HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-11, Page 3Inittsak L t !At, lady to ptst,%wit .1‘ I.Y.,044ttO rtt lkOer.tr Pat#4,$k:Ui whk) he OEs j. YIPC; Avrites. 1tcrbur� orre44Pondont of tKkI gaitis 4 4, Fcelings Inove the Wthe IU . alone soort becume. inc diLousy imrtured and t d „ ;opinion TthatIlik:Inails J)COp the United Stales to Les 44. 9vori,:thoxten4ene. the (ide has WO.74 Y'31l,aelt ',from. the . city :tndncy to Lhe tte;Ve tent Lo „the forming country of *$es,,,, wan...Thia „is the way he pull It - L' yeara the.:Anterican. people Stint e been'POS0Sed by -the, farms atrt villages 4, if th,,,him poured t4eadily tat n'tee* etspoptilation ,antilt it'seem-. Irttic-XILICs were bound to sap $r.tis best -blood,::- lint the: turned, os t1re is aii "-4o*itizt 'tar,* thoughtful oh.41.10.414:11v A,vt.totogli NY It tlie..telift, litel ' .'*,.-,, - Vie hest 'way to put our teliglen Into -'-i,-, - Vale-Wilfe-TiTS--"hititr, Or•alttcc tPtr,- hut;onl,y that we nitt,y b rnoved dream and right. the wiong AvO:Avlitqlt we AYM).. To44 teet$ this.04'9)41Y”in retiLon. He I 4$0104$' Of IITOVorlirs'sin and e knw 1 linM1019ras,ariil 'LW 4wn Inevelo ealal ahaies end enermitieg be * iOn4ing after lettY, 4101,, I utile • 's4.** woo. - of ou,,,fr ideals, to, brio.g about.,betterrconat- ions. for JntUvkluaL and for acchityls :ing done Outside, 'Cilttreh, The, 'ehurelieS 04114 the Stimulus ,and Waste, to Invtentle !cOurts,.. Mothers'. von. gr st',/glifid labor leagues, to. .1114 organi,zationa that:tare' for pie htipIts and.` :defenceless these things that the great master .111u4elt began to ' IttUongst, :mono, , sh pavinie for The expre n4 -,o1 the. hest An any ef us, and Ili faltit'that does not. mattoca .4:044 fried .antottot 'men Is` 'Tiar.t faith C 11w:treat- frien4"-ot-411111crsv- PUt•••Svor14 needs irle.)741si4 1101ks need .1M'vainr$7 indinapersonatiftehtnery-tor-thelr4e; —140 Rea stilks, eyes:that look int0" theirs« lips ibut triune+, simple words of kindness, hearts that go outto their ' <cs to , -better, things,llQpCarldClCr - ond . ,aPPints,S. ow:LstitiptelraIX 1h4w'7,511111 u.- Iust-to 110 a„ true,, helpful 'Wend to every other.. one, to took On, him, MA with ' the tritiO's eye, but with -friend- ship's; eye of; faith; to ilft'hitt4;net Oa- etallYi but with,' or .brother's tenderites4, and strength,,i'juSt ft4.1 tibmit'..41440$St Titc4 wlth. tlio;StFe401,b-oi 41W619v7 0004; thy, .and.,helptulnto ot• "OW itiendsht tl&at lifts And cnbobLe9,' 'Y F E0Pg, ereould afford to tet Sl)). fl&-nding"to ,ha444, into titt$,,,i Tho jii!ute a_k .iittnIsel 111110 #1)g woicotiv(1,1hy,7001, It liox on the eirs Tho rejoIcd pan3,rhezQ was ,it'ovoituan.1,e1.1:rtail, the was uiiiOiicd and he 4V,40110.4tvw up. a op t' .wrongorpt90; i-11 tUdent,_, ()tiered ta• IL witness in the' 'law cOurt at flu at. last moment_a yountJevo; tss who had been aittingiln 'unobserved by anyb�dysteprped, exankr111.04:' the poor prlest rrbieall4T47,t,L441satiou, -I 44,10,71tir liteniarita 'of a Snip -Shalt In Austria", lnblc love 'tragedy occurred , Atstrn, recontly, as the %-ot the 'et)Itart ,Was , :assist ',10404' randot,'arr.'esting , In_o wO!