HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1910-06-02, Page 8 (2)0AL NOS
M1.} -4,,z(ra�. 7r, cam`'} y�eyr� yMw .any ►H',�,F Tth
'rr z, �4m ti:i 11Ri ;
• 1futQ,>E *trot, t,. is. aga to
.ralth And urder 140 do:,
�. ". Mttiarn of °, `t 14
,Keen". voz1lurted. services
a: rh>wax�ct a `. 1Pcn. th.e 14,4.
ate t .sal3' ':F,"i.. ,' fiwt
►? # "" w k t*tasalic • 3.906.1b, s~i ,4
?1 issi r -
'o a,>rt,mnd i ding wcto
Ire- , tia71 e1 ` Mwtu9 t4owl
:dat7+e� •
hx aaddraa.ad the ,ux,
: Foreign Min.
�atzt Tbanaew Read s'h . reit
a ; rm4aNa lrs's aa1ll ' '.p a 111
f`ur bta h aca s. ilaiala'y .'as
his esrd. His. ea
wbzit, bts suit proclainiS
fit► > audit to ever±y.,.
oue flee
tai -Ever ,
, ettit es language,'
hittalwaaaspeak fa -
bIy of the wearer.
ea ascy Vests; Pot Me thizig
worn weather. YOU will like them whiff
you sec Mem, Call its, & mart's.
X'W4t$FOR L 111.--! wo t11, ousznd
Oex*ntum , plants. also ....tete s. Storks
t'etui;, e't per.atrl$a ` Vie;- and *11
rl as
ot plants tor ha ilug baskets.
- Early Cabbage, Cauliflower, • Tomato.'
--001e17, at lowest°~prricstsrs,.
LOUIS DAY, Market Gardener,1..
" etet'
a47 aai reittau s t"* milliNeay will to
era - i►r Me next Fifteen days'_ at
THE OCAVS from pow
x 1911. torr SO cents.- '
NW underwear. Oar tumor
acre ,ar gasletes. 4 gnat a a 'r r►°tmgst
tt qualities is all sizes at
kart Me Lest stochligi .we t Aare
s ciar Baa Muck and Tate, all. stew'
2 jnnr for lir. Stewart.'
NOTterg- Tia- tt,e Sl:at'eholder'*
Eutcr Salt Works Co.Oentitin you
win please :take notice that, the •Mar lnttalE
meeting,ot the ,said eornPan3' wild by
te:1d 1~'riday„ . un -e 3.0th, at .p,rg. ibn.
the Town. Ustll. 1y order of the Board
'', N. + .'srun, Seer.
}r:duz " i"t�a%aa
aa;r,:a a $P'e`at Tuesday,
t Arino5 + aA fix` 01.401'': .SAM
tiaaar ► F ,. Taps utak T c*d fA ;'f
lr�« 1 a Fara►u vvraa.
uanda • a lFigl t.
r�. ,Aa7 Stagy . Mrd;,
t � eta .p4r+i te,
Prof_ Railoz ot, ti ante?}'ta li' •,ls vias
.1r t. wail +a 1.4'$1,3 ` .' 4) irr( '01,..
L'A U l '1,,,:40:41(0,a 1'4aevid•
i$feril ire land u tier
ztr ran, ''A' • a do:
ifpp^ra`i>yv isit`# ` lana
.Illy xeexar:
arwno woe ah *pd s
In* than: ell ethos,..m.
I) 1 rr: y 'u + rot r; e' .1 iv ..
n er
sslt trgland. wilt, deliver his :Anoint
mon tk;e ok or 3. the Writ-
ten dad
MrttAodlat cbuzelh,' qct the • ctr+:taa
t luno tdth.
The retura. 10,111O. +f :b bal .btwee_n
Exeter and centraila en the to at - ata ,F
to nd On Wei4t1e0alar the taxa ot last'
we< k
resulted in a 'tte,, . Wm. Vonc
': traiti umpt •
'week' ott• tai ; '
ntral/ aa
� tr�nn• the 4eart. lzansr
asaoltal` hien Interestin the tarn* slid
A4ble _"°SIK-*k.,- to his
r7er $1t,, lames, Batty. tornierlif o
r"kto nr
pubiltihed for n
r lot. the Jtor's ..tock 'tr trade. -and
lea ept for anewn items should be paid
for lust as you..s?a:p ct"to paY `o a
doe f` 'g bought- 4 ' t a . uY'y
store;...' v `'
'rr. Al. ; lelrooncli '.last week pur ebaited
Jstr. O. Gillis' „residence and premises
o til #rtweet and Intend* veneering the.
house with brick and otherwise beaut3»
011 1.1; pr'er'ty in • the- .neer future.
