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The Exeter Times, 1880-8-19, Page 5
Auous' 1 FQ� w..ww.r4Mwn�...�,+pYrF.+w4.�e•!re reV P.�r�.e � � e R -J hM e i v z, h'.y 3 THE; TIMES -�JOIIN 1'AIRM W 01.6. tZ. ` r ,AeL fr IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS ETC. ETC. r Dealer' in Groceries,. 'Flour and. Seed. Carliller9S1 Lager and Porter in. Casks and —LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AN.D.QUARFER CASK—s-- Street) Emleter. ,r3t'0UNGEWS, TENNETT'S, BASS' AND*GTJINES.S' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK, Quarter Casks. JI -11T FAI1M.E11.. 1880, BY -JAW .NO ME For grAll('itig fo Joseph Ladlsy and David Wanless the sills{ of Four Th' asap d Five Hun- dred Dollars by way of Bo - nuts for the promotion of t�,e m::Lunfneture of Woollen cloth within the Village of _h,xoter, to iRsue Debentures for the. said sum ; and to authorize the levying of a Special rate for tire payment of the Debentures and the interest thereon.. —7 -- Provisionally adopted t/ie a.Ist day of :lune, A, D. ISso: IVI-TTlIt AS the -lIuniaipality of the Village of Exeter is aeviruus 01 grouting the sum of your 'Chu stud: live Il.undred Dolling to :T•t-mph Lelloy anti David \\'unless• to aid three in eart:viug on the )uanufautuv'e of woolen elot}t within the limits of tho said 111ttmieipality, end in order to carry into effect the sans r.'aitoti object it wii.i•be•neces- t,ary for tit': said \Iuuieipelity to raiten the •:tial seuu Of lout t]t.nttiuua five hundred Qul- 1 u's hi the ulu:can't' it.,relualtur 1114:111101110.• and sot forth ; An,1 whereas it will reel,tire. the sure of four lruudroil iota ninety -live dollars to bo raised auuuiilly by spook! rate for paying tiro said debt of bur tietnsaiel five hnutlred dollars awl interest on the th•beutnres• to• be issued ther*Lft'r as hereinafter provided ;. And tvhoreetl the amount of the'wliole rat- able property of the said 11Iiinioipality, irre- spective of met future iuut'ease of the same, and lrrespectiyt) of any income. fromlito•teut- portuv iuvooteteut of the sinking fuudhereiu- after ti1e11.wwttt'a or any pssl't thereof, is according. tu•thte hist revised assessment roll of the said. Mtulici0ahty, being for the. year one Him -isnot sigh Minaret]. and eighty, the en n of four hundred and fifty-five thou- sand sev.on.huntlred and sixty-five dollars; And whereas the iunount of the existing debt of the Muuicipality of the Village of i xater is as folluws: Fur' principal, fifteen thoneend'three hundred and seventy-six dol- lars and eighty-six omits; for iuterost nothing, stud no portion of either is in arrear ;. And whoreas, for paying tlio interest upon and. creating an equal yearly s iukfug flit] 1 fur paying the principal of the said. debt of four thousand. five 'huudred. dollars, as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an. annual special rate its the dollar of ono trill awl one -twelfth of a, mill on the whole of the ratable property of the Municipality, in addition to all other rates to he 1Cvictl iu each year. Boit therefore• enacted. by. the Corporation• of the Village of Exeter in: Couueil.assembled as follows : 1. That it shall and may bo lawful for the said Municipality to•graut by way of bonus to Joseph Leaky and David Wanless the sum of four tliollsnud five huudrecl dame for the promotion id the manufacture ..of wooieu cloth within the limits of the saitL rfuutoi- pality.. 