• ,Jox,the_ra- . lJie devlopznintOf western Can - da, particularly its most reaint phase, tic otiening .U. of ' vast arm'yin Sas- ;utthcW,tn."' • ' t almost, aV, tattle Linie the I riTtire",'New. rk Sun contains, o n'es, in in re - id t, 11M -•'Sti;sitiftcUiVaii'llie'Vernerft* lellowingi statement, is de ,rniug the people who. are do not go to C433444 WA. .1.he re -not, .4otrig •thd-• ..-, but '1cause, theY* hoe, in I• 4ZW,411.717-1101ir -DT 44',2011.1elk,*J4ai ifrelit:ITre41771•heyr,bi, itilhers :obtained lands West either bv ,PlItelni%Aor ri- , VII. Jesus' :Betrayed•find De. , , ..• e -4olden Text, Matt. . . , O. 22. - TILE „LESSON W0,11110111DIES; , fiased on the text of the Revised AsersiOni " • , -,. • in* Proyer,-A fittihg, close to the long farewelt. conversati Of Jesus willt,his distipliest -wittelt lie ttpd sought tO".., ,pteronie•-thent for Abe' tment-'and,-,Sorroiv,vand n which Sou",1/1 tbe itolnetliato, • tutp0o, t 1116r/tate .‘ us culmination, et his 'rnissioq atilt g • it tit I RAT " Isar IjA -$,- io or. and loke',,lireirriuWey„ and Their eilliipinerkt, info it trt -and them buy land tor_ a -have their • American cheaper lands. They have /*vet got iwity train - tho- soil, And for 'tlistteas rt their thatto0) are moot eLkr thtpt-th4 Would 1e.11 they were • ;ters,' iCiaily returneri 'who had .never lived in the .colintry, ,VV4, Ould say,. liewever, (fiat there.,.. _ -,6nirt 1)144414mt. tonn.the oity`10wara.1110 'Units,: tor, all a, 'it:atter, of faet„tl‘er,e koniany. farm and,Oreliaid"iir. it:Yedrs-hy--tnerr-Avlal I efr liVes in the cities arid hoops, Itow *tte4ess, 1.5 .not it Inatte )1int's tecord 'of ibis prayer intervenes, Waken our last lesson and this one. 1Prom hk completed 'work on earth Jams turns, his thoughts 14CALLininfilen Part° thelitrot tw*itits Itiiit and bis earnest petition, to«.4110 ture •1r-i-nfi--,---eraiti.i;1:,-to8rorItibii atone in 0.'40' midst of ,persect1tion4. and atifictions Which,..a. world of . unbelief will bring ,ra, gp4iroi, . Iberia fo the •eare-of the tteaveniffilVic . asking that they be kept from the evil, And* Tiiippett for the.saereti wotk which le•'4,1evolve upon them. ilitvAng re. ' orded the 8y4,rds of this Sublime peh- Lim, Alin omits • all reference', to- the ,pbrsonat tnggX itt, prayer which Irsus, niitst have had itionediatety after- ' iard. arid, ullich: is spoken of itt. the s)noplic ,nari atives. flaying condoled hi,+A disopics, and -prayed with and ,for: MOM, Ireseparotes himselffromthou' by as 101.16 4/15(4110. 414 WiatO they StAiro, he wrestles alone, ,In ogeniting, and he k prepawd Lo 1110V 'Wait caluv -i!t ui render the ' fivianliny ,and tliiy taintof his :impending Sacrifice. • vorsc 1. Ile ,'«verit,tort&--,It usually supp,i'd ittl-itt--;-e5tipters •1-17 45 alria itarcatve occurred offer PS115 itiid hrs disetipks had lett tho tipper', ait:•'' nkNbiell they« partaken ot: the lowish authorities. Nktith tatifort and .toielies-since night, though ,probably no), prociebitul the, early' inerning -hours;' WeaPons--,Perliaps the 'spears,'and Short ANY,f)31,14 1,1Saajly .:carried by (he l'ornair.sidelferif. 