The Exeter Times, 1880-8-26, Page 1$
eseestrimeatetileareamesteieneaa eleweeleseeee
Vol. •Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, August 26,1880. ..NO1
1' ROP I .IST,
itattit lf.XthELGEN
veitti ii110 itcr.,•0 on t ondon
'Tone. t omit:x.40n of srion. }Leal' 1 lie vilnq!e
re Appty to Al1t,11,V,
Angust o.71),
' ) SALE ()it TO EX(.111ANGE
LI :tor ot hor iw000rty, two licust.s ana two leas
the town of %%Aland. Apply to d
ovision ( miry Lalliff Housed,
tioTioN A.LE (JF FAIt'el. ANL)
. saot.ic.---Teme are 1,, eme..11 for ifalohy
mirDon, Olt gin ":1.01,111.:04., eat hriblIrtnly, 2, 100,40 volitbato farm ,f 11,02t,A,th
Pr.lrlat:,' Of 1.110 hat, 1,41/1;,, lirittlOr 1101110 101 it:,
S.,11:11 I 10111111W,, (imii1V11 r;0 1v Thert, too
11:N•vs111sired 1 oil in a I. Otgl oto tif Cilaik.a.
tif111 ; gprid WOrk, good dwelling 111n1;,o, g,tod,
hank barn an•1 good orel)ws I. Tlwrt• ;Lisa 1.0
01 loty HOU V;), the ton nn,1 u. largo
oi,v;tsonc:ri !ember anti a lot of t-tocii. Sol
it 1' We:lock a, M. Ali persons havii:g clairrs
•-idaiLsi the ootole 1110 requested to present Elvin
ell OW t1113OL (111 07 ht•ti)re ay., of NO,
.0 It A 021i. Nt,r, f;,1)1.' :Ex t.eutors.
T u'ladEs.
le 14107 04101 p ieumily attended to. Days of
'oder arrangii41 ot tido oilice,
, tato for tho.Pnron & Erteiraitin littvittp
11 i,13 kow rit,t0t, of iutv.resi. App!y to Jobb
:Spaelvaan, lixetur.
1roNEY LOAN .E, D IN L .a. 'LW Ite OR
seem sums o 01 rstlate sorntrity at a wo•
lora to rate of 114t0b. Apply to
11, V', T.JLIOT,
'November, 'tf -
aveL Cii.s VIM:gages on Real Estate or for
111i11oorrnmoo, for the Dominion tiavings Se:
Incootimmt hortety, of London, Ont , for any
710111) of y '3308 Mat one to tw nty. Apply ft,•
•42,11..te. teENIthit, Photographer, Eoo4er.
J. CLARK, Agent for the Us
-Ler starter MITA I E itildert Htitualrire Insurance
'Company, Residenee Farcsitintr, Oraus by
uoli promptly attended to.
• lama enreeyer, rill 1.ti at thet
Z d, yol Hato', tr,rom the firth Tnesibty in ilieh
.711m0d1. 1)7dt t.s for work left. with :dr. Juba
willreeeiveprompt tttmat
•. • W. HAdILIS
reeteeanist nn,l NatnrifLet. n09,14A 0.71,1 Tlirda
Stnifed and Pro•,.leve.1 in tk .3 most tint/roved
3d 1o. In Atttelt :the, ti largo vinery of riiitnri.•
and Pictures frame31 in tha best awl cheep,*
style Strvut. Exeter.
All ode of IV.iidow and Podding Plentx.
.1;5 "i•-•t9,1121etEVanes to
(30111 1•.ogato 14its in season.t);
wog 113370101137 0O,I0f1.17 1) ;101011(10d to.
(.9,1111,4.alit Amery Fruit und
0,11alcontal Trees. (i'1 solicited
and samara o n atwianteed. ..M.U.IOKICIL
reTAIMISITED re hees
Ageniey ts•tn,bliAed. 111 Cadoula
ea liability of all the stocktioldu:s, mut large
ileberve Atodetate vates of promieui.
JOHN 11. 1117NDM.t
IIOBT W1 11111, Nlim.agur. .A.treut at Exeter.
ees removed . .:•:Sorvie., %-ii .w v. -...
'to ?anemia 61A'''.
Block, three t.,,,;,-. 3 .,,,,,;,.
