The Exeter Times, 1880-9-2, Page 5rtiorit 2. 1880 rtlltirgo JOHN WINES, LIQtTC'Rs; CIGAIz ETC.,•y,,l Dealer in., Groeerieb;:Flour' and Seed.. Carlin 's Ale, in, Casks an LA r' anti Porter t K u.a lir Ca�sks.> Lager , I3ATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN >3OTTLE AND QUARTET OAST•-- I,®c3, Sign., Main. Street, Ezetex'. YOUNGER'S, TENNETT'S,•13ASS'. AND GUINESS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. P SOH! TA En, 126 Dundas St.,London Have received 30 eases of FALL and WINr.�h 8 GOODS; c ousistiug of 11.oi"dy-ms.de Clothing at $6, $8 a n,d $10 a u�.'•� MANTLES & DOLMANS IN THE NEWEST STYLES. Heavy Corded Dress Goods at 10c, All Wool at 25c. White Quilts at 75c, $1, $1.25, a splendid assort lint. cof Scotch} English and Canadian Tweeds.–All Wool Tweed. Suits to order for $10. Send for camp. es.` 01—IA '1`vLA.N'S, a cheap place to buy Dress Goods. Give us a call. Chicago Medical College. The Pioneer its G1'anel System, and ALSO ill t ears' course of iust•netioa adopted I,V Anlerieau N, (kcal t u11e,Iv ANSOOItiti0ll. JSegitts tta Sect c( �Ktm Si'Y't. Vitt Physiologicn1 bops. a ta11i!bed. ANAr0%It(`ALAIATI•:RIAfINUN-I I, MiT,:1)A13i'NDAN(;J1. Selatsiit'utheret1, orad s'•eured iu order of application. Profe'sor's Fees, 47.5. Practitioner's 'Com st through April, Ilee .a;3J. For Aloe ut:ceuteut or information, ad- dress 1)R. J.:1, HOLLISTE R., 70 'Ali/Limo St. thicago. • TADZES AND MTORiE-JiEI PERS—You .i can get t;Iroxec (tons cheap by writing oa a Postal forour Price List, which enables you to onrnint IVY riAIL, the boat way, and sen the inany hinds of Moreha..dise we keep for sale at snr- prt ingly low prices. we renal samplua of Ham l ,irgn. Laces, Ribbons, Fringes Alt, if requested. We sell \Vhol,salo v ud Retail for Cash down. A 'r im combination system emttb,es Cls 0) quote very close p-icos. Wo have $1, . 3 and .5 pack- ages of notions wliieb cannot be bought fer twice the money elsewhere, at wanted iu every family. ::runty returned if not satisfsotory. FI1UI3H- 11)N & DUTTON, a5 Tremont St, Boston, Blass. YOUNG mYfuTt Lin 4nTol:uhuand. Every grauusta gnu ran teed a paying situation. Address It, VALi3N l INN,illauager,.lauesvihn,\Vis 7 f, Yi4.9 i ,t;nu exppenses to (writs 7Oi t1t Iron. ,,,exess P, 0. V1,,Ja, EBY, Augusta, Maine, rno AD VERTISi;ILS.—Lowest Rates for ad6er 1 tisi tag in 070 gond newspaper's Sett t 1iae. Ad •cress (,NU. P. Itow1�,LL t'C (`0 ,10 Spruce St , N,T '?'NOTICE.—I Hr_REBY FORBID .1 In n 'yl' b , !' J. H. OAA' 8c CO. The new F -encu Medicine cures Sperntatorrheta IMPOTENCE, and all nervous complaints re- sulting iuLose of Memory, serious impediments to marriage, neat depression, etc. 75c per box( 3 for $0. Sold by druggists everywhere. Whole- sale—LYMAN 731t(,S. at CO., Toronto. Sent by mail, seenrelyysealed, en reeeiptef price. Address Ituveriai dleteine Agenev. liosa89P.Q,. Toronto FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y, OF LONDON. fi91TABLISniin IN 1753, Agency established to Canada iu1801. •Unlimi- ten liability of all the Stockuolders, aucl large Reserve Funds, Moderate fates of premium. JINN 11. I'YNDMAN, ROT3T W TYRE, Manager. Agent at Exeter. 11+zMOVED--H. KINSMAN', DCN - L .IST, rage ]las removed n +tel '`"' --� to Pa ken's ii Rlnok, throe ' J a• cL0Or llertla of Carling's store. Oilice upstairs. THE EXETER a.y person n F t ng roods ma credit' to env :ntemp,nrt.of Iicl ftamily on 11 y aeenimt without I 1 ,y] 11] �' dill ash '2111* {yrtaint order. JOHN Af L; Jau, i'sburne, Atagueit fith,1H80. JOHN 11.A K Y.a'tingl,w1'e>>asedtr?pstork'df'Mossrs 3i.