4"", Went: lorliv,,,,4rom-Atie • •grourr-o disciples,- or.,spossiblx% er,t% frOni the garden 1000510e. • :.lesuS. of NaziirctIL,-..tit:, "lesuS.' the Nazar4ae,4' a title Or. eeizteinlit.(eatupare: John I.. 44; Matt„ 21, Judas also; who *betrayed him- ,ri* kis or totroyo, nigntioned in the ay. nopti( narratives' Matt 21'i. 49} Was lo*.6; , scquel ef a rniiislioL /. •' t e . inititarY in.olveter hnd n out i the, oountry toking pbotograph.s, --And iM bta, 'return called i 1iiS ,fiaticee and grnteiufly to ,- Sriraiiiife ihts Walking 8V1,11 liis iwal,t- of giri, and had snupsliou then). as , they. by.explain e t t 1. a cliquy. Minna's Arcata , nt-, -and-lapan"- ; ,, her riff _ ..._ ._ \'tI' n Jiij- idia in4venct. ver I.lanl? it "ha ,Xea.deni We, pl4M1 ili ch0rj of , :the country, -and residents working 'under biat-,-Noutil be estabilitted , in all Mies and Jargo:., Atistricis 'The iting'"Vould. ,.PrebatilY be kept on the thirie.,, but ne 7strietty-amdett Ile- woul Ix fl1IOWIJI 10 se-' no one 'oxcelS'"*011 t14,14-;t4O,Itres***01, - Japanese overnor .of Abe ,ne wnutd be aflovect. to enicr the 'Pe1 , aver jioh,. 0 . •o trul,Tlial s:„5?4.4_;:o*:;:i..-!ro,oito,:. ii st ot th.th iie1r t,tt1e Joaneso ;.esidett, gencroV to,,iluckingliont Palace. • , ‘ uld two ;avoid the tyelloW hle.'aill ' 11441,,,,,,,,,uarkt..,„0,t; us.„.;,(lespite,.;a1t 4his. - 'i. ' ' jkoul,_,..1ftik • SENTFNCT SERMONS. tearful are always taithless.., your heart -on 4 ,Ilving and 10 life,, . Tlic,sents,Cofiriot. know -sntisrnct!on. It : takes a clean heart to keep 4 clear head« The greittest g inLin any fite, isthe anN) or palaceGflIcIa ,nationaLooriorn *sole of re -=c' TXLC Jury ,ssteru yew obs for ,,lapantse- lawartakers-,110: not btc; neva in Jut'ie. In eitS4'!S }Vti-'re tog - /fish judges vere Stilt in -the Courts they would be given lupancie ed*tscrs„ :But, tO,00.411Y.,- the judges would.be Apapesc,„ and :Certainly so' lir-0W Courts Where hoo,,w,* any polittcal et:stake. Ore tainous',. all the world Over for a" yory .4esto pair:attain; Winch' Induce*, Munn to deoide, heir own tpAkt_tx,inety -'sylniWve:r-the • that 7rolienc..lie ,baet developedhel, thc PolbtrY07- tegoh.volled, that, :he. doultl,'...not'mtss such. •eXcellent leite,'". and. went Woe. Ltiter in'the day_ Ate. rtial*I.back: With . „ , aolver-,:•;11,0114:' 1004 ',8314'/341t0; iiipt - OW4 ..Sayra.lota the-hcart« theris:t rued `,the weapon: •elloinst blniseir and suickle ithe photograph:showed that. his ton. .0ere..-Irloar,141.14:trotito;:adtev.:eri,lota!,g;toofw,hit:14S•iaiW. friend; ,„ I 1.4$,Ikif TO ,014/011; A sea14 tat poSit,:anS Would b « out right Mott Ilo who has no time to got„,re,44:1Y,4§ noteti'cady at any time • No, church con bo cleaned properly ysoft soaping the saints. • A. man . ---,is worth what ife-gives the Worlit,' not -what be gets :Kr it, Too .elf and the • sacrifice gift is the , only- tincastrm. Of its worth. Halt the friction of life come.s from twilit Our tongues, toe wen „one& Envy is the habit of losing our own ues whfle lowingjor-intothtresi !Flrc,-ocrinenS7thatNitr,Irroot.'-effective w are-Ahose .on tw The lines of eternal grace In any cha ail u i uIns«an 0, i 4:$ I, ,. ' I ' . *. 