The Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 44 The Mo!sons Bank xxceareaerreo Yfl .A.o.r r.4.atai.-ngs,f.f.r, 184, Odpita/, $1,000,000. HEAD OFFICE IVIONTREAL. Tflow.fi \Vonfotv.,f, R4(j. - Pre874 nor,s0x, E4Q, 1).1.REC:rolis, gen. M.let,Iter.rui. W shepherd, 41...1.tiolson, :if I. S if aaree,. . ev leeteteretN ar..tL litIlfror, 3..ks-1.:14,',14V..,..a., f:t eo' ..11/00tre.ht nr..tneh, EmA., - — .111.8poth:Or. Tira 11%111;7i•rtil•IWAR• . IVAN A 0E11. L0NNs.; T0 FAIIMERS. e,itorr,,g, on the! it go.: one or more e required as security. VLNi naNie tehrearaeraaen z1 'L on ;^f.•: , • 1'1,1'0;4 St•••• t. ,71,,m;.1}a altd.101(1. St01 ttrO ;;) 1--;1 in'TtA 14 the Lt„lowest rates. 1.xoter .11:1.018t 1.7.121 e -m THE TI ES • AvousT go, 1880' . , 'Paull, ,agent... Each oandichite .patie against the horu of the anvil in a most. day, thanka to the unknown het:10w the required deposit.. Ag Arr. len 4 14011(10u putt •intkli..1 -BeatWif nominators aresome .of the t leading citizens, viz., Juiao Hou. ,Jas. Patton, Patric i)nrus, Al email Maiming, Noah Briars aut others. His election is co,nsiderod car. train. All the canaidates were Blot:writ except Mr. Ryan. A itnrorr has reached Montreal to the ()Hoot that Sir John's P.teifle 001101X10 18 0 81100080 it 18 allegtd that tl iot t0i re were 4510 0511t 00 0 10 field with offers, One '00.1.4 /leaded by Sir Hugh A.lian, with wheal L trd Deo- , ,raven,Lord Dunmore ,ata Lord Strath. ."aturday of 104 eek. Air. 3wallettbf wt" 8"11("1".'.1Y 01. w ! nairn wore co-operatiog, aud the othS er had 'Arr. Goo. st,phoo, prddeot of had a team of colts tilteliod to,a buegy, the Bank of neutron', and Meesrs. Vrangue and McIntyre as its represen- tatives. The ranter there is to the ef- uutanufeetable nianner. Mr. Murray has been railer unfortunate of late. having just recovered from another ae cideuti whieh resulted in 11 b.okon arm. A child of Mr. William P.Itvell, of Turnborry, was badly scalded une day last week, A kettle of water had been stood OIL the floor, au.l Ow eland pulled It °rot to tho knoc3 very teutlance W014 00 111 Wl.wather vivo. The wifo of Mr, 3' )ho Melton, Engl. so/tiding its logs up badly. Aiodical at - 011 hated, left it i. the allied will stir - MIS PAPER ilav,t. Tc,P nifty a0 found n 3-hlwsPaPer Advertising Bureau; kL0e,px tieing enutraets may be made for it m Street), where talv,.r-iAkil yonit " SI AY AUGUST 26, 1880. Trot news items in some of the Grit 1 papers aro sometirnos very octutradice tory to tho statements made in their editorial columns. The Seaforth Ex- positor and Clinton New Era of last week were forced to admit that tho Had 'Was itbont heaving hie reeidenu. when they ealtietity juinoed to oto eide,nearly epeeteing the buggy. airs. feet that Str Hugh Allan's syudiettte kelton was thrown 04.Lt, 14110 reeo•iV011 has secured the line. . sumo .eerions wortutta an her head. Dr. Bethune was immediately stuntnetted au d under his mere we believe bile is re covering. 011 Tnestlay aftermath as fre. Cato gingham, (mother Of Air. J. (iunning halo) ot (Anton, was etalking Moog 010 11111:011 140.11.. just, beyond the 11111 way, a hers° that was being (Liven. mow.) took fright at 0 31.00.111 engitie 044,1. :mtldonly bolted to one side, striking her hi the broad, and toweling het tlowu, the buggy wheel pm:a:tin:4 ovd1 her ankle. Fortunately site etretitimal no injury front the aeoideot. A low days 0410,1 110 the Ray. A. 1) McDonald and hist son Jamos wet. d riviag alottg Main street, Somfort . with a latree und buggy, the horse tool; fright and ran off. Mr. McDotitthi jumped out jtitixi time to Nave binisolf, 0.0 shortly afterwards the here() torned entldouly around and upeet the boggy throwing his sten ont