HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-8-19, Page 7AUG TRH TI.BS 7 weeteettetweereetes ideents',dtdte. • teeteedetteese ewnewest:dde ses - • • Nt 1 . • Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straws 6eltay ',urea all forms of bowel corn- teleOWINt ; removt e'tt• -•neee- ps wide of beim', ji,'.1t;.feintiritlhe • e' , .1 in, a d eeturn- 'summoning tessititance, end es eooti !ergo boat, in:timed by sit temir ment d ptatuts lu Wants or adults, The moot t eaftepleatiant and pefeet remedy known. Parely vegetable and free from op,ate o or poisonous drugs, r 1,Jr.tfrate eho ,e ttte ubje, 'to get tn. iseest poat. tie mate, a. eheuta b lasting vonditioree ;neareet me, ure prop ej • t, think ov' r .grovviug.t in•whica the o e• tiled to pa) a. lutetium applied •dollar Led. 'to eet pelt e trop,'Ld t e •and the..e eett b • e,.. Tie land eti ... it cite tenekerseioea aunt Lind ... :many •fat eat r. e he hilVe ion ' • IL.a. e it te ,eee .11t- 14' ete e e8 ff F. l'A•eVN •!''arihiri'. tient nce bar) " Carl ,)1.113 the . total 1 •sialisi 14 ,tturu a, ,tt 437 low, 34 . •peen. .ejor (3i ,l'I 0 for ed tiooliffo • .1, 1 •P 4 s° he that e• tnat 1 , cool .,1 ,,sty re. t den ty• •d p, tattle k iitot inns of J. •t4,iity ; to 11. 11 itint, n”.:(1 1. b it itid if uld 11 fi • • 1 ',cid :J. Mr, A,1,..e11.. /1 anitiy ;o the ' • ' O • Ili • . LA :fifty cattle erth uf elovur 8r, ot will 4ortilire 4Lit atliti- for cora bete 'twelve loads ef Ulan tire, that ./t YYelJt- ern eceewer alis ntetertakee erow• , yet,•past i corn'by the Ilse of 81,101,, : COM Oi ;fallIft•, gat peesitely compete et. '• se. the due money elature of whose leetie, s eof estin0e. inanageneen t, euatne ;row theaVy crone dultliont. uruec to Jet. '. tons 1 have learned to e 1 as peine. INtenolao '• 4., eho ceialy tole .4470U te ere tether, is itew 'tinier ftl .' esde ye 'Ise ettatge. of t:tempting to 1)1 'OW -ale in J. Critie'4, .!:11..thing 4o1 - et the titre a , eeneei tie his posses-` eieo. Mr. Bitbytit ao4rig ett Minister of Justice during the eeb..etetee of Lion. .laittes illeDosiald. Roo, Air, Botveri , act for Lite Secret:sty tit' &ate, the dlintleter of Aglicaleeve aud etre Millie - ter et 14Ittriee etetel Fiehetas iu the eheence of these oEceals flout the pi tane Hon..ttet. Slcead has resigned his ooeition Presideut of the Dornittion iteerci of Trade, ami has oetteed to be a nue-her of the Executive (lett eel!. Mr. W. F. Mc Meister., of Terouto, has been °besets member of the Gained Board iu steed, and Aeiting Preeident, '.fde Feiday, Mr. Rufus Stephetteon, Si xteta aei field, itt el L. iten Fitt. a,y ex, ruiddlig lute et Net 1)" 1) lj1i, P, ace's. • ecl .e. Alder- • ;S, 1) • • 'Qv tre,riti : 1.. •• 10 iit qtaesibie of the lanai ;•,1'• the 'wheat crop. I tree • ,•e , • e ou ,corn, and spare 'needed for the garde., no. There ie anetle r • . to use 1, y melee e 1. tt is • tech. hue • !roe, 4teid thit 8 lie J...fri-a•e et `© • , tying at title ate h d • a ea . the 'spring Ass ett., t:, etud ie dry euougb 'to wagon over, 1 • It to be plowing, -and ellen i. • ' • ' to plow 'we can 'not haul maim out injury to the 'land and heevy A', .1:k for tite egtans. le July and Ammar tie fields rure are min:illy die, 'lei Iit cheaply and etteily. Ilevtngeleterthined the. our manure on wheat, 1 tgiven above, theatext entesti a ma- ' ,tiale • use:. .,ascii hone tape when ellen ate • tp Tee eatmei M.. e. for Kent, waii,ed on the Hou. trettson given above, that (pipit 1,e. Mr, Latigevio, and presented bitu with 'turns, leas brought haeltouse it 8..1 a top' half el the French Canadians of his a beautifully engrossed address on be- •dreeetng. I am s'atisfied that a ,neuch atoouut of inieuttre applieft et the. six/dace wilngivea paying of eheat. 4han when:plowed under, Let WS site 'if this looks reasonable, Theft etre 'two facts which to mit 'mind teoceunts for this One is that the pleeet tent ease no food until it ii diesdive& and as water, the univdesal 'violent-, washes the fertilizing enatotiel out of ?lite Pastime aittet go diem add so whin 4 prey1 tnn'the stirfr.t-e ;said &solved., it soon 'goes where it is most neeieiL Tisa tother reason is 4hat the grewitig season 'for wheat id aO i?hort du %titration, and 'it is of et oh itoportance that the wheat 'luring this short eetteen gets well root.