2. That for the Purpnee aforesaid it shall. be lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality, and he is- hereby empowered to'make and issue iu doe form of law any number of debentures of the said Corporation of the Village of Ex- eter for such sures of money as may be re- quired for said purpose, nut less thou one 1 hundred dollars each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of four thousand five hun- dred dollars, payable iu twenty years at fur- thestfrotn the day on which this• bylaw is appointed:to take effect at the office of the Mulsons•Bunk in the said, Village of Exeter, Ontario,.aud that everts soli debenture shall hear interest at the rate of six per cent. per i•;' annum from the day of its issue payable at the said otpee half -yearly in each and every year during its continuance, and shall have attkohed thereto oupons• for the payment of said* iuterest, wh, It Debentures the Reeve of the said Municipality is hereby authorized to negotiate and dispose of.. 8. That for the .purpose of forming a sink- ing feud for the payment of said. Debentures and the interest to become due thereon, an equal s,•ecial rate, of one tnili and, one -twelfth of a mull in the Dollar shall in addition to all other rates be raisal, levied and. collected in each year upon all the ratable property in the said. Municipality during the oontiu,wauee of the Batu dobentures•or any of there.. 4. That this By-lmwv shall talto effect and come into upet'ation upon, from. and after the twenty.fOut'th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousautit Dight huudrod and eighty. o. That the votes of the, erectors of 1hn'said Municipality shall be taken on this by-law act U. Senior's shop, Main Street, for polling sub- division No. 1; Lewis's Paint Shop, :Main Street, for Pelting, Subdtvision No. .2; and the Msrkot House for polling subdivision. No. Eli in the said Village of Exeter, on the Sixteenth day of July,, in, the year of our Lord one thee - sand eight hummed and eighty, commencing at the :tour of Nine o'clock in the morning and ending at five o'uloak in tho afternoon of ttltq, s,9Jns Jay ;' and that Cllarlea Souior tha14 be the T)epnty-lietm'ninz oirtoer to take tiro said votes at aforesaid Polling; Subdivision No. One. JoitnS McDoneli, Deputy Returning Offi- cer for Pulling Snbtlivirion No, Two, anis .01.1) H. 1lyntluuut, Deputy -Retuning Officer for Pollitt( Snb•livfsion No. Three, for which they are luareby severally appointed. f,. That the Clerk of the council of tho said Mguicipality shall un the Seventeenth day of 'Tidy in the year of our Lora ono thousand eight 111tntlred anal eighty, Tweive of:.1/1 the aluelt, 11000, at the Market ;it=so lu tlto said{ Village of Exeter, sum up the utuuber of votes given fur reud against this by-law, and that twelve of the elouk, noun, on the F.ifte(titit day of July,. in the year oto thousand eight 1100(1red and eighty, at the Market Defuse, i0 the said \ intege of Exeter; is hereby fixed f n• the appointment of persons to atten.l at the various polling places before mentioned and at the lima stuu'.tiug un of the -votes by tho Wells i'CiptOtivelr on behalf of the persons interested in and prauiutiug ur opposing the passage of 'this by-law.. Exeter, 2•lt]t day of Jute, A. D., 1880.. Passed sit open Council this 9th day of August, A.1).,.1880.. Allan LIVERPOOL., LONDO'ND1.RRY, GLASGOW Line r SHORTEST• SEA PASSAGE. GABIN, INTER:1MEDIATE AND STEERAGE TICE. ETs, Porsans wishing to sena for their friondt can obtain passage OOL'ttfleattea at lowest rates trent aii huul.Ireland nn 1 Scotland to any city or rail- way town in Canada.: Full particulars