HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-23, Page 2 (2)a ,from Port Arthur aDrusp to St#031diO$ timber thet.eannot be estisszated with any f *curacy, but whichwill to the hundreds of thou- s dozens 44°14411er*, tendered bomelou,with their personal ef- deitroyed, and, their 'Wks chM no that there is little`nlike. :any crops being ,reised. eou his *coon, is in 'brief to result of the forest Ares iti 'sIuabIe ts,th stiuiid, and sariy bavo'bit every Oink'1 rot Imo exifa - svod i 1'04' bY 04)* prinei suffer , le.1, 0,1"0:Con Papio IteatIt bis now forest ''' i II .404' , have , ,11.40iing .4liitriet Or *Oeral dkys.... Mrs. ('hristopher 011111S of O'Connor towne ituvreureling Port Arthur in ,every imalseresti in the' burning direction. Telephone messages re- home while her husband was . (*he'd On Wednesday night from Mers and Kelcabek* Fell* are that thew is no sign, of the41#0* *biting. As the massy was re - coved in Port Arthufa light rain , hs4 commenced to fall' but there W15 no sign of 004 at Itehibekos" where the families of every settle- ent fer-mile avoim4--have- for shelter ry family in Om diatrict with or settlers Ogliting an *41104 Of tunes, believi,m hi* 'place to he in no immediate de ger-, Fred; and M. Winslow, hro #1414'1010: lost beavily by -the sit ion oflogs in the vicinit7 of Iseve not- reported to any of 4.1:te 'villages for a couple ot syL and hilLtkere is no eer in - been bit it is Lei -toJia been :hes vets,. \ • 4.0480AS *batik Vsli Orsselsg, tiespstelt from St. Thorns* soya ,¶& zed Accident occurred on Sunday. morning at the Wabash level cross- ing in Aylmer, resulting in the • ileittlt-of- three ,.PeO.Plet Mr. Tbomaa F. Ma* and his wife. -Ila and her sister, Miss AnnioB. Scott , Lit Ottawa. • It transpired Oust .11 threwhad been to church and were • driving home to Mr. Hares farm, about s mile and * quarter north of the town, when No. 3 Wabash ex- • press dashed into them as they at- ..temptel, LtitArott.„-OtAXsok- Mr anet nate were killettiritin 17 and Miss Scott died' three hours Later from injuries sultatine&-it. two .hundred yards -east, oftho - erossing is att,eurY0 and none of the occupents of the buggy. could see the train. Setters" people nearby, • however, shouted to them that the train was coming, but they tried to ;cross ahead -of it, with the painful 'result that *11 Tbcy Were each about 'twenty year* of age, and were well known 404 higbly respected in the dis- -Wet' - PlItEACIIERS !OWE= DITBIA. Attache* OneCAisellter with Knives liently Church., *A despittc, Louiivifle, Ky., _001' An ineliettment was returned on Thursday, but not made "public 1=61 Smsda,y, -charging Rev. Isaac Perry with the murder of Bev. Rob- ert -Vairover. The two th well-known mountain preach •r' had been holding telifilai meet, _ — lugs. In Whitely -0_40n *44 quar- reled over *Olite clusrges which )04 been .-----TaWC-sgarus-irlfsn trouble retsched it* height 4uving z. semi*" in the .11ock Creek Baptist ' Church a, weekss,gii and Venover and Perry, armed' with--knite*, Iiioght a duel itt the building while the people, in a panic, fed. Vati- over'a throat was tut from ear to *ar and he died in * short time. erry-and-141.4tothei Blaine ate * . 