/t,:,.. .iOk':!
elooro north
of Carling s . .• • ..e, ., .,, .21
;tors. °Moo ' . siiiikato,
rno'n.ov to loan on mortgagee, notes and other
:tiocuriti.cs. Rents and ecaorints colleeted on tea-
scuable terms. Insurance effected in first-class
Comm., 109 at reasonable rates. Calce-at Dr.
Tiviadinan'e, Main S rest Exetet
Xi.jest received for investment on mortgages
at eent.
)EEDS,Ity).rdIo trdS.8. ETC., DP•a,WN
1/. .A.BBOTTL.
(Irma:MI of Royal College of
0 Mt.° over O'Neil bank, and opposite Sarnwell
.1..N •
Loan and Debenture Co'y
nave removed to their r err ofilco, Corner of
Market Lane and Dundee Street, next dour to
tho Masons Bank, and are receiving regular
monthly remittances of Plnglish capital for in-
vestment in mortgages on Itoid Estate.
STRAIGHT LOANS AT 7 and 8 Par Odat.
aceariling to tho class of security offered,
Savings Bank Branch.
Apply personally er by letter to
l3 If LLEN,
aenaore Ont,, tit
Notes From Chautaaqua-
Wo left our home 111 Kirkton on
Werineeday, 4th . inst., to *pea some
lime at thio favorite place, and as
aromieed, Rena a fow items. We came
vie, 13ufflio, thence by Lake Shore
Read to Brockton, 50 miles, and took
the Pittsburgh Road to Mayville at the
head of Lake Chautauqua, a dietetic°
of 14 miles. This is a sheet of water
twenty miles in length alt).) from one to
forty miles ride; ie 723 feet above Lake
Erie, Ana 1822, feet above tide water.
Ou all sides the seeuery and associa-
tions are enchanting. The boats wed
etearners amount to a .fieet. But it is
the marvellous oh:erecter of the meet -
Inge held on its banks in the National
Sabbath School A.esetethly grouuds that
attracts and holds stud' multitudes.
The "City of the Woode," with its
institutions and inspirations is itself a
study. It has often been said that at
no place in Aeneriett ean so lunch he
learned in the same time es et Minute -
con. General Pisit on the platform
aptly .unincl it the "University of the
Summer Solstice;" but certainly no
univtrisity iu the world entre ouch a
programme as is here gieen. The
managers have .secured for teachers
and speakers the most dietimeuiehed
scholars and erators of this and other
ao that the eunntty is eager to
hear what is said upou the Chautauqua
platform. ate very atreoephere seems
to be teedoleut aith Obristinn feeling
and scholarly thought, and the teus of
thouertecht who are attracted here, evt-
dently-eome, not for mete recreation,
bet to learn. It is also a place where
God is iemembered, and the thread of
home life maintained. Our Sabbath
school on last Sunday numbered 5,000.
In coming here, a lady who had ben
for many years a missionary in Laity,
and travelled much of the four =Ai -
1 neute, said to ate, that she heat not met,
a spot on earth so unieh like heaven
' as Claude:Iva; Hightexpectatione are
often autimpated, but Vico-Preeident
Colfex, Gen. Fisk, Geo. Ti. Stewart,
Drs. Potte,Meredita and other speakers
only expreseed the genetal feeliug when
they said on the platform, "that half
had not been toid."
The feennue Nor' -western hand i'w
present, and the origival Fisk jubilee
eingersavho have sung up teed endowed
a strong university at Nashville, have
cheered mid melted malty of the moet•
lugs by their songs, white a choir Of
some two benched has taken its part
melee such leaders as Professors Cnse.
Seward, White, Sherwin and Phillips.
I cannot here give a detailed account
of the institutions of the plane and days
of thrilling interest. The Chatitaugn ft
A.SSOIT1bly Herald, a large eight -page
paper published daily ou the grounds,
contains phonographic reports of leo.
twee given by the School of Langua.ges,
of Undo, the Teachers Retreat, Nor
mai S. S. Departmeuts, Elocntion, the
Kindergarten, the Departments of
Ancient and English Literature, the
Foreign Mission Institute, the Y.. 141. 0.
A.., the Woman's Temperance Chris-
tian Union, the Christiau Commission,
and the Chautauqua Literary Scientific
Oirele,(0. L. S. A.) of which the writer
has the good fortune of beiug a mein-
ber. Our oirole is about to publish a
large wittgazine-The Chautauqua -
which will be to an exteut a text book
for our twenty thousand members ?us-
ing the four years course of steady.
