HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 6NIB' .,,..,.. +,..r news. .. _ . EXCHANGING DUSTERS. the oar 1 Brim it tip 1 1 won't have it! building, smashed the windo.we anti "' "' __-,- Den't.you dare eee-TM-" doors and entered the building, melt -1 D,- 01 , , f 1:xl'altli:Ncr1(11• ALIMIi)1tx.S'r AND a. o0.3111ST• But the alergymau hula it oat to. tug the iron bars Red belts in thtn•room't 1tIAN,, wards me and raised his right land alp- of the hfeepiug caretaker. The floor peal'$ngly co heaven, jest before the \\•;Ls torn up, the door torn froze its I hurriedly called for my linen iltts tabletzu'began to telt with the ilderry, hinges, and a loaded. pun at the foot ter 1. v r ':iltee n'ly undo •tn California liotytivote the porter canis p:auting tt wn of the bets thrown violently ?trollied the left me $300,00 1 allvays wear a linen to tete treta lie had an iunneout apartmeut, bat singularly diel met ex- dilater x- dt ter when 1 travel -; I'feel as though looking clti for in his hawk., with a Plot1o. packege of Sunday b0h0O1 papers hal- _ _..._ 0-4.204-e---- ging in one pocket and a 11-10°4 liytuu book ii.at'te(ring the other. They are haying ireelles• enacted at and by I reached into the eltllabioua ('t, alttletnenc. he a cid, "de barkeep. the colored camp meeting 91 Lebanon, 'poekete of that dneter aud in an idle, 1 et sent 11Th (1Ottin and he saye as how 011ie, that are as realistic AS a Piteaf011 vagraut (r:utnent, drew forth a Pollee somebody has doll' run away wid hist l>1ey. Sundae tees )a big day among Gazette, ra(tient with the Nevose eetou^ lttdstee, and h6 wants it sena back or he ishiug display of all kinds of stockings zaake it pnw'fut lively tor de man what •iu all manner of attitudes save proper j tool{ it'ef he have to conte after it hie. ones, with ft inale figures attttulted to self." them. That settled it. The clergyman too;{ New I never buy and 1 never read ma oven ulster and gave up the robe luso or truest, started not from the plat. form with a good Fait of clothes, and a well filled grip .1aek. In a short time he returned minas the grip•Faok and Then I raked again and tfotued a pieee false andfatal strength of °hewn• dressed in his own clothes. He was of billiard Otualke several grains of calf. etantial "mom), The baud played met by his father,.a two leashed pound fee and a pit ut lettere peel. It seem• "Bonny, ootne hack to the farm," and, specimen of colored humaui'ty, who fill upor his neck and wept: The prt+di. gal was eh.'thed in a gown and a crown placed npou hie head. The congre- gation then sten"De Prodigal returns, retrains," and there was great rejui.ging, in the midst at wh,uli Iyer. Lafayette,. a colored revivalist from Cleveland, tai• cen+led the platform, (seining it to love way and precipitate the prodigal and prodegosters to the ground. In the I candid nftur(1 .it, and society rether demands it of ln• , and climbedinto the train ;and -waited forit to,sraet, lis thorn, nearly t,900' people, white 9. d black, being present. In the forenoon the parable of the retinal of the prodi• gal son wee re(lered with immense sue• cels. The prodigal, n dimiuuti\•e ep* ei• l;0 that journal, and. I was eme1 to filed of utetightecusness to the ambassador. t in my pock, t, 1 went down 'atentn The man on the wood box 'nude a -and brought 'tp a couple of'boer tickets. generally consolatory remark about the •ed to tad t1111,t t:.y ordinary well be- the train pulled out. Laved and exemplary duster l)acl evi• deutlybeeu ( ut with the bnys last 40"-" might, ic,stead of reposing in the genet 'of the coat ronin. °Setu'ne to kuow THURSDAY'S STORM. just how far this iniquity went I molt TWO MI1C XIonN ems nose THZ1B IVES. ed iuto another pocket and found a cork — . screw, three dice, reveling 'iri the lux- . tenpin, Out., Aug. 19.