and hijitring him somewhat, but not severely. The /tore.. made good his eeceptt, but the buggy woe not so fertitnate, as it was found in the stroot in "a dreatit'011y deenora• lized" eoltaition. The pieese are at the certiage makors. \Vo cenieretto 141.0 the Le v..gentleman anti 1114 1400 Up- on the escape they made. purpoeve, the stun of .1 'ii exolusive . Ab tut 25 years ago Aitcheson. a workshop io to Le built, al Bo an eu- (1.,VerilittNit, (newt atni.ieteie at from mother of kr. John Attehee,m, and gine room 16x27, with drying room Fei10:11 Paha. t..(411.1 Waal f Of Mre. Davie, of 1041. on above ; 81,3(1 an 18 viorse power epejl:e hettepe of the selrad wive -eat t about faeto of ?dr. Dario conunon loose has been purchased. There aro twenty thimbl. thie day kat week ae vette°, Mr. .1,11,1 Thin:W.4CM, of Illyth, had Me. 1)nris, a greei.:1 ton of the tdd hands employed,aud dnring the mouth .41.,e of his 121 .1. valueble horsed stolen was plonghing in a field en his fettter't: ofoluly there were thirty complete in- Tneolao oieht ('f last week, while farm, he tound bomethine. going wirany with his ploW. it 00141.1 not k e•p it in the at mind. On turning it out and examining the poiot he Centel tho hien tic 1.1 thitubi of hie grandmother whieb had been lost over 25 years not) stiek- ing 011 the phew point. When the thimble wa- 1...t the field was full of stumps,atel eitole theft the stronne have tll been reenoved, tool the land has •,1L.,11.••• Cver the Comity. 01? NEWS P110144 OnANcias, -- Mr. 33. Trainer, Chief, of Police of Goderich, died on mornino, el. number of windowe wore. broken In the Ethel School House one elite last week. Mr. Thos. Scotto of the 12th eonoes- UtTlION hum had reeched their respective . mon, of Hibbert, has purchased 50 acres towns. Tho firm of Seegmiller, Cart- of land from Thorotts Murray. or & Company, of Seaford', have estab- lished an ofIioe and sale room in To- ronto for tho Bale of their alowe on ea - Mr. J. J. Wright, of the Point Farm, near (Fodorich, raised ti5 bushels of wheat to the acre this rear. 111.seep- eouut of the increasie iu trade. The car'''' v-38 tIlit°k1 iu 01114ftft1tillg. k pigeon shooting Match Will take saute feria . have also established a ph;oe in Lembo: 4onio time ab t mitaufactory in Montreal, capable of end of August, between M!. 30148 turning out forty plows per day. This Erftlia, of W. -1 1 11.4; 10.111. 41.13f Mr. Jam pp.), nr chatham, cot. ;1..,,,100 a bide. is only the second seaeon they have Settforth's civic holiday vateon the 2-1 been established in busioess, and they • have now 8,000 plows iu use. Our eit.e) 1:11)11:e"for‘%t;" Clinton eotomporary. also announcer) chativia Instifuteluto f:11:a-terich,Londen that the Clinton Organ factory is ea, Toronto and other meinte. tending its buteiness. A building Sils'11" "ill "'Ili" 111 1 ,e T.8.1Firt 111 80 feet, two steeps hial„ to be used as Settfw-"1 "11A Tuar' for rub"e Felwal etrutoents turned out. 'We are also informed that they have $80,1)00 worth of orders on hand. 11. i$ gratifying to the N. I'. Government to have two pronounced advocates of the trade the flintily evere asleep. Diligent eettreth is being made both personally autl by the aid of constables, but 140 yet trace of hs whereala•ute has been diete,vereel. On Seer:tatty of ?net week, Mr. ,1. policy of the late Atlinittietratien tte- Con;tar,of L'eurry, hvoi valiutbio bileoP knowledging that some of the mann_ w'ttlit'41 1:1 dogs, On Monday Mr. Coulter, neeeint allied by his farm liana .factories in their respective towns are to . ten 08.0111014, 1 been elfirved ov,.r nenhebly 20 titnea, really fiouriehiag under the baneful catching two of them lo the act, and it is s:.tnell.in:1 remarlottfe that influence of the N. P. l'Itet very loth: without further coremony slott th en. I the tohnble should letve remained ie einee our Clintou cotem. wanted to know where the hum was that John A. promised, and to w both he and our Seaforth friend have found it in their own towns, shoteitig that their prophe- cies, that there woald. bo nothiug but. ruin after the acceseion of Jelen A. to power were totally grouudlebs. arm0=1.1aa.....Vg6.1.07%,;;;RIM;11•0.14;00..e•,.., Weedy Review of the &hash Gram Londoo. August 21.