HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-19, Page 88 •
To Sa S. Officers win via with eaoh other as to rho gnaniity of
�' sidewalk they con hide, while gentlemen will
{ have to walk on the road.
Turn . T%m3 A
each parson requiring (at both sermons) the "
anslible answer friltn each Candidate "1 do." The
Bishops Sennett) was a very find 1lfis$ionary
appeal avid received a hearty response (tie),
I ate now offering' a flue selection of 1'he H01tst111 Choir, kindly lccoropauiecl by
BMtIrl Tu\ De ra.A3 131x ,s,---ThON$ who are
4 bit unate enough to ;et hnl,l of any tau Bullar '\'lies Aleeek, of Exeter, deserve goat praise,
°*+ wills had butter be o,uttietts, an counterfeit ton The Bishop's visit and the unique Berrien of
duller bills on the Ontario Beek are again in the day will not easily be forgotten. Hensall
As the 1?isets, offered are the best ivon at circulation. They are signed from Petereengregetiou hill shave especial 00Tse to re -
Toronto, parties buying have tins advantage of engin says the Review, and the ground. work member Bishop Atfo,td, who so t rncefully and
BEST,�^�'^� J� '{''�''g'*� on the bads is it. light green instead of a dark, :kindly left bellied hire a ,souvenir ill the 81101)0
BHSS' 1 * R ,ice ` 1 ' H : S I The mouth, too, on cue of the book repro- of a dime foe the purchase of a liandee.1 o
.J1i..••+AA7 •.,,.,moi hh....ff .J.. ...MMM���xx,.i.3. �.J- ..i.. -t gelltatit'ea it, badly executed, as will be readilyCommunion Seteice els an eepl'eSSiOn. of his ap-
Saving of emwie00 and personal Seleetiohl 1n Seek when tilt) ;,00ttntelfelt is O01n11arP,•l with predation Of tlieireil'pl'tS in clearing elf the
11110hasing at home, Um genuine hill, debt, awl ileo to serve tee a i'emoiuberanoa of
-r- their duty to Christ their Saviour, Nor should
eT. G R .T x (4.the kindness of our own beloved Bishop be
FIRE.- 011 :M1fouday last shortly after upon forgotten in putting at the. disposal cif Hensall
the drum of fire was sounded et No. 2 engine Cuugregetiou aolicqutlfor $52 towards liquidat-
room, and 'members of the lire oompreny
Exeter, July Iii, 1880.
Tnekerseeitlt branelh, at Sedate.; Sept. 16
and 17.
S"atlr Hliu•ou, Stephen and Lsborue, at Exe-
ter. Sap. 20 and 21.
West Riding, at Goderieh, Sep. 23 and 21.
Bay branch, at Zarioh, Oct. 4 and 5.
East ll.iditlg, at Wroxoter, Oot. 5 and 6.
East Wawanosh branch, at Btlgrave, Oct, 6.
Norris branch, at Myth, Oct. 12 and 13.
Iudnetrial, at Toronto, Sept. 6 to 184
1?r,xvincial at Hamilton, Sept. 20 to Oct. 2.
Western, London, Oet. 4 to 8.
The V'o tale Belt t"o., 3iarsha.T l , iMich.,
Will ::enii their celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belts to
the ailictetl upon Se flays trial. Speedy cures
guaranteed, Then menu what they say. Write
to thele without belay.
The only piece in town for, children's carri-
ages and velocipedes is at Chas. Eaurett's. Call
awl see them.
Auction sale of furniture every Wednesday at
J. Drew'suntil his pro8ehat stock of furniture is
digtesedaf. Undertaking carried on as usual.
Tne largest, best and cheapest assortment,
of shoulder bracess iu Beater, at Central Drug
Store, (3. Lnxz.
HTDROr.EINN, a new remedy for Consump-
tion, at Central Drug Store. 0. LUTZ.