by apply- ing to CAPT. G KEMP; Eletor. I Harper's' Bazar Patterns. BL. EACIIETT, Reeve of Exeter. Clo k of the Villitge-of Exeter:. Tame'otioa. That the above is a.trne copy. of a by-law passed by the Municipal Council of tho Village Of Exeter, 111 the Coauty of lftlr'ou, on the 9i.lt day of August, 1880,. and all persons are here- by required to take notice that arty one desir- ous to have such by-law or any part thereof quashed roust Make his application for that purpose tu• one of. her Majesty's Superior. Courts of Uamtllun Law, at Toronto, before the end.uf the term of the swill Courts next .after after the special promulgation thereof by the publication of this notice iu three consecutive weeks of the newspaper called Tse. I•'..xETE11 ,'I'I11E11, or he will be mu late to be heard in that behalf, and take notice that such term cuiumeuce5 on tlte'ii1rd day of August next, 1880. Doted this 13th day. of August, A. D., 1830:. M. EAtd.ETT, Village Clerk.. GRAY'S SPECIFO MEDICINE. MADEM'ARK.TheGIJatEnglisliTRADE MARK, item udv,tdn uufail ing cure for Semi- nal Wealcuesq, Spormatcrrli ea, Impo'tency,ala ali Diseases that fol- low as a•sequeuc0 a .4.• ,• of Self. ©:use, as ,!�i :LI +y loss of Memory, >. y Before Takine.Univet•sal Laael-after. Taking, 0 tulle, Pain in the Back,D1innoss of vision,.Prenlature old age, and many other i)iseaacs that lead to 'insanity_ or Censure)? Ben. and a Premature grave. f:—Full ,ptarticulars in. our pamphlet, which WO desire to send free by mail to every one. 1. - The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at taper package or six packages for $5.. or wilIbe sent byroad on �T u �j �T nT receipt of the money bU AY 1tICT)I NONE OTHER OE4.V UI ' `I +fid ssing THE GRAY s1hlDICFNE CO., TOnouTo, OST., 0,LNAT)A, y t.:3'Sold in Exetorby a11, druggists,. and every- where in Canada data the United Stat'es'ty whole• gala and retail dragaista.. THE FALL AND W TI"EItTRADE They are graded to FIT' ANY FIGURE+ and so adjusted that the most inexperienced, with the aid .,f the printed directions which accom- pany each. suit, 0511secure a perfect fit. They are cheaper than auy others, ONLY 20 CENTS FOR A COM- PLETE SUIT. Agent forExoter and vicinity, W. .A.. O ANFIELD Tie would also cull special attention to his well assorted stock of Fancy Goods,Merlin Wools, Pim:0ring Turns, Knitting Colton in all criers. Nuttting done to order, A good supply of Hos- ieryalways an hand). Please call tied examine stow: and prices before purchasing olsvwhore. Opposite Pn nsun's BIeck, VT. . £4 `O iY,.IO JYY ,ir XEL2 . CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE I avy TS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. N, B—The demand of our business have noces- stiated oar removing to Toronto, to which place please ad,lrosa•alrfature communicators. MIANI3OOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORE® 1 We have recently published a new edition of .Dll. C1rJLVTItWDT.IIS CEI,TB1tATJi1 TSSAX 'on the rudical and permanent cure (without me- diciuo) of Nervous Debility, gental and physical 'Incapacity. impediments. to Marriage, etc., re - salting from excess. Iwi, Price in e. sealed envelope, only 6 cents o: two postage stamps, ti The celebrated author of this admirable essay, elearly demonstrates, from thirty years' suece•s- ful practice, that alarming consequences maybe radically cured without the- dangerous use of in ternal uredieines or the use of the knife ;c Point - oat &moue of cure at onoe•sitnple certain and of-• fectuti 1, by means ofwhich:every.suffel'er,nomat- ter