— Th eeliark Lane e$4, in its review of the Dritiel, vain trade for the poet week, says — 4. ie rather too soon to make a th•tieite .tattnneett in regard to the plenty of uew wheat crop, but the majority ,f the Bunnies exhibited during the ast week were decidedly fine, arid sold .eadhy at 41s to ,50$ per quarter. The of last years growth are quite usignificant. A reduction of O. ehillieg ailed lb an at buyers. The demand .or foreign was 0 toisally light, The rilk of arrivals have been warehousrd. The terit'e tcy of prices has been down- ward, though transactioue•are so limit- ed as to scarcely warrant recording any actual change of qnotations. Ameri ban mixed maize readily conituauded The barn of selr. James ld'enit 01.11 coeceseion of .1Itillet, was struok by Eghtning one night, last week and to tally 0on14ntut1 together with fifte-n acree of fall wheat, hay,poultry,thretili- mg maehine and other implements. Mr. Robert Itutlefig.., who w' 14k44 i1 111 1 111p, cputrrelled with a 40841 nf the Mr. Drotalfoot's platting mill, Seat -tali, mune of Wto. Coats, and the reetolf ere- tnel with an accident on the 11114 hist. Qua IIewe cetne out of the fray with a He was working with a g uzo whioh InOICCI1 104. IIILWS 13A8 8. • wife and had eecently beu sharpenoll, when i small family tiepeniling upon his (arn, , •meas pta• :dist Blipped and came with fat force oe his ingseand ellen 1)8 came to Mr. Thom,. lava Te Pow per lb baud inflicting a deep wound. son was very poor Lima to be heaved hv t110 ground %Ili this tithe to be found 10 SO strange a 0(0810 1.. nederstand diet on the evening of the 17t14 in 4t. a inan of the 118.111.. of John lin.we, who his been working in Mr JAW Titompgon's saw mill, 110. The English potato market is overa flooded from Frauee, and. pt Loeb • aro. 10W. Toronto 1114E1 1114111181 DA:fiel Tait hew beau arrostod Belialo tni tho charge of tefreeittlirg Meeere. Ring. Brown, of ..4.'oriniti), anti Air. 6. T. 6la11er, of illoLtreal. Au att,eupt wits made at Montreal on Sauday to get up 4, eeoetetional ru- nun . that the Arnoz lean Fi•IiianA are 01,41,4 to pay We Conn:lien froutier Vi' -it, but tit', eitaty ooteld be traol)d, to 1,0 souroi,, awl is probably a, At Crroor's trossit g, Peer 0..•:lbOrne,,• ou S aniay 'nft'r Ow 40 (11 Carr, while in, a lattlaneholy 41.11 10 A her In.Ant 11 p311 the track as tint 1114) 114 mom*. 11.1.1111, W14e12 attvoted 111 t head fettle the 1. ody. 61to4tly b re three 0 &trek Tuesday t.ft.e.it•tio II, it prisoner at trio (1(1101.3" j1111 in Loudon, named Vv`iliihoi Sncilk Slipped out of the Gent .1.1.tnote yard in ehich lie woe engagcd in 1.1iumlilig 1V/4101, /1.101 ran away. lie wee LnisSe•it 0 1041 mitaneat tater mid the alarm giv- 011, Comity t (U 114(1.11014 Popi1 !. anti tiehrttra started 10 pureuit, tool efter seeteeli of two temrs foetid him in 14 001.0 VStelluli 11.<1 00.8 r Of Glarel. 0,3 f1.301 T1111.10,18 141.1el41.8. 1.11111 8e01401011 11111111011 t11.0181, iuttinainv 1') rialte gond. 41 1:4 eseage when 0 ignt 041)41 4. Ile w ;ta- t ;Aiwa back to hie old hit:titers aud will be taken Cart, el tor the helauco oi Lits teem of itap_ietentnent. Oentetlia, on Ph. 014., of mr, f., 0011;011e1. Lvx8411,1%.