Tun Exeter Public School was re -opened
and nearly everybody awned out and
made their -way as speedily as possible to the
place where the fire was. A straw stack in To the Mita?. of the Mrtter 'l renes.
very close proximity to the residence of Mr. Duals SSa,--On perusal of your
Delve on Waimea street was on fire and the totem. of Jniy 29th, which some one
flames were fast,reaohing the house when the kindly sent me, my atter tion is drawn
engine arrived. The water in Mr. Dolve's and to a paeeage that OOOnt'r:7 in au effusion
Mr. V'an'e wells was all thrown on the burn- from the pelt of (t. A. Dyer, published
ing straw, and the ongiae was bran taken to in that paper. Seeing that 1 am the
Ur. Ooruish's well where sufficient water to "toe nay" the writer refers to iu 0011-
completely extiugnish the fico was obtained. junction with yap jourl"a', I humbly
There being .w .water tanks in the neighbor- ask perniis."ion far a small apace in
hood, and the suction hose being too short:to that journal to resent the oontUnlely
reach the water in the wells, the water had to blur lir. Dyer has thought proper_ to
be pumpeeinto tubs or troughs before it could pees upon me, for although he ]lad to
be thrown by the eegine. No. 1 company go back to a simple scrap book note of
started with their engine for the ilre.,bit being mine which appeared :Os 11e tells the
informed that there was no danger, they took editors of your totem.) in your paper
their engine backto the engine room. It is two years ago 9 It is. 110 marvel to mo
not kuounlfor certain holy the fire 7vti causes. that I should be obscurely remembered
Some suppose it was by spontaneous combus- by my sporting friend when barrels ate
tiou, and others thiol; ft was fired by the child- mentioned. Now, sir, if the notes Mr.
ren, who were teff alone in the Louse. Dyer has been pleased to reflect upon
were to their original state -simple,
their simplicity has certainly receives
no augmentation at his hands, and al-
though I am not prepared to say at
him as Honker says of Thersites that
he (itir. Dyer) is-
s-"Witlr witty malice studious to defame -
Scorn all his good,laughter all his aim."
Yet I will endeavor as briefly as pos-
sible to rectify the errors my ootem,
has floundered into in his reference to
what 1 wrote two years ago, and then
-11Irs. J. N.'Hoopor, who has been visiting dispense with him as a critic. First,
in the United States for the last two months, let r1'e state it was not on the wharf at
returned last week.. Quebec (as lir. Dyer has it) where I
saw a number, of James Pickard'e
flour barrels, lint the incident I wrote
was as follows :-I had travelled from
the immediate neighborhood Zs•here
thee wheat was grown and around into
flour, where the wood was grown and
made into barrels, and now, when
nearly five thousand miles of land awl
water lay between me and Exeter, I
find myself seated on one of Air. Pick-
ard's lionr barrels writing out the note
I sent to the Exeter TIUEs. and I
thought it an honor to Exeter's esteem-
ed miler and merchant that his flour
should be used by the Allen Royal
Mail Steamship Company, hence I
made a note of it. Whether the in-
cident was singular enough to be re-
marked in the manner it was or not is
ing the debt of 800,
PensoNir,s.-On Saturday morning last
1Iessrs. T. B. Carling and William Pickard
lett on a pleasure trip to Chicago and the
Western States.
Miss Al1iee MoBride,of Loudou,is visiting
in town.
- Mr. B. V. Elliott and his son Reginald
have returned from their pleasure trip.
-1I•i. Walter Drew has returned after be-
ing ori on a pleasnre trip for nearly two weeks
- Messrs. W. Hawkshaw, dames Oke, and
W. H. Blake went to Cleveland on Saturday,
yesterday. and returned home on Tuesday.
=-Dir. J. H. Beerner and wife have returned
from their wedding trip. They left Exeter for
Ingersoll, where they intend to resfde,on Mon-
day last.
-Mr. E.Spicer,who went to Chicago in Stine
last, has returned to ,Exeter. He. thinks
there's no plane like home.
-Messrs. D. Johns, R. Sanders, and J. N.
Howard left Exeter on Friday evening for
the Prairie Province, through which they in-
tend realang an extensive tour.
-Mr. T. 1.1. White, editor of this journal,
Mit. C. EAcnxrT has had the front of hie left on Wednesday evening of last week on a
premises re -painted, which improves the a1)- pleasure trip to New York, Philadelphia, and
pearauue of the place considerably. the Eastern States.
limns Sarreen.-Mr. Ebby, an American ~
horse buyer, pnrehased eleven heavy horses in
the neighborhood of Exeter, and. shipped them
ou Tuesday last.
Ire-esneerrn.-The School hoose
re -painted and whitewashed.
has been
'NEW and nicely lettered signs have been
placed in the windows of the Molsons Bank
and nice awnings have been put up.
Tire Pvnr1T.-The Bev. E. J. Robinson will
exchange pulpits with Bev. T. W. Magahy,
of Lucan next Sunday, 22nd inst.
Put PRINT/Ea.-Parties wanting any de-
scription of printing done neatly and cheaply
should not fail to call at Tat Trues office.
Sale bills printed on the shortest notice.