Several denornite tions and colleges are
malting Chautanqua what they call
"headquarters." I have but time to
mention the electric light by which all
the grounds and public buildings are
illuminated, the Holly system.of water
wilts, illuminated fleet, Park of Pales.
tine, Herod's Temple, ittuseum, Taber -
n rtele,n early all of which are oduoational
in their nature.
I have been impressed here with the
great, number and wait influence of the
Methodiet Chnrch in this country.
For while all denominations are well
ropresetited in these academic groves,
the roots of all the trees aro Alethodie-
tic, the friendly branches, however,
extendiug to all, And I admire the
witelein of Dr. Vincient and the Men-
itgoinent Committee in their encceseful
attetnpts to harmonize and combine at
Chentengne the deepest piety with the
highest ()attire. 1 het e give yon the
'A sound is thrilling through the trees,
And vibrant in the air ;
Ten thousand hearts turnititherwrd.
And greet us trove afar
And %re' the happy tido of song,
That blonds our 'warts in ono,
The yokes of the absent flow
in gentle undor-tone.
Then bear along 0 wings of song
Our happy greeting glee,
From centre to the golden verge -
Chautauqua to the sea.
Pair NV:MOM Indies her temple bore,
Her seven -pillared dome;
Toward all lands 8110 spreads her hands
And gets her children. home ;
Not all may gather at her shrine
Toeing of victories won,
Theeniunes aro written on her walls -
tied bless them every one 1-(Thortes.
0 happl Circle eve, wide
And wider be thy sweep,
Till perm rod bnowledgo fill the earth
As waters fill tile deep;
And he who tasted ue into life -
The Circle's central sun;
God Ideas him ! nay we all to -day,
Goa bless us every one!-Cheria.
.Puente -A. grand reunion pie-=
will bo held in Mr. Bowman's beautiful
grove, French Settletnent,on the banks
of Lake Huron ou Wednesday, Sop-
tetaber An extensive and eluded
programme of athletic, games and
sporta, for which privet are offered,
will be gone fluent. A great day's
amusement is expeeted. A cordial in-
vitatiou is exteuded to all.
The May's Landing Death List
Philadelphia, Aug. 22.-0 wen
Welsh, aged 15, died at the Episcopal
Hospital caddy this morning from in-
juries received by the collision at I'Iay's
Lauding. Thos. T. McGrath, apothem:
victim, died this morning at Penney'.
vaunt Hoapital, making twenty-five
persons who lost their lives from the
D-•••• 4
• Local Military Appointment.
The hallowing aro ":among the late
military appointments G (netted in the
Province of Ontarim-Lainbton Bat -
adieu of Iefautry (St. Clair Berderers).
No. 4 company, Werwick, to be 2ud
Lieutenaut, provieionally, Sergeant D.
M. Roes, vies McLean, resigned. No.
0 company, Watford, to be second
Lieutona.nt, Sergeant Timothy Dwight.
Sticklr, M. S., vice Lindsay, appoiuted
assistant surgeon. T wen ty• eighth
Perth Battalion of Infantry, No. 4
company, St. Mary's, to be 2ud. Lieu-
terient, prevision:Lily, Sergeant Hugh
Boulton Murphy, vice Farah. Lem-
ingteu Infaetry company, to be Cap-
tain, Lieutenaut Win. Leve, vice Clop -
titin aud Brevet-Ititijei John R. Wilkin-
son, who is hereby permitted to retire
retaining his Brevet rank.
London. &ng. 24 -An official dis-
patch, dated Candehar, Aug. 21st,says
the sortie on the 16th iust. against the
village on the east face of the city
secured its from fluffier molostion on
that side, but our 'met was heavy.
Brig. General Brooks,Colonel Newport,
Major Frenela Captain Cruittshauk
and three lieutonaute were killed, and
three officers sevetely and two slightly
wouuded, and 180 killed. General
Roberts expects to be near Canciabar
on the 20th.
London Aug. 25.-A dispatch from
Bella Abele says that largo 'lumbers of
Gll zais are flocking down froin Khelati
Ghilzei road and other directions to
join Ayoob Khatawho enuld not retrofit
if wisbed, as the Gantzeis are deter-
mined to fight to the last.