4 tJiihead. I 01 I ilt SO . gS would' lir, - to order.s about. :p ttencouS r joicing10iln,lertaicon by the r,00pic. 'Men of ilie first graiti.*--soch as oilleerS bove...,the,. rank ofmajor.--would have or • filffR4 Is premise- et .4t 4r4W3i---at i!IOUSnOSO.Ni proficiency in regulat4 g,..Paur neighbors. „ A good life is Annossible--nnill one IcnoWs that there is ever soinething more &shale tigt,ri to attind..in certain ,posittonsl tnen'zt You cannot' eantel flto eltstont of ) the•gcottd--':gratte7----totelfers,-- liuddlitsl 'Mg yone felld\VS-XT occosiona pray. eiw„.414-_01.,the4110.-watil Lurid -to- -your: leother--obove„ bere,etse. ' For 'the, slippliticatien . of Japanese • int4tration., we -might evpect 'Japan- MEDICINE t11031.SEAlltEED. (Olt- tilue la be established hem and 4,14)cninents would, mention En by their Japones names. panes+) at -the railway- ations ,wciutd-oxpeckyou to, tell them „Japanese Lwhere_yeir---Wartted-441--1/0 titnselt ovetas ' brew thou into cidei' to bvIn out.4he-t tr-thatite 'is for :his Own ,4irlivi1,,410.40*. on41 not Tor Alie arrest or his 'otgeipl&-olsol that, they 't mut lex .- verse, th1ere14re, ye (M1 nIe, let these go :their Ave • tit. 119 h 1 It , t t hethilr 1 roVoom.01,, 114w:5 -tea -el hatii-44 tootcr' Plei:e« thkly stitt 1 itrfett*, 1 tlie u er i' im until' otter .1it'sush:141 -oftez'tl 1 vyer,lk:evertheless, it ispIain, from, the Woti1tg of , the narrative' at , this. ppot ti Abe 113114 coMpsny nod Ttht yi..4 'crowd opt the ravine' if Ktd. 4' 4ttal value ,,ot tbe 's,tream, rhea IIe?!V Wok- of the ,ti!dors:9', , 8-ottnalli or-Chard- ii- 1iiY rt;'-le'T:4.4114 . 1'e ia cr„aumn,i tt 1 , •ods' OIL ki 0. vratior-Lord---hlintoi- Iteror--olAndi bus actornplisheir a -feat of which. the Tr:st,successful. Qtbig, game! shooters Preg.dr-stthe , sensationalp,erfortn. ea' 4) a N tint ,_fltuntritssioner nt„ actifoily. s• own•iri er. 10. Sinion Peter there1ore.;,Wher4 Luke tibints out, he -NeW tVh4t, Watild folio having, a sword „drew, that IS, ono et the high priest's householdiAllit mention, .fir, the details,including the 'no rne of the' Matt, pecutilf to John, And IS ,one kr the many littlo-Ithinitnating touches Which AO find in this, record of on 'cye wit - IU. -3 of the events narrated. . 1. the Cup -A figurative txpresSiert, prominent in the synoplient ,record of tilt:events which oecurred. Inthe gar. den. .11,, To. Mints 11-rstiror a prelitnineri extunintition,:,Pretedittg 'the regaarittltil *littore the Sanhedrin. Anri4 hiineif it visitien aftelawaitd held by ;five dills 'sons; the 'lost 4c4:1 wliOin, ialS4 calla Any rids, ,put to death Ilo totA's broth() • V(stmt)St'- Gazelle. 1161144..sql41. • utbl'nu�itgiown 11.0/115 with tear Allots,: While his hog eltides more then 4 'hundred elephants,: nearly all of Which he skit on,toot, and •twice its Many buffaloes.. . - In tour years. 4.41.7 to 18801 Mr. Sekus Attlett 160 latifolets, twerity-c*pliants4, ihitLeon Iin, and Over .600 other hie gt;int, 'ringing 'from giraffes etigtttril )11). *ohms :and antelop, sir tiohert 'llatteYta guns have wmtight Iorrihk 'hei',O1 44.1)141'11i 'Partt,Ini Ole World, iriklin Africa and In", to •;feelarid. • Only 4 01,41.bIU tvill ne ed inert on fully .:aptire** el statement that there lyiflg in heaven. , %%10 WO/. 