HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-07, Page 5u s I( oot 'Us--et-ArbOr oldest t tIte yotu*st,'\,. I wci 'wendin t sebo 1OI1Ol 's, -1) -resent very neat 4,, . been eta ed n ro *s at 104 rn 1 ,417t. ' a O. or .0otn.: voororicoor-k114 treontly it St., Oa. , brietiiler d• ti1.10.. tiii .best line. made. ill Canada, .. . .- - 040 ,,!will OcolipY' 1 v t the /Tina ,n O i. , . 4i, In next, 4 rick epent ',Stutti, t ., .t,, 'OF- ve just opened another lot orDin r Setts,. bOanti411 patterns ;i: ,._ ' , • np,40 .4 ' 0 xitban , ,tbe vtor . . Oardeiting is tho order at the day. ,, and l'Ars, :13o'b, ---ilaylock-.- ':end Tully lett for toqie this )0i. a 0 10 40410* b3 1 -0 0 00 , :T.4tt lath 144 ' 4,Irried ia4 bon ,n'et or lOn nrotternsi lati4 t !'1410:Ak 000' VO;141.4,1,4.-4.111 1041 VAS 4W0itin them in tog ,,roontl - um cora , with ifithite and pink carnations. The resents received were both nu. Verre, 14, 1 • I a in worn for, th !n. v hi- wood - ‘..litredWuerth has__ rne • sowing flax.... When. completed Lave Ii5"0 sncrils sowed. • Abe--Panningltatn event Sunday in �i one suffering from Indgestis n, Dyspepsia,Heartburn,- atfilenteitleadachei--Biliousuesse'-Sour-Iitomachi---Btcot here cart'be only one natural course to purs;eo, tiatifely; -- A bet: Strengthening the Stornati?, making It take • ollt. of food valuable properties which go to,ntuld up the body. `, • . - Second: The Correct'working of liver and howebs.to carry away the usWess,propertlel and waste 'natter. 'his, VS the designed purpose of Nat00, Dyspepsia Ta TWa eatnienkis complete. The larger tablets net o and1Uveorgan,e-404414,41404413,4444 Both kinds of Tableta In'each box v 4100 COMPlete itb-P 101 SoEe 111 •McCue's Drug' , Store, 4411k 1166better —Will 'fit -bkter . —Will 'feet better wear better Ifoo7getit at -0:-.-11;11oltznlanes; -*ware_ I -ust, bitt-not - .• ., too- busy to Shp* you our swell' Settings and Ove Oat no and . take your order for -11.-SUItr or .0tercoak • If you can -come here to. - morrow:do soand make a selection early.. ,If you can't tome to morrow come as spou.s.slint.cano. and, we wilt do our ..beit.;..to. get . oar Suit at Coat wade promptly. ... . .. ' . dears wtth ]is parents. %.'tiaentigrxer 'spent -Sunday n Jon ell other emu will be trades Atta eallthuMPI procepion in fhe inorning followed bra- goorl-Progrant--ot s ' ria -in the fternoon.. The Crediton Btnd bas Now is the -time to buyyour Wash Ottodit for Spring and ,Somme travelling -snit 1‘43:$ tnititarY Mao will find Our stock cOruplete n alliines of MuSlins and -Om barna bifton broadcloth with- ernliOldered checked awal faa3OXIStriPa Al" Dirnities 40011Pi esprit hat tritirned with plumes, and rngllo ,*),vaiKt. .ttrul 4 white tinirit ,de kr441111D4 1,.; $00e41.10 ts tc) tiotprroil SOilOOl iTho..lollowing Isth 04,1te Vredtten band!,13 down io Pract •Ttice. b6.01 Mr, .01arenoe Ifaellermunnt woad, 'Spent fiunduy, in. Cpediton., • This town.. great place for at;.. *tractions. *iiyatch out"boys! Leap Year. • fur. Iff. _Clarkof the. IrlS niado. sow needad iraprovklinenttr 4. 411,1e.„,,„,91_1110_,Amas:o..4h,d.14.1„..tuw. 1104o -date hotel Art evory qrtienkur• bus also- tuada a gotedcittte,.-bra or7thii-conveuleitoe of t farther& iTI tbis. seetian. • • The brick .and tile yards have 'for the season's work. •7*f fine pike an Saturdays-. _4,ot) 'Wein .6 • d 61.suckr e4n .0, t]c own. eon bdat,thatt - t4le tarMers•,..are busy tiro:1'1110V 131;i of, obtained 'o tt,, Lo- tat with_per • ri be ttoillr;tirYnL-9.5;v141.1.