—I.11 Exnter, all t14 2471 wife of Mr, Ille'.,tard Lt .1.1.' 1, 14 half. 11000r EX.ter, tIo t!le 111-41.„ N.1.1,3 of Wto...110,1,,r, ;•01.1. thArr.—Iu 'Ray, on tl, 14411 111/., +1.1 Sl 311.7.70N.—To EL•ler, ,.n the 11, lust, Fta:acle. Simpson, ew,i 11..1 1:%.•ter, +114 1II,. 1114 Net., Pan- ik.,1 Francis SALE r: An1tir.lor, Sopt. 1' "1.1. (1141 imple• luonts, prq•ertr of Ni(711014114 Fos+,:r, lot 4. eon. 11, t Fay. 11. (..),.tu Thurs,11. v. August 1.11;.---,.re.tit ,tf farm. Iarm au 1 prop,,rty 1.1'0w 1..1.e 1 0 7.1.4 1,-,1. 10 co41,, 2., .1. (‚.041.4 ft r White W11,011,t 0147 to (4 en eeett U 00 sPluxo Atts.rxr 0 02 to1 (i,1 44,1,11dt:I 0 to 1 Oa :',1-1r1e;$ 0 40 to 1 At/ I. 1, . I to 7144 ...... ..... ........ ........... :; co to 3 t.:5 44 1‘; 1.0 '1 30 14 5 to 111 llour 44(fr1114. :41 to 0 ro .r ong to 0,1) 10 • 35 1.P1.1.'.. yr o7 to4,u7 0.1 per 100 1.0 t 5 M.' "''4 .4 P.) #.:0 # 00 to 0 IN) `. ,0 4)44 444 1.0 .7) 111 +fay per Y.eit 7 (1) to 7 5 48 10 (1 78 .. 1f1 1.1)44 1') 0 03 10 00 0 0 214 V, 413) 0 07 to 047 0 01 to 0 C4 - A. }single anuli skiff race took place at Goderieli cm Tuesday last, r a silvee crip aim the chainpionehin of Ce deriob There were three ent:les. W. Good• ing, jr., won by a quarter of a length, Gee. B. 00)4 RACUIRI, !Old Ample Mettle. - son third. Time, 18 mitottes ; dis• theme, two and a quarter miles. Mr. John Stodderd, of Egnmedville, died on the 10;11 at the age of 05, after an illness exteeding over it period of three yettro. He was one of the Wen - ear settlere 111 litreonahel endured with fortittole and et uregeall the hardships and ptivatione of early settlement, and by dint of inanetry erteetieded 144 mak- ing It competency for hitnself and fam- ily. IIe tune very highly esteemed. On the Huron end of the eerand Trn n It Rti I way, workmen are em ployed in eborteniog the bridges on the line 24s ex ship., but any attempt to tal- whore 1.4)401771134) pool beneath thetn. vanes this quotali.m was stronut:usly resisted. Instead of le leg 141713141713 enough for two 0.011...11.1010,11,11••••=111•4111101.11M10111.1011111 Breminations. The nomination to fill the vaoancy In the House of Commone for the North riding of the Couttty of Ontario was held at Snnderlaud etn Saturday. Mr. W: H. Gibbs, of Oehawa,. was chosen as the Gevernment candidate, end: Mr, Gen. Wheeler,. of Uxbridge Nillage, as the oppositioe'candidate.. The nomivatians for West Toronto were made at St. Andrew's. Hall at noon,Sator4ay. There were about 100 electors present, and perfc ofc.)rcler pro. veiled. Tliersowere no si 09008 made. kfr. Chas. Liodsay. acted as Returning Officer. The following gentlemen we nnminated:—Jaanese Beatty, j , with P. D, 13artvick e.e agent;• Peter Ryan, D. 1-3laok, agent; A. W. Wright, W 41 e , C. Cagyeol,, IL, G. or three wagons to 1)8. 48 untiol: Lh' 311, they aro to bo ehertened to the width of one. The objeut of this is to les- s n the expense of keeping the bridgee in repair, masonry taking the place of part of the timber. We aro sorry to learn that Mr. Robt. Grime, 01 Tucliersint tin accidentally broke his Iog on the 16th inst. while the kied coutribntioes of the neiobbora 4Teeleeo peel), end it 18 not known how he Will 4411.33- 2.,U;4:14.ten:reer ST.111.1.it7 'S 0 40 +o li r,,; port his wife 1(4)4 family pow. Ottatoe, 1.78 undereaeud, a ree it 111(1014 larger and 1 etronger man, and Hawswn'n181:::Il'1!..-if. 0 t, put1)9414.1 o 4to0 tvon 01 9• far 1101.1. Iltove is one of tlio90. ; e ... English emigrants of tho laborlug clines s:InIti.,1 . at to r) o uo who name 114)411114por is t of the couiltry lior .':.'.... ... ......... . 0 10 to 0 10 7 o mo to 0 CO h ; 4 f) :a Soe toni e ago. 1 f-g.1ozeg 11 to 11. The Seaforth hb:.