Exeter Times., 1908-04-30, Page 5'777-7"
1., -: icotLiuiti
10. it 4t
iwriot1 ot !tittle hi Varnter
-of Canada Itt.4* Plat copcludett
' "et linanc14-4104'.:4•17410
pit litita,0101A" 0,0p .q.4t4)
, ante'lv, - 1. ly 'gxtena
';.13., 'nu!, ,cjtjc.cua4. '
004,I1, tO'
(or l nsubribL,
v, r shown.,ard never..
Sirt Olt thc 14est Si,iadog in.Eoline, Poplins
Cloths, Yanerian, TIVOC-cl
co..40 .,49177v-i$W447.01k1:440.4blet.
Departm.nt.under 0.,_•0*.TOKCACP---t
Miss Armstropi, We are showing the verk.`14-iest-aile .0;
,to -date Millinery at .very close prices. „
Itave*a splendid stook of the W. E. Sanford Ready Made Cloth.'
taotocuojejliejzisgt,liwriAlg:n Canada.
hayejust opened another lot of Dinner Setts -beautiful patterns
....• - . . - • - • -•.
IrOlIrtile Pest
stockur dio6rits is always fresh and�Tthe -beitlittarity
Iuttcr, Eggs and • Apples and all Farm rbduee taken in exchange
Or one surtering from Indigestion opelisia, Heartburn, Pal. *
Pita:t10)4 ritadh--0-0; "nertilathei7BilloApSrsnelisti-Sour -Stonau. tt
there can be only one natural course to, pursue, namely:-
First; Strengthening the Stomach, making it take out of food:•
the valuable properties whichgo to build up the body. 4,
geebr44: The correct working of liver and bosvels to tarty away 4
tbe uSelerta properties and waste matter.
,¶Ws lathe designed purpose of
National . • -
.Dyspepsia Tablets
'treatment is tornplete. The larger tablets act on lbe s . 4' •
Price per Box, so ete-.1. 6 for $zso
1,300 .01 MeCues Drug Store,Crediton, 444-
-Will look better It 'better
-Will 'feel better , -Will wear bettor
If!you get it at J H. Boltzmann's. We are very busy but not
taro busy to show you -bur (Kiel!' Sultings and Overcoatings and
take your orderfor a Suit or Overcoat. If you can come here to-
- .--Morroried0 se, AndInSke aselection early. _If ina_can't cometo.
Mori** Coins as soon as You can. and .we will do our best to get
_ourJ,„„tut or Coat:made-..pronmicly.
o Zt1.
vti.Wi6.4 4 . ;
apoit4t, rAtet
et success,. The 01331.0 by tho not
eeraposor toren; beitnealts the execl-
1co40 Of 1,1ict production. The, church
‘,YtakAaaketally,,,, r
Wm-4*f 403111
d:sCB ,3•
chat aittettes,,attattet s,
duets soros; -- The - Can -4
tato *let forth* first, • "Christ as
Pries*V-1, second, "Christ, as King."
The Attention of the abdience 1.vas
1m. 1Z7%-91Plir**4--
clatIOO and many have since ex_press-
ed. thejj dewiti
the near future on a Sander night.
Bev. 6. V. Ilrowxt, who occupi4d the
ulpit in Zion Evangelicril church
81._814.040,-y. morning-, left_ _lot, -his
Immo in Most -kern, Sask.. last ,1on-
'it* '9 ughtor-
utm, rilte Iterento4 ;Was nor gritted.
by 11011447dattlett. Mr. and Mrs. ,Shiet
,vill reside elik. tlo farm south •of the
Zr. 3obn OtJlrIcn It-- *week fin-
1ith1ikinug_eare, 4/1 ,
' 1
'gs N
„ -
Mand Mrs. John Sutherland
,ited their daughter in Stratford dur7,
trig 'the,past ,week.
/tit° pert 'vv./144h crepair.
, ooxe,,,,,ltaar„?vettehtt*ed:4,167,:.
' Itligt,MttlEitT
n the hunting season cons lii
t he
tat Dilly will 'be right at t, tfronh
with the game baggers.