Now York,August 21.-A Washing-
ton deepoitoh gives a bit of history in
bonneelion %this the surrender of the
Sioux. Indians, which lots jut boon
antiontmed. Ile 913378 1
The Terry Ommiseion, which wits
ee et to cieuramd Sitting Bull of the
Ce median authorities eftor the former's
flight names the border, ens sent out
ay Secretery 'Shrive no very mina
piece of diplomacy. Acoordiug to the
terms of one of the boundary treaties
with Ilegland, its suit a 04.118 fte t tili
of Sitting Bull, after a formal deliand
has beeu made of the Canadian author-
ities, alai it was refused, the person
detreeuded was to be considered a Brit-
ish enbject, and in case of future inva-
sion by him the British Government
could be held iu damages,. The Treaty
may not say this in so many words,hut
'Secretary Schen and his associntes
thought they could make a clear nee
for damages upon this interpretation
of it,aud the Committee was appointed
amid innoh °hackling by Shure and
Lis friends to carry out the formal
condition required by the Treaty, but
with acteel purposes of having the
demand refused. The Canadian enthor-
Wee refused to deliver tip Sitting Bull
on the ground that he bad been perse•
euted into warfare, and fled for protec•
then where Iie was sure of it, egnally
with well behaved white men. The
refusal was based on simple jastice,and
what it a thought of the Treaty, out of
which Schurz had echemed tohwist a
shrewd coestruction. Schluz is
now away holcling out fresh promises
to ether Indians, upon whom he will
not hesitate to impose indignities at
the first chance. It is possible that
to his proximity to the Indians and to
Canada is due now the delay in waru-
big the British Govetnrnent against
their subjects tbreatend outlawry. Bot
if on his returu to safe quarters he
should take steps iu that direction, the
above will explain the inweiclness of it.
If he should not,it may be named that
since the Terry Commission wiser
counsels have prevailed. In either
event it it; etteceptible of proof that the
sole purpose of the clonimiseion was to
entrap the Canadian sathorities.
Attempted. Escape From Gaol.
On Tuesday afternoon of last week
Wm. Johnson, who had beau commit-
ted to gaol on a charge of perjury by c
Wiugham magistrate, made a desperate
ettempain oompauy with another pris-
oner, to escape from our County Gaol.
13y some mearte they had uncured
some stioks, which they drove into tbe
' mortar between the stones of the wall,
aud thus made a sort of ladder, by
means of which they both reached the
summit of. the wall. Jahuson then
jumped to the ground outside and
slightly sprained his ankle, but not so
seriously as to have prevented his es-
cape, had it not been for the vigilance
of Mr. Dickson, the gaoler, and Mr.
Henderson the turnkey. Johnson was
captured before he had gone auy con-
siderable distauce,aud the other prisou-
er had uot even a chance to jump from
the wall, Ind was quickly taken back
to his cell. It may appear at first
eight that some blame can be attached
to the gaol officers, but upon due en-
quiry we tbirk such cannot be alleged.
The oonstruction of the gaol is peculiar.
affording facilities for prisoners to es-
cape such as aro very seldom found in
priseLs, and which entirely preveuts t1.e
°fame, only two iu number, and 'hen
they relieve each other, of course only
one, from having that supervieion of
the various yards which would be de-
eirable to maiutain. Mader the cir•
cuthetemees, theiefore, we think the
officers, rather thau being censured,
should be commented fur the prompt
mauner in which they procured the
prisoners. Iu this instance, at lariat,
it appears evident with us that the fault
did not lie with the officers, but in the
way in -which the building is coestruot-
ed, and the soouer the County Council
takes steps to make it more secare and
better adapted for the purposes for
which it is iuteuded, the botter.-Star.
The lightning on Friday last, besides
firing tanks tu Bradford, Pie, and Dal.
las, cut Borne queer pranks in the lower
oil country, striking wells and tanks at
Parker City, Jefferson City, St. Peters-
burg, Eden burg, and ether 1)01)) t. The
people thought the Day of Judgaleat
had. come, some seng, others preyed,
end others became wild with fright.
leaven)." ladies fainted. The storm was
terrible, The lightning demeralized
the telegraph station at Deltas, teitrine
ant the inetruments, melting wit teemed
burning emell holes through the side
of the heililiug.
