HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-07, Page 3!, • '..A4t: ,44 , „ •••":.; 'at,. A tse 4'4 00*".„0,atrey, , • 104/1111P11.0-AncLi f* OVif SKIL 0001, 0* •• ”• _ . •Ill • *penes ,91 AVinter 71141,:ellefa • On • _ 'Siberian flAIwa• •Sheiwinter sets In adYentUreo b frequa an01b" rocestto •••L4Iu1g t is trying : Often -trains. • • ' snoytred -up at little stina id stet -op* 14.5,00At' • • tea.' .rbourst Aye,- and 4Yar...1t. U* autherltles:bow--long Ahe Pi starred trayellers abide's, writes •.'-• * tendon Standard correspondent; , _This year _numerous 'trains were, • •• eatight in thesnow,•airriost buried there, and, generally on' the Open $tolVe 81tY • .or Sixty miles 00111,41 lemon and a abed .mlies from 4 beerstok. • The pas- ' *engers *besought the station master, * • ,1.• andethers to ,have- them dug out and' la clear the line 'rimy even telegrarilt, to the Minister -of Ways and JC,,orminu. •',the order would- be -Oven, • ., 'en -rind disregarded, •• • . Story,. lolling and 'cord playing in the light of- a eandle *,werethe • •',1210.$1,- strions oteupotion0 of the prison- • *teen Hie ste pe. In one etis-a-that game. " . tinder -ray k owledge •"be" and "she"• • '•-• mei for th fir t 4--•-"Aat'444-‘40' • d a *vOil we •, . „•• Jai;At '• Wy14041,4; \btt iweruf. „our er7.retur;:\20-17; wOr* Us. Net the lente.0 141 een. „ _.t strong -aS"-eartitls tarn „n: Itok beyond 410.411e$1. 0-,443-3. bug.: that there is light; w reach out tile arms of level and belleve„Aliat .though we maY lot 'see their 1(10.4 ouv at:0140w roach . 1.„. -‘,54 4: .4“1 )*• rt 1 *•*2.0' • • 4, au' '-!•••••• totoundi five IS:a terrible itOottery 0.4 1etwit I Ure • 'for ti we nul• 109k. '$OW irstiVeverride-, natty 'enigma• end • 171 heats' too Streit •, its Pt' that,1 eSe few days a Iffparatient. th4 Period ot: livg,„••tol tt441d* puUhhtu y. rove thact f in endn„4 Itty°‘ I. • •t, ,r1 .. • At 4 wed- flsra .21;te. •k * I? are " 4 him alwa repre,e4ta1--cw'stkt-1ho Vether.,, ;isms " theitc ,ptiit!tins' ticetortit-W-te efferd, . That your nifty h7114 ' . 1 '1"."• *A, ,sr!, r Or' 1.1 • • • ..........'„ „V It. ....„.....-........ .......,01:....,„,.. ., ,. ,,,. ,. ... .:..'1,1* , CIfl4 ''..±4!..'•:;,.•.....eit.,....4.-..',..„-'7-.t..„:'.7....t-:-.',..1',...71:*,.:-: .......:,.A.."....'.;..',..', '.(1)1...y.":4111.‘ 6r4....,..'...:. . .. tt..„„iliA*042'..iairal:;11:t$'tkl4:14!ta'stl.. ..p. l'..ptika,,, „ tt . . 4. — t."1; ..., .. ..,,y; --, •• ,..,.. i,. ',-',4iti.1.-'•:-.,. r.AO,•,. .!...,..,,#4r„.„.•:. t.,, ,. -----ui ,,,, :iizt ,a t.'' ' *fir • • ' rr„ fo.• : , A • l th .i, . --, , f ''''.._ t'A ' `1.#.1t4P ' . ..1 4 1, 4 ltiOti ' .. '''&4111 t '' ' : 1*I.V.4. A ! .„ ,tt, 104, k. • ' ' ? , ':'411-'., Iid &fltgz• ;1•L'It ' '.--'.,.): 'r -1r_ -....L , :•;. AIL ' :at -,'' , ‘ ,,,,,n, 4,ni 0,.. • W-r741,ii . (r... tio i4;und ii) -6. -.1)3;.,-tff riw,szolt,,.0141,04i,,,,,,i,„ ,,,,ii .'1,. it .., •t ''''',..(',!,,,'..;.',.,(4:4,, $:-,:L ,.r,.,,,1 .:',111,iii i '774 ttt :41-0:tr. .k . • '' •,,, ,,.- . iN .,a jtt )1 1 ''7001.1%4143Irliirinikr7VIleitt04,10ig,, , : :,. • :, . 0.04,4130,,t,•.7.„..*1.,./4444404,$1i-04.,•,1,k44.-_: , . ,. , ,.;, ..... :,,,,,,,,,,...4 „ .,„.., 4 , , . ,. as '41 ''''41:,:i, '4) “14 . i'sPt'Alell A*-flt;'' '''... b. ''''f., I ' i)';*tink:4.'ll''tii.t.i. pi4i 'her'', 4;it 41' ' 1 I 19 litilt:t''''' /41: P i I '.4.11•?I°1r4 '.1.1*! * ' i --f•' ' ' ' ' 14 Vot 'i.). iscat ' ., ) , - \ es ,r, tio . tr,tage;- sil."41 '1,kis n) oe ,gat.