3iiil at Williamsburg. stommints-Forentt Him* s�kNeer the Camp- at Petawiltra Threatened. Bariage, despatthiroM Military Camp, Pitawenrsi, Ont., says: About , ,o'cloek an Thursday,-Motning tbv bush neer the temp of the Troztto camper*, of Engineers 'taught: ire,. Ord ** a high wind was.-Islowingr th& tamp was in danger of being 'w;ped out. • The men were out of •,vamp at *cork it.t, the time. C'ept. „S. P.. , ordered' the ire 'oat, sounded. nd the men drop their tkols and :ante into _tamp at the `double. Iteaded b Captaie tins, they taught up axes, sps,des anfi blankets and speedily had the lire out. • • k. AND ND 4 APPICNING NI a f* vs* o*e s vs** TweIve gavien: vietims of ths Review Aro ivetro, buriod * Moon'Mrs. ir&nk s spine froM „st carries*, et tient n• of the Canadian or ittreett4$ * De boteL Winnipeg. • The 31i1jti. Department estimate Wat there are 10,000 Men tv$444, no* in ein*d*. ) • T,_ r in t is t and the beki up *pin. *. Women wet* clrowi 1st* Bay on Friday nig up€etting of * leurteh, r. R. A Beatty of-Torooto_41ss been *P chief, surgeon of ofl es arrested'at chug*of putting pioyertsless. The Montre*1have dtcided to have an inSipection of aR e high water. tanks an the,..eit **dye* istI The Qty. hap settled Wit ' paaiii4011:101led 0com a May.ottior ilw# telegraphers by giving Ian, advance of Ave dollars O. in 0 The death through accident* afligng altOttli.• ° I I employees in 'Canadian- industries William Ridley, * London 'Oxit., d!tring May. numbered 133. - ad- machinist, was found_dcad ';1-0 his ditio, 243 individual work people bdatding.- house from carbolic iuflered serious injuries. Isr-the-Polsonits,V7' seivioe 2 employeek_were Mr". William Mackenzie hass3rouV- killed during the -month and Ott,its- Pleted"the purchete of Ron. ernes lured; The total number of trade DAttsrouir's -coal interest* on Van, disputes reported in eicititenco-lluv_eotwer Island. • 'ins May was 21, an increase, of five A Causdiat' -Yuglish-company as compared with _ the preceding has • been -chartered by the Neva month. About 329 firms and 2,223 fleotia *Government to build- the tomes Wet!). .affected„ ,l.)1 news Eastern Itailitiay.' Wtheeeittt- Ezinteslato tinie --tiototioutt - pioyers through strikes was ap. at London, while the County roximately 71,830 working days, as Courb was in „oesment The-0*volt red with 96,340 in May of lasss,--shattered-And-thsrilig4-destroy ed • Sir Thames'', theughrteesy, - 04- iltvp LIVES LOST. .eliesting the :Halifax tortvi o k•k•MIkkIkk* " Trade, -isht----the'C. P. R. hoped t Storm, Swept Over New soon to hang out its shingle in Ifs. Vett City. .WO LD a I r kte P • Toronto, June 1 norther*, twit/sera 25Ne, at tat; sloPmeut. Ontario Whest-No, tir *hest, *Oo to Itte out* n -4 -American yel O. a yellow $4',40 C.anSdisn Ole to eic, 'Toronto freights. 04 Western, no; $ 'irnnlitt kliceonpotarrit: utsidel, , nit° rta ; 4- tct inunedis . 