&E. •St ieoi; •has xeiuoved to the store Lately pc:- gat/pied by then', North =of Post Ofce. M kllrcha Flour and reed :4'iw10s ori find. t'LO\Nair, FIELD AP -D' GARDEN SEEDS la great v t1* bty. JO'ffN BACK. Is a compound of the virtncs of sarsaparil- la, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful blood -making, blood -cleansing, and life-sus- taining elements. It is the purest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci- ences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and Face -grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls Humors, Tetter, Humors, Salt hth um, Scald -head, Ring --worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial DIsease, Neuralgia, Female Weak- nesses and : Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis- ease which. arises from impurity of the blood need despair who will give Area's SAxsarARrraa a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer- ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood -purifiers, while disease becomes more firmly seated. AvIti's SARSAPARILLA Is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliable blood -purifier known. Physicians know its composition, and pre- scribe it. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualif ell-c6ufiti deuce of millions whom it has befit t@ e',"' Prepared by Dr. J. 0; AS Practical and Analytical 6' Lowell, Mass. sow fix ALL. ailtaiei8Te BYuafwintai. DOOR AND END PETRI ALL KINDS OF TURNING Done to order. itemomberthe place aver A ttoward Bros. ALWAYS ON HAND IN THEIR SEASON, the best of mood :; ar .e' d Cats ALSO Quicklime d Waterlime. j L.1NI) SALT, LAND PLASTER (a Blacksmiths' Coal AT SWVENERTON'S WAREHOUSE, Exeter Station, • whore my wareboreeinnn will ,always be found from 7 am to 11 p m to wait on customers. 13, SWENERTON. EEE N SALL CATARmI USE! CATARRH 1 1 USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoing Compound, The wily positive =refer Catarrh yet discovered von SALE BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DUG STORE.. W. L SMITH, General Agent, Ancona, Ont. ♦til= '_�`�+�. Allan Line ! LIVERPOOL, LONDONDI.'R1% r, GLASGOW SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. CABIN, INTEAIIEDIATI AND STEERAGE TICK ETS. Persons wishing to send for their friends onn obtain passage cetttlieates at lowest rates (role r)ngland. Ireland nn 1 Scotland to any city or rail- way townih Canada. Full partibulare.by apply fug to . •' CAPT. G KEMP. Exeter. Central Drug Store. WINAN'S OLD STAND. JUST ItEOE]YED A SUPPLY OF THE VERY BEST Medicinal Wine & Brandy That the markot affords. HYDROLI E A new remedy for consumption. A largo, cheap and good lot of Shoulder Braces always on Baud. A numerous variety of TSBES And a goNl fit guaranteed. No one respiring a Tuss need go to Loudon. A complete stook of Drugs and Druggists' I Sundries, also Stationefy,Fancy Goods,Sohool Books,,eo ALwArs TN STOCK. _o� CENTRAL DRUG STORE, SAMWELL '1 MI ird I.t Ate drily opening out large quauti tits of nj PICKA.RD Fresh, Seasonable DRY GOODS, Bels ad Tan, ra`.s ani Caps, &c., &C9 &C. N co durability and value which for stvlc an n A•spleuci i range of 7/3'LACIL, CASHMERES' BlackItistres; porlatpxiar llii PR!.N`TS, WEEDS,. lir SI3 T TS,:J ffl 1WERS, SA:IINVELL' , PTCIKARL'S' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.' William ;Drew ruxniture- t9ealer, having been drawn into the Furniture Line by decuttf ulue.i. and falsehood id compelled to continuo the ',twines:1 and is prepared to sell cheaper than any other house in the County of Huron. An ex- emuuttiou of toy- large stook, which is not excelled (etsi'le of toe cities, and tt