- . 1-4. -.. . ,9 ..... .. c . , . .A, - -' - -; At 00,05. ica. e 1,a . 0, .'s vtl, $4.4)Unk i Iv. II. , .4•'-i aVY.\ c., IR: , . :_..„ rte,._,...;. -14,i nel,yed, felt, so, •shcirt tilt: earl. l 11).$3,t *hall 61rett• ' ()gel 1rielg:' of 11)Pit's "I tte‘•:{11.10i :itleludItu-,f, Itttiton 4111-0 twbort "towtt'sbio.'r 1:4-, bon. rvrtorit.4. ;twit c thocuiell)het..1 in . be. borne and: a. 00% id ::1)004... .E,'.-.0:0 tiltI4', while %VIP' Pt $411:1:- '101.1'Pe' •tti.l.11iniX Plak.'es noiqii. 4' "fho-Proutitot: lis- boartt; .Would bl„; „prepric44 An 't.not.,,,:,. 14.44101;k he jtv(4,and.'. q.ies-Orellicoied b,, ,.,*". tro0W-ot ftto1402Ys.. .1111.e. Sin fil.0 ;or specular ;41011 041.0r014 IV u4nets. in an, 44,1,41-43,014 111.44 ti ' , . , ,.. ,,reatiy-lor .the nexl •-4ifhoni,,. to "heat the, Ont.,givert stS.s0.,,,intiell'irmili,ti 011„ ,_'41.4:1.,_i''''.'ff' t, arron. eMin liy." 1Sto -ea thibleT, it 'it.' '1,.'v .,,y . 4-0)r - tow .1:- ., .7;tiflott 1 „ mocking -•Voicei::•411teco'..is nothing be." . wer -.4")ConOlon; -4'.1.0.''Y w0P0' a 1.1 !le .Hot:ter"'.4Ac.(eAr ••,,,,,0H10 '111 JI tiOeR '#5.Pt'411.0e),# - 'Mit ' '0, 4,100,4 004 ' it ia .110.P44 OontetiOig 'stilt. y-040 loi man." "•: ' .. . .. . tuannered -at,-thift pictit'ep. (hit ta, „rge tree; Item and there „o....,Ar.4.0„...,grikbby whita to done to. prevent,tiother labor trouble., • ' - • - - ', , ' .„, 0: ,willeb., .4heY :had' eat•ablisheg .1-11,0,1r::.p.no. ' ()vet' 'the iron-i,tino, ;1141.001n -1W l'ho teds:ng'4„sto.m, 4:1 in. 4)01"ation on' EVP.triii UN.Ftli...Vit,4i,t 0 I.ONOING:i , graoriti •iit4fte itS.' btatteliv$ Oc'or int •'41.4 rill ore- lori ,I,)0 round. large tracts pr. 4 ',Monter 41 prOP013104 woutit help --lo cr , ' • „r i ,,'' 4 •%•..*. . I. „., .*, • lf MAPLE ‘7411 41, • r +. ••• r -• • • V t„. -'.4.„-•.. . „i,:i t".• ' --, t4 "L. k " • i41 4,, ...i•i,f •,.., I ,,,longing4410*1460 .."I4ItI MiU • '#, c 4*topWit61)t-: . 0111instsuch 4'0OnceP414•' ' a statio .mt Ior 10$140114: ; that e6antry; tboretorono OttOntiOn7Viii4s01 11u ore In'o'' ef°l anOE'Itppe1, -''S. planted 'An, tit, a pos400, ter' living ', Welting np in . , ,,, ttiter etnin.:::\e,(0 mkt to-utis-,,,witito rooi„..Avt.tio,:teas, and the ,Min.c4 ottnio 4,,etting, 445 per out that 4kaih loot '4,0441.; tven_v4Kin, it$': trles.4.bs is a e9ittinoir ttilge-, of ' the slippoed''141 be. quaitz„ Silvr; ,Whigh.,..elari Which, in* the ' average ease rfa. howl Ls upon AN Ngt. 10.1i. '.ft)r ..AliorO 11,te L Crocodile* to .ente AiVe inkyk - with. iS Alobty• ‹,tnt,eitsti -watt •001,41, 0104 motor, thenlile profits made ty.- .the .A. , j44$1'-'10.46,: -the itarknes.S ' believing litrt.agit, att4 1 eXPee,tolc/A.ONY to ffC0 kope '.04.• llio''Stillio.' tag', ' .4$', +141)tr' 4104: 0:10 ' fl,t,ill0S, tlietti$0•041.,,,,, With h, topolbev•of ., tp: .10404 1,1*:,.dttrt. • - ..,, •,. 4”. v44)f 7the*..;r)Ofq• •aninta1$* fall • ' ' . Ir -06 tli.--er the--ottly•Ltni.nerais- Tho"proc- tilers;-•-tvOrkingLiObeir-*,.--own• or , v 4 a • JM 1 Nu* • , • o. • 04, veotte • . trk144.-•tt: • * *, „ us anza leak Iwiar WittjCe th* •g, heling 1„ 1%110te Lough, 1Io&reno8a er any &etion•of Throt or bogs; Yon fled* •Olitb14 Dr. Woods lierwaytkinafyruP, Mei. O. N. toomer, pe_rvololit, N. " t‘hivo used lir. v41,00114 forQonhtianIrb1dE; fouucl it to giva Instsit e wort 0 • ...v4t-ttbng '"antii 1*(4)'117:tkivs11:4°.4\i-1°1'eln14117%11141ar1417111°443V2(11;741 TKAINt rntitroot .