-'11err. itre, A. Witerth *70 fiinr X, Andrews 71,, E. p - olden 68, ff1.,Mangruis 60, 4 Jr.. IV -4; i'.10.dgins 65, M. I Vertzet' ,,41t litedden . Oestreichet IS, V. lloltzmanti 15-V* .15. fl. flojt'z. mann * 1. lirown ttl", Illuett 66, E. UniSt61.4 -1W4 J3L01t 60, E Valuter. e:yoting- o14.117 Itit4f4ti-1:1.3t4x the 'ground ready for flax. .'ponsideraide has begin sown al-rehdy4 v S ed r t over 11.0414Y. A 4,)a w int:We• avitii the foliowing oft). tars lIont; Pres, 2.r, Geo., Troollerntaniii Pres. . Siebert,: Viee Pros. liadiger.; $ec, Wrens,- W. V. INfillow .-'Captain S. 441,a104. We wish the jclub very stiatess and no doubt ,hecornv. expo„ ta at : the yeanyN 'before Uie ocuson over, • Turnbu1le'17100.1:Arilsident of tbe da rlat 'Fiber Co., of 'Montreal; dies WbttWear °fall -kin elter. *els s`, 4ttt°DrcksowwitriCap Wrritti Waist'et ' 47434:4af:10..laterLuge, of BJ�c1, Wbjte , and ey.'„e • ' interests of the .COMpany.. . 14,1inIner.4-4.41to-hasp4bgetrf_ato tending ittleineSS t01100 in Stratford is_honao for a' few sy0eits. and Ors, ;11onse.4,.of Aotroilt, are at present stepping itt one vii.14ge --lotPittt----ho-uforfr'.0-----t#na-o , ;1‘tinnie:,•11artung; of • 44-t 'for the past tow -days has It:tined • * INtr4 11. O MeLennon /or. or Jr. 83,4 F. oak 04. G. Gibson, 8tV 07$,c,:aver M. 4Jlarke. le: 0. 'itivilzie,-40; 0,no" „tilt+ nA, ttglit %tiff 6; I:' -mow Sr. XI -4Z 'Trott itirtalnor 119 Gut-ifthrr r Shenk ftti„ itedde -140 A. Satubtra4o. . • ,great demand an.d likely to be:scarce later on -In tber: seaeort.; --SP-,etittl'' bargnin 1 Sateen'firTh'wbi 10, tile" .:Regular We, and 2.4c the .Yard•for yard: . . 'A nice range oflons;*glovei in black and white in Silk; ~Lime- Thread and t4eil ft°40 P'o pair upwardef * Don't target that We have .a first. • class. Atilli,ller in :connection --with our Store in the Person of Miss Rer. wbo' s sec foil* bus load atteefled tile convention Wolfo 67. V. -liftman Tuesday. ' -314,0...-Mersaa.c-has-tisterted*H-10 work for our genial blacksmith `15ir." . Loa llodginso ,• ., A Tegulat meeting ol council . wa4ite.14.:nn.41.4-ndar -Mgt, tireit-14. 40, $1essrit, •and 1.1ie1omogE. Iledden have started 'their . butcher 'Wage. tills' Week for tbe solson., John Deich•ert, f Zurich,- -ed on friends' in ',the -village on lerida.r.* trite branch of ihe..-Ttrulat 'Ineree has lidded 4, .now tatjo1i0q fence,— c array '7 . ilbor OZ. ' Teaclar. cher 71. It. Itlug =port ,41t 750 1,4,,Ilalst 74. 4. laau,sou GO. • 1.‘"ionz1e, Tioacher. ,:t4s.fthrpr recinitiiiiertts in her line. Our Malin.; ry4tOek-10-alt,aeWluid*tttr,to4late--i nil the latest Styles. Prices that 'will suityou.' . We have lust opene-kMit-w lot o ..new Floor Rugs: in ali. patterne, Ana. :Ate, imme. friend • Ur. and itvlva W L SieWrt. ed. 'Wends In Creditow, on .7.11 MisFEmxnt Califas -who ,:bad been -iDolding tth pust,tw Wks nt home biro`turftcf4' ...r.foolldoft this - Mies ititory *pentad, .of ',1E;biv0f, .visited over 'Sunday: it,v411 iMss, Sarah "10,isttar. , 1,1r, 4ral: Ili* Chao. rrit*, 'bt Zurich viSlted- '01'ree,tiOrlaY,nt the .1ienuiof tr. land. ;14;p4JoenAtiti, 4tt. o.ria Mrs. Wm.ltantSo.ut fixe. 44 -4#1,e‘ft gonIzedrlvith Crintuott-as-',ut' T)r, itg 1•411,hrt. 'Ong new sults :Or this.,p• asol4 The have commenced prdetice:.e0d..*11.1.1).!): Iff'-';gotidridiatieTtir-ftlit-25th: rrs.itatz and dlaughtet Vark. Park- hill, spent a few! days Avitlf atr,4 *Uri 'IElealth con beamed • by this llew lifethed _ •bottle of sliereniosid-brre. been • advised to try. your medians by, our. fstolly „ • ;;;- &Andrew nte7t 'With (1 Arthari bat', 4'f:fly al , accident last 'Wed' ttti ' ' t4,1se4141te--1440o1 way ther,barn '1160_1 blenru,; knock4 -41-nglar-e44-4Andrewt-i-Weint and Irea7kTri-ft: her •ank10.She :twill be for sopr 'ti • r - 2411621, 043 • co1orngs,Do,tfafl.