The Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 7A rameet ',..eiffi, '16l40 . #0,#e#Aeleeeettee-14 ....=C04004.0.3,010i4ia,liel74 - e „ ,..e..._ e _ „ • e.„. 'ea pale el ,INel lableAll il ,1) OON- 4for tine litireere, *man. The little aril. FE S,;''el';' t.N • ' tore wart prdpetly prepared, and put on the th'e tie WI:iie ititil--,A110 was & wcont.4 ,,i 0,) ;•11:;:„Nitt,,tr itte.f. &X iiWit. at Ihitt Mine Ns 8010 event/ant of the jeue ,,e,teltee; eaeree etia &tow enleut—eteet diced Juanita before the le.R.Iw 'oh Ariwrktr„ 11,e While 'the oposeum war cooking. eaiitiettes he WW1 buried in Air,. ,i,....arzar,lo, e,L1,. e..e.e ie ilia leeteitit: eteehaer, •Zfien's sleep was deep and u: arty.; 'tirade ea: ton. 'Time teteeed On ; the opota eueet oNt.nroiNtittitr.,,r ..hi,l0 tow larn tilit:', mt n 'ots 'finally 'done' through and feeeiror tAL Fi kitty to tire mare eu of that, ter:Nigh, lau d et ill Jb.i eon aimed to institerteore Or the eight of the 1./Nid; eleep anieettore. I, f St iltettlio.r, LI.'I, her huAStteid. Ware, ..eat therreange of the proteediugs Pet. itoratee a ii, the ,eedetes •ht, ttty ,I.,)„$,itiu:1,,i. ttritvii *tittered the cebitt mid teat ti:otte. The but'ly tea, titoU'tti.ket4 to tlitaijea 'the situation, Be wee, hungry him. !balm wirreir terra set .o bet',polf 'mid 'saw an opportunity to get 'reeuJi ntla t(..iNt41.114.1: Nie/ el h 'Ita:iblille., t.oil. So he quietly removed the 4' tth d a young fitful Irene Imurree. Alexi eiriileytop,„ took out the opossain and 'wider Nut: acioetr a for •t•,. tittriit'iity litvi l•ro.e0eacti tT. 4,rlinettse it with the keen. the deed. Mts. b arid Air.1.,tiueel• I vet re lieh. Irr a little while it eras ali tittered etatuee evieteeee, t•he qurt,r2.4n. 1 it'courcd. Peter then took a inece et eaettrieg ilea het itAr,trat k.; •Wintt •:isti Ito ci,.1, t l' trertrainitg fet and cerefully greased hljLer biorlieren-law and her 'dieter lelim's.irientle end mottniewhile the latter ter one vire ,ittoilett to the •tioott, Outer eoutinteed to enore„ Peter then left 'were foetid guilty and eetiterreedeto the neve:abbe lenvierg the bones scattered state pneua ,:for left, .A.1.,e lititle SV,Itti 'OM %lee hearth, givee filleewyeare"irapraeettiteit, et ud 'At iaat Jim awoke with a drowsy Sot/ng Ade% 0.1.,,d.r ,t,, ey are „tf,u ewe elate, and rubbed !tie eyee. Ile looked aamfebeion to I.W.1 irtnspitt.,, • r t. izt ton ' Ai rs. ay oli ad ativitile., ;and then he broke in - :Battu.; •rave hilt! eV/ ' ES 1.` ',Alp; thItt 't o 1 he followaig soiitope ; alettaee ti 1...1ic. pal tion. • z • • : • -..:,,$) , eti ,it t. ••.1 4 Vii ti I I, M 2% 'POSSUM, I Fecirou you earnythine: to do mitt, tit , o. ieae, nor edid dello by the lime ; yars, yeu gram' ehe loam a Ito ereetnue tele i , •Mite totye vilyati, Ill iwt you Clow; 'my mouf done a y3ertrtliD tratt WI ozo ;rttr.,:te has trot sot re:eller 'pose= fasLion.' 'beep revettiedeby tao trate-eh/eh. per. 'With ttreate Fitirdi Jim looked into Equaled bur to arrelerethe eerie:, c aefeee- the 64il11et, where ouly a few serape 'ion, iteetiring bar awe ea., would .rer reerrecel what Was left of the savory t.oeive a little tiisitteifoe. air I.e. a tA Fakt:Y fee e;. to rejoin her children she tigtet-ti to do ,Bletss my *Aare,' he exclaimed, 'of as was steageeted. \Wilkie girtetig her snureheely idea doue steal de 'poseum! "teatimour Silb V, 3..S 4111ttel 410 eirectiou tie., here tle holies scattered all 'bout eta' dile party, who erre ia the .1. wet- r le ft ;' ; some dogged vilyan been here loom at the trite. At *Jo r t ;Int pteopar- lete eat Mat 'pousum while I was 'bleep ; rted Ague Deride by burr she sus Wer- 1 Wilit., IMPIFle See; whee, my bands chock qtal yee or leo 'to elek ,eplestieut of the full ei- grease. Wait, lad' on : why, iprotactitieg,attorate. The tonfeeeiou Blass my stars, ef my motif &hal right te.rreititereenteitteatale of a seereetion in greasy, too ! Well, well, well 1 1 (Detroit, Alia tleetrietter reill doulaleres wonder ef laid git up and eat dat: Ef elead to a searelaing•iimetigatatttr., 1 et {tat 'possum be eats lighter on my shirts au' gibe me less consohrtiou dau any 'poesum I eber eat since I wee 'ST.LTING A. OISE, tariel,...A.Mtmowemarrimr.