• • .1"" a's t V • t : • .r t. • .. tte, - • • • • . ...1,Vootra NeirinLyiltie prbot0044,...ltassies„.,0.14014: ,vtoprc4.0 Tfrot: .00101;44.:.atf000sntt,,4000. Ntorivo rhos 1$mp. 044- -Itoct bladtOot gres.1 or: Vi111itf*Y...401,:‘orgi ioniting "Ottki; Work 4t$ hours, 4)1if Inntltatif'4h1$''''''4"*In'n1(44:411*'”40714)e:' -4*-no-frch tats fi biloo ',Ana telit 1.1!)-t tit " lead 1113(1 siler ii-.Otierttei`tWent$.' toilko,'Immr 11Ho' lot eh ‘, Jot the -Wokingday in AGE or (01 ORS than' death I As soon ts Lt b]nck-10okIkIg- 1Y1311 Tierth, of the aforesaid iron pronerty.1 lite mine. la calculated that the. retiree' ', s ' • • r4A,14/ ba ,tLon .-Atte-Winter,,, ..-4.xpord*Ys-likeenie4 :The -walk A.,earr,kiotraa -3001,3,--Tar cat* -,4t _ _ 110.041441t4tte0-•: , •,,4„4-74.„,,er • .4A 4'. ie• fut Ovr.yr Sureltin bu Y ) rePtt * is muck to offe to unfotill tbe'Pre.' givon..out furnish work tor nearly, nntllaithat:- infinite -;1)! d wet, enm rePontlatifr lie return ..ektis lterture,s that11110,##.,% y000 c inktstifit name, . uov. iiohromo 44A167 40i* ;:tiot.1 - - • :art • :""A tit.tie-,C4)1,np • mere than -this trainenkefheiltiet 4 seesettl... ' with 1", lono..ibto. hi 14404 ' • ' • - coatrip bY bOut*'-a hundred tit • , We... read -7 into litures. Oukto‘tilbS,•fireb)..garana., ttor.7f., b t 14, 49 be -w3'itten:Na' OM s every, erta .011r ears 'May' bear the fat" and.104 thetelaes: but' the', tufted110v The„. oto'onvo.nr.(now attoikt nli inentioned that in 'the ave. where that nothing 1$witheitt:', Pit:Toe eled;*.tr 4(4114. &'-'. the Atreayin Ws; no. .000 an, thOUtlit they outliya sre oritodo.wItte,101 •ocin, 14. .44sot,. 14 .huuseir , I vATAitc;;Es or LEA$ING sysTex • great :bank the ritOre clearly ls.,44;Seen 'dens:Where hope bloms- and no,,finw,.• • teinpao.Oas. .1hey eget), e ,c, • • , ONS. ,. • '‘.1,;ppOrt„,. of the leasing s)1,`sterit it and ;riiithy entli. • that ,Ohango too oxii. the I .!..ontning-4ifef-andliitts: oar • seenied tO Itt),,e" il* ii4°4114.4' ',The 1,41rd. helps' fliose„ 'wit* '4 help., Mal ounIng Al* needs Do' still' IM) ,1110. part in the ordering the ar4 def .4e4th... live the life that la; Weettng---tholt Arlotti$ coming 'tut , l'elintendnt Or him, and' whx. r noa1. larger moventents ot Then reedit) More .0),*1) 110W d0Y,1,014 $:00)4.3116:1110' t"°tr' -111)10orinrotur 000 nOt4teat 7Ourj'IVIangti tAWalt ts$43r °nee .1414' .41s1I11104110 (It the ordotly 'W014.41 hilt Shalt 1'MA", ItittneVoz no (Yr#' 11011E • 1flOrt Intninsi, 0110Wri vrbili cOst• the average; of these laws we -learn that,. • ' it. .„ 4,A.40-erv. 0w,v0 +41'y erwl?"4"e's1 The 'e can be -ne reereation'in May de„, Y.0101111g eolnpany tuouSatitts ot dallors • INTE1INAMOISIAL. LESSON, - 2thern 'fooltripare. Matt.' 10. ,104‘ (44 ,2),, but now he addS -to Vita PredrettorAfor Ork'em1-111 ionise or bit' r..ainortr., wwm browet - scot la them 'from' Me fther. • • It • ii.Whiper" • ihroi.--fftr • bd, i • ' • • *SOnsOgo,. a -stale raft and a lien .4 et•-• • • • riot. the, serve 41" v, foh ,tt Y.. o every 11151411l tt) tO0 0110 a iritivi :tit otithltVi The loonkoy. Avith Alie stick' ',14Mtlej 01r0 '111:41-;drol,tall,tintO t1M ee rlif the procodlle'rteateSthhal4.1114Wounoi,' ed,rtitile sanklke4ed„.041,40 tett', ly,,,Tollowed: by ,tOtoroae.,.. •• ThOrt. niktoiitnit:thP'bilW1 O.001 stuicess., . was per ec 114n n • t 'vrf,s,t with -Nen ed. tie Ot Wine which he happened to blyrC .0° 411°$'1141 '01 lb° • 111°4 No-tv that tliat sense Otad" maile• arid MO married shortly Often:yard, .0oIdon Text, John 11. 