—A. severe uri„ue affluence of three aces a piece, . wind and lightning storm passed over and a poker deck containing' fou: kingshere lust night, ' taking the roof off of spades. William Well's barn. This is the evening the proceestnn foriuett with I was ashamed of that duster. Not tenth barn which has been badly dam banners and to' oboe and marched only had it been oat with the boys but aged or destroyed by lightuing storm' around ;Jericho while the trumpet it had fallen among; thieves, and was soon/led, but Jer'iarlio' having fallen in itself the meanest thief of the lot, and unworthy to be called one of the boytt. I was almost afraid to examine the last pocket, but I finally sent down the grapples ivied up it Stole with a whisky fleck, very empty but very odorous. I began to wiser. the train would. start 'Bo that I might watch my opportunity and throw that duster, 'With all its ^m:tuifoltj, iniquities on its wicked bead, 'into the river. I steadily felt nude'. 'the bottle and found a pair of brass t. uuckles. That settled it; my duster was irrevocably bad. I would wear it .s far as the first river or the first tun nel, and I would uever wear It further. "Melia the train ever start. Just then a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I started guiltily and loeked d ,up to see a policeman. If I itad been arrested on any eh .rre, theft, burglary, Murder, sheep stealing. treason, any• thin, 1 t-houid have given richt in anti gone ill ni.11.. I hadn't enough c•an- ti,letlee in Rmysetf to deny anythit:g. Bet when I looked up I saw a kind, tender face, and I Beard the plea -out voids of a Methodist elorgyinan. "I beg your pardon," lea saint,. "bit I fear you and I have exchanged dus• two I only nntieed the chruige ti+is moment, when I found some letters and lecture tickets bearing ymr name iu the pockets. The mistake was tnv own, I have no doubt. I sin so very careless olid. our dusteri are so much alike." I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say nor where to look, bet I had just euough sense left to say yes, that it was inv duster that be held in his hand,?, that I cunidtt't find my own in the coat room aid took the only oue that was left. And then I crave the good, innneent man the villtiuous old bin -dyed Philistine that had been cor rupting lily morals all morning. Aud then, to sit there and never look around, l,ut ju.t to that man's accl'trnatioos of amezernent null this stetson, in they section. Petrolin., Aug. 19.—Abcnt noon to day heavy thunder storm passed over this town. The lightning struck the residence of W. 0. 3loKenzie, Plsq„ tearing out the end of the house ; uo AuGUS'r 26, !8stk d Pianos.. The Largest and \lost Complete Fact,9ry in the ,Dorniliiur,. 140x100 fent. Highest Honors e Nrer awarder to any ltaker in the World, MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT CT;NT';N*NT i , l I,, })o do SYDNEY, ATTST1'A1 IA, 1877 GOLD MEDAL A'f PROVINCTAI, t',t l f reel t'ION, t !)l1+)N't'O, two. . IIIC1t3EST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL EXHI13ITIttS, TEJIIUNTO, 1579. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright Pitmoi:. Bost in the market, Correspondence se:licitt-'d. bend for 11- tistra,ted. Catalogue.:ailed free, Ach!rt'„s D '., ell, Ce.: yevao Ca .p ri IlOrt vrkNVILLE, DNTAI'RI7. the lnnrnillg that part of Hamlet was Teft out. Danger, I Beware I As yon value your life, beware of opiates in charrL'oe 0110 was injured. At the same time, mixt tires. They quell pain, but check• about one mile south of this place, the iug too suddenly. the result is intlameTile barns of Wm. Ingraham, Eeq., were motion. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 1.1101 strnek and totally destroyed. They Strawb•: rreartade from the Wild Straw- oontained all this year's crop of grain berry plant aid other healing vege- and hay, also `;OJ bushels of old wheat, tables, is nature's own cure for all which were all burned. footles of bowel complaint. uSa Fingal, Ang. 19.—The storm at noon today was very severe in Windsor' The t, bneeo of DTartinien was Doer devFral heavy eh, cies of the electric (be fttvnrice with the smoking world, fluid and aceomptwyiug detonations sod when old father liennipen de- feighteing evil duers into a temporary condign of veritable Piety. It'ilnr of centred the illissiseippi ab ill• 1888 the tile.g;itle employeet lathe Detroit SkirtIu,liana ere much surprised to :te a, sold C .rset Factory, iu the D,a<*tri httropcan wit 11 such an excellent Block, corner of b.tudwicll and Ferry snlol,ie of +tate •" BIsrtlea\t1. tl,vvBu would streets, fainted uu the oco.tsion of oneVel' severef1iL;11 of I1+lttt,it/+T. hilt son epeehilt a peer acCr•nnt of •the (Vise reae veted, being, as they told the rc+ eelehn'0"1 1Tnrtii icr.• Their fav(ulte porter, accustomed to f,tiatiuy with brand i (ae lunch superior to it as it case and anility, The li htrll,.g roc was to the ret.+y )tact 1111Cttr(0 ie.Lf which on the International hotel uas tei{teu the lutti urs of that day molted. nut of per'pontlienlar Itnri the hotel boertlors badly frightened. But the GEitItIAN S'1.nGP." serious result of the storm wart the lin of a twelve year old bey named other me.lieltlt? thev;ot•1t1 teas 0701' given soviet a test of ilia curative qualities as Simms, Sla, whose parents live 0" lio:to111u s ti Euw :Mille. In thaw years two Mercer street. B •bort httd Doan bi+r- tl,illi„us four hmetreti th ,mond s,,,:i1i bottle, ryiug with two other bays whose o this we li(:iu,wore ,listribu1ed free t(f&taro,• names could not be ascertained. erre hi' lruggists in :Iii, country to these aitlet:at 8 aged 14, the other' aged wars. 111111 1 Hwithutt}1h4, teuusuitiptinu, Asthma, ()reap, severe 1'ueultut '01 7, and other tri;Paseo of uiing for shelter acrt:es the tined, tel, y !people throat and limes, giving the America'. reached Goveati street on the hill-tup : In ople ruuit'niable proof that i. i a..g.tx Srtn'r dear the Gritted Coolie, direti` ly op• will ourP thcni. 'fire result has been tine posite Edwatd Giles' 11,:n e, When the tir:yeest•s it, every town 701(1 tillage in the Uu- 111;.,(L11;11:44(11.1,31.,1.1 Uui.ai State. are recommending i; lighttiiug 4tr•tiek the plLrty, i( scantly l st.onlrrs. tx,+ to your drngp;i-t aa1 Rifling young Simile•+ and lcnoekie ask what they Meow ttltuoL 11. $,unpt(h •ttI•s. du\vtt the yonugest b V, wh0:t0 fa" 1(I uw,ts. Regular size, 75 (fuui,.. dile dose; w•aa ball; cut by striking against the will rulityo nay as•. plank 01•u Tho el(lo.t I o ... -eaeree... nnhntt. ler. Giles and his Men haat- ^ UREA. BARGAINS IN erred to Ellett' aesi4tance. and, convey iug the b••(lv rtf Inc dant b•,y i'•to tiler I'd I I. ; a house, seat wird to their parer' i, whn had the rein e.ins removed to their ,1:P MISS G .A. R L I C X' S The rent:lining stook of Summer Hats and Trio 11ltug-, ober', :'Livers and Ornaments 101 b., soldttt gr,a;ttly Leaneerl pr1oos inilllC: 'x to0F;. TToniton,tud Point Braids, Berlin and Fleecy Wools, Ottoul.ns cowl Sli"pers, rack ('only,° and over this viilaee tib• tit midnight least areal i B, t;ttr,(hoarrl. Mottoes. e(0., etc,'rilwce Gond.; net+t 1..10 (1•,• 1 out, and will i,r sone cht•.11, Hight, Mr. E. 