'ktintSin '11Mo:title ltigto priest44 *hie tight on' the influential, vbsition wfiloh lohtes family apparent. ,f,ifitton.(.f 1 bit. N delit"1, n'.nte1. 1 :ws iiiittt i'llnier, u pn Ji 1'1 the iUt1;,:i;„:11*,;e11,t., - lciusakni 1t 0i Ii t at' . ',c :t It leVi?4 1 14. ¶i ring ) irtter :and ,t11 'I .ntt(t. Alit Passover. ,.st,lson ore ;often:-cokl,, 'lliottgh. thr, eliwate. is •kp1rtitto).lettl .0110; • 9:„.,Tita,Itigh pilikst, theretofTlitit is, •.. .. ,.. .,. :„.,• ...: . 2.AVitit, 1[15 )tatia4,00.4..,4Svitili 4 ro41. '-**4•*th.thot.t. tr!o• • littgii•• :priest *4c' c .ilif*:virtites....:tatittey',Ifelioiy.: . • pN- Bicr reterente. for IhiS tcipiJ Y.p.r.•,:_11.0.4',r4,61,1/44-...-,,'' That ar. Destroin• ehnrge of the :1,,VegeYa:ri, '.0..gatK`iia.CO:efea eoinplain af .'_vbfionsnos...AtAlle rar- nge that' district, A • few years, ago. , there,*1#04 only One.sTA411heril,:of about„ 4 4003l, but -Act4t1 'Mt Gran01,4rn,'. plea.% their number 'et over100. - Tins, hes ,..been. gerrehaelcil by; Other gentlemen,. Who -have placed' boys at liarta0 P013114 4r:Vtkf-10,033.111:0-40ri 141 pl,,twoo, idt **0410in1tltr triols!:11 at..Stre.iigitt: 'the'w..brOtes,,,:i r. about :111,0 .district 'St11341-1101,0$ .41t, °thing :is Safe iilarri thorn, Atutt.:,.they rt, 'apparently fis. They T444 crants at night, scattering the _lire in Ilorsehalk ComItinga for. Vphelatery - :Soap Itlade. Eirom Ilariona Skin. Inc ilia $*utlz t1/ofwey fanners aro WA,,v_LtIgitlIg OP.4.ctkr_living by galh-, 1ngseated than from their formin -lut-7-41: .11 se-NOV 1100, and A mart who goes to Ko. •an.,4station- arid , ask,* teket - tor the Kor an, ea Rai Under its own name - ,whielt old ,to 1flaflU(attuIzi de, 4i-i1sis, iodine*. a. valuable. meilleine*"•--4. • le va no - driven ..o fi. - worthtwenty-tivece .' ,- -nts per Nathrnlly,-a very I num of pojimi. mter being etoned and grad. grao. - - ' &avant% coolies, attracted by Jibe high ed” the hair... -Is wed for upholstery. aff4t(1+ 11k•_1,11# 'iinnoferit--bantina ,not erY nice. maiiner • -Th()Y 4,11 trbtail!. d 3g,ettte'T 11;0 SUAAf, 'Oria • fl11 Soy, ilone t vr pane 1ges how ti use um r nT iraders wouldtOine --ihought--that,-the4 ottid find difiloulty in Obtaining • at all.: soot,4 through roe to fl1*10 8 4.,60-p bon ertytilil niark01 - Aiall,Teonthed ,YOUr htifr with an okl bool, or biittoncd, your pair 'of slip. ptts, yett -might •teserit Sue)). a slate. out taigland- the, finest busituAl . on moot. ,,it is goo -pejsmbiet bowiwor. .mantdo010041, attkl-IvotIld tilkerti- Old .slioA,s tire cot 'lip, by machinery slensiblY.2°t‘latlittrY Putv)"4'1,,,„16,: into nmall pleces4ond soaked Tor a few pantse -commercial houses *tut. *44,46 Al'4414arise omthce. ;Co tiVic§AtION 10 Ide the ,amount tit cotitliensati)n: paid to tho ownerit.,: tor thi) wenkf iorir fo take oil ;tie land ' TO; willinistiutt .1hatift tjeckk alitee the Value t'Certaip 1141, in NOttO)k WO* '4112 an tte,re," uld ittake a uniform rate for.eoin nsatioti 14.r land > all over - C.1,1111 1 $ -inight-or-10,47)t-not ••• litin