•••••Co.••••• Ancient sailors seeming between -Scylla arid -Charybdis bad the bard 'choke ,to he .,destruyed by olio or the other, •A. dootlitru criminal tivei,'as for- lorn re chew() •loa.• /As hfa at;the lianas of e, ttegre.e, edge, if the folloiting ef,ors is true wheell 4;01-W1H from the Soutlawestt- .eite.freetier. e eirdua the story is -.more -amusing •thari trutlifel, bot it bas peiht, and &b'' hew different date- 'zileats of a eriere may retleit the same .fau.t , , Several dee age, a wiate man was %err:tinged before a ordered juetice ou chargatof tildes p.m:ter mid stealiug n She ie literally purchaecd either by the „mule. husband himself, or by his relatious. 'We ere' said the justice, 'de lacks In Although she may Arrive no brotliere, elis case shall be weigired wid woeful- t she cannot inherit any portion of her :pees, an' ef 1 hangs yer, taint uo fault i parental fortune unless her father Thirty pairs of embroidered slippers are becosaftry for the tronseeau of a Otrinease lady of position, and bet boudoir is crammed with ceufectiouery, dried fruits, hunt almonds, barley Beggar, syrnp of ahem, oranges, ginger, and eliaddoeks, 11 in confusion with rich ',Die, jewels of wrought gold and precious stones, riugs, bracelets, eases for the nails, bodkins for tbe hair, and a arousal:et other eharrniug nick-nacke. Iu thie strange couratry a young girl when she marries never bas a dowry. THE TT1V14$ 7 ob 'Judge you have no jurisdiction only •to examine me.' makes au express declaration in her favor, Such arraugeneents are ,always completed before the marriage, and 'Dat sort of work 'Inures ter de regu- are usually negotiated by agents, called Jarjustice, but yer see Is beeu put ou The young *fiance ie next as a special. A special hes it right to preseeted to her liusbeard's parents. make a inouf at S'prerne court ef he rile husband himself she never sees chooses ter.' midi the wedding day, when she ie 'Do the beet for me that, you cart, :larded in a closed chair to the house. CONSUMPTION CURED An old plrysielan, rotirea from praetiee, hav• ing bad placed in kis lends ey an East In- dia missionary ttse formula of a siutPle vege- table remedy tho speedy and perautiwn- cilVe ft Consumplien, oneltitis, Cattarh, kst alma, and all Throat and litolg Afieetions,, what positive and radical cure for Nervous De- bility and ail Nervous Compleiuts, reeler hay- ing tested its woudelful curativepowers in thousands of cases, has felt it hie duty to make le known to his suffering felletws. Actuatetil itty this motive and a desire to relieve hareem NS' forting, I will Bond free of charge to all who do - sire it, this recipe, in German, Vreneh, or Eng- lish, with full directions for preparing and us. ing. Sent by mail by addressing with etamp, atoning this peper, W. W. Surae.,1•10 rowers Blocic,Boab.ester, A. 4, jedge.' eta t's what Is gwiue ter do. l's got two kinds uf law in die court, de Texas The Rey of the °heir is handed to the b idegroom, who opens the door, and if the lady within pleases hie taste he and de Arkausas law, I generally gins holds out hie hands for her ; if not be a man a rielit ter choose fur himself.dams the door, and the engagement is No what law does yer went, de Ilexes at an end, the girl's parents having the eir do Arkansas ?' right to retain the purebsee-money. '1 believe 111 take the Arkanses.' 'Well, in dat case, dismiss you for stealin' ].e unile—' 'Thank you, judge.' 