'Martin's barn, 111 iPe ertitun they o n bo got, anywinwt,Loise in town G..vernor's Road, two utiles east ofthie J.E.;ARV CK. place, teas etrtttik by lightning, and, to- MAIN STItb1E'1', - EX1.1TER. center with all of this eeaeon s lute and - g 1111], except a few pita;+; was bturued, 11;;TI`rI'tr.4a $".►41fs')rT Apt➢R .• 411. Loss fatly 413,000; nu inenrenCe• Send•fnrcirculars explaining onr Drnlntnoodville, Ont., Ann. 19:—The "* y o ^f C 11` ttS lllr ha+ us of IL.0,, Rich., of Lave.11t:r,. were ( " ' ` ,tt1•,lCk by lightning this tnnl'nlrl ,r alt(l=0t7ts horn wnnftOt'fnl Sttcr:asa, Kill yt?Itsrn7„• sats h•” t th,0 tsrtanr'rns'rs, Uur publiuttiuua wry were entails c0tl•.urna(1. L04P, $2,000; at.L,l1artf. .1,1,t1•0144, 'tamped it, the .Eastern Towuships 'l'he neery 13111 twit, f'e.,, Mutual Jnr $%)t)t). 41 4) 7(Oil 43 Sltutttck.•t 8t, Norwich, Cnnn Ovid, Mich., Aiig. 1.9 —Egbert Man son, a drover living near Shpeard••villt, med. .Robert nen•pe, a . fernier livitlr northwest of Elsie,.tlruve under a t-ec.'oasts; for shelter during a heave Thunder , : et•,' ni today,, and Nero both killed, by lightnilnn: There was a. dog 111 the disreputable, ober etir destroying old, bug;ty with theta, lent neither the dolt gallows bird of a duster, i,l his tretn. nor t.hsir hoes was hurt. 13. 1). Shop. brine hands. , ard, of S1iel•a•nsville, Wass szttin:g n. few "Sir." -)le said, with. pali1•nt retinae fent f:ornahetu at the lingo, but wimp. Crud pitiful appeal mingling in his ed without il,jury. erelnulatla 11tteratice, '•51---o But I steeled my heart against hili, tthuoder storms passed. over here to- became I tray as i.)111vicent as hitnsell, day, and the rain fell moon titre city eu1t1 it felts the pulpit and the. rostrum in ltreeute., The liglilting babes were for it., - bel Thig in at the instnnees, A. sena DA /M SOD FURNITURE. WARER.O,OM8 "Go away,"''r said, •'rltnr't bring it of Daeit 1.1'rost was knocked inset. eible,, Vs t, W, S ILL WI tti(li ntiulnto to those 'bout to around li .i re 1% Don't .you- paint that and his recovery 1s doubtful. Fruit furebit bauaearn•inneee ofauythtugtl1 lis tine that ke has „ailed, largely to his fat:flitted for tthallg at ulc I "J':Llu'L ovine 1 You ML1fF+ red esVet'e1y. turning out 1rret-ol(taa Work: Sash, Dome anti eloilut:d it yeinself I Don't dare to Ottawa, Ant!. 19--T,,•ihiythe lightreiivehitumoolro,thatta. AltOraora,Lspuefltlty.t itl.,t reef me W.41.1. 4...1 Timor- it unrtnr, ninge:r,ueit the (,tij;.ola. of. a l,trOo stone. Dashieood,-,1uae17,Teee. 1y rI 1 I te4 l "+ NY.1• 1'3+.),tYiii 1(",a'i't uth Concerns You More, Than .ouiter fent,. rofore,r nil,per&'lt l ,IUII soy I sbit rgtt:os. \Vhellls-ry1tnrtl11T,'l1 1c• my own fnrnit 1, wepared w1)11 n1 ' t 111. ! , h .,•r.it the p.orie (11(111081)14(11 Stt ny time by a tiling at my\\•:u', S where they will se...: s1i't++•b nit platy of horror-. First he found the billiard home. The accident ocotl+'ing eo neer chalk. Ile didn't know what than as, ler. Exiles' honse gave +i -t• to a f;alee re 50 lis only said "1J'm.1•' When h•. found port that Witham Giles, a young eru- the coffee g ruiva-but he didn't exact- ploye of the Great \Vest rn, was the ly understand them, and he just said, victim of the iightniug flash. "Ha 1" },'riticetou, Ont„ Ang. 19.