HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-23, Page 7 (2)(01 .fo a hom o Eye of te "ire i ke ing r �wn Vi74 cb ill 00.* 0 .$0 �D U hitik it *t 1Jyi tl.to ' II 1 lilek is uniteI0)30 our love, ent greatt we . ng ring fw loves and iope, and Vett, ti o anti form, of our oureormeioutiteis of rzd universist llfe is 114 matt -just -as- ourco- is of *into -514i is the highest of ur-being. danger comes when we pro- ccecL to niake our eoutciousnete our personal -conception the itsdsrd and form for all others. We say this is my lord. this Milet aKobe yourar you blue no right o lielievit any .ottiett-then I believe or to cherish ant* othist„piettires tk *vine. Suck's!'demand is elm, uivelint to a, claim that. you 'elusive supernatural pow - for the discovery of truth, But the danger of, emphasis ,o our personal ides,* as to the deity either than this; it mikes es - that which is only incklen- ttl, end, ventral that which is uretwho sew aosi 1 tbings wlio-believed. that he pere4 hthe breezes, jnoved e-tsr (Jute * bebeveil the..bis divino or)ing thToUgb alt an now I •wu t0194# 134 wewbo:tbink ' . .0 .1ung agQ, from on rtt work , y through o r tsions. . matt ,-,; dMn� in alt, —' - iverse-epe -pexson*Iity1 and who inter rets *11 Ibs Iifein rnii of the idea Is which ar�et*cntiaIly presonal, ttiost ,or g.odn'ss, trut1i, love,and eelf-giv.. "rt . Alt that wakens- goodness i bat-kindlei-aspiratiorti,is tbe of of thc most high wotk- irg All that appeals to the is the voiee 0 '0 ly .its apart urho is les of • it who finds 'Whom the 1 : r wy:t. Wm- • We neednot lookar to find the e . ii,a1 goeilues a in Affection, a mother's dere- i a patriet-',* service; !AN ehal. lenges nit in deeds of lieroiim and sacrifice; it came* in tbe rivetnes of the -eventide and tbrills in 4 the itieledies iii nature, it ict'tound 0 the pages- of bre rather than ,f, in theries; it is within Mr and all about ii rather than in books -and rinted Amps. • lrhe pure in heart ere the the world who see its goeducss atcl its glory, to whom it meant more than things to be bought and sold - 'it means iassages of love, of TOWc-i'li--ftc-wr-tratt sr -end -fore okens ofirlife to wbieh this is but onsoiousof of and live by the divin I life; no 'able. -to up s deity outride ourselves ut t� realize God in ourselvet. Tite "groat questionOf religion is o t. P vine mg, but the realiz- .onf t11e fact. of An eternal and Ade that s . rough alt Hfe, in vehich we bavo f -*Web we are *part which 11 that is , fair and good .Jovely in our world is -the rev*, le* -talked with pityng . U - of the deluded peoples wbo rthip forms and representa-; of their gods ;how notch *hoer or better are we if WO worship de- ' *out And definitions 01 our 'Atli is no essential differ- tween tbe worship of ver- stion and the adoration .rteation. he -gray before the 1awn. 