.•„.
•*to Where liet-will remain Allb
iftil *, Chester ProutY ; , .IG ratuity, 4825.00,
,following Monday morning.. „ Council adjourned to Meet again in
• • "'own Itail.--Crediton, on .Ttle.tilaY,
._ - • . fhe 20th of flkra...V.11.90, ot___I0
.., . SIR EVYLYN• . - Ilenry Eillyer.„ Clerk.
. MONDAmornil
ing wl le -ave- hisi .....
own stable, Ifirktontaild Proceed to 1 ' • IIIDDillA)14 cotiNorta
/tittleint vtoregc°0..rnYt'r5z1.16114.roc:nirofoh.
rt -a94°1‘': ' . 'Tilie' 'Catinil-•nv°tOurgllt-1- 6- 0;
sdjournment the-tileovki and alt tthe
TUESDAY north on London .roul meinieoLtiras4ra.:•1 _ ...
Itril " r ' ' .A communication was rciorAved ham
Wesley IleYwooirs tfor •nigitt4 • :the Trustees or tits rifinwiYishirzflyt
4' Con; 10, for Inoon t. hence ,tcs his epe`ciai, nly to,tirit; to comitmr tipt.1 now
Or SOtttit •Tittr011 *AO. beld,at, 0,wia skthix, for tihxht.
thlt.ilitSatOrdrir-littd JrAtitine•- -rtlit41181)AY b rigrzzi2Iffit' -
,„„, 4 ;No "aetiort In'afi tinkOti ,3$ itlit:, Conn -Ott
tone, of the. meetiurflyid • tho.....„:0't/tuto 12.--thity0t1144. •4‘' 1..* 110011 ; ;tler.3 4...... 104, nothing nem to 45ay in„ the mat.
' -.-- laltrit-dritilitYcli i0 *or 1101te „Oviderit to the .14tli corr. tion• to Ills own. t
. ,. , , , , •„, , _ ,,,, ,
, . Abet the teporta iitbitis 'aftVe gYeei- Pr" stable for-uttprt.. ' /n anstv,or tLo a corssintsisteittioft from.
163144t4. tbat' *Mr. I(ellerIllahri,.../1715' seltIDAY to trhos.jtollingsliead. 4th the. county noginiter.tik‘. comiotl ,t,b.
•to witildr*W. ,vote aruoliy, tinioutinetts Uric*. It lans114-pflo for non. the south
el*iitlirlate•Wst prebebt hna made. to '.1138,(4, nit" tilitil to ItiA own stable ceirdoedtpolot'intnetIttilt,&;:_v;anitlitill;,r t.t11:.
akatitilugtopeeth, ibo*log,that be *Ilk ,whoto ho will ?retard** until 'Oil fol. the toatay tivingiocr with a prowt,
, - %too to *hi, notwitlistandlog the Joitl1/401ANItic.---7- che 1st. stigt. litt Lffie. e6ittract :i),,A 4
, ,, 'Not eleventh lour itelt.Stusn4et ibt ' •t*r0Plict°r 40'd iiNT41q4rer* , ---Viveivta 40010 01.14 DrTr.. ' ..
. the riding. • Several ,,.0thete addreiwed . .. ',..,...-.A.0.----------„, ,i, ,,.. . ., , - - --Ville-Clerk- -Ivor triatruettml-Itt
' • the itielttyflg, °11 the .. quest10.6s int' the i . ..., ....,...„„ ____ p:tiomy.i.aw alto, %Awful roici.„,,,fl, in
. . p
' wt
: , .i. , y. The, nteetinft vests eslIed • for the , PRINCE Or ix I./814111)mm
go • ihtoo the touteat with a detettuloa- ?otillog Monday morning, • plan straining s•limt and dcytettis by
...the :1°u...flashily and 4tul.f.
, topme -ot-elotsog °Mom. fur the ' MONDAY Wilt •t Al [alit the alma to Ma Couircil- at itis
uOtoing tear And doirtsalt , Itukttewli * data Thoketarolth or noon (btu Ao• next meetiiir .
