HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1908-05-07, Page 1,
• .Now is e Urneto buy„I'00' r %Vash Good fr..Spring and
and viVerltrbethseis
can ohow You, the larget4 and best selection ever put OW our
0unlxita. Below are 41--feW of our many good things. 'Shop,
,earIT before the.Warin weather Mali
•yEr. 4ih. iIinOrt,5 "
"A,/ gilts Ake.° 07.
on roll 83; h1y o Trag.
• Ilf. Honor I e,°
re a , rnci 4r.y -83;,
u ... •• te la,., ote 62
LOU 10; 0; iliniel '„Iliakivill
76, Velma. IlaSterbrook 70, Pass '
rreit OrltPlierson 74, lladeleltre• `car
I ' # 73. 4.401e$AVaikep 7j. Vjaia 'Rowe
Brown, Pink, Pale
lue, Copenhagen Blue,
nty muslina in the
• .New StrJes, Dote, and Irlor.
effects. In all the new col.
Nothing pretti�r than a nice
ehatnbrar teas every piece a
perfect washer all the. new
111. ors-4,it'ule4 tlarvey 25
• Ernest 75. Pas -Oscar An.
derSon,72, aurjcc-gnante 72, Orate -
•Walker '7 , Titan the, Quante. 74
Thornton Veer G. Muriel' dunes 68..
y-dney 'Hector 0/, Erie Efurdon 67.
'Lola Taylor 00, Marion Blatchferd 03.
• No..04 roll 48; average to.
mists*. h/tOALLIPM.
• '
One of' the new. things fog
.thie settion -Green, Bine, -G;r0V-
atta-Brotow stripes--are--;very--,
• prettrand-real new.
. .
Check Oh3ghants
The reliable checks. are .
again to thelront, all the dif-
event 0010red checks, Notit.
• ngiooks better or wears o '
Well« .
• _Something NeW that looks'
' as good tot Stuff material It
comes in Oreatee arid Navy
,Blues, with Polka Dote and
•„Floral. • -
Good -and heavy for Ocheol
• --dresses,- lilicafs like iron
• Weiabee well and makes a
very pretty drew;
House Keepers Attention
This le your busy *own and yon will 'barna omeh1nF, New
to get for your home, Come to us with your Want List and let
• us help' you to choose your New Carpets, New Rugs,'New Ltnol.
_emus, New JACe Ourtaine,,New_Wall Papers„or anything New
• you may need in Rouse furnishings. We are,head quartere for
6adquarterskr tlie_C—elc!brated W. E. anford
ftlF10 !Lag! litl.elor•"° A T rt'at:1:1rim.17
Irk« 14 to, war n ergot%
'Mae DoWey 17; ,Anna .77,-011.
, • ntoji
Pais -Ethel Day 74, Harper %livers
• 4, 'Edgar tfoitiAT 7-1; Volt atiot-t-v.
Annie MY 10, '1,4a Della gander(' 65.
Jr, 11. lIonorli-Jet. Craig 70« ran*
nie Dewey 75.. Pas -Maud ttleizs 73,
1:11°os: LiArrokll "—
Nday avert -go U._ •
'Marjorie Seldon 02, Pearl
Jackson 00, Stanley McEa11a ag.,
Jr. II.Beftha 1orncy at -"Allen
, era d on- So, itorothy
NO. 'on roll 63; daily average 45,
arness. r.
Jack 4tfurdon, Mary Da, iltOssell
lrtarshall, Iidna Johns, Jr, rt. U. to
Sr. It. II,-Ilerbert Dilator, Aliee,
Taylor, Thoth Cornish, Alfred Wend -
?land, Drew If:night, 3/1110()(1. Hardy.
IL to Jr. Vt. CarliogOtfil-
ton Itydd, nevoid • Doyle, rriStill,
Coliingwood, Vorilfre4-40114- `1 4'0"
Norsworthy. III. to 1,1r, -- Deleni
Charlton, trrire- Itivers. Mary Easter -4r
brooke, 13e11 Gould, James 1..verguson.