what his condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply,, psiiately and radically. ThlsLeeture- should be in. the hands of every youth and awl y man 1n the•land. A cldress, THE 0ULV1I RWELL MEDICAL Uo. 41 Aun Street,New'i rte. Peat Office Box 4586 HE N S A L L. FURNITURE It00'115.. \\+y ge•abroad for vont' Furniture when you 051.1 got Bettor Value for your money ±11lttusall, lli having bought out tiro'P'u.rtiltttro Puniness Of lir' S. b4Lirlartitu,. aur.:. marled iiargely. t0' the stuck is entebleiltternif,,r furuitnrs at vary. 1P, prices.. My Undbrtakiiialietei (talent wili.bo found se - porter 101)413' ht dile sectiouihu,vhtg jitsbreceivotl; a laarge•atl'ditlom oL Sift iciids.of undertaking goods, Adrat-olass'heairee'w11I be furnished for'funorelt3- on reaeanable tarts, Also agent for the Wanner and New York Siugor Sewing Machine JM. COXW C. Southoott & Som TAII.oas told CLOTIIIEIts, Take pleasure to it form the inn abitantt ofl'±xete add surrounding country, that they have {cast opeieclotit auoxceilentassortmentof 'Tweeds, Cuntinjs, rest iv ysate., in thelatoststyles andpatterns,andfee) assured thatintee mattrtrofotothing, they can suit the moatfastidiou s tastes. SURE DEATH TO FLIES WIL I ' . FLY PAD Lasts e+ whole season. STICKY FLY" PAPER The' best. mails,. a r tX TON' Se Family Drug; titer. e Corner store.,, opposite, The Central Hotel (?14IIe EXETER, EEALLOO, MIKE Where ilia. you buy thole brick ? Will, 'Thorny, I nought them from Mitchell, of course, Has he many of them lei't? \:'1•y, yeti, thousands of thecal, and first -ileus too, lfow floes he s011 t1t.oit, :like?' Well. Jimmy, he sells them so eltteap that t mous net to tell, but if you waif any just go right there, for he says he i bonne: to Boll res cheat) LLPany i11 rho cottuty. Remember, he lives south side orotllton gravel roar 'EELS EXETER Planing Mill, Sash„ DOOR AND 1. JOHN MITCHELL 1114111D loon. Feb, 2), ISR • Bm CATAPRIta ! CATACATARRH! ! USE The groat Sierra Nevada S1773il74 Compound, 'Me 0010±01 01115111). yetdlseo'ei'cd ROIL SAIaa BT (". LUTZ'S CENTRAL DliL'(x STORE. w. L SJIITH, General Agent, Arkuna, Out. �dC�OR�I ALL KINDS 01F TURNING Done to order. itomembertho place X "er it IloXrard Eros. John Drew's Furniture & Undertaking Warerooms OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTEL., EXETER. COFFINS, CASKETS, and BUdiAi. RJBct) and ;ALL KINDS OF EMBLEMS. E.1113AL:JING FLUID used for pi'esercing the body in warm weather or fur shipping. Any oar:on wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Moore Furniture will save at least 21) per cent. by etlling at JOHN DREW'S FURN1i''U11E.1tt)OMS,.upposL-� e1pCeettraall HI'b Hotel, E,rpL.y.;=�� tt�� THE _`CINDER oft the e NOTHING LIKE IT EVER SEEN. P EOPLE. CANNOT REALIZE Until they call and trrake an examination what .Peal Bar -gains are offered. Everything at the Lowest fi are is the in- ducement we offer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G OODS Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca.ps, Ladies' 8c Gents' Furnishing Goods,, Clothing, Crockery (xlassware,. Hardware, Groceries, Willes and Liquors. L. CARLING, Allain Street, Exeter: THE LATEST NOVELTYII 0 --TIDE IMPROVED ADJUSTABLT1 HTP --THE-- Ne Plus Ultra. FOR CO1MFORT, EASE. R; ELEGANCE. CANNOT. be EQUALLED Everlasting' 11l WEAR. , :AM W ELL & PIC KARD 'S, CORSET. "'PRET'TY,. • ATTRACTIVE. & ECONOMICAL.. AD MIttED' BY _ALL.. ,TRY ONE.. Gimernl DealersinDry (roods, Groceries, IIoats and Shoes, Clothing, {midliner,, MAIN; STREET EXETER;,