'rho illoli in heart arethei-iho, ttastugh- life's toil, through all the tares of businets and engr0ss-- F:41110e5, keep uridinintedf-puth's ion of -things better and more.en. than, -itally Weed. and molt &ring raiment, who keep single the aim -of life itself as the thing for *wl,icli w are livingstha to not 40 found the tools and agencies Of liv. ting with the life itself. - With our keuls we may disoter diety_ who is but a. larger man, with our hearts, surtply,, purely seeking the -bask through thelove of the spirit- we come to know - world that is divine, glorious even through its *Shame and struggle„ speaking �f love in a myriad voic. es, winning. us to- liens? above -the dust, *salami; us that we are es- sentially of this same divine lite. COPE. - NATIO:UV LESSON,. JUNE Vat Goa it Verse 24. A mao that sowed sitatanding faatUris of tb. pi Iroubout is the lietsoneli veer.' Ire is this antagonii the householder,- the mi reapers, lite Son of man' crd ,f the.. world, the altsolu pitr Of the destinY of *II Merl.; „flood No*4 in his fit141--The of the eoweest, seed is the Jr" the ;termer -parable. but the soil is .tiatitimably g t5. *While men slept. --Not *1 the efeteilir of a pitiable *leia to inter retation. Only a .dieeriininating, trim tof *ter the t- uj c�mmonly grows) that it It well- igh4mpossibletodittinguish them. Often it breeds a, poisonous. fungus which produces- dizziness, convul. mons. and eometimint deatb -4 Went - .away -After the" seeds of poison have been town in the heart they will develop. with littl*'en- couragernentt " to; When the blade sprang up— Referring to the,entire grassy crop of the including - tares and *I:wet .1Irought forth fruit -Referring to the period of :the heeding of -the kernel.-- It .as them, and not till then, on account of the resemblenee to the wheat, that the tares appear. ea in their true charactes.-„ 46. -An eiteity bath 4010 this This kind ,Of revenge,. so kr as c belearned, hat never been kno in Iteleitiste.--- It stands as an u exampled outrage. Wilt thou , that we gather -them up-- Jesus offer* no intorprifr tation of this .zeal of the Pervoirkts. I4ut'there are always those who are toady like the apostles who would: Werejerv*utv Tk tare* __.W...t0.14 fwin l t heat titheur by fully picking out. ths elks of darneI one br 0he frum -..-414ere bat ime* oo- titued rovers:, here over the rttlet of eherelt dicipUue. Out it is ruled out entirely by the feet thiltthe 5eld cannot be interpret- ed niirrowly a* thee church, but. is tlio Ivor The son kingdom, Those, ho treesure up in their hearts ertifieet in their life the wo o t.rth. - Of eourselheres are * -part f the world -of meni, -which Alm* Wm* rightfully hie kingdom; (41). In the *sizeable the * word 4tire is used soniewhet% Sod Must not, be too intr pitted. In verse 14 it is that of divine truth embodied in lifi whielt Jesus endeavor," able* to dene. En- vet e perfected and kTngd�m . Burned with fire ---A figurative description of the awful, doom of 41. thin 1 Anse stumb All tedgmentis ,able to deeitle velikh tall down 'fire fram heaven, to ale 'tlithifictlit and which at not, ,bring forth drasticMeatities to txt it its itesy , for the inoigi, ton, turiptete teat or iiitigined writes,. to ereitte supposed references which e9..'1.10:....weediug out *boa rung do not actually. exist. . In irlte lake' plitte-,either before 'theperiod sourer, Jetint explains "'bent; every- t,f the * formation Of the.. ketriel or *int; but • in the tares, *wend *for the kernel-, has folly.maturied. 