'An' Lang yer fur de man—' to attacks of diarrlicea, dysentery, 'At that rate I'll fake:111d Texaslawe blood-finx, choteriamurbus, crimp 11, /11 dismiss yee cue and other painful and 'Wel, dat case, dangerous affections for which Dr. kiilin' der man— Pierce's CompeundEettract of of Battu t - 'Yon have a good heart, judge.' Weed—compounded from the best .iletif hang yer fuesteitlin' de mule. Freueli braudy, Juineica ginger, smart. Ifl weed, or water -pepper, a,uodyne, Booth- jist take de .eastrion heah ter rt - lug aud healing guwa and balsams, is mark dat de only differeuce 'tween de a meet poteut specific. It ie equally ewo laws is der way yer state de case.' effierteiousill hreakiug up colds, fevers, autl iuliatinnatury attacks. Every household should be upplit d with it. Fifty °trete by druggiste. SUMMER'S HEAT A Postervie is now estab- lished beyond controversy that Dr. Fovvler's',Extract of Wild Strawberry is the most perfect cure for all forms of bowel complaints, including cholera inorbus, dysentery, collo, cholera in- fatituna nansea, canker ef the stomach and bowels, piles, &e. Beware of opi- ates • and poisoniug drugs, that wily elmok for a tirne and produce inflame - tion. Wild Strawberry is eafe and oa- ten) in its effects. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry cures all forms of bowel com- pleauts in infants or adults. The mot safe,pleasant and pefeet remedy known, Purely vegetable and free from opiates or poisouous drugs. Important to Congumptives A gentlennm having been so fortunate astO core his son olConstunption in its worst stsges, after bong given up to die by the u.ost cele- brated physicians, desires to make known the cure (winch proves stns.:Gadd in every. case) 60 those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and. the Affee- tione of the Throat and. Longs, and will send the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEE, 81 Liberty St., New York. Guti. relaxes the tryst= and renders us liable tuararns, FArtaitirrias, USE ONLY TILE Castorine Machine Oil, THtir' VERY BEST 1N USE. FOB, SALE AT THE DOWNION LABORATORY, BION OP THE GOLDEN MORTAR, Main Street, Exeter. RIUM•malowam John Drew's Furniture & Undertaking Wareroorna OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL,, EXETER. - - — • COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL 11)3E8 and :ALL .KINDS OF EMBLEMS. EMBALMING FLUID used. for preserving the body in warm weather or for shipping. Any Person wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Room Furniture will save at least 20 per cent. by calling at JOHN DREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter. J01-111 pnEvr. .....enrmr•••••••ramon, La!! ;n: Of31.1.0M D2lItING the Wool Season I offer All Heavy Woollens, including Blankets, Tweet's, grey - and Houle -made Flannels at Old Prices. Tbis is a rare offer, as the goods haveis ad vaned fully 50 per cent. To preuare for Stock -taking, $5 to $2: c.v. ttaigenses., arli.trzoCT. vortiand, Maine. rtmmovziv. JOHN BACK having pureba seri the‘stocIr of Mesars B, & E. Spicer, has rorcoved to the ,tore lately oc- cupied by them, North of Post Office. All kinds Flout, and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in great variety. JOHN BACK. dew HOW .11111 MISSED THE 'POSSUM. The Flat Creek neighborhood, to- gether with the whole surrounding country in Eastern Miseiseispi, is ituap- 1 ly supplied with opossums, and boaritd of two Or: three 'pose= dogs' that aaan't be beat.' Ooneequeutly the favor - rite delicacy of the southern darkey is abundantly enjoyed ou the creek at the prover sottrani. In this counectioa there is often told in the watuannity a practical] joke which Peter Brown played on .Titn Mason. Peter. and Jun . e ere fast Monde, awl generally "ran begonia" daring their leisure bours. Go one oceesion, tater dark, Jitn killed a small fee opossum, which be 1tliou2,1,“, would just be a ‘squarquear 41,1••••• BENATOg. OF COUNTEAFIGITS AND IM.FFATIONS.