HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-23, Page 3 (2)sike ‘0, b1orn t! bIe 41) tO ipnritles oreSelle00 ic all SAY 'ether iUa VPIO hive been In h lief that ever deadly kidney s utter, rubbish. As ientific lot ,set one twenty ba nything to 0. with tbe kidneys. "„.••„" Most bmck tom ebeer wealtocsr nd nor, drug s esn'ti:possible You 4e04 tionsiithingio ree 3!O Up and give you new at* that i .exectlywhet illiamsr 'Pink Pil1 will do; 'Uur are r eally mucu- ir and ink PilliJuive cured the worst esatio of rheumatism by driving the **anon* *Via out of the blood. er backache* arefithe simPtnnis rilinotry ailmenteAtncit its intlu- indigestion, constipation and ier.nomplaint In wOmen, hack, oft,* come from the trOubles foil** so' surety on any weak. r irregularity in the usual 1 tree i strts kb4u iny It belief* I-hitod hitherto e te3taineL ati to: gods and Blidilhea eve me a, Akita for atfttitAktiCiWit illte subjeet wait IfoUrei uo iumoku awl was tolet.fo„ think out, it 4411 I had diseotexixtd intur theught 1 tad done •en I had itelved the problem ti0 come again to .11te °director; ho. would either give me& logo/la problem or stud me haek.to think Over it again.' ' "Theproblem *thus given are ti,Ct Ot a nature to, be eerily solved. cannot fell you tlie'2,.mexiiiing'cf the ;particular one. propounded t� becauseI vu, fietr-allewed tii divulge the, secret; it will Suthee to sav that some people ' will, „think °vet one .‘of, these, formal** for a, year. or more. withont, -coming to. satisfeetory *nevem ; "It was very di/Unit forme. with, a.. strain, • anti, °ilk*. hosts or -others my family cares and housoltold dusi neglected it, exueeting it JO go, ties, with servartfl, children and' away itsdf.. vieltors touting to:interrupt me, to lint it kept .gradually growing devote my whole attention to the worse, tilt after 01144 years of in - problem assiguld °me, but fortu4 creasing suffering the ,cliniex Caine, vilely I have been ableto avail at d he found himself, so erippled rrfTseif of dated Perin(' of oltie.t... that at til002 he eoulef not tura in 104-te a- month fr .the begrn bed, awl for two*,-weektat*a_time tins- -ot ;October - • end of IC was irapoitsible-Toi hilt'to ihe itiarch there is a retreat sebiltri), frkni a than' viithont 'putting hi* hands on -bia knees. He, could not button hs lie' was troubled With Lumbago, Gravel, end. Backache, and tried medicines -for each and all of them without getting relief, till good•luck. turned:him to Dodd' s Xiiiney rills. Deddli Kidney •Pill* started at the ceuse-bf his troubleo,a,nd cured his Itittrieys. With cured lii4,403/1 his other troubles, speedily dumps :peared,..andlO4laf-7 he is a well - milifilsyo.u. cure jour, Itidneys witi; t odd1,4 Kidney Pine you ism, Heart will never. have Lumbago, ktheu Disease, Dropsy:,: -ter •BriVit's Dis- ease. . 0, fit1V tt. T 0 1* se4 ill kR*ey PH 11,1i* ri*et# teseen,for Ton. Landing, Aite,„ June peeiel).—Thst Kidney ease, negleeted in it earlier ititg. es, ieedit,to the most, terrible suf. 14ringiif not-deetitititelf, and that Ow One', sure eure for it in a11 stages Doild's Kidney irjlitx, is the perienee of lift.,Jarnext‘E;; Brant, a fainter residing near het"). -' Itr, Brant eolitractedi :Kidney *are, when * young Maar from 10 no.apie way to elite beld at the Xenkojir to Which .au Wits is to stirke at the students of the tontemplative life rouble with Dr., it - Which ettrielt the and bring strength toaching and weak nerves. 