' ' for art tittiVe earn.I04.SP. ._ hq .fot Wir! ',Jitetotteh,a' fot•ulfght, - : '-- ---;-- - Itto,-ttyr;riszci::'ivd. in iting tinT!
titiefilferivrertg elitteditsPreLs rbEfinAir7 To-Areleton. ItItostat eiptiropriatioh for folo ytAr follows.
/ SEALED ./rvvrot-rm '''addrOMtool. --4-1,4'04"1+"!141„*Ifi- '•
the atitiorsiglit.'.41 and. entiorsetO•Ten.• N4
,•der or Dredging.° .will .roc4ive4 tmitatiodui,01.40,44,ttopiiitig
tinU1vilitty..lbitty 154.. 1W8 Lf- •tryststrititywilistiot oak* it.perfeet
1st., ,for dredgin; re4uired at the, Cabe utglatic row untie., ft :
following places in the. Proviince of. ,.a.follitThrstirtiattiftet%rtintoil:
• cottariql,...., • •• ••.tnui end theingiediente.
-11ultigton, litaverton. stist."4,;• , ;t•
ger rtildfrtle.4,raptt Isbuttt. roltit Ed. I glat011te4ion.. Ott ,
'''beerrtairen IrOrn.the "ssor's troll -of
10.44-townsbio. 1?opul tion .01401 rer.
sons 4rom 21 to . 60„, 0011 .• .011.41:041
train 8 to 21, 1118; 1)usineSst tott=0.•
rata $33415180 income. $165(f,00;
total ossessment $2,825$070,60, There
is a tvadual lolling off in Ottpulalion
espccially Lits. the *401 ifittfic40.#
aigistrato. tirair,batg
town than, ,-.1/einp.: a pharilf of
aasa ul t 'ttipth alget, prorerrO4
treulvetettc 'both (residents of the 114th.
day, ;While 'Clatter Was driviflig along
tho Toad. VW 41-01Ondone ;Iran. fottf,t4
Roll** 'and telltalided 'Stand, littr
trial at - OaderiOlt, 43; the 'tourt. 011
com etvnt •.* ttrfs' ditation. , It
*4 "
trio 1,0- thtt..V004ty, town a present.•
rnettii4 ..r10Id iihe Town
Ilalt on, truest:lay evening last. on
behalf of the Zurich:
new Iheing ergtinized. It.the frtilOwing
officers were elected:-Pretsident, B.
A. Campbell; 'Sec. "Treas..„
Wilnains.. -Committee
nietitbers are relocated to •be ,pro.
sent at Another meeting on UridaY
evening %Tay 8th,, ',When tit. nerlootiort
of the grbandi vitt he• made anti
other liminess transacted,. •
Onion Case, -.Great •interest Was
manif,ested thhf 'sesilort of alio/
'Vision Cort Which' Was hold ittere tOn
MOotlaY, becit no, of the ranch'
been _caned . dOitle,. 1t. -- It Is very
tattorleara ainetritItt sst on a• ease-
611118 itoinas titli6
lutist Peputtiotat ot ruklio liforis$ Comit*,) •
Chtli UPS10.00 IrChlt4Ct
e1tIriTzn neer- r. uulilp
gair-id-mainty, -
work, Eieotrie railroads. Sewerage and lirotterwOrh,
ardent Whence, bridges and ite,entoreed ConoretO
2420 ',Oudot) Ctottalt)
titotenWittoititattritroutillmor lfart iluasigirote:vroftipartritristor, 4
DielltON 0.411.1.41Ncii
• •
' .•
*resters, Solicitors, Notaries; Ott.ove.y.Attosts
cominutatoacnr.• Bollottors rot tbei stole*/ .=
• •
ItittinnY tsoLonsinfilosemi't naiad Into** t
01010101.414101 OTAZITO
1. **IMMO 0.
s -
Lonaon, !Road LIODIO. lb& Ot
seed -last sOring end it AVA3 said lust.