2,.90 III.-Iren Zuefle, Gordon Jones
%fildredliartieiht. Melindl Lloyds, St:
No. roll 40: daily civeragoiri.
- F. W. IlOW'AIID.
• ---FolkeetisAliervepci .
Aeresaminations,--104-41,8 10
Ushorrie. Nobles are in order avaer-
.1t.t 'Entrance Class Harold Glenn.
At 1,450,,,431..4,2„triiiiiiv1migs,„expazz„=,ajaila
tionore Arc lie organ. ass
!MaytlItirton, Illossom Anderson, 'Earl
• Triffey.T Sr. III. to Jr, IV..«Nerrin,
. Whitlock. Myra Morgan(' Tom -Glenn
Arthur Cole. Jr. IILtocic Cann,
• Horton McDougall. JOhn • INTell. Sr.
;Iaucy Soaps and Toilet
:Artie:14r --Z
zotvem, thilidthg.
Head 'ortihe: iarquharl:Ont.
Pall7 1
1 Prreident-,I, L. 1111188ELL.
1 VPresident-W. II. PASSWIII,E•
Wee. Roy, 110810101.1if P. o
mrst. ijaOCK , . ThrtewitteraP. 0.
T. Ry4ui,
Donut P. 01
'tong TNoitit/B, Staffs. '
• Jonluitsa-- artz Noti.'
nisbortic.„004L jriliduipiu. •,, , ...._ _ .
OLIVER 'monis, sitorti *opt
for Hibbert, Vullarton and
' B. W. F. seAvens.• ,.
Serty.Trieas. Farquhar.
°LA MAR & STANBUIliti &Uteri
! .
42:-.1ohnoy llort701Foy Whitlock
j41/1. tie PIM« r
Cann, Nellie Anderson, Ira
•!lung, , ICrAiri
Aft:- ,Vt. -4:-...-74ttibM 4
.7. V. Miners, Teacher.
S. -S., O. 15, ST'EPliEN.
Tbe fattening is ths •report of S.
B. No. LI, lor April. The report is
basedon regularity of attendance„be.
havior %Ind preparation of lessons as.
signed. •
Nantes are in ordzr of mttrit.
jr. Schroeder. IIilda
'Rader.. Sr. iii. -Mary Wade, Willie
Schroeder, Edg&r Vischer. Jr. III*.
Chris lielerling, Rosetta Ar.
titer Tiowaldr- 8r. -1.0ather.
'Gladys_ Turtibull„, riseher•.110)*
Stafilakri. Int. -117-0, Pre* filhuart-
Jane Charrettfv.. Wt1ltc Viseler. Jr.
TOrlibull. Evelyn Char.
tette, `Edith Ilacknian, Ethel Clilive,sr.
Vt. It -flosabelin, Pfaff, Johnny
literkman Sr. Pt, 1-:-Adolob, Kellar
Alfred Fischer. No. on roll 12: ay.
crage attendants 22..
• 'Ethel lis,:ellermapnn.
. 5. NO. s. triT1311Ng.
5. roe for rilorith of AVrild
e3fl)iI1C In order of merit.
IV...Iforoors..-Mary .14;y44, 'Myr.
Mood,, Biller,y«,
J. IV. Pass -i --Elva For. Inv;
,di rass-ltuftis Rest I
. Sr. rt. IL 1:1,[sslitOarriet
lMagi- Moodi. Clareno.
Stisskliotioson, Tearth„
QV' un
aaCe/I utt401,-.10.10\\4tom.
ataninatia Viva 'the ticv trap
IS to a ntaltiOn, it sVill'do away with
the three obi, one*,
• The 63;istf ub hasaccented
I lie Aillenge fro* 11y-tit,41,..int*
don to 1Qu.ter t ifive4 man tom IA the
tournali1A4at StratfordLy 2.5tb,
The toys will „leave here teaday
orning,' catching the train at Lucan
icy ',,W1 "*.•
at the ctbr el obi:, ha ngint to t
Ztheral nom e\ Iit L) pproching
provincial c1eCtion.. •
nomination 'was moved by er.,:
Warden Dogl4 SPaalc.Man«, of 15.xetert
ond secOndeit by Dr. WOO4 (1,1
fore the,.convcntiou, t113 flom.