31r. Alex. are all wed to go. The retreat **Pt for * week and during that irne the male, member* live ens 'rely at the temple„' the Women in Cockburn,' Deloraine,' says: P-rAvare houses or -their own twines. "About'three rest,r5 *go 1 suffered 1110nrs 0f silertt. contemplation from backache. couto., are observed, begining at 7 o'clock cur sumi took his roviieme in the merging and epread over -the and ore plas,teromf, nocirit day till about 6 in the evening:— relief., Then I got belt, Vf Of *Zeno* -in -all: with u thiswailts useless as the other directorsitting, in the next room treatlriettt4 *--------ffering still receive communics,tions stlX1 th , contlitued. Then one of my friend* " with freak Problems -• asked me why I 414 not try Dr. when netessary. Iiitilliamer Pink .Pills; -and I gOt IL' 414,111"Imo:noingleai.itivottiahoe tho.chouhn ire(sta, airl Before they were 044 tern) to light mei it. was telo'clock re wasksome improvementAn mY the eirenin4 before / returned loundiam.-*ALLAtot, three beze° .By the time. '1"-hia Vikeri 'turned I feel that the cure is per. eteme„ 4" Vie' and 'as- riot' Pry"' ay:: rice kenehin-solip antrves - *anent. 1ity only regret is that I ening ;014.ricAle"ug-uer v. ita4 net hear of riga Aux moo initeitrtant of --these Pill* sooner,_ for not onlY woad I meetings was the one in January. get rit4 of the' 11*-br 'sooner, 'During the course of it T. had the tut woukl also have saved some gond tiotnne to solve say.tirst p0b. • twenty-five sP0,4 „tem: 'The teeond---problem -giver! other treitMents. wiTs 'Kane no 'lie we tOrnetny' Dr. Willie/Me Pink Pips are *old how to stop a bell Jai= -sounding. all -dealers in medicine or MAY • "T_Irse-rest. cure now &over., I had by mail at 50 eeuts_la box have .coine mit of it fortified lin 101` llintiOX0*:101"42.60. from Whe Dr. body ° and in Mind. I am no longer Medicine 4.roek, nervOus and irritablet, ta2m,?,ableo to tile. Ont. look et. things mortidispassionstely and feel myself more fit than I was before4o-cope with the' difficulties Aik.1 worries of life." a0x1118-.11.04144.:Mitit* rom Alio temple; for break- cso all is signs of the pain ktui 1,:ke gruel and relishes; at f st • 1.104400ammemomi.mrando BIRTHDAY .IN -JAPAN-. On the anniversiry of a Japan - ase boy's birthday his parents pre - Lim with -* huge paper fish, made of gayly painted hag, with a hcop of proper- dimensions forming the mouth. A. string is tied to the heel) and thefislt is boieted to si le ext the roof of the house. Tben the wind rushing through e*usese fish. to swell •out to the pxoper size and shap9 and gives it the appearance of swimming in the A Japanese boy carefully aene every fish thus given.to him. One can tell by the number a them • that swini 'front the same pole how •nanp birthday, the little fellow a. You hear a A t about "blush - t did you ever see rine t Give Holloway's Corn Clot ° ttial.It eMovpd ten torns from one pair of et without any pain. What t\IzUJ on once it. Wilt do *gam" The shallower lie man the deep- tr,the vorld stems. gots' ter tileares and take ett ether. A. JAPANESE REST CURE. A/0101.4.0 ling Over Metaphysical Prole. lefts ter a Year.. The Japanese are ,eatehing up _with us. They now exiioy the bles; ani f nervouili-prirstration and are practising their own ,form•cf rest :,cure., The Japan Magazine *tell! of ibis latest stcp in Frogress. A laily•by the hame of Rawakita his; antuxim was threatened with a rvous ionapte which necessitat: * vi65t to the teseide, and bdiig litclockurs, Elie was fiOrStlad ter upon the form ki re0, tare. ptitetLi*ed under nedircetiort off* pliest figneas Knkjifra. ie. „ t was on•Oetober 3 last," says ,atilat I,.made the acquaintance oI ' KteanAw,saitte. , director 'ors's!. ft ROOt. losy% retinae* ailentii ditterett, Mit' whit% frr* ib **NO teutoir.