At a land meeting at KillalJa on
Mouday, 1,1301) men marched to the
ground fou' deep, in Military ordereind
inalu tallied a thou mike militate; and
unbroken throughout the dey.
undetstood that this dettionetratiou has
beeu arranged by the Lend League,
and was iutended AS a hint to the Gov-
ernment, SS 1.0 1111sOrt of a force the
movement could muster if eccasam
stepuld arise. The men were not arm- ,
ed, and made no threats. At each
of the meeting's were Government re-
porters, to take notes of the premed.*
ings. ,.At Tam, inflammatory speech
es wen* made and placards exhibited.
At an all tieTietiOE meeting held at
Denten, 10,000 persona -were present.
Bishops and priests were denounced
by the speakers. Four men raided the
police barracks at Banagher, gagged
and bound the orderly, and stole a
number of rifles.
Application has been made before
Judge Elliott to have Thos. Shoo -
bottom, of Inman, appointed a Comity
The negro, Mitchell, who murdered
Mr. McLean at Bridgetown, N. S., was
captured on Saturday and taken to
At il&frew a scaffold which had
beer, meted in front of a church fell
and killed .a four•yeaz-old boy named
Some of the jesnits, who were driven •
fro -nn France, have arrived at Ottewa,
fuel are staying at the Ottawa College.
Henry Young, living near Treuton,
had his crop cf oats taken off by tiro
originated by a spark from a G. T. 11.
Pat ienly carteed a smash up of the
P. E. C. R. R., and was arrested iti
Pictot, and now awaits his trial. Feely
was not in the employ of the Com-
pany, but was using a batidcar for hie
own convenience, and when he saw the
train coming left it on the track and
took to the woods.
Mrs. Wilson eloped with a man nam-
ed Gardener, from Thornhill, c Fri-
day night. She took all her busbaud'e
effects with her. Wilson has started
iu pnrsuit, vowing that he will shoot
Mr. Andrew Fonger. of the 8rd. con-
cesston, London township, was found
'dead in his room Friday. Mr. Fenger
was apparently in good health in the
morning, and had gone, as was sup-
posed, to a neighbors or to the village.
When found he was cold and lifeless.,
He was a prominent farmer of quite
aemise will throw a gloom over the
yeere, aud his sudden
On Thuredey afternoon, about four
o'clock, Mrs. G. L. OM, who resides on
Catharine etreet, St. Thomas, beard
the report of a revolver in her bedroom,
where twc of her 01311)10) 71 were. She
immediately rushed into the room and
found that her little three year•old.
daughter had secured a revolver which
was in the drawer of a dressing case,
and while playiug with ib had caused
the weapon to be discharged, :the bell
striking her little brother, who was
lying turleep on the eittee, in the foie -
head, near the edge of the ey• brow.
The hist peculiar pert of the itileir
was that wheu the lad was lifted up lot
his mother the ball fell from the wound,
quite flattened, it not having penetrat-
ed the houe.
The annual matches of the Ontario
Rifle Association began at the Gar isen
Common ranges on Monday. The
shooting on the whole was fair. The
Macdonald match, open to tuemberm
, 200 yaida, seven rounds, was W013 be
Serat. Armstrong,Guards, with a some
of 34, Lieut. Moore, 25th Batt., being
second, with 38. In the competition
for the Canada Company's prize, Pte.
Henderson, 25th Batt., and Corp.
Hunter, 82nd Batt , made the highest
pOseible-85. Among the victors were
Lieut. -Colonel Gilmour. of Ottawa,
Lieut. -001. Moffat, of London, au a
Lieut. -Col. Warslev, of Kingstms.
The \funeral of Miss Clara Bagnell
recently took place frote a er inother'e
house in Indian town, .N. B. ' The see y
of her sad life should beat wyaeranristigogi,t,o
practicalwrnjokers. Se
while she was but a girl, a, goutleruatz
of her acqueintatme thought he would
play , a joke on her, never imagining
for eat-10711mA that it would result ea
sortmody as it did. Ito arrayed bint•
eelf in a diabolioal rig and preeeutaa
liFinself before her. She wits tleturally
of a emek and nerve -es temperament,
and the shock thet her nerved experi•
eneed by the friebtInt apparition provo.I
too nitich for her, She fell into a, tit,
only to wahe le raving maniac. For
fire or six 37811318 her Mende menteged
to keep tweet lintue, 1.1!) til her health
began to fatleviien they very reluctant-
ly deearlea ;Iron sending* her to the' ;ray:
Inin. She &gene' there for eolue
time, until death roileved her 'of but
bullet log.