The Exeter Times, 1880-9-2, Page 4The Molsons Bank rl[ccarota4reA or ACT or r aatadatet!T, 18$5, G'rtptiat, 2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, TROr.as Wossst3n, Esq. - - ?readout Jai, 1581 a - Pice.,eres. Driu crolt5, TlEEn t Nelson, person. Iu_.�... _ S W Shepherd, ciln oro, Miles )•'. W a MAST t',' TH?U. 3, li icr�k iia,:l :k1't'[et!1Br., as. F'1 Lror, it;2 , .ttr'F coni senor set Br tech. i1. H>sorox, ka,cd., - • - - Inspector. Exeter Branch. HENalf O. BREWER - - MANAGER. LOINS TO FARMERS. 'Stoney advanced to farmers uneasy tonus, on their ONu proadosal;v nutu8 with one or more good en- dor8ers. Nomortgage reunited asseetuity. SAVINGS DANE D oPART .II+.NT 1s tt r est allowed on deposit*. Drafts o11 rotted Sta.tosl,ought au,isold. Sterl- 1:1A r,s.l[allgehfught u','•1801.1, Collections mad.) to all parts of the Dominica a' t returns vow ptl.: remittu1 at„lowest rates of 'Eieter. Angnetl':\•. hos Dan THIS SPAPER111'V° P rewspuper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce, 1iMngl (meccaero 1110 .N�111 YORK. he pane los It i.t Vie gl THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1880' NOTICE, We have a large number of out standing aocouuts soattored in different charters, which if paid would amount to several hundred dollars, and would assist us greatly. There are a great many subscribers a long time in arrears and we Lope they will make prompt settlement, tai .crops have been good this year. Those who have airea(1•y re- ceived their aocounts will oblige by remitting as speedily ws possible. THE. ELECTIONSON SATUR- DAY. Winnipeg and Manitoba, are rapidly filling up with Gilt, making the defeo- tive dreigege e, constantly increasing evil. Besides these impediments to oultivalion, such crops as eau be pro- duced are comparatively worthless by lank of facilities for reaching a market. There was nover a more disappointed set of emigrants than those who have been cajoled into tryiug their luck in this muoh extoled 'paradise, " The above is clipped 'tom the Lon- don Adrert'iser of the 28th ult, The Refer& papers of Ontario are, we are sorry to say, pursuing the same course with regard to the Northwest as their Yankee ootenis., lettlug no opportunity pass by which they oan ruin the beat interests of the country, and the Lon. don A(leertis<.r bas taken the lead in this work, it having also had a cam missioner in the Northwest, and the acoount which that worthy scribe gives is something akin to the above produc- tion. Perhaps the Reread man made his report from the same plass as the Titer reporter, who never left the city of Winnipeg, and from what he saw thele in the wet season, name to the conclusion that the whole country was the same. But for the informa- tion of the "pricker of the Northwest bubble," as the Tiler claims to be, and our Y anlcee totem., we would say that since the spring of 1S78 tare numbers from the neighborhood of Exeter have gone out to that horrible place that is not fit to live in, and few of them have returned. Among those who went,some had considerable capital, while otllert had not so much, and they all say they are well satisfied with the change. Some of our own acquaintances have harvested from 25 to 50 acres of orop this harvest, so that it can not be so bid a piece as our Yaukee cousin and his Canadian allies would have ns be• lieve. The actions of our friends across the lines are easily accounted for, but it is difficult to understand why the same course is being pursued by the Reform press of Ontario in reference to tbeir own country. We would not accuse them of being the hirelings -of snnie interested land nom parry in the United States, but to say the least. it looks suspicious. The e`.ectivns• for representatives to the Dena_:nion Parliament for North Uuterio a.nt1, West