HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 51
Atic tis ' ga,
!34ti�el', N' ,• it�'
Li W, j. / .•0.d1L.ln 4a,1,LYJr::
IA IA_ TA. ir\/1
C.I�. .1-
Dealer in Groceries, Flour and meed.
A109 L 'l.+9 ,� t ' . Porter Cask
.rte w
1:3a-- r Q
r' --r
41 I
Y0l?:,'0E11'S ¶1i NNETT'S, BASS' A;+ll.) (llrINj;;;a STOUT AND AL'elS ALWAYS IN STOCK.
. �, 7 77 7 , .,,. ,: , v......t_.• ..m._,. �R> >.,..,. row R.�.,,. . In?., - . � .
7444 ,, rit- '1.41.1
..a:, ,Lt.
one tdto 7`)e•jnity ;l'','11•hit,re .)fluor to take the
soh' )t r ;1 f, e :,-i 1 lliu't F4utt wise„) No.
One. ' on Ale.Dole t, I. o tt lt,Anruitin t)-i1-
pi•rfa foliow hlit u No. Two, and 1,1111
(' OW= 11. llyil.lil,.:t t 11,•lner c't,trtti11g 0flrner for1 1 . l',;Ilut•.^ , inb.iiv s of No. 0'!11:x1, for tv1 ittlt they
etre 1i:'ru1,y rlcven:11y tej'poiuttal.
no: nl'a41till ;' t Joseph I:uil •'y
uutl )avid iYru111c`ss tllha sum
C, That tlit Ci••riz of the council of the said
M t/ricil.iiliti shall on the Seventeenth day of
lett in l.r, n 4001 if o1u• L. ui e thousand
!'fair t ntiii4..!i and eighty, hd.y, at `Thele of tilt'
Ota Four `j'll')1;sllllCi '1\`Ca 1%Tlll I v, noon, at the )letrlLe•t I1otis e in the s•aiet
r ' 0711'_ of i;kt•tty,'00000 up t11e 1111016V of tutu
d to1 1)1)..ltro-i by \\tt'j 0(.ije) o.ve,1 1,11 101,E i+ :,ill.!( 0118$ by -how, and (hitt
3111. 1.'t)I' the 1'1T01110ti011 of t. t 0700+•u or tit tl„1L-, 00e11, un rht Ftttt'r•utlt
•1111 of 101.1, ill 1170 }'!e,11 nue It lti tui eight
i1111UUit1Ct111'c; 1)e \N"oo. tt_'21 hue )te i utd tt,,laty, tot toile 3a.eil,t,. i'.lnttse, in
cloth \\'llell311 the Village of t'he a1,l \'iia i :,! of l t, r, is II(1 •hy tired f,r
{ ,. 1 1 + •e (! toles r ppr\iti:OU• ttr of p r -,ntt, in E i•rrwl lit th(e
.1••....ctt�1' , to i sli\%- 1..l �liei.i i'UI'VL {-, l:l i'St etli 1.„:1;n,): tlu.l t:I'1r!\`,l antl
for the said shill : and to 0.. li' 4ua•.liu;T u'i.+ tuP alll 1b;�.' V,11l 11, lraby the ('1l t1at+
1's;l:'ei1'.''1: e n \ italt t i ttrr r! • grit j;ll,'le �te,l
i.11l1` llttrixo titt1 l&'vyii.lt; of ll bt (ru,l. )no�.t :ani,; ur e1,1 t••i:t„ tiles )au: suti� of
inti. i:t:1 rate for the 1) tymerit this h�•-l,:n•,
of tie J)i!1)t'llvlir'e; ltitti, the
i:iterest t11:'reou.