k* Mate or tour, ,--o fterwords.' Absurd.' you soy/ have .1ctiOwn juSt athis land of -Othet parts7ot the 1A.Ori'd 'Jot TII*11r$1;i6,1ttLtfd totaceo' mQiwpoly, A dt a ei:1itnr ttna I I i€r.ts titit turn , tht ref -1,33.141 4t*k4n 1M IKI.41 t ' 4 i ID ' phs Ile, p io. vA w" ihot , 4rif h ti 0 .,Ahom w , . t _A 4 ut1rhn is Th* %)rtnrD, nflthe ti 1 Atirtai nt 111' 11.01330" ti)11 \lost t1i1igLt-tlot bbiapancse 1 liavo Yot fo (ilia one ,tt 3a natti ttityt, g 4 111 .14,'Wut 141)0 bas 4°41r to$ • 1E140wvri 4ays chlOride .#'41` sulphur, ',which Untkes the,leath .er bard and brittle. 'It then . dr:ed, and ground to powder, ter which it is niked watt sonic Ina. ter -i& ot -the nature of glue, or gum, An contined Onto the, requ'red bliaN it) islittOnat:C14bbik.11330"libtAt'i!'8/ and atte things. _ OF: n our hnsband t d n4y 4 Itis -14v• tite erttP$ they desto.y-dn--pure•We.,nien. Aireatr thme kr-410s' have(ben 'descried owiug totheir frequent Nisi! a -.The whole of the' timvokwe flange, which exieila for a ttotagtanY miles, bears traces ,orthele depr lions, • '1*-rees-ate.looted-op-and-brok all vier the hills and the vials v. ref:Jwitit the pits ulnae' by ...the ontui7M4,"'« waliewing. Almost every. herd ,ron- tains a ouxhhor oitifivs, and the:elder ietePltonts are vielons in the eitreatet and, woebetide any unsttspecting ..`' tiVP W110 ilf3P.P00.10 0011a0 41)04 b'erd* Tbeir agiWity And the, rapidity Aritil which they travel. As wonderful, or,d ,they tItttl(t.lhro. ugh ..Aho. Yeldt70.1l09$1,,,..001Set.: less • efiriUtrallY- nriaW4 inc ofthe brutes linUt theY a 1, !charging down -upon. Them. "Kit . • and •destructive, May art •S>iltlrea 4*r.- eprscn itt ori. or n o e to Lhe Oovernnittit tha .possible 1; that special Steliv wilt te takento rid the district of- the pest. DENE..1031.11S" 1:1 ENGLANfl. roup ot the si4u1ar eXcA. n know 411 ttilriNilelittit. cently ore'1.. in tia.,e fdrest:be ,Woohviat and ,Erith. Their _positiont, _ In ploredi !Rich a girclitor shatt4bout throe .feel in d:arnetitt. 110,*34 In the sides', apparentty intended kit the. suPPort,ot 1*(14:ter.. The 1101,S, • fun down about $1,1. tot •thNtigir earth, then ,Pts$" thrinigh 4 or It'feet of clia!k« .,axid found Into cniterns 18 reel 1)elght. Eticit cavern', has 6 thal*s, grou.Ptd round the ilollont of. the central abaft. Ties thelinary , arratigentent found in. dene.holes. *11:01, havc been thought by altheologi,sla to ieret :receptacles for the sloraiM' AbOlit the Itain Of ,the` She in gnarilky).;You had no4usloss 1,10-flut, ItJaltstft Inialne.sa; rktitLin aliv4:, at -fi.ii , - I: usii .11e11eaotts thlig 4ite, , Li-, rue. :4Olitl; .1attu5ge to have+ A 111 Vnir 30)ft ---,It' vays' 'the ,cocir ,10111kr. n 1 11.id.,lter,Wt,O.O.-*w • qi•tty.0 • ns11o.,thL..#1:tot s bat v Oh*,.she 1.4,5 iki 1:16ir '1r « it *U41:441 1 1- I V:i 4 ., 13?0!"15. folD I'vO. trod, s wcukt 110..N - 1 11'3311* •' titti Ott : Ite i apatie,;7,Z, tithougb. nominali 0 ty 'it -10, itItV0-11 -:iilit ..,1 51 '41,ip ..1:9k,s„ ! .1iiAt , it.;11.1 ,-.4ai:',:t . r A. sithsi!„lized ,14)Ty.4,,-,,„.(1111 I- J- i ' itt-ir,,i ,ro,,,tiitt n,,..0,0 , 11¼ Ifly 1 , ih:,t hs fh'il' 2 Li nN.A. * L.