1. •tieario !bon- by the Nito„ites 1-4..,torpk0 tolinw ony-flake ihm. 0- * lig • trPri.0; Itere is a copy of one of the Leto. . -'i {ho - • Ino • l'torttli st tyngt 0.. la g ble 4411 1114; v * 4 nr,,,s • • aul krants from snoweo..up passengers tont „ " or being on 1.1,11fiel 116 WO e mt,* vlic the eaution 14) • " .44!711111"(1c41; 1/1113 LE,S4ON 'Wont) great •-'41tw -at 00 an nid mw' when be hi-mn. drift, heir in itie lonely station, Pook. (rinsed 'on the•text, or the Rolls,. ot• ortin fron tho 1 to s ti yhtit, . c, - .... .,-.., end day 'ithatt we 41.1.6- toeflt hY onow - I ' ...' .• „. 04 fir,st fitted liket•. hearts at the. ltonght. , hirled the,pok lieliatiled hImselt. aloft' with. on; aloofly that sbowed be' oonIci form- ti very g4t-od • stionitioil of the dun,. Vitteli 1W tan. •--• ' ` ' - ' ''," ."• -' , . • • loe. Tr 'pite rot the energetic tele- Version.) iitu. minister . of, ways and, .......14r,04.;04.,,,,eqscpwrlia,,.ri,on.,, - • 1Ud0X1 -4j Caininurilcations the manager of the Mt14.1:,X .(111:1001, w4.-1°". 1.4"'e best interstS and. for $otir'itigliestwell., 4".„._/40.0.00„,ttileatinfla na.aitn•xl.i. e(1u)3L -left-ther,,uper, rt' audit 4)111,4 , • • . Or4) doonicid to linger *where for. an PrOeCdt'd $10SVIY 11110'°r111 t''vitlit1.106/3Cit,iittb4a,-,;144/,,s700iLe4c,411„11.10i,;11eitv11 1 Tifro'rg of iliesliiteritiftieriEr Tvagori Of ,tieraw the moron 444 44, ce moo corn, lifinite period '4. (igned ',is! -.cloned tolusd . _ thri, Yirtak ellY tht on . • • at_ Itti)erlIt • °"1.' W4414.11-# 'nth, irw.# -over, AIN; 1177eVe!„.Iy, And--thc- ;013, 1110-s tit tie5ilweitscourso;toitillt:_144:4144,4riat stha-A ron„ w1/,;(,)) t4.2$211.-!110,1410$17ilco:*Invtiriti,xliime,043.i.. )1,8 diseipips ionits him to 01111 -their rt.1105 41.74441,'y 1114 # e„1„ ,014 r.tg . 4 still tort imPro,o§tve. 111(1• 'sg"r trn I ' • • "''' ...),ProuCta Sloirk4rifest,ed Diver. • rnemorahlt way to 4 otoot4i , , :.,_ Ottlerr nOtt Mils tevttlitl: tlitr• • deeper • The' lloyal"-fririnane Society of Great 1)610 111111111tel3r Untied With. Mw. 1°'411:: irtillitY 104 a*P1Manee - ' firltain has Pres°°t°d 14° St1)110P* vied- 81/LI'strillituteatbrritrv; uoet4_0trbiltehNla%titutfltigt to. Ot '111413ote-ilkswte4, hoetthse at for the *.streSette, or ft n year -fa father -The Convicted: weark of Ir•e. illitillif tr.tif,„ to-71hr o folloviFitnrgliT.• °i4'' 4**It*;"\tinc 444 it'rbri4)111e5'-' ' in' tont eel:frt: • . • '' Fatibacqueld aers,c4 ott'llils' ellapte - he Is 14tritigt by ,estilt whoki A1,, * 4, -------------- - ix t tit the dttiet les.. hig ' .O!,..,et *1)26' dfItill )1041, resurrollon under —.--..„.,.............. t• 4..,,,,,aretx.itiotstitimsw *It I tat . • , .0116diett1le 11Y1(1 • e1f4rfiflet!, toi, was, 4 a ar.---tammort... tit -Ata • ajd. IA. thirsty, 11t -t44 far* 'at A 00m0 istis.ION $01,10111:9, • . aiotilds, malden, speorli Lord Lang: ford boa 001'41 on;oratoritr restraint at. rare 's • *.• niOtidaOlkt the. Wegtintlister GOktle. 