Ur. Gillis movedlast Friday, wwtth rhlas
Y n3n° to Parkhill viii r "`thy will hake
world. -pr lie l .
n'� csF Ener
fi should. go out on aatMl
and,.reaotuse to raise a crop It would Ura
btedly p :a . more. disastrous rZt
tct thaaan would reoutt..from.% unWeraant
aatrrilie ot all the other labor 'org*ntxaar
era a o n blared. 1 i 'Zaet lw could P> -
4 V .. the work' --yet- here are .. mans,
peopl4,. Who do not ism . to know Blew
rx.uctt more oul' prosperity cH-penals on.
tr•c . tanner -than it dos .:op tine dude
wilt?. the eann4 -sod 'aara meuataaeke,:'
Thfr ern *ert under the au e
�tc�n' 13 r �p�1C # . 't)kae.'
aas,balA Club .:on Wecblesdo'.
epi3lit last was patronized by a atarod
sttetdaatnce, the entertainer's were .The
Southern s4renaders. a hand of Jubilee
Slt- erta. who hive as 1n3'aet excellent Cll.,
ertainment 1i 'song, rnaany of the eel-
+M�atiornn t,,being old plantations . t neloclier..
which everybody delights.-Ktd•r' hear..Tare
o:"iexr,"t was considcrabiy ;abbe the law-,
,e ye and deserrving of evert .aa much
rfer patronage than itt Saar accorded)
A.. number of p:20pie have been cngair-.
tam teals to the fatally rrnaaine lot the late
ltrg Edward. :According t -D. Donohue,
wine. l* the aut +,r^ ot "Queen Victoria
sled Uer Hein" the aurnanie ot Xing
award was, Mudd,. The'.' following; 't
taken' Iron)3` onohue s work:
Seitz( and Prince Al
rla4gc r• later _.
tors of paotrenger ,gore aatuerr$ own
' saraltiisaa ar :and Port . r'tkaur -e've ►
rn slid intim ay' it 4,*0 p. nt.
In. Also aadditlpnnaal S atlh'gs on Monday
y. $0111.
0011 1114111 tromai COM1101004L O p *t.
and ° Sound 11.4 p..nra. Wednes4
dam's and S*turadays tor Boa end Georg.,
lean . ox .. rti1. T��'l�tekets and Y+tias l`"rd»
tieaa taw -.. r.,c m ashy Grand Trunk.. Assent:,
Aw 3llllr N.arGN' .1•-.ob il, sto^
Pfablic p1O34 and 1•:
awrrerl+ a til.4 antand aftet 3 Orn -
t aasaa il' �W nesd'aaa t. -
t'"aaa �ss .an'at�'`Cstat cries
at 2' . ro. r... �y Jam. -. ,y,�.y� y�yy..
4� A' �����/yi1�.�..1�1fy' '�=1aj•eeit 4w O.
g c TW sda,.7 a -P4
nor sy e 'it. in.
art :t In the nrrnoxn
't">t> aro At night,
here insetµ .
zrame' Of tit queen is,
1rlaa Guelph. while that
price eoitiiint --p'ranct+a Albert,
uguaatus (aatle* • Emanuel Euailel. "
Other authorities give tine: Prince* Marne
as ' ''ctticn isnaateaad aot,- usich ,Prohawy
the latter las -the faintly . name trout
which he took- Pk.
Right ' ro ... Drs . Dickson. Wor.
Rio*. W. W. Taman, D. W. '(,Hina and
il. N. err , and Bros. ta. G. *Won.,
Oat*. Veavatisht and P. Sweet attended
hi' . Xaasahlti Te ti ,of ln.tr,,Odio a'. ` '...
St. Meryl on Tburrsdaay lsrt d spent
as pleasant a -id, protltsble afternoon and
evening -with tbc brethren of the *ration*
as of $:nuth llama - is rlct, and
w1t c Ned the ,eaempll;lcation of the
rtiarat..econd aaud, . third: degrees in
asonry. )(ost " ;'''or. Ilra., McWaatt of ;I
rim Was present and added, marsh to
lznastructly renss of. the. occasion, Vhe , *.
