HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-30, Page 5 (2)iw , iyi7:9p-0
Ceti at >:is
Be'of 'Maras of t t'erk4r.
eb**d PUL!tis 7374i 'ear trraos loiXo
rimehts.htsr�t *Uowea at b tiots.t, er„lt
_,BRA100. it -
Agent* Exeter for the Ponsin100 Government,
SoltatOre. LD. 11170014i, Menem .
Collins spit it* coo
ist week with his btother Dap et
'and Mt* lehnstonof
111 spent $undsyet 0.
hnfrttOnflin,ofDotrOit is li
o k
Ion!, re
eg the w
ne. 141,1V,Iteith left t
ritisb OolinnUtai. and time isa
lelotly with him.
g Orton will he open.tI rids
tullonxitn.40., mo'o
44, bolcki Wore I the *Tale
• ganite.between )440's •
OWAn Xiar3a ,4.4
A* ee4 or .9. misdirected iti,tqk
'oae iot the oPpotang P104 -ere,
inighi, have .v
'Scrioait tire iiccurred Tuesda'y
4‘,-)f• Dltwen tweZve and. or.e te,c4w
otomo 0, the neighbor,. were arOiscd
rptirctien flaw' the fire a4when
th.eY arrived,on the event) It was fouza
thak' tbe hooey owned bY •Ur. Jam
Obariltoll was on tire. The cause is aup*
Pa0d tap Ineensilary origin. At -
,ter littenuona etforts .the part ot the
neighbor" the the wait put opt.
mr,ght have cave-
• * striOus conflagration occurrci
the Grip ThurediY. 'without lap -
Parent refeson, the cooking rang- blew
to Pieces, "tatting tire to thetthoz
The tire caarm wail, sounded' and the
brigade Wee VOIOn On the Spot. when the
tianlea Were prompUr Put out. Fortun,
ottoi no _person vote iniured. but the
varge Is a complete wreck.
ugjhwor Mise Meble 011tUlan h as
her sister hirg. guests during the week the
. end Mr* ire*. 'Mark ofluto..-1411es Mors Brown
has fully reoovered from the effect* of
* teem Michael end Will her recent shock which she received
meefilwrin stiont Sun. during an elOetritellit0eMsk few clays
del with J. Atvry„.-Quito ritirdber *Pi -Mr& arta NW Campbell of *To.
from Crediton poised through our ronto'ar* visitor* et the home of Dr.
gfondayorint to, this picnic ip Don't fo t the,
sew.- e. tort watt .et strawberry eitivel In Nelson Vidal.
Harpley spent, Sunday at his home. Ws oreher4 on Friday* Inly 1st, ',..fi:
near b.re.-Mt- andMrs. Batz of New proven* bee been provided. The
.1famborgare visitidg sit Mesers-.-4Scob t. Nero Beam Omni will not be in
Wm. Rate& iitteodsnoo ea W$$buterilt be
-e.,. - ____, -g _4„ inhiltittrtedjay the th QUierl
. 4
te of St. ie 4
geGILIAIVIIAT out, to both
. robe to be *
Thearit..-The remains - of the late commort 000,0-sation ow going
Mrs. fleii1uto�.Wb0 died In Ohl so* *-isin- -glinny...„. oora. loon
• • There was no preachlo
the Evangelical church undey,
ortiut to the Children'. D. isttbe
con. --1410 Eillsobeith Banule was
in London iset-week seri 0 ex.
amlnation in i V
mourn her &Woe si oar- 0. -Rev. T. . at simror, of
ind,Joispb Herrington nducted, tne swree on
rs,lifris. 40bir ilreeta of 8undsy. Bus ellionuree. were very In.
end littei Ihittliolr. It on of terestIn as well as instructive. -Mise
was 4 greet shock to the Nelile ILorphy left lot week fax Salt
sIctiOeVing. -Of - " and Xis Ads 41104 of
new of her
itai 1040 tO
rso.hed.-TheJOarl A. Tele left * few days so on 1
100404 on Wedneeder of hat, week* eztndsd trip to TOrOntOe
at the residence of his iunt,.Mt. 3414- andriliveed, then -by 8.8.
corn of Parkhill. was asp London, Eng., log u
• lids
vrh ed fax
melon* vi Wider even.