'rho Earl' of flocheateri Ad the 41tiss of etittrioolt.;', W* rot. 4011)" 2111"41011l* for 1-043k art early opPOrtutilty_OLtuldress. tnt„ the 1100e 3t 1*1104 -ith disastrous L. v• kirda .1te he lin. rise , • 4,e 1173414'../ t a . a II fair ; • 11.1t 10V016. t • Tito be$1;.,wo-Y to :P)111)Ottate. *Slit 0441/10' A*, shake - • Its hard' getting Solid ' . ,eitintrr.lis-ogettteroitialrin-ar • . • . . • 01)11011'.110' praying fr'.,tralts 'tM*, r yar, Gobalt carrip is spoken TM' rr• 14111 ,croeiltialiy leasing camp, With .0411. -rich veirts1 ft. is aireadl- a Matter .61' record that in 'many other climf)S where Vglr capitalization pre. vans, (win the,. temp4 svh!n. the cern. • Ulf lite es the mine and divi. en_ ase own • CMS oontributors, who pay the c -Ompenies- •I' :to freedom ttno8 44. pain tbatt freedign Porn . 7 J*21 l'Ilat4?5 • ttrie °Olg 111111C° 44 Przis.inge- not a uheme kik, making the conditions under which the. -4)1.0ts r4„444c03fi ),„tvre,tinsurLroputn.,vni.4 being. garten OW. Innumerable. prat. oitrsOlyes as. we share WM.* . nearer home' any reform begins Jir• farther and higher it tvill Ifeal minhig . men have eonamentA avoranty tueleasaik sytem. 111311,,DINd SEASON. • My 3,11ta:,-01(1-Ate441.1.-*'eAl".0 .111°4 111-'41:rirriotlin'lletiHaildi',Imil4‘(4°InsitT,,sdi7-41siiiteeainn:'euni! -oijoy• entertaining the devil:. . •• Thv .41110011a ounii ts building fine 11*110. .44441.a lxithts*Itt40L the ine‘V hinkling wst--Ot tfw.41*ro$,P. , c:haraeter that tittek$ into evtryboily. t be used ors 0.4 Apietimatt. nod, 111(1v:is ..!ittio ot:4pe -bread Of life In ...iinlidiawvith,..one_seett•An_00.....thefr.ou sertifstpreathed -lei brad- iie or Ira 44' PlrIlittYe* ilefor.lingjeltiA ..r.cadble$Ls .or its use n. case of fire in ifs. present preinisos Thiring the 1st IiSit of thi liway * Tim* elutrattens e old_ Ara vt no* IteUtiont 'NW& lorgel 4.4 ..„Oirrstitr4irsire*.tire, %temp, 1:rora 0 - "car *-• • T le•r° is 1.1 4:.114irstj(ruagb1)1511tht I•0111t1P61101f1A‘1.1virti‘ buvo courage to aspily, pod sueh'tt -atf toin tts .11)4 ed a girl representing -Lin tact .4-.tfwelliing census" by, lioifttuitt herself to a particular range et colo ealecordinpgrleliemler filsgd eiwettni oulid be do eonsi tdapos._ try, says the Loiltioa •givirng stand* And yet sueil said- to he the tskton)...' In Japan; a girl's attire merging 18* the colors In a prism Item one iill440 te the other as the years speed on. I • ti4r4111141*----k'"-- 4 II0• and pink, where the kimono eded, are made to talie the place of pale shades of gray or lano,o whichtip till tliert have • reprcsent tier cojor card. •White4 in aitiktiet4 reliquiShidpratallY Ant% and n these dayS when whit* toilet 4. Whcriin, ' y.sesien , . • •,, Jpanese- won an acquires a oew ;lily when she lakes her first step into ,• lent reahn of striped falirleS •., • WiOh1-give,fsilli130191 - tot their' wearer. the years. go- on tile wide , • triTes' ,clitch proclaimed bet •initial , outgo into a. different category to, that, oI 1)er„Plittfge_r friends .-and coninaniong . • narrow with eailt ti; the dori, hair .1Ine announces 'edt „ . inmost offensive honesty that Us, reaybed the. age of thirty. • le4mairve shades, as well as atria.; ••••-•' tuicand-time,--lare her e'horee 414.40, • lt4.14.11t440atS,_ ' ' • -tvithottrsma---orslw,- a41 bright -tones- to-her-yourtger:si • • • drab lints t#1' brosvn and itar15. gray, IJUUI. s W115 en. are hotight • • • V Inatt gos v;orrying. '.t4'4 -•--------- r„nnantr-Jinn--to-take-s cliecived brown -or gf0Y---414-4°1* • 44 • this 'Crown he is OhnPlY discounting ini tovva_ds t . hlittithrtit 44 a istiar tine This IS:exchanged finally :. a rew year's 1 Iniaginary folio*, .