• anteed tbo sok..d .to he good, The 'Crop
Orolted aAfailare untI2Witipar.,elatinett
it was on account of the•had
In. the metintitue..goods bad bopn gtit
itt-14-44 •'
crop. Ortwein sued oilier for the.
price 'of these goads:Sod for the seed
1YR011ialr 0'2
• • . notuvratip Auoirf.AatottixO. •
ANziertx+bantUMSlitlittellbteW/ttriall' 4°f,141:s°4411111,41'4)11.141ndiXerging114
Se, 140.tr sled. eney boineeteaded by • ,
ovny „person whole the Sole head Of s bony, Or toy •
moo over.I8,yetni ot'agei 011ie, extent of
• teriatiOn OVIAsittreaa Atm otiose
,Applifttion tor entry mot be roade per'Iror
„ "CtrtgatOnditiOna
: homettteatitt is required to is'ertorto •
_) At 10110111x IPOOthoe reeldenee lapin and oult44
*Awn ot ma land in each year for three year*,
tor non; thou t°•.h ottit *table for Div, 1.4,70. $2o0, No '2 .o.
night, • t$.1-514 No. 0 .$250.
WStilsfES1)*ILAPOoorik-ta-Ps-Vid raY0 Totly1-$1t.it -
• AfldetenteiaPstr •Ltriolor toitiams10014, wilt arts perniitteti.
fnisnoort; then 110/ 4th. •CO11.,fitataii. to• pouricillor A. Iiotigins 3VOS ttps.
Itteiklattgiston4s1 extott aithropriation. ' •
tited-ovcritor ot-fli•:!. bonding' of
'PRIDAY Cott., -1100 too‘n ittelitkes., In itibt'Divisitat
t,tircgors tt-r titiON then • tr. hit lotSb..10,1 . t4g14144441* 4014A 'ordered
I�•ott like itkt
Then why
tO be Obi Poi Just put on:
er,'s Hs& Vigor. sad halm
pg,'. thick holi4 Atottot oven
'hilt. But iirst of „1110 .stOp
yaur hair- froth, tooling out,„
6, whitt yoii hoe.; Ayer'*
r Witt Pot disk:001ot
ds 'the hitiattilbsj.
esk fakir strong,
woad.. Cohotir;tt Godetio,,,b4litinto$ brittilvtiotykylliadiss foto*
IthyorirdInc.k. thittlti r‘surrtu- tecti..wou .bylnadlitto,too
MUatd,'Mettfortlf' OW -00- Sostiat Is;Sit..-,1-4.1enisitat-teig4iintois-Ont.4,tog.piabit
lur two* t Itteereeitet teat eat
ward, renOtaftgatiskino... Port I
tied* is thiaOr "eh tatted felted JO*
• well, Vort riotous litartnoalls 'Acirea*portott_Cso Msetttior*sor.
Suntitierstown, Thaities Taratts' •ir ,
r�.!kbotirrls Tietiteflic'n'aihoiii7ehit-sfolt si sist toe 'fee Ur
Dettk Clan net , W441,1441S11,01114 Nit jar-. cutts? tate
Ton bsili lark,* tOnisttlivre tin*, tti,:filiitte fo re " _potent
lent tria0,„flon„;:tto, form snpidied; -airt.t; *tato #af`,t_ktiline, hay att Hew.
signed- with -the actual' Axil:44'0i aflso;4ft•-glaFiNgiRiTa't,liofssi)r.ltfr.
4'44410 .4444444
1011(100,16‘ • / tented wet tiieitlennifert* atineletefy
• Vombirted speollicatiOn anal xortu vt,L.-,sogrors***4toelkoiviuliteitotokku.,
teSider- ran- ha -obtlhry4 tit's-of-thiatzs ,
tog and !Wingfield Ilasin. .t 40*14.11, te‘ttri,04.ili 04.,11,441,C01400.11or.stitviet, to • le.
