HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 3A:anew': 20, !SF 0 reeree--ae(eeeraata-aaaaaer-earearaer--taearea‘areaaaaeaeterrarae 4 . TW P0 WEB OF KISSES. When Chivies II was. making his tri- umphant progress through England certain country ladiee who were pre. wilted to hia:, instead of kiseing the royal hand, in their eimplicity held up their potty Ilya to be kiesed by the hunter no ono would MOre . takes them into the pond, and Nadine Nvit 110141 y excuse than the lover of pretty one (ma of theee pieeea securely in the Nall Oaaynn. Cteorgiana, Dnchess modiat the bottom of the pond. These Emblems ©f all the With long fine Air, he hi very setteitive TEEN TIMES to the cold, ana rarely, if ever, leaves theltnond or lodge in cold weather. U 11(lortrili:"r-1 arr lays in his winter enpply of food, which WOULD SA Y 'PO con Bists of the bark of a fi Ilecie 8 poreta:'.:::,17.(10‘:11crsii,ilitiOzti:11. of tkoplar, 1Ie cute down small treed and cute them into short pieces of one taV,',1 foot, or a little over, in length, and g4,11,A4ti.,1,,t'i,i',','r1,,z;.`„").',4ft,?il to moot Ltho views of the ,,. i(t11•1f.tiLinqt4411117 nOtilL )14P.C; 'iletarer4i1071NOW 0.14 WO 0 au sell.) 'teener. Devonshire, gave Steel, the lintehar, pieces of woad are dragged np into the kiss for his vote nearly a email y alma, lodge, aa often as food isneeded, and • 11 11 ci another ego:1'y b,u1 tifui "1r "1' the balq; gnu, ofTi; and after being Duchet.s of Gotahm, recruited her denuded of the bark, they aro by no JTJST REU.EI Vi regiment in a miller manner. A "" meana riltOW11 ftWaV as neeless, but are from his r'Intbsr ms'd°13'njarnin NV"i taken under the ion, and carefully EXETER 'n ar1i,"Ki" 108 mothi b"F"re 1 placed iu the dam, to atrengthru sleep?" How simple a boon, yet how soothing to the little eeppliant is that soft, gentle kiss. The little head sinks l'acenteutedly on tho fel. all 4 peace and happiness within, The ;31 3 GENTLEMEN, F. E. HATCH, They built 0110 dam a little below Carp Lake, whieh raised the lake thirty inches. The lake is a small one— ons mile long and a forth of a mile wide. I measured the (dump of a bright eyes oloe and the rosy lips are maple tree that they had cut down, revelling in the bright and sunny and it measured fertrteen inches in dream of innocence, Yee, kiss mother, diameter,. There were no less than for that gnotl-ni,2 ht kit; will linger in -- eleven darne ou the stream, all in site the memory when the giver lies mould en one buildings where We were mining ering ill the grave. The memory Of a for copper. gentle mother's kiee has cheered nanny The beaver poseeeses great: envineer- a lonely watalerer'e pilgrimage and has ing always bniming darn in the form Of an arch being invariably up stream giving it strength to resist the pressure of she water. The Jo - (1(31.1)8 used to tell mo many singular trails of character that this animal possesses. They bnilfr their dam of di -(nub his peneefal dreana4. "ler mud, sticks and stones, compactly and 'Arched and fevered line will become very strong. I once saw 80 81111011 delveY again " raanlvethni baar 8 10 bearer Ski„, 1 thmight,„nd still thinl„ the seerer's conch a mother's love., a that it was the pnreet white I ever mother's kiss. Then kiss your little saw. °nee ere they e1Per; there is a magic. in that kiss which tti online to the / end of life. been the benoon light to illuminate his desolate heart ; has many a stonily billow to cross., Many a rugged pathto and we know not what is in hire ftr the little one so sweetly slumbering, with no 100.1 ring care to TUE G A ME LAV - The following iaformation, taken choice is between pure night air Flom front the Statute,. af Otto 10, 1t380, as without the foul air from