2 white, 6.'4u 1Toronto. • rle -No, it, 51c to OSe; 0AV*, to 50c; No. 3# 400 0 outside; Manitoba, No, 4, 450 on track, she„Pottit, -viten,' No. 4, 700, to -71c. Ry No. 2, 67c to Ele.e. le ; heat' -No. 2, Me. Ilour--4restetion are stpatents, 4:.00,;. strong cektt. Gla • iour ter wbeat for export,' 00 to $3.65 Yens' 1)1444 Ott . Ifed-Manitoba bran, $16 per 20 per ton, track, To- • avio bran, -1110 per ton; $01 per ton on track, Toron. • - - Du &per (choke ite '1 • Itraulrall,a-pratnimmt "esPatelt YoTc near Shelburne, was -killed 0._an the heels of the reception by his horses taking inght at anau Theotiorb Roosevelt on Sat via tomohge etxt.dreggiog him for, some came the deluge. Two hours atter,distauce. thelmrade that _escortAsd- .cst Fifth Avenue had disbanded t !don, Out., died frorefblood-poisen- whole metropolitan .district was ing, supposed to have been con. svropt by the most viole.nt downpotir (traded three limos ago ti:t. in montbsoehile.thersemd-at times 'ism the breath of S. sick horse. Attained- a velocity _of_liftcreighE Frank. Quinn of St.-Cathatines mila,. an hour. Five deaths halire •lumped from the lower steel arch beet reported, four other Person!) hrklge 'Mks the Niagara River On *se believed to ha" been drowned 'Sunday morning, despite the efforts in tbe capsizing' of a fishing smack of his tomps,niont to stop him.' no eN Long Island, while sores of t way not seen again. ,others had narrow escapes. The storm bolos almost without warn* rcirgotiredetittees, swift sistveeritt'stirbpraottup- fMr idili r fly- ig, and tore into tatters the dec- d..- , oeeit pour.. en • I "WIJIITEEN WERE YillitEIL • GREAT BRITAIN. The Ceinferaute of .British party feeders on the veto, question wip, be held this week. --tiord---Xitchener has resigned -Us position as Commender-in-Chief of e Mediterranean. . O'Connor seys,the feeling is strong among British politicians Collision sit Two Trains at Ville that Peace Is almost within sultItt- Viscount Wolverhampton, Lora. Prestx, :France. • President of the Council, has. re - A despatch from 'Vino Preux, signed from the British Cebinet. Frew, says: The Granville ex Earl Ileancluimp has suoeeded press crashed' irtto the,rear of a, tcrid Wolverhampton -af t,ord Pre- caI train standing at the station sident-of the 04ttueil m the Brit - here on Sitturday. * Both, treirm islt Cabinet. were itretke4- and the wreckage Sir Edward (trey stated in the czught re. rourteen boditis have House of Oortitticnsiliat CM. BOOK. flaws from the wreckage. tele* spee*„11 on Egypt was subunit; ted to him befOri it was diiiTered RITAIN'S ISIIEltITANPE TAX $1244400,10 Or Prete* Floseal4tier.--- speteh fora Loudon says: (hsnceilor of the Exchequer Lloyd - George tot:buttes that the reeeiPts from the 1004i:erste ten for the nencial year 'ending. July 1 will amount to $11s,000,000. The de - level income tax collected its April end May may *mount to over tot tol,on bi Far! die; , fv. on Jowled of stilts 'zLh frsnlc , SO ' to • . it. vist t ert y *it ado -11NITE4. STATES. • Charles K. Ife"niet ton :flew in his r Ae from ltl` York to Phil*. ana•back. ° Buffalo teuhers are forming. a Union whitli- will he 'elserterea by the Arnevie*n Federation of Labor. Ismets A. Patten end seven other spetulatots, have been indicted at New York' on charges of coimpir- ing to restrain trade. GENERAL. Itt101UtiOn iS URI to be spr in Nicaragua.. „ - "wr Thomas,one of tha ng newspapermen of Australia, ad. - is reorted in Peru that to reach * peaceful uedor have ktiniiited that two hurt. dr4c1 lives hare bon lost in Oer. resulti of the rettent k was inade 0* Shiite Iei 4 • Pre to 1 ourof . 