•hag the Band gave thew first open sir
- concert end neetlisee to sty It wee
bi eppeociat04.-,0001%. Sif. flow.
or Mace echeol was at Benoit
lest weeigvomit. lag over. the egattiltr,
itionsio.4111W7red fisoibold left Irridity
for Tavistock to visit apt tla home of
* her uncle and sunt Mr. ttua Jim - Ern
r* thel Utter behtft4Oite' UL-The
Fresbyterian congregation will
hold their annual lawn ',social on 4*.
;„-litotadralawn on "Theocisy evening
,I1Ordon, who •Inaerbeess
on the litis con., as teekcher,-Ilas
Yitennderetand. he Intend'
lb .4-
.Thitint*... de* via.
..‘ _ Ited the ham o r. Ws. *004
-40hellet, As. Stenier,and
ended* iiniig life of their eon, 814'
at the age of glyeers.T_ was
, * victim to that fatal y con.
- --euteptiOns biltaltiriug b he
bort up witb much patience. Among
his amotieterthe Was
11 p..M. to: t t
'wedding revels played IsylAlles Alder*
Smith, sister: of the grOorro., ,Gtrerned
in * 'beautiful creation, of cream. Mime
veiling* and oorryinglan exquIdtsbou.
et ot., pink and *bit* dalates the
brld�looked the picture of
t e omiclusion of the meows
whlch -was IterfaiMetl-tvir
14, Of litavna„ the
paired to the dining room .
f tbe mot deliciouratOct ap
ucbs.wereceerved.., after
luspectlon of the gift* we
Space will not allow us to eitumeratsc
them* soOlce to et1 they _were • useful
numerous( 44 aindesioalbat
ithe bride, WO *Teak
ing wt. lre male
Jim Sari t visit *nd* see return. lit
and while on the tisin w lir Dot -4.-10 -110i7 1Y.reenel
1141)04114 not MAI,* 1 he fledge outwitted, on -Maus.
"meat until he arriVed In Parkhill Reed, will MOTe thereon eheral. •
hen he was in * serious condition. T.u.",..Tho wet of. death hi*
wee at once conveyed to the borne ra bons or 0, cherished
his aunt, when it was found that he *Hi '
OODZRICktrigt bOrne ?dr. , and
'gra. Jan** Henley was, OA% scene 'ot
I gent NIPPY' Ia'at4sriniC Tue.d.Y night.
it being the celebration. 0 ttheir sOldert:
wedding day. Ttiey were married- in
"Auden. Qnt, Jun* ROW, 10,0* and
etitted to cleat tarn* lathe
toWsWP ,o rp!!)onle. Atter * residence
et- ir-ee'rt !here, they rnOted to 31-6
Kalov .:where, they tired -tor.
18. „-yeare. later they ...pent rears
hi coltiorhe end* ties veils In Gotierteh.
STAVIA-Another at the 'Old' settlers
at thts townlibitt-1404. eat'S.way on -1914.
'artier, wo
the rsen at Itobt. Oat.;
ton,» Si.. at tha *1*fot year,. Os*
revved had been in4;h1. a. UMW 110,14tti
U ntil Itttle, aver wow% biktiore
death. Ile- was stricken veith parairsie.
from which he never recovered. Ire was.
born nest. Itingeton.and came west
of ,weve suffering Ikons, * severe attack et or vas whose sp. other in thetook
- person:
eruston* both lunge being •.bstab-1, .
aftectott- ThritythhIs that ,:yealcat :tta ever*" flight on Setorrla set.;
skill ()Goa clo.vo 4000 t- to 'nor not
*yet,' Be is Aittrvi, his sorroar.
striaerSparente4hree brother*, Tho..
and Ames at 1200144, ltilwatd Perk*
hill stal one sister* *ire Pierist home.
