Exeter Advocate, 1910-06-30, Page 4 (2)1 boom o xi we it74tor ' or./ t tteitp,and bea.t A w With:44f food trs. w1tut; Vit44€P., Tt InOve liktt14113011 to,p&td to ctlliItty ttAo food • a Alan 'fat* th ttkp, Pgrior PO wafer t" dU.1cs Te ;ettaollet thlit'inay be, the coottine -o Ai* One indAttte &pnes o „tt: b,r. 040Caltlie Water res4ho had I 4411110r00, '1,01 9,04114,1*,„.,, ' it 0: trolportence, Ir0V4- 44,1,0tit money, Th, -"•41,1,341,t ettort0mt nt4n4Itid, to to obtitti olltyciellq of toed to .,e2,ttploll Its 444' ei4*0,.1ibitt1e o sto tort renutrod t71 eirotitro the' '4411P -Supply olratbo. I a this, pountry.it 1. Otto fr tte t,tto .1r4ei ar.4, he4lleo ot ttio "hoe Watt which ,It can Atto Anventetit little 11,0alii, 004 :Or 04.4 JO Ito ‘414.11ty. *hie be vex* trOir of thO Mom 1-0-e The fernter leiter right at Ms 0, Alt thet to. ,neceltitery Ist : 0kit' .toe !Or Prigic its Al* ra 111: rstiP* Sralvd be 140 iat tfigt Is taqUired 0fr :PON' '6.441* In Ibi. .country::,thek to 'heat: the aupplv. There Oh about *Ka iuT to fte(- '''construcUor Iad.tecthe, ),;ets ;!! /Wes It 4o htiniolif'ariil to his , theint) prottdo n pure wate ,..,, las Well as 'wit toot. \ ,werti roaN' ch' 4,0__, I40),tilt rieasint !by si_._ , of II to •x10, Ifierly In O. tlei Mount nee, of t Iitesent *kit' *0 ritekt 14 *OP,.ecuring it, Use OM sight rune In hnitstox ‘01,I0rIllit It leak on,l_k_ 0 runs In the tittit $0*-0-innIttitto the seetWeAt„,thie end ot the, tOurth In their tivitori , but from tbOjime. A L.!' iocerf,, Cot01/44154tiy 4, ce-g444 of seea7. 400 ed by' weed yeeteL Sun • o1s oNe404* lowhSS tII 0t sow' thlotte owed WW1 by seeds anil by le tooto. !TOO/ 4004 fitttre wittetilncs 1,41(4 time 0444. tabor* a *Wove nett*, teL t71 thooe daYit of 4.410,1' o-rarcIti, but • tfrOtt w),00.4 bo Itirerth .whikr;--TA Isetitiintate kould be Made . with. the ;more Itnoztollo eids. Iffokke 4.4d. writt. ea* *ow t%tellit': this *cation. l'Ittef axon -enter the lits 40,Inot another illte. that tverr weed Put Is tont 0,4141-011 t;Wilfk ha chjitar. .5 sot-14ot for time, Lasiesistotil '74 -wilt tke * rilittosttr course. %Iiiko htvor §tritr011 has bee. i *not tu Int titt 'INKautrvirwXr. twn4 ,p1 o ot; Strutrotti viettod tote tor", re, *ohm the wesiro . ll,nder„the auspicoot or sake* ftod othOil ws tokht on S.udy bust okrol wsis **woos tn, tvry vorttruh00 A large e0w,4 was in til.e every Istvan: seePUid to e:joy themselves thoroughlr, The "lls.,0 ul oroierarn of oportet to* *take end wait weli conteoted eittOntir the scholars and or which, pHs* were owarded to otiettt or $1,2, *leo article* itiVeir.** VI** "%WOW* PrOv0.li $40e1 Spot for a ptento and the place 10 *Porto drsw e isocer erowll Y04 by r44tr. The allover woo ihe venal 0 vellent spread for which, the ladies of ,thls sitction,_ are #111041,4*- '-i4i4,004-7! thoOk heeebeil The second stItthit Of the IVOin't ot XterIshort beld hf: the Town fletti Juno ITth.*others • *wee/00itteeve Itawdort; 00lltictItoro ilittliWtIfy,' „Levet and walper. T4e rotnuteet.ot 'Atte 'n*t.- Ione 3r4 were load- and ap"., othrod. thekkIktilowInt changes were latoweika-Xtle‘ •-•;:loroiNts Grace toesike4 as owner tot .Ioot No. 4. SOuth Stde.'‘t lattheT Street. 010ho Snell ase - eased as 0,00 of 14100. 