Torouto came off on Saturday last, Mr,. Wheeler, the cppo. anion candidate, being returned for the former constituency au(1' Mayor Beatty, the ministerial caudidal<te,f'or tare latter, so that the rspresentatien• in the House will remain as it was before. The re- tnrn of 1Ir. George Wheeler for North Outerm by a majority. of 165• over Mr. Gibbs is a result not unl+ooked• for. lir. Wheeler was elected for the same eon- stitueney 1u 1979, but was unseated for bribery, and: as the sympathy of the el,:otos generally goes with the unseats., candillate,•no one is surprised at tpite result. In West Toronto Mayor Beatty has been elected by a majority of 241 over Me. Ryas, the Reform candidate.. Mr. Beatty [cid not poll as large a vete as .. 4. t,.<.,, 1K.a r,leml-.ar did: in 1878, but con- eitler egthe wl.osition that was brought to rL.,11,l: against. him, the vie't ey is greater. Aecordiug to the ceJouletious• n the organs of the party, Mr. Ryan wag 10 reerire t GO•Catlioho•votee,whieb a;?tleu to the eelid: vote of the Reform eieetortl, wculd defeat the Gilvetnment candidate. But theii' uuited.effort to gain a factory against the Government bas and now. they are• trying to eensole themselves- by. the realization of l;bvirig reauoed the, majority. • It is not pinch comfort after all, though.. The New York Herald laving sent a - c smiesitteer up -to the North-west. lli t, is a deefnl tale•of affairs•i.n I1an- • itr'L:a. `else s•iin and substance of the nla.ter lit 4,i1ce summed. by the herald edi c-rtoly -Seine Of those victims relate their t e:,r algia in t,bo interesting Manitoba' lettere whitb we print to -day, The ntezedise' pre -vett ou a trial to be a -vett stretch of mud and rear'sh,iufefited ♦silt¢ „warm of a n,Valitpant brese of (-1(;-.:,11)1-.•s in auinuter tied .t a dosota.te lr'o eti plain in winter;. N.1 e1>rliu of Sir: ,t taints interpret; between it and ate letter cit'ele for protection against the. Leen Artie white which sweep down tram -the north, and the•rrrer(:(try often. t;i11tie to forty nolo-w r,ero. grow falle to teltpristng depthe,.aud' when. it m&is it; the spring the country. is eo flat tbl,t the titter does not run of;, but stat1z on the surface, eouveeting it tut[) to tido• area of shallotte laite and oozy slime, im;;)e8.ing•egricttiturel otter. *floret till late is the season. The roads in ouch. a logien• are alr[ioet iln passl.lile; 'The .soil ie trot def elent-tn sit natural for! bid lack of, drain. age+ ,•orriftlre irnluenao tracts of lt•praeti-. +tklls' wortbli. fay. ' ,lre:two gwreaat jai0e,, Thelma few weeks of eaoh other, three -revolting orii'mes—abortion—have come to light in the neighboring repub lie. At Buffalo a young woman from Canada met her death, and soon after another In Chinago, and sc;iroely had the jury returned tbeir verdict, impli- cating D'-.. Cream and a mitered wo- man,.when the news arrived' of anothe victim having Dome to her death from -he same cause. In this• case' t'be per- petrator of the crime was caught in the act by the night police. The frequency of this kind of crime both in ianada and the r nited States calls for the en- forcement of the eetreme penalty the law provides. The medical man who leaves h18 profession, and the unpril ci- pie,l villian who ac-iompiish's the ruin of his over eenfi.lil(g virtue s'rortld be merle to stiffer the penalty of the law alike.. Ilangiug a fele of them would have a more salutary effect than send• ing to penitentiaries or state prisons, T11.1 TTIO ES The rinaneer.' The returns of revenue and expends- tura for the financial year ending 80th of 3une fast Well, published in the Gazette of the 21st ult. The following table gives the actual aruonut collected for the year:--- Ii]+'vENUE of 1879 80. Custom receipts during the year, 014,151,565 Coileotedin previous