comparison of my paicos with other: facteries,cauuut fail to oonviuco the public of the truth of what I say. Every Article Marked Doerr to heli Veil Lowest 1 hay, jest purchased a first-class Nesv Hearse, an,i am'proparcd to attend ftn.erals Coffins, Shrouds and all Uuder'ttrking Mat oriel on. hand. I'rluCs very reasonable. SJoioty Embkius constantly in stock. Be sure to give me a call, and I will make it to your advantage to buy your Furniture from me. Remember the plane—uorih of Molsous Lank. VOL DBEW. (WINAN'S OLD STAND) C. LU`IlZ. HALLOO, MIKE SURE DEATH 35th Provincial Exhibition OF THE AGRICULTURAL &A RTS Where did you buy them bitch ? Won, Jimmy, I T . bought thane from Mitchell, of course. ling ho r� �° i . G many of theleft? Why, yes, tbousttncls of T. -1--1 .i .1 them anal tlrst•elass too. How floes has sell them;Mike t7 Well. ,l iurury, ho sells them so cheap that I was matte till, but if yon wauf any just go right there, for he says lie is bound to sell wen linear aP any in (ho county. Iteulomber, lin live* south side crci ituu gravel road, 31/ITN MII'ctLELL 0m A SS 0 (JI Ar CION" 1,O• ► V or'e niton. Feb. 2.1, If?8 OF 0.)3"rill RIO, FURNITURE Ii001IS•. Vhy go abroad for your Furniture when yon eon gut flutter Valtae for your money is s(onsall, •7,41.S. O 'C7ORT having bought out the Ifirrnitare Btslr,n5t of Mr S.Fttu'bairn, ana. a,ldod hugely to the stook is enabled to otforrieri iturt at vary In" prides.. • lity Undertaking Cepa u tenant will ba found m- etier to anv lrrthin'soetion, leaving just received large addition of aJniuds of undertaking goods. first -Mhos -hoarse will he furnished for iunorals reasonable terms. Also agent for the Waltzer' liudlNow, Y ia.k•liingor Sewing Machine. ,1 $. 00NW.0i. TI ;• TO BE HELD AT HAMILTON ON 'I'II1) zoth Se`5t. it) October 2olh 1880. $18,000 OFFERED IN PREMIUM • — 'O: Entries must be made with the Secretary at Toronto ou or before the undermentioned (latex, vis Horses, (Tattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, agricni. ttu nl Lineaments, on or before Saturday, August 21st (+rain,.Fieid hoots, mut other Farm Products, M.tehruery, and i�Ianutaotaros generally, on or be- fore Ototnr('itty, Angnet 28th. liorninniturall'reduots,Ladies' wovit,I?luo Arts etc., on or before Saturday, September 4th. Prise Lists and filauk Forms tor making entries upon ran, be obtained of the Secretaries of all Agricnitiital auto 1tortiuulturs.l Societies and Mechanics' Institntos throngliout the Province. JOHN CRAIG, Secretary, Toronto. S.;:O: RYKERT, It . P., !'resident, C'atharines.• F' As R M TOWN= PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEA'ii AND ON EASY TERMS OF• PAYIITINT, IN THE NO .1 N i of N` Lot nniuber 10, Con.13in the Township of Stephen, 25 aeres more or leas. 5 MOMS •,)'o denied, 20 'cores timbered with lama, maple,' hemlock ao l white ash. !.'lie goalsr clay loam and dlstaut 11'0111 the Vtll1t80 ofDatllwoodhaif a mile, N(1 2' Also In the Village of 'Exeter, Lot number in the'subttii'ision of Let nmeber 10 This valuable property is situated nn the u.incipal or ldaiu street in the said villego, oriel is iu bile best baldness locality in Exeter, Thnro Is a brick store and residence ou the lot (nearly, now) 2 storys hibh,i>Oa1O feet and in good data of repairs. - For 'Further 'particulars s»ply to A15I1ItTI\V LA.JHI, Esq., at irxotor, or. to W. F. BULLION, Manager Ontario Luau autl DobeuturekCoiupauy London, Ontario dL:x1"3, FLS'' PAD., Lasts a` whole season. STICKY FL.Y' PAPER The' bestlx ad.e • at TK•X'T.CI\'S Ear i ly Drug t'r�e,, J Corner store,' opposite The Central E.ote1:. EXETER..