--• ----- -- - - .----- ..nto tAiroer'„Ol tit .th.....ortie&-pes. later . tor black or Very dull gray., itt • '. ., . , : -Voir-wit titticeitto-worrY Intairaboti t ,,,4ble, date. -,- Chairrnati- Ito glebart. . essur- which 4,,,,x11.10r vflrb a Japarteso Wouutit ,.... ''' • • ycur gOixi,•n1-3tyOu' lake tooreotyour*,011%fr. Tigtke 'that the eniriter:tor the .00ntinus ,until Abe eird.,,Of her life. , -. . • . ti-i4e 4, a 11 t 41S. 11wnrnpod I - reach the oft* ve, ot. •th0,. Akil9Pelt...04V41111W 4:115°Iir 0 413(irtf.'1 tr4t411htinitAn'WUIVet- totrat!_kt ° -h. one-"-wh-yrrevei4- ill Ur • tin. • 414. a re he puns .txt.Ni w noett out, Jov.untes • Julio the thin that thm. '-•crtco Trtinnatives clutched .nott, foliv the ininso 01 chrlist„ 11)e t:fetib7;- tth In -1741; 0, to 1)rove, *nay cut me off„.root anti Praiiehea tild . . e, dragging him under Illo witter, , 1 • k..14.....imet.o.not:*...10.- ta-tie- wc.--4:ntertheolv 4--Staffti. king , •-.0 for lovrrit,---• - • - • - ; - , -. . , . Ititowing the extrettle• danger from #0 ti) „4.4.,birb t,or a iiitie whn# hrY, are 0 101111, Iting4- onrning • 111,.., fli.tistn 44ktrt , 5 deoblood ty ..,tr. front the -struggling natives,i:!'':*tor,I. kohl/110d • in impter. n pa. rifiiruSte4-V). lriOrr litord7i,rileillier or 1;ord:1V),Set#14VrciaktritiToi*F0.114-1)14.fr. i , , "criumerous sharks whichititest the river, to„ subje,itii, ani 1,011s.,40,„ stod one tritil filo trftwiletc onl,), the',glorinfia I..; titydeit to be "the- .1.0est spited's by -prting _ ortborml,.., _ _Afte.r......iibetating, .,_,.1„,b1,,,„11.nd„,,,nroutiat c2:016. higiltrot, tr•filevments. (1). lift! *ark soon. to • 1* /ad sina, the iok#41 itkow.* Aytkor.#4 • „ - Pitiis4Watri ARAVAY'lkalrliIrit; Iiilt4Wing , fri g., ,4,.-iti,- tat,' attqinft dii,e6t-0.1.„10 -41 -AV'h•4011 they-eould-oillittliOec-chave•-inl--,--coltet, yearalot--41,011040,..was-4400del-oti tf°•"` tte '5,.....Irt,t,,,ng •tilklitlytI5g-InIP°4114°' WA j 114$ ' ' -rIllill'iiltiOTI :61. Wilf0ik, 144IIIS dOrStatal 0.17 TIPPreM41 "41. ' ilw4d05.l. Orti,l4/1T4 OlVtilOtt W101. a Oka r ve0#4' LAI 40011P. 'AI, OM al, WM iitoirt. 1,,ts:t telltt: :,1t iout, iirowtit It,s,,,, (<1.1. 1 t I f ft, • ,, 1,, it d' „Inuori ettf to pit, i ond the men wereipleked ti,..afterbeing . 4 3... 11 o •Jilt he- rod -,•4r. 4 1h,ntiy tiltit to4r. l'i 1 i . , . , '. ' ni,e, the truth* The great inissfOtt 'if 11 usoi hwo 44 $31°*1 k' 11'430 vlio 0(1 111:4' t*-4-fts‘ arr,-tserving 4his from tie'sh1, stid r4litre-eLybc)are$kielx si5 1.6 follow' oorrow dont SO Ivor:44 ' • NVEk., „more fortunate • , for it' C • * 241 minutes in the water. and drifting . • "1"°** -r* •••• ; ' tho, 'My ...gpirit to . the individual hotrt' ittpt tor the '061, f.11°4 .4'010;0' ,_ z_L-0,..,-- :;11,,,.,41. 1, _1 :41,,,,T1,11_,.1_1* . " * , ,- , trri_V!,,,,,.,titit$'\ ,r.„...4416.111.,4.V.16rt,,, 4.74441 4:4' DM I1411S, .171-lattilitti the 41(OPtlitTett114- lbrilq101.00(06-'.-P4,. 4,4. ,, ,,, - - • ' - — "Tiftertfirie-Ult tr.‘0,-Tfaithiff'#-Trir4a-'1-6 *iiii0-1411..h.710t1,1x17.,:ketuIt '.1-7 "I, ..' 1° ....._ _ Praulir014441.0.1) pt*ibtO 4 'fuller appottlkiWn ort , • ' -• . , ficoogo ps own. tne,-.'' sOld a" girl to whom l• wilt :160. ;,tho pronoun 41. .talitit reitims., • ' ' 1 1,*..1$ritn friend. - Isn't that a lovo. ;4 mtp)4.;17.