Frank NorOcottotif '_,Exotier Orilla-on-
has been engaed a.tizsmith by V.
Moore. Mr. 1$10ore hos a good bus-
seekiiingt !suchn capable
workman- os Mr. Northoott, twill be
abeleu- tat; c:ni roint uet htobir inst.o dsait isfaction
:Mrs. 110,02, Snarling *and.,...,_son.
Littlp Miss- Alva Muore last Satur-
day uoderwent an. 'operation .for -Out,
removia of ,several small oats from
her eye-iids. .3.'he operation was per-.
formed by Dr. Campbell and -the -41 -t -
cue bde isnot suffering any inconven-
ience itt,•cfonsoluertqe. • -
John. Vickers .has.,erigaged as clerk
•wftit• Ed. 'Shier tnd Ewart Carr at
Mr. -Leigh's. • .
Mr. U�bcx1. Elliott has purchased
the louse and lot from Wm. Maxie- „
wood and hos ruoved in. He intends
makingextensjmirrovements to
day, ruo,rning.
Mr. nod Mrs. Sewer Una Mr. Web:
t„.--of--fllondonr-a-re-spe4dlug' 3 4-0-W
daYS In'Ithe. village visiting rolativca
and tfriends.
-GeOnSe-Ilcoa*h_ eantinges vcri
-11,,PW-41-aa iitb 4_4wOut.
a. In a le appoimnee of
her I:046nm improved by adding' a
rOw'oflatode treed.
IMiss Emma'Morl dr who has been
pen • logr.t cotple,ot months ander
he paren'tat Toof left''MOriday Morn.
log:Vast for ileitton Ilarhor.
- Mr. turd Mrs. Marley/ of Dakota,
aro encoding a few wecies visitin;
in this vicinity.
The committees in charge of the2lth
Of May celebration are making . such
arrangements that the. contin -event
will eeli e anything ever.* before at-
• MEL, "1- editftil
It th eniin to
nazn .4fixesci ttIemeii hare not
ye't been ap!)attnceal. A. branch, of
'the Partners' •Rank will be opened in
Months,- fain1 it -15 the- Intrittlell 'to
in neighboring towns and .everybody
will be expected here for the day. Our
boys are enthuSiastio overAbe matter
and will baye sports that will be- worth
corning miles to see.
Miss Ida Artnatrong. of Exeter; vis-
ited her sister over Sunday.
-v.-fait-on, vis-
ited friends In Exefor.on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bort Clark ..t.vere in
xi • 'rrne, o entre to
visited in town on Sunday.
- Mr; and Mrs. -Weiner celebrated
-their -golden aveddloT on Sunday -last;
A -nut:ober-of -Ith4t-friends-and---treigh-
'ilors spent the day -with them. .Mr.
and Mrs. :Weiner Were married in
1858 in fillarristown and three years.
Inter" moved to Abe fourth Concession
of Stepluen ,where -they lived 'for 20
years twhen !they moved to Credlton.
.1hey, mere,. among Oa early settlers
of this section, coning here Avhen
ove.:*Y farak-Imas--°
ICY -hate.cut.down t
/1'1412 I11141 dig Atitobes,, "At. and --Mrs.
Weiner 2have raised a large farriilY
of 114 eliildritn .1.451-IVI-Orriritrerridit
iv ng. 10 . r. . rs. r 24.r
are iwelt known here and are high y
respected land the 'Tit:21e3, Was
1.1 an muds In wtsbing t tom
Many more years, of wedded life.
---The following is taken from the
I' fi columns of the (Ma & Em ire.
M. M. .inthrop.---Ques.-i-is it legal
for h itUrehfi-so 1x coPies
for its -members andpay the sub -
io find ft.11X4?rOvi
stion On :the }1.Mttn1vipal Act, or any
otherk,,Act, nn( itorizing any such ex-
penditirte.- the
people's 'taxes in the purease of one
paper, they can expend.tIIb money in
the 'purchase of rtny. other paper. If
ratibirs:-Life And
can be saved
$ickness 1 alike
IL applies to all cases, no .matter what the (*atm of disease Dopy be. it res
Ulises the human bodylvith OXYGEN - from the air. 0.111131114 is a. vital
000day-the greatest necessity life knors. •t
You esz *Apply OXYPDX014 at iont. e•Wialie\ you rest.' or sleep.