'thing*, 'snah as the enemy's geltg It is not qtietitiosi„ Isere ot plating OW, the servant* of the houte.,up wheat by mistake, beton* ibt the hittliott Of the hint:Iitst$ growth Of the ftekl has reisolutittliat t tininterpreted. Sa," this' gage tit .144tOt tho times can be 4is. of the menis not said to Ainguitheil. Tire danger that thei *Peet ..1140* .0tiotp, colt*. *teat,. whoee•TOOte ate intettwinetl t cottuerimectt;.laitP tia*;i with Viotte of the titres, lirnik1 be or hard toil,- (eirtaris the sclitittAed, while it Vile the forms. ring of the ten'll ,teuls). tire state. From thapoint Of view. at any ',Alit, the *Ogle, of the 'pia/deal ttinser, thitetote„ * wis:te im, wbict ata 4Z,e coteet,ien of the -*wants was t. mist of every 't of folly; The lives orgood a waentd by humatt-asture. bad are 00 often closely bond up' an1e." This is ' Wet that the i4teDt removal Nw Teztsmsnti t cbiug, af oneis *trete taus. -bi i� fo*rth ebapter ot row 'to.get 'enist tudginente 0 'patience of t the bed- may rited at. tp of tint is id petition willing to. tr. sce is exhato 1E unr,vAirom - Jug,- Uward's w 4"Nearer, Iffy 004, to T HIS 84tyrogS.P. MOMENT. E , iles is an lien j*tru4er, dath by It the. 1iws if tite follow , 0,th.. "--2-tlitt PEACEMAKE The bwililing -up ,f this r.jnteIl oriltale wair* work of the gres at* PritiLie end isatistsetiost to KU I:0*rd. "The:hien-444p a itetion which we all feel - for 4 rencli.nsition het *10riOUA tr ditiona" het 1007 i** future dsvelop into a, 0 watreotst'affeetion aiid att*ehi ,iflcnt. betweeo the pe4plss.. t.1t ounIries. Tbo a.chievenient o .this aim is b. . 1 (EAD Elt CS_ 'VA Molest/ had irnmaeulate taste in thress,-2 On the Continent 4t$ I- I tyle *14..,!3ut of bis elothet , • 1444 and in i . .4T0114 -0 -To h gsrmeota labelled "Au f 0-$ ' tke es . APPLES. in 1 our ,i. ) e three eet f 1 ' . .urr:i.; bl***,:et)‘PA:11_1414):r4YrisirPs.;:rstu. tow . VCTY . : take on* prtty on. ri ithwfor4ittae'et.1:111110a i 0 'ia $ *o nuts- end e sugar, 1 o ti mold. it' - neutralizes, bes1 is 1:trCi'h le litillin ic :tit) ' rizid *1141 ,t,,. t,::414:11::::::..:*,144'4'''11:'Iliktrinbilintitelti".' , , iVert 4Pre, it its *fleetly* 0, 'Orti"ric 4:Ctut ithent-lengthm' • wh.irleoli.;44if44"oot. 140 'much the gm * h tary plei iv tin we in;rodlei •Iekin ern* hojc as kcep*' ,lie : cIearer .0 , adage, the old 7ova astovill with iffOulty 1 4 it tizis-ollicfiftyleent titectt;- 110:: . *Into0 tt Minable* ' these ' dow be:- -Middle*, pieces rtad lef.' T , uirentin'pli t t„Itree. tmke inly 4„.- plentiful .....ulm of tlien stick tbe shred -sett almonds all ,iticooi.,,ut no. Ovar the 4046.. A dith muelt pa 1 opplvtolve.' ,00,,uteisau. r_o4nipteedut-7,24)40noriggraz,:m4M.Ilvhr...thb o soitte 'lis't to .; - les or wash them if neees ails' . maw- '. Apples su- It takeoff the Stalks. ntleutthem I are like o.- but 40 1341-1144,Cor •eore- them.We , ' itself we never$0,11.141104u0ti 11- ufae* . Only:1,4;4 but may wan. tit ter . until.