LnaUon of, Mr. Itilber was rmdea
ire us«.
*Mr. Varlfrig ..was the firs
iip.eakeri'and denied the report Cult
licwould 43ilbro„r as on In.
15 40' and 45c tins.' oter cards kr, the -a kin
, sant my
ng finishes. finishes. 25
'rdinary Paint Brushes 5, 10 and 16o
is mine Brushes 20 a,
!es, • ,
2, -air«
- The: final' heat far the Hunter
Arms trophy took place, last Tluirsr
day evening mid resultVd in W. I.
Sanders (Shooter tttilly),1 being win
ner. -,,ttre$14eut, -of tire
tinb, on old thw shoeter, and
good ono he was; ex art fshrnian and
pQ2tL gc tal oLtb,. towii,041a4111
rct.11 ages 41, `,-111
sh04 , toff he, fell ..flown.,and....10at. 413t-
Itwo points, lied lilt itepped_ullen.le
had his per oe-,01.1nitt •in
1%ls handicap )votild have been am Iler
Dut N. AlAii."game and reflited to
miss anything , if he -go d, help it,
()ven it it would. bring, hnita, hand-.
Eolue tropy. —
ITlitiut'hiadato',1,134ii:1100.0tirittns!ho suit ef .1es(
Kerr 24 ilarticib • 4. 18
Treilnier * 22 Johns 19
ritton • .22 Treibner IR
War , ---Criellfr-lg --TO.
141ffessrs. Sanders ttild Ilnrden then
shot oft itvitis 'the following result.
rt .
Sanders Itur4o
d; to tire /atoll:Lien itikot ;lumbered,
ballot by the :Whitney, .gov,errolleltc
With -the
titaber limit matters, „polling _hooth
expenses,' 'tho dOing away, with. :the
136ye Reformatory at , r0netongul,«
shene.;' !the abolition of ,tho Central
.Prison'labor comPetition, and the re«,
peal of the County Councils' Act':
In teterrillg to the reeent: oger.ry.
t 11 YCara ago, - Mr. %IX U. /ROSS was
Alls.a4tisfigit.. with 1,loo«,..«1«..„RAW,Alitneet
1i4rLbutioj.,. • hut Arts
W. Ross« ltail otteropted to kliefrenT
etcalf tolVilship SPY niacin; thq.„M, tn
-riding .wbero tluir,,votes had 44V
ar no effee:t on,. the , 90vetnreeu.
auding, "Tho Whitney. atedigttlinv«,
dyllotroens toset4 !it at" lebe
speaker, while the Dominion redlistri.,
bution was .bated purely on sc)lfish
ends. • •
The ruatter o ra iway bonuses
• 1,-seUol-grlinttt,-.- 4
.amardorloYe: 'were." u
, laugh Clarke; M. P. PA o'f Hitt*
ardine, 61$0 riddressed the melting.
HO ;eulogized the :,WIttney (govern-
dile from the b st
a -pine $1.«00 up
'Pintitry Nettzng, all'Sizes,*. 0* ..* upto toe per
Curtain Stretchers, complete at
.f.„40Avo Mowers • ...« • forr 'irk" ••••
Garire.111001s of every descriptIon
res Jut e twee= io pm ecting your ouse with toad Pint
but you do not realize the 'necessity of protecting yourself agabi
poot paint. It all looks alike in the can, but one kind comes off
thc other stays on; one kind -soon looks Shabby, the other keep
new. The kind that holds ox strongest,.looks new 'longest,
Theo ,Conneil of the Villagd of Ex
•.ter met in _the 'Town nail on Pride
May lst.. 1008 nt -zao
All the nierober,s - *resent:rh
• Minutes of the rueetWg held on April.