• ,
'Wolper. while 'admitting 'the (4.064-1$0
tu,30440r,.1.00,,Ot crAti.,Ac,ri
• - ease listed triOfit a the day'.•The '
itiry *rev° ft,verdiet ter plaintiff tor,
.1,41:4 tot
art of the goods. And seed
and for defendant or $70 dtttnoiws.
the-•-rie.t .result, sbeinfr-aliout- 418 itt
Waiver's favor. it. 13". D. :Coke for
plaintiff: fitafsbOry fOrAirtapot.
-me t of Public "Works.- Ottawa. Tire' gr hi,attrtoosites41Q44:44tne..,
, Tenders tudflyo toritlyi lowest 00 itosatinn.
, 8ATt, lt • AY At. He own atitiht4 . . : $1.4, pi. v, ',N0:' 4 ,Iii".flotei,)-k:•.,, ..*•47,,, ti
. ,,, ., . * v# J.
I . " , • 4 , .
,p,,,,,t1, ii, tt,A,• • Vit,,,,, . 10.0003 It qvs ' r demi, • that 110.
'-'44441'" ."'!....ri-wi'!-. ,'-''ir*-•1.4*. ,,, .court of Ilevisioit ' held ort 8.3turdor
X rOprsetots4 , . - v. .., - . ,
.. i'.* •• , nay ;tutu. 0,y, at. , a. ra. •
', it.W., IL, 4.4tri :icy.- Clerk./ .. ".
The' (founcit ;adjourned 'te orN.it
' attco"fla Saturdp the .;10"01, or -Ma
108 at '16 et. rn. *
of 1>tons0ro, ,
IS On,
C.40;g14* that Z ever
oft Of lithis isitnesoes
'ItirPtot it'ilet4te)4041114117;
eti preeetiptiesi it -greet pity..!
to* out tot it/ losy
: Cot "oat tor et°flieett trouble
,r or *trAt toutlitios. At
diedxe's, can ho t4010,34.e.d Wh'46,t11.44,4044r.
ftrO:,registeroil ''eartadt.ut tht• Isoter *Or 'us
;the tilin.1 ths', tk*.t.rss-
tottetotrx • natISt t***,rienfly to '0001.0, itOtic• * ir •
• Wallin It,tionstr 4:AY* sifttt, (tit's 'Alto ,*. ,
tiic hr 1:"..,ty •hotitiod,ot the. loop.;
tento-40(4tIreie-Ithdoti,-- •kti
. tteoptoot e4tm on It.-...ths.rterst
ed bank, myablO..to,tit:,?.,•ar&r ••rtho;
' IguilouraWo of
Works, Or A* th040illta 14;tilit/t
, (0000)1, MOO; dicionsit1
*1'4140 tirt0iftg WhIP14 'ttk,141,11L., „.
•fea ;',tit tip PrOttlypt ' •
at wiiJ4
Oistart0.. risl• ch in' nAt.' .04`.;:*
I:14dg !ts, ItisHitatte. ls.talte! .11.!
• The, Delys- olittit4 101; b`104 .1e*
:Nett itesept t11-8 or.Atty
' *.
" Z ;4kt
t'at PallWorkx
,rs 0411 oat • „ 14-•
• e !'
fJ root inn
itintthoi w
ttis emstektt
*tete **tel.'
tutie Ati4 '‘
*Odd, 11•4144t41, th.
. •er nay. • o so Oindtiht4,Perron*
Vie' Winfred nekton** hy tet. f
tend owned solely by him, not 100 than afghty
actaajointiowniieatte:rontilipit4tiabend. vwleioilintyot- mottehtisubt , retultio
It) /f the feittiet for mother ilia fathea hi .
-comedy of th,s homeeteader hits pennanent ,
• . y3/41
ffsnottehty two! ,ystorlrpontit eftxtboontot.e4tidthetnirttkixtotiftytor
in the 'vicinity. oath Mtriestear4
• • tk•-the-fether'Ofir-
• tos) s/rkisit In two preceedbr-
• 4s-de1: 1114**441nir net-'motir thew'
, nine MI eilgt digit lin!s_oXclOsitsLat-toriet 40w40,,,
enoenOrdeeed -in thi'meattrerneott, - --
4 .*. homesteader intending to 'perform kto ,tedit* '
'cleat" tliifiesi hi WO** Viith abate •whlI
Ming, With his pitrenty or on fussing lend owned'by
ionieelf Inuit notify the *pent 'Or the dhittiti. of
..intilkbsteart.cosizosort7:1:±ienevo'n:r t!jello' irit' • .