[ )1 )rr ill.ril(:ii l' c'U1t.)fr't%'t! /he 2I5i
fitly I880,
WI P.10.I'1 the )I'cuintpa}1ty of tits Village
of 17:7.01.. i, 8171 817!,1 "1' gran,1(11 081:1'(1(0 of
I'ottr 1'bo salad. Fiv,; 11;ttl,lrt•d U,>iha,s to
:eal ll La,d ;; e1111 1) tsi.i \i rotors~ to aid
noel' itt co., (Vitto on tho ntttttf1Ua111e of
wootut el d;t 7.ltti i dies ini.1%4 of the said
ei ani)i;,alitt•. :811.1 ord s' to e'u'ro into
olfeet i.h: •i l r!• +ii, t '.1Sj,'e•t it will 1, . uee, s-
sarj for tit 7.04,E 11.11.irir:tlii' to rake the
x.11.1 :are .a Fool- tot nt+x:1 i give 1ru11; ee:! tiol-
lat'r` in 111n tllit.tU';r tlei�(4af:er lOetai.,t(le1 Rotel
set forth;
where.es it will i.e.-lain. til.+ hn11.1 of four
iniit 11.4.' 1:'11 11(1) t4••1}'ve dollars to ho tai-oei
,.4auu:ihy h; so , .,tt gal fe r j,;•c:u� tJi saiel
41•'10 oa ,l.tr (:L ,m:er,1 l 11!•41 1om,.lrt+d tl•.a err
:17,j ltll
4111 11, a ia.rititt' it tt1 till issued
thorofo ; 4 ne reinttfL r 1!. ovided ;
And v lo.,tu.11 the tttnnnnt of the witt,lo rat-
teblet 1!r•a't" t- of 1111'` i,1 t Man m^t'aliiy, (VI'('•
•;petlit'4 o, '1 iuf: t''''1i ierousa of -too same,
.not irrespe .1... of (411'• 1/14',.,111t. .1'010 1110 it•:u-
ii,,rary fuel 4;:emit of the iaa}ang fund Irorciu-
ril \'r enen'1 - t, t or ally part thereof,
)riht: 111' l,t..t r• :±:;eel (u essio. tit re,il
or tilt) :4/1.11 V.,1111e;.lidli::,'111. ••r far the y. ,11
tale tb SIL,-',u•t (Agit 1't:• 1 l ,u l 0,81x!04 , cin-
e t a of 1) u•f non it i !old. ±lit; -rice ti1,1a
eau i -setup itelit114:d an -17 5.,; LCB tt!11ars ;
And whereas tits' al i:4 milt of the existing
-d bt of the 11au1:•,(atill of the "Village of
1• Srtt'1 t. ;IS fall t:: 1' 'r principal, fifteen
thou-nil...1 flirty 111111..t(.d d seventy-six dol-
lar; and ei,,}rty--1, e,14...4; for illturc•st uothiug,
+01111 no portion of (14li1) 1:; 0: 2trrear;
And whereas, fere naVi1,1 the it(lerest upon
1 l l
eveatiitt ttu .pt ti oar1y sink bit, fund for
t.d; 1.w the pi•inclin 1 of the said ,i, hi_ of four
0000(:x1 l ii tr luta ti t'tt ,l eller , 1111 1, t, i :.fu
1.l 'il;i at7 1, it wit! 1', ynirl7 all :ul,it,.., !l/”.-'1!;1/1
1' Ute ill Kilt 011111,1' Of '101 Inti! 1111E
of a mill on the 7xI('.0 of tete 1 table )uor,•rtv
of the i:f1tt1' l,alily. iu aei•iitiolt to all calor
1'alns to b 1 V., 1111':1('11 1 :0'..
11' i' ttit.le tune .11.(.141 a tit.' Corporation
of tire: Yl l t,,.; of L.cetar in Council ,-selublud
as f0liu11 :
1. 'Ninth -011111 canal may be lawful for tot•,
sok! 3.L Iii r., 11LV to (,'rant by t' of boons to
•losei,il Lt i t' (tad 1luvi,t \1.tnie.,s the soul of
four thousa,01 lido hau.1r..1 (14)11a1:s for til'
prolno,int of the manufacture of a'un't,
cloth tvittriu the limits ui the said Munici-
That for eh•1 purpose afo o:raitd it shall be
lawful for the h •, t of the said 31anicip:dity,
alltl ILO is ltt'rttby ill lowered to make and issue
in thio form of inti tiny number of debentures,
of the said Corporation of the Village of Ex-
eter for ,411eh Ettitld of money. las IIIlty be re-.
tltuire+: fur said pitt^'o1a, not less than one
It lutreet eb..011ars t aeh, and nut exact ding in
the whole tito Ham of four thousand five low-
ered dollars, trayallie in twenty years at fur-
thest frotu
n'-thestfrotu the day ,m 'Olic}t this by 111,.% i1+
appointed to tate, t flava a; the office of the
liuisous lank in the Said Villa-ge of Exeter,
Ontario, and that every such dtbautere shall
hoax interest lit tilo rate of Aix per emit. per
101110E fro'± t'hn dal• of its is,alu payable at
the said. orrice half -yearly in each anon every
year timing its not;tiuutulco, (7111 shall have
ttttacht:d thereto cbupans for the a tyuteut of
s•ai,:Interest wlliee.4t Debentures tato Reeve of
the said :Ureihtinatity is hcr0:Jy aat11ur1$ed to
negotiate and ilispo,.e of.