* *raja ways -.0*-ette-roicove , _ I UC n' *eons m befor 0 , 0 n?at'ia a Fireman,py, tticn p0 poetor Brother, Ductor or .1* tbe uorse ,e tentis yet '*; il"' I , ockuttoirfle* anroasted, o ,-, thing to et14 tott130/4 ate 00( Jf ws, Famnior, of Muaic ,3 - pile tev,riand strengthening to ss,es are :,..,sihoeux: ituutrtotri:04% jellybagbsofaou well alt low' , o alr1Collegoi u orttP•4t,' 4,,,irrants: they, are eou,,,, slowly until they are,.. quite, . igni*Ot 'eve** ilt iiikSo illt0A lameepasn i . . r er hen ised th simu ot 8 A, 110010$IAN. joti___.r._h; ,,_______'* juice of le. P9iwoltuffor eoricwcald :Yeetter60 to ' --1• Apple 0melet.—•1eel, re nd four pint* 0 the apple juice; Wh tlice a pound �f app1es,: Stew them the rtti are. cold Put the* into with Just enougb, water to keep ttocettert with the apple jutot, a t3iem. from *burning. Viliensoft o ar, in the proportion of one beat to a smooth eutp,veith ft furk. joundto a pint of "nice. Roil ,the' Add to it two tablespoonful* Of s ntit it .1111104 the* divide, i us_witro., the, crimetin war bo. gluai.i3O,..at,waciinottotietaliipoop:::„itheurttee40,0171:0140/uomloa ,1,,i, 0 jars.If pretertd, * little ginger.famomay be added 14 g „most* fulltc. represented. -Nisbe . 4 . - masio 6)104 went la over. the Bwedallt-b,:eatie.n Fold la 0014; totilifillry b0433. VOril3go- • --it- ROYAL REPOItIfElt. en white* Of the eggs. Tat tr . prtneipla battitfLokit in 04 Crimea titine ver o over-tliti..,fite. Pour i • 9 P*Ocbutter,n e pounds it, 0441 '15e4444 '1* utmtlictic'h:4 vonterith:11it 1 6*.tii Majesty111* was A keen reader OitI leek -letter volumes, early tknt of the English classic*, Ics., on sPeit especially APpe to him -Another interestof - mn aleete's wits shown by the nuniher otto..in., hi* library dealing with *OMe• ert4,. The saddest moment the, Jitte 0g' e'er experienced was at the deathbed c)f Queen Victoria. "I felt AS though -the whole world was ed with at disgtriessrQ-:**" _ iTlie-houting of the. working zsee," said King, Edward,„ ubheet.'in which., 21 have lan deep 1#terett. As long EPOSED. *esty was once Atka *tat wouldfamilrvere de - Ile replied; "No doubt if it eally did occur I could support" my family by lecturing on the Coin-, stit tion in America. • was the Louise4' ORITE FLOW.E. • ,n4 bis fasioribe name t. LLECTOR. 7 • The late -K ng. was a reflector. of Tretter :tof-rivteehlichs-peitlicime Ire ahtolittleeted,matehboxes, cari- estures, and model IN :148 $11":0TOWS_VIMPS. will)* my constant endeavor walkitt_tny mothert4lootsteps.."' stated when Ite 404rEe to the' one, * tares g *i 1 t "A FORTUNATE MAN. • "I havebeena Most fortunate wan," he wrote to one of his sub - tecta --"heir to great throne -*nil yet -able tti enjoy liberty. 1 have antadmirable mother', a exquisite wife, charming children, and * whole nation' to love awl to Please.,tt *HORROR OF 11AIIBLING- hive a horror of gambling, Edward- wrote to Archbishop 0, "and should aIwaysdoniy utmost to discourage others who have an-inelination for it, as I .0n. sidertthat gambling, like intemper. is One of the ifeateStturista hielt the country ,could be afflict- - - - ed .with." 4.,CIttT1f4 Ein King Edward vipuld never tonna tenantss pigeon-iihooting. a0 also eonvetted Mot Royal Buckhounde it -to peek of 'fox-bouncli in order Vo disoonntertanee •the 'keeping' of tame deer for the purpose .110-. railed "spore,' ", ALWAYS. "WS PEOPLE," me gill itilt Pto word! s 1 would have to tubtitit to an °petit- tior$ itiri4 the '474orortation festiri- ties lowe_to postponed. WA tNUJPIE8T pplest,"' to, altos ion 'where I must smile aa iantly as thouflt I never 11.4 itt htt my• lite.