year, 709,000 Excise O011leeted during the year, 4,282,266 Collected in previous year, 000,000 Yost Oflice, 1,250,888 Stamps 1.75,010 Public Works, 2,158,.807 Miscollaueous, 1,455,085 Total Revenue $24,768,586 In Sir L. Tilley's financial statement, made before Parliament shortly after assuming office, he estimated the rev- enue for 1879.8'0 at $24,450,000. As seen above the actual amount collected for that year was $24,708,585, or $b18,- 585 more than the estimates, The total expenditure of the year was $25,- 101,712. Deducting from this the aneonut revenue collected, as stated above, we arrive at the deficit for the year. viz., $808,127. In his estimates the Finance Minister counted on a de- ficit of eficitof $500,000, Moet Canadians, ex- oept perhaps a few of the Grit persua- ainn, will cos wit h pleasure that the +leficit is over 15200,000 less than was expected. et will also be seen that the deficit is comparatively trifliur;, aucl it niay with oontitlenm be anticipated that the financial year which closed on the 80th of June last will be the last of the years of deficit ruder the present admin atratlon, Canadian Enterprizes. At the present titneCenatla Is attract- ing a great deal of interest, not truly among English, but also among French capitalists.,. `.C;he for:met_o.n of the Credit Foncier in Paris, with a capital of V26%000;000- to be invested in the Prtwines of Quebec' iu real estate, is only aecoud iu importance to the sale of the Canada Piteid.o Rei1•+ray in Great I Britain, Another company with a capital of $2,000'.000 has bean orgeuiz ed also in Paris, under the title of L,'un:ou Stiviere do Canada, to entry on the manufacture of beat root sugar in al -entreat and Quebec. 1:3erthie, end S•t. J•111n's,. iti the Province of Quebec, have been selected• aA sites for factories, aid they have already guar• anteed each for twelve years one iheusand• sores nt beete annually. Factories are alga to be built in other districts, and arrangenlents are also being made to, obtai'u one thousand acres of beets at'Vereness, near More - treat, About 110,000 will be sank in mush factory. to connection with this matter it is stated that the French Government have sant a scientific ex- pert named Lalonde to reunrt on the eapabilit'tes of Canada, iuclediug the Itlorth•weet, 111r. Joaeph Perrault, -Of Montreal, has been informed that liafonde left Havre on the 14th sus'„ for t Canada, via New York. CANADA PACIFIC RAILROAD. Ottawa, August 81.—`the following special cable from London has been received :—Another meeting of cental• ists has taken place, a lengthy diacua- :inn of the nropoped Paoifio Railrnad unsling. Two syndicates are offering for the eutire road, the Government to complete that now under constraotion, the new company to construct about 2,000 miles, including G45 miles from Lake Nipisstng to Thunder Bay. The Oompany to work and maintain the en- tire road upon eompletien. It is stated tint one offer is for $10,000 bonus par mile, and 50,000,000 sores of land. The competition arising has been the carne of the delay. It is more than probable the ministers may succeed in securing anal in the provisions as to the upset price of lands to settlers during n oertaiu term of years whilst such lands are under the control of a company. Much interest is manifested in Manitoba and the Northwest as the oonutry far, settlement as regards agriculture and stock raising. The lightning atruek the barps of John Gundy, 8th son., Glattford. and set thou ou tire. They, with all their contents, whioh eowprised et great quantity of wheat, barley, hay and fainting implements, were entirely ocneumbd. The lightning entered the tele'grapb station of the N. & N. W. railway the same night at Burliugtun, and damaged the instruments considerably. Over tete County, ITEMS