#,, ond stritabgly• epphosizes' . - . - . : ' . ' woman 110110-thei hits . bv worst stunor ,,,,,#4vrety 1)*lty, . ideed, . 40,1,4, ednstioisn.44 it,t ..k.,,,41;is-, . ,,, ' fhtSitio Unto $.0it tho thengs .-tbat. ire (3 11* barain unte4.• ell# .ean .Mie t4tiottoo, 1,4,, ,t,*•1,0us. oninpantorti ..0wor„ . pro,,,,,i, Ite „*. 11_46rot. ;!ior toineto. 1,1,1, the ,s(00or preplulie. where's e. got, more then her Moneys, . . , -, . - illuittinatiet 'tt future: tv 't*. Tatt-in .10-4-111, , • - . '1)010,0 nutnktPlete toltde 1,4 ir at tome.' ,trivh;,* - •' , ,....._, ,. , ..„_.,............4,4.„.......,.. ....,,...... , ,,,,,, boor ,ivi(44;.,..irh.,„, *hoar ' the Sera$41), -of onablqw iho • ii.). 110 j y, . - ,.. ...,. ' , . ,... ,,.. A ,,,,,..,.,_, 1,,,,,,,IF if i., A. __, ,-,. ,,, , i 4 . , 41 . -,ag ye trfaci wit" ' The terh-in- 111.1'1°4. ' 1"1.1Af r51,114! "'"47 PUTC_I.,,: a c! ottani it Etow iteny vvorklfti 7uoil too. bo i 1.4 4 -trot _ tut, ,ot foucoomtvo pir" Ott -e,,sperteneee. • y . rans 4 "01 I , as . , . . . theriaire that &inert. judicative ,dr -tho, imaith.o ,,c 0, ' those .stintil 4-0113.0- to Own, , ; • :' • ' - I ' . - - Envoy' of 0.10 diseirik. it, . pia. .'-`-- i 11,5,:-Wii*Irkr*14 41.2-rtijiiii ittifk.,,Ihe a . that el, rti.."Spirt a trullt;1 WI rbrOAtii,41' fr.4.W011 ' IN- rthetr'.ttO' 'Sono 0•4., # • t ton irtI„ho 4 t y 4.1to • /aid tirvouo, *on ou, the lightestheasehold datiezt during tbA day moo AO* *4 aukt hintlett.,,, the ttoty ..,' ilrlt is- '. frii*th hy . -' r'"''0 .14torIliv-153103C44,t014,-- '' lisp*eng their tes,t'.'niony, -----------,1--z•UT-1-,. ' - ryont )tbo,,teginningathe Y-eginning ,reittiou c I out . co 111;.'ou• k.- -0---c.tktit,014otrii; ---- - lt- Prii..‘ &11 a 11. y' "ie I. °That ie sli1;141' tujt be caused, lo ' to ask Iiin----4.11liztitly ialervo-ling their latubk---111' Ole mining ttos$ or pew. 4..iok•ot iiiieStiOntutt amt. ei,u1.41trant. • euVoA,„, ii. ben ealted!npen to 1,4".or* Id- ;t0- 1.61)1, ,-44,101,Y snail lio .101*kNi intat.• • . . • raty 11 f Ithst under tryM,o, worn. 4°PY.-. too_ utiivirt -411.1‘• lineetgerat . . ,, ,- , , , ',-' - Ws ,10av tn, lJts '(4!43. 4'541t9). -- •J, lils .8-bairput ;yu 414 iii tio' syco.- .11'..'otc,ther1,;r0 tlow- hove, -14te rOgtoAn tt4 eitL, (01(.1,-vgttif 4,1* tleot.140, ot-the . i,mpetwilig oiviontfort‘ It, a eve . A 4 * 1 AA- • a 1 , jtotile.'"41.1ficnf,,,wIttAlt tarred tri;r4i tute- liiiPatifilft ttto rtesr" and rettotnkes -* litat sotknti4 thO sancluart4 i'.‘414 -1t trio riiittlinip*--Their LTit tAN ttt' VOW -(fl '114111,441A*4 Alio rift •or • ?Atli. I)+44$ $4. vh\.* Spiritual ,010Muniet)." •;01 • the " - Wes: Oiklon* praiyer iket butlitrol bY *40:1 (Pr 1.1*0-1"-11 'to 41414_1' „.. **0,- I. dot twos, alatal Ai* body; iti „ . • in,' • core aer off a delidre pa by 1 , • . • TrIftNI01110, TABLES. • le* pear, COCO' rliCd. riirtifty the name 41. tficirris•ivse gret- e4--pletsot-.weiitiornfett4tnit-olhootk IJ. itn Ituily.44&igoitoftlY-11*-43/14 of his sort.. 'Clue: cold . end' blustering • night lit i --et' 41- tin vtivist *(Yikiv, being 01sentlit. boot.. Scone tifrio -otter, returnig: end lintifitit. the -cdito yjoei..4 .he 4iljortilt4.1 ottittittinitf oWito ore °,45ot'l Oript,1 "OU )410*i,,,lido.1 101.. le chi, ws .144.ry , tOlt/.