- Daring Then lie filched• out the onrksc-enva I. ifia thuedt)r storm wench Linseed aud be stewed to cotuptnliend that in a •gener,L1 way, for he said, "What?" in a etaenatc to that elitiitedrten euc.,re from the t•1;tire en,lieh'1CC. Tien noir 111:111's ")neleitul heavens I•' that greeted the appearance of the whisky flank was dr',wued iu a perfect torrent of ap- plause ILi)d w11.3 cries of 'Gaon, go oft, sold "More," And then when he pull- e=d out the Police Gazette and the brace ltuochlee, he fell back into hie seat wi'h an audible ore of horror, and the wh rte ear full, of people just ruse to their fee and yelled and, howled sad tralnpied on their hats, and wanted to get oil and tear rho bottnin• out oI the oar and threw it into the Cheuango river to ex- press their feelings. never saw so gre-tt entl)nsiaem over each a little thing, And the feint, logolergylaan came t'a h-'iding the PUBLIC SUPPLIED) Xtich., Ang. 1,9. --Two terrific aheeeer than ever. Furniture in All Its Branches anti 1h1'•)1111 11r•a11.t+ ( •) 11711,1 •lir1frit111 .t.: ? {ta•,kmn,nsi,ip. Tti+tler"no', L1Si1•ing the (wools wit', • , < .11 ''a 11it0t, Ul,tt ,:7-, ,t , „ •:1•711(•11. r.,r .tui ivy 01 111'iee ;sett l', til blowing to Lite C•,ntri ry,;latwit,lytaltdircg. WHEN iOU `dA% 5 wR :ler Kii fit Y tit3 tV.VE 'e DRAWN AWtN it CAR., *r•t'nl is t,pte-'jtt- 1lemp'v 'I'rhlteco St'r, .?1111+! Street,.-', Teter. ,),) . , of , , t, , (• l ''' ',, t• 'v 'tr;i.• , . , .St .t'I ri/ f.l l, Vt \ 1: . 1 r . r V /s Y.:.1 , I . 1k _iz ,, K4.. ..,'.'.: _:•, ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST .tt i1t? .S. REMEDIES iN THE WORLD FOn THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, 9• eaa'seii ,ss, sura Throat, Bronohitas, ue' : , Croup, Whooping Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including. CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAW " It does not dry up a cough, and leave the ea r•sr behind, as is the case with. most p,•cprt,•aric,:s, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysiori- tation, thus removing the cause of coa)tplai:,t." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by rittielet.. bearing a similar name. Be sure you get I)11. WISTAR'S BALSAM OI+' WILD ClaililtV, with the signature of "L BTTt"T.S" rm the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a P„:ttle. Pro pared by SETH W. Fowls & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. t l t \!a -gym 1llilill"'lt ll l;ll m rl,ii ,' t° A Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When thc, blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the use of the .PERUVIAN SYRUP.: It cures,a "thousand ills" simply by TONING UT, INVIGORATING, find VITALIZING the system. The enriched abed vitalized blood permeates every part. of the. body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretin-:,• ' ' ,thing for disease to feed upon. 2 n, 11 a secret of tele• wonderful success of this remedy hi curing Dyspepsia, Liver Comp tlhnt, Bolls,. Dropsy, Chronic Mambos,. hos,. Nettrmtrs Affections, Female. Complaints, And all diseases originating. in a bad state of the blood,. or accompanied by debility. or a low: state of the system, CAUTION.—Be ewe, you. get the ,';'E. 1i IT VIAN, :1 -RUE:" Sold by druggists ,t•ner- ,allyl Pamphlets sent free to any 11u' •ti by Stern W. 1Cowr.e & Sous, Propr:etorr.. 3t; liar. ri.son Avectie, Boston, Mopes.