--* With nietrittoe. frio, rue tweet/ IA wets tit. 174 tripsosint stiandsto suit Ile* ow. rites et hoe* octal* istiteAisktsi. '�I tho eetinutiloted Li� reeeolitlet." • ki arbesi *bolo v**�b or*, .07.40i707.0.00,00.000d00 SICILY BABIES 01011iT rffillt .00010404.4 The sickly baby is' quickly cured by Baby'e,Own _Tablets. .. These, Tablets are a never failing cure for the troubles arising from it dirior. (farad condition of theksteintich and • bowels; Being sold under a guar. artee to emits= no harmful drug they 4an be given 'to the rtingeat . Dr. Blank; a professor in the child with perfect safety. • Mrs. University of Virginia, was on the Francis McMullen, It. Octave. , lavo, of, a trip to Europe, to be abs QUe. "frith*: "I have used Baby's if sent two years. In pathetie and Own'Tablets for my baby who Wet rathtr harrowing tones he made constipated for. four or five days .at his farewell addreett to 'the a. time. I found the Tablets. to be. "Yest1 am about to pint froniyon: of 'great benefit and would recoms This is more than distressing me. mend them -to other mothers...." wank', that there was & window in They° are hy;necliein0 lienler*.ley'brelat, nty ksr boys, that 'You or by instil at 25 cent* A box ,froin rafght see the innermost recesses ot The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co. toy hoot.," A atripum, ,in th Brockville, Ont. ,„ *mar, „seized with a happy thought sitonledp.....,--iirroraeorl would & GEoGitojitemly smrdislo. the :t01 dot The' _tlitsvwaS beh3g questionftl'Through indiseretion in eseng on the . cardinal et the cone. green fruit* in summer rriany chil- • dren become ,sesbieet to cholera situ I turn to the east and, look reerbus caused by Irritating et the rising sun, „what it behind that act violently On the lining of me I" ititestines.„ Pains and dangrp Boy- 'Yer olis,dder." <1:4 purgings.rilaue azxl the deliestA, system of the child stiffer* tinder A FROST. Iwo allowed to VOte, but it must De tO14 comfort up. there, though. Pleasant as syrop.; nothing etratas it as a worm medicine; the nave is Mother:Graves' Wenn Exterroin,- *tor. Tgigres,tertorm destroyer $ of the age, • __ VRTITZ 110144 TENfiENCY Mini" is trying to kaittek ainother °Ion. in ilds wayi at least,- six Wow* the effect:sat XTITARD11 =mast to the only LIM. 1184.4* *sited for at aty,etore sad the only One we keep tor sale. All the people use IL itanterruvrotr. Pleasaitt Thiy., cIt. --\ SA t0 ID HIS D OLArtro, . _ . , the drain., ;in *wit. cases the al Aollokleolie. NA* MO ' 14-. ites.-4 itss over est and *twist mii edcne .2e Dr. . _ . esti./ rears ei stoi- sad 'mire **seal D. Xelloges, Dysentery Cordial. It trots gliney suit Illogeler Treahlo 'for sit, i .. •=., , - ..- • -.::::: tittetti years, I took -"Worm vieilleine 'wail 'colt* file . inrisnintstion *Au hot got tiO. kelp I *eat to tkattkviroo save, the life. 1st n*Liss-marts „or P211* Web beIged arc have taken *Ix hoses et Ota /lino 'FOR itEM ri E. tegether. floe relief lettere I lied tit Ltrled* every Atte** 11.11141"fa aug to*awe it,stmoviit„ heft* I 03*Iiit rtn forSotten 'kr rnI itrieste. Row OW* bee feet or 4eittle.