:3, That for the purpuso of forming a sink -
ink fund for tite payment of said Debentures
and the interest to- become dna thereon, an
canal s 'coi:tl rat(. of olio mill and one-tweifth
of tt null iu the Dollar shall itt addition to all
other rates bo ra:s.l:l7 l:tviod and colleetull iu
('(1011 year upon all the ratable property in the
14x041 Municipality (luring the eotltinuauee of
the sale debentures 01! any of thele.
.1. That this By-law shall take effect and
come itite upe'•tttiou upon, from and after the
twenty-fourth (lay ofSeptembern ' the year
oar Lora ono thousand
eight hundred and
eighty. •
,s. That the votes of the electors of the said
Mnulcipality shall be taken ou this by-law at
-O. Senior's shop, Main Street, for polling sub-
division No. 1; Lewis's Paint Shop, Main
Street, for .Polling Subdivision No. 2; and the
-Market House for poilin,g subdivision No. 8,
0)0 said 'Village of 1uteter, on the Sixteenth
day of July, in the year of our Lord one thou-
sand eight hundred and eighty, commencing
at the hour of Nine o'clock in the morning
and ending at five o'clock iu the afternoon of
the saute day ; It'd that Charles Sotlior shall.
Exeter, 2 1tlt day of
I'a,�r•d 11 int Ctntutiil this 9th (ley of
A.1tt411,tit, A. 1).,
3I. EA('It1 T'1', ' 117x' ,•1 Exeter,
Cie k of the Vi11t e; of 1;x0 -tot'.
T}l•,lt tile, 8th ,'.): '14 a tfutl e -)p3• of a by-law
passed. by tile 21,micipai Uo•uu•ii of the \'ii)(t.;r4(,
of I:z't,•r, 111 the Coenlly of 11 :tom. 011 tits• nth
lay of 11)tV11.sl, 1411.17 loll till porson4 aro iit•re-
hy •r)•,Inirt•,,. tai t.4 k,' 0''1(0(7 that. (1.ly neo 7,esir-
•,i1H to 1411 (4Uet a )14 -taw o.'tilty17art there'±
ltut ln.d mustu1::1:.i inti ttpt'lua1t1,•11 for 111:41
l•arpuse to Dun +:f her lin± aty'a; Slit.orior
t`utut.uf tlatss two Law, lit Po.i011- , 1e,•rni ,he
1111 of tits tir 1tt t f (111 said. i'„01'1(4 mutt 1±'t'
1ficr the Apocial pro0u1L alien t11eru„f 1!t' tit,.
publication of 1111- n,t!i.•t' iu three 0,•n ,''011x1
tntui:h,..f the, 1):w:1r•,t±or cello '.t'ttt:
1 1301 S, or 114: will h:: (a„) 1,1.1 to he L, 411.1 111
that 1/e111t11', tit Irl kt 11 .4./..1,11.1101! $0(411 torn)
e4))1tlitote.:s 101 lin•. :::,til day of A.tguoi 10'llt,
Dates. this Bina (lay
of August, A. D., 1x80.
M. I. AC4Il1:TT,
-Vtlbz;:e Clink.
P00.—COME TO'i'I±E
1`- tel 'l•1'i:/ (h'1,11 4410 lf. (0414; 141,11
lest ca dog, Tee 04'4117') 1`!t11 I tn•c till. °rvinu
culling al .1. \.'n,..l'; bltt.elt•,; shop, prot•iu-t ('roni-
erty (awl pa'yi1l,; for 1,1711acurL:4,140 (11.
I:sat,er, August, 10, 1h4t),
▪ any p---- m giving goods 00 c •(lit 1') t-lly
member of 01'. t: mar 11,1 m4 u(47,71ut trltltuut
un^•arittcunl,1' . .r•)!I�: VAIL,Jou.
Cshoruc, Ai,gu'ti 3llt,,)0e ),
IN EXI';Ti'.R Ft )1;.
hi 1' -;It,—•this 1.1(01.
bb. 11'+pr.t.t i t ld a atili tto street )La
house Ha story and s 11 t l 11 .i; e utniui v-
014 rot 0141 a (110 1 (.n 1 11 '01 ate,), For further
Particulars apply' to A.),,) , , l,se tet'.
Diseases of' the Threat aiig Limas,AYE i ''S
In diseases of foie pul-
monary organs a safe
and reliable remedy is
invaluable. AYEr,'s
C:ituitlir PRoron tL 1s
such a remedy, and no
other so eminently mer -
'h its the confidence of'
Ailthe public. It i., a sei
entitle combinatiou of
CHERRY the medicinal princi-
ples and curative l ir-
tnes of the finest drugs,
chemically united, of
such power as to insure
the greatest possible
a,. efficiency and uniform -
PECTORAL ity of results. It strikes
at the foundation of all
pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief
and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of
any age or either sex. Tieing very palatable,
the youngest children take it readily. In
ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Influenza, Clergyman's
Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca-
tarrh, the effects of AYEn's CutuutY PEe-
Tatar, aro magical, and multitudes are an-
nually preserved from serious illness by its
timely and faithful use. It should be kept
at hand in every household for the pro-
tection it affords in sudden attacks. In
Whooping -cough and Consumption
there is no other remedy so efficacious,
soothing,'and helpful.