within. Most nbliebed US' the aathority of tits Leg. rpapie preh'r the haior. An 11,1 00_ Walloon, may he roliod on RH corypet. emmtable cheice. What will they say wid be found particulady interesting if it is proved to be tame that filly ono - NIGHT AIR. An extraordinary fallacy is the dread of night air. What air on we breathe at nicht but night air 2 The a, the pr(ent ti! :( a -a Noae of the animate nr birds heroin - 015011(33(031, ehall be hunted, taken half of all the dispases We sutler from are occasioned by people sleeping with their windows Shut ? Ai open wiad.'w meat nights in the year can never hurt or killed within the perioda hereinafter ftriV ono. This is to may that tight is +trued: not ne.eassary for recovery. In great Deer, elk, men -'e, fe or caribou, cities night air is Often the best 811(1 pu,est air to be had in twen'y four hours, 1 ceold better understand het Wean 0),!r 1501 /Mil 00t01)(1" it. Crowe. t'beivattit, prairie -fowl oe partridoel bet Wean Jefillary 19t and Septellkhpr ast. Wifd tnrkeys or Tian, betwoon Jan. lst and Oct. lot. Wood - abutting the windows in town during the day than daring the tight for the 1 sake of the eick. The absence of -make, ADJ-USTA.BLE the qniet, all tend to make itialit the BEAT BARG4INS ARDWAR"B an& fail to call fIlle1 see his Largo stock 1 you buy elsewhere :11.B.IRICA.N CUT NAILS. Cheap for Cash at the. gn o 4b Pad, laoolz, mwell & Pickard'sBloeltaInin St., 'Exeter. AND LIQUO A. LA.11GE GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLA.CK TEA.S, • RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIE D APPLE CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, 13ITTEB S TICE AN' I1 1IOTJTS, 131lANDIT, GINS. WINES SYRUPS, IITE, 'MALT SCOTCH, IltISI1 AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIOARS, Wholesale and, Retail. (4- .A,. MA CIE main Street,Exeter. D TUE CANADA CANADA COMP Sea In order to meet the presez,t depresFien,the r'srnds Cemrons offer for tile or lease, nn easy terms and in (m.rtain nape,i AT REDUCED PRICES, ,athd. T,Raft, te.-d„.1,„e3l or benefitted hy ibre " T.ik Purwoll Drainve Worhq," in the Township i rely, of Busancimt, tirepb.ea and2.1 1,1•111treay,.in tim IJOWILieS'1.) Isambtoo, flm on and Middlesex respov- 1,f4ts of rands may be obtained, and mane .1 ole nriy be se,.- 0, on npplieatiau to ur.,uni. -- rom ((pr 01011110, Exeter; .1r; ikw,rgo W. lie,i,ven, el' •• I I. 'I Widiler StationG. , T. itailway, 01. to Mx. troagaria or ((Tana Bond. For re"10, or oriwr inforiaaticin, lily to the Commis -don laqa.la company, l'ce.onto. M. M.z)if,,eArp, commi 13l'11('7'7,,Canada Compe.ny's Off ees, May 20, .18*0.2(77 T 0 F:0 .MAN1TOBA: nring 010 Letnaidder or the season of 1.680, RE 13,11\TW anitoba Parties wiII.Ion.ve nu FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month ext party on September 7th pirtioulare apply to A ltiNe Out 1) and 0111 ohnowevre..1.0.1,1t,IMM}Kalin,,tiertAleiriMailwesanownor.men T E LATEST NOVELTY. ----T[-IE IMPR 0 VED , btime hot far siringthe patients. One (401.12boo., een jitn. 1-4 and Aug. Is'. of our bieheet rr;dical authorities on Snipe between ,Tan. 113( 11)1(1 Aug. 15th. C„n041)mp11),11 11.2131cli (3,1d Water fool, 10.nwn as mallard, Rrev that the ai- ill London it »over en good dnela between Ten. Iat and Aug. 15 lb. ()thee dleaa:, swans, nr geese between Mo.y 14t null August 15111. Ilexes be- twoeo Matadi 1,1 and, September 1st. Ne eggs or ay of the birds above prelleosien. Every room must be air. mentioned al'alt be taken, destroyed or ea from wi'llont—every pasa a from within. Brit the fewer passages there had in (1)0130 of any person at any as after ten o'clock a.t rihiht. Ala ay, air yortr roem then from the onts'aie air, if poasible. Wiedows