40kAnd 50* Otter OT Worth anC,,,,Itudrow-,Afreeto. No -other' 'business •,gog Wore the 404urt th Oourt 441. .1.4*41 On :notion o 14geoft and r 101k.7 Senior* Vierit. The youtteil met atter, the atiiurnottritt o thtv-cluts'plit Revision., " • The,• pthoatert Aot itst tttiolar xeet- zj sad * sttectelliwting held on the th were road and allllroyed.., A The telitovint eleeettete were read and 'ALPTIrOvett ot Zecobl. hellhole fire *411* ; Isa. 1.40mi* labor ke- paLring fire engtn' and iuppliee, 2.95; • Conner ne COO', its and tabor 034.30t Tbos. Itoulden. weeks street watering t46400; 3. Deer' Meterial, for power b0,121100,14.0,‘ John Be% labor tiring fence,- 0.725; Waimea UouOttn• cedar':.00E* and teinnibg 245 WinItetd, Cedar poet*. too IttorAezir, Slie.;,.Wih. I/Wilson, la bor• on 1.15.*1 io.htounting In *It to , • $90.01, riliairee4 do' motion or UaIk"Ifl r, Long. -"- r Leittt and 3.Valper--That gmv r•etung., tot the- season In done tri Ala* wory ad - that the Tteeve, Councillor Walpe,r ,and the Rod Oommieeloner- be commIttee with pciercx.-Certled. An aniendmetiti-rer‘Leyett* no 'Second • ro-That the Ottet made by• -Atr. • ktobter forir reed *ravel - for, `3;90. god • acretred 'grave* or made walk grave l tor 41,49 -per -cord. 0) ipLeccptril- '• -rcr tralltwill and Ltvett-That the veer rithialerfer put 4vrti iurtacc abut Main Street in tront ,orttg) Tovire °-" Hall and aiai) In...Mut Or the 'Preilbyter-, Ian church propertyr Adjournment by Leeett. 70. 'Senior., eteilc., ettie *Abut(' - and lento tscg Itero R. 11u.b the toOrcino ticipatIW1*. le* thne at a tis annual straWherrir fs KImvlile telt hao now *04'1 Attnent be eo wjtLC,ptlaflatot Bethany rl Iteetor. pte* I 'hike *1"Tht' Anzentent may not be petrnanez.t, but It Is ,to be tried for o hie; John* re401,00Mre..,00411*01.1te Or .040407 Is we Aro 44.9rrr tO *tate* Ill or ,aorndict areStblur ,cotkilitte)* 1:1°4thitte lento tolroorrow, IttlY splendid Igotr th; r°1"*°148tiltas*:; M• rya preheetra and tote of good *Ow ii,l,rtivii,r-The beet ring held their Ow wind up meeting' liaturtlay .,leveniturt ev- erythln helkng iatiefortiairt, rain, on $001144r, w*.* very ac.c.014, 40.14. 144 the dOstr-tpr-a few wiil do Muck *00 to ti* he* croj An (math*, tin* In the vUlage $s dor 'night •Weo cauasd by the TW1L 0. horO. owned i$ ren About NO s mile nortb. turn- ed *round end wlth etyitrat ot rnagsd ttraroi it was ilnally ltopp�d at the *tom- but not bettItit,ths barnasa ' were badir torn to ,i40041, and MJ 7ohn ,Oehnitnicom. et lichaletrtooNi,v i. WW1 friends at tr is St Marys and Nis It Were i q)itl 45t WW waossfto hart ¥ia 114 Plat -A 9:11.$041,- 3unit t • Ian X;Illott' tlaVio 1.41,4; Soltion nicks 'Nit to vIsitIeg Id.renteA get ::d Ma, 1ttL, 1ka1Iey W. Oiitt.` )..t. Parkhill Made * t1y1n *lett at thodiet poetize**, tiartette at the, Viandeltore7teetteet.,,40, oreninitt.r_.-Mise tionlets 00* partIn the Itrin* ntertainment onifirridity ovaning., 114X1104Is Wel*aitalz,,troxn TAP.. Itobert ado% fe vsZti'g. hert <tetVehter, Mr*. T. Wil.Zs -Tme.gramillthle, walk, five 1`40t wide, Is lald frovultri tiottire to AA . )tthod1st 1;01404and add* umeh to, a/fri,W41.1r* and COnventente ot th* *ill 'ago* milettilttet ars to mon** ot gauw..o 14001)*It Walt, p3yd on the 'Ttecxietloo Grouzilly, on day evenb.g ot hoot 'Week, fietw(m" and 41entr*U4 4fkatria,t rsUt- vietory for ,the ',tome. team. 