-to. ”AtOe these fal range of carpets atitswelPeCrtasn,";11 --: fc1104. 01360itintia(iI4ASSivAll10. Oiir stock is Stil! Bats, We norf-h:attitiVtiPI shapes for-raen. /pang men an boys, Also ia. fall range 01 flats, Fancy Shir r,4it eTyou 00 neatand snu the s" - UP • Do not fail tondo Our Ia new summer &kings in patterns in browns, greys, etc, at low prices. STIOtS1 SIMS/ the'latest * Patent Leather, oh her that these are not 1110 Absii.wiltzotsWeatOn) the RoOd kind, at Oh guarantee41 to wear. Onr lower than the lowest. ' HARDWARF aue o . 'Forks,_,Rop. Paints, Wire. Sorb Wire, -also Ideal •V. Penang. Price -An 101,11800110r , es me o o e • u ne o reth groceries Setts, Dinner Setts,'W`oterSetts, over stoutly on band. .Matches, :yogi/ hewn irrThishwood and at prices that 15c for Ilk. Wanes 3Ih packages, for wilLsuit_you.—We-pnrehaaed-a-Iar: .. a1ttion:2-TOr-25co. on line of those goods at so. special price Peas.ifcans for 25e. 2 Jarge bottle - and we are giving you the' benefit of -Cattier* 266, Seeded Rat the same Al1 earty..1--4- 4.arprices-areT—rigbto-: • :Vail and take stook through our steclt before parchaSin- &et Prices .for Arm-. Pre tic rour-roxt Ataxy mvistokt r • Ornsbiii, 1,.1Cellerinann, 14. "teller. Alum, 1.1*-C4747-1-tilaeliirTYW-Cootx.' C. cal - set, M. liblorS• al. 1?4, )./Otenzo W. larayblel af14 McIsatte W. atoll r • ofEeid Roots is a 800tIrce lTnless od seeds are used, the a spr4ies t,o.edi cases, no matter what the orm of disease may 'b. it r*.. tor bo4r.with OXYG1tr*IfrOna.tho a1r oxyonxlea% Vital' test-peceseity life knows; akariapplrOXIr'—nOVAntettliOniet-willit'iOu iost or stet No loss of itline front Your work or nueiness.,.' It is easily anvil safe and rdwavt ready for use. Its force never es ousts. It ,w111 \serve the family* children as well as adults.* te-tortriiiiliVO r.co..92Iii- ro a Pfaff Sio1brt, Stir*. NI, Shiers* A. Tiernan', 0.41 chreeder„ clatutP 11.,*lchronder;t. Sehroeder • 'Zero. ...,:.101,44Ioff.., an. ra,iza. v. ma. ort, Wimbajd. Sr. Vt. con, AL OchroctIcr,V. ver tore No. wr telt 44; •di1y avera0i' Teacher. • 1)11715i0 , Sr, 11.044, .ettte, A. 60110411011. 'f,4taittater, • Vo AVO1b4 W. %Inituqe. L .--3411 Xel° lermann. • , igenttnert .3111tIcifebrui.41. Cr, 0. Davis* , V. Ilossititam, 114 .0004BE paint n:tbeji et th.aali or* E. SO'breed‘..4.44 A. ICOCit, tle...to :Schumacher, h .2rintooll,•:1#,„Ite „' If - tlt( lort„ W. iiilieWitt Itinker, 'Wilford Koch. 1;„ Rotit1d, ktro VillitunsOao o 1 tcdvial friend, berii.O outlay. nit4 1)Jt.ofl *• I 1 i LC satire'. Z$tletdfpe *W. trial* c toisOk th 4jTht'�Mjjv tit a will be, ttiVett in thl ehureh ,-1Ic1t 1htlutlY4 " g. Of 't1f! roIIT,'atjoIi oil' 'ttitl en'414tilay evettistir to orrt1- jze ' ' * '14.lovroetit 11.ttiRtteq,i'' ' ,Mr. AVol...1doricy VOA* tt 1.Itor .. A tlyef Irodty In 14ondon lowitship, 6 Mr. " Ne,AviOn.iiifillsori tott Virotitte 6Mc last *for.'14 ntwu3tiorktn sit. , re „ A -John of l'opular itili Criek aboscei, Landing% loys "About 'tri ago a runnitt4 aoro .colurocticed tity. right by * rutftured blood vessel. As ttar,1 Went On it got *obis arid my suffer*, Int41.t *ere very: sore Ieg ,thatm, ond -bad very emihl bola:A Of it!. *or *sing Itbested, in tait tier --wifti; Almost ' lc stal tofu. tokIvos offering* k ,00tbe4 t gin, off.4 timo, orreart ir , Inkta dos belore It was 1.2;s1.4ilt .110kon ns, 'Sop-