- 'ad, and also mikes a sufficient growth 'of blade to pretect the root and cover The ground so as to prevent too much tireezing and thawing.. No one who ;Inte gierenlhe matter any attention wtli deny that matinve applied as a top- eireseing will have a much greater ef- 'constetneney. The hon. gentleman handed him it written reply. beuk about two:weelcs ago as one of a party of immigrants, was drowt el while bathiug in the river there. He WAS a native of Su:M[10ms. Inverne-•s• stare, Scotland, and was about t weety• live years of age. He bail no r. helves here, but it was ascertained Ir U 11 letter found among Ins effects th,i, he ham a brother living' in Glasgow, tic t laud. He had stated 1 hat a nrunb,-r relatives, named McKinnon, reside in diffete,it parts of °uteri°. Alba I Hall was deunely crowded on Suecley evening to here Mr. Handford's lecture, "Life's Chief Quest." A larger norti m of the congregation consisted lIf ladies. The morning lecture sea also well attended. Subjeet.—"Thinking In Marble, Working in Stone." Miss Gowans presided at the piano • Pro- fessor Redstone sang a eolo entitled, 'The PSHilt18." The congregational singing was very fine. Mr. Handford has succeeded in forming a congrega. ti -to, and will continue to lecture every Sunday. He has been engaged for a year at a large salary, and Albert Hall 'lect on tire 'Crop in the fall thsit. if plow. has been secured. led under. My judgment ie that as far A. telegram from Mrs. Robert W. 129 the immediate efiects are ooncerned, Baird, of New York city, was received 'eine lned of manure as a top -dressing by Coroner Sehulter, of Detroit, asking —for wheat—is worth two loads pled. him to sell the effect's of Alexander Ralston, who was found dead in his ad tinder. Tho come reasons which lend me to top-4rews, apply thorough bed at 87 Walnut street, July 91, and !Belong of maoure—that itequick aetion, remit to her what mieht be left after .and mailing it go as far as poesible. An defraying burial expenses. Mrs.Baird enbroket lump of manure sut ncites was a enter of Balaton. A letter was do diameter, although it may contain enough plant food to fertilize several .sguare yards, if plowed under in a lump etin not affect the °rep on more than a 'square fnot. Suppose that if ground 'to powder and spread evenl' it would le sufficient for four square yerds, we have multirlied its power to help the present crop more than a hundred fold. It is precisely this (irt tt lesser degree of cause) that WO Se0012101ished by pen .verizing nor manure. I do not wish you to take try word for this, but try the experiment for youreelf; go to your manure beep and get 0, loed ef ordinary manure end spread it on ten spare also received from Isabella Luke, of London, Ont., requesting Mr. Schutter to have James Fairbairn appointed ad- ministrator of Atex.ander Relston's es- tate, Two young men left Ottawa on a fibbing excursion on Saturday morniug at Chats. Mr Loeder,an Englishman, roeiding et the village, accoinpanied them in his best to show them the best snots for sprite, For a trne all went well tintil, by imperceptible de- grees, the boat got within the circle of eddy or whirlpool at the foot of the Falls and was ettpsized, end he occn- pants thrown into the water. The two rods of wheat land, then take the same young men managed to get on to some amonnt of manure from the sante heap, logs, and scrambled to were they could shake it up carefully into a conical swim ashore, which they managed to beep so it will heat, and wirenferm on- do, being miner the imeression that 1 tation is well under way then turn Ur. Leeder, wham they had seen grasp a secoed time, and after leaving it a a log, was following thorn: It teas not .a few days draw out and tinned on so, however, for on looking back they, 'twenty equate rods adjoining the afore. to there hOr0r, saw the unfortnta! said ten, and if yout• crop is notes good ate geetlenitte hangmet for dear lifo to or better on the latter, I will acicnow- a loose plank, and going round aud ledge ntyeelf mistaken A crop of, round the vortex of the eddy. It wee a 'wheat of thirty bueliels to the acre -1 terrible sight. They Were Hot long in put offto the snceenr. 'Dhenegiptonehe as close to the eddy as Wee ooneisten to their own safety and itt‘ie the drown ing malt a live bit the leater was to light and he 'failed to tititit it. f.1".) three•quarters of t11 bout dill Tun aroma of the tobacoo leaf is so fleecier go rating round thee dead' whirlpool, till '9,t !net, thoroughly ex• twisted, he was Wilt !'et go his hold, aud wits swallowed tett, 'the only sigu of his having been there being the hie which still tnaiutained its tamer. A. eettron for the body WAS i1n2ediately1 ootrunented, but it has not been found Abu t two weeks 8j,1100 in Brantford etery went the rounds of en eged wo- man and her (blighter haviug quarrel- led near Linden., aud that the latter had beeit dreadful wouuded, Mr. (deletions Superintendent of ludiatt af- fairs8 went, ctut, te the Stet e of the af- fray, acoompeuied by a city ph:yet:tau. They hated two women by the uame of Fix, from Itde. reser ve, living iu a rude hut. Th tee r had evidently been berme he informed that the 11 . ,vounds was net dis- .t4,ed to undego an • xs Gilksou had her re- . er's, who agreed to tuali,'vePouate Fotintn, and ten dol - !ere tt e• hie services. On Sat- tirditY the v ens narrated ended in a death ste.....e to iterkitile for belief. On Friday eyelike the unfortunate creat- ure Leas brought to the County Jail under the ootia mitt:tient of Mr. Owens as a vagtant. She lingered until Satur- day night when death came to her relief The betty presented au appearance suf. .ficieut to eicken those most accustomed to ttuffering. The head and shoulders had been literally beaked to pieces,and the wounds were filled with thousands ef crawling maggots, and these desert- ed the putrified carcase and almost tovered the floor ou which it lay. Coro - tier Webster summoned a jury, aud the facts here related were elicited. The enquiry was adjourned until Tuesday, et 2 o'clock p. m., when additional light will deubtless be thrown upon this awful recital. It seems that both WO - met, were half wild. The daughter was or forty or forty-five years of age, and the mother very aged. The camp was a suite of slit and iniorality too disgusting to dwell upon. The mother wanted the daughter to go back to the Reserve, lent this the latter re- fused to do, and hence the fatal blows. The old woman is still at large. • , 0......rararlarmarmar•aareaal. DISPLAY OF KNOWLEDGE. In a crowded city eteet an ill-natnr- ed mastiff seized a little dog by the throat aud threatened to strangle A crowd soon gathered, full of symp- athy for the little sufferer and of auger against the mastiff. Words and blows were freely tided to compel hint to let go his hold, and stones and clubs were oteught as additional arguments, But the ugly brute held on the more tenaci- ously, and the case of the pour little dog teemed hopeless. When everybody was at his wit's ends, a dandy, exquisitely dressed, happeued along, • Looking with a eort ot contempt cm the mongrel crowd, he Said, 'Leave hien to me.' The laugh was general at his exneuse. But with admirable 000lueus, draw- ing from his pocket a golden suriff-box, he held two or three pinches of snuff wider the nose of the mastiff; While the mouth was closed, the mastiff could breathe ouly through tine nostrils. In a moment the snuff did its work. . The brute began sneezing vigorously, drop ped the little dog, and, half frightened, took to uis heels. The dandy, looking around complacently on the crowd said, 'Knowledge is power," sued -went on his way. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hinds by an East In- dia missionary the formula of a simple vege- table remedy for the speedy and perruanen- cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarb, Ast thma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure fur Nervous De- bility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to bit sufferiug fellows. Actuated•by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, iu German, 1.1 rench, or Eng- lish, with full directions for preparing and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Slinain, 149 Towers Block, Rochester, N, . _ BRIARS Or CloutrTURVEITS AND TM/TAT-IONS.— The high reputation gained byllAorawe's PnC- TOnAL BALSAM for the mire of Coughs, and all eiseases of the Throat and Lungs has given rise to spuriotte imitatioos. The genu- ine Pneroam, BA1,8AM has the name of 10. C. Ilagyard blown in the bottle which is Of the large size and eel is at, '2,6 cts. We think it proper to warn the unsuspecting against SAMS bearing other names, or remedies offered as it substitute. Look carefully to this and take no other than HAWLAAD'8 I'BOTOILAL 13AL- SA11. 13ordock Blood Biters cures all die - eases of the blood, liver and hidoeys, female cum plaints, norvone and general debility and builds 11 11 cite 835 - tem wires broken down by diseaee, completely couserved in the manure° tire of "Myrtle Navy," that age has no effect in diminishing it ; even after the e'en has beau kept for years it gives out its full Hever under the combuetiou in the pipe, :mellowed iu tone by its age and making the meet extensile smoke which tobacco can be made to give. Age too herdous the structure of the plug and gives to the tobacco, when out, that almost granular appear - twee in which all connoisseurs de- light, Tho new French Medicine cures Spermaterrhma IMPOTENCE, and all nervous complaints re- sulting in Loss of MO moryt serious impediments to marriage, great depreesion, eta. 750 