– Aver bowl without gettimg didn't you borrow oney from theinbefore you, leftl" eighbois were designed f Hier purposesi.thiin merely ,t1`1 alked „ TO TRY ON YOUR-V.itteNDOs , '00. denote* * bard hea venting lip means tinfidit An OpaU mouth, artempty 'Coarse hair, 'a vea 14111 elx‘ekr show Si good ri. pointed nose -Ute disposition. telt. 4441/ hair nmeams ysical strength.. dimpled ehio is pot uggest$ feeble intellect. A brook, face is a proof of *surance, and obstirtseYs ° F411 temple* mean Mastiteroatieti gifts;- Thick 4iielrds, ,povering,‘„ half. t Popilei denote great artiatieBeinmps 7 era. • on the - forehc&J inean - elicate-,teAtUres, *refined ruind CoMpre sod, lips prove seeretiv neixe &nd acquisitiveness. • A0 A7TAA 10.401,00 THE G1al&T-40011:001114TO Tlioso Indians velto:Inade the first tem* of birch be* long ego, ,were OUT greatest berkelitetorA. The ebikiren of these Ittisamotturs, the eitiae„, and therknow hoIr.to use it, and 1! you go -to Temagamif On.' Uri*, this trummer they will, 1 soUr-cattee fir their *uperb *ay. .Students who camp. in -sum. !nor *wag the Temegerai 1*** are able to do4o rare work in one Finest. ng and hunting, Easy ofaectss by tbe Grand Trunk 1ai1- way System. Inforination and b'eautifid riptire seat tree on spplicationto %O. 1fl - meporta1cic mallet Pauenger UttlOrs Station, Toroiato, Ont. Between two evilitit'a better for 4 Woman tO'Illarry ntaill-W110 chews tobseco rather thaw:me wile is always chewing the rag, - •A Pill That lightens Life. tho man.who is a victim of indiges- tion the transection of butinelis be. eoutes an added miseq,,:flexannot cc,noentrat-e bis mind upon bis tuks pee apA vexatiori attend him, To such Vege- table kills offer relief. A course of ties,tment, aecording, to directions, will convince - hire of their great excellence, They are confidently recommended because they will, do all that is claimed -for them. , -14tany_ a teacher -makes his mai* on the rising generation with * birch rad.' • snares ttionsiet end by Physician, . Standing in thcir own light gnarly men complain that the way is dark. Tear- rittleigirtle Will,Tele Tee Kuria* EY* itentedy Relieve* ,Sore Rites. Strengthen* Wetk Eyee...Doesn't_llniart, soothes Bye ,Po. Arid Delia TO,r Try bturine 'rota' Eyes snit Sabre Wes for ilealY Eyelid* and -Granulation. • Anyway a -girl looks 'better in an automobile than she did on a, ht- . cycle. No Alcohol In It. Aleoh61 or any other volatile matter, wadi° you impair strength by evaporation -does not in any shape enter. ,into the • manufacture of Dr. Thomas' telectric Nor , do cliroatie changes affect it. It is as iterviees abler„in the Arctic Circle as in the .Torrid, Zone, perhaps more useful in the higher latitudes, where men la more iilbject to colds from ex- posure-to-the-cieruents. Mitay. a -Man Who knows himailf is for that reason • stiSpkiouS of others. A OPPLAINati ANKLE tciot neest.- *ea *wettest. Posiskino ***Iievoi arts salkolt 1111 If Pri The greateet heeteelto14 reesoti.„. Avoid, otelootitittee. Otero to but Oft. AitaaRtr, 'Poor 'psrasso sac-iiit,s1114-1.------- • "'"' *.* tear that ovine. hail get' a. * '11 it----Jitiince have tome it. Pinta !Veto Sittional Vrait Cliestkal f WA% lereete, tor 'tree recast wee Nit. 6 for ttle DIE AGE OF NIL% To the question, "Ifow oli Niagara rails °have returned replies varyin y tkiie or titoinds of seals. At:first that the 'Niagara ei*eitine into existencethro nge'sin the- level of the -I he Great Leke's. ,abont cf. Later. this wel...t re. uecd $Q o-nly 12,000 Seale. Lyell timate again to 35, - n1Still later other lit ered it to_about qOOO period. ttiallty tho go, .the to ,fitt.--Rarper And all the wor14 loves to la with * 'faultier. , IONEy PILLS it letter .should:bear the. stem Approval—also * twii-eent stam f it is, to go, by bun. - Nostarts -43tomwit KNEW Tlf$11,EQIIMEMEN. nele, Silas, inbis .youth, hd been "fond of the society 'f the . sex," use liii owu r 'altid the( timidity- *of ystitreelearsokt nephew g t trial to him. "Itlihat's the matter of yen, that you stiek at home Sund*Y 0 enint" he demanded a er many unavailing hint*, don't you go tailing oil 441104,of ur yeung lady friends. 