* v „Po o lett I wee a 'member of the firm And ,s4„,;„no when prei RoyalCoirmistiOn toir thini brown.- It and I had an OPPOrtnni *- delicate five or se minuten. becoming acquainted with the erlstnd serve attendant upon the existence Of IA- sista* ,schiellingii. I then _personal- , ly informed myself ,! of the condi- tionssetnallrexisting, by viaitin We-x*1 1404 1,0494, $01n of thepio4 uthestoy 4.1'stnoto.. A,ORSTE NOVELI Ilis favoit novelisb was is, Henry Wood. Re reed "East touring in Palestine with Dean 8 LIAO- -----A--CLEVER-aNOVIST.-- King Eirtwerd could Speak several languages with equal flicity When ono hundred delegates of the Itt, r. sitiOnal„ Astociptiort of Academie *sited Windsor in 1904, his Majea ty shookies4ileygiste by•the All&A * own, fltgWi - V - 1 14E1/0101. _ $4,1 have. an excellcnt ritentOrY, teal :treeture for a prince," cnce remarked a prominent: Au, that,' • 1(o.,rekiir fate* 444 otiotet with unerring -iectirsey. . Whoever was presented to him, no.mittter how greet or hew humble a person- age, or under what , crowded, cbznging surroundings, he • at able to recall_theexact circum stances of the presentation years afterwards. AS -A SPEAKER. - '*00 rtiwattl hid i'atronit,,toni- polling voice, almost unrivalled in the two -Musts' for eierirnestt ind penetration. Queen Vittoria had •• hi Majesty taught. elocution when tp. was very young.; One day nquire4 bow he wits prugresin ---regtet4o-sayi.--saietrthis-tutot; hat .1 cannot get ' of the Prince's German accent; arid when hei older and has titspesk in pub - lie. the rople *111 uot bis pleased Wit IL 4 irif Y,t a inuthin 211 ff tit; of fia quarter ot., , 'fine chap- ped . then add �ne tea- ii,0' , to i Itti ie ti into 4,citr. baking powder, teaspoonful of sugar end 11*1! , . ro 41 t is P rat.° te 4r 1 gl)radr-lixisiti-i-r ,:-.:140440kueg. litift,psste. rtolt ,,00,.. the. pastry, *Aft title * blitte pudding - 'Mold with it; - put .in Ulf of the. fruit, hen- Boger to s*tieten and the rest , f` the apples. Cover with * too . or the pastry, *es • gee and lett*''"11-:Ugeille ever with ** the fire; and if they 11-00 ‘1,41 burn * buttered paper - "— Ste without Bemis. /t is astonithine *Isr for three howl,. ' r 0 n it' Oa-. iiiiinte -titecantien le eit - eerie with hot talk; 400 Boo 'I . ititft0 liPtiles, "tell 4141ePted.• " , the -vehitee--* eggs, „ -four 'table- 'optsinftili of ter, otte lento ,_ ---a .s.e"e'rve.1*-1:1,01°.elialtes. Pre°erillki.t-rved 'clre; .tho .ii.pp , s.. then stew fhLetit until tender with * little4ater.. 