— The high reptitation gained byittornitu's Tom/ BALs..tm for 1110 Mire Ot Coughs, Cold., and alt diseases of the Throat and Lungs has given rise to spuriou$ Mutations, The genu- ine PLICTORAL BALSAM has the name of F. 0, leagyare Wawa in the bottle which is of the large size and sells at 25 .ets. We think it proper to warn theannanspeeting against BAL. '141.18 bearing otheti"names, or remedies Ofiered Ai- tillUstante. Look carefully to this and Use /10 Other ii1iln.11A(aArtD'S PLOTOnAL BAL.. SAM,. Burdock Blood Bitters euras all dig. eases of the blood, liver and kidoeye, female OuittplaintS) nevous and general debility, and builds up the entire sys. thin w.ten broken down WV disease. ril r DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL z 1. 0 Li Harper's Bazar Patterns. All Summer Goods will be Cleared. Out st an Immense Sacrifice, positively for ONE MONTH ONLY. The Millinery Department is managed bya fiist-class Milliner, and is fiilled with all the latest nov-elties. dy Should Fail to Se The ORDERED CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is more active than ever, A Perfect fit) guaranteed JUST AT r---1C-12...N.D.4 A Large Stook of Barbed and Plain Fence Wire, . Seed Corn, Hungarian Grass Seed, Harvest Mitts and Tools. Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Farmer's Produce. They are graded to FIT ANY FIGURE 0. Remember the Old Established House. JAMES PICKA.RD THE EXETEB TIN ND Sri? VrEg .EPT MAIN ST. I0 TAxm thisthanking opportunity of my numerous customers for past favors. and wiaita notify them and the public generally that have Purchased Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &e. &c, and have moved my own stock into the building lately occupied by Mr. Johns, in the Pest Office Block, where 1 now have one of the largesl and best assorted stocks in the crourtly, and so adjusted that the most iuomerienced, with the aid al the printed. directiorig which accoro pithy each snit, can secure a perfect fit. are cheaper than any others, ONLY 26 OItiNVS FOR A COM- PLETE SU1T. Agent for lilleter mud virinity, Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN THE MARKeeT. Also a lax ge variety of Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cutlery. Eastimates given for Eavetroughing. Carriage Plating a 6peciality, Depend ..upon it will give you good value for your money. 0 The very highest price in Cash -paid for Hides and Sheep akins,, t Remember the place—the Exeter Tin arc( Stove Depot, Post Office Mesh, Main Street, Exeter. E H. SPAKCMAN. 4s tJN11bILELD 111 wcntia also call special attention to hO well assorted stock of Fraley Weds, Berlin Wools, fingering Yarns, Matting Ct'ottou 10 011 colors. . If pitting done to order. A. gmal supply 01 )105 'wry al ways nu hand. Please will and examine 51005 and prices before Iturchanng elsewhere. Opposite Pa1154011'5 311151 0.11,11ZIELID, Exeter, January 20, 1S80. pinutiOreentie ea===eeeereezi SUBSTITUTES ! 6,1" The nublic arc cautioned amtinct a custom vvhieh .1001111•111•9111M7.0 ig twro."Ma.. o')'e common of late amonsr a certain els.; rontii.,,ne dealers. and which is this : When asked for a bonle of l'aitt.Eiller, they suricimiv discover that Itffini.orotemimpoInomm••••••••=1. IMMO% NINEMIll tht•v are "sold PIM" "but have another article inq-as I. if not h t which thov stinnly inomoSMI•m••••••••••••••01a.... 12:1co. The object of III is deoentionis transner n , These rwvie 10) 10 sell nn the event reouta thin of theJfi.Ti1tq.v; and heintr, compounded of the vilest end (leaflet dread, are hoeeht by the dealer at about h,•1( wl,nt hp nays for the frennine ruin -Killer, which. en,1)10S I hor,fore to r,alize a few cents, rnotc......tz.....ofit Tyr 1,-1.1e noon the imitation article than he can on tire gprodne, he SPIT4e Fort CHOLERA MORBUS, CRAMPS, AND ALL SUMMER OR DOWEL COMPLAINTS PERRY'DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER IS extwAttsn. IT OARS ALMOST INSTAIITLV. The PAIN. 1(0.1.111 ie put up in oz. 00)15 oz.hottlaq rion'tow, AT s rtIld.Se cents reapectivotyvalarge bottles aro tikeretorc caoako,t, &OLDD AU. IVIablaINE DEAl.ERS. •