1" don't care about it,' , turning ;te, lively trims wouldn't, find Me *tort st- 4. Itin'tt" .iin*ed Miele Ri should like to be told wby You've got * ie *rad sk new straw ha t ,pitirliitifigs this ike you te. the candy hop lay ight, ,artil enough pck 'sot two in. I silo now Mete yOtt. itd it inter* ,cro * V ettik 's4. lifts ° / A told concerning tiu tnavelIera who found theuoielveir a Prohibitionist State, and w 'discussing the qUeatiou of bow 1 tabV -alcoholicliquor, -- when p!essant-1ooking policeman appea cd and wizhed them Vilood-raOr ^ III lin) One et travellers, "at'. ap.,s .offiet "Follow me," constable, ikba ho cowl:noted thein in and out an4 'round, about until they atood front of the cathedral. The travellers"Tooked at eaett other in astonishment. "Surely, my toed man," said the first, "you do not mesa to tell uai that we can obtain . what wei want in a- thurcht'4. 'You see the, (lurch*, do lout" Mid the policeman, solemnly. _ -„‘‘,Yes," assented the two. "Well, that's the only plate in j. owyotroguit.zertt:* ATAT...1•41.10,0A Climb a little higher thin tilt crOw4 *Ad: you will be a target for the knockers, lir 044o *Cute ji.tk* 'the ir lemazie*�t usaniiimid* blyc bad impierkateuktiottrasotiotosis. Uwe "ik • *54 lorthe, it* *PO ei te WitYcli I Ye it- Tri for$L Cepa ter eute lopol. • atk Fiat esaler ret free tayke er oar leek oAlluatteeOulltelieree"ervettertuwe et A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. ANEfl,Tuaora te.,ZIPaf itto; Intern• al The secluded life of women' ;Which our hobo) tres="tte.lt-fkr:titaiwuteroarein by -*-4116 Seelttaitt-iifef Of -women which 1 Liatetinr-Drmit; IleLlama -Ifintittet penults of little -healthful exercise; R * fruitful cause of derangements meet FOR EN?. of -the"; Stanch and liter. and is acs Oft ALL nt VI*. 4 nearly 14T.40. 1$. countable for the Pains 041 lassj. - trek that mull of thew eepery, cn eoil honor* .00x14., Weide: two loit et.ce. Parmelee', Vegetable rate ihnoree,6arinsibiiim"iii„tr"ei, saweie.11nt. e.ti,en osrprttri: wili correct, irregularities of the I i-ot34-iiscieksiitiiiiiii-f-:istete dee- norti cligestite lotions and restore health rigir..11Nittlieillitnn.cat.„. 11.,,nrorm.raut and vigor. The mast 'delicate we- rind—oelto; 1,71 .14-rtotali.-45.7iiriCtier1tiSie; mart ow use them with safety, bits good bald- good water* abetter* if°6d- eallite their action, while effective, grft0117,roetg3t, .1211111.1bnetealrih tvea *Vise. 16 101141 and soothing'. trot full partkulere writs tbas. orention. Alt*. When a detective sees an airship ailing allay he is *stifled in think- itig that there is soirtething up.; biloarirti Llithweiteittenthenuares Friend. About ninety 'letters out of every 4G0' -written represent a waste of Postage. ADOUND, trot built *volt fettle,. the genulue, "The D. A netitkol Pl**tero Iowa ha* stood the test or yeatt It eureevlialtatkuto dont The D A L." tkiteade by Davis 4 Lawrisee Mr- Wain (who is boarding out for a, iew ilsys)--"By the -way, Mrs, Perkitiii0q. must eonfest the mutton lkitt bad for dinner today is ntilie kind of/meat to which I have -bee accustomed." Mrs. Perkins "Werry likely not, sir. 1 alwis Os the best," '9441,4NALTVW 4 A, 9%!:, a 1. . a • Whin 'btiiirifyottr Piano itV54St on havut9ait otTo 11111GEL: Piano Action s Ycsur. Hearin 'Good i! The intss.00.11toiss win lit.'sLyo* the *let. giving petite at* awl eveasa tits of good Oititil for tree et estiegell SW*. Mao 1004,11011 Otter ter A Aliettes Woe Trial* VI* 'RAND OZOPIS LIMITS*, Tereatik • miNbet ty WAX.° • itx AV liL Gait knd, M*, ice elly dear °eat GALL. OOPER trotiottm. rirearear999944.1.109994, , _ _