'Nee thruebotillierno tot.colitio4u,soagh i!, tier,e.: it'the, „tsWitheirtn- ,contineously. *rye sn *. e4 lemon juice 'en(/' tlitt, Aug * t bVit Rod/ *, 49.. p the whitesveryit' i - ' apple putp,. o . Fruit df*, , . , :IF!: . o„ . b'zwele*Z-nottlitt014\411:4001: tial0 . si tb litript1.41 augOlit* 0, cherry 131 'i ' Alia rettr U3Uth of.,,to . u 1 tu,s,..i..,i.sit„ e Op of each glass o it , 4) Apple SOU 0:*iiiii4 ‘, od Cooking_ ' _foni/eggs„-- latin-in-onitt,ettp uen-ifottin!hitztublit,espocopolnuft of .0suregitur, one0let dil*°Iite#:''- Then ' is of Wilipg,. itt 4 , heaping' tabfeepootitut . pe*iiered. ' untirett is:dist:6 gelatin, tw-o tablespo4rtfule boil. .1 Of *Ogair, illf.tar.ivtiio ti wider, redicolortng, .two cloves,, .ice. sax bananas in. t!‘ Stet ore inch of .einnamon and loaf a i `. 4iiiit.to, Coot. Serve wi,th *tic". etipful of ,,--eold Water. -Peel, core- PO4.1,ctetm- *n61511'66 the- opplei:-*. rut them 'JAW 31, 44autoitt, with 'the cota 'w*teto grated- rind of the lemon,- istovet ,ani - cinnamon. ' Ste* these- gently until the appleaitte sat., 'Then' re.' move the cloves and ,einiterriolt„ and 'rt.+ the :fruit ,through a hair or fine wire sieve. Seperete... the ' Ikt.fram.the Whitee of be, it. 1 • 1 Put the fotaiek -in a basinit ' r* picked sae and stand the basin over , o , o etz-ttpan of boiling *stet, *Be* ' , . the,-,0egit and *opt till they are , fit and ropy. Ito not tet .the the fire, t until. , , water boil after the tut few' stein- adding half . ti Who" 'this egg, mixture is la. or "be grated- , quit *atid i* anct ik,14,31,iftot tImitifftitritirittureronatotit 0 lemeitz.roAlikh:tmite tetalteiti. strain as so�* turc ,i adds to t intettles'apple pure.. ix 11 on * lid- diall'a*Kt *hos eo *in'tsitilt Iktcplailin-gMirateircittedilif.:**--ut;t,,c1:116' finei'ri:s.:44041'f:**3%4601:71100474, 10,*Irti, 0 ' 0 ckep I • • a a t u, lease d irspin o hot poured into an old tin clothes o time lye *- •IowlY s into tile°t holt greasews: tir constantly one and ono -halt towiallig the lest adding two tabpaper linliediultobx°41kaux:. *:* Empty fitinutl time, trefote. 11 °,'itivircns are ticortif4itin-ruo*rion'eteP-4:kowouie 4,?,„ tenbzg 1 ticd up 4kilggb46pt.tinTlig wierPrevtut thcni from beeoming rusty or tough- *b therci`oeessionally 00 - ceder when ironing to kee0 sitter -1 feromsn The• it0010r OM moot delicate fabric. Ineombustiblrt* Dresses. -By putt.,., tins on -0iumi -SIMI. or sat aits",.i .-nxinitio4\tbt, last **ter in, whleir znuilin-.01 • .00titmi-s are rinsed, oi which they sr* 'stiffetied,--they vi* Joiluilar quantity irt th*--ttst APPETIzINO Uard Aingerbread. ne • cupful-. of sugar, one -cupful -of utotasee 0 -thirds of acup of butter, two- thirds of * pun of toter milk or t but. t -teatptiorfate ;of jin- wo 1 teaspoonfuls of 1, 1 thin " koin- , with it.' The Queen, therefore, ordered that. the future -Xing *Muhl give AL daily reading *before her in pure • ibu ribed * t oh' (111 11 O12 'The* yQ* ust 9 Ilelievors in tbe "strong, pur independent" women of "1 find eignitleant fol- owingneedote of a Cliinete-init -This niiitioott7 wit - with a mendarin'i eigh The thineie exam- clothing,- her hair* her and so ois, but her feet Ilyi Arnaud Atm. "nd It it rtic s a nisn $$ to b ret" said the t g mis- .44 t *„ J,wo*ld ,70 .114 1140 t ,f1.40uNir;:et tr lin iett ills rime' Mt one Oita '4I . I in, eugar, butter 4 size •0t .s wslnut,f ant -half imp of- -- team. •BoiI *11. 'together util say. vor with vanilla. Bice r t aver tke r* 1 rtr r 3 ftit 1 — • 41