The funeral took piece Friday, JuneId;
Sitb, to r Carmel ,cens
Onstiv. fiqtro.
Mr. Dewey of Munroe' visited his
brOtbery Wsa., for *few day* during
the•week..-Mr. Shallot visit.
.dat AsaphGrsel1e for * fswdas.-
Benry Uueston, of
Ex. -
ter bemoan -Wed the
stri. Newton Baer
daughtsr Vied*, ware *WW1 bere
during the weeks -Picnics steno* the
order of the day, in fact two or three
are held every day..-Severid autos
areseen in Otir burheveey
Wand inmrs.licandll:
we Installed
The "New idea filturtutre Adds a C�ti3defab1d parentage to the %aka
value ot4,04, l;_t_mi.se. it pays the builder to instal thli beit-ot all tOrt,
*sliasiiid gwe3lbe owner 4bsolute satiefgetion. The "Neer Ow"
a rtioney-saver bedause its editstructionis 4- guaranteeof fuel ec000nty
and durability. This furnabe. IS repair aW trouble,prool.
of ILO exclusive features it is EASIltv` operated end /31.4
dust and dirt. Yet; the--t-New Idea -costs no 010ce 01=10s
furnaces. Write for a copy of our FREE book, "New Idea
It Orel thtproofs of ottr claims.• -
N -
For Siile by Autopre
u * -
*Wove the beet of health for the
roar* but during el bet Mness sh
never,hered. tO Marlatir ar. 0003
but rather webs resigned to thewill Of
her Maker. Among her neighbors she
wes-beloved and respected*nd in the
home her 'place will be herd to 11U.
She it 'survived by her eorrowing hut.
baud uta al* children, the youngest
being but five years old, -
who will In-
dsed feel their ion meet kescdt. The
tonere took_ plecie-'14ondel, the
oalne being laid to teat inthe 1Kirktell
osetery. followed by: large con-
:of *growing friends. Ilevt
Bacey condocted the sailer, she be.
*devout mer0,e0.t:IdeL-Altiarch.
The floret tributes Were very ant
and isigsborate.,*0 mildews o
*deem In width docessea
*ay the grief.strielreo ii
solation agot
nAby rear* .4141ro. Wilk* 06 00n, 4,
Hibbert. He retired to this village
about 1.0 years ago. where he ha 'Mee
r.atdad- He teavel bland to tnolirn- ids
loss a- Widow, throe40ms and ,Seten,
tbit4hter1. 'r,por talons - aver-Ilenry' or
Washington.' D. George- ot Mich -
'ell*. and Rola. lot Hibbert... The &ugh.
ter. are -tri. S. °ter. ot Ie Boy. N.
V.; - Ws. Lodge ot Cleveland; airs.
Moore °I Spokane; gra. AL Drake ot
Matta; Mrs. Ilothatxt ot London
3erfery and Mis. WVeY of
Evetyne ds scnnethW
to' t •MEd, *tunintlin -
strength for tho t,
-round of duties.
hero Is within "bettin
than, an Ale -or Porter, *lie
purity ,and merit of -whi'cli
has • been, attested by
ebetniite, physicians *4-
experts at tho great **bib.
hits -*Otte
t of II now Ots
cupying • otoe:000W
rrsnCe Caxriere 1. visiting
r.angs*tit ovring: to her
rnother mooting: 4.1,131,, SO lioddent.
:wing bid justriltiVert '444- Uri
i4tatae -40143 when an auto
Itightened the-'horises. -She. tot44
t ihintitrati.th"t4ituntottitiolde,,**110
th.the :result, that she . suatabsew
enstrto .and &Ct*OU thebes4 be.
sebelng ribidE4% .- Her inani:
friend. will 1,elr.nott that
shs 1. Ong • • - g can be
shower fell** Mon.
day Whlah briglatenlid things up eome.