Wu are informed. that Lovell's Advanced
Geography (148 pages) will be published on
the 18th inst. It will contain 45 colored
maps, 210 Illustrations, a number of statistical
tables, and a prouuucing Vocabulary. Price
11IIS6I0`-iAIIt MaaTINe.-The agent of the
Sabrevois Mission,Mr. J. 3. Boy,,vieited Exeter
last week and addressed a congregation in the
English Church on tho Claims of this most
important mission. We are glad to state he
collected about $22 in Exeter.
Coereascxs Ler.-The contracts for the en-
largement of the Methodist church have
been let, and the work will be commenced
immediately. The contracts wore awarded as
follows c Brickwork and plastering, Sheerer do
H amen; wood work, Bess Bros. & Taylor ;
painting, D. Spicer.
THE Ler Taw TRIBE.§. -.This is to be the
subject of a lecture to be delivered in the C.
M. Church to -night (Tltvrsday) by Bev. T. H.
Gundy. As the iteitures giveu in Drew's hall
last week by Ilev. J. N. Elliott have awakened
considerable interest in the minds of the peo-
ple on this subject, they should not fail to
hear the lecture this evening.
RUNAWAY. -On Thursday last a team of
horses belonging to D2r, Peter McPhillips was
standing at Pickard's storehouse, when they
took it into their heads to have a run, and
accordingly started off, but they were stopped
by`tbe wagon strikiug wood pile iu the sta•
tion yard before they had gone very fin. Tho
wagon, however was badly smashed.
Christ Church Exeter.
Sunday, 15th inst., will be long remembered
I), t&'(J
HAGGE1'& 000 H A.l. E.
`' ton. and SIS"`
M-•+�,{yq �,�^ 'y 0�'�- ). `r' r-�' ^•�,
1. 4, W 1-.1.' "Y E t I -..1.. 7�
liaa beets appointed agent for the sale of the fellewing articles Merle -Seamed by the;
St, Thomas unci liraknpto11 Agricultural Werke,
.Improved Royce Reaper,
endow Lark relower,
These tare all W'arrenteel, and Breve gained a wiistreptitntion . S,ltrainctioie gearnuteod or
no salee Any repairs or fiery of 03e alrole implements can 'be obtained from Mr, Verity
spark of reaped yet lingers in the
breast of 1a,Ir. Dyer for the absent
tourney lie willeeI hope, tempt ere with
better fare the next time- he writes,
otherwise 1 shall he relectautly coin-
, t ova shoe tradoi
Flaring. puretesed rho That e
pelted to do what 1 had not up til toe W. I±. Trott" Ise minnow offer tuLiltI':,blieone :`
time of swallowing Mr. Dyer's bait tthe
never thought of doing, viz.: c11alFeug- Best and. Cheatest Stocks
ing Dr. Tanner to a forty-one day's , trendy made work ever ntiere'.1 in '.:Near 1•. 1' o'
would also resl.i14 those in wan: •xi tins: -ala:, ,
Yrners truly, hone -made 1;nots.a14d shoes, sowed tad t,eg_e.l,
the. we can supply then, wan what will giro sat-
ANIEI§ XIT CHINO. ietucii,n.
Repairing dons at In rest rltos nnl satisfaction
gtlar uxtc e•t. Uall to 1 ase zor ynursesl00s. Duni'
forget the place-ltacrett'a Block.
C. EACliEi"f. ( 11. AJ3ItA IIAII.
Exeter, Fobx;)1ary 7;1, laSo.
Beg ' >r'nzt:c----Ttlis placeis becoming . .
noted for its inhtlbittluts aec'onlulieheng
,~teat feats in work. test week the
A committee of crfoketer. of North
and Booth Huron nee at Brnsee1s last
TIMES contained an accoutre of souse Scet"artlay to arrange lnelilr,irltr,ieN for ft
young men having made an filmiest en-
creAitable number of Nickina short Nortel and South Helen elfeket match.
space of time. Bot this time the work The bcxn'Ildary agreed upon was the
was done u the harvest field, tNr.
henry Stanley, of Crediton, and three
young wen, named lioore, bound and
shocked sixteen acres of grain in eight
Baron Road, excepting Sealerllr,whleli
is aft in the South. The match is to
be played about the Bret week in t.ep-
,#ember. 1f erre,ugetnents eau be made
(lours. The work was done on the for a.gronnd, it will be played et Cliu-
2nd concession of mcoinivray. Diqs ton. It is proposed to make it an au=
is indeed shocking work. meal r latch. TT"
Death of Joseph Holman of Salem Oregon, /
Centralia. The following was taketr• freer' the
A few days ago a man rode a the Oregonirrrr, and hn.ndedi to itp for in-,
horse to Centralia and dieposed of it sertion by Lewis Holman,. ole t11e• town. -
together with bridle,'saddle and rubber ship of 8,tephenf who is, 1114• ttt11.t sere
coat for the entail sum of $5, and
then left by train for Manitoba. 11 ie
thought the property was stolen, else
it would not have been sold so cheaply.