'The *toed 12 to 10, and was se most. xcltlug game from', Ater( to finish. The annual- qtrawborry Feetivel.1. to held in Ilipekortlf Park, Ointralia, ers, luly *et And tt• promise* tp be the beat t bet& : *Ariett bill ef '.1* betng sterenired for, ' Tbe who axe ZathomL for theAr ,fot,atravribarrito and mem nea,.*re nerolo:UT working up their riretatetA;ort ,earel, An 'expel *doper Is prOntsodo„ The evening. r 'the auapkes of the( :•**Xteptio HtCle* 10,140tt 0. Toro hool ootoa, to, vtolirdst, ind organ- Ioithurch, occaslon *n4. ; SuDerAtiut O. to 10 p. *Nubs): ,,bed, it tbstr own **if *Otani; 03izt:: "itiovottnargba* 0.2010.0", 7,044,0tetc.tt 444444d,PeCettottfltnitYtu,-1,2110.41 ttomtotte.heri ateter ois andoc__ "'"4! Oowana 4*.. • DPW** F. Wsiborn y'qt.„, W floach, S. Dunean. rid '420"..11.11, , count Pleetemt-S,11*.tition 1, 13. Ilan or* 1, C. cule 1, s. Vraghorn, 1, *Mote, 3, D. Ironton. 1, N. ckttl.r la Gett. Facey. -11. ,. rayable at **opt. to thir Vulcoa)304 at Out, ereleeptiahle itt4,44o to the 4 Tittti root excAttot met *lad at **NM •coittwand may be o Vitun wag titricken iown,with atteck of appendleItie o huretlity and ,IA now under the dir., torso. cam. We will take exe florae,. Man- Mibberie.: -Preir ' Waite *rut_ Wool Wm, to w wit will allow Mr. Wflson Andeonreturned ;rcinv the :est 04 Xpnd*y even1ngli was ' oot lt, tailifi ti: , Wallin*, the fatted calt on his return but so pleased. *ere 'tbe neighbor* . that they Oould- not let the *went, pawl Vritheet.tetehiratthi it, 'eheet, went at 'Illa±trome, the arne evytdiig and• ,... - ...034 -time. Some not belng sat with . Vier •usual ettito donned multary Utley and eoldiet‘iike . znached to the event 'Or )or VA merry-xnsiktng:And,.alt Iona it..t * happy Mlle* -Sorti:, to **to - oat 30. es teturr$ ',tutor*. -3. Sweitzr bas faily r�ooiered froth his illn Stratford dly, . bonito...4 re- covered from h'-' to herboine in Slyth t tluetnerla slowly ituproying in bestitb. The bot weather apellitssbrokenty i nice/ shower on Monday* Tosecl*y erybotly was at work with 01.0p and oom glowing up Vile dust and sn1i In are to ring 10 tOefla tha week. More Pitt ulittst Utation*it*** started ,Itorjoble'0 new the trot *to reeldenoe.-3ohn Schroeder and Rich. era 11111 are bowie in the Northwest. They pletuwa with the proapect. out in th.i great country. -School clo.ed. on Fi day for the.* 41. nun berofthepsz1aof th* lligb School are trylng their e*arne..fn Exeter this 1r& Christian Zwieker *end- * of London days In• toveas as gue*ts of VW* Zwirker. *04 Id Kuhn 41344:14tight0 lotieb.1, *re vieltiogilir. (Jou.; ,annusi event loviited !orw.ud to ith pleiteure- by -Annie tunitredit of pe pie each 1*er-4/4-the truntep.Vicr,*0 this year It proved to be ane.oecaelort.ot vest' enjoyment. The picnic wee -held -on aaist L te W)Oda of dr.1 'Stolen Metter, wheit'Art '34te crowd. of titteoPiet hearly sfl *Oh ctoue ot .1416 • mato iamily.