3rd were „read and anorrized. .
cliting,,41g_ned• by • 0,caiiirtz,
.0.*Xngs'ZcZto;ok; 0.* rollitk,
and Others .aikin0,"-khat
from- 'the South ,Aloandery . to the •
oal*terian church property la,s. tvat.
'red elk a petition signed by D.
Cotobledick, .1L« litTaggart,AVai.. -Da iv- •
deil and others asking that Main St.
Norlh..trotn. the. '.eresbyte Tian' church
tirtWeitY to the:take-ifik-Thamalloal-
be Watered. -
llrown, of Harper hos.
Pita', -DetrOit. As *Penal:* a est?
cLts visiting- at liter home ;fiefe.:
Writ. The111fitt_atut-da-ught.
Msude' leova to.day for Marlette
Uich..„ to xoalro• an extended visit
'with 1,elative8 there. •
Commissioner Bissett is goithe
rounds. 'with the Osuril 'Sng sanitary
ices n'king eUse, ,t).171e, l_dbctt er.ss_•vstsi
toli t
form 'Association of /lure:4'
mea at Drutefiel Saturday
4, pco on.
-e_ra-bet- ttritt:thi.--E-xletirix -here.
by .instructed to eon for tenders the
•sante to .be i,1 the clerk's hands b
petitiotitoigned by Dr. T. A. AmOs
P. Prayne and 16 others reSiding on
Andrew treet asking for A drain
along said street b,Stween North and
Zanies Streets. The petition was re.«
c4ved and -ordered to•be filed until
, •
,the4Re°41eln" ri --ictt41a roc
Mt,r WGladan, re. -Caretakers sal,1.
A woman -who weak-nervott
sleepless, and who has, told bandx
d to 'cannot -feel and: act like a
• cipaalise the eiroulatiert, remove ner-
•vousness. and give otrength one
It it the result of a quarter of a century's paint -making x
encel the product of the largest paint tatory in,the world,
4We sell it. •• .
bc $350.00 ter allnum with a berms
oi $26:00 lextra. . if servicesard at-,
isfactory lob the torn rallt4e,e. • Per ,J. 3.
Magid sec..."by. W. J. -Ileajrran-that
Ilia recommendation be euktitinted by
the Counrii.-Clirri0d: • .. .
A. report report 'was ,read front the.if!:!neb
*viewers.. regards rewards '
D. Iflumohr,- D. Russell, 'G. )11Art.
tl'e-r. Mimi. Webster and' Jonathan
uiydd. The report laid ',are, for fur.
%her consideration.
The tolldwing aeCourits 'were read
and ordered, to h pal& Or--41.---ign41.
elrectliAht140 $100; froWn'Irtiu.44;00
sOarliett OrdtAirtMoraft,81/.-11tIorray
Co. 'atippite.45 $2.75;, Pelt • frehrhotio
0.00.; A. 1),Tei
postage l30;;!
plji Pt-.'"41".4;•:rAtlritgCo1«111;14110rcici
laws $1.2.33 Jas. Connor pt. salary
librarian *2.00; ,Tos. Senior IA; 25•it,
all, 1133.60: 10., W.'• Aladrilan gceds for
temeterY $1.50. posttige s.rxd staLiaiir
;trine terY., ',1t). 111d.-'rreble.
Officer. Anti, IjOath $1..09°::16tp
Powell Dep....Def. offic%r $2.60 4
fs0a Taylor tiffilcclt 2.00
fterlyrt tom troik az;
witkes poll eierk$2.60; WlIjjti-
Vale pol elerk,f$/:00: Thrstoiifj,t,_
(Luker pofl clerk 421 Silas Ilandlord
tooth • Mitchell !booth. f';',';
anci«Millesple jr. labor • 123; "rank
8Woct.$1.00 Otir 401.
thk't:4-.11!"«:,t!Tlhle3;s11. t
mu;17„, litoek„, nea.
marc 1
purl* ,:,t11.0*«2tIt
t. hr y $33.001.11* IL Cro
tery ,S29.00,*
tiassed on rno.