OF NEWS FItO.i iflBON EX- OHANGCS. An effort is being made to form a new brass band in Clinton, The residents along the 13. & L. H. R. are complaining about the time the mail strives from the east. A man named Steep had his hand badly broken Ona day last week by having it (mein in one of the thresh ers in the Clinton flax mill. A. M. Taylor, of Clinton, reproreut- ed the North ITuron Association, at the annual meeting of the teaohere of Ontario, in Toronto. The by-law granting a bonus of $10,- 000 to the Bayfield & Sentb Heron Railway, was carried by the hayfield electors on Friday with only one dis- senting vote? • On Monday evening of last week, the Messrs. M3Gillicudy Bros., ofBrus- sele, late proprietors of the Post, were entertained by the citizens of that piaci at a onmpletnentary supper giveu iu Campbell's Tecumseh House. The 5000111 mateben of the Ontario Rifle Assnoiation cotnmeneed at To• room, on Tuesday of Last week. Among those belonging to the 88rd Battalion that have taken prizes are, Messrs. W. H. linnsford and Hugh Scott, Clinton, and Messrs. Wilson, Bleesdell and Wilson, Seaforth. On Wednesday a married woman named Appleby, residing in the north- western extremity of the town of Clin- ton, attempted to commit suicide by taking a dose of laudanum. Her onn- ditiou being discovered, medical assis- tance was called in, and although she made the most streunnus opuotitton, n stomach pump was t;ff'etively used in removing the poison from her system. Domestic trouble is the supposed cause for the act. The Goderioh Signal soya :—"Early on Sunday morning, the 22nd lust., Bernard Trainer, a former Londoner, now chief constable of the °minty of Huron, olnaed this life. Deceased was in his 54th year, and bad been for a quarter of a century a resident of C=nd•. erich. He was. we believe. a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, of I ishparen- tage, but cane to London, Ont.,• whey quite young. His death was not un• expected, as he was ailing f'rr years. He was buried tcith Masonic honors on Monday." A cricket match was played on Mr. E. 0. IL Davies' crease on Friday be tweet) North Heron and North Perth, at Henfryn. The game was hotly con tested ant veru close, retuning in favor of the North Huron eleveu by seven runs. !Ir. Davies entertained the res- pective elevens and their trlends,'and a very pleasant day was intent, Mr. Geariutr, of Listnwel, umpired for Saturday, S,,pt. 4.—Farm stook mlti imllle- North earth, and Mr. Gen. Conger, of tuents, the uniports of t t,ilulas roster, Brussels, for North Haran, 1). .11.10(4, eon. 9, Hai. Orauetiwwer. Campbell, of Listowel, snored f'+ N lrlb 1 r - - Perth, while Sextns Kent, Fag.. of r'Vinnham, performed the game (hay for Huron. The following is taken from the Winnipeg Free Press :-0. 'felt Scott, a banker of Wingham, Out,; Mr, Fer- row, M. P. for North Huron ; A. M. Ross, M. P, P. for West Huron, and H. W. C. Meyers, an attorney of Wing• ham, formed a party of gentlemen who werein town this week. 'alley have tak- taken in the oonntry west of Einer-ou. We understand that it is the intention of these gentlemen to .purchase 20,000 acres of land, and we hear that they had with them a practical farmer, who will be planed in charge of the land, and that they propose tie bring np from Dittmar, a large number of thorough bred cattle. Uu Thursday afternoon of last week a sad accident, terminating fatally, no - (tarred on the farm+ of Mr. Chas. Spooner,. limit outside of Clinton.. threshing was in progress. and' lflr. Hugh 3I.ianagban,.an old''nan,. was en - gaga in driving the horses,, when• be siipped:from=the horse -power,. one of hitt-leas going between the cross beams, and: trefare - the horses c' uld be stop - red his. right leg glad, been+oruslied off alcove the lines.. Hb was iinmedl•atoly exerieated; taken to his bonne arldlrnedi- ca assistenoe calledt in,. when it was fotund`ahat he was se seriously injured that be•eouldt not recover,; nee. could anythiug•be donee for his relief:'. His leg merely remainedl attao'hed tb• his body bya few ehrs'ds ef skin. i n3?m.use-- les,and theesitoolato bis system wag such that anhputatien at the thigh could not be'resorted'tb:• After linger• ing in great agony.