-. t.. .
Over the County.
a thing I will leave to the intelligent
reader to judge. Mr. Dyer's next mars or eiews ram minor Ex -
shaft I find yet easier shuntrd off. CHANGES.
It was not my fellow passenger (as be
by the church people cif this place and the ad- has 1t) who admired the snit of toggery
jacent village of Hensell as the day upon which I had on, and wbioh was made at Sam -
Dr. Charles R. Alford, late Bishop of Victoria, welt c$ Picket:d's, but parties whom I'
!long Kong, China, acting ,for the ,Bishop of met in Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds
Huron, visited the old mission of Exeter and and London -parties whom I would
the new station at Hensall. In the morning humbly submit are capable of judging
by 1] o'cloek Christ Chnrch was filled to over- the quality of cloth and the tailoring
flowing, many being unable to find seats or to art,who expressedetheir surprise savor-
enter the building. Prayers having been read ed with a little chagrin•✓ -for as you
by the inonmbent, the Bishop delivered an know, they are loath to admit of a
impressive addreseto the candidates for the rival oyer there -that Canada could
apostolic rite of confirmation, of whom there turn of the material. skillful taste and
were twenty-five, seven being adults. After ..'orkmanship as the toggery represent.
the confirmation, ;the Bishop delivered o fore- ed Hence out of the midst of tl e
ible and eloquent address to the people on be-
half of diocesan mission fund. Forty com-
municants, including a goodly number of the winged their way to the grtlet little t; g
dere, of the 16th concesslou of Howlch,
was struck by lightning ou Tueaday
night of last week and burned to the
Mr. E. Westlake, of the Sauble
Line, Stanley, pulled from his patch,
days ago, a turnip which meas.
having quenched his thirst at Brace. a few
bridge. As a critio Mr. Dyer has ured 26 inches around.
shown his bad taste coupled with a:The clothing store of of Messrs. T.
miseenble failure, and Lin jn8t defence, 'Jackson & Son, Clinton, was broken
scruple not to say to him as 1 have bad into on Saturday night last, and goods
accession to say to others whose pro- to the value of $300 parried off.
clivities leads them to indulge in the Mr. W. Kitt, of Clinton, now over
petty pequtncy. 92 years of age, out an acre of peas one
tion of H. C. Brewer, Esq., at the organ,- ac- Be correct, sir in your reading, day last week and spent the followiug
gaited themselves admirably. The Bishop,Know what the note implies, p
Ere you dart a slander feeding, , day senting wood.
Mrs. Alford, and G. 13. Reid, See.Treas. of f
Synod, acting as chancellor, were esteemed
0ttest0 at the parsonage.
In the atternoon, the honored visitors rumen*
ponied by the Inenmbent, his .rife and several
09,eriages fronj? xeter drove along ;the beauti-
ul nort,Jlern road to Hansen, where again
another" overflowing Congregation witnessed
the Inpltssivo eelemony of oonsecreting or
de J acing to the worship of Almighty God,
the'pr.tty little frame Church known as St.
Paul's. The rite of Conformation was also ad•
lninletero,l to 21 candidates 8 being adults,who
solemnly dedicated thetdselves, in the newly
Consecrated Mardi, to the Christian life and
service of Christ their Saviour. The Bishop
Tuesday, the 15th inet., has been
defiuitely arranged as Seoforth,s civic
Sir. Richard J. Cartwright, M. P.
rowing brother of the. deonfrtsetit gentle,man. The snuiect alt Meernemoie
spent a few years inn the ltoetl''1ty pre
vions to bis emigration, to Oregon, and(
1t will be interesting to those old set,
tiers who knew him while 11e was here;
to know that he died a true believer
Christ, and up to hist last moments
made frequent inquiries concerning
his heather and friends in Canada :-
June 25, 1880. -Wo r
uuegret to an-
r uee the death of Air. Joseph Hot
for Centre Huron, and M. C. Cameron, man, aged °65 years, who departed thio
el. P. for South Huron; have gone on hfe about 9 o'clock last evening. Ha
a trip to M. oitoba. received en injury as the Pioneer Oil
A. valuable horse belonging to Mr. Mills, last October, fro n which he
Geary,of Tnckeramith,dred suddenly in never recovered, and for tyro or three
Seaforth on Sunday. !set. Sunstroke mouths past be was tenable to leave hie
is supposed to be the cause. room, and it was apparent that he
Mr. John S. Wagner, of ZVawanosh, could survive but a short time. Mr..
had one of his best cows killed by Holman was one of the early pioueers.