Low prices are inducements to try some of
the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap
and ineffective ingredients, now offered,
which, as they contain no curative qualities,
can afford only temporary relief, and are
sure to deceive and disappoint the patient.
Diseases of•the throat and lungs demand
active and effective etive treatment; and it is dan-
gerous experimenting with unknown and
cheap medicines, from the great liability that
these diseases may, while so trifled
become deeply slY 6 e eat d or incurable. Use
AYxa s Clammy PECTORAL, andy on may
confidently expect the best resells. It is a
standard medical preparation, of known and
acknowledged curative power, and is as.
cheap as Its careful preparation and flue
ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians,
knowing its composition, prescribe it in their
practice: The test of half a century has
mnonaryen lcotn laintes certainty
not y beduryond tul-
roaoii of human aid.
Prepared by Apr. J. C. Ayer 84 Co.,
Practical and. Analytical Chemlata,
Lowell, Mass. •
eotn 1itY xLL »UV0UI8Ts EvsitxV11,08,
All 1n Line 9
Persons til aline;) to .send for their friondt ern
e 111 am puma go e•01tole:etc-A at ion PS 1 tt+•, from ....•w.•......,,,,,..s.,.:,,,-„..,,.�,,,,,,,�,,,� ,,,,�,,,, ,
tu7in. I.'robing "n1Soothing t, any01l4nrrail-
way tow:tina:motl;a, full particulars by apl:ly-
tug to
.EEALL 008 MET T .,,1
t\'i:,i ,'11 ytoitAiy fl0” 7 n lt'. 1 1 1• 1 I
u )de' ti 1 n !lit, t, t1 of d, ' ••
Itr;l ill
01tot •t:
1',111 ,t:.,1 041st via. ;:,1 too. 11 .w .;1l. ,
(iiltt''1 te,"crl,.[funnt he.. •t'.i- t1
.1'WOK U,11tu 1 11, Fait If cult 7111 ••it•;u,t , +',i-,. 11I
thee)'!, for Ito : 1'..? i., ll.-•nu,t 1,
ni, ill till. cutest0. 1L':,2tlai,u0', rot: 110,
:777•_7, 147.0 wl >.� d
JO= ritaIllYru"7.,
`1"T:r14i ,, _1 '1'1)
•7."!2 Mill,
DOOR A r's:I'
stile: (:r0.litull gravel roam, j itis
11.1TCRELL. 1
ere iiton, Fob, 21, lth1 e1o,
kJ The re,at
Stoi'l'a N>'v ld:1 Smoh1g Coni, ound,
The oulyl,olitive ours for Cat-.ta•rhyetiliscuverod
C. LUTZ'S CENT:11Z 19210. STORE.
W. L :1.'•II'1'1i, General Agent, 411140ult, Out,
e +'a 1tt kt
ALL IKI 1) S 0It'
_)oi,i to order.
tsneor tl dttltaplace
`ir'c..'' w''C`w eY.,i;.�'„r'v'"': 7:."'!1'1,
CAPT. G KE MP, E7ottlr.
• S,e.t-nu ral Drug Store.
'VERY iil::i1'
Medicinal WIne .Brtiii y
That tito lnt:ncet affords.
`3:7` .;:iia :
�. Y t: -.S. l "F., 1 1 't _, ri ti1::.11'1,121,,I,111
7,$ !r• :,i iL e41 i., — !� '141!7
1 �"` al. 11`8ei•t b 4 ,
a..�ut+ Fti nii r 1 t''1 .A I, It ttc'',ry.•c•,•! •r, , It 1�••_,r• U'. 1,. i. t l i• _
.L.;sttJr4 "av:•• cl;�.�: eu:.1S� mI .,
ultil.aarutet 1!:z Y a +: -t ! i E.,, a 1 ,t a ,a ,
1!t1:r3wiu0(.t1.11.. f,t.Iouo•,t+t41.wtra1lwu,utiu.e tr p'o'i• 1'ti r 11.11
11:770 110100,1)' for rull:•nitlptt'al. 1 largo',
chomp 014•'1 ' d 1.'t of ;;llouldt•r h'ru " uiwayr1
ou 11uttt1. A ultmeruns vat•icty of
Ant a go til fit ;;a;trantt'et1. 1'o oae requiring
a 111: