The Exeter Times, 1880-8-19, Page 66 RULES FOtt LADIES TRAVEL- LING ALONE. Be sure you know where you want to go before you get on the train. When you purchase your tioket you will have to pay for it; no use to tell the tioket agent to “cherge" it and trend the hill to your husband. And if he saye the price of the tioket is $2.00 don't tell him you eau get one just like it of the couductor or at the other stare for 52.50 ; be won't believe you and he may laugh at yon. Never travel without money. It re. euirea broad views, education, dtscernment and profound judgmetit to travel without money, No ore eau 4,3 this successfully but tramps and editors. Beware of the commercial trave/ler. Dou't give yottr ticket to a stranger mit] ask him to go out and check your truuk. He will usually be only too glad to do it, And whet in tnore be will do it, and your trunk still be so effeteriallv THE TIMES employers. If it be true that the press the emergency, Seizing a stout piece of business is so great in the large of boardt elle advanced upon the cat establishments ot Regent street an and began a vigorous assault. For) Oxford street, and other great thor- some time the cat would either dodge oughfares, that there is no Hine f r the blows or seize the board in its those who attend ou oustomers to rest, mouth, but finally he made a break let the beads of those housee bug- and ran np a tree close at hanct Mrs. ness devote a portion of their euormous Powers then took the child iota the gains to the humane purpose of saving house and sent her little girl to a life and health in their establishments neighbor for a gun, but by the time it by increasing the ember of their eat- tisane the the eat had come down dis- ployees, The matter is too serious to appeared in the ecrub." admit of being shelved. It is no mere sentimental grievanoe we are cancer:3, ed to redress. We have little sympa- thy with the proposals wade by some philanthropists for the "geed of hu- manity ;" but this is a veritable °mete A correspondent of the rattatry Gen- tleman esoommends sunflower seeds as a cure for heaves horees, and says A gentleman told me that there is net of comity and of disease malung. The, thing equal to sunflower seeds ground evil is as grave and oeviens 10 ite with two bushels of oats, and give to a oharaoter as though the phyeical iujnry horse two quarts of mixed meet wet in were intentionally inflicted on those water three limes a day, He took the patients; who apply to surgeons for te 'ime when the horse was not need at lief. If these young women are kept hard work. • In ten weeks not a sign eta:1E1111g, by shop walkers employed of the heaves could be observed,. and for the purpose, to make a show of the horse looked as sleek and bright as ()flecked that it will nerer oath business which is not reel, we say thnt if his hair had been oiled, Ho cued with yon againAtel then when the , Petle'lee it; dishoneet, end lceking tr two horses of his own of title distress. nductor yea for yeur ticket and the contmgent mit-chief dene. it itt ing complaint, end recommended it to eeaelte ,von relate that pleesitig little allegory unworthy of the, heads of hooses of others, who had experienced a like re P Ult. to CHAPN of horse distemper mid coughs, it is an exoelleut reink. about the stranger and thbaggagebueinese, affecting to conduct, their e , he will look inatedulne and muile d„wu trade and make their profits houorable.. upon yon from half closed eye and say if, eel the other hand, the botineee but bp done these that it is a beautiful romance, establiebtnente is really has heard it before. And then you 80 great and so pressing that those who pnt serve cennot obtaiii a, little reet, noth- up your jewellery or disembark et the next station. le you are going three hundred snilea don't try to get off the train every tifteen minutes under the impression ing lint the most unpardonable greed can prevent snoh 'Dere:tee in their numbers 90 would pat an end to the evil and cruelty of which we complain. that you are there. If you got there in loave Hoe obvinue rejoinder to the twelve heave you will be doing eau!. illeingoeione and pitiful excuse of the lently. ehep walkera, "'We are ro) hney to let Call the bt.akeman "conducter ;" yentig peo de rest," to the colisitl- proud since ho h,ts got his! oration of those ladies who retail) any new uniform, and it will flatter hitn. eeark of human eymnatley in their na. Pat your shawi strap, bundle and j It'88, when tney "go shoppiege'SVe two parcols in the lint tack, hangyour fear the number of feelat ling w •men is o 1181 't t"ilti it 01113' tt)) ref -011Y. The epithet "grase witiew" bee much more ancient and honorable lineage than meet welt informed poo !de enspeot. The 1i0Nt York Tirne tiny 8 it is really a corrupt'. n of et elle (tbo French Nay veuve par peep), a wi'Inw by grace or favor, and watt eseecially used eelereece to the wives of the crnsader-, who Wert) lert home while their abentelly enthnsiaetie hettee foueht agetinet the infidels in Palestine, aid often stayed away so long thee their spouses songht conso- etege to the corner of it, s) that when small. It ever there woe a proof that, drops it will fall into th,lep of the that the feminine mantel is not gentle, Or the eympathies of women keen and gentleman sitting behind you, stand your four house plants on the window active, the perpetuation , of this ariev- sill, set yoar hutch basket on the seat "A Wrong ie a proof that caunot be beta:, von, fold your siuseele on the gainsaid. To obtain a wider selection of materials for a dress or see tile top of it, carry your pocket book in one hand teed hold your silver mug in the newest Dot -terns of robe or mantle, a other, put your two valises tinder the "lady" wi 1 sanetionby her patronner, ge;t and bola yo.r hand -box and the and aggravate b:7 her 'wive demende rest of your things io your Ip.nen on the strength an enduraece of those who wait up in her, the "e. eelty you will bare all your baggage bandy, and won't he ileetered or winried about women" we are striving ti pat deem.— it when you have only twenty•nine The Lancet. • eecorels to change oars. Address .the conductor every ten rninntee. Itpleases him to have yon notioe him ; if 'von can't think of any new question to ask him, ask him the same old ones every time. Always call him, "Sty" or "Mister," Piek up all the ieformation yon can while trevelling. Open the teindow and look forward et see haw feet the engine is gning. Then you tell the given such a test ot riurative finalities as hildren abouthebig inder slice beth to those e.h 111 I I +etierH„ I3osonan's GEWEAN Svuttr. luthreo years two ct - evon picked up in your eye, and how niee and to the post ()Mete efficittle. It inatilps four.hundred th•Ineand smith bottle of tins medicine were distributed free of chary, 1 perhaps itteredible the en tuber of and warm it was and what it tasted POST OFFIOL IIINTS. Coughs, Cold, Cotemiaption, anti the :Wee- ' The term grilse widow steadily ext ende its applioation. It Int,f1,119 tu .(111,V , no this side the water, any wornan Iegallv married whose actroil, osteneible ot nominal huthand is permanently lib sent. A vile temporarily separated from bet. lire -band, however for; of, oi sympathetic with, ono atinther they may be, is also a greet; iiidow. Important to Coneneapteve,s A gentleman having be, n so fortrinste as to enre his son ofeonentoption in its wOrgt ett' go•:, aftor being given np to lie by the ii.ost cele- brated physiotens, desire; to matte known the care (winch proves t•neeessful in every (me) ro those afflicted with Astina, Bronchitis. bons ot the I !treat en1 banns, tied will send the free c.f charge to nil who desire it, if they will forward. ttieir at -tress to DANIUL ABE E 34 Liberty Bt., New York-. The Toronto daily tepot 14 iris hien making the post office anti ramiti cations a sort of epecialiey roc iv 11 has collected a number ni veluabi binte, the due obeei Vance , 1 4,1iiels would obviate a great d41 1 online- OBe..51.1,11 SYRUP." No other medicine the world was Mr' . • s SeJI daiIv to bbs (Ate' like. Dont hang your parasol on the cord that passes. dteen the initiate of the car It isn't a °loam line. It looks like ore but it isn't. Keet;A•otir eye an the peesenger who emits tier day after ilIonctay "(MAWS- day.- • Ile can't . be trusted a ear's length. not attempt to change a 520 hill for any one ir you 118,0.0111.y 439.25 theaddress side. Such °Ards toe tie - with you ; it can% be done. If you want a nap, alweees lie with m ratable. your head pre:I:eating over the end of the seat iitta the aiele. Then every body who goes up awl down the aisli, will Mash your bat, straighten out :veer frizzes, and knook off yottr•back hair. This trill keep yon front sleep- ing so soundly that you will be carried by your station. Office. Way uo sent, and what nort ol matter is sent ? They are : (1) Postel cards with mesettges o0 flop Si du all richt but no addree. o the other. Ihtt the writer in snob cases snbscribe his resideime as evil as hi, mune the mist -dye would be t, beult to him for direction. (2) Postal °Krill- on which the emu- inuniention has been Ottrrled Over to (1.-11.04-4 CRUELTY TO WOMEN. • It seems only ton likely that the sub- ject of providing seals for young wo- men serving in shove will again fall ont of pubiio notice betire the oonsid- eratien it bete reomved bears fruit. Ender these circemstanees it is neces nary to gel 4110 ;den farther and. to say that the Lyrae houses of business which have itot 4.1eGlared their determination to provide seats, tis required by the ob )n of tilItnanitv, tir intimate that It f( sheath" their p.rastice to do so— Ann that the young persona in their p ernelny are not only permitted, hilt en • a eouraged to sit in the jittery:de betweett serving eastoiners—are deft ing public (41,0n and wfhetuig a ievoite Wront: R11011 immenity. It is a tittle ehttnt ,1 for the hettele of these time to semi their (ten tribelions to the hospital ftind as obesity. What they give is an tnieleguete dole in aid of rolieving —for it IR itill)(10Kibie bo civet—elle iejnriee they daily i»fliot t We ere not intik. ing thee aseertion at renders, but -a sneaking he toe book—the came blotc ft of hospital work—and /drill 1hitt HOMO 0 (8) Lettere which have not been pretionsly etameed. if the eitvelooe shows untnietaltable sighs of having been stamped but the stamp,- dropeing off. it its patteed. (4) Lettexe addressel in initials, as fir instance, "A.. B. 0, Toronto." L'he Department has ordered, all such to be retained and senib•tok to the writer. This is*evideatly to cheek swim/ ing. Tiee hint is worth lino wilig to. those who are answering advertise - men te. (5) There is no parcel post with Brig:mid or tiny portion, of Great Britain Parti .8 desirou,e of sending way such to Mende at homewilt these - foie do welt to choose some other Me - 1110(1 of traoseniesion. Within the limits of a eettain bulk, eggs. bat toile, oaile, white notes, frith, pies, tole -acme ehoeti, teethe revolvers, (nommen tam 000110, headwork, bees, itt face any -t laUg may be bent by mail ex cert ligaidst Liquor, no• tnatter bow nt tip or to whom addressed is mean- bily 6°13ented. by druggists in this country to thoSit atlictet with uonsumption, Asthma, Croup, sever,. C.oughs, 1tolIJiw.ieia, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the Arnericat, people undeniable proof that Gatmaxs tixitt» will cure them. The result has been that drug/Isis in t() W11 MA linage i the Ca- ntatas and United States are recommending it 'neir customers. Go to your draggist an itsk wititt they ituow await it. Sample bottles, in cents. Iteguliir size, 75 cents. l'hre • dose will relieve any rms.!. ctIMMITALILTADZIOMMITOGice=2=XXIMOMVSSIMIG72%...611.1ra& .s.5,11464, (-i1iEt.L IN iv.TILLINEE1 AT MISS GAR_I_'t.ICIK'S1 The remaining stook of Sunimor Rats and I TrInitratit••, k'eather., Flowers and Ornamenti• will bo solclut erearly teaucts1 prices ill' a, a Nr (4 0 0 S • Iciouiton and Point Welds, Berlin and Fleecy. Wools,. ()thorn ins and Slippors, Back Combs anti ethe, (tenement...1110140e% eta, ete4 TlieSe CiQediS lanib be elelLrecl out, and be said cheap erttian they o u Oki get anywhere else in town J.UA.RLIUK. MAIN STEP:TT, - - EXILTER. E./UP/4P ere're leedie7'POEe vir L. Senator circulars explaining4our New System of camvassine A gents 1111100 'wonderful success. 100 srusettin. Bus To 1,000 tsaiturrissas, Our publit atious are standard.. Address, The Henry Bill Pub. Co., 41 43 ant 45 Shstualtot St, N'orwielt, Conn PUBLIC SUPPLIED re'lletsteetty A WOMANAN1) A WILD CAT.. tete - Here follows a story 'r m the San- ford (Fls ),Tourettl, the truth of wItieb that paper sweats to 1 "About two week - sines, Mitt Power's wife, while sitting en the yeeendeft of their house it mile or twe eaet of Fort Reed, en. aged in setvilig, was soddenly hong- ed to oteeervo a large wild othb slowly waling along the geese and bushes ore 1.15 tiititi of the yard toward her teethe r's (Joie! lieeitel) child, a toddling in. .141.,811,t,liltitLita.,0meittetitrAttul: tzithoso about tr, ant that was playing in the yard, Its intention was evidently to tenet has stldeA taigely voSisinfgaebillkicEls "lbw(' a"aulg_ 910 turning out Frst-class Work. isash, Maas auctt Child, and there being tie men ides Pt,iture Primes on liana, All Orders a Speciatty. round, Mrs. Powers roved °coal to Ginviereetaltelneeetsts; t --f' the most painful stud dentructive tesittattli to wititilt W111111111 are liable are dietintitiv proditood and perpetrated by the c net erection of coenpelline them ec, fond behind Grunter:4 during long tted wettee ho* e for tire pre& of their a 1(1 Atir K. A 4ailiif 14" abeepee than ever, OA:SYWOOrt FU,1741.1TURE WAREROOMS 6 rd, ontinioit ()rzailsi)filif)S1 t The Largest nn -1 140x100 feet. Highest lientith • ) t IdEDAL AND Do do GOLD MEDAL AT Pitt ;TINct Int -BEST AWARD AT IN1)1.7;-.:- 1•Te tin-) 11 OW mannf;let.,;;..• Best in the inarkev. eeee usteatea Catalogue - lee; lmiaixa. 0 • -1 .•/.1' 174 .1,t,btj,&J l, 4�t. Thorpfore,vAnil,Dnral+a,e, awl v1,1,-, 1t F 1. le .orefite44,4,1 vitt, lily zuesii,h4-4-t "41 tee .• roeies -Choy will eitIe ti I I ( 11) /14. 1.1. urn iture -------- -1 i1t1 I • 411.. • • in• , it •41 VOZ1 Tila.';;;•• 4 'X' en) le oe ••• t:e Fttotoly in the Dorniii.r!or,. 1. any Maker in die World, 1871, " rum, I', 4.':-. 41. 1 tree. ht Pianos,. null for 11-- '1 N1 I ,LE, N TABI O. i,••110,1 r t.,1 1, • e ?I I : ; ‘. ,„, „v..„ Porlithre izlg 4.1 2(4 Wurc: ,1.,F +sir • • ' • c itxiett jO teNt 7iv\rtN,.f,.-ON.•,-g•;2•774.. 171" Tztr•dp ligatt ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOT RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, or Throat, Bronchitis, influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: "It does not dry up a couy16, and leave the cause. behind, as is the case Withmost preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "1. BUTTS" on the wrapper. SO Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowya & Sons, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. '7-7771 • L -et $21).teee.....eeeiree4A.itte A Protected Solution of tho Protcrido of Iron,. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as, the simplest food.. When the blood. does notcontain: the usual quantity of Irom.th. deficieney can be supplied by the use. orthe. PER U rIAN $YRUF. It cures a " thousand', ills" simply by TONING Ur, INVIGORATING, and: Vrairznio the system. The enriched- and., vitalized blood permeates• everypart of' the - body, repairing clamtetes and waste, searching - out morbid secretie• • thing - for. disease. to -feed upoo. the $4,:cret of the. wonderfuksupooss.o:: Gi1i.:;•ron:v.0, in curing Dyspepsia,. Liver Complaint, Bolls,, Dropsy,. Chronic; D;arrhcea,, Nervous Affections, Female, complaints', And' all diseases. original ng in e had reatc,of the blood, or aetompartied by deeilfeyeeret Jow state of the: system. OAVTION.-*Be stare you, get the "PE- RU Pl...11AT alrECI.P..'" Bola bydruggiets genere ally. Pamphlets emit file 1.0; Any tultimee Rom W. 1? owi.0 & Flom Proprietor.!. (flto risen Avenue, Boston. Meese'