+• for several boors, death ended hie aufferitigs. • lwt.e' leaves a wife and fanrilya, almost, wholly tin- y! added for:. Friday Night's Storm. As had been anticipated, Satarday morning brought news of disasters by storm of the previous night. A barn belonging to Mr. Mooney, a farmer living near Nilestown was des- troyed by fire. Also a barn belonging i to ?gr. Sbowler, near the Waubuno 1 Bridge, In both cases the 11)se was very severe, the greater part of the sea - set -'s grain bei ng deetrnvnd. Mr. eleoney's lofts iii over $2,000, all of which is covered by iusnrat;ee except $300. itMr, hhowler's loss will. be very heave, as he has no hist -trance on the ! plans, A barn blouging to Robert Porter, l10th line,•oou.•20; East Nissouri, was shattered pions to pies by the lightning the same night, Fortenatel the horses I x Y wore in pawturo. Strange to say, the barn did nut take fire, else the whale season's crop, which was stored in it, would have been destroyed. Loss lieht, and covered by insurance. } Port heron, Mich„ Ang. 25.—Dur- ing the thunder storm last night light- ning struck the residence of Joan Dwyer, in the third ward, and went through every roorn, tearing plaster off, etc, The iutuatei were uuinjured. 'late above was knooked over four feet from where a etlild was sleeping, but it also escaped. Hamilton, Ang. 28. --About eleven o'oloett Met night the barn of Mr. G Heslop, lot 12, 9rd concession, town- ship of Glaufurd, was struck by the elootrie fluid, end before five tnilintet elapsed was iti a blaze, which extended to -the ateblee end other buildings on the premises, all of which were totally eousltme:l;including all the grain harv- ested; so for, farming implements,.stc. ; even -the fowl did not escape. The loss is -vert heav'y,•hic insurance• being about $40030aly.. About the same hour the basila of tir, f inith;.o fSa1Hiaet,was al,uestrn•ck. Io woo totally aousnrned; t,•iihi lail., it,- eon ten te,.in:Audi/lgcgrain,., fthrrn 'mete menta, etc. liaises about i8y000; :n eurance $1,000. The tiglttning•etrueiathe olitmney on the re1tdenee of John fiettridxe,.on the Peach road, near the pnmp+house, last night, and pissing down it' entered the cellar through the kitchen,, Ek°ept giving every one in the houae'ateevere &hock no great damage WAS donee SE>aTRURls 2, 1890 J General. Two thousand one hundred stipbr.7 finial feet, belonging to the Eeotesiastlis Gal Cou,tnil.sion, iti Park Letters a fakir'- iouable district of Leitrim's sola WO at the rate of $1,250,009 an st'fre: Rev, U. M. Defingbosf a Methodist minister of jiunntuiuson, N. J.; t11Y17 publisher of the Christian ;eral& at that pliaoe, jutuped ftoti`t the ferry boat while ctrosaing from Camden to Phiiai- delphis about 11 o'clock Mandiay night and was drowuecl. He left at letter ad- dressed to G. la, Lloyd; of Ciltuanliu- son. About two y{slips NM little toy, sou of Mr. braes l estsof the Grand Trunk Railway, Stretford, epic savored'to per, f.rtu that old fashioned trieltofputting a 1. am 111 his ear and b'riugi'1g it out of his uoso. He was stld'oeseftil, to far as getting the pea in hid eat was concern- ed, but did not succeed in getting it out. The nett remained in his head until the other dile, when the pain beta came so iutelloe that 1t was neeeerary to call ilei the services of Dr. Shaver, who, after the liberal epplioatinn c f olsloroforlu, ma"aged to extract the pea, whit% was showing signs of vegetation, and had it remainetia few weeks lone. er serines restate would have ensued, A most distressing necident,resultint; in the lose of two lives, occurred in Clarendon townsltip.in Pontiac 0 misty, on Tilers/ley last. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Stanley west out to work at the llarvvest in the morning, leaving a baher eine menthe oltl inia cradle nsll•ep with two Tittle b,ys, aged respectively 5 and '7. years old, to watch it. Shortly after Thomas Rlobardsmt h and the soreness of the ohildren,and saw nlrloke in the direction of Stanley's bnitding, Hastening thither with several neigh- bore, they fonnd the barn, stable and she& all on fire, taud only the oldest boy to be been. Another neighbor,lllr. Holt, as aeon AA ho got to the plane saw the second boy oronehed down in the farthest corner of the shed. but it was impossible to get at him for the intense heat and flames. The children. it seems, went to the shed to play after their parents leit the home, taking the baby with them for safety. Tho bey who escaped denies that they had any matches, and Mr. Stanley corroborates thin by saying the matches were kept • in the house in a place where the child- ren could not gat at them, so that there is quite a mystery at to llnw the fire oecnrled. The second bey tried to carry the bale -rout of the shedetbnt could not, end hymn bask himself to the far earner, where he was seen by stir. Holt. The baby -watt burned to a heap of bones, and the boy past reco:,ruitinn. The barn contained the crop of a ,ten sore field of rye, some peas and'.bav, attd the stable contained harness,sleighe anti other things, ail of which were. consumed. PIllt r—Fir:nNlrt..—At the residence of tho bride's father, nu the tat inst., by Ilev. I'. \V. Whitlock, Oft•. James Frityne, to bliss Maggie Bernick, all of'Johnnie. SALE REGISTER. ii. .,ra a Ft ga IF; TS BALL WV111iA'r. 1Vltttc 'snout aeutt ••• SPUD:0 WH11A'1 Pito ilea Chaff " -• tansy "' • 'Atte • Glover Seel pen to003 . o Uutu 0 114 Peas Eggs rsutter Flour per h1 1. ontatno,t, per hag .,. Poaches poi bus ... 10 to 105 UOato1ea .. 0 :15 to 1 44 03.1ttor ii 31'10051 ,.. .. 0 i to C 0.r ,,, .,. 0 11 10 0 11 .,. .,. ,,. 0 15 to 0 1f1 ... 0t50 •- , , ,., 00 '15500 too 60 000 .,, 0 60 to 1 00 5 1.p1,1.8, per bag ,,, 25 t0 3 1 i1 -10.1,\ppies yr b... ..- .,. 0 07 to 0 0r it0gn,dressedper 100 ... .., ... 5 00 to 5 tC Nuel ... 4 00 to 5 ( 0 rli,les, rough •• "' a un to a 5' • dressed.., ... ,.. „, ro Sheopsklu:',ea011 ... ... .., ... 70 to 1 50 0515, 1100 .. „. .. 00 to 1t1 11,17 per ton7 00 to 7 Su tlulons per bitch ,., ... 0 00 t0 0 73 vara TaIAw per lb-- ..............................., o so to 0 (81 WC4Bese..,00i,por l"0 ..• .. ... .,. 0 -5 to 0 30 Turkeys per 007 to007 ... 01 Uuoks..verOsir,.......................... ......... 0 U�IU ttoo (1 0 5010 RT. MARV'S L'ct11`rtl,�nt;jeTb,t1shcL,•„••».,,..,,.,. 0 VS to 007 1prin; lvhuat ... .1 00 to 107 ilarluy..............................,.,..,.,..-. 4U to 0 10 r'ean - .. • 50 to U 55 l'14t14.. ry...........................w.•,...,.,,,,.. 2,8 -to 0:01 Flay ....,...... (•tl ;f%bigs, per doxou.................. 07.00 to 8 10 tO 0 11 Atlas .............................................. 17 t0 10 ;1 -this }ler lb .,..,. 7,1;°°70 totae8 orbo - 40. to 0 50 (11)0 too 15,)o8500U 0 58 to 0 30 L'otato es per bag...,.,... :,111Afin' ski-nt •• Wood par cord Wool• por 110 FINE P1lOTUG1tA1'1iY. FRANK K COOT- ER, ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER. Studio 314 Richmond Street, London, Allthe latest Improvements in Photography at dna well known studio. C4. ocl hoopla of tlxeter and vicau.ty come and Soo us when you co010 to London, and - WE WILL DO 1:0tJ JUSTICE 1 We -ares L•IGHI'NINC,"• on Chil tren.