-aiteembled ..the dal ,tpiether All brought AlonP- hatikew - welt 'Titled. ',with tboat • thin** which are so riettessary -:to 'the full ent Sorment iot a pltnk, ' -7 The afternoon was well taken tot with two game* of basebaU, beth ot which were wet; coateeted., The tiret • 'weet*is tween, SW* 'Juniors and a pirked ton!, 1,oputx. wittotni, by 11 to 9. 'The. seco:md orne was between the married aid ivitiOle Men'the married men * 1r 13414 Ore' lee People then sat odwt to. *upper' and an ea:celleht Au was, JittW suet) as the ladti&s of t ILstrlet are eatable of ptaelng hefor uottry treWd of ptvitkcri Atter-tea'ithe thildree* rae litodit _won teld.4.141;thototap 'ett A •'featurt5- o.t the rifts w nos race *MO Or. LaosMI. Dielittas ran 4 tleet hod, dooto letvittng' out Iv rt,ontall inentin. Thlo Wu t oliotvei, be* tothalti inata twee4 itthrOtte ETA Zoete ,*,t13 the tot‘her wilvdqi. Itt ftis.terat. rurinvm u SurprisItil „tbc tette atzll wo ler *014 the vieore,wair.v?I; :ager. het ro*teahle .W*0314.utt Venit---wietv Ur*. ear WhIC6i-;7141.41-3tra; 1*.it§ityretto**1 Mall IA- the' ritothet,' sof' M. $4,00,7 • f a • r Ar.d ttik *Uttt ot neektlY al the t tht mWit Ekc 10t Litt:er Sieth rematkettly'„ hate and hearty. y lit 'goo' Pratt 4447.11, tc:tfot3, as old se' Ur.; tlatti. , tigetteie Our Irt- Toronto 14* Sarab „dflasEUsL1ukkft hoe. * few weeks; Witt wlth relMiva. In 'Mitt Aticb,-441,0gtlet Hill 1* Iaid p 'Withirbet, 1,40014iitit-and_ .1* t0,410** Viklati.t0 14f.fttIttf Winer and Mis. 8.11* 'Winer b***returned bum* tmta7'Martioton, *bete they *IONA triettich for few te **Umber °tour psopio iie strew glven under ouilsy 40.0 Ladlss.Afd the LW tip Aid - *burr& on Tue.thiy .L verj tine Wiuktipent Oh**, &dee, bolt**s tti to Torouto litet witik.-.Our Toole Ong off giuw-tblst 10110 d1ibi but onkr temPoreuce,' A It Is gobd d1eretfen ., . tnuob of any 4suin ots * tor ',The AdvocAte &ow no ; 1911. Stibocrtbe col You t you did not attteud 43a02o IbutadaPc Sigb. v 'II 4,ke 114 wlettrovh;,7tollettit, machtn. wod Olt into wittleh the w •'11I6 JOY, hie hoppinesoconi InTitthii e disep7tv*.kros•o tltrCtIos Lfl1jIO7 but on04111r1• ot then* his hoot and his heml are assinet yo you l'ave coninutuaot cuir 14s ,fiskrif* ite great 2omat-541a of /Ito are but nmenta like the others: Your dooun spokenlnaword ortWo.- from theL e;twes, * ntoto tultr-doeideit; or ottbto' 0 811 Itrr* 11E1)2 DONE.8 .14BAL* 01 0.41011 '1131), ,a "toy' of MU, "ex 31t sti total tinibek Ttis spring „Woo oZ Abindoset bull in EngIand shollrou avintje oCl for , Imola of fitratit Anterti* iteadilj locrespe'ed own otesmat* toi,000,000 booboo i* loot Tbe Iowa Auto Attricultuvill idela la In sale of I*, nee'214olneit, he Vice Of and,Ionini on the Adly .noouragtng 10 tbe friends 0! toirlt n *ad Ing tor to •tswb.ro t Tb* bill vrobibitt *tor 304 eileiwi laM ben Gottotaor et 3iteieut1t hove( *hot $4*** TS* ANttarle ***titsent stMtoa "Iat *We tremt be spsrsao tbet Ihvitist Pure intolVithueiness ofML Vint; ARNOW,1 desire to annotrnoe to OfAtetet 0114 1,1 , glom you the best o ,etlat&ctlo� lit work cozntcted . w1tbthebtts1ne*-For theprei Y has *Swap, be.n to give our 0 of stir reduction our ke.n buyngbee allowed to take adyttntAttt of. Our t most tom' let. *44.within en$1,00 u 00..eud mire 4fiowlstb tI.Irwhi Ito Ind t, it kUle *tOr the Ailvietate from thw I Iim 2st 10:11" Ilttiostirtmt 4. -