Maria lodges -iris to 'IA "-tOnsrstut-r.
rlt '1 on the tortes* * of their .tfara t ss t o
eltterdaain the is oirs," while its«, ' er..
"Sr o-- Resins: Of Loran, D. D. Ola° .,, is
a(►l;so'HuLlhae. conunendcd On the suCcess.
the ttrraat lodge of instruction In
CottenIluron... '
S. 'i ttto:><...F'who for'.. *on* y. r~s•.,
hat )1.4 `tyle tont sloe u# dei • ' Zia"
Chane, list week lIntormed us that for
ulama time past boys have been la the
habit of . smperl.,j vilth the works Of
the :clock and titlitowlse interfering '.w1t'h •
It. proper regulation. The bol`s. who
are guilt ' of 'such t• a.duwct *haat3 rent'
taal,bly k" ow 'better atnd. d1 better'. or
ra lee puniehtnent should b' meted out
xe •t!~e:rra,'• ,,Another .detriment to the prop.'
er ee •de t of the e1ock, In the Winter
t1r particular/3r. - lirltheT''Zac -of . rlawrs
tet rg nice'.. the hands. Would It not.
1 - wi-1l 'tor tree 'ant ttO tifeurre' cetera
this, the t:16.aa 'and 'thins Legit In Bak.,
the clock an ionic/tilt tInw 1
ler f Ws are s"i raven. la iiii4eritand
t►h t; the ,'bo' rr" has batt guilty Of .0h,,
' Onvrattsnie
uuvtae as tribet*,a.:
it and .*boiit tom' Y awn t`ria#aI.
s13‘.;-,4kiVili, or.; vtaitewd 14
n snt~tl StTI-;:onuta last wtckk r.-
;111aaa SY 1xurra. cir', vl
rat--f4et a<a4nrc#aaa► ^ 3a*M
"FTC), U o * crit adgttOw liar
Kitt W.
440 1*ltt. with.
4t ye ,
re. 'Wm.' Pitman .4;/t Luca
on 'with relative* 'here.
'Mrs. Ale, aGauld and t*r113y
d l
Ire. Geo.,, XlrQcs Over the boil.
Sttta•dela cle of ''Qetxolt X v;sith g
er a 2 Ethertngton,
itnawanniatr and_ Nouletaan sect >t
dlra tb Dental' Con entionx In
_104) r,) S>rrelI of Essex wltt><
kner ajod lren, lit visiting tier mai}, r.er: Mrs
ldlsei Laura tits
eaaas,�1111ar cet!r
. llarriaac,otn: sand, -:
London Tuesday to n
ttanahaax ._.
ii+er .-- . T. Phillips of Ravenswood
a►pent p.4rrt of tills 'week vlsititighis par,*
ertto tate.';.: '
fir. Fred, Southcott arrived here.
`aterday and and lett Immediately for Grand
Send i'aark. ye
day n+a' da r �'
art rretua acdi daay
"YM -- �.
q, }
1A e�ailG�la ? aa?f 1431t week a 43ri4'-'.a4
1tetrc'yu,*.1,4‘ laai'.
cimse tcte •W. M. au
tarilaa : of London; bccatize,that
t._ flrattr itainton„ Al04t9.c1n14
l±ieah It 'Gunn of Odom Alta
Irmo n „Imre e.^Xn).'A
pea ormcd
r `
bit the bride*: lather ai their
. 'y -;
� . The youcouple . left the, 1$4111
.":1101'1'1 n -On ' g trip. to 'canna ouv, r...4Es
tier which: they will return to Calgarys,
to reside, wht a Dari. Gunn Coley r, . an
,ecce lent practice los a *pet lail*t. Ns
etez _people grin in wishing thein pro*
01t1" API Ol+ittereau.
Tie Moist Conte -tit. tailde \tlrae.'a!as ce
,ot the ,wµ `. " `. U'4 bat lin the "' a ► :
alis <an Friday. *y' g1th, attracted
as000.4 *tte144e1nte ' o both old and
y su gw wt» a . vers a ou* o " *h
ar.-hoaat children give) their recitations(
anti ehoru*e as 11 ,pt which were tbo ,
$. +ezn 'w
oaghl)ed *as ell a>aa *erg the *m.
tat,tooai !pd.;ohe+ruas wet zt11 •ort as
temp�r*r ee •t taaMei ss Beaair11e lla
el , won the medal or senior pexrle1a >raa
and Master "' ll;