No toes of time fretn, your wOrk or tuoiness.. It is .eailly applied,
%tole and,alWava dy for use. Its free never erhstuste. It will
• , "Write for rttEt IlOOk No, 02 to ,
Dr 11. anche n41
'1 . 61 St Catherine 8t. West, Montreal,-Que
can purchase*,t e Toronto 1G1ob .or
the 1:sL11/;& Empire for um:4EL! of the
members . of the- Council. Such ex-
penditUres are clearly \Illegal. The
.1:via-5urer -Can- he --field personally
pensible for the am"btl t ira1.21,
ieer.vositly ynevetpoi
eatotherett frOni*eimple ea,
Idvrats ItOttis Soothe. *pa vino t to Irritattd
Ihtid ttiboa-. MAI bilaMy *import* it velth.
MO int tid0Ont 101Stra11to how
6nUy' come *bent. Vertu -out 'vats 1r. hoo
estmstauertrareed tecarenot to tk'roxU
nditurr or preerlptiorta contatnins .0pA
salons ste in your carat Mixtute.' •
and ahem, aboULA instit On Izasittit'Dr. Ib
oneyo Ore. No Witou inarks on Dr! txit
loba41.-14n41,00no titO VxdUlt10.014011,110A
be tti6 I shA
ei. nd irs not mar laszev WV
IS Old to be by tbute thst•knotrit best's trill re
rkablatOnah rerrtedY._Take tothancti
rt1u1rr *till rout thiteirtn, Itititt on UM
Dr 4:LOttriteor0,, (onttatt'orafultr
tritn enicrs and tots th
sai4 a:ditt2rAcrra "tit
r. , 0.ux!tee, afi cosi.*
the lmilding formerly, used by • Mr..
tlurgess, photographer, arid will •be
here tWiC0.41 week to a-ttend, to 1io4o1
..,part#Or,s. - ,
• .Mr. Geo. Anderson has purchased
land .in Alberta and is busily engag-•
ed in ereetingia„ find when
finished will return- her -and move
111$. family out West. - • ..
discount Jasts until May 13th, 2,000
al-bs ?Misfile ss, np.
-ea pit a I tvi1r warra-nt • these extena- Iiartlelb DI.. ok,
ions. it is., understood that
James aintiro. I'. for North •
:Oxford.- will -continue as .L,t•vsidont of
4.ereerta )nov4..120,
If you would not be ettrry sec our millinery before yott
your purchare of head rtrp,m,
the 'bank is to rrTuain in Toronto.,
;Mr. 'George wkins of Exerei• Was Incorporated by Ab
.4at of Parliament.;
in !the village on Monday nuJanoss. • Member. of The.Canadian Bankers' Assoclation and
Mr. 'O. W. _ 'Snell,. ts vi,§4itiog The Toronto Clearing House. . .
- Hs -LIS'S lii-EXiiteifLand hii. grand- trEc4/14$ -Orin- - - - -
_ _. .
father. Mr. L. Simeons, of Mantra,
were the guests of Mr. andW. VV-I-R-.---TRAVERS, General Manager,
rid Tien:1AP an Monday.
Mrs, Tilfin., Njoia
rOtson nd son. of A Branch of thieltallk- ,1.11)*- -- been 'tt"- Opened. in -DASH WOOp and- -a----g
_Itrtakc. npont Sunday I 1,,, guests of banking bUSine0S' will be tattaracte at this branch.
Interest allowed in Sa. . sZturk-43tr .
, nod- Mrs. J. liartleih.
.3;114; rv.triblis--:51-1°1(28-ntd .1)9
Di1311eY' -0C-4Ps.X4e-1V-11-411is
1,17e,tk:blISY 2711.11;11?04110 $110 rooms in'
the CoMmerciat.
n4e.pent Sunda •at
The.pupi's of .our school had a -hol-
day on Alonday afternoost last, they
teing smoked out. It s'et ms that
ay,hen the wind blows from the east
that it catisoi, the furnace to smoke.