_Welter Statton le moving the
Rannis Hill* which: bepurthesed, to
%Wide of
J. E. Hoffman of
On lir. .Son
GanersI Aseenibly
ItXreter %Obeli toern
kWondsyto,plsy,. our teem
he ecorebeint44. •
". w.0 filled 'by July',
*Whnhat been On
visit1.4 to her alsterin.law,
Wet, Inviretomed to Bt.
Mr. end • and two
hildren of Denvor, ,OOL,s100 mt. and
London *re
In )0,
When tenlyoste side of a grate bar in
continually next to the fire all the Wear is
• colicentrated on thatione. side. 'The life �f
the grate bar is thus naturally just �ne
third as long as when,, the wear is dis-
tributed 071141rieei, side
That explains vrby'Sunslutie glues have three lives. Each
id the four grate bars has threesides. Each time theitittes
..are 'crocked' down" (no' shaking with-81;014ft) the side
next tothelirit.cati be changed. Thus the life of the grates
is greatly.prolonged. 3 '
1Whert desired, :the h
butt d0,5 teeth ots the. grates
will setae hold of clinkers,
grind them up, and drop the
particles into, the aslt-pan.
Buy the - Sunshine—the
• durable, convenient, economy,
:kgfurnace,. guaranteed .by
argest furnace makers „n
err. WatIll--4. patty'weddingtook
place at the residerte* ot Kirk*?
On $9nal &V WI Mani when hoe -
daughter. Mies lfabel littmetta. was uns
Ited in mardsge to 40_2, wetter *ea-
ten ot vancomer, 73, u. The ceremony,
era* performed tor Rata Vicolotus,
pastor et the Ketlitelist church.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
wow OK iar*O10. Sid
100.O40 Vida 1110111Y dee407tb• Semi nriapa sae
MiAralcianits VI* .ikeeiai _141.1416 a tan 4014
.tothsgoodyen esp-powikir dbole Mom
mars CotarthOure, iirs4byli. al; cutler
tatnao 'Z*tCttT7p1J3d u
LhWI Caturaill4thi"*""kintmr-
ItEllitter MI(nOliTS
Between all eations in I5...*O te
Detroit and gort Moon, Web.. Niag-
ara Falls and thinato. • MT
GOOD GOING JUVOX "40 AND .111141(1. •
asTunti 1.220T )13..T 4th 1.,(Tio.
iittkn • efiligl(Wr
Grand Trunk Boole •
allinnUA of paseengee steanie4 koffl
Unfit& for SOO, VOBT AltTIWIt and
DULUTH, every gouday Wednesday .*
Saturday at 340 p.m. Only the Wad.-
ltes4aY and Saturday' steamers: go ,r to
=LIMO. t -
Battings from Gollingwood 1.30 P.m.
,aad. OWEN SOUND:13AS p.m. Wednewri
dare antf ‘Siturdays for SOO' and Geo*
rgian Bay ports. - "
lAtormation front Itialwar Ticket..
'Meal& or tram tha 041antaill at Sekr.
Iola or Cialltostweal.
-41•Oariatekitts, 10formetiost- -
from 3.3. =MHZ Depot Agent*
1 D. tocipOilattDe
•ft. I 4;
A.Pio Jr. 41,4art5rit0., .
STATI'VA„ .4,1;47i
Grace Church tadles' lad are prepar
tog tor their annual festival to be bold
In Hibbert ltown Ireil on Tileed.7, 3017
5tit4-Niri- and Virs. 'W. Drake are en*
py.inca well eem,4,..V4114r.
American cousine?-no. nutt,o'n le lie
(twit better that he Is ablo,tei-gio-fer-a
short drive.,-*Serviees In the bush were
well attended last Sunday when Bev. S.
tOndera On* an old Pastor. pres.ched.