14 40,41 -TRY PROrlotICE.• r-Creatitery. :prints, ‘22e. prin :260 Dairy prints , 180 , Inferior tubs, per dozen in case lots. New large cheese, 11%c us- at .12e per pound. Old 0-$2.10 to '$,2,40 per bushel As. X Torrii)10 -7/`• rsafelt from apest says: Neanby 300 '.4ezi14.1r3r:t(le'iriTebarylittlailtaltroiviFtriniivigilt,otem,,taa 1.41::77 *nu d -by a he •wistbrit'sf;hi$4* l!'„it°1Pile4explIteteditumilas4 the death " ,be greatly in- creased when comminication, which s beets almost ci:nvitAft_eutsilf„ li resteked. . Bridges, telegraph rut telephone mirOts,in the district have been destroyed, and it is ketredi that many of the survivors 'of.--the-flood will die of starvation or exposure before it is possiblef to a*startee:. AltAgE IN SWi d, arty ,:‘ The floods in Switzer - far Itznd,. mowed by -cautioned, rains hand perticUlerlY-iiii=the- "-eastern and Ota coot set district's, have proved to be the most dirt astrons in the past aix, ty years:- Tvitextty- -lives have been lc.ft- in, the •atieollert waters.; WOW rio Itran-108.60 to $10 i'On- middling4 *21 to 122;. Mani taut $.10; *snitch* shorts ire• rgrarn inOtiilleo, $32 to $33; ULXCcL rucuillit,; 225 to .$26. otatoes--Delawares, 60c to Mn • -bridges, constructed at greet exL- PtEsse, havo, bcen either carried ..1*g_ort_track,--eruf_itt--75e-per. *NV` or lettouatit dannited. Pro - bag out of dere, Orarios, 400 to 45c per bag in ear Cots. - Mori oNs. 7WhOlettiile quo Pork --Short- cut $31 to $31,50 per barrel; mess,. $30.50 tO $20. La Firm; tie cei„ 10c it. tubs, -16i4roce;kilsels**:(1-1A8D4 st°,3ckaitszarlieillgts-.14. Long clear- bozo., tOUS and case*, itgeke to 1334o.; b cks (p1ain),421C to 211/0; backs --(pe ';meal), 21340 to riel shoulder 1,1 ms, 140 to 14%0* green meats ou of pickle, te lets than susoked.''' ' Itolls-Smes lsa to 101404 1116‘ dium and 1igh1 ems, 18c to ,1031c; modsum and Iight bams,..itge to Ustliel_hestvy, 1634c to 17c; bacoo, 19e, to 20c.. • X01*Eitti ARIC.f ETh* Memtree41, lune ,- i. -Corn -Am- erican No. 2 yellow, 64e to 670;140. tso a yeibilt . 64c to, 46., No. 2 miied,_ to 060; oL, Noi 3, to 04c.---11,,i0ats- o Canadian western, 313e to 364 N11te-, 15c ,tki 351 rio iv 14%e,, al. - le 4:19*. O., 4 4., No. ' do., No. 4, 660; fe J herbsy, Tioitr-44(*nitob* *print whe potent*, firsts, *5. 1V, worlds - sifl; winter *beet ti, 114; tatotte strong be 41, $4.70; *tr*,Ight4rol1er*, $4. 50'-ut bsgs *3:- 10 to 23.24; . extras, 21.20 Eggs -Selected stock, tic to 22c, and straight receipts, 16e per oz. Cheese -lit to Ittle for western* and 1,0%c ta .1,0Xt for ',totems. nutter wt.,* .pgla per lb. UNITEI) STATESMAIMETS. • ., Buffalo, 4itr$01.--Spring *hest - Steady; No. 11 canloadi ' stele, $1.60%; Winter, ' ate rxt-Iligh6r; No yellow, ewe ICI. '4 yellow; Olt l`f'o.-.3tieit 01 No. 4 coil, 501,4 Oati--- trong; No. 2 *We, 4134c; No. 3 white •ne; Ne. 4 white 38c. BstTioy NI to n-ialtin l3 to We. • 'Minneapolis, Juic tf.