per box: for $2. Sold by druggists everywhere, Whole, sale--LYMAN BROS. it CO., Toronto. Bent by mail, securely sealed, on receiptof priers Address Imperial Medicine Anenees, Fkw Wilk°. Toronto NEW STAND. I would acquaint my- customers that 1 haye re- moved nay Flour & Feed Business :to W. H. TROTT'S OLD STAND, Three Doors south of the Post Office, and has opened out a choice stook of fresh FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. M. MOUS and Feed delivered free. et charge. ,I01-11sT SPRING AND EIMER 1880. BISSETT BROS. are now shelving a large and well assorted STOCK OF TINWARE, consisting of MILE CANS, PANS, PAILS, &C., &C. Also a new and well selected stock of Harvest Tools, which they are offering at Prices that defy competition. Eave Tronglring a Speciality. Ea" Highest price paid for Hides, Calf and Sheepskins, in Cash or Trade. iI'm:tined, blank . ' ' $5 to $2,' !,rirdeae7 4,1(11{fgt ftrol.;1:8 ;°E;t1?! 01.01 FLOUR and. Glair MILL, Being in good 'working order gives every aeco tn. dation possible in grsitidg mad flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered to parilee leavme their orders before env cite Leek at J.BFILL'S Bakery, or & COPS, or itt mill same clear TERMS 011.S1-1. Vir P TwIC9 EXtTEle 11'_ 0. xtEZIONTruri. JOHN BACK having purchased the stook efiMessrs.11, & B. Spicer, has removed to the titosetlately oc- oupied by thea, North o± Post Office. Alt lamb. Flour and Feed Always on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD AND GARDEN SEED% in great variety. JOHN BACK. •at HAY PUMP WORKS. GAUTON - PROPRIETOR. having added to my pumpMaentnerv, and pro cured a large quantity 0, iirst•class pump logs, 1 axe prepared tooter astarticle Supertor to anY Factor la the County, and at prices that defy competition. wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing call a tithe Hay Pump Works, t=-Shop—One-quarte mile nort of Exeter. London Bead. Rav ALWAYS ON HAND IN THEIR SEASON, the best of Seed Barley Ana oats ALSO Quicklime & Water/ime LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER & Blacksmiths' Coal AT SWENERTON'S WA.REHOUSE, Exeter Station, where toy warehouseman will always be found from 7 ant to 6 p m to wait on customers. B. SWENERTON. This great household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and wet most powerfully yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, giving tone, energy, and vigor to these great main springt of life. They are een• ildently recommended as a never failing remedy in all oases where the constitation,froin 'whatever muse, bits become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in ell ailments inei. uonsitl to females of all age; and itt a genet al Family medicine are unsureassed Y. , Its searching and heanug properties are known throe ahoy t the world, For the mire of bed lege,barl breastsold wounds Sores andTJleers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on 141P hook and CilOgt, as :Mit into Meat, it (hires sere throat, Bronchi hls,Couglis ti°11„• s P „ell u mutual. sin 4,1,12 esveV fklgbIgi o(4-3 l•ftTill"la7 8781 - and. every Id of Slide Disease, 11 1)5.1 never been own to fii . The >ills and Ointment are than- ufaelairea y at 533 OXFORD STEET. LONDON, And are $4Ohl by all Vend or8 of 'Areili eines thrOrigh- out the eiviiised world ; with directions in almost every le e gnaw), The Trade Marks of these Medicines flAT regiS. toted to Ottawa. 'Hence, any clne 11 the British Pesseesions,whe may keep the American Coon:, ethfeits for sale, will be prosecuted, me tastes shenhi look to the Lobel on the Potsjaud Boxes'If the address i nOt C.1)doril Street Lb0114031 tiltlYILIO Spurt° u GREAT CASH SALE. Having disposed of s r store, and having to vacate the same, I will dis- pose of rny whole stock at and under cost. Sale to commence Wednesday, June ttb. Pify Stook comprises the fl .est goods in the trade, an& this is a rare dpportunity to procure harpists never before offered. Call early. Goods booked will be charged regular prices. All octets/hum/recounts must be settled in June, W. n.itraner.otioi.ox. 186 litindas st„London. hINSAJii PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced businessfor trait Fail andWinterT racie We are prepared to pure)] site a12 quantit.y Pork, subject to the following regulations We will take off two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound ;f soft. Shonider etuck, twenty-five omits. If arty of the hong gut i left in, 125 cents extravi11 bo decluoted. No porK will be bought at an price warm, We want sill iings tutting slight through lweest to head, and fierug Opined Mitt() tail, G. & J. PETTY,. •