:B.,,triat. owe. 1:441wpn*7.11,t11.*b,' .thiti';:td:ertm*.
Deputy 01 thtvitlithitet of the lb Mr
onftillnot boixotor- /, -• „. -
t tstts orroetosioltarrilsoNyk
rust in',ur' *so.
stilt nit
y‘04yetlip.;," v,
Drs ** or
• I!A1.11ANTTNE--slit tIstorrie on, 1h1.•
. ri.tty.... lit, 100P: ./11 cfm• • 141
' ti1 °get'. yeat$',«
14.N.1301$1 -41S 411!..'xotor, 0)1. $;tturillo
- eaeti P2 stars. ,. ' '
•1,t)14).11.4Wy:41,,eirlit;n03,60tosi titittro,0.0.,.0., 8-riZvdondolytt ' . ,
1, 88 Y('-•IfIt 8 lhottl.ha hwi.I ',41.s.
IA,,,t,:7, .th,..,'It:t:ot'vtt.x,r7,; ittlii.. J..o%'-. ,
_ Solt .lit,, ik ,,401.1.4.ar . .
'1I'OtigNit001)0.-th .:Xltktoti, • ,ohStot
, day', lq'tty lath-tote..liti, gra 4rE..;. 1,V,....:
.4",t' 40114041/174,,470.d'kltlf;b;;S-1,11114.4* St'.:. Al' 1th
. lO' '1
; tO Iqe. and .11•11). 1.Viii. ..lacabWi ni..
.110.0.14V.)L110."4.1,,Ilte la:tisi ,,Cati..'. '"ifsix).4r' 1.'' . ..
.,.. Ott Vrtdai..ist",,,)1 .....goi; ta-Tgi,,., tA .', .
Wm. IViantl a •dauglitq.::•-,,- • irt• . ' Oiiirlat011t'Pti.-Oft1barti•WV44 ' •
.. 'f, .'• . '• ... '',-;?-i...,,,oir4.400,t,i.-,...,-..,,......,,.,,,,. .‘„,,,,:,fl,'„:•:1etet ''Y ,:. OrtfilUtt ,lialtli# itOt A'ettliit, a . ,. •
. , :.1'4,111,30.attrAtm .. , • .. 41 • • tia *It. .Yi*ary's41' Virtiittrtb,.. -. .
' . tner4U:t16 "IbrOhink . CO. l'ai'is; ''. OritatiSt'•• .1tift°10 ThiS 11°6 tit. *it It**4
trod 'IlOttort, 0,1111k,m115,410,, •to4t ,... Alai :totst - ' ' -,-*frerjfillsonbure, 'Yanit Putt . .. .
telithel tht,,,iliiiiii,,..:. ,, ,.., • ,, iltutoip,11 Ihit 504. ea& maitre for* •
: - -• ' - ' •- • - '-'-',40,404,‘•,,,,' ' -.':.:•--.,--•• 4herextz.,.•ttstoo Atm -ItttihroAl*Sttrfflot.... •
hoolltt *item Outarlo
„fa thd,r,ough,• pritotl
0pewir.ittr.O.Ws Short bitti4T0ocit
• -44nq
of experienced: Ittoteudtole, • .
moist ettidonte to 'pookitious, - •-
Our gtaduate* '
tor our out** ate the . •
Oct one tree catalogue and loam
ore *bout uto mi•l' ela*,
•rit.Ote %tot/tett,
• reintiptits.
A -
trlatta look you °kiw ' ". Matt l$OrtlOttdt thlt oxtths;ett •
ittflitk rtere "yisit. wire !test,: Sett bullto• ttp* dittottot
kttatit that' Cattetsit itett tvatait' COnt et.
t htt Mitt *IS° tio -kre '00$ Oth *114' M4110*