-NVOtit. . $1.03,4: trth#v Oagie; Decctn.011 •- her, .90No. g n* .1. to. lilt ' iiiithern LK% to $1.00 10 to t16,115. IzIour-,,- r patent*, $6.1,0 $3.30; seto tot clears, $345 to *306; scnd cicsrs, $1.110 send .4 lh helpe wi rarnced fro ordinary tows, • Africa O $45 each. Pat the, eki rieb, *hep, 4134eto and lambs $4 Qs ,se ete will ik'j l'rp sou at *he* out pigs at uaooau ,,,auauttoo• a Lis a prty lo s aegVegatiog '412, eve sires* been reported, ;ow ucarE, xxos? detpstch kern Tienn* sot Stuthea%tern Europe is flood.swe n yeports, received 04 "Tim y. indicate that the delith 114. beg, n 4100 and 4600. Whole - lager have been wiped out, and fer- tile 'valleys t� -day are lakes. - The amage---o, estiuisted, but - meagre, ices; already at hand Show that will,snrely he.itt excess of $2,500... 064. The situation has not 1"4-4. equalled in unsay years, Austri4“-- •tho Balkan* and Armenia, have suf.- fored Belief work is i'ig pu ed as well As poist*W.,With and c /communication It* m sections at it, standstill, the u ittor--eptidy appear ir rbratounl'Ule. Reins are report- • 4d generally,- and the floods con- tinue. every dtspatt the horror of the situation .log1711001- ffected it is :43•helli tag: dene h- tnotitrareti. ine* region*os14t, W,000 peo I I k • k Toronto, June 1. --,The receipts' -the last two days -amounted to $ tatlends, whielt .contain -1,040 -head of ;cattle, 1,320- lambs, 1,480 bogs auct OS valves: The best but- cher' cattle sold at $0.80 to $47.16 per cwt., with the mettlives and • ommon grades bringing trim *5.- bO to $0.25. .4 few . Choice export- ers are mentioned irs 4me-transac, tion at $7.25 to $7.65. - The best grade of .cows sold * 136.26 ar,d the, .poore from 33.60 to -$4.26. much, changed in cos -$0.40 being paid_ for t alist frOm, $5. up for • the se grades. Sheep and jam plentiful; and the sirarket . for lambs, ..ifthiCh Atti now at $3 to *6.75 per cwt. .Hogaj unchange at mosurria••• A.N.OTIIER RECOOlt, BROM' Royal Edward. Clips Twii Heirs ,01 Atlantle Record. deistiatelt from. .Quelteci says ;from .$3 to •quality at Hs were not as high as LO best, Meat ortelary $ were •• easier'• ,quoted relisam 21' e Canadian trams-Atlentie record. :"Itoyel -,Edward,P ` the -ne triple smwturbine steamer ot. the Oanadisn Northern! - eet, left *stet at 8 p.m: Timmelay last and •doelred here on Wednesday at 3.30. m., beating the best inselviouperr• rmanee of Any Coaadistis *teenier by two hours. 0 10.0)1 WESTERN 13.01100Lff. Sale of • Their Land Brings. _Big • Prices. • A despatch from Usteran, Sastp At the sale' of ,school lands completed:On Wednesday two bun, /erect and forty.itve:- -parcels were . sold. Ivrieet ranged from $7 am acre to $10, and competition was _ keenthe net proceeds being over hitt sa inillion dollars. • • • ou•O•roolhowiro • MINER 0110811ED TO DEATIL, Fatality la Interiatiessal-Mine at Coleman. A despatch from Lethbridge *spit (4401 lafernenack was killed and William Roily wits fatally injured ty being erutthed by * fall of coal from the hem' wail of the seam -in the International Coal• Coke - moony mint at Wernan on - istlet t.,Lta_vninc. tr, " tl• , e housewife . with ars o wornan who knowa1iow to • cook—finds, after practi caI tests and hard trials, thc CW- ectiOrt Coolc-Stove is her idea of k.sdova She fiuids it quiresless enti.on,* eosts Jess to OP,. rate* and cooks all fQod etter than any other stove he has ever tri heands the ,