' t ' lightning during the great storm on of Oregon, baying crossed the pining:
gaudy fashion, the pomp, the b title Tuesday night of last weelr. and reached the `'i'iltametto valley
and din of of Pall Melt, my thoughts ( A barn beton in to lir. John Bra- about forty years ago. He settled. at
what is now the city of Salem, shortly
after °online to this coast, and here he
until his disease. He early ene
gaged in busiuess, and by good manage-
ment had accumulated a fortune. Air
Holman was a good man, and a most
useful member of eociety. lie was an
aoiive and enterpriswg citizen, and
foremost in every work calculated to
promote the iuterests of hi fellow
Deprived, himself, in his early years,
of educational privileges, he wits yeti
ever an earnest worker in the ettnae of
educating the rising generation, meaner
many years was a member of the school
board of tins district, giving hit undi-
vided attention to the duties of that
position.. ]3y a life of probity, and by
hie pleasant bearing in his intercourse
forth from sunstroke on the 8th. The with his fellow men, ho had won the
animal was valued at $175. respect of all, and many have been the
anxious inquiries after hint slime the
At the Clevehtnd trotting meeting absence of his familiar face from our
last week the Goderioh mare Lucy won streets.
$300. There were 48 heats trotted. e,. Heiman leaves a Widow and two
The higheet amount won was $1,500, children enrviviug him, the letter being
the smallest $50. Fastest heat 2:15e, Mr, Geo. P. Holman, note of Portland,
average time elf heats 21221; eloweet and Alm J. H. Albert, et' this city. His
heat 2;81. first wife was one of the Ladies who
Mr. Dan Morgan, of Seaforth, was came to Oregon in 1889, as a mission.
the victim of an assault ou Monday of ary, who died several years ago. To
hast week, lite as8ailant was put in the lady who now survives ]tun as a
the look -up for the night, and next day widow,he was married &rime four years
was brought before Mayor Beattie and ago. Air. Holman way a native of
England, and about sixty-five years. of
candidates remained for holy communion. Li Canadian hamlet Exeter. Welt, this
the evening after prayers were read by Bev. was not much to make a note of in
T. W. Magahy, rector of 'Lucan, the Bishop Mr. Dyer's estimation. 1; thought it
delivered to a large congregation a long and worth nnticing then and I think so
most interesting discourse upon the missions still, and don't mind putting it againat
to China from the words, "We have seen his any literary gem he may fish up after
star and are come to worship him." The
Bishop drew largely upon his own personal
reminiscences of that remarkable land and
people portraing with a master hand the con-
dition and needs of people and pointing out
with a bishop's mind the remedy for the evils.
Large collections (one $15) were taken at both
services, and the choir under the skillful dirge
Andbegin to criticise. A. valuable horse belonging to Mr.
Or go in for mischief feeding,Geary, on the town line between
And hatch a e000triee. Tucker -smith and Hibbert, died iu Sea -
Such as my angling friend would
do well to remember that critics are
easy made and self made, The come
monality of them are at best but:literary
paupers, bankrupt alike rf,', native
song and sentiment, whilst the very
aristocrats in the profeeeion are but
eritios an stilts, Belting out a dispeptic
exietenoe by picking the bones thrown
aide by their onperiors, But enough
CanoaINH 1'0 Come /et Voa4r0.-Tho peaceful of this, I forebear to °rtticiee my ung•
lime friend's literary efforts ; I have
l,odestriest isthreatened with a longe yfroin merely taken the fiv he to• mptetl me
wheal for years he has been happily ;erne. Au with, he therefore cannot justly com-
:Article of wearing apparel called/ by some was extremely impressive andsolemnin bis plaid because I in mV'° wiggling Itt-
criuoline and by ethers "hoops," to hetome ad"Ire18 upon Confirmation and its duties, and tempts to free myaolf teat the fined -fine and nods amounting 10 six
fashionable among 'Wise mixt r, Ladies equally 80 at the a.lmiuistrutiou of the rite strength of his line. However, if a dollars,