To, 'Alt Women t
Saith hillanstructionsA
nt *144 PoeitirelY out0 Lmucorri
Ilicerstloug DisPiaestnantagFeUi.
ins et the Moab; Fateful orinegulge
'Perinilao Maine irat Ovarian Tumox
OWth*WI itliksheli Nerv
OW& Back Boweli,
.13laddtr troubles - where oituseil
weakn.N;ThiCtiller to teir HL -T
can contwie tree0qt at too
tiow._Tot only *bout la- Mt* It.
My book. tri WOrnineit Own
Mviesr, also sent freeon
••••4 SAINT:WORT. Write to-day4;drewrXrcrlif,t
- 4rti.ttrE 5$ fax
tioAtirinattori WAN heti in St. Patrick's
church on Thursdar Islet hy loord4
ship Bishop WftUsinL Wheat eithteeit
ecamdates were continnede.ar1. lonn
notiaina ot 'mauler, 4614, ..snit Mrs.
Atringer arrived -hare, theiday leitt t�
1004 a couple smoriiture, gr. end gra.
Gertield Needham, visited on the Town*
Un e test weelroo4Ir., /ohm Spool
seeker/Mop/0 end sister seen
.SIrlidei on the townline.-3Iti Uinta
Atkinson falba .Seiend o tilddulpit, is
OreParinir to raist-s-ws. tatta.-Bitjatt,
CArtoi has his barn 1101:11 coMpletisd.
flott thelie-berns when tiritsbed-writ
Up-to.date buildingeo-Or. Vrin•Dlekens
has erected a new bridge. .
• .4
a9racutcas-ott sworn,/ toot.ot
tort* Street Ittithodisit 'Church* at the
close at the flintier 000°1, De Letrane
ZIIIiyard. Who hae been orillaidat for
three .yeate. was preiented with a vela.,
able set ot book,. and an address4 r
Aelnyard 1. leaving okra-J*4 with hl
rather iter, stllibtent, tor Pores*.
°gal:it:404, 4* belonging to 'Counts'
.tionitahle .tiankin of this vines*
day atteeked *ma- bit * child one4ear*
Old and Dr. Lot* *ors the toot:, ts.
ottious ott. Th o of the dog Is
re be sent to the' previncial analyst* •
GODEBICIfr•An tuunerged,rnin. Dan*
,an a(cthall. was toUnd 'atter iterardalitc
tit 41*Z,o Nre40./der, drowned , -in, the
harbor. It Is autieeeed he tett In 4%10,,
Iti# night. Ile 'WO 4 deck labiiiir**
* IZIT014**Vba lion* of 104 and' lira.'
avid dilution was the scene et *-stary--
*0/ **Odin% ott As:* t1st.
4inik daughter. litei 'UAW Votri.-an
4reiv Weattberetalt Or OrlUi.a were
10. ..and Ntra. Weather***
took) tht train or. 'Toronto Laud
pointe. Atter a *Ott trliP.,-,tW1,
*kW Pp their resident* lit Orlille;
the groom has ...euttfisieds hen*, -
r-I1Otr-A roue* -weeks 14e
the bright :little isOvl ot 37. ' B.;
*Ws slicring with •Ak neighbor's
n the Cheek: by tittc
was wearing, or
Ahidog 4* r.ot jcnoWt
Organ Lula Plan°
- and Tutor*
G. iBI)141311, Ite otelikagot
has dee1444 to remain in
n ita -....04.44 4. • .
ill4***Wir Mot no
Following are
- 28c each
$ • • I,
V* s a so •
Ow ..-.•from*10. to $26
vr Action awl naminers.
Plano..from ilt0 to *SO.
'BeVsruW1iut. Polishing' (lisming
ke new) donut lowest, figures.
tee on Pips 'Orgs,n Toning
&Bpslringfurflhibed on .retorelti
torY or 00 1)414
•hit at -
Oedenee* '
to#OLE*,' ultra*, wst
b tbit