'T. JohxLitt. by AV. 01'
port of''S
for month of April.
'to I.obtalnet,1 124,
Uowcliffc 9. Jr. .11',.«Viturrert
11, Td 1 111, Mkbt Zing
NVellinglon litocle 1
Itoo roh..KIrgAtOt rknirt 11.8-« •
ported: that the' *sit*
rar-4the annicipalityfor
fl returnM„ hrtioe *tots
tor ..,the Court ot 1-1,0«:1
2 $Uwill ••1*-fixill,
o , on notary* • ry u
• Altaktkv-WhiteilitiatintErv«
tay,Undon, Eng. A Ihnited fitttuber ot pupil
L utirElliott took -part
the ticewshey.s'oconrert at London 4n:
TlinrsdaY njglxt otIist avetk and. the
'London Pree -Press 'speaks ai. her
the folrowifig pIttisltq enaillwrz
u•Stits %Mott of Centralia. al.
though a • 'stran4er • to London audi-
ences will 'remaift sO no longer;Ifl
'fthe SpaniSh waltz tong "Senora" she a
.exootied. • the singo lotto'
usiturril the hearts Of the audinete
with' lief 'sweetly: nzelodions • stoke
the, high soprano. netts 'Wing' reach..
ed with a remarkable :.natural eak
that was niost ,Pleasan4.to the eat.
The Pries0ritatioti of a, Lig-Impel% of
fittitig•ttinale, together • atilth tbe
epen'taneons apPlause, .to
lioit's rippearanee.
ithocle'Island rte;de, eggs 'tOr sale.
Apply at At Mho office, .
virntLt- eonstootet
clothing diftei from to idea
niti•-and-u * 1-crurati*
-"iiiid-OffeieTilitif the 21)
The bowl er* tate organizzl for
riga nts« J, riiirkllq-r
Strattqrd,werein the villago last
100';an,o14 triendti, •
21;11.:.46n:,,1:6.tsutlt10111$: te
and rt.' S.:-rattst,,postina.*
•/,Urich. attended the -Connty,
ot 1, too' l'ostnieStei* At'sociation
ng at 'Exeter last *tipsily*
The•-bentlis befng reorAuntoit and.
will art uut tl‘Or titutur,‘
day 'ening* In two weeks lime«
11« MeCroetle haii rievereil ,44,4
..j7if+.01100(i *Ilk._ the "-.1ifolseint,Aank
to his hrlifal in' ek.,
« titibert Litior of Mauif
tilted AltKlt Uhltee
or4 titrrlt.
0e:fine rte
uStil by Mg* 11. Arnold.
Mi. U.
nos .on: Wing street«
UrentedAurtion.rer, 140ea-ton
ducted.in'ollyer1o,. Terme reaoonekle
• eitatiatitotzeit guaranteed
, X
*need Autti °neer«
d fn A11. parts • 'rens reuonabls
ecan tglieitt at the TISITI4 Ofilte
. itOrtioti Sales.:
-Get your sa1 1,1ls 'printed ai Ow .
Tjnhi5.0fli I*tice - wilL_Jasi
%In ;Lb jIlp3r when bills arm
rintea hki-e.., l.Lve aitrlIs,
rad/ 'tor 1oithi fronl two )to' four -
houre, otter e ,is rorolireil,
. .,.. „
1argc numbcr frani1.`!, 011,41
$414.t,of bolt
Troyer •ot Tiigday. -
Mr. Itaxivell« af 1hiIfftfl, is
moving Into Iowa this„
rs.CanteIon. af Clinitin, 11,11074
eon DsvL4 over SundlY«
r. Wra. -0001)1)441, f etletiebi
4 friend* in town OA Woetilsy.
Thomson hso torn; down; the
Vsd t1 c.'1larier hit fLmnw
k -r ,
Orsni'rnn 1n
0 •