„ponit„1Lovs _fA.mt":,'?r."''''..................... ...' ......-.. —.. 1 o little 34041 Of Mr. W. Leroy, of Mitchell, 1.,inL,0;Ifi - .............:::::........'' to 2• i1il-1had quite an adventure 0(4 the dey of o) ” 46' 13'04,11. 1'4 ')•f the Sabbath School eneersion to Lon- don. Mole 011 110 b1)11.t, it n11101101 that he took grate sick and same!) av was loet sight of by his smardiaos, and left on the boat on Its return to the city. Mr. John Stewart came wok» hun, and taking him up in hia army . ...I eroceeded toward., the de ot On lat. ....... ....... .......... ....... 0 11i3 to 0 30 ..a.wovam.conam.....e..01mistaraXtawawammaaatewoftenriatalbon1;01,1no.linak.10•0 8 A.LE . —A NEW Fit A Al Fe a: nu-emu:4 meal 0 ne- thir1 o; it 11 nro o; 11114 1.4 sitnetc.4 n liuume rotitait,h.41 44), 44(4, 4 op:4.747s 0 ha 1 dolt to,toire, 1411 well T11 1,-; •40.1:1 %volt e water It1g0 fh,t-01,1p.t4 0‘q;,14.2(1. el, 1.:10 pieluisos. .11p. lug overtalieu by a certer, 01111 totted p . if he wag going to the etation, and the carter repfied 1111.11.4 110 wae. John asked if ho wonld kindiy convey his Imrtleu, was gettiug nnoomsortably heavy. The carter consetated, and Joisn1 001 dreaming that there WW1 more thou oue railway station in Londou, pro- ceeded leisurely to that ot the Grand Trunk. Oil avriving there he found that his charge had not eettelied it, nor did he reach 111 112 tune for that day's , working at his brother Wfiliam'S on the trni11. It was afterwards learned that 9.11 conceseien, The limb Was proper. the boy was uonveyed to Port. Stanley depot aud pnt on the first train going south.. After leaving London the eon - ' actor learnod'hie situation and. seut ehifrobaolc on the next train. He re- mained about the station aWnight,aud on the following morning some lyene- volent gentleman• came across him, gave him his breakfast., ;put twenty. five cents iu his pocket and started' him on the first train for Stratfold. He finally arrivedsafe at home in Atitohell•on the .aftertoon.ofi the Barna aq i8 ly attended.to, and he has shwa been retnoved to his home.. IT will be die. abledlor some time, ahioLi will be a gi NA loss daring. such a. very. basy season. 014 the 18th insto.Mr. jhlin blaeksmith, of Seaforth, while working in Hogan dr Mboroe's slim) trying to weld a rod or shaft for Mr. Gbvenlock's salt works, got the forofi'nger nf his right hand badly smashed, the lieavy shaft falling. upon it and sqpeeziug, it ChiCa70 MdicaI 0. COleqe ;TM,.r13,tem ntui atsrin 601411'' ;ti 1.i ,t,i(i)tvil 40.01101111 4,1,..11,4.1 0,31,44 .L1,:::400.(11.,:0, lie4408 its uext 11''o 144341. J.44) 00-0414314 Ajn'il, 1.(7.1-'i'..1.::11...1111111.1..".111,-111 (: 70 IIOI,,rOO St. Inettgo, r ADM'S A 'N 6) STORE-KEEPERS—Vett 1101 got 011‘0014 Goons 011eap ly writiug nu Postal 304 1.011. Prtno Mgt, whieb 0114,11108 'p.m • to oitmat 14'14 MAU, t114 best way, (1.1411406 tho many 11114,11404 Merolla. diso kven for sale at' sur- • prisinglv low prieeswo send snanplos of Ham. burgs, Lanes, Ribbon:4, Priugos rognestod- We won Wholosalo g.o(i Re tall for Moth 7101.v11. A. 141417 ' onwhivation 4,1.8(1111 • 011/111)08 US to c350te very ,:lose p-ioos. "Vo 51441.0 81, $2 and $3 P141E- agos of not. nns witiolt 14,111001 1)0 boughttor twice Vic money elSoWlirro, (11 '7710)4044 341 ovorylalni1V. Money rntornoti if not satinfootory. TON St DUTTON, 10 Tremont St, liostOn,RtaSs. YOUNG 4E?iTtl:m-$710TOe1rAhlofig Reery graduate gnarau teed 'a pttylog situation. AddroSs 211, VALENTISBAnntger,Janosvilin,Wis gl'..','-4112'..?,:g.;:ta.0.262. 2 • a. A BUY, August% ttfantf.. O. ADVERVXSPIRS.—Lowest Rates for adver Using inlolO good nowspopurs sent tree. Ad, 00486 8.410,11. 110.W10..LL Sc 0.0.00 Spr11.00 , ; 7-