*Mr. and Mrs...T. Praetor of Z,urleh,
sPCU t Sunday with Mr. and Ws. Sic-
Miss Ethel liellerrnann spent a
a few .days last week visiting. witht
woeth of now goods have teen added'.
Miss irtachael itirk returned Sat -
to ireeswater, to continue her/
•duties -as school, -teacher,
jobtr- -Mriere an -d family left
lag 'week for their new home In the
West. -
John O'Brien, Who was quite
01- with he 'Grippe Is r.tpidly
.and Mrs. Oeo. Diekinson left
Mande:it for fit;', Marys., Mrs. Dick-
inson will remain there while -Mr,
Northwest., - -
Miss "loupe after -sirending the
Easter -vacation at her home here re-
t8,ntirda toLrcsna,
ASk US TO mist*, .IT -
• o re &vo e 'worst forms of
itheumatisitn, take a teaispoonful of
the following mixture after each'
meat and at . bedtime.*
Fluid' Eittra.ct ,Dandelion. one-half
•ounce; ompolin _ argon._ Oat
0-1111Ce ;,Corapoutill Syrup ItlYtialArilla.
These harmless ingredients can he
.� L
n arc .easif(e4jby shakinir
them ivi11 i a. b$tt1e ItOlint is ,
generally felt fron the first few
, -
This prescription, stpiksesti well-
known .authority in a. Cleveland
morning paper, forces tho elogged,
1SS I .t reau,o rys a 0.
Is the guest of Mr. and Mx.s. Chas.
'Carrineau for a fewdays
• itbv-Mr. Thun his weak-
tentUng, conference in- Aloaira.'
Mr. und Mrs. Da vo 1101113.11 Apnt
•tUndly 140 friends in Exeter.
Miss Thee.ltaftleib.,,haa_returneti tek
Situvale utter spending the Easter.
'holidays nt her bow: here.
Mr. and -Mrs, Smith, of Sebringville
---and-u wardsat the highest current rates and- paid tour Votes icyearo •
Farmers Sale Votesdiscounted. -Special privileges extended to accounts 0
nwrtships, Farmees and others. Do your banking business at home and kcep.
your_accourst in_ThoYartners-.Bank of-Catnid&r-
R. T. DUNLOP, flaanaier, 4 1)AS WOOD
strain from t e blood the potsofious
wage rnatter und urie new, which
cause s iltheutna'tism.
As Rheumatism is rlot the only the
-most ininful an0 torturous diseaati,,
but dangeroums to , life, this simpla
liarticib on Monday of last week.
Miss E.Ifartleih, of'Zurich. spent
!oat tweck visiting be: cousin Mrs.
May le Ito rileih.
A lopd ot our young people drove
to Croditon-on Friday last to attend
the concert -given i4th vangclical
The engagement is announced of
Gertrude Francis A... Youngest daugh-
ter of-Mrz and- Mrs. Angus Murray,
to (mi. wimain fl. MelCoven, of Wel-
land, formerly of Dashwood, The
If you want to put up.wiro -fencing
all it Tiernan & 'Edighoffer's
. they sten ithe-best-reed
-rag It. . .t.
•1G-oetz ,ebrniglatt a- valuA.
able horse on 0,fues4ay for which hi,.
tra-14 xiood figure.
• Some of our boys s'till go out fish-
ing in the evening's, but return hora4k
Make 3 our purchases now. Great price inducements are offer.
arlYlbuyers-.- Weoffer you now New Goods, Special
Prices, Tapestry Carpets, Union Carpets, Hemp tarp-ets-in-a, variet
of designs and colors.
. •
..tro-Dittner-and--Milt *-ie*t-
Ttxesday for Alberta, whew, they in-
44 ,,orl
of Chicago, who have ;been visittrig
friends bere fp* !tome •wAdIrs, left last
Saturday for New York?! where they*
intend residing.
%figs Ethel Codhalt, spending
the l''..aster vacation will.. -7.er mother
Buy your Wall Papers
The newest effects in fine wall pa-
. ire foildtchen. dining rooms
• Lace Curtftins
.A:large_range of nefw ;Lace Curtains.
special designs, all sizes and prices
from 25c a pair. uriwards. Also a fine
range of Art Mi slins and Art Sateens.
Linoleums and iFloor
itos4 yardri wide also VI yards I and 1
yard wide. t Beautiful designs and
-Paints. -
We -are -sole agents -for -the Sherwin
William 'paints. varnish. stains of'a31
indreFinakes.yourfuntri a-took-lik
-Specials; In Hosiery
1,4adies-Black-Cashi4i.e Rote.:
Ladies Black Cotton Hose.
all sizes.
Girls Plain Black and Fine Itibbell
Cotton Rose.
'toys school nose, heavy,Blabk Rib*
bed Cotton Hose, Double Knees.
Childrens Bose in Tan, Cardinal ant'
Ladies Gloves in Kid, Sific_
and Lisle Thread, 18,in. 1093
White Lisle Gliwes 50o, 'pairs,
and -Linens
sunplitinand twilled_Ubletin
Me yd. and upwards. ToWelliti
Anti _upwards..
- Linen Damask Towels 2fe Palt.-$10cisa
Sp -eel -a,' Sale -r -Ladies -Wear
-Millinery for Easter
This seasons goods from the best
makers. Ladies Blouses, Underskirts, A fine display of ', Easter
everything n the Milliner'', tilde for -
call.-Eate!holidays. ,You are intitect. ,
Laces, Embroideries and insertions Do not fail to visltbiteDieSii aoodi
trrmatchrsal-widtturand-prices:- Departtrientits-welmve-alt-thar latest
otirspee14.1g inch Embroidery at 25e and raOst fahionab1e 1):Mit
Night_dresseil, Corset Covers, Veit's,.
Drawers, etc. ,These goods were
bought at a bargain and we will give.
ow -the -benefit -Cal
A full line of Fresh -GrOceries41Ways on' hand
TMarket Prices for littim`1»roduce-
St $1:01614011FE
-"recipe._ will no 'doubt ba‘ greatly
waited._ _lAy.lcoarty ._ sufferers -- 1terry--4t:•
hotnei Who. shouldat once Aprepare
-Abe Anizture to get this relief.
1 ' rt it.kod tirtt la' pc.rson who ' vo aid .
takke this ilrescription , regulaely, A
1 titie. or 'two dalltv or even a- 'few tirdes
,1 a - week. would nevi...I.-ha-ye serions
' gldney • or titillaty di.gortire Or
'Rheumatism.: .
;is-an4 reserst.1--it, ,00ett
• hettnrati5m-prescriPtions. svjggh real..
• -Jy relilvp ari4 'ocarce, ' intle-241. arid :
• urNiruggistts- 12rct- Say they will
Ir tcuppty tli*,-..,s,1 ingretilients., or
.140 'tht -Inigture ready 4.6 take,. '
of our readers so pvtfer.
"X **A a martyr to eits,rrh'it th
cad, thteSt atta ittettleplf. 1 ifs, gro b
the doctors feared Consumption.
tried 40 physleittnit and mealcin
triena euggestea Viyaliine; x trim
it and ,it wits tho Onlything ever- did
this any gool. 1 Ant now perfectly will.
the greateat' renteffy the 'woria•
•a ever bt,wn t o if44,ne1 jt' for
rv taltk now but 1 404 it 120
etrengthener for 1n)t walking
o ,tielsof ray bytiest cntlara-ne to
r!o'y yields more
than. twice 'as 'inany
bushels to the acre
whet, -is ea.sier
r ryw --
e m a n d
Times plainly , wh
good crop, of Fieldlloots is a tconice of profit to eve
'grower., Unless good seeds areusedthe 'labor is in
vain, and disa o ointment the reward. It is
bilS1te1er.rari4 bright
tley' brought • 80c.
lase year' It
'b4zt XnOt Mit;