are made to open, doors ere made to shet—a trnth which seemed extremely diffieult of n.p- are in a hoepit al the bPtier. time No Beaver, muekrat, sable, martin, otter, or fisher, shall be hunted taken or killed or had to the possession of any pernon, between May let and Nov. SALT FOR "This," snys 8 writer in the Coun- try gen.10man, 4a18 nova 11 l'IdergOing 011 1st., except in defence of preset vatiou investigation emong farmers, and its of property. Penalties for killing the above birds or animal.; out of seaaon: deer, elk, moose, or caribnu, $50, or not less Uinn $10 with co -'is for each offence; birds, $15, or not less than $5, tail') costs for ertelt hied:or egg; far bearing animals inuationed in the aot, $25 and not less than $5 with costs for each offence. HABITS 01? THE BEAVER. i am well acquainted with the habits of the Northern beaver. Several years ago I b mght several hundred acres or mining lands near the south shore of Lake ''...uperior, Ontonagon 001I11ty, Mielt, On Caap River, a small stream that crossed a part of my lands,, the beavers had bnilt aeveral dam-, and formed ex.a tensive ponds, in which they built their houses, or lodgea, rts the Indians call them. These Dodges are built in water meveral feet in depth. and the (utterance is several feet ander water, but the floor of the lodge is 'built at least two feet above high water mark. Two beneficial effect,' on some Polls and rin. der POMP Ciicumetances nrs so well AP- I ablished that Many 00 '7 F Pr its use in- dispensable. More Onto fifty yenta; ago, when New England '"ns mirth newer es a grain growino country than it is now, its uae in the following way tyro; commem among fn -mars, end was introduced in the following manner :— A venial loaded with wheat was sunk 00 the AA tulle coat, and before the cargo could be raised it was thoronaltly saturated with ocean brine. Of course it became too salt to he fit for lionring, and to save something of its original cost it W88 sold to farmers very cheap for sowing. The result waP it nave PO gond crops that many farmers practiced (making their seed wheat in brine pro vines to sowing. Bot 0110 difficulty at- tended the operation, which was Ulna.' when the wheat was taken from the brine the kernels adhered, so that even sowing was formol difficult. an objection that was en-ily remedied by rolling the wheat in plaeter or 04)1e8, until i gave a (Iry eurfuee. Wheat sonkedandsnwn 131 this way was found to he more free "rorn insects, the straw MRS firmer and 1n:oil/iota the finnan were long and: well filled nod the berry plitmaer. 811 311 was the result away back in olden tnnea, when every former wag ambitiona to raise Ina own breadetuffs. Whether floors r built solid' from the bet:tom:of a like couree a ill produce equally good the pond, e2esp6 the enteranee, effecta now practical ferreere elm easily. Alttlough the hover ie, w4rm14, ehtd, dekertobek". • --THE-- lge Plus Ultra POR oomranT, EASE ELEGANCE CANNOT be EGILULED Everlasting Vii" R :For Salo S A HVYTE LL & PICKARD'S, HIP CORSET DETTY, ATTRACTIVE & ECONOMICAL. ADM fRE D PITY ONE. General poplars in Dry (Mall, Groceries, Boots aud Shoos, Clothing, Etc., t MAIN STREET = EXETER. Me•••••••mm.RaTrin.....14• 'EC E 14 WIDER of the IF AY. e NOTHING. LIKE IT EVER SEEN. PEOPLE (CA..7'...;;NOT IlE.ALTZE Until they call and. make an examination what Real Bfir 0.ains are offered. livorything at the Lowest figure is the in - Leen -lent we offer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes, lids and Caps, Ladies' de Gents' Furnishing G-oods Clothing, Crockery Glassware, Hardware, Groceries, Wines and Liquors. • L CARLING, Main Street, Exeter., T OP one L thesa line ousin dents F 713 bate Mao (1.8 08 J. CE P.7in KILB.