-4! • • • • .41141enie ;you alrolling, yoga:04(1;i 1, Wtiit, nothing of yol lwre,7 61Itit Must oolite "Wtot, 3' -UD nonlort 'V4.411,r,i(AV iny tome; it itor„ ' • 11 worittig Abe ovo Op* sztelt late lento • - • strk. th13r1toted: *If Ira, tlonk jet to tnake 'enotirsging •a ; a -s U1'- :4,0#11"#M44 opfrOXiilltakiyinPIatest that"(if I; W...$0110r'l 'Ortill);...4n4,10a.S.:-tbe, dired. tante whO4 'Iem recent studio* 90 the, -SPA' to? flat leek or 'development worl,;• on, ,fintts ttot. the toetin- rale of roenAtelk g(tat„ nony•proprtis, year„, .d the falls tit preselit /1",' 4.2 tet -per. /' ..41ho. new Awl wns 04)044 ok 'prat*, and ' that this has ben the rate w mithOrity to Jai been mode ta aPPmXttliatelY'en -Years. "Ittlt • . "f•tter*-'eletint-at,ft,ifttrie.,_,,Itdds. 40g.i._thtlattatial 1,34.....14.„14_,6010Aaant sit, Lake, Erie Only were diseliergirover 1.4(4 district. vriti ,saal to hefltt Ants -inhe In• width et practically Toreqnt "A0VM1-113PY'., 11,14* rt‘i6 r0i1Of• !..,t6(1114ht:i isH6114111INAV:41110Nrs'‘'1"h'144 onn :1141,0**til• t 1411r6:- 140.) is; tuireh'L':141t0'1if13') iS°'* (1- 1s8: The. worli./. new 'Shaft at the gait to diScharge •Lea Ede.' 1`4*, • • sOvor•.13ttr prgroming, ol- 0,1*. l)Ottor $poncer 'ettlentotts; t ,'; Mit; e4„ oiutri7 A Ottlr -*Viking 4000 140 44 OW hits 30.000' Oita, 'taw of tro dolen men at Oresetit„,-This. lhe elatin.- with. IN! fun POI:4f .44 the AilitalS, biting sinksati one.41110,-, ntwirur 1at(i,: t'S1hnated"1.0 have liatd, vOis dittOveredr 10(4 snowier in Paulen-IA.09. ye,,ra. • c. itw Ott Slit sniftwo. 'Th, , t nOtrOV4 btt-tig OnlY itYlin there' to lour!' . trt*s in width Is atincst-solia tritctat ' ._ListAtte.,:d *111,1114 4130111 94001t #otriees, 01 outxt, to tile tots,' The \Vivito dttittit ,Ntoto Shoughtin -tboo Tft-t,;toggint „ In*: iJL14,ts.t.ilt,11*Ivittor $2IO(3OO Th .$41)e itwit ookca.a44 "ie4 h "•Ha$k0.ta4t6tt11e#4iis0i4l0ee hOs ott tl4twlt.an#1•xtturnd to te laws nsrio e *, th.60tidt $44 01 l r(r Aekrierltoatledo tnn. ah„,vlownai 110:41040/ oi Nfr..1hris beittinglbe tihd ' togethEi. Wth thole aSSV,11,4fes. w un. Uti*AU *At 4 11 .0001$ b** 11.1b*4010"i 4144404. 1rif.'„$11 the 1-,640 ttr 1* aUppolo,(44 *flake „the develOpfnent *orti:,01. !Ws • 1400146 b.it 41414' to* thit was, *t. 148 drtvotiig '13t sidoor' propetty utIg'gitet lPfx4-Plad: 44*4 ':„ • ' the 4j 0- this." eirianH has rid been trikle 4ittilt VI; *4.14"-tnertA-- rt niot art., Iti-•tlit-ni .dmandrd'cialinittanoe. • tWIK.). ateS mill Ate, idemaridel •1 1t rpto 11445 ;O.; l'117.4;1i: f.ti-i Nitlibi of you 13o4" ; 4 NfaY flonPinhet;' bOte AA 1 114heito twit yt otojityti nothltior reonktocn aft 1'4k'1' ,in rtime,,Lot' tovlottt the' thinghoo), they ,totti ted * bJo t inl'Of* to Note piton tbcfn 447;4 . tiftwo1 4 brittto .Soothing- Ist,pi.,J.4 Volt cgral, . • ht, t „,,, 411 Itio! _ , A • 14140 A#14 , the for4611 taming Novak, Variter taaltaNAtliallt , 1 A . r., 14 tiho)1 N.• a a 'What 3 ,40r" name 1#.11OW 111, notull '111r. 411, et %rep sneltIst6 br, ' r sid , • • believel tcic 1)e1r-e bow.* taimq. _ no• v%;* et111iticit ;IA; lki#4* nd ...melt het ein*Yelt. itt4all1ng 1 414t1kilt.e'. 4,1:‘:;inttott, w etitting k the, norlirattet 1# rtnio4crv'd 4---tt1111trairit1tt, 'The Wr1t, *114 3 ery rich. in 131t1e 1111. from tow on. clefitIvatn Ibto Nein *ill itto jIu1kd topiti 4411 , • •," 44. vz,tot",vi 1117,i "..WII 4.- , •tto - ' soilCor'voiii`77 ' ' • Molt' „ „C%.' •P * "„" • „ " „ 4,--,4): t,:trr •JA